This is a complicated subject, but I'll start with what is expected of a CPA candidate when he or she sits for the CPA exam. The following is taken from the Content and Skill Specifications for the Uniform CPA Examination from the Examinations Team of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) (rev. July 1, 2011). There is NOTHING anywhere NEAR this extensive in terms of testing for prospective lawyers on any bar examination, to my knowledge.
There is no bar exam that has this kind of scope for the testing of a candidate’s knowledge of taxation.These topics test knowledge and understanding of concepts and laws relating to federal taxation (income, gift, and estate). The areas of testing include federal tax process, procedures, accounting, and planning, as well as federal taxation of property transactions, individuals, and entities (which include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability entities, C corporations, S corporations, joint ventures, trusts, estates, and tax-exempt organizations).
In addition to demonstrating knowledge and understanding of these topics, candidates are required to demonstrate the skills required to apply that knowledge in providing tax preparation and advisory services and performing other responsibilities as certified public accountants. To demonstrate such knowledge and skills, candidates will be expected to perform the following tasks:
• Evaluate the tax implications of different legal structures for business entities.
• Apply analytical reasoning tools to assess how taxes affect economic decisions related to the timing of income/expense recognition and property transactions.
• Consider the impact of multijurisdictional tax issues on federal taxes.
• Identify the differences between tax and financial accounting.
• Analyze information and identify data relevant for tax purposes.
• Identify issues, elections, and alternative tax treatments.
• Research issues and alternative tax treatments.
• Formulate conclusions.
• Prepare documentation to support conclusions and tax positions.
• Research relevant professional literature.
1. Treasury Department Circular 230 [the Treasury regulations relating to practice before the Internal Revenue Service]
2. AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services
3. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Regulations related to tax return preparers
Federal Tax Process, Procedures, Accounting, and Planning [ . . . ]
A. Federal Tax Legislative Process
B. Federal Tax Procedures
1. Due dates and related extensions of time
2. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit and appeals process
3. Judicial process
4. Required disclosure of tax return positions
5. Substantiation requirements
6. Penalties
7. Statute of limitations
C. Accounting Periods
D. Accounting Methods
1. Recognition of revenues and expenses under cash, accrual, or other permitted methods
2. Inventory valuation methods, including uniform capitalization rules
3. Accounting for long-term contracts
4. Installment sales
E. Tax Return Elections, Including Federal Status Elections, Alternative Treatment Elections, or Other Types of Elections Applicable to an Individual or Entity’s Tax Return
F. Tax Planning
1. Alternative treatments
2. Projections of tax consequences
3. Implications of different business entities
4. Impact of proposed tax audit adjustments
5. Impact of estimated tax payment rules on planning
6. Role of taxes in decision-making
G. Impact of Multijurisdictional Tax Issues on Federal Taxation (Including Consideration of Local, State, and Multinational Tax Issues)
H. Tax Research and Communication
1. Authoritative hierarchy
2. Communications with or on behalf of clients
IV. Federal Taxation of Property Transactions [ . . . ]
A. Types of Assets
B. Basis and Holding Periods of Assets
C. Cost Recovery (Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization)
D. Taxable and Nontaxable Sales and Exchanges
E. Amount and Character of Gains and Losses, and Netting Process
F. Related Party Transactions
G. Estate and Gift Taxation
1. Transfers subject to the gift tax
2. Annual exclusion and gift tax deductions
3. Determination of taxable estate
4. Marital deduction
5. Unified credit
V. Federal Taxation of Individuals [ . . . ]
A. Gross Income
1. Inclusions and exclusions
2. Characterization of income
B. Reporting of Items from Pass-Through Entities
C. Adjustments and Deductions to Arrive at Taxable Income
D. Passive Activity Losses
E. Loss Limitations
F. Taxation of Retirement Plan Benefits
G. Filing Status and Exemptions
H. Tax Computations and Credits
I. Alternative Minimum Tax
Federal Taxation of Entities [ . . . ]
A. Similarities and Distinctions in Tax Treatment Among Business Entities
1. Formation
2. Operation
3. Distributions
4. Liquidation
B. Differences Between Tax and Financial Accounting
1. Reconciliation of book income to taxable income
2. Disclosures under Schedule M-3
C. C Corporations
1. Determination of taxable income/loss
2. Tax computations and credits, including alternative minimum tax
3. Net operating losses
4. Entity/owner transactions, including contributions and distributions
5. Earnings and profits
6. Consolidated returns
D. S Corporations
1. Eligibility and election
2. Determination of ordinary income/loss and separately stated items
3. Basis of shareholder’s interest
4. Entity/owner transactions, including contributions and distributions
5. Built-in gains tax
E. Partnerships
1. Determination of ordinary income/loss and separately stated items
2. Basis of partner’s/member’s interest and basis of assets contributed to the partnership
3. Partnership and partner elections
4. Transactions between a partner and the partnership
5. Treatment of partnership liabilities
6. Distribution of partnership assets
7. Ownership changes and liquidation and termination of partnership
F. Trusts and Estates
1. Types of trusts
2. Income and deductions
3. Determination of beneficiary’s share of taxable income
G. Tax-Exempt Organizations
1. Types of organizations
2. Obtaining and maintaining tax-exempt status
3. Unrelated business income
As I stated in the other forum, this is not to say that the "tax skill" of a lawyer who specializes in tax law is the same kind of skill as the "tax skill" of a CPA who specializes in tax law.
There are certain skills that a CPA who has not become a lawyer will have, and certain skills he or she probably will not have. Likewise, there are certain skills that a lawyer who has never passed the CPA exam will have, and certain skills he or she probably will not have. Everything else being equal in terms of typical training and testing of lawyers and CPAs, the typical entry level CPA will know much more than the typical entry level lawyer about tax law.
Given a CPA/non-lawyer and a lawyer/non-CPA, there are certain aspects of tax law at which the lawyer will be "better at" (and, probably, vice versa).