Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

All those end o' the world / earth changes people who flock around the NESARA/Prosperity scams have finnaly made it to the year the world ends or whatever. MacHaffie and Bellringer have been putting up posts about the many variations on this theme. I had been tempted to start a thread, and was finnaly prodded to do so by this poll on the RAP-NESARA site.

2012 shall be the year for:

Global Settlements 172 (20%)
Prosperity Programs 164 (19%)
Dinar RV 199 (23%)
Republic Restored 132 (15%)
Arrests Of The Dark Cabal 161 (19%)
911 Truth 143 (17%)
New Gold Backed Dollar 134 (15%)
ET arrivals and greetings 97 (11%)
Restored Treasury 128 (15%)
All Of The Above 569 (67%)
Nonsense 51 (6%)

Votes so far: 841
Days left to vote: 2

227% total - a new record! So, knock yourself out and feel free to post any 2012 nonsense pertaining to these scamsters here.
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Re: 2012

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Sunday, January 1, 2012
From AbundantHope
By CM thru Johan
Dec 31, 2011 - 2:34:49 PM

This is Christ Michael of Nebadon, Your Sovereign

It is my Greatest Pleasure to announce through several scribes that my final decision for this time of Correction, especially on Urantia, will go into effect.

By the time, according to your earthly calender, that a new page will have to be turned, a New Dawn and a whole New Chapter and a New Cycle will have commenced.

Still, it is not within my desire to announce the exact hour
, as all will and must be found ready or not.

It is my Greatest Pleasure however to inform you in advance : THE STASIS IS HERE.

No more delay, no more impatience, no more suffering, as We have heard your cries and felt your pain. This most enthousiastic and eager scribe already stated days ago : '' This is it. '', well, let Me, as Your Sovereign and God Aton CONFIRM THIS : '' THIS IS IT INDEED. ''

In hours time, that is as close I can go, will our Federatioin of Light Fleet commence its procedures to induce STASIS globally. All will be found in the exact ' hearts and souls - condition ' of that moment, SO BE IT.

I welcome you Home anytime now, and please expect and anticipate the sweetest of rejoicing you have EVER known. Salu. I AM Christ Michael of Nebadon.

Love and Light,

ps. And my heart is anxiously racing and pounding as I finish this message.
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Re: 2012

Post by The Observer »

Is there a family tree for all of these extraterrestial deities that keep popping up? For instance, what is the relationship between St. Germain, Christ Michael of Nebadon, that cat-lady-goddess and Lord Aton? I have seen the family tree of the British royals and it is complicated (due to all of the inbreeding) as a schematic for a computer motherboard, but I would have to imagine that the galactic family tree has to be a whole lot worse.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: 2012

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The Observer wrote:Is there a family tree for all of these extraterrestial deities that keep popping up? For instance, what is the relationship between St. Germain, Christ Michael of Nebadon, that cat-lady-goddess and Lord Aton? I have seen the family tree of the British royals and it is complicated (due to all of the inbreeding) as a schematic for a computer motherboard, but I would have to imagine that the galactic family tree has to be a whole lot worse.
The various channels don't seem to all agree on this, so it depends on who's doing the spinning. 'Cordin' to "Brother Veritus" as channeled by Luis Prada, from his website with NESARA on the masthead, Christ Michael is another name for Creator God Aton, Creator Son of Nebadon, a.k.a. Hatonn. He's kind of the the big cheese, being Creator God and all, but then again...

The Ancient Egyptians said that Mother Sekhmet, "Before Whom Evil Trembles, the Powerful, the Mistress of Dread, and the Lady of Slaughter," (her friends call her "Ma") was created by the sun god, Ra, from a fiery eye gained from his mother, Hathor, to destroy mortals who conspired against him. They were well-known NESARA supporters - there are ancient carvings in the temples of Luxor that say it's going to be announced any day. Lord Rama only says she is the daughter of Ra and was here before the Gods were, not all that helpful for relationships and a bit confusing because Ra was a god. He also reveals that her Twin Flame is Alcyone, Great Central Sun which never sets and Divine Father God. His relationship to Aton is vague but linked to Alcyone's Photon Belt which Aton controls. If anyone is crazy enough to speak for NESARA now that Dove is gone, it's Lord Rama and Lady Tara.

Dove always said that Beloved Saint Germain is deathless and has been many other people, some at the same time. Francis Bacon, the High Priest on Atlantis, Samuel the Prophet , Alban, a Roman Soldier, the Teacher of the Neoplatonists (Neoplato?), Merlin, Roger Bacon, and Christopher Columbus, to name but a few. His origins aren't clear, but he was "here long before the inhabitants of earth took embodiment." He attended the wedding at Cana where Jesus turned water into wine. As you know Sananda was Jesus Christ, who was some kinda embodiment of Christ Michael Aton/Hatonn, but there was no mention in the story of him and "Saint" being cousins of any sort.

Not much to build a family tree on, but considering all the "here before"s and "Father Creator"s I figure it's gotta be incestuous somehow. You know, the various creator gods go to the great cosmic council, have a few drinks afterwards, end up back at the hotel...
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Re: 2012

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Patrick H. Bellringer

Jan. 5, 2012
From: "medicine Woman"
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 7:12 PM

Sender Message:

here is sw we are being saturated with ct (chemtrails) i am already very ill chest burning short of breath when i read about the nano stuff i really feel sick! serendipity am beginning a cleanse today planned a wk ago same for cl bwInt ww have been a certified herbalist for over50 yrs known about ct for 20 thanks for all the info even tho reading it caused a lot of stress!! what is your take on 2012? peace

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: Medicine Woman
DATE: Jan. 5, 2011

Dear Medicine Woman

Thank you for your letter. We send Ascended Master Hilarian, the Healer, and the Healing Angels to you to aid in your recovery to perfect health. You have done a great work and helped many people, but you are still needed in these most difficult days, as this cycle ends. Please know that it is not long before relief from the Darkness shall come!

You ask, "What is your take on 2012?" I believe 2012 shall be the most magnificent year ever for Earth Shan and her people. Everywhere we see people awakening to the Truth and the Lie. The energies are changing to higher and more positive vibrations. Instant Karma is causing great stress and physical health problems for those living in and cooperating with the Darkness.

The Darkside is in great panic and disarray, as they see their plans failing. They know their end is near, and they are frantic to find a way to "save" themselves from the Karma they have created. The Federal Reserve System has pushed to the limits of fraud and greed, and their "game" is over. The U.S. Corporate National elections are the present game going to keep the masses focused on foolishness. The "system" has no money, and the world waits for its collapse.

The U.S. Military is divided in its loyalties and many are realizing their folly is supporting the One World Order. Many are joining the effort of state militias and certain foreign entities to restore The Republic of the US of A. The European Union is collapsing, the United Nations is only a shell held together by a few of Satan's minions, and the U.S. Empire's war efforts have morphed into angry threats, failed goals and false promises.

The world is tired of war and is demanding peace. The people want an end to killing and injury and suffering. They want an end to violence and destruction and disease, mostly caused by U.S. Empire. They want an end to the Darkside's reign of terror on Shan. They want "peace on earth", and liberty and justice and abundance, and I truly believe they shall have it! I believe this is the year for change to Goodness on Shan. The year of the Phoenix, the rising of Truth from the ashes of ignorance, has passed. This is now the year of the Dragon, the year of action to restore Goodness to Shan and to her people.

Mother Earth has waited and suffered abuse so long for enlightenment to come and Goodness to be restored, she cannot wait much longer. This is the time for great change, when "valleys" shall be lifted up and "mountains" brought low and all become equalized, as a plain. This is a time to hope, to rejoice and to create newness everywhere. As with the Walls of Jericho, Darkness shall fall, and great shall be the fall of it, for this is the time of the final sorting and the playing out a Karma.

This is my "take" on 2012! Be in peace!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
It is Go Time Here
Allendale to Tots ~ ‘It is Go Time Here’ 1/9/12

[Hi Allendale] Hello Tots and how have you been? [A little tired today but over all, very good thanks. [How are you Al?] Well Lass, it is go time here. The decision has been made to align with Creator and God and place ourselves very close to your beautiful planet.
For now, know that our experience with the cabal has allowed the white hats a decisive victory of global proportions. This is our time to shine, Tots and mind ya we plan to do just that. The clock is ticking on the cabal and they are running like scared insects.
Get ready Lass for a very big announcement by David (Wilcock).

He is now ready to detail his great knowledge to the masses. Hobad is assisting his High Self beautifully. Spike is on call and Aninadzija is light in galactic form. The tribe is ready. We are ready and the Creator is ready. Get your rest, Tots. It is going to be a very interesting week. Allendale out.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:45 PM


Anonymous said...
"Its Time To Go" and directly above "The operation is still not a success"
Anybody else getting dizzy ?

January 10, 2012 7:07 PM

Anonymous said...
It would seem that not even the channeled messages are accurate. Having said that, I am yet again ready for an " interesting week "
January 10, 2012 9:18 PM

Vick said...
"Tell them that I am ready"...
January 11, 2012 12:10 AM

Anonymous said...
Welcome to Anonymous Channelings, Posted on December 17, 2011.We are posting channeled messages from various sources.Allendale is the Anonymous caller, from the recent David Wilcock interview on American Freedom Radio. He’s tasked with protecting some key players in the ascension process. We are four people channeling him in support of the global awakening: Tots, Hobad, Aninadzija, and Spike.
*** A Note on Anonymous, by Kerry Cassidy: For the record, as I have stated on Avalon Forum... I do know Anonymous.. I invited him to come on the show. We did this in order to get a message out there, to protect David. That mission was accomplished. At great personal risk, Anonymous came forward. He is not from 'off world' as some surmised. He is very much one of us. By that I mean, he is a highly gifted human, with ET roots as we all are. It was my idea to bring on Anonymous (actually I called him immediately after I hung up with David, and although I can't remember if I asked, I remember he volunteered to come on the air, and make sure the low level guys got the message). I was surprised he would risk everything to do this on the one hand, but knowing how loyal and caring he was and how he could protect David (that is, contact those who could), I agreed. He then asked permission, and sorted out a quick cover story.. and we arranged to have him call in, on a special phone. //Note from Rayelan at Rumor Mill News concerning the identity of Anonymous: BTW... the Scottish Irishman who was talking to David, is the same Shamus who worked with me for over ten years and then married me off to Gunther. Shamus is a starship captain. He is Gunther's higher self and now that I have heard his again, I know where Gunther is these days! And I hope to hell those of you who know what he is capable of, are shaking in your Texan boots! /////
Our mission is to expose the cabal’s tactics and spread daylight, not fear. There is nothing to fear, as the Light has already won. We have Divine approval for our Ascension. We feel our messages could benefit the collective global awakening, and we hope to speed the process.
January 11, 2012 2:21 AM

Anonymous said...
Please enjoy yourselves here, in the company of Light that watches over us all.
The channelers prefer to be anonymous.
Max Steinberg, Ph.D. on January 3, 2012 at 8:43 pm said: Thanks for the links and explanations. That is extraordinary stuff! Back then in December I also came across the Wilcock-Cassidy show, and was struck by the message and personality of Anonymous. I did a bit of research and found the Ellene’s transcript of the show, on Steve Beckov’s site ( you list both these links here). I thought since this is a very profound message, I should make it most accessible to the public, so I extracted the voice of Anonymous from the recording, annotated with text, and added my commentary which is just a little bit off mark, as I see now.
Update 2012-01-03 There is much insight on the identity of the Anonymous.He is both an ET and a hybrid human on Earth linked together/??/. His names are Allendale, Guenter and Shamus.
David Wilcock Mentioned David Guyatt - I was one of David's Source's for the Information on the Philippine Gold Treaty.
Posted By: Rayelan Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2011
January 11, 2012 2:25 AM

Anonymous said...
Mr.Ed @ RMN & AC
January 11, 2012 2:57 AM
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Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

Paul Adams, J.D. Activist Post

Jan. 9, 2012

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. – David Rockefeller, at a 1991 Bilderberg meeting

In 2012 the New World Order will suffer major defeats to their totalitarian one world government/population reduction agenda. The defeats will not be from violent revolution, massive protests, or people continuing to beg corrupt politicians for mercy – as if 535 politicians really represent 315,000,000 people. No, the defeats will be attributed to a mass awakening and a significant portion of the population simply refusing to take actions that violate their conscience.

The elites only have two primary tools, which are well know to anyone that reads the alternative media: secrecy and deception. Their criminal enterprise will end as millions more, if not billions, awaken in 2012.

The Time is Now

Since the 1990s, researcher David Icke has been saying that there would be a point in time when the New World Order agenda is out in the open, exposed for all to see. Fortunately, that is when the agenda is most vulnerable, as many people will “wake-up” and see that humanity and their loved ones are in great danger. That time is now.

[The long middle of this "article," a laundry list of paranoid fantasies, has been removed because it would bore you to tears.]

While the tide is turning and humanity is awakening, much more must be done to restore our freedoms and quality of life. We all must continuously perform the following simple actions:

* Inform others of the real government by emailing them important articles.
* Distribute flyers to inform your neighbors.
* Boycott corporate sponsors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group.
* Refuse to take any action that violates your conscience.
* Practice agape love.

To conclude, in 2012 the Globalist agenda is ripe for defeat if we continue to inform others and refuse to support those attempting to enslave humanity.

Paul Adams is your humble servant and holds a Juris Doctor. He is passionate about educating himself and others to achieve peace, equality and justice for all.

Practice agape love?
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Deep Knight
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Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

Ashtar via Lord Rama on the transformations to expect this year. Sort of. It starts out vague, turns to gobbelygook that goes around in circles, and becomes a primer on how to leave your twin flame. Trouble at the A&A house?

I thought of shortening it, but that would have removed it's flavor which was in the wandering, run-on, parts. Sorry.

Ashtar: 2-0-1-2 Is Your Year!- 1-17-12 Free Call
Posted by Ram Arjuna (aka Lord Rama, Lord Ari), on January 15, 2012 at 4:51pm
Ashtar Teleconference 1/10/12

"Well Greetings Everyone! We are so pleased to be here with all of you, and this is such a special time for all of us! We are seeing more and more the coming to fruition of all of the different kinds of events, and even conversations, which have taken place, and which are culminating now in all of these wondrous changes that you're hearing about. The financial changes alone, are spectacular. They are huge. They have never happened before on this Planet!

"And we understand that there can be some confusion, and lack of clarity about what this is going to mean, because until you actually have the dollars, or whatever in your hands, you are not going to really know for sure what it is that you want to do with it, because you don't know how much you're going to receive, and you don't know what it's going to cost, because there are all kinds of scenarios out there about this and that are going to disappear, these things are going to come in to take their places, and prices are going to change, or not, or whatever, and we suggest that you just look at the sources. The NESARA, the information about NESARA is a good one, for instance, to access, to get some clarity on that, because it is only natural that this is the time to prepare for all of these external events which are going on in the World, and we have chosen the finance as only one of them, but it is a big one. It is huge. It is going to impact on every living being upon Planet Earth.

"And there is no question that it is going to impact on everyone here in this gathering, because many of you are just waiting to receive your dollars to go to your next step, which is a kind of, what you call, a humanitarian service as a general description, but it is a way of helping the Planet, and it doesn't necessarily restrict itself to helping the Human Kingdom. There are members of all of the Kingdoms which are calling out now, and saying, 'Yes, it's time; let's heal; let's go forward together in a higher vibration.' That's what Ascension is all about. Everybody who is going to make the Ascension, which is the moving of your consciousness up into higher vibrational lifestyles; everyone who is going to make the Ascension is understanding that these changes need to be a cooperative effort. You've already given permission for them to happen, and now they're happening, and they're going to be happening faster, and faster, and faster. And sometimes it feels as though you're literally swept out to sea. That's a figurative term, but what it means is, you can easily feel as though you're not in the driver's seat, that because all of these things are happening around you, they're happening to you. You get bombarded day after day.

"Let's take weather as another kind of an instance, which is very much on everyone's mind. Some of you are anticipating snow storms. There is news of recurring earthquakes in the so called ring of fire, and there have been some recently, and will be some more in areas that are not part of the ring of fire. Pay attention! These earthquakes have been measuring rather large on the scale, but they've not been doing nearly the damage that they could have otherwise. Mother Gaia is responding to your messages, to the messages from all of Her Kingdoms, 'Let's get together. Let's help each other.' And She is responding also to the mitigations which we are able to put forth, because you have invited us to do so.

"Nevertheless, if you live in an area which is known to be an area of what you call seismic activity, of larger size or frequency, we understand that it might be troublesome to you. That fear can build up simply because you are wondering and worrying about what's going to happen in your next moment. There is nothing Beloved Family, nothing, that will cloud your vision as fast as fear!

"And so when we have our guest speaker* come on, there will be quite a bit of talk about where fear originates from, and what more you might be able to do to get yourself more at ease. When you are in the driver's seat, and not feeling as though all of these things are out of your control, you will find that you will actually be able to direct inflows of dollars, and outflows of Love toward relationships that may seem to be a little bit sticky, or stuck, or perhaps having some bumps, some big bumps, that might seem like impossible challenges. And it is to have the wisdom as well. That's part of clarity, is wisdom.

"If you don't have wisdom, then what you see can easily be misperceived. Your discernment can be, shall we say, out of harmony, or out of balance. And so it is to have some wisdom about these things, too. It is to know what is there that is really important for you. It may not be what's really important for your neighbor, but that's all right. It's what's really important for you that makes the difference that counts.

"And so it is that it might be that you will discover something within your own wisdom sources, within your own self and your guidance team that is with each and every one of you, that is contrary, or seems to be contrary, to what someone else says is their wisdom. And it is learning to have the understanding, because sometimes it has to be learned, sometimes it's something that you can hear about, but you just have to practice it, because it doesn't feel like it's your wisdom, or your path, or whatever, at the start.

"Sometimes you have to pay attention, and practice learning to let go. It is not up to you how someone else thinks, how someone else perceives. Their system is theirs, and yours is yours. It is wondrous indeed when you have one or more beings in the Human bodies to share your wisdom with, is it not? So perhaps instead of saying, 'Oooh, I just have to keep pushing on this one, or that one, until they come around to my point of view - perhaps it is to say, 'Oh, you are so wonderful! I Love you beyond words, but your path is a bit different than mine, so ho'oponopono. Be in Peace. And I now call forth to me the ones who are on the same path, or a path that is so similar that we can share, and be joyful with each other!' And sometimes this is the way it goes. There are relationships which are changing so fast, and that which seemed to be the perfect relationship yesterday, may not be so today. And that also can create a lot of fear within your beings, and we understand that.

Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness which the channelees never used until Rama and Tara started hangin' loose with Kuailapele, but now use all the time.

"You see on the ships we have what we have called a circular relationship of One. And it is because in the higher dimensions, everyone is feeling the same high vibrations of Love and Joy and Bliss, and differences of opinion are not the norm. Everybody is invited to voice their ideas, their visions, their inspirations, and we recognize that it's all coming from the One we all are, so everybody's in agreement. Now that might sound rather strange, and particularly to a 3D - what do you call it - a mentality, but it is Truth.

"So what you are doing anyway is learning to be in Harmony, and allowing yourselves to feel harmonious with the World, and then calling to you, whether they be Humans or members of other Kingdoms, those you associate with, and have relationship with, who are on the same wavelength. It doesn't mean they have to think exactly the same thing as you, it doesn't mean they have to say exactly the same words just as you're saying them or thinking them. That's not quite it, but it is to be recognizing high vibrations in each other.

"See, here we go again, we're getting back to feelings, but this is where it emanates from, Beloved Ones. You cannot any longer think with your brain about how to resolve a relationship; it doesn't work. Oh we know 'Men are from Mars,' and all of that, but it really does not work any more. You can go to classes, you can understand human behavior, and all of those things, but it's the feelings that are emanating from your hearts that are telling you the Truth.

"And so it is to listen to what it is that you're feeling in your hearts, and allow yourselves to acknowledge that Truth, and to derive your Wisdom. Now does that mean that you shut down your brains? No, your brains are expanding; your brains are more and more connected, so that you can feel, or understand, shall we say, your feelings that you have in your emotional being, understand and accept them in your brain so you don't have to struggle anymore. Humm! Struggle - what a concept!

"We have to give you what you call applause for inventing struggle. What a good job you've done in your Human bodies, and what we're trying to tell you is that the time for struggling is past. Let go; do your housecleaning! We are observing that more and more of you are saying, 'Oh, now I get it.' This is good. This is good. You are starting to realize that maybe you really needed to do more house-cleaning, you needed to go underneath, shall we say, the layers on the top, and really clean it out, clean it up, and keep working on it, because there's always new inspiration for new material, informational and otherwise, to come in for you to cleanse and clear.

"And if it doesn't come all the way into your fields, in other words, if you recognize it and turn it around - ho'oponopono, or some form of transformation, transmutation - this is wondrous indeed. Just be sure you transform it; don't just send it on its way. Because you know what's going to happen, well it's going to go out to the World, and it's going to contribute to a little bit of a lower vibration.

"So we really advise you, coming from our hearts right to yours, you don't even have to let it stop and flow around, and linger around, and piddle around as they say in your brains, just let it come right to your hearts. Get that housecleaning done. Take care of yourselves. There is nobody more important in this entire World, or Universe for you to pay attention to than you!!!

"It is wondrous indeed when you can help your neighbor, your friend, your family member, or the total stranger who knocks at your door, or whom you pass on the street. That is wondrous. And yes, that is a way of raising your own vibrations, because the loving act, or actions or words that you give, circulate throughout your entire being too. They don't just go, and leave you empty. No, no, they stay with you even as you're sharing them, because you're bringing in even more Love as you share it. We've done that many times together in this group.

"But it is to be absolutely clear that you must get your own housecleaning done. Then you're going to be, shall we say, more attractive, have more of what you call credibility, because it's going to be an instant recognition that you are a being of Love, a being of Light, and people will be drawn to you for whatever help it is that you have to give. So it's doing your homework within, so that you can be a help to the World, and meanwhile you can be making your plans, because we have been saying now, most recently, this is really the time to start taking an inventory, so to speak. Make a list. What do you have passion for? What are the things that you enjoy doing the most? It doesn't matter what - don't judge yourself!

"Perhaps you have a desire to be an opera singer, but you've never done any operatic singing. Well, don't let that stop you! If you're not sure how to go about it, get yourself, what do you call it, a CD, one of those little round things of opera, and sing along, and it doesn't even have to sound like the voice on the recording. It's you making your own music. It's you expressing yourself. It makes no difference whether you've got papers, you call them degrees, saying that you are an expert in whatever it is! If you have a passion for it, get into it in some way or other. Give it a try. Maybe you just have a passion to have a taste of it. It's like going somewhere; you know, some people want to go to their ideal vacation place for - what do you call it call it - a week, maybe two, and that's grand, and now they're ready to find another place for next time. And some people go to a vacation place, and they say, 'Wow! Why does this have to be a vacation? I think I'll just stay here.'

"Whatever it is Beloved Ones, get the restrictions off. Get them out of your being. We told you, the financial aspects of all of this are coming to each and every one. There will be no restrictions. So what you want to do now is get the feeling of no financial restrictions, and start exploring yourselves within all of your energy fields. If you suddenly are outside of a job, you no longer have a job for whatever reason - you quit, your services were no longer needed. Oh yes, there's a color, there's a piece of paper. It is called the pink slip. Yes, this has happened to many, many, many beings upon the Planet; and it's happening in the animal and the plant kingdom, too, oh yes.

"Retirement may not be exactly what you have in mind, but turn that around. Transform, transmute the feelings of, 'Oh I failed, or poor me, or oh, I'm going to starve,' or whatever, and transform the whole thing into opportunity. What is the purpose? That's where your wisdom can be a huge help, and if you're in the driver's seat, you can call in your team and you can get true and correct answers.

"If you have the 'poor me' attitude, the answers you get are going to come from your ego. And your, ego, humm! How can we say, your ego is a notorious liar in a little higher vibrational way? Let us just say that your ego has one purpose, one mission, and that's to protect you. How about that? Your ego considers itself the equivalent of a professional body guard for you, only 'body' meaning all of your bodies.

"So your ego wants to set the tone, your ego wants to say, 'Uh uh, you don't want to try being an opera singer, you could crash, and make a fool of yourself,' or 'you better not be trying to jump over that fence, because you know, you could fall and break your neck,' or whatever it is that you see to do. Now, this is different from voices that might be coming from a place, that is, let's just say, entities of darkness. You don't let in entities of darkness. You walk with the Light of the Christ totally surrounding you, or however you choose to do it.

"So you stay out of that vibration of the astral on your way to the higher vibrations, and that's another place your team can come in, because your ego will say, 'Well you'd better stay in your 3D box, because it's just not a safe journey out there.' Your guidance team will say, 'Hold our hands, we'll fly together, and we'll bypass up and out of the 3D box, up and out of 3D, and we'll go higher than that astral plane.' You see there's the difference. It's your discernment of who your companions are. Who do you want to listen to? And when we say, 'Get yourself in the driver's seat,' we're talking about your Higher Self; we're talking about honoring the totality of who you are.

"We're talking about looking in the mirror and greeting the Divine Being that smiles back at you. We're talking about saying, 'Hello God; hello Goddess, I AM,' and meaning it, no doubts! Now remember there's one being who wants to give you doubts, and our guest speaker* will be working with that. We're just saying, this is the time for you to really access your feelings, your heart, your wisdom. And it's a time for you to just let your ego take a rest, a well deserved rest.

"And it's a time for you to be all that you came here to be Beloved Ones, because so much is happening out there. So much is changing on Planet Earth. We mentioned the financial; well how do you like this? Get ready for abundance, huge abundance, of financial wealth in your life. And by the way, enjoy it, because the next thing you know you're going to say, 'Goodbye, I don't need you anymore dollars,' or whatever, because they will not be a part of the higher dimensional lifestyle; money, dollars—no! That's a difficult concept for some. We understand that.

"It is so desirable to have wealth for everyone, and abundance for everyone, that St.Germain set this up to do just exactly that, and then He, and we are telling you, 'Well, you use it while it is needed on Planet Earth to accomplish what needs to be accomplished, and that will not take long, and then say, 'Bye Bye!' Forget about money, because there isn't going to be any more, everybody's going to have whatever they want, whatever they need.

"Everybody's going to be one heart, one mind, one consciousness, and it just won't be a part of the lifestyle anymore. Now we understand that can be a bit confusing, so I'm suggesting you start now, start accessing yourselves, the wisdom, within yourselves. Open your hearts, and explore your treasure rooms in your hearts. See what's in there. See what gifts you want to open first, because everybody's got all the gifts, but you will find as Humans in Human bodies that it's much easier to open just one or two at a time.

"Well what are the gifts? They're everything. You are the gift, you are the Love, and as the Love you can open up all of your gifts that have to do with sharing Love, expressing Love, and being Love! And that includes all kinds of things: Remote viewing, Out of Body and Time Travel, Telepathic Communication, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, fundamental foundational teachings, that you know are the way to be. There are many, many, teachers who have come and taught the sacred teachings, and they're all based in Love.

"Anybody who teaches fear isn't really operating from the higher dimensional perspective, and it's OK to listen to them and follow them, and they can be your Gurus, and all of that is fabulous, because you have to learn, and you have to discern. In fact we could say, perhaps you want to put up some of those little things, you call them sticky notes, they are marvelous, 'Look to discern by feeling.' That's how you get your clarity. And with your clarity the other aspect, the other part that you need to move forward with your clarity is your courage.

"Where do you get that? Again, go back to that mirror. Look in that mirror and say, 'I honor you - Namaste!' to the Divine One who looks back at you. Courage, one of Mother Sekhmet's favorite words, comes from the word heart, 'Coeur.' Most appropriate, what are you here to do except express with Love, from your hearts. We know that takes courage.

"If you have a partner in your relationship who says, 'I don't believe anything that you're telling me; I think you're nuts. I don't believe in this, and I don't believe in that, and I surely don't believe that there is anybody in ships up there.' What do you do? What do you do? We aren't going to tell you what to do. You need to get into your heart and express from your heart. Your expression may not be the same as someone else's. It might be something to the effect, though, that 'I honor you and your path, and I honor mine,' simple statement of Truth coming from your heart with feeling, and with the courage behind it to say something as simple as that. Sometimes it takes more courage to express your Truth in a loving, non-judgmental, compassionate way, than it does to stand and argue. Because you see, again, you've got this little voice that says, 'Go on, just tell them how it really is,' and that little voice can just make things a lot worse in a hurry, when you're trying to be in a relationship with someone who isn't on your path.

"And sometimes it is easier to say, 'I love you, but I must live my Truth just as you must live yours,' and part! And this is happening worldwide. This is happening on all levels. This is happening, leaders of governments are being told, 'Uh uh, this is not the path we want to follow. You must stand aside and let someone lead us who has the heart, who understands Love, who like Obama dares to speak of Love and coming together in Love, in loving relationship, and respect.' And this is happening in communities where people are getting together, and instead of saying, 'Oh, those people just have absolutely no sense of pride, they cannot take care of their yard, their children are running wild,' they're getting together, and they're saying, 'Beloved Ones, you are community with us, and we are community with you, let's share. Oh, I see that you're a painter, well you have lovely paintings. Why don't we have a community sale of your paintings, and get you the money you need to do your repairs and your fix-up, and we'll help out with that.'

"Those are the kinds of things that are happening in community, and in one-on-one relationships and partnerships. It is to put aside the judgment, to disengage from war, and to simply say, 'I love you!' It doesn't mean that you're going to spend the rest of your lives together, itdoesn't mean that you're both going to the same places, or enjoying the same foods, or whatever. You can simply say, 'I love you!' And you can even ask for highest and best good for both. You can invite telepathic communication, and initiate it with the other one, even if the other one seems to be like the wall. You know, you can say in your communications, 'Beloved One, I only want you to know how much I love you. I place no expectations upon you. I simply want you to feel that I love you.' That can tear down walls between people faster than all kinds of arguing, and it feels a lot better too, because, you know what, it's part of your housecleaning too. It will help you. It will help you to get to that place where you have your clarity, and where you know that you are operating from your heart, from your place of courage, and it will be joyful.

"Yes, there might be some momentary pain, but it will be joyful. And there are those of you who thought you were on some kind of a path, some kind of a mission of accomplishment, you had your blueprints in front of you, you knew exactly what you were going to do in your next moment, and all of a sudden there's a pause, and it's like- maybe you're not quite so sure anymore. That's all right. That's perfect! Just get within yourselves and rediscover you, and invite yourself to ask questions such as: 'Have I learned everything from the direction I was going in, and maybe is it time for me to go in a new direction?'

"It's ok. Maybe some of you want to walk away from what you call professions that you have trained for, and gotten all of those papers to say you're an expert, and it doesn't do for you what it did yesterday. It's all right! Oh there are going to be many people feeling that way, because they're going to look in that mirror, they're going to see the Divine Beings, and they're going to allow themselves their Truth. 'I trained for this, I passed the test for it, I got my papers on the wall, and I did it because it's what my Father did, or my Mother did, or I did it because I knew I could make a lot of dollars doing it, or because everybody told me I had so much potential for doing it,' or whatever.

"Love yourselves into your own Truth. Allow yourselves the courage to say, 'Well maybe it's time for me to make some changes in my outer life, because I'm changing my inner self.' And just know that if it feels good, and as long as it is for you to follow your passion without any harm or damage coming to another, which certainly would not be the case if you are Love motivated, then that may be what you need to do. Only you can discern and decide in each case, because even though we're all One, we are individuals.

"It is never to judge another for what they determine to be their course, it is to love them with Compassion, and Forgiveness, and Gratitude for whatever lessons they're teaching you. And it is to be the same. That's your mission, Beloved Ones. When you do that, you shine. You beam your Love Light, and it's so simple, and it's so beautiful.

"That is how you live your passions, and that is how you fulfill the mission that you came here to do. And even if you say, 'You know, I feel like there's someplace else I need to go. I realize that I've fulfilled my mission here, and it's time for me to be leaving this Human body, and going someplace else.' - that is what some people are finding out. This is a time for people to get their directions into the changed mode, if that be where their heart is, or what their heart is telling them.

"Nobody's failed. Nobody has stopped. Even if you decide to leave your body, you're going on. There are many who have left their bodies who are assisting the upraising of the vibrations of Planet Earth, from where they are, because they're no longer restricted by the Human bodies. Now we don't mean to say that if someone you care about leaves their body, that this should give you Joy, not in the beginning, of course not. There is grieving, and that is natural, but we will remind you that no one ever really dies.

"The Spirit lives on, the Spirit Body, and it is with great Love that that Spirit Body can choose to be in communication with you. And you can invite that communication. So, for all of you who are missing someone, remember that you can do that if you choose to, and that can be a pure Love energy exchange of the highest vibration. So you can invite that Love to come in. No, it's not the same as having them there, but it can be if you enter into a conversation. It can be, that is, that that one can become a part of your Guidance Team by your invitation, and that is most joyful. So you go from the grief, and the sorrow, and the sense of loss, into, 'Oh, you're still here? I am not alone. I am not without you,' and then you can even invite that one to be a Guide through you, or to you, however you choose.

"And remember the great reunion is coming anyway. We are in the air. We've said it many times - 2-0-1-2. Fasten your seat belts and get ready, because there's going to be a party that will never stop, a celebration of all celebrations! And so it is that we ask you once again to do your own preparations, Beloved Ones. That's the greatest gift you can give to the World, just being the Love that you are!!!

"We join with you in Oneness, and we tell you we are here with you, because you have invited us to be. So just feel the Love, and know that you're never, ever, walking alone. You never have been, and you never will be, but it is up to you whether to acknowledge the presence of your Guides, your Angels, and all of us who come to assist you with your Ascension processes.

"Thank you, Beloved Ones for your attention in this. We have more to do, but I, Ashtar, am so grateful, I just have to express once more on behalf of all of us who are here with you, the Love, and the appreciation that we have for you. And that has always been and always will be. And so it is! Salut!"

*Mother Sekhmet was our guest speaker - transcript to follow in our next email
Ashtar: 2-0-1-2 Is Your Year!-

* Posted by Ram Arjuna on January 15, 2012 at 4:51pm
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm

Re: 2012

Post by notorial dissent »

Yep, good old fashioned, or is that new fashioned, New Agey gobbledygook gibberish, and lots of it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

Cut down from 16 pages – “…” used where text was removed (no doubt to cover-up TRUTH) by Deep Knight who claims it was only to keep you from falling asleep at the keyboard, but who would believe a lame excuse like that?

On the Edge of 2012 – The Road to Freedom Is At Hand
The year 2012 and the liberation of planet Earth
News | December 28, 2011 | UPDATED: January 1, 2012 | January 2, 2012 | January 3, 2012 |
January 4, 2012 | January 11, 2012 | January 14, 2012 | January 21, 2012
Reported by Scott Mowry

As we prepare to enter the magical year of 2012, major world events are unfolding at an ever accelerated pace. Nearly everywhere we look we are seeing open revolutionary changes that seem to be coming at us faster and faster.

We are moving so rapidly in our evolution now that everything in our world is undergoing a total and complete transmutation. And I do mean everything!

As the false paradigm of our 3-D reality collapses around us, we are seeing both the ugly and the beautiful. From the old to the new, from the ridiculous to the sublime, all the while transforming ourselves from the caterpillar to the butterfly as the perfect metaphor for what we are becoming.

One of the fiercest battles to be found is over the world's financial system which has been perhaps the main tool of enslaving the human race for as long as money has been around. This battle has escalated to new heights with numerous reports warning that the European Euro appears to be teetering towards a total meltdown which could have dire ramifications across the financial spectrum.

What we are witnessing is the unfurling of an incredibly long range plan, laid out centuries ago, to free humanity from eons of bondage and slavery. Its players are both heroic and supernatural; flesh and blood and spiritual; Earth bound and extra-terrestrial, with the mutual objective being the emancipation of everyone on the planet. And victory is assured.

Unfortunately, most of the major, historic developments go virtually unreported by our corrupt and compromised mainstream media. Yet cracks are appearing more and more frequently in this collective head-in-the-sands style of journalism that has prevailed over the last 100 years. Even Fox News, the bastion of unfair and unbalanced news, is beginning to veer off the party line from time to time, and is actually reporting some of the behind the scenes action.

Latest Update on 134 Billion in Fake/Real US Bonds
Over the past couple of weeks, a major story developed involving investigators David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford. If you have not been aware of it already, this particular story has generated a great deal of buzz across the Internet with nothing less than high stakes drama at its core but has yet to reach its ultimate conclusion. And may not do so for some time to come.

Both of these investigative reporters have been routinely revealing a series of a highly sensitive information regarding the methods by which the elite have held control over the world's economic system.

Benjamin Fulford, a former Forbes Magazine foreign correspondent based in Tokyo, Japan, has been reporting on this kind of secret information for years on his website, as well as during his appearances on the Jeff Rense radio program. Sadly, however, due to a difference of opinion regarding the dangers of radiation fallout after the March 11, 2011 Japanese earthquake, Mr. Fulford no longer appears on the Rense Radio show.

Nonetheless, lately Mr. Fulford has been interviewed by both David Wilcock on his DivineCosmos website on two separate occasions: September 14th and more recently on December 2nd; and subsequently by Sean David Morton on his Strange Universe radio program on December 15th.

Eventually, David Wilcock released his latest Fulford interview on Monday, December 12, 2011 as part of a new, long posting to his website entitled, "CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny" that featured the entire 1 1/2 hour interview, in both audio and transcript forms.

Then suddenly, a whole series of dramatic events began to transpire in rapid succession.

The very next day, December 13, 2011, David shockingly reported that Benjamin Fulford had been detained in Tokyo by a "CIA-type group." Later in the day, by Mr. Fulford's own account, he reported that he had attended a secret meeting in the mountains outside of Tokyo, despite claims by high level members of the Asian White Dragon Society that they had negotiated his release.

Then, David reported on his website that he had received an ominous death threat, relayed to him by one of his insider sources. According to David's own account, this source told him that he should strongly consider releasing the second part of his article as quickly as possible in order to get this information out to the public at large to safeguard himself.

That evening, Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot invited David on her American Freedom Radio program, Whistleblower Radio to further publicize this secretive information.

Valiantly, David appeared on the air with Kerry Cassidy, but was clearly shaken and distraught as he was heard openly sobbing nearly uncontrollably through the first ten minutes of the program. Kerry Cassidy repeatedly attempted to console him and eventually brought on another guest she introduced simply as "Anonymous". Mr. Anonymous implied he had connections with high level heavyweights, capable of offering much needed protection for David Wilcock.

With a cryptic yet fake Irish brogue, Mr. Anonymous urged David to "just tell the truth" while offering his group's protection. Mr. Anonymous's comforting words seemed to console David, although he broke down yet again before the end of the interview with Kerry Cassidy.

This entire saga, playing out like some sort of Tom Clancy espionage novel, remains a continually developing story with further events yet to materialize –more than likely you can count on more high stake drama!

Clearly however, these threats to both David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, among others, are indicators that those who have controlled the corrupt economic system of the world are growing desperate as their secret empire is exposed, piece by piece. The truth simply can't be held back anymore.

A mandate to expand the consciousness of the human collective has been instituted by the higher realms. This process reached a critical stage on October 28, 2011. That was the date we completed all nine levels of consciousness, deciphered in the Mayan calendar, where we were finally ready to graduate into the Golden Age.

Now, all that is required to move permanently into the Golden Age is to have faith, hope, positivity while letting go of fear and practicing forgiveness. What took Ascended Masters such as Buddha, Jesus, St. Germain and countless others a long, arduous struggle, is now being made available to us much more easily and quickly.

Our transformation to the proverbial butterfly will happen on a one-by-one basis. But bear in mind that the whole of humanity is receiving unprecedented assistance from the higher realms and there is no chance whatsoever of failure. None.

Entirely too much effort, energy and love has been put into creating the Golden Age upon the Earth that it is hypothetically impossible to prevent.

Thanks to the efforts of many brave souls and individuals, the ending to this story is the most fantastic we could ever envision. In fact, more amazing than we can imagine. We are transitioning headlong into the long awaited new Earth where miracles will be a common daily occurrence.

The magic of the Golden Age is now here for the taking. Feel it! Embrace it! Bless it! It is completely up to you to seize this moment and to go for it. Just go for it! All you have to do now is believe in it. Now is the time. 2012 is here! Your time is here!

Welcome to the beginning of the Heaven on Earth you have dreamed of, you have longed for. It is no longer a dream but a very real chapter in the history of the Earth and of your life. This chapter is now being written by you and you are going to begin to live it in the year 2012.

Many around the world are anxiously awaiting monumental changes to begin to occur in this magical year 2012. Despite barely three weeks into this historic new year, excitement is building almost by the week, if not by the day, that some major events are poised to imminently unfold for humanity. The most hotly anticipated developments center around the rapid movement towards global economic reform which will, once and for all, break the yoke of control that has been wrapped tightly around the collective necks of the people of Earth. Forever!

There are a number of fast moving scenarios that are indicative that something big is about to break wide open on a global level. Perhaps at any moment!

Specifically, for one, a large group of investors, both big time and small, are anticipating an impending revaluation of the Iraqi currency known as the dinar (IQD). Many have invested heavily into this currency on the basis of rampant rumors that it will skyrocket in face value when it is eventually revalued.

Currently the Iraqi dinars are practically worthless as compared to other national currencies. The dinar is now held at a "program" exchange rate, as specified by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), of 1170 dinars per US dollar at the Central Bank of Iraq . But after revaluation, an Iraqi dinar, which may have been purchased for as little as a penny per dinar, may suddenly be worth anywhere from $4 to $5 per dinar, to as high as $8 to $12 per dinar –– a return of 400 to even 1,200 times the original investment!

Freedom from Economic Slavery!
Apparently, what adds credibility to these rumors is some substantial insider information that our Treasury Department has bought up trillions upon trillions of dinars knowing full well that inevitably there would be a revaluation. Ultimately, the revalued dinars would give a much needed boost to not only the Iraqi and US economies, but very likely the global economy as well.

Iraq particularly needs to revalue their currency in order to overcome years of economic sanctions by the United Nations and to climb out of substantial debt it has incurred to numerous other nations. However, the current world-wide financial crisis is afflicting many countries and is thought to be much, much worse than the mainstream news outlets have reported. In fact, some reports suggest that entire global system is on the verge of collapse if some drastic measures are not taken soon.

Many so-called "Dinar Gurus" who have various contacts in Iraq , the Middle East , the US Treasury, bankers, currency dealers, etc., have speculated this revaluation had to occur by December 23, 2011. But it didn't. Still others insisted it had to happen before the end of 2011. But it didn't. Many others believed that it had to occur by January 15, 2012, which would have taken advantage of the Martin Luther King birthday holiday to allow the banks time to prepare for those who will be cashing in. But, alas, it didn't again.

The Iraqi Dinars
Still, speculation regarding imminent dinar revaluation remains very, very hot at this time. The question now on many people's minds is what is holding this whole process up? Because, as it stands now. so many key indicators have become positive including the readiness of: the Government of Iraq (GOI), Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the US Department of the Treasury (UST), among others.

What seems to becoming increasingly clear is that this entire scenario is much,much bigger than the revaluation of one particular country's currency. In fact, indications are that the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is just the kick start for a whole chain of major historic events set to unfold that will transform the global economy from its current state of slavery to one of freedom for the entire world! If that is indeed the case, then it will have been worth the wait.

In fact, further rumors are suggesting that as many as an additional 140 other countries have plans to revalue their own currencies after a revalued dinar is finally released by Iraq . Most of these nations have banded together under an alliance to directly oppose the Federal Reserve and break its death grip on the world economy with an Asian contingency of China , Japan , etc. leading the way.

However, the Dinar revaluation and subsequent other currency revaluation may also be tied to other long rumored economic reform initiatives which have been floating on the rumor mill for years, if not decades.

One of the other more persistent rumors that has been circulating is that the United States is preparing to announce a new currency known as the "Treasury Bill." This new currency will take the United States off the corrupt Federal Reserve dollar/note (FRN), which has been nothing more than a promissory note with no intrinsic value on its own, and put it on a much more stable economic footing. Treasury bills are to be backed by real, tangible assets such as gold, silver and/or oil which would help significantly to stabilize the economy and eliminate inflation altogether.

Some have speculated that this new money will be referred to as "rainbow currency" since it will be released in multi-colors for the different denominations. And it is important to understand the significance of a bill vs. a note. A bill is essentially more valuable than a note as it guarantees payment while a note is a merely a promise to pay.

World rainbow currency - Is this next for the US ?
However, yet other indicators which have come from diverse sources such as Ben Bernanke, Lindsey Williams and Benjamin Fulford, who have all claimed that the US government is preparing to announce that the current US Federal Reserve dollar/note will be given a 40 - 50% devaluation, (that's right, devaluation), shortly after the release of the revalued Iraqi dinar. Meaning that the amount of money that every US citizen has in dollars could essentially be cut in half. To put it bluntly, if you have 10,000 dollars in your savings or checking account one day you might wake up the next day and find you have only $6,000 to $5,000.

Needless to say, this kind of news would cause a great deal of consternation and perhaps even panic among the people of the United States . However, the plan would be to quickly introduce the new Treasury Bill as soon as a week after, if not the day of, such a devaluation announcement.

Other long rumored economic reform measures that supposedly may be instituted in the near future compromise a variety of speculative initiatives such as the so-called World Global Settlements, Prosperity Programs (of which there are numerous), the St. Germain World Trust and NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act). However, it should be noted that much controversy surrounds these reforms and only unsubstantiated information exists at this time. Nonetheless, if we employ the adage, "where there is smoke, there is fire," we can safely assume that there is some truth within all of them.

The year 2012 has long been expected to see many great changes envelope planet Earth. If the month of January is any indication, that promise seems about to be fulfilled.

We are sitting at the threshold of the most profound and most stupendous changes ever witnessed in the history of the human race. It is important that as these changes begin to roll out, one by one, that we do not react with fear. But rather, trust that the Divine is fully in charge now and everything that is about to transpire you contracted for before even being borne into a human body. Perhaps you even came specifically to Earth to help with this process.

The days of Heaven on Earth are emerging, moment by moment. These are the times that many lightworkers, wayshowers, wanderers and waves of souls have been thoroughly anticipating with great hope.

Now is the time to rejoice that all of your prayers are about to be answered. Let the good times roll!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:05 PM


fedupJan 22, 2012 06:06 PM
“We have a civil responsibility, and that’s to make sure government punishes evil and rewards good. And when it doesn’t punish evil anymore, it’s no government. We don’t know allegiance to it anymore. We withdraw our allegiance, and we assume our own sovereign power” (Eric Jon Phelps’ book Vatican Assassins).
“resist the tyranny, and if we get killed in the process, then praise God—I mean, isn’t Heaven a little better than this place?”
“They’re full of fear; they’re full of terror; and they’re all afraid to die.”
“What has been inferred, but not clarified, is the involvement of many "ministers", and certainly many of the big "TV Evangelists", with this Jesuit Order, and or, Freemasonry. How many of them are Thirty Three Degree Masons, or higher??? The list would stagger you.”
“I am sure that it would be hard for anyone to ever accept the wickedness among the “big names” in “Christianity”. Not even if absolute proof was laid out before them. How could those that preach “Christ” ever become involved with the worship of Satan??? It is mind boggling. However, it matters not whether our mind’s can accept it or not, IT IS TRUE!!!”
“And finally, you can know this for a certainty, and I write it without hesitation. The repenting Overcomers from BOTH The House of Judah, and The House of Israel, WILL BE JOINED TOGETHER IN "ZION", and in that joining, become the greatest army the earth has ever seen. They shall be anointed with the absolute authority of Jahshuwah, unto whom EVERY knee must bow, and through SPIRITUAL ARMS in subjection to our Father Jah, will wipe Satan, his seed, and ALL of the Kingdom of Darkness FROM OFF OF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. They WILL perform as prophesied, and "Make Jahshuwah's ENEMIES HIS FOOTSTOOL" through the Restored Kingdom Mandate!!! That you can take to the bank.”
“Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image IS FALSEHOOD (FALSE DOCTRINE), and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish. The portion of Jacob is not like them; for he is the former of all things: and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: the LORD of hosts is his name. THOU ART MY BATTLE AXE AND WEAPONS OF WAR: for with thee will I break in pieces THE NATIONS, and with thee will I destroy KINGDOMS (world ruling dominions). . .” . "The Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits." [Footprints of the Jesuits, R. W. Thompson, 1894]
From sherryshriner

Anonymous Jan 22, 2012 11:19 PM
all of the sherry shriner labels are just mental masturbation...very simply get into your heartspace..raise your vibration and enjoy the ride......or don't and stay on the treadmill.

Nightclub Guest ListJan 23, 2012 03:13 AM
i agree with the above comment...
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm

Re: 2012

Post by notorial dissent »

If what BK left in was the good stuff, the drivel he excised rather than sleep producing would more likely have induced permanent coma and brain damage or at the very least terminal catatonia.

The ONLY buzz that could possibly be around Fulford and his current crony is the buzz flies make when they find a great steaming pile of bovine effluvia, ergo Fulford et al.

The only way Fulford could have been a correspondent for Forbes would have been in his writing whiny semi-literate letters to the editor complaining that he didn't understand all the big words.

I will grant you, Fulford's tribulations do have the air of a Tom Clancy novel, which as we all know are FICTION, which is more to the point.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:If what BK left in was the good stuff, the drivel he excised rather than sleep producing would more likely have induced permanent coma and brain damage or at the very least terminal catatonia.
"BK" is, of course, Beep Knight, my alter ego who instead of writing on Quatloos drives around quiet neighborhoods honking his horn late at night.

You're right about it causing at the very least terminal catatonia, the kind were your eyes roll back then you head explodes. But don't worry, once the earth changes come the State of Catatonia will have a huge earthquake, slide into the Pacific, and the State of Neurosis will be the new west coast!

notorial dissent wrote:The only way Fulford could have been a correspondent for Forbes would have been in his writing whiny semi-literate letters to the editor complaining that he didn't understand all the big words.
Believe it or not, Bonkers Ben really did write for Forbes. What's the world coming to? See http://www.forbes.com/2004/12/15/sp05_03_bfulford_.html This is an early 2005 set of predictions, which although not as loony as his recent stuff (what is?) still looks like his inside sources were his butt.
"Follow the Money"
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Re: 2012

Post by notorial dissent »

Sorry about the typo, will blame in on exposure to the aforementioned drivel, even in its diluted state it was still mind numbing and IQ lowering.

I have to say, my opinion of Forbes has just plummeted.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Sorry about the typo, will blame in on exposure to the aforementioned drivel, even in its diluted state it was still mind numbing and IQ lowering.

I have to say, my opinion of Forbes has just plummeted.
No problem, if you read the whole thing it's amazing you could still type.
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Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

For a glimpse into the year ahead, it's very short on specifics beyond that ascension is coming and you'll have to help.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
2012 - A Glimpse Into The Magnifient Year Ahead
Greetings from Galactic Heart...
Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters !

We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.
We will begin this assay regarding 2012, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the fears some of you may have. We will first tell you the Ascension is on track, and will in fact occur. You have made it so. In many aspects, the Ascension has already taken place. What remains however, is tantamount to the completion of the Crystalline Grid, and the final activations of the Crystalline Transition.
Now, regarding the fears, we gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ?
Your media outlooks are reporting war, famine, disasters and economic collapse. And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d. It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not?
The doomsday prophets are especially in high gear on this topic, are they not? Some of the doom speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear followings around collisions of comets, asteroids, cataclysmic polar reversals and economic collapse. Whether these naysayers recognize it or not, they feed on the fear the generate.
Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity have made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. The doom prophecy, the Global Cataclysmic disasters will NOT take place.
We tell you there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent.
Masters, there have always been the naysayers on the planet, those who predict gloom and doom and warnings of fear. And these serve a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to justify their stance. But we tell you it is old energy. And it is not the role of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet and indeed humanity will Ascend....and are absolutely on track for that to happen. Period. So we speak of 2012 !

The Year Ahead
2012 is an incredibly important year. It contains within its sequential linear flow, points of multidimensional intersection and time-gates. It is in fact the enhanced points of manifold time that have allowed the Ascension to occur. These points are the gateways many of you that are 'envoys' from the future , Sirian-Pleiadean Navigators and Code Carriers entered through to be here on the planet for the Ascension.
2012 is a final awakening clarion call for many of the code-carriers. And there is much to do in 2012. In many ways your work truly begins in 2012.

The 2012 Envoys:
Now, many of you involved in the Planetary Ascension have found yourselves in a phase of Earth time that you occasionally cannot fully fathom, cannot totally embrace. It is at times as if you are a visitor here, far from home, and your energies do not exactly fit into the earth of 2011 and beyond. In fact you have at times felt lost over the past decade.
Dear Ones, know that these feelings are valid, and are in a true sense, culture shock, as you awaken into the flowering multidimensionality that is unfolding before you as you enter into 2012. You see many of you, in your terms, are indeed from the future!
....You are indeed Envoys of Crystalline Light, Ambassadors of Love. You have moved back from the future, in your terms, in linear Earth time, to assist mankind in navigating through the tumultuous times that have unfolded in the last forty years, and the times that will be presented in the next twenty. You see many of you are only awakening to your 'future in to past roles in 2011 and 2012. And that is by design. The time gates of 2012 are trigger points.
You began accumulating in mass in what is termed the 'Baby-Boomer' generation, the post WWII era; and your numbers have steadily increased into what is termed Generation X, Indigo and Crystalline children. You are the Envoys of Crystalline Light, the pioneers of the alternate Earth.... the Ascension. Many of you walked-in to current bodies during your 7th 7-year cycle and 8th 7-year cycle, your years of 49 and 56 in terms of linear age. You have walked into physical bodies that were in fact versions of you, and by what may be termed 2nd Stage walk-Ins. And that is a more highly developed version of your future self, stepping back in time for a specific purpose. This is similar to, but quite different from a Soul Integration as it is a specific role in which a time gated link from a succinct evolved future self is connected to a present sojourn for a specific purpose of assisting the Ascension.
You have had many roles, many assignments, and many duties. You are the Wisdom-Keepers, the Earth-Keepers, the Shamangelics, the Fire Dancers, Dream Walkers, Warriors of Light, Shape-Shifters, Star Beings, Elders, Strength Bearers & Healers of Time!
You came here to engineer the reconstruction of a different outcome here on the planet of duality, the Earth! You are here to guide mankind through the parallels of probable calamities and potential catastrophes that otherwise could wreak havoc, as has happened so many times before through troubled waters. You are here to make sure history is NOT repeated. And we tell you , you have succeeded.
You see, you are the troubleshooters, the renegades, the paradigm busters! We use the analogy of the sea to clarify this concept of the Envoys of Light. Imagine the ascension as a sea going vessel, the Light Envoys are expert navigators that know exactly where the currents are perilous, where the tides are crashing into rocks...and the Envoys know how to avoid them, where to sail past, how to maintain ballast. They are the teachers, with expertise in many fields, and in your vast gathering you bring a collective wisdom that is unparalleled on the earth at any time in the planets history.
You see, many of you have experienced the Ascension of other planets and other worlds, several times; and you know the perils. You understand the mechanics. And you are now almost done.
There are a few rough patches remaining in 2011 and 2012, and then the game changes, as you will remain over to lead the masses in 2013 from 2012... the true beginning.
Perhaps the most important role for you envoys in 2012 is to assist all by shining your light, and not succumbing to the Fear and throes of the Old-Energy. Do not be discouraged. For in 2012, the old energy will kick hard to discourage the change. Amplify your energies, and anchor the light. Align the Crystalline.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:05 PM 0 comments

The Shamangelics were great, I especially liked their version of "Will You Still Love Me After Ascension?"
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Re: 2012

Post by Cathulhu »

Archangel Metatron? Same guys as in This Island Earth?
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: 2012

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:Archangel Metatron? Same guys as in This Island Earth?
You're thinking of the guys with the big foreheads from Metaluna. Metatron is the guy with the bad attitude. Looks a little like Professor Snape.
The Movie Dogma wrote:Metatron: You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?

Metatron: Tell a person that you're the Metatron and they stare at you blankly. Mention something out of a Charlton Heston movie and suddenly everybody is a theology scholar.
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Re: 2012

Post by obadiah »

Metatron: (hands on hips and wings doing the same motion) You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?

Best Alan Rickman line. Ever.
1. There is a kind of law that I like, which are my own rules, which I call common law. It applies to me.
2. There are many other kinds of law but they don’t apply to me, because I say so."