Article on Kukhahn

Joey Smith
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Article on Kukhahn

Post by Joey Smith »

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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by Olsenfin »

I'll bet that book about Santa's borrowing someone's underwear is a real page-turner.
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by Number Six »

Thanks, Joey for that. I haven't seen you here in a while.
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by Cpt Banjo »

I don't know anything about the federal sentencing guidelines, but 8 years seems light for this kind of stuff.
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by wserra »

From Joey's article:
“It was never my intent to violate any of the laws of this great country,” Kukhahn told the court. “Nay, to the contrary, I have the deepest regard and respect for those very laws, so much so that I took much time and energy, spending hours reading and trying to understand them.”
Well, of course she does. That's why, in the civil injunction case against Kukhahn that we previously discussed here, she filed these 60 pages of swill, which set forth at mind-numbingly stupid length why the ebil goobermint has no power over her. Amongst the more amusing reasons is her contention (paragraphs 20-21) that "SHARON DIANE KUKHAHN" is actually a ship rather than a person. I'll take "Garbage Scows" for $200, Alex.

Nope, nothing but the deepest regard and respect.
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by LPC »

The headline says it all:
Feds: Tax 'decoder' lived large as clients' lives collapsed
But wait, there's more:
Prosecutors note Kukhahn ignored multiple warnings from the IRS and law enforcement, and continued promoting a sham tax dodge strategy even after her romantic partner – and fellow tax fraud – was indicted by a federal grand jury.


In 2008, the Department of Justice tax division won an order against Kukhahn barring her from promoting the “decoding” program. Rather than get out of the tax fraud game, though, Kukhahn began selling bogus bonds purported to help her clients dodge their tax debts.


“It was never my intent to violate any of the laws of this great country,” Kukhahn told the court. “Nay, to the contrary, I have the deepest regard and respect for those very laws, so much so that I took much time and energy, spending hours reading and trying to understand them.”
Is there a "bullshit" enhancement in the federal sentencing guidelines?

If not, there should be. She should be sentenced to an additional 1-3 years just for insulting our intelligence.
Dan Evans
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notorial dissent
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by notorial dissent »

I really like the part about her DEMANDING that the court vacate the orders and pay all damages of the "visiting party", that is one I don't think I have seen before. I know what she is trying for for, but as I remember the Feds don't even recognize that nonsense now.

Washington certainly was never contemplated by the AOC, and in fact didn't come in to existence until well after the demise of the AOC, and it does downhill from there.

Swill is defintitely a good description of the remainder of the document in question.

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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by Cathulhu »

Some 25+ years ago, I shared a house with another couple of writers and a filmmaker, collectively known as "the three-ring circus". The traditional cry that meant dinner was ready was "It's swill!"

However, our swill usually involved pasta or a pizza crust and was considerably better than this.
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by Lambkin » ... 274242.php
A convicted tax dodge promoter – and self-described “decoder” – accused of denying the IRS $14 million in revenue has been sentenced to seven years in prison.
notorial dissent
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by notorial dissent »

I would say at a guess that her demands didn't work?? Imagine that!!
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by LPC »

Conviction and sentence affirmed. United States v. Sharon Diane Kukhahn, aka Sharon Stephenson, No. 11-30338 (9th Cir. 10/22/2012) (short but uninteresting opinion about evidence and sentencing guidelines).
Dan Evans
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Re: Article on Kukhahn

Post by wserra »

I do appreciate the chutzpah of a defendant who, having had the good fortune to receive a downward variance from the Guideline, appeals on the ground that she is entitled to even more of one - no doubt due to her selfless dedication in advising the poor downtrodden Little Shell Pembinas.
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