Bizarre Lawsuit

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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:As the article cites Wikipedia, 165000 tons of gold are known to exist. Another estimate was similar .....
... so, since that's a great deal less than even 1/5 of a million tons, I am somewhat baffled by the claim that 7 million tons of gold has been successfully hidden, moved, etc.

Wikipedia provides disinformation as part of the Illuminati's dark agenda. When Dove was pleading to her sucker list for money to buy gold to trigger NESARA she claimed she needed about ten times the known amount of gold ever mined. When this was pointed out she went on one of her smug hissy-fits about the stupidity of the uninitiated. Apparently the Illuminati has been secretly mining and storing vast quantities of gold for centuries and the official amount is just a red herring. Being at a much lower plane of understanding that Dove I kind of got confused by this explanation. If the Illuminati had the gold necessary to trigger NESARA why would they sell it to Dove since this would destroy them? Too deep for me.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:
fortinbras wrote:As the article cites Wikipedia, 165000 tons of gold are known to exist. Another estimate was similar .....
... so, since that's a great deal less than even 1/5 of a million tons, I am somewhat baffled by the claim that 7 million tons of gold has been successfully hidden, moved, etc.

Wikipedia provides disinformation as part of the Illuminati's dark agenda. When Dove was pleading to her sucker list for money to buy gold to trigger NESARA she claimed she needed about ten times the known amount of gold ever mined. When this was pointed out she went on one of her smug hissy-fits about the stupidity of the uninitiated. Apparently the Illuminati has been secretly mining and storing vast quantities of gold for centuries and the official amount is just a red herring. Being at a much lower plane of understanding that Dove I kind of got confused by this explanation. If the Illuminati had the gold necessary to trigger NESARA why would they sell it to Dove since this would destroy them? Too deep for me.
We have better uses for the gold. I use gold cookware, since the metal is so nonreactive (and gives me a natural nonstick surface); and for the same reason much of the hardware in my house is gold as well. It also makes excellent sash weights, since it's so compact, and doesn't pose the same poison threat that lead does.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Cathulhu »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
fortinbras wrote:As the article cites Wikipedia, 165000 tons of gold are known to exist. Another estimate was similar .....
... so, since that's a great deal less than even 1/5 of a million tons, I am somewhat baffled by the claim that 7 million tons of gold has been successfully hidden, moved, etc.

Wikipedia provides disinformation as part of the Illuminati's dark agenda. When Dove was pleading to her sucker list for money to buy gold to trigger NESARA she claimed she needed about ten times the known amount of gold ever mined. When this was pointed out she went on one of her smug hissy-fits about the stupidity of the uninitiated. Apparently the Illuminati has been secretly mining and storing vast quantities of gold for centuries and the official amount is just a red herring. Being at a much lower plane of understanding that Dove I kind of got confused by this explanation. If the Illuminati had the gold necessary to trigger NESARA why would they sell it to Dove since this would destroy them? Too deep for me.
We have better uses for the gold. I use gold cookware, since the metal is so nonreactive (and gives me a natural nonstick surface); and for the same reason much of the hardware in my house is gold as well. It also makes excellent sash weights, since it's so compact, and doesn't pose the same poison threat that lead does.
Makes a fine coffee filter, too.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:I just say well done to whoever constructed those seven USN destroyers. Hiding and carrying a million plus metric tonnes of gold on each ship was no mean feat of engineering.
I second that. The most important US destroyer in WWII was the Fletcher class (175 completed). These were considered large by the standard of the day and had a standard displacement of 2,050 tons. Given that each is purported to have transported 1,000,000 tons they were apparently able to carry 500X their own weight! Even ants can't do that.
You are barking up the wrong tree. The article never said anything about USN destroyers. It was obviously referring to the Correllian destroyers from Star Wars. Those babies could certainly transport that amount of gold...if it existed.
This is what the article said about transferring “gold reserves of approximately 20 million metric tons or more.”

According to Benjamin Fulford (the former Asia bureau chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998-2005 before he became a spokesperson for the Dragon Family in 2007) the gold transfer was secretly conducted by the U.S. Navy which in 1938 took possession of the gold via seven destroyers to the U.S. mainland.

And further information from David Wilcock’s interview of Ben Fulford, the source of this nonsense.

Much of this gold — we’re talking seven Olympic-sized pools’ worth, if not more — was deliberately removed from the “official” financial system and blacklisted. Other gold was removed from China and brought to the US in 1938 on seven US destroyers, ostensibly to protect it from Japanese thieves — who apparently were working for the Rothschilds.

This gold is what is under dispute. Ben said we should be able to find magazine/newspaper records and other documented evidence of the transfer of this gold to the US for “safe keeping” in 1938. Apparently there was also a trial where the US returned a much smaller amount of gold and tried to say it was full payment due to appreciation of its interest value. This did not fly and they lost the case.

An Olympic-sized swimming pool (as used in the Olympics – many hotels and such use this characterization to simply mean “bigger than normal”) is 50 by 25 by 2 meters, containing 2500 cubic meters of water. If this was gold instead of water, it would weigh more than 48 thousand metric tons, but 7 of these would fall way short of 20 million metric tons. This would take 415 Olympic-sized pools, which technically is more than 7 and thus conforms to “seven … if not more,” but Fulford’s estimate is SO far from the mark that it’s telling.

This should tell us where Ben is getting his information (pulled from his butt). It also tells us about the “large number syndrome” these idiots fall in over and over again. In the 40s, movies started showing modest sized attaché cases being used to deliver money, say for ransom or some other payoff. At the time $100,000 was a huge amount of money and large bills of this amount would fit easily into such a case. Then the amounts went to $1 million and $10 million, while the largest bills available became $100s, but the size of the attaché case didn’t change. In practical terms it didn’t matter because most of the movie-viewing public had no experience with such large sums.

As for this much money being transferred due to the silk trade with China, even if this was transferred over 2000 years it would be too much. A Bactrian camel (the kind used) can carry up to 200 kilograms, and even if this was all gold and there were 10 caravans bringing this gold back to China each year, each caravan on average would require 10,000 camels just for the gold. This would be a single-file camel train 23 miles long, more than the average distance the train could travel in a day. Add to this water, food, camel trains with silk and such going the other direction, and the Silk Road would be as crowded as Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Don’t even get me started about the camel dung accumulation it would have caused.

Of course, during part of this era the silk (and presumably payments) was conveyed by ships, goods and silver were the payment – not gold, and the bulk of the payments/profits ended up with middlemen along the route, but you get the idea. Insanely large numbers any way you cut it.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

Turns out there are even more huge gold reserves out there.

Sunday, January 29, 2012
Enter the 'Emperor of Indonesia'
Reader VJ sends: QUIRKY ASIA: Enter the 'Emperor of Indonesia'
Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 29-Jan-2012 23:03:13

Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - It is not every day that you get to meet a trillionaire. So when I was invited to interview Kamal Ashnawi, a person I've never heard of, I said yes.
On Saturday morning, at a Kuala Lumpur hotel coffee house together with two of Kamal's aides, I waited for the so-called trillionaire.
Wearing a baseball cap, long-sleeved shirt and jeans, he sauntered over to our table. The two aides bowed, pressed their palms together to their forehead as if greeting royalty and kissed his hands.
"We call him Tuanku as he is a sultan from Indonesia," one of the aides whispered to me.
According to Kamal, he is a Dutch citizen born in Tanjung Malim, Perak, on Jan 1, 1964.
"I'm a descendent of the Emperor of China and in a history that went haywire, my family fled from China to Kedah. I traced my bloodline to the royal families of China, India, Java and Siam," claimed the man who is also known as Raden Mas Prabhu Gusti Agung Ki Asmoro Wijoyo.
"I grew up in Tanjung Malim and my family here is very simple and ordinary. Nobody in my family talks about our royal blood and wealth. But my grandmother once told me: "You are special and, when the time comes, you will know."
It was in Holland in the late 1980s that Kamal "found out who he really was". A member of an Indonesian royal family, kicked out of the country by president Sukarno, told him he was of royal blood.
In London in the early 1990s, a lawyer told Kamal about his royal family's massive wealth. Unconvinced, he told the lawyer to prove his claims.
He and the lawyer flew from London to Hong Kong to meet the "keeper of the royal treasure". From there, Kamal and the keeper travelled to Kunming in China.
They hiked up a mountain for four hours and reached a cave guarded by an old couple who, Kamal says, are immortals.
"If you tried to pass them without their blessing, you would cough blood and die," he said.

Inside the three-metre-high cave, Kamal saw gold bars stacked like a pagoda, US$15 million in jade and $10 million in diamonds and stacks of US dollars.
"I took a gold bar and knocked it on a rock. It was really gold. The treasure is the wealth of the dynasties that ruled China. Their wealth was also kept in other mountains and in vaults all over the world," he said.
About three years ago, when Kamal watched Nicholas Cage's movie National Treasure, he laughed.
"The treasure in the movie was small compared to the wealth I saw in the mountain," he said.
Next, Kamal told of his meeting two years ago in Kuala Lumpur with Dr Wong Eng Po, a royal physician from China.
Dr Wong placed his hand on Kamal's bald head, then immediately bowed in front of Kamal and ordered his five followers to do the same.
"He said I was the reincarnation of Emperor Nurhaci (1661-1626) of China. He felt an energy on my head which was superhuman because an emperor, unlike an ordinary human, has to think more.
"I'm the reincarnation of two emperors of China," Kamal added.

He elaborated that a few years ago, the royal family decided he would be the sole administrator of the royal wealth kept in secret accounts in about 1,000 banks worldwide.
"This means that 86.7% of the world's money belongs to me," he said.
Taking out several folders, Kamal said: "You're lucky, I brought documents."
He produced an A4-sized paper with the photographs of the national treasure, the immortal couple and several "official-looking" letters allegedly from HSBC certifying he has an account of five trillion euros ($6.5 trillion).
"That is a small amount. I have more money in other banks and institutions," he added.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:44 PM


AnonymousJan 30, 2012 06:04 AM
"This is a small amount. I have more money in other banks and institutions," he added


This is great news for the Chinaman. My question is "what significance is this to the rest of us that are in the 87%, that he has"
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Burnaby49 »

And, possibly part of the same deal, a few more trillion in fake US bonds found by the Italians. ... rland.html
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:And, possibly part of the same deal, a few more trillion in fake US bonds found by the Italians.

Some of the comments come from people who have obviously drank the koolaid.

Angnbill 1 hour ago
Anyone ever thought about how much gold went from europe(Spanish and roman empire) to Asia for a fifteen hundred year period of history in exchange for silks, spices, tea,etc. Is it possible the rothchilds bankers( BIS, fed, bank of England) may have tricked the east with these bonds in the 1930's in exchange of their gold for "protection from Japan"? Even better is by writing them in such huge denominations it makes it really easy to claim that they are forged. I think we may find that even Kennedy and the Phillipino leader backin the 60's may have signed a few documents that would have cut us free of the BIS stranglehold. Oh yeah, he soon after caught a bullet or two. I'm sure it's nothing....move along, nothing to see here....
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:

We have better uses for the gold. I use gold cookware, since the metal is so nonreactive (and gives me a natural nonstick surface); and for the same reason much of the hardware in my house is gold as well. It also makes excellent sash weights, since it's so compact, and doesn't pose the same poison threat that lead does.
Sex Toys

All I'm gonna say.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by notorial dissent »

And the less said the better.
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:We have better uses for the gold. I use gold cookware, since the metal is so nonreactive (and gives me a natural nonstick surface); and for the same reason much of the hardware in my house is gold as well. It also makes excellent sash weights, since it's so compact, and doesn't pose the same poison threat that lead does.
Sex Toys

All I'm gonna say.
One would think that, given gold's high density, that the weight of a good-sized sex toy made of solid gold would be an impediment to its use. Muscle fatigue and all that. Then again, since most of sex is in the mind, perhaps having solid gold implements would coax a bit more pleasure from what otherwise is a disgusting perverted act, at least if it's done right. And, being nonstick, cleanup is easy.
The £30,000 solid gold sex toy
A Saudi businessman has paid £30,000 for a solid 18-carat gold adult sex toy.

The Canadian manufacturer of the penis enlarger recruited a jeweller to help with the construction which includes the encrusting of 40 diamonds.

The maker said the buyer had an allergic reaction to the normal material of stainless steel. The usual price is £320.

Read more: ... z1mkxiSdkW
What costs $58k, is made of solid gold & makes women go aaah?

Very possibly a Victory Jewelry solid gold dildo. That’s right – because what says “I love you” more than an uber-expensive (as in, $58,000) sex toy? I’ll take mine in white gold, thank you very much. Not that money can buy love – or orgasms.

This particular toy may not be diamond encrusted (thank goodness – can you imagine if one got dislodged from its setting?) but given its sleek shape, diamond or other jeweled rings can be purchased separately and slipped over the toy for gifting. If that isn’t a quid pro quo hint, I don’t know what is. (Thanks, Rosa, for the tip.) ... 009/12/18/
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Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Did anything ever happen with this lawsuit?
Dr. Caligari
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David Merrill

Re: Bizarre Lawsuit

Post by David Merrill »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Did anything ever happen with this lawsuit?

Here's the complaint and this is an update as of a few weeks ago. Look at the bottom of the docket report for an exact update. It looks like the judge is asking for update letters; like he still cannot believe his eyes.

This thesis might shed some light too.