Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Requested

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

Moderator: Deep Knight

Deep Knight
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Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Requested

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, January 23, 2012
Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Requested

These two messages were just rec'd requesting REAL ACTION by the Galactics.I agree with the messages and frustrated at the lack of real performance from the Galactics.

THE GALACTICS NEED TO RESPOND WITH ACTION, rather than there normal words - as the support of the dying embattled light workers is diminishing week by week.

First message was posted as a comment on a Salusa Post today

Unbelievable! THEIR HANDS ARE TIED. Also, they cannot render aid to all those starving people in Africa because THEY (with all their FINE technology) don't have "PERMISSION" from the "authorities". What kind of fools does Mike Qincey think we are?

Most Earthlings would, if they had a spaceship and access to the food needed, would INSURE that plenty of food was DROPPED to those countries and all those children. Instead, we have a Queen of England with all the money and transportation in the world who REFUSES TO INSURE THE WELL-BEING OF HER SUBJECTS.

We have a Zionist political class of Bushes/Clinton/Kissinger criminals with trillions in their off-shore accounts who WANT THEM TO STARVE.

We have another Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, whose son Prince Alexander of the Netherlands runs around the world with Hans Bleeker managing CHEMTRAIL disbursement of poison to the air. Wonder how many of those planes are spraying the Netherlands.
OLGACOM, an airline food catering service, is used to drive the chemicals up to the airliners, unbeknownst to the crew. OLGACOM does not have any FOODS.

SO....WHERE IS THE "HUMANITY" OF THESE ALIENS TOWARD THE STARVING MASSES? They must wait for "permission". I say, "Get lost"!


The second message comes from an educated light worker from a Southern California University

The Galactics appear to possess a profound lack or misunderstanding of 3D time and the influence and dictates that time has upon those entities residing in 3D.

Time, for us in 3D, is not flexible. We are not able to decree that rent will not come due or that the mortgage due date not will not present itself for payment. We 3D entities exist in a paradigm in which time is always a component and the essence of every agreement, discussion, or understanding.

We, in 3D, have been put on high alert in anticipation of pending events by the use of such words as “soon”, “immanent” and “pending”; and yet nothing happens other than we find that we have committed ourselves to an outcome which fails to materialize. We have committed ourselves to an outcome which resides in the unknowable, to us, future.

The effect upon us of this commitment to vagueness is devastating. We make plans and develop strategies and make commitments based upon the information provided to us by our Galactic friends only to find that the immanent events were not very immanent.

We currently have a vast army of Lightworkers poised and ready to move forward stalled because the promised events have failed to materialize, due, we are told, to the interference of the Dark Cabal.

Our situation, as Lightworkers in 3D, dictates that we operate in accordance with the lineal progression of time. When we commit to an action or to a course of events we have reserved that block of time for that action or series of events. When we use up that time waiting and not performing we have reduced our ability to sustain ourselves. Eventually we will not be available for the call.

I Believe that the time has now arrived (3D time) at which all resources of the Galactics be brought to bear to remove those dark elements opposed to the enlightenment and ascension of mankind and to bring support, physical, financial and emotional to those Lightworkers in such desperate need of such support.

The time for dithering, excuses and finger pointing is over. It is Time for Action

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:56 PM


1. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:14 PM
I agree. We have been told that the GFL and Earth's Allies have permission to intervene. If that is true, why are the Cabal still allowed to 'Prance' on the stage.
We were told all of last year that the stalling would come to a halt or be cut off and that 2012 is our year.
Well we are 3 weeks into that year and would like to enjoy as much of it as possible as there will not be another like it. We do have a lot of work to do and don't want to be crammed so that we can't enjoy as much of it as possible.
So my prayer to Heaven has been to allow The GFL, the Arch Angels, Earth Allies and The Ashtar Command to escort the Cabal to 'wherever' so that we can get to work.
In Love and Light

2. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:36 PM
With that said, what do you propose to do now? Take your ball and go home? Maybe the threat that will sway the Galactics is to convince all Light workers to defect to the dark cabal, thereby undoing the progress made from past endeavors. Threats are useless unless action is 'Imminent',(Not the incorrect spelling of the word as noted in the above diatribe). That being said, what's the next move?

3. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:42 PM
AMEN!! I've been listening to Salusa's immenent lectures and predicitions since 2007. Haven't seen a lick of progress other than some "apparent" arrests. If the galactics know who is involved and who is guilty of the crimes they have reportedly done (and yes I believe there are many and many more) Then why on earth and in the Universe haven't they stepped in? They have ships available to house millions, and feed millions. They surely could accelerate the positive momentum of events to turn this whole earth situation around.
I like, the other two posters, respectfully request Ashtar, Salusa, the Galactic Federation and the rest to stop dilly dallying around and get this done. I have had enough and this has tapped all of my creative passion and belief in this Earthly existence!
Either you're here to help us with your skills, abilities and resources or you're not. If it is the latter than you need to stop making random promises and find another Universe or planet to provide lip service too!

4. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:43 PM
Well said, if we all demand action from the Galactics will they not have to act on our freewill? There are alot more of us then the Dark.
The one point made here which I have always found odd about not interfering with Karma; if the dark had not interfered and the Galactics were able to act, why would they not be interfearing with Karma at that time? How does the darks interference affect our Karma? How can starving people in Africa have Karma to clear only if the Dark does not interfere? This makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:49 PM
I've about had enough myself. Talk about deception!!! I think Salusa might be leading the spiritual channeling pack on that one.

6. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:52 PM
Have any of you "Light Workers" seen one of these "Galactic Beings"? Do you have ANY real proof of their existence?
Have you thought about the possibility that "channeling" is in actuality being deceived by the Fallen Angels?
What better way to keep good people on the sidelines so the dark ones can proceed with "THEIR PLANS"...while you WAIT WAIT WAIT.
Spit the hook and sinker out of your mouth!!!

7. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 02:57 PM
I too must agree to the fullest with the above mentioned posts. Dear Galactic friends, It is time for the very long awaited actions to completely be finished as to removing the dark forces in our 3D world. We earth folks cannot stop time, our bills are piling up, we truly need something that will show us the light is at the end of the tunnel.
We are suffering a slow anxiety filled death! We need not for you to play kid gloves with these horrible entities any longer, as we say here on earth, either shit or get off the pot! All due respect, it must be done.
Please help the lightworkers get on their feet so they may help the world around them. St. Germain, Please release Nesara now. Do you not think your fellow brothers and sisters have waited and gone through enough suffering. Ask God to bend the rules a little bit for his children`s sake. Restart our monetary system and lets rock n roll already. It is go time! It is time for gods children to be rewarded. The politicians/Bankers have had plenty of time to party and murder and rape and torture, they dont deserve another damn second on this earth with us.
Hey galactics, lets see if you get my message? I live on Long Island, We could sure use a major light show over here. There are a lot of people here that are non believers lets say you wake `em up a little! Make it like, 5pm just in time for rush hour lol.. Give mexico a break for a few days. Nesara now!!! Thank you. p.s. how am I able to help others less fortunate if I cant even put overpriced gas in my car??? Channelers of this blog please convey our messages to the Archangels. Thank you again. Peace and love light to all. :)

8. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 03:27 PM
Yep. Fed up here too.

9. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 03:28 PM
I am in alignment with these two postings and most of the comment posters. It has been challenging to stay uplifted, positive and on course with almost nothing more then promises of imminent abundance, prosperity and disclosure, of the golden age that is upon us. Add to that the undermining of the non-believers as to the belief system of the Light Workers which to them sounds like a sci-fi movie rather than real life. At this point it has become disheartening to read the channelings, always hoping for more and then to see nothing more than the same as the prior weeks, months and even years. We are ready and wish to move forward.

Reply 1. AnonymousJan 23, 2012 04:23 PM
hi lisa, I was just having dinner with my sister and she brought up nesara because i had mentioned it to her the other night and she was like, "It sounds like a sci fi movie or something" do you really believe? she asked and I said yes, I do. I feel in my heart as I always have all my life, I believe in nesara, disclosure, ascension and I am ok with it. If it is all real and will come to happen then the naysayers will just see for themselves. I keep an open mind as many of you may also do and picture it happening in my mind and in my heart at all times since I have learned of it not to long ago.All my best, d

10. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 03:37 PM
I remember a show called the "Twilight zone" there was a episode when spaceships landed and ask people to come along, they gave the world a book . We had to translate it. the book was called To serve man, after some people left on the ships it turned out the full translation was how to serve man , it was a cookbook. That has stayed with me all these years. If they would show up I'm not going, just encase. We don't know these beings at all , and I don't trust them, not even enough to go anywhere with them. With all the animal mutilation maybe they eat sex organs and glands, not mine.

11. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 03:39 PM
Hello John I agree with the comments above and I think that Most of these so called reporters /channellers/Gurus are nothing but legends in their own minds . federation , galactic s ,Mike, Sheldon, etc etc etc all of them are selling 'lectures' and workshops that put gas money into their pockets ... no do not shoot the messengers , but really how much BS can we swallow?? Having 'true believers syndrome' I have to read this s____ and see if any of it has any credibility at all .. well the same old same old same old , day in and day out ,ad nausium etc etc , We are getting VERY impatient and beginning to feel like starving buzzards ... ready to kill something , instead of waiting for it to die...I will say that ONLY poof has given progressive news and I believe resonably accurate . as for the benevolent space brothers ... if you are here then prove it and lets 'get it on' tired of waiting

12. James Jan 23, 2012 03:56 PM
I agree with all the comments. I think we should specifically ask that they REMOVE THE DARK. That alone will bring about the huge changes we need to move forward on our own. It would stop the CHEMTRAILS (we were inundated with them today) and the federal police state. I personally believe that DARK aliens are running the U.S. government, engineering wars for their own emotional feeding, and actively preventing (along with military contractors) release of free-energy patents sitting in the US Patent Office under a false "national security" label. WE DON'T NEED THE GALACTICS...EXCEPT TO REMOVE THE DARK (another race of aliens and their earthly minions the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kissinger, Bushes, Clintons, etc. With the DARK gone, mankind could progress as it was intended (WITHOUT constant, negative INTERFERENCE).

13. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 04:34 PM
Enough!!! ... It is time NOW ... remove the dark and let the Lightworkers do what they came here to do. This is bordering on "ridiculous".

14. Gen Jan 23, 2012 04:40 PM
This topic reminds me of the Crabwood crop circle decoded binary message. I believe that message refers specifically to the GFL. The info I've reviewed from George Kavassilas rings more true for me than the channelings from the GFL. My understanding is that the GFL has ulterior motives, and all their offers of abundance and assistance are conditional. We hear about all these UFO sightings, yet why can't anyone on the planet see a single huge mothership over a populated area? It's almost always very small craft or orbs of light, as if that's all they are capable of manifesting. Very frustrating to read all the false promises and to continue to see good people suffer, and yet I still have hope. I agree with all the others here that we are quickly running out of time.

15. RocWizard Jan 23, 2012 04:47 PM
All of you have good post, and I hope you take this to heart. I've seen bits and peaces of the original star trek in Mike Quinsey post. After that I don't even bother with it. Please stop looking for something from outer space to save our butt it ain't gonna happen, and as long as he can hold your attention your not doing what you should be doing and you know that true. Also # 10 your right there was a whole Episode on that movie I think it was NBC back in the early 90, I think it was called the VISITORS,and the twilight zone spun off of it. in that movie they offered no more wars or sickness, and prosperity to all. So stop wasting your time reading their post and watch them fade away.No help coming KIDS It's all up to us....

16. fedup Jan 23, 2012 05:04 PM
Here's the other side of the coin...We have to do our own work...God's promises are imminent...Our Awakening has been confirmed. It's time to get off the fence. Use the ability that God has given us to "call down" might exploits...Give God the glory due His name...
Ears to Hear
Good morning,
This is a prophetic word that was given to our church two Sundays ago.
I have called aside a mighty, mighty army into preparation, and I Am seeing to it that everything necessary is being given unto them. For I’ve already given them everything that pertains to life and godliness, but now there is an awakening to it. There is an acknowledging of all that I have laid at their disposal and they will pick it up and they will march whole-heartily, every one in single file. They will see to it saith the Spirit of grace and mercy, that they begin to snatch the souls from hell’s fire. This is their commission for this final hour. It’s not about dress, it’s not about the love of things, but it’s about the Kingdom. Now every man and woman of God will begin to recognize My heart,and the longings of their heart will line up with Mine and then saith the Lord, great and mighty exploits shall they do. They will march over the territory that the enemy tried to take, and they’re taking it back for the Kingdom. They are taking souls back and leading some back home, they are doing the work in this hour. This is the Kingdom and this is the people of the Kingdom. They are mighty warriors and they are unafraid of the enemy!
Where the devil thought he had you afraid, all of a sudden such power and boldness will arise from the Spirit of God on the inside of you. You will begin to do the greater works, and acts and wonders that you never thought you were able to do. It is because you are surrendered and have submitted you heart, wholly to me. Now I can move through you, now I can do through you what needs to be done in this season. All glory, praise, and adoration will come unto Me from all My children, all My holy bride will turn to me in adoration and say, “Father to you be the glory!" This is the season, saith the Spirit of grace and mercy, that My children are lining up with Me and many mighty works shall we do. Many shall come because of the works, but many shall be lost but it will not be because you were not faithful. It will be because they chose the way of this world. Because of your faithfulness there are rewards laid up for you and many of your rewards will be known and seen in this time, while on this earth. Greater rewards shall come to you as you take your place in glory. So get ready, says the Spirit of grace and mercy. Get ready for the time anticipated, what We have waited for! It’s coming! Get ready, for the closing of the curtain. For this is that time, so prepare yourself, and stay prepared and stay ready, saith the Lord. For this is our finest hour!
"And I will shake all nations and the desire and the precious things of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with splendor, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, says the Lord of hosts. The latter glory of this house [with its successor, to which Jesus came] shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts; and in this place will I give peace and prosperity, says the Lord of hosts". (Hagg.2:7-9) "Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come".(Ps. 102:13)
Pastor D.
Scripture References: John 14:12; 2 Tim. 2:3-4

17. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 05:21 PM
Its like I've been saying all along there are no GFL. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN THERE IS NO DAM ALIENS. The dark ones have had space ship technology since the 1930. It iT them we see in the skys wake up people. GFL GIVE ME A BREAK. THEY ARE TRYING TO PULL A FAST ONE ON US. IF YOU CONTINUE TO BELIEVE ALL THIS GARBAGE ABOUT GFL YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU GET.

18. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 05:29 PM
You guys ought to ask Wild Colleen. She claims she was channeling with the Pleadians and now realizes they are demons. She is back to God. Nidle and all these other channelers, if indeed they are, better be careful. The Bible talks about deceivers, false prophets and the like before the coming of Christ. I myself don't buy their BS.

19. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 05:45 PM
Well Said Pastor D.
I agree,,,, in non secular vanacular.
If We join with the Heart , the Higher Mind, Pineal Gland,,we wear words in triads 3 wordS ,living ,vibrating ,we become them 5 th dimensional words such as Certain,,Beauty,Pleased with Me..I am certain this is a beautiful playground here on Earth,I am pleased with Me that I can appreciate this Experience,,,,feeling the three words,,we create a harmonic structure attracting these things into our reality.oR WHATEVER WORDS WE ARE VIBRATING AT,,,THINKING OF ,, Lets come together in ourselves with ourselves,,higher self soul,,Christed consciousness,,Shekina awareness,,Holy Spirit ,,yin n yang however one sees the inner balance of the soul leading the way for the Mind,,,Its the balance of male n female,,,the connection with the Soul that will manifest the New Earth,,We must first remove any last impingments from within Self,,,,To Be:::ground to the core of mother earth,,,feel the christ grid above the plant,,,cosmic alighnment,this energy comming in through the crown, down the back mixing with mother earth energy coming up the spine above the head cascading back down,,,,,placing a Rose in the energy field ,at extended hands distance ,,,choosing to wear words, triads of Empowerment,,we co create with Spirit ,,,,,view reality from the center of the head looking out eyes as windows, running energy,,at all times being aware of being aware ,,Its Shakesperes Play for our Amuzement,,,Have fun with It All,,,,,I too,, Am fed up with developements moving slowly,,Lets change It All then...Start with Yourself,,To Be as a Child To Enter the Kindom,,,Means laugh at the chem trails,,,the insanity of Gov and the ones thinking they are in control,laugh ,,laugh more,, smile often ,Its all illusionary.Take back your Power in the Way you choose to Percieve,,Be it from the Heart and Love that you Are God.
love n light
Thanks to Everyone Posting,,all very valid feelingS we are All ONE.

20. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 06:16 PM
Maybe,just maybe this is all just a hoax to give false hope and it actually run by the cabal themselves? If galatic beings had more power than the cabal then how is it that this cabal seems powerful enough to hold them off for so long unless they are one and the same?

Replies 1. AnonymousJan 23, 2012 07:06 PM
Yes u got it ur the only one on here smart enough to figure that out at least there is some hope for us. We need more people out there like you who have a brain and can use it.

21. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 06:24 PM
Heavenly Mother/Father God,
You said in your word:
John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
James 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Creator....Many more promises have you given us in Your Word if we should only ask.
We come to you now and TOUCH AND AGREE that you give us this ONE thing that we ask of you in removing THE CABAL and ANYONE standing in the way of our blessings.
For many, many years our prayers have been intercepted and BIRTHRIGHTS have been stolen by the Dark Side and we ask that it CEASE AND DESIST THIS VERY MOMENT. We forgive them!
For it is in JESUS' NAME WE ASK ....AMEN

22. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 07:02 PM
My god listen to you people you really crack me up you are so naive you'll believe anything that someone tells you. Without no proof ir any evidence no wonder america is in trouble you people are so easy to manipulate. Sad really sad

23. JustPlainJames Jan 23, 2012 07:14 PM
my friends-we have been raped and molested in mind body and soul since creation by higher powers be they galactic or of this earth--imprisoned as slaves and held for ransom-i see a divine deadline as this earth and all souls are on coarse through the photon belt or that special place shall we say when this flesh will cease to exist and we shall become conscience beings of light energy-ascension my friends---we can spin it any way you please--cleansing by fire so to speak...the time is upon us-all that we witness is the end of the game--we are so very blessed--we need a winner and a looser before the galactics can move it is said---i pray for divine intervention from the most high to disband the appears we have been under quarantine a very long time and it is being lifted--we were infiltrated long ago altering our natural evolution--it is the will of the most high or it would not be--there is a battle underway for this planet and we are defenseless--i pray for divine intervention--we are all going to die from the flesh and become of the light in universal geometry--we are so blessed....james

24. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 07:31 PM
Yes this could be a big hoax for what gain I dont exactly know?? To me, if the cabal wanted to blow us all to hell, they could of done it without warning many times already. as with the alleged GFL maybe being of bad intentions with all their technology, could of taken this whole planet by storm whenever they wanted to.
Maybe the gfl must follow strict protocol and for what I have gathered, it does seem to me that this protocol
needs to be followed so closely, precise, direct, by the book for all of the bad to be swept up nice and neatly. After all, they are working along side 3D humans inside the pentagon and other know factors of good and they themselves are trying to work in this manner as well, the "law suits"
We after all are talking about a whole planet filled with nasty`s .. If it is truly God`s will to do it this way, they all must follow the orders, imho. For me, a lot of the dots have connected more than anything else I have read and researched about but that is just me and you will your opinions on that. Nesara makes plenty of sense as does what the gfl want for all of us.
I cannot see why the bad govt would go to such lengths in promoting a false flag alien invasion or to fill our heads with gfl b.s. when they can easily just kill most of us off and save a few for their doings. I will stay positive and keep my heart on track and filled with hope. One of two things will happen: It will happen or it wont!

25. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 08:03 PM
we humbly petition our Galactic friends to intercede now! Telling us that we must allow Karma to play out when they have the power to bring this whole scenario to a conclusion is madness in the extreme. I have often commented to John on when are all of these promises for prosperity and disclosure and contact going to commense? We are losing a great many souls to the dark side in their belief structure. We need a someone mentioned that is distinctly visual without question....a clear view of a large mothership....not some fuzzy photos of lighted orbs at a great distance. The channelers have often stated that we are not ready yet for such a display....that it would frighten too many people! I say let us get on with more physical evidence.....there are millions of individuals that would gladly be overwhelmed with a concrete sighting.
May we all have faith and pray that our Creator will commence the programs holding back!!
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

More comments, the first 2 replies to the last "no holding back" comment at the end of the earlier post.

Replies 1. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:23 PM
this is where the problem is you are being mind controled the dark ones want you to be in fear and run for a daddy to hide behind thats where the gfl comes in to comfort you and say everything will all right sucking you right in to there new world order. dont be fooled we have to do this by our selves we have to free ourselves dear one. i mo you will believe what you wanna believe but ask yourself where is this so called gfl what have they done have you actually seen them do anything have you seen them period. dont believe everything you hear untill you can see it and prove it.

2. Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 03:03 AM
Calling for physical evidence of spaceships is a sign of disbelief. Just as the Jews in Christ's time on earth did not believe the physical evidence right in front of them, so the people today don't want to believe the signs they see and turn around to be saved.
(Lk 11 29-32)What if our Creator shows His compassion for us by holding back that physical evidence you're looking and praying for?

26. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 08:19 PM
You are listening to the wrong channelers. Try Tolec who is in contact with the Andromedan Council. He is the only one that has given proof of what he says. He told Alfred Webre in an interview that 2 things would happen BEFORE they happened, but where within 2 weeks time of happening and the other 3 days. They both happened at the exact place he said they would and that was the taking out of 2 underground bases of the Dark ET's. He is the only one that can prove his words and the only one not using the words "Dear Ones" The Andromedan Council tells it like it is and doesn't use all these foo-foo words when referring to us Earth people. Yes they are real and yes they are going to help and yes, they ARE helping, don't loose faith in that. But one other thing that Tolec says to beware of.... The Galactic Federation is NOT the same as The Galactic Federation of LIGHT. He says the Federation of LIGHT is, as some of you suspect, the Dark ET's trying to deceive us. Be careful who you read. Tolec also says that The Federation said they may have to start disclosure themselves because they don't think it will be announced, so they will start quietly landing in Scout ships in small cities and meet with all who are willing to talk with them. As for Salusa, it's amazing how many words and sentences Mike Quincey has managed to re-arrange to try to appear to put out something NEW 3 times a week. I used to live for Salusa to give an update, now I just say "same crap, different day".
But, don't loose faith. It is true that St. Germain has a perfect timeframe for the release of his funds. If all the theiving bankers and politicians are not removed where they can't steal our money again, there is no sense to release it, it will just be taken again. And yes it has to go through a process since we have such lawyers that could get these people off the hook if the evidence is not concrete against them.
I do want to address the comments that doubt that the Galactics are hear to help us. I have a ship that I see every night. It appears at a certain time and takes the same path every night. It starts out high in the sky aroung 5:30pm then it slowly makes it's way closer and then down behind the trees. I have seen it quite low at times in another part of my town. I have also seen Scout ships cleaning up Chemtrails.
I do agree that things NEED to happen soon. I myself am feeling physical changes and changes with foods that disagree with my suddenly after 50 years and very strange feelings, fatigue, headaches. Now if I didn't know what was coming and if I were a doctor oriented person, which I am not, I would run off to the doctor trying to find out what is wrong with me and they, of course, would have no clue and give me some poisonous medicine to further harm my body. How many people are doing just that and they do not know that their density is changing? We NEED to be told what is happening and how to cope with it.
I have been pleading with the Galactics to realize the Free Will of the 99% to live healthy lives with clean air to breath and clean water to drink and food to eat that is not contaminated, and stop worrying about intruding on the Free Will of the 1% that are trying to kill us.
I can see why you are all loosing faith and I say to you "Change Channels" You will immediately know when you hear his interviews that he is the REAL DEAL.

27. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:03 PM
I truly believe it's complete deception and a form of control to keep you thinking it's going to happen and it never does. These are tales from the dark side, that's all folks! Look to the hills from which cometh our help our help comes from the LORD. GOD help us all!!

28. Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:46 PM
These posts are interesting.
This may be what they are waiting on. Such desperation for an external source to save you because you don't know who you are inside.
They can't stop the cabal. Interfering with the free will of anyone on this planet is a Universal Violation.
If you want them to be seen to you, they can do that if your soul contract was set up that way, at some point they can be seen and heard by you and no one who doesn't want to see them or know of them will have to see or know of them.
I know who I am. I am equal to who they are. We are from the same source having different experiences. I don't want to see them.
A race of beings so advanced are interested in our conflicts and issues. As a child I saw a show asking if aliens exist. One of the speakers of the show said imagine if we were the advanced species and landed on an island of iguanas. The iguanas would be discussing our arrival saying stuff like, 'do we give them live flies or dead flies, do we lay the flies out in a row', and it's obvious a species that advanced is not concerned with such issues.
(of course I'm paraphrasing)
Neil Degrasse Tyson did a speech. It's on youtube. titled: Neil deGrasse Tyson worries about stupid humans. A great video.
I'm going to add, if there were galactics and us and the galactics had our intelligence and we had the intelligence of iquanas, why would they care of our issues, and conflicts, and what advantage do they have watching us for years upon years and wanting to take out a race of iquanas or the ones that 'sun on the highest rocks' but won't let the other iguanas join them and that catch more flies and make other iquanas catch flies for them. Why would someone as advance as a human be consumed with the spiritual advancement of a species of iguanas in sharing and caring for each other.
The galaxy must be full of other species to watch and want from. Maybe if iquanas are a delicacy, and they were going to evolve into an advanced species, the advancement would remove a food source. Like having caviar (fish eggs) over minnows (baby fish).
BE careful sending out those "come and take me, I'm yours messages" Sounds like many are ready to place a God before them, right now. You are as a God if you'd use your power now and make the changes you seek. People are sovereign, stop telling them you are a person and claim your right as the People. That's the only thing standing in your way, your silence of who you are to them. Put it on all papers that have the name, by your signature, they will see it. If you don't say it or show it, they don't have to know it.

29. Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 04:16 AM
Who has proof that they took out alien underground bases? I've seen no proof other that we had an earthquake in virginia. I did see the video of the baseball game and the strange rushing sound,but all the rest is just wishful thinking.

MacHaffie also has a poll.

The Galactics have

Failed To Support Lightworkers 43 (33%)
Failed To understand 3D 39 (30%)
Failed To Provide Resources 45 (35%)
Failed To Produce Results 82 (64%)
Provided only tales 63 (49%)
Other 23 (18%)

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Votes so far: 127
Days left to vote: 6
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

More replies

30. Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 04:58 AM
Following is information on what the ET's are doing; it is a process and as much as we would like to see things happen yesterday, we don't realize the layer upon layer of darkness, programming, booby traps, etc. that have to be cleared. Here's some good info on what has transpired as of the last quarter:

31. Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 05:34 AM
Lucifer = light bringer
be careful!

32. Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 07:23 AM
Reading some of these replies is a real hoot. There are some who actually believe that the Galactic Federation is a bunch of creatures from other planets who came here in cloaked flying saucers to rid us of the dark cabal and make us all rich.
Just for the record, the Galactic Federation is a LLC with an office near Langley Virginia.
St. Germain is the sole trustee of the funds.
The dark cabal and their minions still run the world and the GF would like to change the world without killing them. I, for one, believe that there is no other way. I have never held a gun in my hand but I would not lose a seconds sleep if I had to pull the trigger to free the world of the most evil people on our planet. If you and I did to the world what they did, wouldn't we receive the death penalty ?

33. Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 07:30 AM
im gonna say this again pay attention do you even no this tolec i bet not do you no the andromedan council i bet not have you seen an et i bet not the ships you are seeing are our own sorry to disappoint you.have you seen the underground bases i bet not. quit believeing everything people tell you untill you see it or can prove it.

And yet another directed message. Perhaps it would be better if they went old school and sent a telegram.

Monday, January 23, 2012

This is a humble request to commence immediate direct communications with your light workers. WE NEED YOUR ACTION & ASSISTANCE NOW!

We leave to your discretion the form of communication to be used.

Too many Good People are hurting.

John MacHaffie
Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:15 PM


Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:05 PM
Thanks, John. You said it!

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:05 PM
I second that motion Mr. Machaffie!!

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:21 PM
We Must Rescue Our Own Selves. We must join together with like minded groups and focus Our Vision of the dismantling of the Present Gov. and Removal of the Negative energies. This is Our planet not another civilizations aka Star nations or GFL. Messages always if they are of a clear source present this fact. We must over throw the dark ,,You can affect a change by being happy , forgive yourself,,Love Yourself ....Things are changing look closely at what is coming out in the open in your neighbors and the world,,people are awakening from a deep sleep. Some of Us have been awake quite awhile and have reason to be frustrated.
We are at the finish Line. Drawn from the depth of Your Heart and You find Peace. If its Anger ,,frustration,resentment , observe it ,acknowledge it ,sit with it ,,Its coming up to be released. We got a powerful solar flare today removing all that we are not,,and the beginning of the water dragons return....No accident thier. Ride the Wave.
Eckoo shawww taaa Eckooo EEEEE nay oooo

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:22 PM
Thank you John for your new posting and assistance.Any help we can get is much appreciated. I do see lots of things that are happening, falling into place as per pre- Nesara announcements, so that is a good sign. Stay positive and as focused as you can people, Let`s keep pushing for answers and good visual signs in our skies. Good night and all be well. :)

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:39 PM
I see the recent post about light workers being "impatient" and I fully understand this, but things are the way they are because karma has to be played out until the higher ups(higher then celestial beings) say enough is enough, we in 3D don't really see the whole picture. We need to be more patient living our life as best as we can, and not too focus on any channel material, because when it happens its going to be a surprised!
Would I like direct communications with my Galactic brother and sister? Sure! but is it really prudent? I doubt it.As far as first contact is concern I don't really expect anything big to happen until 2016 to be honest.

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:46 PM
And to be fair, even the channel messages from God on this blog is vague and promises action will happen "soon". I say, we light workers should just spend more time in the real world and less time obsessing over channel messages from God/Galactic.

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:56 PM
Communicate with the almighty God, for God is your friend. It is a simple truth, and difficult to accept that the rest of the world's suffering is due to your own. God has given you the power of choice in every moment to make a better life for yourself and others.
The Galactics should not be communicated with, as you or most on this planet do not have the ability to determine friend from foe.
Let your worries go. Where is your faith? Remember your childhood. Life is full of wonder and joy regardless of world affairs.
Humanity has a long road to travel out of the abyss created, but I must assure you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will see. Stay strong at heart, give your faith to God and realize life goes on. Don't give up, there is plenty of time to live.
Life is eternal.

Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 09:58 PM
This Galactic Stuff could be a psyops operation by the dark to deceive us one more time, while they continue to pull their dirty dealings on us. I hope not, but can't be sure.

Anonymous Jan 24, 2012 01:02 AM
First I would like to thank you for the comforting words that you have brought to us. With that said I would like to bring to your attention while journeying through the causal realm where the ascended masters gather there is an agenda or plan that has been implemented. It is all well and good but it may not be your journey while traveling through. If you don't abide by the plan some get mad. Yes some ascended Masters get mad. That is there remaining "karma". Their has been some Ancient Templates released on Earth in August 2011. They had been protected for eaons of time by a very caring group. They had there plan for those ancient templates. The ancient templates had been released to a person in the physical realm to care for also. The previous caretakers did not want those released until a so called appropriate time but this individual choose to release the ancient templates for human beings incarnate in this physical being and it has benefited humanity as a whole. When Grandi was on his mission on Earth he came across a spiritual teacher. This teacher had said if he wanted to follow him he would have to give up his earthly quest and follow the spiritual teachers teachings. Ghandi refused and continued his earthly mission. Out of the 23 realms in Heaven he is now in the 17th. In the 7th you become at-one. What I'm suggesting is even though you may be getting dictates you must follow what you know in you heart is right. If you can help in alleviating the suffering of another soul and do not you are culpable for the choice you have made. Remember it is always your choice and resposibility for what actions you choose to day. May you be blessed in all that you truly love and value. In loving grace...
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

To me, a horrible form of eternal punishment in Hell would be to take an eternal bus ride, with me in the window seat and with one of these idiots in the seat next to me, blocking my escape as he/she talks....
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:To me, a horrible form of eternal punishment in Hell would be to take an eternal bus ride, with me in the window seat and with one of these idiots in the seat next to me, blocking my escape as he/she talks....
I have good news and bad news. First the good news. Since we work for the Evil One by blocking these NESARA deliveries and such, we will get certain perks, such as our choice of seats and neighbors on this bus. The bad news is that it will be a "See the Homes of the Stars" tour bus in Hollywood. Sorry.

Dove, Bellringer, and Lord Rama used to talk about the Illuminati and other minions being reincarnated on "primative planets" with dinosaurs and such for "further soul growth." Here is how Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer put it in 2003:

...That third group, which is all of these dark Illuminati characters who have just decided to cut themselves off from any possibility of Ascension, they will be taken to another planet in another system, called the Tilla System. The Tilla System is pretty close to here, maybe no more than one half light year from Earth. There is a planet called Herculobus in that Tilla Star System. It is something like 12 times bigger than Earth. It is a garden, but what will be there to meet these ones are dinosaurs. It will be like pre-historic Jurassic Park. And these dinosaurs represent their own creation as they made it, and their own thought-forms as they made it for Earth. And they will have to live with that, in that garden and they will have to go through another 26,836 year-cycle called the Yuga and have the opportunity to determine the outcome for themselves. In other words, instead of heading towards another nuclear holocaust, they’ve got 26,000 years of figuring out how to ascend.

Let's hope he's right. Being eaten by T-Rex might get a little annoying after 26 thousand years, but it would beat being on the tour bus.
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

John MacHaffie's readers have had their nerves struck by this. And their nerves were pretty "iffy" to begin with. Even the Galactics have sat up and taken notice!
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - January 25, 2012
Like you we wait expectantly, knowing that there will be a breakthrough resulting in the first positive news about the pending changes. The timing is not certain, but we see no reason why it should not go ahead as anticipated. We cannot say more as we know how despondent some of you get when events do not materialize as you expect. It would otherwise please us to satisfy you by being more precise, but by now you should understand our reluctance to do so. However, as we often tell you, the most important aspect is how it all ends and it will most definitely be with Ascension. Whatever it takes is well within our abilities, and particularly as we have taken steps to stop the interference with our mission. Most of you will experience this year according to the reality you expect to carry you forward, but all that matters is the final outcome.
In one way or another this year will astonish if not absolutely amaze most people. The truth will also sound shocking to those who have never contemplated that for hundreds of years they have been lied to and mislead. Indeed, for those who are somewhat informed it will still surprise them as to the audacity and cunning of the Illuminati, and their ambition to rule the world.

YOU ALL Remind me of child who is crying and kicking his legs on the floor in the Toys-R-Ass :)
"Mammy you have promised me a toy, why why WHYYYY Oh WHYYYYYY I cant have it... I WANT IT NOW!!!!"
COME ON ... We can understand all of you and John specifically he was at this for many many years and now his inner child is crying!! and that is OK! LET it OUT!! We love you all anyway without separation since we are ONE!!! we are never separated anyhow.
YOU ALL have come here to experience one thing... Life in LOVE!!! Without hate you wouldn't know Love, without Pain you wouldn't know Pleasure, without betrayal you wouldn't know friendship and etc.
Hopefully for some of you it will be wakeup call... But know this it is YOUR OWN choice how you want to FEEL!!
Don't forget that you are here to live your life and it doesnt matter what and who promised you what!!!
Be well and prosper :) We love you all just like you love your kids...
Many of the comments for these and 2 new "directed messages" have been from people who would love the ETs to show themselves to prove to loved ones they're not crazy.
I have endured my spouse, my son and friends questioning my sanity. Luckily my mother is also a believer so I at least have her and a few others to talk to about this and we take turns helping each other to stay positive and uplifted. But it has become more and more difficult with financial pressures that have been building due to lack of work along with not only others questioning my sanity but I have begun to also question it. Is it valid spending all this time doing meditations, visualizations and repeating mantras only to read in a posting that it will be a little longer coming from both the NESARA & Dinar Gurus and from the Disclosure channelers. I have started to feel like a donkey with a carrot tied to a stick dangling in front of my nose, almost there, almost there.
But some have a simpler answer to all this.
AnonymousJan 24, 2012 06:44 PM
You seem to have missed the most obvious answer, to wit: the 'channelers' have been faking it. There is no galactic federation. No help from anyone, anywhere. It is all a cop-out/psy-op designed to get the majority of us to do exaclty what we have been doing. Nothing. So that the "'dark cabal' of evil-doers" can just keep on doing what they want, which is destroying our liberty and stealing our hard earned money. This MUST be the truth because this is exactly what has been happening and continues to happen. All the flowery rhetoric and tough sounding 'lightworker' broadcasts and messages have accomplished diddly squat. Self-appointed mesengers are not to be trusted or followed. Save your time and actually go out and DO something useful instead of waiting for the next installment of what somebody else claims they were told by some benevolent super-being from outerpsace. When they come down and I can shake hands with them and ask a few pointed questions of my own, then I'll believe in them. Maybe.
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:
MacHaffie also has a poll.

The Galactics have

Failed To Support Lightworkers 43 (33%)
Failed To understand 3D 39 (30%)
Failed To Provide Resources 45 (35%)
Failed To Produce Results 82 (64%)
Provided only tales 63 (49%)
Other 23 (18%)

Vote on this poll
Votes so far: 127
Days left to vote: 6

With only 229% of the votes in how can they possibly hope to have a consensus?
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Message from the Galacticianists (er, what are we called this week?):
Right, listen up you earthlings, we've had enough of this. We had a meeting a few of your solar days ago and decided anyone posting anything more about any of our forthcoming payouts on your internet thing doesn't get anything. Got that? So shut up and stop posting. John MacHaffie, you're off the list. Quinsey, you too. RocWizard, Pastor D take note, shut up with the postings.
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by fortinbras »

Well, these people were instructed not to respond with "normal words" and they seem to have taken that instruction seriously.

It would seem to me that the NESARIANS, having a pipeline to the super-advanced technology of the saucer people, ought to capable of sending out messages that more selectively reach their intended audience than a broadcast internet posting that can be seen by everyone.

I am also a bit concerned about the anti-Zionist bent of the NESARIANS. I am also concerned about their grasp of Geography; a good many of the starving countries in the Third World have no connection to the British Commonwealth, so the Queen cannot be blamed.
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Well, these people were instructed not to respond with "normal words" and they seem to have taken that instruction seriously.

It would seem to me that the NESARIANS, having a pipeline to the super-advanced technology of the saucer people, ought to capable of sending out messages that more selectively reach their intended audience than a broadcast internet posting that can be seen by everyone.

I am also a bit concerned about the anti-Zionist bent of the NESARIANS. I am also concerned about their grasp of Geography; a good many of the starving countries in the Third World have no connection to the British Commonwealth, so the Queen cannot be blamed.
Anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, anti-anything-having-to-do-with-Jews. Bellringer especially, but all of them do it from time to time. I think it has something to do with having someone to blame when your prophecies don't come true. As for super-advanced technology, that's prohibited by the Law of Non-Intervention, even though the things we're told they're here to do sound like intervention to me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Directed Message to the Galactics ---- Greg Giles -- 'MAKE IT SO THIS WEEK'!
A reader's comment question to Greg Giles and his channeling messages ---

Hi John,

I usually do not make too many comments about articles that I read on here, but I have to point out 2 things today...

1. The Justice Roberts piece has been around at least 2 years or more. I have seen it many times. There has not been anything done by Roberts to O. I believe Roberts is part of the problem. As a matter of fact, I do not trust any supreme court judgey wudgeys. The way these ahos are allowing our Constitution to be shredded and trashed should have every citizen on ALERT.....
2. Regarding Greg Giles .... I am very very aware, as per my observable intel, that:
A. The haarp machine is still doing its dirt..
B. I continue to see the chemtrail planes daily. The bastards are now getting ready to use these flying killing
crop dusters to drop bio-weapons on us to kill us.... Where are all of Gregs little helpers?.... I would love to see
one of his gigantic (so called) saucers shoot these pieces of c_ _ _ out of the sky.... I am personally challenging
Greg.... (to coin an expression) "make it so this week".... I hope I am wrong and he is right, but I feel he is hopelessly lost in space....

My Best,

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:18 PM


1. Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 09:41 AM
I also would like to SEE PROOF that Greg And WE (whoever/wherever) are Protected as well. It difficult to see who's who....these days.

2. Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 10:16 AM
Proof of what all of this Galatic stuff is for one thing so they can sell their stuff and after they con everyone they will write a book telling how they did it while making millions!

3. Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 10:45 AM
I agree ,,, Make It So This Week
Enough is Enough. Dis Spell all Negative smoking mirrors ,control groups ,,,in all Dimensions.
The Light has Victory.
See Clearly Your Time of Dis Information and Lie's is Over.
So Be It.!!!

4. Pete L. Jan 25, 2012 11:54 AM
What we really need NOW is mass fly overs of the mother ships in daylight to help wake more people up and to reaffirm for the awakened ones. This waiting game is very trying on everyone's patience and planting doubt in our minds.

5. Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 12:12 PM
This week will soon be gone. I wish they would stop using words like "imminent, soon, now, close, finally, at last, etc etc. The federal reserve announced today that they are holding present rates thru 2014. Doesn't sound like they are going anywhere anytime soon. The federal reserve and their minions ( the dark cabal ) must be gone first and they are making plans for their future.

6. Gratefuldeb739 Jan 25, 2012 12:27 PM
Lot of words, no follow through. We know thoughts are things and we know the media tells us what to think because the shadow boys understand that we will create their desired agenda unaware. What is the agenda here and who's REALLY behind the Galactic story?

7. Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 01:02 PM
Proof is nice, but don't ask for a UFO to shoot down a plane! *facepalm* , if those "chem-plane" are piloted, his/her life would be in danger, chances are the pilot is being lied to or he has no idea what he is spraying/doing because everything is so compartmentalize. There are other obvious reason why a UFO shouldn't shoot down a plane, use your common sense/heart before asking for something so destructive.
Disclosure will happen - when? I do not know, I don't lose sleep over it ;) This year will be interesting to say the least :D

8. Pete L. Jan 25, 2012 02:54 PM
What we have to do is get a grip on the mainstream media. They have to drop the propaganda and start reporting the truth. If they don't want to comply then they should be arrested, their equipment taken over by our earth allies so we can let the people that are still sleeping the truth.

Arrested? Too good for them. They should be sent to Herculobus in the Tilla Star System to be eaten by dinosaurs for 36 thousand years.
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

After this demand for action and the canceled Neptune joy-ride with Grener, things have cooled down, but the Lightworkers are still fuming!

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Open Letter To Greg Giles & The Galactics ----- Greg is called a LIAR
Hello Greg,

As a letter to you following the one I wrote to Ben Fulford...

Greg, I just read in your post today on NESARA where you said "The dismantling of the Cabal’s fighting forces and their vast weaponry was one of the tasks we were better qualified to handle, and we have effectively neutralized this once mighty military. There remain scattered groups here and there, but we have them soundly blockaded and they will not be any threat to you or us at all as we proceed with the purification of your planet."

This is a TOTAL LIE! I have personally been witnessing HUGE jet air craft dumping Chemical Bombs on Dallas for a LONG time. This happened again as late as last night where Dallas had its biggest chemtrail attack yet. Can you imagine the chemtrail pilots faces upon seeing a HUGE saucer outside their planes telling them to land or be blown out of the skies? We will believe you as soon as we see evidence, 'evidence' being the chemtrails stopped and HAARP taken out - thats ALL 12 HAARPs taken out.

I never saw one of your so called saucers stopping these chemtrail planes or any other of their assignments. If these chemical BOMBS were dropping in encased ordinances and blowing up on the ground, that would probably get peoples' attention. The chemtrails are silent killer bombs. I personally know dozens of folks that are really sick all the time, and have no clue as to what is causing there sickness...

WHO or WHAT - what nation - does "once mighty military" refer to. And how can 'this once mighty military' be effectively neutralized when they are in process of instigating WWIII in the Middle East, sure to spread worldwide, killing millions if not billions of innocent people. How does that demonstrate having been 'neutralized'? And that is ONLY ONE of the many assignments on which they are currently feverously working.

Some one or some thing is lying... PERIOD.

Greg, I have asked you 2 times for evidence from the folks that took a ride on your saucer and you still have not shown us observable evidence... only beautiful PAINTINGS...

Someone needs to call you on this.

Answer truthfully.


Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:34 PM


1. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 09:48 AM
i agree. stop with the channels and just do what you say you are going to do. i feel like all the talk is a waste of time at this point.

2. John MacHaffie Feb 16, 2012 10:04 AM
Same here --- enough of the talk - time for action, If they are capable. Yet to be seen!

1. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 02:54 PM
John are you familiar with John Kettler website please check it out if you have the time. I feel it gives better clues as to what the ET's are helping us with!!

3. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 10:08 AM

4. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 10:29 AM
All of this Galatic stuff is just disinfo or a way to make a buck. Do I beleive we have been visited by aliens? Yes anyone who thinks we are the ONLY ones out there is nuts. However; all of these so called channelers have given us NOTHING believable. What are they going to say once WWIII begins "the CABAL did not give them permission to take them down? Put up or shut up

5. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 10:36 AM
Does Greg Giles actually read this blog? You might want to find another way to contact him. I don't believe all the channels read this website. Their channelings are on several websites. I doubt they check them all. Just food for thought.

6. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 10:40 AM
To play the Devils advocate, I don't see people dropping dead from your "chemical bombs", your "biggest chemtrail attack yet" or your "silent killer bombs".
Where are all the dead people that PROVE your point of view? I don't see them.

1. Ranger D Feb 16, 2012 11:04 AM
ignorance is BLISS....just look at medical resources and they are saying the death toll for UNKNOWN REASONS is way up already this your own research...heartatacks are way seamingly healthy people....and since this is a slow you except to see tons of people lying on the watch too much tv...take a look at heartattacks and this type of thing...

2. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 12:46 PM

3. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 01:08 PM
If you would do your own research instead of challenging the informed and concerned, you will be overwhelmed at the number of reports regarding the contents of and repercussions emanating from chemtrails.

8. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 11:00 AM
Bingo the truth be told,as of a few days ago my friend at an alphabet agency checked on my behalf and told me all 3,750+ W-80 Warheads are hot to trot.His question to me was common sense. 1) If the nukes were dead there would be unbelieveable panic at the Pentagon. 2)It would absolutly be the last thing to start a fight with Iran or anyone if the nukes are dead.3) Most intel agencys world wide would know it by now and we would ashes.4) why would Obozo want to cut our arsenal by 80% if they are worthless anyway.Good Questions all.
And for John M thanks.There are people out there that should be or were prepping to save their families from the horrific events to come, and yet they stopped stocking food,fuel,medicine,tools ,shelters,ammunition, and weapons because they are uneeded,simply because the "space men will save them".Knowing that the Illuminati wants us wiped out, to whose purpose does this disinformatin serve. May the blood of every dead family be on the hands of the Galactics and anyone who helps them. As the word of GOD says " cursed is he who leads a blind man into a ditch" To protect my friend I must sign this anonymous

9. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 11:33 AM
GREAT OPEN LETTER! MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY! To Anon 10:40 am, I don't know where YOU live, but in the southeast the MINUTE the clouds clear up, here come another bunch of X's and streaks from jets all over the sky. Two years ago, an ambulance would come down my road about twice a month. NOW they are coming down my road 5 or 6 times a DAY. WAKE UP! People are dying all over the U.S. because of this! They see that it's working so they continue the holocaust.

10. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 12:39 PM
All you people are nuts. Aliens, chemtrails, UFOs, channelling, Iraq RVs, NESARA etc. If you spent as much time learning a marketable skill as you do following all this unproven horseshit, all you you could do positive things to change the world.....that are based in REALITY.
I can see following some of the stuff for awhile if it seems plausible, but continually buying the bait about all of this unproven stuff year after year is insanity (unless you are making money off of it). Sometimes I take a look for fun, but you people who take this stuff seriously are really pathetic.
But, then again, it takes all kinds.

11. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 12:40 PM
People, I personally have seen ships cleaning up Chemtrails! I have seen spaceships, in NC and one is seen daily several parts of my town when the nights are clear. When it is cloudy, it is not seen, because it would have to come to low to the earth to be seen.
I have also seen several in NJ when I was there over the holidays. Yes, they are real and they are here to help us. HOWEVER, you must be careful to whom you listen! The Galactic Federation of LIGHT, which is what Greg claims to channel are not "the good guys"! If you see in any post Galactic Federation of LIGHT" take it with a grain of salt. The Galactic Federation are our helpers in this fight. I have read several places the "GFOL" are the darks trying to reel us in!
Please, everyone google Tolec, he is a "human representative" of the Andromedan Council and is the Real Deal. Never does he use the "Dear Ones, Beloved Ones" foo-foo crap. He talks like one being would talk to another, human or Galactic. He speaks the truth and yes, he has been aboard the ships.

12. Kevin Mills Feb 16, 2012 12:41 PM
If these posts upset you so much, stop reading them! I did. It's the same message over and over blah, blah, blah...

14. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 01:03 PM
Actions speak louder than words. Enough words already. GOT ACTION?

16. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 01:20 PM
I think the sheer number of these messages is overwhelming, several per day, all with a glorious picture at the top, all saying basically the same thing in a little different way. All the time WASTED reading these follies could be used reading factual articles that affect us. I'm glad that finally SOMEBODY called out Mr. Giles on this. But it applies to all the others as well.

17. Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 01:59 PM
When Haarp; Chemtrails; Monsanto; Big Pharma; bad factions EPA; The Dept of Education; The Federal Reserve; bad factions of the FDA; CIA: FBI and Military Industrial Complex; The IRS; The united Nations; The Vatican; Obama: Bush's; Clinton;s; Homeland Security; TSA; All lying EVIL snakes in Congress and the Senate; The Commitee of 300: When all of these are either arrested; dismantled or just plain blown off the face of the earth then I will believe that there is someone somewhere whom is good who is helping us and that PURE EVIL is not in charge of the government any longer. Otherwise' ENOUGH OF THIS TODAY; TOMORROW; OR IN A MONTH Or TWO THERE WILL BE A FREE PROSPEROUS HEALTHY WORLD. IF THERE IS SOMEONE GOOD OUT THERE WITH PURE INTENTIONS WHO HAS THE POWER TO DO SOMETHING THEN DO IT NOW!!!! GOOD GOD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR. DO IT NOW!!!
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by The Observer »

Nothing is as ironic as one conspiracy theory debunking another conspiracy theory.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by notorial dissent »

No, that is ONE conspiracy nut debunking another conspiracy nut, or calling the other one a liar. Kettle black sort of thing.
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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Deep Knight »

I believe that this response is a lashing out at being fooled yet another time. It's not that these folks didn't believe or don't want to, they're tired treated like they're crazy and waiting for some payback, er, proof that what they say is true. Same with NESARA and Dinars.

I can't say if the true believers are crazy or just way too credulous. I suppose a bit of both, heavy on the credulous. Then there's the scammers, who may be a bit crazy themselves but are certainly making a living off of it. I always said that being WAY out there made for a smaller audience, but also one who won't go to the authorities.

Then again, people can think want and if they get pleasure from dreams of benevolent aliens, more power to 'em. Deep Knight prefers busty blonds, but to each his own. But that's no reason to lie to them and cheat them (the true believers, the busty blonds are another matter).

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Re: Directed Message To Our Galactics - Real Response Reques

Post by Burnaby49 »

So Deep Knight distains moderately endowed Redheads*? Is bust size and Clairol enhancement the basis on which he judges the credibility of these critical posts from our galactic masters?

* Disclaimer - Burnaby49 favours** redheads. Although, sadly, he has been married 34 years to a brunette. At least he didn't settle for a busty blonde**.

** "favor" and "blond" in the United States where disrespectful Americans demean the Queen's english by cutting corners with the vowels.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".