Bizarre Lawsuit

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Gold (wiki):
A total of 165,000 tonnes of gold have been mined in human history, as of 2009.[1] This is roughly equivalent to 5.3 billion troy ounces...
I think that's $8.5trillion. (Roughly half of all gold is in jewellery.)
Euros : GDP of the EU : $16trillion. Public debt of the EU: €10trillion ($13+trillion)
Not even close.
Notice the "mined in human history" disclaimer. What about gold from non-human sources, such as that from Venus? And that mined before human history, such as the gold of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu (these lost continents sank into the oceans, killing most of the inhabitants, but they got the gold out and hid it because they had their priorities straight). Then there's all that lost gold, the lost gold of Egypt, General Yamashita's lost gold of the Philippines, the lost gold of Gilligan's Island. It all adds up to a pretty penny!
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:You see, the elements of the "grand conspiracy" are constructed to protect the whole from discovery. The truth of any one part is meant look like a delusion, but if you could see the whole picture, how the pieces of the puzzle fit together...
That really gives a shallow impression of the work we do in Conspiracy Central. Coordinators like me prefer to see the construction and implementation of a consiparcy as a work of art. It helps keep the daily routine of suppressing the masses from turning into drudgery.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by co-shoot »

Clif High on the wujo kingdom of GLP and the David Wilcox death threat

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 16-Dec-2011 00:27:05
Words are important. Especially as a tool reaching towards critical thinking.

Thus it is with awareness that the following statement is made; critical thinking is about being self analytic with respect to our own presumed knowledge. Stated another way, critical thinking means to be aware of the tendency for 'sludge' to accumulate in our analysis of universe over time as assumptions of the moment mature into permanent bias.

Critical thinking does not mean to be critical of others. As if to reinforce that fact, those humans most possessive of critical thinking are constantly giving other humans space on everything as they (the critical thinker) realize just how screwy is their own thought process. And they are self analytic and self critical. Imagine what it is like to be neither.

Not all things are visible, nor apparent in universe, and most situations are extremely complicated, if not complex. This noted, there have been a number of questions raised about the 'lawsuit to end the NWO'.

In the instant of examination of the documents and wujo context of the lawsuit, it becomes clear that very wonky thinking is involved in this from a big picture perspective which is lost to those within the details of what appears to be a charade.

Note, if accurately reported (as a component of the whole lawsuit to end NWO storyline....go to to follow this), by David Wilcock the amount of gold on the planet is 2 million tons of gold instead of the mere 120,000 tons of gold reported by officialdom global estimates. If so, it is not, as David and others who are emotionally attached to the 'lawsuit as nice and easy solution to NWO without violence, death, revolution, destruction, and horror' camp, worth anything like what they think. Ask anyone who buys metals. Ask any dealer.....the more gold, the cheaper it becomes. They, David Wilcock, and the rest of the 'lawsuit camp followers' are victims of their own ignorance of commodities markets, and the assumptions hardened into their point of view of universe.

Please note, that the 'discovery' or revealing of an additional 1.88 million tons of gold on the planet would, in an of itself, crash the financial system to rubble. What must be understood by the lawsuit aficionado's is that the whole of terrestrial humanity's exchange system is based on scarcity. It is only the rarity of certain minerals that give them 'perceived value'. If gold is plentiful, it is not valuable.

Further, as a side note, in battling a control system (aka NWO/Illuminati/bastard zionist elites), it is unrealistic to expect the control system to set up rules (aka the 'legal system') that would either facilitate or allow for its own destruction. In other words, the NWO planetary control system that provides the red shield group with their power will not be removed from within by its own rules. The legal system exists to protect the interests of the power elite, and for no other reason.

Now it can readily be imagined that the NWO system of control systems itself could be undone from within, however all such thoughts return to extra systemic asymmetry as the actual tactic that does the job, rather than any form of 'within the system niceties' such as lawsuits.

As a note of personal confession, i admit to a certain laisse faire attitude about much of the conspiracy verbiage in the wujo. This attitude is bordering on becoming pure disinterest as mind thinks, 'oh yeah, smelt that bullshit before and it still stinks'.

However this time, things are interesting. As an old fart watching his own slow reabsorption back into matterium, and full of years of observing dark doings, it is within my experience to understand what David Wilcock is going through. You see, i have no doubt at all that David Wilcock IS indeed being threatened.

Threats perceived are threats received. Having been on the receiving side of some, i know how it feels, but more importantly, being into critical thinking, i recognize how such threats are multiple layered tactics.

To those in the nasty stare of the public eye, information will be presented by all manner of 'tipsters'. Most, in my experience, of the presented reports lead back to bogus information, though it may have come through very well meaning humans. Look at how pervasive this effect is within the msm (mainstream media = propaganda whore press) where the reporters are constantly showing up with bogus stories. Some are actually invented by the press whore-wannabe's trying to creatively write their way up the corporate ladder, but many are from well intentioned reporters who get suckered with seemingly good information.

One surety about the whole situation is that every presentation of information is intended to create a response. Whether the information comes from an honest person with no agenda who is just responding to a WTF! contact with reality, or whether the information is coming from the dark rectum connected to the digestive bowels of the secret ops world, it's presentation is intended to elicit a response.

What makes this case particularly interesting is the curious nature of the collective experience around 'the lawsuit'. The whole 'lawsuit to end the NWO meme' has been in circulation for almost 2/two years now, and we first reported on the seemingly extra systemic approach to 'solution' about a year earlier in our forecasts. But, from the perspective of those who are proffering the 'lawsuit as external savior with no violence to change the world and yet somehow the elites remain in power meme', the response has been worse than tepid. So far, an abject failure.

As a point of comparison, the power elite received much more bang for their emotional buck on the 'Wanta trillions to save the world'. Or even its lower level emotional derivative cousin, the 'iraqi dinar gonna save my personal financial butt' meme.

It is necessary to note in this context that some years ago i discovered that a conspiracy board named Godlikeproductions, or GLP, (the gulper's here at hph), is being used as a 'signalling' device. Perhaps even a triggering platform, though i am not yet certain about that just yet. However, it is certain that a relationship exists between specific forms of posts about wujo individuals on the GLP forum and events that occur in those persons lives some weeks later. The number of weeks varies with the personalities involved. In this specific case of David Wilcock, the delta on the appearance of specific forms of posts at GLP and events in his life is never less than 3/three weeks and never more than 4/four. It is my understanding that David Wilcock is aware of this relationship.

Not so curiously then, when my spyders picked up some of these specifically formed 'tell' posts at the gulpers 3+ weeks ago, i put a mental tickler into place to be looking for something new to emerge around or within David's life. This morning it emerged that a death threat was the next plot twist in this real-life drama.

Please note that i specifically DO think the death threat was very real indeed.

You see, it all makes perfect sense in a strange, wujo twisted way; the power elites employ disinfo squads to suck energy OUT of situations such as we have with the Great Rapid Unraveling Naked Cash Heist (GRUNCH homage to Bucky!) currently on going here on earth. How do they suck energy out of such situations? captivating it, and redirecting into areas that will spiral into themselves. A basic NLP/hypnosis thing that is also harmonizing with how universe works (the whole spiraling inward aspect). A basic, mass mind control tool. They, the power elite use it all the time as it is one of their best tools. Other examples are the Wanta Trillions... endlessly absorbing retelling of the external savior myth refocused onto the money system of the planet.

They use this siphon-n-spiral technique as it usually works.

That no real natural emotional pool is developing around the 'Fulford lawsuit to end the NWO' probably has annoyed those tasked with implementing this next play to divert emotional energy. So, as with all good directors, when the audience has lost interest in the plot, they bring out the special effects boys...whose first response is usually something very dramatic, escalating, and flashy.

Such as death threats. Always an attention getter...i know personally, and damn dramatic.

The psy-ops team get their bang for the buck by rudely banging down the mental doors of their chosen subject in order to do what? No, not to frighten them...that is merely the motivation toward their goal which is the production and projection of yet more emotional energy into the situation.

An analysis of David Wilcock at an objective level of the material he has participated in revealing shows a fairly core Vatta body type individual who also demonstrates the tendency of those with this body type to be empathetic, imaginative, and creative, and emotionally expressive. As a 'peak individual' of this body type, David is also, as expected, charismatic and possessive of abilities to project his emotional vibrational complex in a very focused, and effective manner. Especially to other humans also sharing Vatta body type characteristics. It is this aspect/attribute set that have propelled him up the wujo speaking circuit to his present situation. This is how his body template expresses into universe, but also note that the personality within the template possesses considerable skill and nuance in the use of the body template. All of this combined makes David Wilcock an excellent target vehicle for the psy-ops control crews.

If they can direct David via manipulating his vatta dosha in their desired direction, then they can, through him, direct his audience, which is considerable. Again, his very success at employing his template effectively here in matterium will naturally make him a target of the tools of the power elite who will certainly try to make him as they are, yet another tool.

By hook, or by crook, as we are witnessing on the wujo stage now. By the way, these psy-ops boys try this sheeit on lots of wujo fellows.

But, it is this contextual understanding of the situation that forms my position that the threats are indeed real, though it would seem unreasonable for the psy-ops boys to waste David over this lawsuit meme. The situation would not seem to warrant risking potential future use of David's position as an unwitting participant in their dramas by actually killing him now. Having learned Paranoia, the martial art from Master Igor, it would still seem advisable for David to operate in 'touchy and twitchy' mode, but examining the downside of for the psy-ops of David's premature demise suggests that it is unlikely over this level of material.

It is the mud that fills the spew that makes contact with reality difficult. While the internet has provided chaos that we may dispute the 'order' of our self declared masters/rulers, within the muddy slick that is our medium of contention, discernment at all levels is required. Note that sometimes, merely because it is required of the larger strategy, tactics of the enemy are accepted for the moment.

We see that those damn old taoists waaay back, back before history gets mystery (about 1000 alleged year current era), had a perfectly correct view of reality when they stated that 'awareness changes all'.

To be aware of our roles in universe is a very difficult and continually demanding task as these change over time and situation, yet it is perfectly true that such awareness is key to the only 'escape clause' in the system. The buddhists phrased it as 'only those who observe (the patterns ruling their destiny), can step out of them'. In this new time that we have settling upon our collective shoulders, it may be better to observe that 'awareness allows us to best direct our roles'.

copyright does not matter now. sharpen the appetite, pies are coming this spring.

December 15, 2011 by clif high

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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

sharpen the appetite, pies are coming this spring.
Thus it is with awareness that the following statement is made; critical thinking is an enema with respect to the manure that is this lawsuit and the gadflies that buzz around it. Stated another way, critical thinking means a hydraulic purging of the 'sludge' that accumulates from the digestion of the cud these idiots regurgitate and chew again and again over time. As a 'peak individual' of this body type, David is also, as expected, diarrhetic and possessive of abilities to project his excretory vibrational complex in a very focused, and effective manner. Especially to other humans also sharing Vaca body type characteristics. Or stated in yet another way, the pies coming out of that bull aren't for eating, now or this spring.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

The gold just keeps growin' and growin', up from 500,000 metric tons last week to "over 2 million tons" today! Amazing!

David Wilcock - The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny, Part II: History Lesson
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 19-Dec-2011 02:19:15

David's life has been threatened to tell you this story... so we are rushing it out to insure his safety.
This is the big one... over two million tons of gold secretly confiscated by the Federal Reserve to create "bubble money", and the lawsuit that could bring the whole global conspiracy crashing down.

First of all, I want to thank you for giving this your serious consideration. Nothing I've ever written before has gotten me a death threat -- and though I consider myself a strong person, I was quite disturbed by it.
I sprung into immediate action to insure this electrifying story went as far as wide as possible -- in case anything happened to me.
We now have multiple, powerful insider groups pledging to protect me -- and the story has spread so quickly through the Internet that I believe its publicity is its greatest protection.
As I prepare to post this section, we've already had over 400,000 hits, 1000 written comments and 21,000 Facebook Likes on Part One in less than six days.
Tens of thousands of people are writing about this on their own websites, and the growth rate is at least geometric, if not logarithmic at this point.
It was 3:30 PM on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 when I found out I might be tortured to death for writing "The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny."
I was told I should get Part Two out that night for my own protection, as this was the most sensitive, jealously-guarded secret of all -- and tomorrow may be too late.

I moved very quickly to protect myself once this call came in, immediately publishing "death threat" updates to my article, which was already extremely popular.
Kerry Cassidy suddenly called me and told me she was going on the radio in 20 minutes and recommended I join her. I ran into the shower and started the show immediately after I dried off in a hurry.
Our outdoor heat pump was dying after 23 years of service, so the room was disturbingly cold. All the lights would noticeably dim for three seconds every minute or two as I heard the compressor struggle in vain to kick on.
I had no idea how long the power would stay on or how much I would be able to get out on the air.
I'd barely had time to think about how horrible it would be to die of torture. It all hit me while I was on the show. From what you've been telling me in your letters, hardly anyone can listen to this show without crying.
Our heat pump wasn't the only equipment that nearly died of exhaustion during this broadcast. We literally collapsed American Freedom Radio's streaming audio server for the first time in their entire history -- due to unprecedented demand.


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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by co-shoot » ... ars-oh-no/

David, most of the things that you teach your fan base. and yes, that is what they/you are — a fan base — Most of what you teach them is crap and you know it. Ascension? Give me a break. How many times have you changed the dates on world ascension? Did you or any of your fan base know of anyone who *has* ascended? You’re not here to Ascend, David. You’re here to learn and fight. I suggest you and your fan base learn those two terms.

Disclosure. Who cares? It’s nothing but a distraction. My gods, David, we all know about the aliens, UFOs, life on other planets, etc. Been there, done that.

Now, this whole gold bullion/bearer bonds/lawsuit jackwagon-barrel of chicken guts that is supposedly the reason you received the phone call from someone who received a phone call from someone else who received a phone call that you were threatened. David, it’s bullshit. Yeah, it has been out there for a long time. Now let me ask you, the readers, your fan base, hell, everybody in the world, one simple question: Does anyone really, really think a lawsuit is going to change anything?

How many times have you changed the dates on world ascension? Did you or any of your fan base know of anyone who *has* ascended? You’re not here to Ascend, David. You’re here to learn and fight. I suggest you and your fan base learn those two terms.

Disclosure. Who cares? It’s nothing but a distraction. My gods, David, we all know about the aliens, UFOs, life on other planets, etc. Been there, done that.

Now, this whole gold bullion/bearer bonds/lawsuit jackwagon-barrel of chicken guts that is supposedly the reason you received the phone call from someone who received a phone call from someone else who received a phone call that you were threatened. David, it’s bullshit. Yeah, it has been out there for a long time. Now let me ask you, the readers, your fan base, hell, everybody in the world, one simple question: Does anyone really, really think a lawsuit is going to change anything?
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by co-shoot »

I recieved this email ...wonder if the someone who sent it thinks i am standing downwind on this subject.... :arrow: Breakdown...the 'played' is the thing....
with respect, let us begin.

The recent brouhaha involving David Wilcock, Ben Fulford, Kerry Cassidy and unnamed others (Anonymous) has brought to the forefront of thinking, the 'how' of it all... as in how do people, seeming reasonable and (sometimes) rational, fall for such bullshit as the currently unfolding 'lawsuit to bring down the NWO' drama. First thought, of course, is to give the benefit of the doubt, that is, to assume that our cast of 'players' are not willing, but are rather unwitting, actors within the drama currently unfolding.
Then the 'aha' moment manifests, when realization dawns that it is all a con job, and the cast is not 'players', but rather, the 'played'.
At this point there is no concern with the issue of why they fell/fall for these confidence tricks, nor is there even much concern given to the issue of 'who' is 'playing' our players. Rather the attention is directed toward the 'how' of it all.
While initially i thought to offer a breakdown of the 'lawsuit to end the NWO' as a confidence trick, showing point by point (using first Kerry's examples, and then the complete filing papers) how this game is being played, but then, tiring of restating the obvious, a much more fitting approach delivered itself. Let's make it a self teaching game.
There is a marvelous resource for tricksters and truthers available in the website of the The Guidebook for Con Artists and Manipulators. This web site (page 3 specifically) has a great table of contents that speaks directly to the examples that Kerry has chosen in support of her position that the lawsuit and its attendant drama is both real, and important.
While the lawsuit may indeed be existent, there is much to dispute, within its own words, that it is either real or important. In fact, when the individual paragraphs of the suit are examined, it is as though the whole of the suit was written in support of the Guidebook for Con Artists and Manipulators. The casual reader need only go to the third chapter of the Guide (Confusing reality with a story about reality) to find specific references easily observed in both Kerry's examples and the text of the suit itself. Kerry's second example:
166. These Books and Ledgers define the information that is held in the Federal
Reserve screen system. They contain the secret code cyphers and data on legal decisions,
treaties and other arrangements. Upon information and belief, they provide information
pertaining to all the accounts and sub-accounts that contain the gold and other assets, as well as
information pertaining to the financial instruments issued against the gold. Further, they specify
and provide the factual information as to what is in the Global Accounts, such as who owns the
gold and the source of its ownership. The protection and security of these Books is, therefore, of
the utmost importance and central to the authentication and verification process.-- FROM Case 1:11-cv-08500-JFK Document 1 Filed 11/23/11 Page 79 of 114 (ACTUAL PAGE 75 per numbering on document
Now please note that this is a document, not reality. Within the document, the authors are telling a story about their view of events, and are not describing reality. The rest of the lawsuit is in similar vein. Further, there are also easily seen examples of nearly every chapter within the Guide for Con Artists on exhibit within this 'suit'.
Having read (as they say in Uber NWO world (oxford/har-vard/yale)) for 'torts and claims', in my far distant youth, and being familiar, more than most, with legal language, it is my opinion that this lawsuit is poorly written, uses legal language badly, and is very oddly constructed for a civil action seeking redress. In point of observation, it is as though the author of the lawsuit knew it would be discarded prima facia and was using the filing of the suit as an opportunity to place certain language behind a 'public record' label. This is itself a well respected confidence trick tactic, and demonstrates (variously) chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 of the Guide for Con Artists and Manipulators.
Further the language within the suit is written such (in my opinion as a self educated, unschooled linguist) as to proffer a story, and not as a valid (or 'real') attempt to pursue correcting an injustice in the legal system. In this regard it is my opinion that the lawsuit is 'not real'. Other problems within the structure of the suit make it plain that it will be summarily dismissed as a case without 'standing' in the legal meaning of that word. It does not read like a real case with legs, and rather presents itself as a legal straw dog with a hidden purpose in a wider plot such as supporting a disinformation and distraction campaign. Or other, larger than itself, strategy.
So the attentive reader of both the Guide for Con Artists and Manipulators, and the 'lawsuit to end the NWO' is left with several questions. The more obvious; "just who is playing David and Kerry? Is it Ben Fulford? or is he merely another victim of the 'third party deceiver' tactic? This, of course, assumes that David, Kerry and Ben are innocents... untrained in analysis, language and the wicked ways of the enemies of humanity and are thus not able to discern when they are being jerked (the common term in the 'green eyed' agencies). That being the assumption, then the cast of played players will react as they are projected, for the benefit of the game masters. That is, (especially with Wilcock as he is young (still)) and without discrimination of mind that age and suffering bring) the 'played players' will react egoistically, and try to 'defend' their at-risk-egos by 'collectivizing the experience - or sharing the blame'....which is to say, by further 'selling the story'. This, of course, is just what the con artist (in the background) wants, as it is quite true that no one can sell a con like a mark......
then the question becomes....qui bene? just who is benefitting from this game?

copyright during the winter solstice. three days of standing....
December 21, 2011 by clif high
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

The Guidebook for Con Artists and Manipulators
An interesting and strange article (I found it on an abortion politics website - and from the references to the same in the text believe it originated there). It doesn't discuss the sort of con this latest brouhaha (love that term) uses, but it does have this example that I originally heard as a joke.
Years ago one of the Olympic events had only two entries, Russia and the United States. The U.S. team won the event. The Russian press reported the news as follows: The Russian team took second place and the Americans came in next to last.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

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Customs displays phony 1930s cash, bonds
By Onell R. Soto
September 10, 2004

Bonds and bills dated 1934 in astronomical denominations of $500,000, $100 million and $500 million were used in scams targeting the elderly, officials say. One set bound for San Diego from the Philippines was seized last month.

They stink. Literally and figuratively.

Moldy bonds and bills that con artists used to try to bilk seniors were on display in downtown San Diego yesterday, the loot from two recent seizures by federal fraud cops.

The bonds and bills are dated 1934 and bear incredible denominations – $500,000, $100 million, $500 million – and portraits of former President Ulysses S. Grant and one-time Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase.

One set was seized last month in a San Diego-bound Federal Express shipment from the Philippines, agents said. The moldy bonds were hidden among pages of a photo album.

Four other sets were turned over this summer by a lawyer who said he got them from an El Cajon man indicted in Indiana on fraud charges, said Daniel Burke, who heads a fraud task force with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

"Absent the story, absent the sales pitch, a normal person should believe they're bogus," he said.

Oh, the story.

That's the key to understanding how crooks use these documents.

In both of these cases, they told potential victims that the bonds recently were recovered by Filipino tribes from a 1930s-era, CIA-owned DC-10 airplane that crashed, killing all aboard, Burke said.

The U.S. government was sending the bonds in a secret effort to help the Chinese government, the story goes. Only people with connections can cash the bonds, and investors can buy in for a few thousand dollars, getting three to five times their money back.

And, because of the secrecy, the government will deny their authenticity.

A little common sense reveals the lie behind the story. DC-10 jets didn't exist in the 1930s. Or the CIA. And the U.S. government never printed bonds or money in such amounts.

"People don't use their common sense," Burke said.

There are other clues. ZIP codes – printed on some of the bonds – didn't exist in 1934, and Grant appears on $50 bills, not $500 million.

Chase appears on a $10,000 bill used exclusively by banks that is no longer in production.

The largest currency ever printed by the United States was for $100,000, again used only by banks. The $100 bill is the largest made today.

Forensic scientists haven't examined the bonds and bills displayed yesterday but have determined that similar documents were produced on computer printers within the past 10 years, he said.

DAN TREVAN / Union-Tribune
Ex-Treasury chief Salmon Chase graces the fake $100 million bill.

Tricksters tried to make them look old by getting them wet and moldy.

"All part of the scam," said Michael Unzueta, acting special agent in charge of the San Diego office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

No local victims have been identified and no arrests have been made directly related to the bonds and bills displayed yesterday, the agents said, requesting victims call authorities.

Burke, who investigated a case involving bogus bonds while working in Denver several years ago, said cheats target senior citizens with fat retirement accounts.

The Denver case, which involved a sting operation, fell apart because the sellers eventually offered the bonds as "historical documents" not guaranteed by the federal government. Jurors couldn't agree that a crime had taken place.

In the local cases, the San Diego man who was to receive the album with the hidden bonds has agreed to cooperate with authorities and has not been arrested, Burke said.

Orin Aune, the El Cajon man who authorities say gave the lawyer four boxes with the other bonds, is being prosecuted in Indiana on fraud charges in a case involving bogus $100 million bills.

According to the indictment, Aune passed himself off as the sultanate to Sula and North Borneo and the deputy minister of finance for the non-existent country. He also took part in a conference call with a potential investor.

Federal officials say they get calls about the bonds most frequently from the Far East and cite three convictions in the United States in cases involving the fake bonds.

They also note a 2002 appeals court decision in a lawsuit by the holders of some of the bonds against the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which refused to cash the bonds.

Justices called the claims "preposterous," noting the national debt in 1934 was $28 billion, and say the reason few scammers have been prosecuted is "because no one could possibly be deceived by such obvious nonsense."

US bond scammer jailed for six years
By Sue Clough in London
November 3, 2003

A former Scotland Yard scientist who tried to perpetrate the world's biggest fraud by authenticating $US2.5 trillion ($3.53 trillion) worth of fake US Treasury bonds has been jailed for six years.

Graham Halksworth, 69, claimed that the bonds had been secretly issued by the US government in 1934 to help nationalists undermine the communist revolution in China.

But, he said, the aircraft carrying them had crashed in the Philippines, where local tribesmen had discovered the 22 cases stamped with the American golden eagle and kept them for over 60 years.

Halksworth said a tribal elder had given them to Michael Slamaj, a former soldier in Yugoslavia, and they were brought to the vaults of a London bank.

This yarn was as untrue as it was colourful, Steven Perian, prosecuting, told a jury at Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London, which last month convicted both men of conspiracy to defraud.

He described Halksworth, from Mossley, Greater Manchester, as "an expert who has turned dishonest" out of greed.

Halksworth, who had been a leading fingerprint expert at Scotland Yard, was paid £60,000 ($144,000) to authenticate the bonds, redeemable for US gold.

But when two men tried to pass off $US25 million worth of the bonds at a Toronto bank in 2001, a Mountie noticed the bonds bore the word "dollar" instead of "dollars".

Police raided the London bank vault and discovered the other bonds in boxes made of modern plastic, unknown at the time of the alleged plane crash.

Experts in America and Canada also found that the bonds - with a face value far more than the entire global gold stock - had been printed with an ink jet printer that had not been invented when the bonds were allegedly produced.

Zip codes were also used, even though they were not introduced until 1963.

Members of the conspiracy had intended to use the bonds around the world as a means of obtaining "enormous" sums in credit.

When confronted, Halksworth insisted that the bonds were genuine.

He accused the US government of lying about their authenticity because it could not afford to honour them.

But Mounties and FBI agents told the court that the bonds were fakes and had never been issued by the US authorities.

Jailing the scientist, Judge William Birtles told him:

"You were an essential part of the conspiracy. Your motivation could only have been one of greed and your reward was not to be just a fee for the authentication that you made."

The judge said even though both men were incompetent conspirators, "the potential loss to a financial institution was enormous".

Mystery of Fake U.S. Bonds Fuels Web Theories Some confiscated bonds had a face value of $500 million each, but only $105 million in Treasury bearer bonds is outstanding.
Published: June 25, 2009

Ever since two middle-aged men with Japanese passports were caught in Italy this month trying to smuggle a purported $134.5 billion in United States government bearer bonds into Switzerland, the Internet has been abuzz with theories.

Was the Japanese government, or some other creditor nation, secretly trying to dump Treasury bonds to drive down the value of the dollar? Had the Italian mafia stolen the equivalent of 1 percent of the American gross domestic product, using the paper, which supposedly was instantly convertible into cash, to run a giant scam?

Adding spice was the whole Bond — James Bond — aspect of the tale. A crowded customs checkpoint near the Alps; two men traveling on a local train, professing that they had nothing to declare; and a false-bottom suitcase containing United States government bonds made out in stratospheric denominations.

In all, the Italian financial police and customs guards confiscated 249 paper bonds, each supposedly worth $500 million, and 10 bonds with a face value of $1 billion each.

Too bad the bonds were fake.

“The whole thing is a total fraud,” Stephen Meyerhardt, a spokesman for the Treasury Department, said Thursday. “They don’t look anything like real securities, which in any case were never issued in any of those denominations.”

The highest denomination ever issued by the Treasury Department was $10,000, he said. The Italian financial police claimed some of the paper was “Kennedy bonds” from the 1930s, but no such bonds ever existed. And the total of Treasury bearer bonds still outstanding is a mere $105 million; the Treasury has been issuing bonds in electronic form since 1986.

But none of this has stopped the rumor mill from grinding away. After reports of the seizure began to trickle out of Italy, the blogosphere sprang into action, the ponderings fueled by suspicions that the mainstream media was willfully ignoring the tale.

The story took on greater life after Italian authorities — who have refused to talk about the scandal — declined to declare the bonds fakes until they were examined by Washington. After all, although the Guardia di Finanza suspected the bonds were false, if they were not, the Italian treasury stood to profit from a law that permits the government to pocket up to 40 percent of the total value of cash or securities smuggled into the country over the legal export limit, which is 10,000 euros.

Repeated telephone calls to the prosecutors’ office in Como, Italy, that is handling the investigation were not returned.

Darrin Blackford, a spokesman for the United States Secret Service, which was contacted by the Italian financial police and the prosecutor’s office to determine the “legitimacy of the seized financial instruments,” said that his agency had verified the bonds were “fictitious instruments and were never issued by the United States government.”

Col. Rodolfo Mecarelli, the provincial commander of the financial police in Como, said the investigations were focused on “understanding who these men were and where they were from.”

Or where they might have been going. “Switzerland may not have been their final destination,” he said in a recent interview. “They could have taken a plane anywhere.”

Also unknown are the whereabouts of the two men, who were released after being stopped in early June. Italian law does not call for the criminal arrest of persons found to be taking funds without permission to another country. It might have been another matter if the police had determined immediately that the bonds were false.

“The men were questioned, but not arrested,” said Naoki Oyakawa, an official at the Japanese consulate in Milan, which contacted judicial officials in Como after reading about the seizure in the Italian papers.

He said the two men had valid Japanese passports, but he would not elaborate further on their identities. “We don’t know where they are now,” he said. “We have had no contact with the two men. They have not asked us for our help.”

What the bonds were for remains unclear. “It’s not the sort of thing that you can just go into a bank and convert,” said Colonel Mecarelli. “But they may have been useful to guarantee business deals among people who don’t use cash.”

Agencies that deal with financial crimes, including Europol, declined to comment while the Italian investigation was still under way.

The Treasury Department says it is stumped, too.

“I can’t speak to the motives of the person or persons who tried to do this,” Mr. Meyerhardt said. “I would guess that they were trying to find someone foolish enough to buy the securities for real money.”
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazing how often dumb, greed, and cheap seem to go together.

This particular con is so old it has whiskers on its whiskers at this point. These particular “bonds” or versions thereof have been making an appearance off and on for the last 20 years or so that I am aware of. I have often wondered if whoever it was who made the first copies didn’t keep their master and then just keeps churning them out for anyone looking to run the con since they all seem to be pretty much identical.

The last I heard, poorly copied, on poor grade paper, on an ink jet printer. Obviously they don’t inspect anyone to really inspect them closely or have clue one about what they are looking at, being blinded by all the zeros and their greed, again coupled by their stupidity or cupidity depending on how you look at it.

And then the latest angle of the whole thing is the numbnutz who is now suing in US court because he was conned by some other problematic “con artists” in Europe of his bogus bonds. That promises to be a hootfest if it survives the judges gag reflex when it comes up for hearing.

I really wish they would publish some good shots of the current batch just for reference sake if nothing else.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:Amazing how often dumb, greed, and cheap seem to go together.

This particular con is so old it has whiskers on its whiskers at this point. These particular “bonds” or versions thereof have been making an appearance off and on for the last 20 years or so that I am aware of. I have often wondered if whoever it was who made the first copies didn’t keep their master and then just keeps churning them out for anyone looking to run the con since they all seem to be pretty much identical.

The last I heard, poorly copied, on poor grade paper, on an ink jet printer. Obviously they don’t inspect anyone to really inspect them closely or have clue one about what they are looking at, being blinded by all the zeros and their greed, again coupled by their stupidity or cupidity depending on how you look at it.

And then the latest angle of the whole thing is the numbnutz who is now suing in US court because he was conned by some other problematic “con artists” in Europe of his bogus bonds. That promises to be a hootfest if it survives the judges gag reflex when it comes up for hearing.

I really wish they would publish some good shots of the current batch just for reference sake if nothing else.
If I recall correctly, the clowns who came up with this phony bond started with a genuine $1 Silver Certificate. Series of 1934; and then started cutting and pasting images from this or that genuine item. Echoing what notorial dissent said, I have to add that I almost feel that anyone who get taken by this scam is too colossally stupid to be allowed to put their money in anything other than a passbook savings account.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

I guess I should be impressed that as cheap as these yahoos were that they actually could lay hands on genuine $50 and $100 bills to use in their cut and paste exercises, not too impressed mind you in that they did such an incredibly poor job of copying and carrying it out after the fact. At least they are making it incredibly easy to spot them if someone is dumb enough to try and actually pass them. Of course I figure they were mainly counting on their marks being of a greedy and gullible nature, and really really stupid doesn't hurt either, not to mention that if they’d clue one to begin with they wouldn’t have come anywhere near this scam, and my understanding is that they generally didn’t let them get too close a look at the boxes of bonds. Originally this all seemed to be located in or out of the Philippines, and they seemed to keep it pretty close to home. They are either getting sloppy or desperate for new suckers that they are actually shipping them out wholesale now, or else trying to smuggle them into various countries. I wonder if smuggling fake/worthless securities into a country carries the same penalties as smuggling real one? Since the intent is the same, I would think so at least. I’m sure the Italians are disappointed they aren’t going to get anything off the cache they confiscated, except maybe a good chuckle from our Secret Service and their thanks.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by fortinbras »

Doing a cut-and-paste job with US currency "to produce one instrument with intent to defraud" is a species of counterfeiting with up to 10 years durance vile; 18 USC § 484.

Once upon a time when I was trying to be a lawyer, I visited a client in the DC jail (important note: I was the visitor) and, while waiting in the visitors' pen, someone who looked like he had greater familiarity with the interior of that building came in, supposedly to deposit some money in an inmate's account. He handed the receiving officer a bill which was obviously - even across the room - a cut & paste job with the corners of (various) $50 bills glued over the corners of a $1 bill. Of all the places to try to pull this stunt, this was probably the least, the very least, auspicious. The officer who was handed this was not nearly as naive as the fellow hoped, and called in the Secret Service, which was having a meaningful chat with him when I left the jail an hour or so later.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

Saying the "Secret Service was having a meaningful chat" with the individual in question is a masterstroke of understatement, to say the least. They only thing they have less of a sense of humor about is people threatening people they are charged with protecting. At least he didn't have far to go for detentions sake until they could transfer him to a more inhospitable environment.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer's Fourwinds10 Site
Jan. 18, 2012

A mysterious trillion dollar lawsuit filed on November 23, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that 134.5 billion dollars worth of gold was secretly given to the U.S. government in the mid-1930s by the then Nationalist government of China for safekeeping. The lawsuit claims that 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve notes were issued to the Chinese government, and the gold transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank. It is claimed that a total sum of almost one trillion dollars representing both the principal and accumulated interest of the 1934 Federal Reserve notes was fraudulently taken from the plaintiff, Neil Keenan, an agent for the owners, a mysterious Asian entity called “The Dragon Family.” What makes the lawsuit worth paying attention to is that involves the unresolved June 2009 case of two Japanese citizens caught on a train in Italy while traveling to Switzerland with 134.5 billion dollars in US Federal Reserve notes, bonds and other financial instruments.

The U.S. District Court lawsuit supports claims by David Guyatt, author of The Secret Gold Treaty, that missing World War II era national gold reserves have been intentionally kept out of public circulation (“black gold”). Furthermore, the lawsuit reveals a coordinated international effort to launder, trade and defraud owners or investors of bonds and other financial instruments issued against the “black gold”. At the heart of this internationally coordinated effort, according to Guyatt, is the Bilderberg Group – which in 1954 played a key role in the passage of a Secret Gold Treaty. What this paper will show is that what lies behind the Bilderberg Group’s involvement with “black gold” is to provide long-term funding for a globally coordinated ‘second’ Manhattan Project. The ultimate goal of this globally coordinated project is to comprehensively deal with a subject so vast and complex as to dwarf the resources of any one nation - extraterrestrial life and technology.

U.S. District Court Lawsuit involving the Dragon Family

The U.S. District Court lawsuit has aroused considerable controversy over its authenticity and the ownership of the 134.5 billion in Federal Reserve notes, bonds and other financial instruments. The lawsuit was filed by William Mulligan Jr and Justin Gardner from Bleakley Platt and Schmidt, a reputable New York law firm. The principal plaintiff in the lawsuit, Neil Keenan, claims to have been defrauded by a number of official government agencies and political figures including a little known organization called the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), and its principal officers Dr Ray Dam (President) and David Sale (Deputy Chief of the Council for Cabinet of OITC). On the other hand, Sale claims that Keenan and his accomplices fraudulently gained possession of the bonds from the OITC. Importantly, neither of the two parties contesting ownership of the bonds dispute their validity.

The core claim of the November 2011 District Court filing is that the bonds apprehended near Chiasso, Switzerland in June 2009 by the Italian financial police were genuinely issued by the Roosevelt administration in exchange for gold deposited by the Nationalist Government of China some time before the Japanese invasion on July 7, 1937. The lawsuit states:
Upon information and belief, between 1927 and 1938, as a result of arrangements made between China and the United States, the United States … leased vast amounts of gold from the nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. During this period, China was partly occupied by Japanese troops and there was a fear of China being overrun by the Japanese.

The lawsuit goes on to claim that the 134.5 billion dollars of gold given to the U.S. government was only a small percentage of the total gold held by China’s nationalist government, or the Kuomintang. The total was estimated to be “thousands of trillions” in value – which seems like an impossibly high estimate given current knowledge of world gold reserves. According to Wikipedia, 165,000 tons of gold are known to exist - at the current market price of $1700 per ounce, this comes out to approximately 10 trillion U.S. dollars. Thousands of trillions would be gold reserves of approximately 20 million metric tons or more.

Whatever the total value of gold acquired during the millennia of China’s dynastic rulers it is reasonable to believe that much of it was successfully hidden from Japan, and subsequently taken out of mainland China by the Kuomintang prior to the Communist takeover in 1949. According to Benjamin Fulford (the former Asia bureau chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998-2005 before he became a spokesperson for the Dragon Family in 2007) the gold transfer was secretly conducted by the U.S. Navy which in 1938 took possession of the gold via seven destroyers to the U.S. mainland. These events occurred in conformity with the 1934 Gold Act and President Roosevelt’s 1933 Executive Order (6102) which prohibited private ownership of gold, and instructed private citizens to sell all their gold to the Federal Reserve Bank at a prescribed rate of $20.67.

Here is how the lawsuit describes the actual transfer of the gold and roles played by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury in issuing the financial instruments that were eventually seized near Chiasso, Switzerland:

… following the promulgation in 1934 of the Gold Reserve Act, the law required all bullion gold and gold coin to be surrendered to the Federal Reserve … Foreign Gold held by the Treasury was also surrendered to and thus leased to the Federal Reserve, which resulted in the issuance of the series of 1934 Notes by the Federal Reserve. These Dragon Family FRNs have never been redeemed and, upon information and belief, the accrued interest was met by the subsequent issue of certain 1968 series of Kennedy Bonds.
The lawsuit then goes on to explain how Swiss banks acted as intermediaries:

… this gold was documented into accounts through the Union Bank of Switzerland, placed under protection of the Swiss Attorney General, registered through the Swiss National Bank into the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) International Collateral Combined accounts and then from within the BIS, blocked to form the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts of the Federal Reserve System.
Most important was the procedure for redeeming the Federal Reserve notes which the lawsuit describes:

… in order to effectuate this process, the Notes were printed to appear as if they were not produced from official origin and bear obvious imperfections, therefore easily deniable. However, when proper procedures are followed, the number of the Note and other linking identic data allows ultimate authentication and verification through the Federal Reserve System screening process…
This apparently was why original press reports of the 134.5 billion seized at Chiasso concluded they were forgeries.

The lawsuit describes the owners of the Federal Reserve bonds as follows:

The Dragon Family is, in fact, a highly secretive and informal organization that operates between old families within China and Taiwan, above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments.
Later in the lawsuit, the “old families” are described as "group of Asians of royal blood known as the Dragon Family” - the remnants of China’s former Celestial Kingdom. The Dragon Family initially wanted to protect the gold reserves entrusted to them from Japan and later communist authorities. Currently headed by a mysterious General Haan, the Dragon Family had unsuccessfully attempted to redeem the bonds over several years through their signatory Yamaguchi. The Dragon Family subsequently appointed Neil Keenan to take charge of the Bonds in early 2009 with the purpose of lawfully redeeming them for “a wide range of global humanitarian purposes.”

At a certain point in complex negotiations, Keenan instructed the two Japanese citizens –Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe acting as couriers for “The Dragon Family” - to transport the bonds to the proper Swiss banking authorities for their ultimate redemption. The detention of Watanabe and Yamagushi, and confiscation of the 134.5 billion in bonds by the Italian financial police on the border town of Chiasso, according to the lawsuit, was part of an elaborate attempt to steal the bonds by a host of actors. In addition to the Office of International Treasure Control and its principal officers, the named targets of the lawsuit include the Italian Financial Police, the Italian government and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the World Economic Forum and its banking head, Giancarlo Bruno, the United Nations and its Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

I see Ring a Ding is right up there with the rest of the fantasy crowd.

Right off the top of my head, I can’t think of an author, current or otherwise, who writes badly enough to equate this to, but this definitely reads like bad fantasy fiction.

All the other nonsense aside, I still don’t see why someone is filing a lawsuit in NY Federal Court over something that happened in Italy, involving two alleged Japanese nationals, and assorted real and imaginary entities and individuals, none of whom have anything to do with the US or did anything in the US, and over none of whom the court would even come close to having jurisdiction, even if it had jurisdiction in this particular fantasy realm.

At this point I think the whole thing is beyond bizarre.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I just say well done to whoever constructed those seven USN destroyers. Hiding and carrying a million plus metric tonnes of gold on each ship was no mean feat of engineering.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I just say well done to whoever constructed those seven USN destroyers. Hiding and carrying a million plus metric tonnes of gold on each ship was no mean feat of engineering.
I second that. The most important US destroyer in WWII was the Fletcher class (175 completed). These were considered large by the standard of the day and had a standard displacement of 2,050 tons. Given that each is purported to have transported 1,000,000 tons they were apparently able to carry 500X their own weight! Even ants can't do that.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:I just say well done to whoever constructed those seven USN destroyers. Hiding and carrying a million plus metric tonnes of gold on each ship was no mean feat of engineering.
I second that. The most important US destroyer in WWII was the Fletcher class (175 completed). These were considered large by the standard of the day and had a standard displacement of 2,050 tons. Given that each is purported to have transported 1,000,000 tons they were apparently able to carry 500X their own weight! Even ants can't do that.
You are barking up the wrong tree. The article never said anything about USN destroyers. It was obviously referring to the Correllian destroyers from Star Wars. Those babies could certainly transport that amount of gold...if it existed.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by fortinbras »

As the article cites Wikipedia, 165000 tons of gold are known to exist. Another estimate was similar .....
... so, since that's a great deal less than even 1/5 of a million tons, I am somewhat baffled by the claim that 7 million tons of gold has been successfully hidden, moved, etc.