Your Own Solar Flying Car

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Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Deep Knight »

A couple years back Bellringer asked for "humanitarian projects" and the flakes came out of the woodwork. I featured two of these, Wisdom Paradise's Lightworker Cafe and this guy's solar car. For more details on this silly concept (for any number of reasons, the biggest being weight and the second being drag and getting carried along by the wind) see the link, but I'm really posting this because of his comments about those who have contacted him so far...

Solar Airship - Your Own Solar Flying Car

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 1:39 PM
Subject: solar power flying car

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Thank you for featuring my invention " the Solar power flying car " in your humanitarian project in the past , but sadly most of the emails I got in reply are Nigerian 419 scammers who promised me big investments if I sent them retainer fees upfront. I have recently commissioned my own website to fully describe the advantages and features of my invention so that some big corporations can assist me financially to finish building my workable prototype. I sincerely hope you can help again by featuring my website on your column so that the people will know that Solar power flying car is already here.

My website:


Humbly yours,

Victor Yam

No doubt a member of the "I YAM" movement...
"Follow the Money"
dr poormouth

Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by dr poormouth »


Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by vicyam »

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sorry about the comments made by some ignoramus about my invention
who just thought my solarairship is just another blimp.
The International patents office ( PCT ) do not think so when they issued
us a patent. My using the term solarairship for my invention was a mistake
and misomer and might led peple to assumed it is just a blimp ,they should read
up on my patents details to know how we have solved the multiple take off
and landing problems and the weight problems . making the combined using
of solar and balloon technologies a breakthought in transportation history.

Vic yam
notorial dissent
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by notorial dissent »

The only thing a patent indicates is that you were the first yahoo to come up with this particular flight of fancy.

If you are using either helium or hydrogen as a lifting agent, we are talking about a blimp in one form or another. I have yet to see anything to indicate it approaches a dirigible. The fact that you are using solar to power the motive force on it is a minor innovation.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The fact that you turn up in a backroom of the internet to defend your idea from over 2 years ago suggests that nothing much has progressed on the development. I'll have a look at your "device" and just ask how it would cope with the 50-60 mph gusts of wind we are getting in my region at present?
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Your website is an empty template.
This, however: ... 1252698977
looks like a poor copy of something out of a Century 21 comic. :lol:
Have you done anything other than fill in a patent application and draw some pictures?
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Deep Knight »

Victor Yam's Patent Application wrote:The special design of the vehicle fuselage is also of tremendous importance. The fuselage must be in the shape of a common pillow or rectangular shape, as will be shown in our drawing. Tests have proven that this shape is the most buoyant of all shapes.
We have discovered that in the swimming pool, a simple rectangular float can support much more weight than any other-shaped float. It is because of the principle of buoyancy.
I may be an ignoramus, but at least I know a thing or two about buoyancy. Equal to the fluid (in the case of a swimming pool, water) displaced. Period. For a buoyant bladder, the concern is buoyancy vs. weight of the envelope, for which a sphere is best. Of course, for a blimp (which is what Victor is talking about, regardless of what he thinks he's talking about), air drag is important which is what gives us the classical blimp shape. Simple.

This is all based on a confusion between weight, mass, and drag. Simply put, lighter than air ships have a problem with drag and needing high power to keep from being at the mercy of winds (unless they're at 70,000 ft altitude where the air is stiller and quite thin like the HAA - see ) which means solar power won't be enough. A first year engineering student would be able to figure this out.
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by notorial dissent »

Not to mention the little insignificant detail about the amount of helium or wasserstoff it will require to get the thing off the ground, and if I could remember where my physics books were I could tell you how much of either it takes to lift whatever mass you're trying to get off the ground and move. All I do remember right off the top of my head is that it takes A LOT of either to accomplish that little trick, which is going to make Yam's cushion not real functional or practical, which is probably why he only has a mediocre drawing to show for his efforts.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Brandybuck »

notorial dissent wrote:The only thing a patent indicates is that you were the first yahoo to come up with this particular flight of fancy.
No, merely the first yahoo to file with the USPTO for this particular flight of fancy.
notorial dissent
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by notorial dissent »

True, although the yahoo in question indicated he had filed with the IPO"International patents office ( PCT ) ", which I take to mean the one out of Brussells, but same difference.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by vicyam »

Dear Sir,

I am the yahoo who own the patents to the Solar Powered Flying Car , I came from a third world country where the Government is as corrupt as they come.We do not have NASA or Government funds to rely on ,that is why after so many years ,I can not raise the necessary funds needed to build a working prototype . Maybe one day some local version of Bill Gates
will help me , then we will see who will be the last yahoo to laugh.

Victor Yam
Deep Knight
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Deep Knight »

vicyam wrote:Dear Sir,

I am the yahoo who own the patents to the Solar Powered Flying Car , I came from a third world country where the Government is as corrupt as they come.We do not have NASA or Government funds to rely on ,that is why after so many years ,I can not raise the necessary funds needed to build a working prototype . Maybe one day some local version of Bill Gates
will help me , then we will see who will be the last yahoo to laugh.

Victor Yam
ArthurWankspittle wrote:The fact that you turn up in a backroom of the internet to defend your idea from over 2 years ago suggests that nothing much has progressed on the development. I'll have a look at your "device" and just ask how it would cope with the 50-60 mph gusts of wind we are getting in my region at present?
Dear Mr. Victor Yam the Yahoo,

I could tell you why your idea is impractical, but you wouldn't listen. Mr. Wankspittle's comments are much more direct and to the point. Why hasn't there been any more interest than a posting on an embarrassment like Bellringer's site? How would you have enough power to cope with winds given the drag such a large volume of gas would require? Modern blimps with high-powered engines have problems in winds. Zero points for "when it gets windy you park."

As for being the last yahoo to laugh, very few of us here are or use Yahoo. Perhaps you're thinking of Yoo-hoo, which is a soft drink and rarely laughs.

Chocolate Yoo-hoo. There's a reason some things reach classic status, and it's no surprise that Yoo-hoo Chocolate has tickled the palates of devoted fans for 8+ decades. Not only is this drink chock-full of rich, chocolatey goodness it's got five vitamins and two minerals and is 99% fat and caffeine free! Good AND good for you? What more could a choco-freak ask for?
Strawberry Yoo-hoo. Or maybe you're thinking you wanna drink pink. It's okay - we still respect you. Who could possibly resist the tasty sweet tsunami of Strawberry Yoo-hoo? Gulp it down and get berried alive in funky fruity flavor - now BIGGER, BOLDER and even more, uh BERRILICIOUS
The implications of being a choco-freak who's bigger and bolder aside, you can see how being the last Yoo-hoo to laugh would really be something! And I'm not talking about those movies where the bottle is used for something God never intended with a donkey named "Bobs." We shall see, indeed!
"Follow the Money"

Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by mayam »

To the skeptics who laughed at my PCT patents , please try to get one for yourself ,each application had to passed through a team of the best scientists from either a US , Japanese or Koreans patents office laboratory before it is endorsed for approval by the board of the Patents
Cooperation Treaty Organization for worldwide patents protection .
All application are treated by their merits and not by merely the the act of filing an application . their reputation worldwide should be enough guaranty.
What the Organization do not guaranty is the commercial viability of the invention.
If I should answer every doubts express by every arm chair scientists with regards to my invention ,I would ended up writing an encyclopedia .To my fellow yahoos , I say , just wait for my working prototype .Then we will know who is right!

Victor Yam the yahoo inventor
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

mayam wrote:To the skeptics who laughed at my PCT patents , please try to get one for yourself ,each application had to passed through a team of the best scientists from either a US , Japanese or Koreans patents office laboratory before it is endorsed for approval by the board of the Patents Cooperation Treaty Organization for worldwide patents protection .
Someone's been lying to you.
mayam wrote:All application are treated by their merits and not by merely the the act of filing an application . their reputation worldwide should be enough guaranty.
:thinking: What reputation? A patent doesn't have a "reputation". An invention might.
mayam wrote:What the Organization do not guaranty is the commercial viability of the invention.
Take out the word commercial and you got it.

You don't seem to understand that anyone can patent anything within patent law rules, nothing, that's NOTHING, says it has to work. Your patent will not have been checked by any "scientists" only a patent clerk. If your patent has been checked by "scientists" please put up some links or continue receiving the sceptic comments.
mayam wrote:If I should answer every doubts express by every arm chair scientists with regards to my invention ,I would ended up writing an encyclopedia .
Instead you trawl the internet apparently, replying to your critics there. (Oh and I'm not an armchair scientist, I'm a technologist.)
mayam wrote:To my fellow yahoos , I say , just wait for my working prototype .Then we will know who is right!
That will be the "working" prototype that, despite a patent of your idea from, what, over 3 years ago, hasn't progressed beyond a poor Sci-Fi comic drawing.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Cathulhu »

Vic Yam, if you build a prototype (something I strongly doubt you can manage), you'll promptly kill yourself with it. Simply put, it'll be very expensive and will not work.

Frankly, the jet belt I designed at age 12 is about on the same level. I'm pretty sure the belt would have gotten me about 200 feet off the ground and then flamed out, or simply exploded when I started it, if I could have built it then. Grow up already. Go figure out something worthwhile to do with your genius, yahoo.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by mayam »

it is very obvious non of my fellow yahoos or self proclaimed technician ever successfully obtain a PCT patents yet otherwise they would not have belittled the PCT organization and its
screening process for awarding an International Patents license.
I will let the future successful unveiling of my Solar Powered Flying Car speak for itself and
let those who missed the boat feel like the ones who are now kicking themselves in the you know where when they did not invest in Facebook when they were given the chance.

Victor Yam
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Cathulhu »

mayam wrote:it is very obvious non of my fellow yahoos or self proclaimed technician ever successfully obtain a PCT patents yet otherwise they would not have belittled the PCT organization and its
screening process for awarding an International Patents license.
I will let the future successful unveiling of my Solar Powered Flying Car speak for itself and
let those who missed the boat feel like the ones who are now kicking themselves in the you know where when they did not invest in Facebook when they were given the chance.

Victor Yam
Yeah, kid. You do that. Looks to me more like you have a worthless patent (you really are ignorant if you think this site lacks legal expertise), a useless web site, and a whimpering desire for investors even dumber. Consider me eagerly awaiting your Magic Car.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Deep Knight
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by Deep Knight »

mayam wrote:it is very obvious non of my fellow yahoos or self proclaimed technician ever successfully obtain a PCT patents yet otherwise they would not have belittled the PCT organization and its screening process for awarding an International Patents license.
Last time I counted I have 27 US patents, and about 10 international ones (not PCT patents, PCT stands for Patent Cooperation Treaty). The "screening" process for patents has to do with prior art, not with anything technical. The files are filled with patents that don't work (many of the patent review sites I use such as Dephion feature these just for the users amusement). Sorry.
mayam wrote:I will let the future successful unveiling of my Solar Powered Flying Car speak for itself and let those who missed the boat feel like the ones who are now kicking themselves in the you know where when they did not invest in Facebook when they were given the chance.

Victor Yam
Some scamsters used to call this site "Quatloosers" and laughed about how we would feel stupid when their Omega investment, NESARA delivery, or Dinar RV came due. We're still waiting for those.

As for your invention, show us you're a real engineer by giving us a few drag and power calculations. These are easy and would give you an idea of how fast it would go, or alternatively, what wind velocity it could counter. Remember that you can't just name a power level, you've got to be able to power it day and night using your solar cells and batteries. And, all of these things (motor, solar cells, batteries) weigh something so the Helium cells have to be large enough to lift it and all the surounding infrastructure to make it work.
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Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
mayam wrote:To the skeptics who laughed at my PCT patents , please try to get one for yourself ,each application had to passed through a team of the best scientists from either a US , Japanese or Koreans patents office laboratory before it is endorsed for approval by the board of the Patents Cooperation Treaty Organization for worldwide patents protection .
Someone's been lying to you.
Or you don't have a clue, or both.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self

Re: Your Own Solar Flying Car

Post by mayam »

Obviously some of our fellow yahoos would never let me have the last words , so here we go,to Mr. Wankspittle and Cathulhu, your constant belittling of the PCT international licensing process are running counter to the weekly filing of dozens of patents by Big players such as Microsoft , Apple computer and Intel . These companies do not spend ten of thousand of dollars for just a mere piece of paper from PCT .
Mr. Deep Knight , your claims of having 27 US patents betray your knowledge of how the US patents system worked , for I too have a US patents that come from long hours of works and a lot of dollars spend. I do not believe you are another Testla.
Some comments about not knowing about wind resistance and drag are similar to asking the early Vikings who build their longboat that crossed the atlantic and terrorized Europe if they
have calculated the water resistance ,water current strength and undertow resistance .I do have some knowledge about that too, but hey ! we are all pioneer here.