Prediction Watch

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

This thread is for watching and checking 2012 predictions of all sorts. For example, this simply checked one on earthquakes.

Very Large Earthquake Prediction 8+ Magnitude
Uploaded by WEATHERORNUT on Jan 10, 2012

Sorry about this.I apologise deeply if this is wrong...but it may be right so I feel I need to put this warning up...Within 10-14 days an over 8 magnitude EarthQuake may occur somewhere on this planet. I unfortunately do not know where. I will be in deep meditation to find an answer if there is one at all. PLEASE be prepared incase this does eventuate. Not in Fear but in your heart space to be the best you can be under any circumstance. If you can achieve this you have won a great battle. I Love You... NAMASTE

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BIN - Before It's News. This was found on Bellringer's 4-10 Winds site, but it's all around the 'net. 2 days before and 7 days after he is predicting a 7+ earthquake (10 times less energy and much more common) instead:

Large 7+ EarthQuake Prediction in 10 days from 8th january 2012
within 10-14 days from 8th of january 2012 - 22nd january 2012. Thank you razingvibration for the thumbs up on the difference between American and Australian date stamp. Important in future posts. May we be true guardians of the earth and all its inhabitants... Namaste

EarthQuake WATCH Another Wheel Namoi Radar 17th jan -31st jan
Another Large EarthQuake of over 7 magnitude in the next 10-14 days. Hmmm. It could be a busy time. I hope not. I forgot to mention that the Earth Quake doesnt happen in this region of the wheel anomaly.
Learn to observe the different "signatures" of the different radars so we can start to identify what is normal atmospheric anomaly and what is not.. Thank you for being here

WeatherOrNut seems to have a problem making up his mind, so let's look at the 8+ earthquake prediction first. By the 24th of January, if I read this right. In the last dozen years there have been only 15 8+ earthquakes (the last one last March in Japan) - let's see what happens. For extra credit we'll keep track of 7+ ones up until Jan 31 too.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by LaVidaRoja »

A 7 is an ALMOST safe bet. Of course, to be absolutely certain, he should have predicted it to occur SOMETIME in 2012.
Other than the Mayan end of the world in December of 2012, what else can be (safely) predicted?
Political turmoil in the US (due to the presidential election)
Some sort of political turmoil somewhere in the European Union. (That's based on the economic situation and the simple fact that so many counties trying to maintain some commonality of economics is bound to create disruption.)
As these people have figured out -- if you throw out enough "predictions" at least one fo them is bound to occur. See? You KNOW!!
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

WeatherOrNut (aka Yahdoh) has been doing this for a while. He looks at online weather radar pictures, sees any sort of anomalies as "evidence" and makes his predictions. His latest before the ones posted above was:

Large Earthquake Prediction From Weatherornut
Posted on November 23, 2011 by Clare Swinney
Thank-you to Rose of for sending the link to this video.

Uploaded by WEATHERORNUT on 21 Nov 2011

Wheel anomaly coming from Albany possibly indicating an earth quake event of over 7 magnitude somewhere on planet Earth within the next 10 days approx. I will do a follow up video soon …. NAMASTE

Easily checked. In this period, the largest was a magnitude 6.6 earthquake that struck the Beni region, Bolivia on November 22. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck near Lae, eastern New Guinea, Papua New Guinea on December 14, but it was 2 weeks too late.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

LaVidaRoja wrote:A 7 is an ALMOST safe bet. Of course, to be absolutely certain, he should have predicted it to occur SOMETIME in 2012.
A 7+ earthquake occurs every 23 days on average, so if you predict one in the next 12 days you have something like a 50-50 chance (not exactly, many come in "swarms" so the distribution isn't "normal," but close enough).
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

We've gone past the 24th and halfway to the 31st and so far zero earthquakes 7+ in magnitude. The biggest was a 6.5 offshore of Vera Cruz, Mexico, Jan 18. In a tie for second, there were 6.3 earthquakes Jan 21 offshore of Chiapas, Mexico and south of the Fiji Islands on the 24th.

Otherwise it's been quiet. Too quiet. Mr. WEATHERORNUT hasn't posted any more earthquake predictions (based on weather radar processing artifacts), but has had a lot to say about strange-looking clouds and chemtrails.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

At the same time I was writing the post above about how the earthquake scene was quiet, too quiet, Bellringer was telling a breathless reader that the earth was shakin' all over!

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: AM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Re : Earthquakes northern Italy

Dear Patrick ;

yesterday at 0.54 am, there has been an earthquake of magnitude 3.6 in the northern/est part of Italy, near Verona, and in the morning at around 9.10 am,

there has been another one of magnitude 4.9 here in the north/west part neer Milan, that I have also felt.

Today, there has been another one at 3.53 p.m. of magnitude 5.4 here in north/west, and a successive smaller swarm at 4.23 p.m of magnitude from 2.7 and 3.2.

A you tube clip just posted by Anonymous Italy, claims that this is due to HAARP.

They claim that the people at HAARP, have taken away from their web site the figures showing a peak frequencies sent out just before the earthquakes happened.

I recall that you mentioned in one of your replies to a reader, that God Aton and/or Sananda, have annihilate the power of HAARP.

Can you confirm this to me? I have the feeling that if this is not caused ny the HAARP, then our Mother Shan is accelerating the cleansing process ad is about to make the transition into 5D.

Many thanks.In Love and Light.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Jan. 28, 2012

Dear AM:

Mother Earth is shaking badly, and Italy is no exception. Hatonn has confirmed for us again that HAARP and all other technology with potential to cause earthquakes has been neutralized on Shan, forever. She has asked for this, because she cannot take any more such abuse, and her request has been granted.

We know not the timing, but indications are that major changes are very close. Be ready, and be in Peace, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

By the way, there have still been no 7+ magnitude earthquakes and WeatherOrNut's last prediction has less than a day to run out (in New Zealand where he is it's already Feb 1). He has been strangely quiet about this failure but at least hasn't put out any more dire predictions.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

The earthquake predictions came up zero, zero & zero (without so much as an acknowledgment on the guy's website). Now we have a firm date of Feb 17th to watch for, unless of course it's only fish mongering.

Friday, February 10, 2012



The WHITE Horse Rider, or the 1st Horseman, is already riding. He lives in the
WHITE HOUSE. Next up is the 2nd Horseman, which is RED. Does Zechariah point us to Feb. 17, 2012? Does Genesis 7:11 point us to the 17th day of the 2nd month, the Day of the 1st Sudden Destruction, the Great Flood? Are both of these Scriptures pointing us to THE DAY OF SUDDEN DESTRUCTION, AS BEING FEB. 17, 2012???!!!


We now have not just one, but two, incredible, and amazing Scriptures that seem to point us directly to Feb. 17th, as the probable time of the Sudden Destruction. Can it be just a coincidence that the NWO 6th WARNING EVENT IS SCHEDULED, AT ANOTHER 3--WEEK INCLUSIVE INTERVAL, FOR THE EXACT SAME DAY OF FEB. 17, 2012??!



Ron Reese

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:25 PM


Anonymous Feb 10, 2012 09:48 AM
Stop the fear mongering. Not going to happen. Although it could be the day they do the arrests in D. C. Nuclear detonations are no longer allowed by order of the Creator. Just calm down. Everything will be just fine.

Anonymous Feb 10, 2012 10:01 AM
Fear mongering !

Watch out for anybody living in a red house next Friday. And join with millions of your neighbors and turn in your shoes!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Watch out for anybody living in a red house next Friday. And join with millions of your neighbors and turn in your shoes!
For industry!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

From Ben to KauilaPele to MacHaffie to me to you. This time fer sure. After nothing happening on Feb 17, their luck has gotta change.

Benjamin Fulford 3-13-12…”It is time to storm the Bastille, vive la revolution”… “Satan has left the Building (Universe)”
Posted on March 12, 2012

[UPDATED 3-12-12 0908 HST: I received this comment from a well-respected (by me) reader currently remaining anonymous (by me), with which I am in complete agreement. "In my opinion, Benjamin Fulford has again chosen to communicate with the warring parties thru his directive to us. So disregard his duplicitous statements of possible disruptive actions in the first paragraph [of Ben's report below; and I believe this applies to selected statements in several paragraphs]. They won’t happen!”]

This is a rather extensive list of “great” news occurring and/or about to occur on the planet. Ben describes a three-pronged effort to liberate humanity from the cabal-installed energy grid, ending hunger and poverty, and a secret third prong effort to start a bottom up revolution. All I can say is that it is highly unlikely that any type of nuclear attempts “to sink the La Palma rock formation” and cause a tsunami to hit the East Coast US and Europe would be permitted by the Galactics.

However, I do suggest that you read on.

“The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending. This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out. In one prong, the Chinese government has announced it will start the mass installation of wind and solar power devices on rooftops world-wide in order to free humanity from the cabal controlled energy grid. In another prong, the cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments backed by gold stolen from holocaust victims during World War 3. The third prong is still being kept secret but essentially it is a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in cabal controlled countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.”


* The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending.
* This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out.
* …mass installation of wind and solar power devices… world-wide… cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments… The third prong… still… kept secret… a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in… countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.
* The arrest of Bill Gates, the announcement in an Italian paper that the pope will resign on April 15th, and the presence of a US marshal accompanying cabal operatives like Timothy Geithner are all signs that very little, if any, opposition remains.
* …a revolutionary roof-top wind turbine and solar panel combination will be distributed with no initial down-payment necessary… Other “free energy” technologies… may be used… Toyota has… begun… producing cars, now on the market, that get over 100 kilometers to per liter or over 300 miles per gallon.
* …the banking cabal will be asked to make… a $15 trillion donation for the purposes of ending war, ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and freeing humanity from drudgery, poverty and disease.
* There will be an announcement, aired live on March 13th on the internet, by the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society. If this announcement is not heeded, there will be revolution
* …Western embassies in Tokyo will all be shutting down on March 20th…
* …he Chinese and Japanese military have finalized preparations to sink the La Palma rock formation into the ocean and cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the US East coast and Southern Europe in retaliation for the planned attack on Tokyo.
* …an informant has provided this writer with more details on how the banking cabal has manipulated the Japanese political system.
* The first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks has come and the Japanese corporate media provided extensive coverage while carefully avoiding saying it was a natural disaster.
* They need to understand that Satan has already left this universe. Humanity will finally be set free.

March 13, March 20, and April 15 - See you there!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

On March 14 2012 there is an unusual astrology alignment with 4 planets at 9 degrees in a triangle shape. So a 9-9-9 or 666 upside-down. This is an ominous sign.

That's right, yet another something big happening this week!

March 2012. Putin elected Russian President again. Note that connected with this is an unusual and very ominous astrology pattern on March 14 2012 (March 15 is the Ides of March, when Julius Caesar was assassinated, "Beware the Ides of March") of 4 planets in a Grand Earth Trine, of a triangle pattern with the planets spaced at exactly 120 degrees. 4 planets at 9 degrees, in Earth signs, in a Grand Earth Trine, with Venus and Jupiter at 9 Taurus, Mars at 9 Virgo, Pluto at 9 Capricorn. So 9-9-9 which is 666 upside-down. Definitely an Antichrist-connected Astrology pattern, here possibly related to Putin reelected as Russian President. Also note that the on the Ides of March was a Roman Holiday of celebration for Mars the War deity. So there is a war connection to March 14-15 2012. And Jupiter/Mars/Pluto in this trine means the Antichrist/War/Death in a trine where their power is amplified, these three horsemen could be riding then. Definitely a very ominous date!

So which is it, 9 degrees or 120 degrees? I guess it doesn't matter, as long as Putin beats Romney in the upcoming elections!

As for tomorrow, the 13th, there's even more happening than the announcement by the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society, as exciting as that is, according to Anonymous as quoted by Bellringer there will be...

March 9, 2012


I have a Special Forces Friend who lives in Kalispell Montana. He just called me with major news. He has a Friend who works in the Prison System in Montana. They have been told by Big Gov to be ready for an event to take place from March 13-23. This event will be very earth shattering. They have been told to stock up on 6 Months worth of Food, Diesel, Medical Supplies, Water and other needed supplies! This SF Friend is not a Person who gets His feathers ruffled. He was shocked to say the least!


Re: What Is Happening March 13-23?
Texas Sue Mar 10, 2012 - 1:11PM

When I first saw this I thought that since the "big gov" gave the message, that they knew exactly what was planned and that it could be a "false flag" event in order to declare martial law. Then again, it could be an attack by the U.S. on Syria which would unleash who knows what. Whatever is planned could also wash out and not occur. I have no idea what this means and just wondered if anyone else might.

The good news is that according to Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians, there is a "restrainer", whom I believe is the power of the Holy Spirit operating through believers in Jesus here on earth that holds back the plans of evil. Remember the old saying, man proposes, but God disposes. I do believe that God has spoiled many plans of the evil one and held back more than we could possibly imagine. According to Psalms 91, we can come under His wings and be protected.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by fortinbras »

Moreover, March 14 is Pi Day, as in 3.14...
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Moreover, March 14 is Pi Day, as in 3.14...
I can't wait until it's 9:56 on Pi Day in (20)15....
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by texino »

DK says
And join with millions of your neighbors and turn in your shoes!
and Pottapaug followed with
For industry!
So who killed Peter Bergman?
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

Peter's line: "Where's the fire, Nick Danger?!?"

Entire audience: "In your eyes, Lt. Bradshaw!"

The man could seriously rock a fedora.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"I need a gas station! Did I pass one?"

"No, but the fox did! Squeeze him right there -- maybe he'll pass another one!"

"No! No! Gasoline!"
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Santorum beat Romney and Putin, with Gingrich pulling fourth. Of course, Ron Paul really won but they're suppressing it. Lt. Bradshaw didn't get to arrest Nick Danger, I didn't turn in my shoes for industry or the dead, and the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society had no internet announcement, live or otherwise. This last one raises the question of heeding it, because "if this announcement is not heeded, there will be revolution" and we wouldn't want that.

But wait, today is the 14th and a chance for the the end of the world to begin again! The Antelope Freeway, is only one half mile! For one, I guess Putin has another chance to get elected, especially if he gets 666 or 999 votes. The planets align in the alignment of doom that only happens every few years and you'll be sorry this time! And you can believe me, because I never lie, and I'm always right.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by texino »

No! No! Gasoline!"
"If it's drugs ye want, the old doctor can..."

Or was that "gas music from Jupiter" "You have been cruel masters of earth-long enough"
"Everyone must learn to play piano" "Oh hello Cox" (Bell ringer?)

Yes the fireworks are over, the smoke clouding my great crystal balls- I will head to the nearest hospitality shelter and think about those days and hope that these days on the Q will keep on.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

As far as I know, nothing happened on 3-14 (but I did have Pi, er, pie), but another event is "immenent," although if history is any guide, that doesn't mean what you think it does.

Friday, March 16, 2012
Mass Arrests Of 10,000 Global Cabal Members - Imminent TV Event

[Link to really boring You-Tube video of the same name posted 3/15/12]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:08 AM


Anonymous Mar 16, 2012 07:38 AM
Thank you John :) Lets all keep it goin` Nesara now!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Well, the planets looking close from Earth think came and went, as did the 20th and the Western Embassies in Japan are still open. Darn. But wait! And, you don't have to wait too long.

Monday, March 26, 2012
Fulford Financial Announcement Tuesday Evening Japanese Standard Time 3-27-12
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say.

Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources.

There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources.

The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:36 PM


1. Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 03:55 PM
Yea!! Buddy!! Rock on!!

2. Esoteric Turnage Mar 26, 2012 05:57 PM
Sign Up For Prosperity Programs!!!! Love n Light Gods and Goddess!!!! God Bless You john MacHaffie!!!
Prosperity Funds Gifting
For those who are in desperate need of monetary assistance, may want to submit their request to receive economic help from individuals involved with the Prosperity Programs (PP). These individuals who are in these Prosperity Programs are receiving billions/millions of dollars and want to help their communities by spreading the wealth.
John MacHaffie has done a wonderful job in setting up a place for those involved in the "PP" and those who need financial assistance. These financial donations do not need to be paid back and are a gift, no strings attached. If you are an organizational leader and do not need personal financial assistance you may still apply for the charity/organization that you would like to sponsor or develop.

That's right, you'll see this when you wake up tomorrow morning, that is, if you're not one of the millions of minions who are gonna get arrested tonight. Good luck!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by notorial dissent »

What I seriously want to know is how Fulford, presuming Fulford is even real to begin with, which I still question, ever possibly got a job with a legitimate financial publication in the first place, and is his recent efforts why he is no longer employed by the same, or did he just decide that writing fantasy and giving in and listening to his inner paranoic delusions was more profitable.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.