Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

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Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

Post by Taxpayingcitizen84 »

Order of the Quatloos, Brevet First Class
Posts: 1258
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:51 pm

Re: Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

Post by Cathulhu »

Stumbled over this group-- ... 45719.html

So now the accepted tactic involves invasion and assault? Wonder what kind of warped "justice" they were trying to do?
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

Post by Taxpayingcitizen84 »

There is a guy here in my city... Daniel Anthony Friend.. that if anyone could get some information in him, i would appreciate it. He is a Sov'run along with Francisco Antonio Velez... Hasn't paid taxes, doesn't work, chest pounding the movement and most likely exploiting people who are broke to apply for their UCC1 and get the strawman (or gazillion dollar bond that they can live off or, pay their bills, etc.... all the other lies) and was telling people that they didn't need to pay off their house if their mortgage was sold to another company because they didn't authorize the sale of the mortgage or some crap.

How can I find out if he is a true Sov'run....
He charges $1500 for the UCC1 filings, and $5000 for the entire brainwashng process.
Any help would be nice to get him on the list of Sov'runs that are operating scams...

Re: Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

Post by add2cart »


Does your state/county have a website where you can look up judicial filings, i.e., legal cases and lawsuits?

If so, enter their names in there, and if you get a big honkin' list, then that's a good clue, particularly if they are often the Plaintiff. They're acting Pro Se and suing anyone they think they can get a dime out of.

If you don't have such a website, go to your local courthouse and see if they'll let you look up cases and then files by name. If you can look at their pleadings and responses, that will give you a good clue. They'll be very lengthy and full of arcane references to the gold standard, being molested by the government, UCC references, maritime law, etc.

Then, call your local FBI, daily or weekly if you have to, and report these jokers. Chances are they already know about them, but get them on the FBI radar screen even more than they already are. And be prepared to tell them what you know and how you know it and if you have documentation, all the better. You'll be their best friend, for a while. Sovruns are on the FBI Domestic Terrorist watch list, and most offices have a D.T. unit.

Finally, have you Googled their names?

Good luck. :Axe:

Re: Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

Post by Taxpayingcitizen84 »

Actually... I was told that Friend tried to save his house and clog up the court room by filing a "trespass" and some other sort of mumbo jumbo document about the mortgage company conducting some sort of illegal activity. Well, the Banker and Judge laughed him out of the room... As you would assume.. the house is going to Sheriff sale...

It was also rumored that Friend got his mortgage anyway through falsifying pay stubs through some Quik Books program and had offered to do it for other people that had to prove their income for a large purchase. He has a company or something that he will also verify contracted services and make it seem like you are employed with him doing sales. He probably doesn't pay taxes either.

Oh well... and it goes.

Re: Find a Patriot Group in your town! Members Welcome

Post by add2cart »

Friend got his mortgage anyway through falsifying pay stubs through some Quik Books program and had offered to do it for other people that had to prove their income for a large purchase.
Our local FBI office is investigating a similar scam here. Apparently it's becoming "the next big thing" in the sovrun world. And the FBI takes mortgage fraud very seriously.