Master's Protection Group, LLC

Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by GlimDropper »

I need a little help with what I am fairly certain is (yet another) Pure Trust scam. It does seem to hit all the significant bullet points of a classic trust scheme but I thought I'd invite the opinions of those with greater qualifications than myself, which less face it means just about anyone here. I have an "acquaintance" who I believe has purchased one of these trusts and seems like he's preparing to help market them. This person is currently facing legal issues regarding a previous buisness venture of a rather "hair brained" nature and while I question my ability to reason directly with him he does seem susceptible to positive influence in this matter. What I think I need to do is find the specific points of the sales pitch which are most clearly rooted in falsehood and point them out to him. I thank you all in advance for any assistance you can provide.

The company name is Master's Protection Group and the website is From the FAQ on the site:
Why must I give up ownership of my assets?

The key to our system is giving up ownership but retaining control. If you own nothing, nothing can be taken from you!

How do I give up ownership of my assets?

The Investor agrees to give up ownership of their assets to the Creator of the Specialized Trust, in exchange for Trust Certificates. The Certificate Holders are the beneficiaries of the Trust.

What is a specialized trust?

The specialized trust is created as a private contractual agreement to hold assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

Why must I give up ownership of my assets irrevocably?

If the Investor retains any degree of ownership in the assets transferred to the Specialized Trust, as in the case of a revocable Living Trust, regardless of how minimal the degree of ownership might be, the assets could be taken from them.

Why is a pure trust created as a private contract?

A powerful right that is available to every American is the right to create a lawful private contract with any competent individual of legal age. This right to contract is protected by Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States, the 4th Amendment to the Constitution, and case law.

Everything contained within a privately created contract, including the Contract and Trust Indenture of a Pure Trust, is private, and protected from creditors, government agencies, and even the Internal Revenue Service. This is contrary to any statutory entity (trust, corporation, Limited Liability Company, partnership, etc.) whose books and records are basically subject to seizure and review at any time.

Is a pure trust different than a living trust?

A Living Trust provides only one benefit, it avoids probate. It provides no asset privacy and no asset protection. A Pure Trust avoids probate and provides total asset privacy and impenetrable asset protection.

Does the IRS recognize a pure trust?

The IRS recognizes the Business Trust (Pure Trust) as a valid, legal entity (Internal Revenue Regulation 301.7701).

Is the pure trust what the IRS refers to as an abusive trust?

The IRS refers to the Pure Business Trust in an article, "Trusts Used for Abusive Purposes." Trusts, corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships are all inert legal entities. However, some of the people who manage and control these entities may use them for abusive purposes, such as tax evasion, illegal activities, etc. The Specialized Trust Strategy is an Estate Planning tool in which its Trusts are used strictly to provide asset privacy and protection.

Does the trust provide tax benefits?

The trust is created solely as a privacy and protection entity. The Trust does not provide any tax benefits. However, it creates a Limited Liability Company, which does provide lawful tax benefits. Knowledgeable tax preparers understand the lawful tax benefits available to a Limited Liability Company. A Limited Liability Company provides tax benefits that are not available to an individual.
I find it interesting that they're pretty emphatic about not being a tax avoidance strategy which was one of the keynote selling points in previous Pure Trust scams. My hunch is that since these trusts survive only as long as they don't receive any official scrutiny and an IRS audit for unpaid taxes is one of the faster ways to attract official attention, the promoters are telling people to pay their taxes as a way of delaying those people finding out that their expensive trusts are worthless.

How expensive are these trust products? I don't know for sure but have forwarded the question. I did find a copy of their affiliate compensation plan and it looks like you can make over $1,700 for selling one of these trust so it stands to reason they cost more than that. (On edit, I just received word, the basic 2 trust 1 LLC package is $3,800 with 1,800 of that in commissions to the sales force.)

My acquaintance provided me with a number of documents but they were all in jpeg format, I may need to find a way to get the to display here (who does free image hotlinking). But I found a PDF copy of one of these docs and can copy from it: (The formatting on the original pdf was a clearer read, it can be found here.)
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Paragraph 1
“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 17 US 518
“The opinion of the court, after mature deliberation, is that this is a contract, the obligation of which can not be impaired without violating the constitution of the United States.”
Since 1819 the case of Dartmouth College vs. Woodward has been cited by the US Supreme Court over 105 times, and by lower Federal and State courts over 2,365 times.
Frisbie v. U.S., 157 US 160, 39 L Ed 657, 15 S Ct 586 (1895)
Patterson v. Bank Eudora, 190 US 169, 47 L Ed 1002, 23 S Ct 821 (1903)
Muller v. Oregon, 208 US 412, 52 L Ed 551, 38 S Ct 324 (1908)P
United States Supreme Court has long held and recognized that freedom to make contracts and have them enforced by the courts is part of the bundle of rights protected by the “due process” clauses of both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.
“…among the inalienable rights of the citizen is that of the liberty of contract...”
“…every citizen has a right freely to contract for the price of his labor, services, or property.”
88 American Law Reports, 3d, 711, paragraph 2; 13 American Jurisprudence, 2nd, 375, paragraph 1; 156 American Law Reports, 27
“The Massachusetts or business trust, which is also called a common-law trust, is essentially a contractual business organization cast in the form of a trust.
Burnet v. Smith, 240 SW 1007 (1922)
“A Pure Trust is established by contract, and any law or procedure in its operation, denying or obstructing contract rights impairs contract obligation and is, therefore, violative of the United States Constitution.”
Crocker v. Malley, 249 US 233, 239 Supp Ct 270
“A Trust organization created under the U.S. Constitutional right of contract, cannot be abridged. The agreement, when executed, creates a Federal organization, not under the laws passed by any of the several (State) legislatures.”
Schuman-Heink v. Folsom, 159 NE 250 (1927)
“This type of trust is also sometimes referred to as a “Common-Law Trust” because it finds its basis in the law of contracts and does not depend on any statute for its existence.”
Hecht v. Malley, 265 US 144 (1924)
“The “Massachusetts Trust” is a form of business organization, common in that State, consisting essentially of an arrangement whereby property is conveyed to trustees, in accordance with the terms of an instrument of trust, to be held and managed for the benefit of such persons as may from time to time
be the holders of transferable certificates issued by the trustees showing the shares into which the beneficial interest in the property is divided. These certificates, which resemble certificates for shares of stock in a corporation and are issued and transferred in like manner, entitle the holders to share ratably in the income of the property, and, upon termination of the trust, in the proceeds.”
“Under the Massachusetts decisions these trust instruments are held to create either pure trusts or partnerships, according to the way in which the trustees are to conduct the affairs committed to their charge. If they are the principals and are free from the control of the certificate holders in the management of the property, a trust is created; but if the certificate holders are associated together in the control of the property as principals and the trustees are merely their managing agents, a partnership relation between the certificate holders is created.”
“These trusts – whether pure trusts or partnerships are unincorporated. They are not organized under any statute; and they derive no power, benefit or privilege from any statute.”
The Supreme Court cited the Hecht case in Navarro v. Lee 466 US 458, 1980.
Narragansett Mutual Fire Ins. Co. v. Burnham, 51 R1 371, 154 A909 (1931)
“Held, that the agreement and declaration of trust created a pure trust…”
“Certificate holders (beneficiaries) have no voice in the management of the trust estate or control over the trustee. The declaration of trust provides: The trustee shall have the exclusive right to control the trust estate as it may deem for the best interests of the beneficiaries, free from all control by the beneficiaries, as fully and to the same extent as though the trustee were the sole legal and equitable owner thereof, and shall not be subject to any obligations to the beneficiaries other than such as are expressly assumed hereunder."
“In the instant case it is clear that the agreement and declaration of trust created a pure trust. The trust res is real estate. The certificate holders have no control over the trustee, whose power over the trust property is absolute, limited only by the principles of equity applicable to relation of trustee and cestui que trust.”
Schuman-Heink v. Folsom, 159 NE 250 (1927)
“When the express trust is used as an agency of commerce it is commonly known as a business trust. Because of its development and common use in the state of Massachusetts it is often called a Massachusetts trust, and, because it finds its basis in the law of contract and does not depend on any statute for its existence it is sometimes called a common-law trust.”
Smith v. Morse, 2 CA 524
Burnet v. Smith, 240 SW 1007 (1922)
“A Pure Trust is established by contract, and any law or procedure in its operation, denying or obstructing contract rights impairs contract obligation and is, therefore, violative of the United States Constitution.”
Berry v. McCourt, 204 NE 2d 235 (1965)
“A Pure Trust is a contractual relationship in Trust form.”
Beilin v. Krenn & Dato, 350 Ill 284, 183 NE 330
“The Contract Trust owns the property and is a distinct legal entity. Beneficial Certificate Holders are not treated as co-owners of trust property.”
Baker v. Stem, 58 ALR 462
“It is established by legal precedent that Pure Trusts are lawful, valid business organizations.”
Swanson v. Commissioner, 296 US 362
“The essential nature of a business trust is not affected by the smallness of the number of participants, nor the limited scope of its business.”
Crocker v. MacCloy, 649 US 39
“Concerning privacy, a pure trust organization, created under the United States Constitutional right to contract, cannot be abridged…The agreement, when executed, creates a Federal organization not under the laws passed by any of the several legislatures.”
Hale v. Henkle, 201 US 43
“…there is a clear distinction in this particular between an individual and a corporation, and that the latter has no right to refuse to submit its books and papers for an examination at the suit of the state. The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the state or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to criminate him. He owes no such duty to the state, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the state, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights.
Since 1905 the case of Hale v. Henkle has been cited by the US Supreme Court over 144 times, and by the lower Federal and State courts over 1,600 times.
Beilin v. Krenn & Dato, 350 Ill 284, 183 NE 330
“The Contract Trust owns the property and is a distinct legal entity. Beneficial Certificate Holders are not treated as co-owners of trust property.”
Schuman-Heink v. Folsom, 159 NE 250 (1927)
“If it is free of control by the Certificate Holders, then it is a Pure Trust.”
Smith v. Morse, 2 CA 524
“The Trustees of a Trust have all the power necessary to carry out the obligations which they assume. Their books and records are not subject to review or subpoena.”
Hodgkiss v. Northland Petroleum Consolidated, 104 Mont 328, 67 P 2d 811
“Courts, however, must enforce contracts as made, not make new ones for the parties, no matter how unreasonable the terms may appear.”
Shaw v. Paine, 12 Allen (Mass) 293
“The creator of a Pure Trust may mold and give it any shape he chooses, and he or the trustees may provide for the appointment of a successor or successors to the trustee or trustees, upon such terms as he may choose to impose.”
Crocker v. MacCloy, 649 US Supp 39
“A Pure Trust is not subject to legislative control. The U.S. Supreme Court holds that the Trust relationship comes under the realm of equity, based upon common law, and is not subject to legislative restrictions as are corporations and other organizations created by legislative authority.”
American Jurisprudence, Volume 13, Business Trust, Section 31 Eligibility
The rule applicable to trusts generally that any person having capacity to take and hold legal title to property has capacity to be the beneficiary of a trust of such property would appear to apply to business trusts as well.”
“Trustees of a business trust are not disqualified from being shareholders thereof; in fact, provision for ownership of shares by the trustees is frequently incorporated in trust instruments.”
Parker v. Montmaric Trust, 278 SW 321 (1925)
“Certificates are personal property and convey no interest in the trust property.”
Becker v. St. Louis Union Trust Co., 296 US 48, 50; 80 L Ed; 56 S Ct 78
“The owner of Beneficial Certificates is not an owner as a stockholder is an owner; that Certificate Holders have no ownership whatever in property held by the Contract Trust, nor do they have any voice or control over the Trustees.”
Beilin v. Krenn & Dato, 350 Ill 284, 183 NE 330
“The Contract Trust owns the property and is a distinct legal entity. Beneficial Certificate Holders are not treated as co-owners of trust property.”
Estate of Anderson v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 8 Tax Court 706.721
“Certificates have no ascertainable “Fair Market Value” and have minimal value to someone else. Bad bargains do not result in taxable gifts.”
Gregory v. Helvering, 293 US 465, 469, 55 S Ct 266, 267, 79 L Ed 596 (1935)
Landmark case in which U.S. Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland stated…
“The legal right of a taxpayer to decrease the amount of what otherwise would be his taxes, or altogether avoid them, by means which the law permits, cannot be doubted.”
Internal Revenue Regulation, 26 CFR, Section 301.7701-4(b):
"(b) Business Trusts -- There are other arrangements which are known as trusts because the legal title to property is conveyed to trustees for the benefit of Beneficiaries, but which are not classified as trusts
for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, because they are not simply arrangements to protect or conserve the property for the Beneficiaries."
Berry v. McCourt, 204 NE 2d 235 (1965)
“There are other arrangements known as trusts because the legal title to property is conveyed to trustees for the benefit of beneficiaries, but which are not classified as trusts for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, because they are not simply arrangements to protect and conserve the property for the beneficiaries.”
Boyd v. US, 116 US 618
Edwards v. Commissioner, 415 F2d 578, 10th Cir (1969)
“Dignity of contract cannot be set aside because a tax benefit results either by design or accident.”
Weeks v. Sibley, (DC), 269 F 155W
“A Pure Trust is not illegal if formed for the express purpose of avoiding taxation.”
Guitar Family Trust Estate v. Commissioner, 72 F 2d 52 (1934)
“An Association or a Corporation are not taxed the same as a Pure Trust.”
Burnet v. Logan, 283 US 404
“The liability for income tax ultimately can be fairly determined without resort to mere estimates, assumptions, and speculation. When the profit, if any, is actually realized, the taxpayer will be required to respond.”
“The consideration…was…and the promise of future money payments wholly contingent upon facts and circumstances not possible to foretell with anything like fair certainty. The promise was in no proper sense equivalent to cash. It had no ascertainable fair market value. The transaction was not a closed one.”
“Certificates in exchange are not taxable until a realized gain has occurred.”
“No tax is assessed on the conveyance of property to a trust because it constitutes a tax-free trade and exchange for trust certificates which have only a contingent future interest of indeterminable value. The tax is not evaded or avoided. It is merely deferred.”
Note: The Internal Revenue Service has become aware of serious widespread tax abuses involving the use of Business Trust type entities. The IRS notes that some promoters argue that their business trusts can eliminate all self-employment tax and most of an individual’s income tax, plus take business deductions for expenses which otherwise would be non-deductible personal living expenses to the taxpayer. They quote cases such as Schultz v. Commissioner, 50 AFTR 2d 82-5562; Holman v. U.S. 5 AFTR 2d 84-862; Schmidt v. U.S. 68 AFTR 2d 91-5005; Zmuda v. Commissioner 53 AFTR 2d 84-1269; Wesenberg v. Commissioner 69 TC 1005; and Smith v. Commissioner TC Memo 1986-487.
It is important to note that in the Schultz case, the courts firmly stated that “It is fundamental to our income tax regime that personal consumption expenditures - food, clothing, travel, education, entertainment - do not generate income tax deductions unless they are inextricably linked to the production of income. The trust devices here [Schultz] are a transparent attempt to transfer all of the family activities into trust activities and all the families expenses into expenses of trust administration

I don't know trust law but I've seen sovereign citizen debate tactics before. Citations which are out of context and old enough that they're likely to be out of date. But it clearly does establish Master's Protection as following in the footsteps of too many scams to count.

The current website isn't all that informative but archived copies include a few things that were in the documents I received. (Link to and archived copy of the site)

More on their sales pitch:




In the UNITED STATES today, on average…

A lawsuit is filed every 30 seconds!
Someone has a heart attack every 4 – 5 seconds!
Someone has a stroke every 7 – 8 seconds!
An automobile accident happens every second!
Someone’s identity is stolen every 3 – 5 seconds!

It’s not a question of IF something will happen to you…

It’s only a question of WHAT will happen…

and WHEN it will happen!


Master’s Protection Group is providing individuals, families, and businesses with


It all starts by


The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen (1976)

“The key to this system is giving up ownership but retaining control. For example, most people don’t believe they really own something unless they retain title to it in their own name. The Rockefellers know this is a big mistake. Often it is better to have your assets owned by a trust or a foundation – which you control – than to have them in your own name.” (emphasis added)

“…they can achieve almost total privacy.”
Introducing the


The most powerful Asset Privacy and Asset Protection program ever developed!

And it’s as simple as 1…2…3

Suggestion…follow the schematic while reading this explanation…

The Specialized Trust Strategy (STS) provides Americans from all walks of life with personal asset privacy and asset protection unlike any other program available today. The function of this program is to protect a Client’s personal assets (personal residence and personal property) from lawsuits, creditors, liens, seizures, nursing home spend-down, etc. For those who own real property other than their personal residence (rental property, investment property, etc.), those with a more sophisticated investment portfolio, those who own a professional practice, those who own a business, etc…the Advanced Specialized Trust Strategy (ASTS) is available. For more information concerning the ASTS program, click on: Advanced Specialized Trust Strategy.

Although the most powerful asset privacy and protection program in the country today, the STS program is extremely simple to manage and operate. It easily blends into your present lifestyle. The schematic shown above provides a visual explanation of how the STS program works. Each entity shown in this schematic (Trust #1, the LLC, and Trust #2) is created by Master’s Protection Group, and the documents are delivered to your door fully operational and ready to use.

A Schematic Synopsis…

Notice in the upper left hand corner that the Investor can be an individual, a husband and wife, or a business entity, such as a trust, corporation, or an LLC. The Investor (you) agrees to transfer their assets to the Creator of Trust #1 (blue arrow) in exchange for trust certificates (red arrow). This exchange represents a simple, lawful, private contractual agreement. Trust #1 is now the lawful owner the assets.

As stated in The Rockefeller File, by creating Trust #1 you have taken the first and most important step in the creation of total asset privacy and impenetrable protection…you have “given up ownership” of your assets. From this point on, if you were to be sued, file bankruptcy, should a lien placed on you or any of your assets (even an IRS lien), should you have to enter a nursing home (qualify for Medicaid)… regardless of what may happen to you…you own nothing, so nothing can be taken from you!

To provide a second layer of protection, and to place the assets owned by Trust #1 into a friendlier business environment, Trust #1 creates a single member limited liability company (LLC), shown in the lower left hand corner of the schematic. Trust #1 is the Sole Member (owner) of the newly created LLC. Trust #1 funds the new LLC by transferring its newly acquired assets to the LLC. The assets previously owned by the Investor, then Trust #1, are now owned by the LLC.

Nothing regarding the assets, Trust #1, or the new LLC can be linked to you!

The new LLC, like any business, can be sued. If a business is sued, and a large enough judgment is rendered against the business, the assets owned by the business, or even the business itself, can be lost. To protect its assets, the LLC becomes the Investor and creates Specialized Trust #2, shown in the lower right hand corner of the schematic. However, the LLC does not transfer its assets to Specialized Trust #2…it only transfers the equity (blue arrow) of its assets to Specialized Trust #2 in exchange for trust certificates (red arrow).

Because Trust #2 only owns equity, it protects its equity the same way a mortgage company or bank protects their equity…through the use of a lien. If the trustees of Trust #2 ever feel that the assets owned by the LLC are in any type of jeopardy (lawsuit, lien, etc.), they have a fiduciary responsibility to take whatever steps are necessary to protect the corpus (equity) of Trust. They will immediately file a UCC-1 lien on the LLC, using the assets as collateral, to protect their equitable ownership position. If a judgment is ultimately placed against the LLC, the UCC-1 lien filed by the trustees of Trust #2 will have a proprietary position over all other liens and judgments filed against the LLC. The UCC-1 lien filed by Trust #2 will have to be satisfied before any other judgments or liens against the LLC are paid…including an IRS lien.


Based on what you have just learned about this unique asset privacy and protection strategy, let me ask… If you were an attorney, and were contemplating filing a lawsuit against an LLC, and through your discover you found out that there were already liens filed against the LLC, for an amount equal to the entire value of the assets and income owned by the LLC…would you still put in the time, effort, and expense of filing a lawsuit…knowing that even if you win, and get a substantial judgment against the LLC, neither you nor your client would receive a dime, other than what would be paid by the LLC’s insurance company? I don’t think so. It seems obvious that the prudent thing for an attorney to do would be to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company right from the start…the LLC loses nothing!

This is only a brief synopsis of what the Specialized Trust Strategy IS DOING for people from coast to coast…and CAN DO for you, your family, your profession, and your business. But the most important benefit you will receive from this program is PEACE OF MIND!

To instantly protect everything you own…

all you have to do is complete the simple application!

Give yourself the gift of PEACE OF MIND…TODAY!
Now the lot of that seems like a steaming load to me but the bolded section in particular. So if I'm about to get sued I should just sue myself first? I can recognize "magical thinking" in many forms and the above is one of them. I can tell it's wrong but I can not clearly explain why it's wrong. And that's exactly the sort of thing I'm asking help with. Thank you.

On Edit, I think I just found one of their trust documents (PDF link)

Now most of that is just pops and buzzes to me, I'll let you law talking guys give it any attention it needs. Now I know sovereign gibberish when I see it, this one made me smile:

I, Hampton Miles, Creator of ARA EQUITY HOLDINGS, CTO, CL, Company, a
Contract Trust Organization, being duly sworn, do hereby declare: That I did, under
duress, have my seal notarized, by a Notary, which is an "officer of the court", for
purposes of their actions and further, .realizing that this action may bring unfavorable
actions upon this free market contractual company by said "court", such as a claim of
venue or jurisdiction by said "court", did so with full reservations of all rights.
This affirmation is made for the purpose of: Notice of non-acceptance of any claim of
venue or jurisdiction by said "court" due to the actions by me/us while under duress.
Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition: "Duress is that as identified by: unlawful constraint exercised upon
a man whereby he is forced to do some act that he otherwise would not have done." Further, "Duress
consists in any illegal imprisonment or legal imprisohment used for an illegal purpose, or threats of bodily
or other harm or other means amounting to or tending to coerce the will of another and actually inducing
him to do an act contrary to his free will." And, "Duress of goods: Where the act consists of a tortuous
-r>. seizure or detention or property from the person entitled to and require some act as a condition for in
surrender the act is duress of goods."
BEFORE US; on this day personally appeared Hampton Miles, Creator of ARA EQUITY
HOLDINGS, CTO, CL, as Creator, known to us or satisfactorily affirmed and evidenced
to us that he is the person described in, and whose name is subscribed to acknowledgement
of Contract and Trust Indenture, who, having duly affirmed and acknowledged to us that
he did place his seal upon said instrument, the same has been executed as under Duress,
for the uses, purposes, consideration, and in the capacity therein.
Doesn't Mr.Miles know that once you spell your trusts name IN ALL CAPS he already seeded jurisdiction to the District of Criminals (Washington DC for the uninitiated)?

[Edited to fix image link.]
Last edited by GlimDropper on Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by GlimDropper »

Thank you Captain, I did in fact read every Pure Trust thread I could find. I understand the scam here but then again I've had years of experience in figuring out how too good to be true isn't. My issue here is finding a way to explain that insight to someone who's never heard of a pure trust scam before and may be under the thrall of one of these schemes promoters.

My problem is nomenclature, I can see critical flaws in many of their arguments but they're playing the "appeal to authority" fallacy. They snatch a few words or sentences out of context from (usually out dated) legal decision "proving" that they're acting within a heretofore largely unknown but still amazingly powerful legal loophole. I know they're wrong, just common sense. But I need to prove they're wrong to someone that seems to wish to believe they're right.

I can't imagine any sort of legal trust that could in every situation prevent the government from attaching the assets held within that trust. Where is the public good in that? Imagine that a few weeks before he was shut down Bernie Madoff transferred all the assets of his ponzi hedgefund into one of Master's Protection's pure trusts. We all know for a fact that the prosecutor wouldn't be standing on the court house steps saying "he pleaded guilty on all charges but all the assets were held in a pure trust so we can't touch them. Sorry victims." My problem is how to explain why from a factual and legal perspective a pure trust couldn't have possibly (as per my hypothetical) sheltered Bernie Madoff's assets preventing them from being seized by the government.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by wserra »

GD - this answer may not satisfy you, but I think it's the right one: You're struggling because you reversed the burden of proof. As I've written here before, if someone publishes a thirty-page schematic for a perpetual motion machine, I'm not going to spend a couple of days going through it to prove it doesn't work. I'm going to ask the "inventor" to prove that it does. If s/he can't, I confidently call bullshit. So when you say
GlimDropper wrote:I can tell it's wrong but I can not clearly explain why it's wrong.
you're taking on a burden that you don't have in the first place and, given the audience, will probably never meet. Instead, your friend should ask the "inventor" to cite just one verifiable case where this nonsense has worked. Tell your friend to be prepared for all sorts of bullshit excuses, but predict that the promoter will have no such case. If that doesn't convince your friend, s/he is beyond convincing.

Much of this type of stuff can't be "disproved" in any event, because the nature of the "proof" is so slipshod. I picked one of their cases at random:
“A Pure Trust is not illegal if formed for the express purpose of avoiding taxation.”
Guitar Family Trust Estate v. Commissioner, 72 F 2d 52 (1934)
72 F.2d 52 is in the middle of a completely unrelated case, Firemen's Ins. Co. v. Follett, 72 F.2d 49 (7th Cir. 1934) - a suit over a fire insurance policy. A search of the case name in WestLaw yields nothing. Where do you go from there?

Answer: Nowhere, because you don't attempt to prove the negative in the first place. Sorry if this doesn't help.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Gregg »

I would tell him that anything that complicated isn't something you buy in cookie cutter form on the internet, and suggest he take the promotional material to a lawyer in person, asking the lawyer not only if it would work, but how much should he pay to have a custom one done, one where at the very least, if you get in trouble you have the lawyer who drafted it right there. If there's any validity the lawyer may then work something up, but if it's nutball sov'run ebil gubmint screwing gibberish, I'd hope the lawyer would tell him so, and hope even more he'd listen.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Gregg »

Failing that, duct tape him to an office chair and lock him in a closet until he comes to his senses. :Axe:
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Kestrel »

Master's Protection Group wrote:The key to our system is giving up ownership but retaining control.
This might be a good place to start. If the basic premise is flawed nothing else matters.

Take a look at these IRS documents, if you haven't seen them already:

Abusive Trust Tax Evasion Schemes - Questions and Answers
Abusive Trust Tax Evasion Schemes - Special Types of Trusts
IRS wrote:Business Trust
The term "business trust" is not used in the Internal Revenue Code. The regulations require that trusts operating a trade or business be treated as a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship, if the grantor, beneficiary or fiduciary materially participates in the operations or daily management of the business. If the grantor maintains control of the trust, then grantor trust rules will apply. Otherwise, the trust would be treated as a simple or complex trust, depending on the trust instrument.

Pure Trust
The term "pure trust" is not used in the Internal Revenue Code. Whatever the name of the arrangement, however, the taxation of the entity must comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. The requirements are based on the economic reality of the arrangement, not its nomenclature. If the pure trust meets the definition of a trust, then it would be taxed under simple, complex, or grantor trust rules, depending on the trust instrument.
I'm not a lawyer, but I have read about plenty of cases where trusts have been ruled fraudulent and void because the person setting it up tried to have his cake and eat it too.

Bankruptcy law also recognizes the premise of fradulent transfer to avoid liability or loss of assets. It allows the court and the trustee to reclaim assets the debtor tries to transfer illegitimately for his own benefit or the benefit of creditors he prefers.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Prof »

Bankruptcy and trusts gets more complicated. Here are some examples:

Certain states, including Delaware and Alaska, now allow self-settled trusts as vehicles to shelter assets, generally subject to the laws of fraudulent conveyancing (e.g., a self-settled trust, like any other transfer, can be a fraudulent conveyance under UFTA). Other states do not recognize self-settled trusts as asset protection devices.

Also, unless a state has recognized that a self settled trust with title to the home is still a way of holding a homestead title (and Texas has), putting the homestead in a trust to avoid probate is very risky in some states, although the courts have been lenient.

Creating a spendthrift trust to protect beneficiaries is also tricky in a bankruptcy situtation. For example, if a spendthrift is about to expire, or will expire shortly, with the asset vesting in the beneficiary, bankruptcy may not save the asset, for any assets inherited or received by bequest or devise within 6 months after filing a bankruptcy case falls into the bankruptcy estate.

In other words, "don't try this at home."
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Kestrel »

Here's one more place the basic premise is flawed.
Master's Protection Group wrote:Does the IRS recognize a pure trust?

The IRS recognizes the Business Trust (Pure Trust) as a valid, legal entity (Internal Revenue Regulation 301.7701).
No, it doesn't. What section 301.7701-4 really says is this:
26 C.F.R. § 301.7701-4 wrote:(b) Business trusts. There are other arrangements which are known as trusts because the legal title to property is conveyed to trustees for the benefit of beneficiaries, but which are not classified as trusts for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code because they are not simply arrangements to protect or conserve the property for the beneficiaries. These trusts, which are often known as business or commercial trusts, generally are created by the beneficiaries simply as a device to carry on a profit-making business which normally would have been carried on through business organizations that are classified as corporations or partnerships under the Internal Revenue Code. However, the fact that the corpus of the trust is not supplied by the beneficiaries is not sufficient reason in itself for classifying the arrangement as an ordinary trust rather than as an association or partnership. The fact that any organization is technically cast in the trust form, by conveying title to property to trustees for the benefit of persons designated as beneficiaries, will not change the real character of the organization if the organization is more properly classified as a business entity under §301.7701–2.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Prof »

IIRC, the reference here is to the business entity known as the "Massachusetts Business Trust," which, for all intents and purposes, is the equivalent of an corporation.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by GlimDropper »

I want to thank everyone for their comments. I'll have more time this evening to address a few of your points. But I just got done listening to one of Master's Protection sales calls (available here if you're interested) Michael B. Clark is the main speaker and is a principle in the company and what a low rent bottom feeder this guy is. He's deliberately marketing this deal to Dinar holders, Freedom Club USA members and a "Petro America" scam I'd never even heard of, all people with a very false hope of being amazingly wealthy and near any day now. It's a brilliant marketing strategy, those people don't know they're victims already and that same lack of common sense will lead them down the primrose path into pure trusts. The only flaw in his approach is that many of those people don't have $3,800 to buy their trust with. But don't worry, you don't need to own a trust to sell them to others and once you've sold two you can afford one of your own.

If nothing else I'm glad that this thread will add some well deserved visibility to Michael Clark and his company.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by notorial dissent »

Which pretty well means he has pre-vetted and certified prospect list from the clueless and gullible, and has a number of sure fire sales if they have the money to waste, since they obviously haven't gotten a clue from previous experience, and of course the dinar crowd is going to NEED that trust to protect their bazillions once their oil barge comes in. The only one making anything off of this is the guy selling the dream.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by grixit »

Kestrel wrote:Here's one more place the basic premise is flawed.
Master's Protection Group wrote:Does the IRS recognize a pure trust?

The IRS recognizes the Business Trust (Pure Trust) as a valid, legal entity (Internal Revenue Regulation 301.7701).
No, it doesn't. What section 301.7701-4 really says is this:
26 C.F.R. § 301.7701-4 wrote:(b) Business trusts. There are other arrangements which are known as trusts because the legal title to property is conveyed to trustees for the benefit of beneficiaries, but which are not classified as trusts for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code because they are not simply arrangements to protect or conserve the property for the beneficiaries. These trusts, which are often known as business or commercial trusts, generally are created by the beneficiaries simply as a device to carry on a profit-making business which normally would have been carried on through business organizations that are classified as corporations or partnerships under the Internal Revenue Code. However, the fact that the corpus of the trust is not supplied by the beneficiaries is not sufficient reason in itself for classifying the arrangement as an ordinary trust rather than as an association or partnership. The fact that any organization is technically cast in the trust form, by conveying title to property to trustees for the benefit of persons designated as beneficiaries, will not change the real character of the organization if the organization is more properly classified as a business entity under §301.7701–2.
In other words, you can't change the nature of something just by changing its name. The IRS is not affected by witchcraft.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Gregg »

notorial dissent wrote:Which pretty well means he has pre-vetted and certified prospect list from the clueless and gullible, and has a number of sure fire sales if they have the money to waste, since they obviously haven't gotten a clue from previous experience, and of course the dinar crowd is going to NEED that trust to protect their bazillions once their oil barge comes in. The only one making anything off of this is the guy selling the dream.

There is quite a cottage industry in selling various business structures to the Dinaridjits.
On the members are solicited to pay I think $35 a month to become VIP members with access to other parts of the forum where they are solicited to pay thousands for IBCs, trusts etc... and of course for another $249 you can sign up for the special package that will facilitate you cashing in off shore (Belize) with the hint that there are tax advantages to making your profit outside the US (if you can call tax evasion an advantage), also a special package that includes armed guards from the airport to the cash in location and armored transport while in Belize, and bodyguards! (you can't make this stuff up, but it's true).

Old Adam Montana has quite a scam going, if you fall for every option you can have $10K invested PRE-RV in planning for your gazongazillion dollars. And it's all non-refundable, naturally.

Then there's the BH Group, which was setting up a hedge fund, but since most DInaridgits are not Sophisticated Qualified Investors as defined by the SEC, but will be when they're as rich as Warren Buffet after the RV...and since the fund is limited to 3000 participants, they have allowed you to pre-reserve your position, for a non refundable $750 registration fee.

Oh the possibilities when you get a list of thousands of people dumber than dirt, greedier than Cresius and more gullible than a 5 year old.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Wow the old Freedumb Club rears its head! Like the Dinar RV, that was going to happen any time soon apart from fill in the excuse getting in the way.
Anyway, been out of things for 24 hours but just catching up. The bit that sticks out for me is this:
The Investor agrees to give up ownership of their assets to the Creator of the Specialized Trust, in exchange for Trust Certificates. The Certificate Holders are the beneficiaries of the Trust.
This either means you've swapped an asset for a piece of paper that says you own an asset, which does nothing to help you avoid tax/litigation/ex wives or anything else as far I am aware. Or you have created some sort of "bearer title" whereby the "Certificate Holders" have the rights to the assets. (bearer bonds and bearer accounts do exist but they are rare AFAIK) Whether such a vehicle is even allowed by US law I don't know, but I wouldn't be putting any asset of mine into it for fear of losing control of it.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by LPC » FAQ wrote:Why must I give up ownership of my assets?

The key to our system is giving up ownership but retaining control.
Then the key to the system is fraud.

From the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, enacted in Pennsylvania as 12 Pa.C.S. § 5104:
Transfers fraudulent as to present and future creditors.
(a) General rule.--A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is fraudulent as to a creditor, whether the creditor's claim arose before or after the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred, if the debtor made the transfer or incurred the obligation:
(1) with actual intent to hinder, delay or defraud any creditor of the debtor; or [...]

(b) Certain factors.--In determining actual intent under subsection (a)(1), consideration may be given, among other factors, to whether:
(1) the transfer or obligation was to an insider;
(2) the debtor retained possession or control of the property transferred after the transfer;[...]
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by GlimDropper »

Thank you all again for your insights.

Taking a few points in order:
wserra wrote:GD - this answer may not satisfy you, but I think it's the right one: You're struggling because you reversed the burden of proof.
You are absolutely correct sir. I don't really have much at stake in the outcome of my dialog but the gentleman in question is a pretty effective marketer and if he can be persuaded not to sell these trusts then a few people might be spared from buying them.
Where do you go from there?

Answer: Nowhere, because you don't attempt to prove the negative in the first place. Sorry if this doesn't help.
Of course it helped and I thank you for it. I'd been using an emotional approach in my correspondence with this guy, sorta pattern matched to the style of argument he uses. You reminded me that I can't outflank him on that front.
Kestrel wrote:Here's one more place the basic premise is flawed.
Master's Protection Group wrote:Does the IRS recognize a pure trust?

The IRS recognizes the Business Trust (Pure Trust) as a valid, legal entity (Internal Revenue Regulation 301.7701).
No, it doesn't. What section 301.7701-4 really says is this:

Thanks Kestrel, this was by no means to only blatant misstatement of fact in that document. I'll document a few of them later.
grixit wrote: In other words, you can't change the nature of something just by changing its name. The IRS is not affected by witchcraft.
And I've found some court cases saying precisely that.

A general question, MP strongly down plays the tax avoidance angle which is smart because if their customers pay their taxes there is one fewer way for them to find out their trusts are worthless. Most of the case law regarding these trusts involves people trying (and failing) to avoid paying taxes. The two key points in their sales pitch are asset privacy and asset protection, "You own nothing but control everything" is their favorite refrain*. But I'm also aware that those particular powers of these trusts is every bit as fraudulent as the tax evasion abilities. Could anyone point me in the direction of a pure or constitutional trust scam being prosecuted for reasons other than taxes?

*Getting back to grixit's witchcraft quote, doesn't the nature of the control the grantor of the trust exercises play a rather large role in how a court will evaluate the nature of the trust?

LPC wrote: FAQ wrote:Why must I give up ownership of my assets?

The key to our system is giving up ownership but retaining control.
Then the key to the system is fraud.

From the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, enacted in Pennsylvania as 12 Pa.C.S. § 5104:
Transfers fraudulent as to present and future creditors.
(a) General rule.--A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is fraudulent as to a creditor, whether the creditor's claim arose before or after the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred, if the debtor made the transfer or incurred the obligation:
(1) with actual intent to hinder, delay or defraud any creditor of the debtor; or [...]

(b) Certain factors.--In determining actual intent under subsection (a)(1), consideration may be given, among other factors, to whether:
(1) the transfer or obligation was to an insider;
(2) the debtor retained possession or control of the property transferred after the transfer;[...]
I was so glad to see you post this LPC, I've been reading the UFTA and opinions around it for the last day or so. You confirmed I was on the right path. (PDF of the UFTA)

The Prefatory notes offers a more detailed if less concise explanation:
... Both Acts declare a transfer
made or an obligation incurred with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud
creditors to be fraudulent. Both Acts render a transfer made or obligation incurred
without adequate consideration to be constructively fraudulent – i.e., without regard
to the actual intent of the parties
– under one of the following conditions:
(1) the debtor was left by the transfer or obligation with unreasonably small
assets for a transaction or the business in which he was engaged;
(2) the debtor intended to incur, or believed that he would incur, more debts
than he would be able to pay; or
(3) the debtor was insolvent at the time or as a result of the transfer or
I do have a fresh question. The text of MP's sales brochure is quoted in the first post in this thread but put briefly you set up a trust, that trust establishes an LLC and that LLC sets up a second trust. That second trust's job is if it ever looks like the LLC is going to get sued, it slaps a UCC-1 lien on the LLC for 125% of the LLC's total value. *POOF* you're judgment proof.

From another thread on a different topic:
Prof wrote:Shorthand refutations:


..,. First, a naked UCC-1 creates nothing; there must be another document called a security agreement; then value must be advance and the debtor must receive possession of the collateral before a UCC-1 perfects a lien. Since the all caps and upper and lower case persons are the same (see above), then even if all of the steps are talken, the doctrine of merger applies and the lien is subsumed into ownership and no longer exists. The doctrine of merger, which says you can't take a lien on stuff you own, applies in all states and the District of Columbia.

Now that post was addressing the "strawman redemption" hooey but I'm wondering if the principle is the same. Correct me if I'm wrong but a LLC can not be sued by a trust it established and controls, encumbering it's own assets protecting them from legitimate creditors? You can't file a lien on something you own which leaves you with the three card monte game of Trust - LLC - Trust and if the court finds that your trusts were structured to conceal your transactions and hide your assets, it wont matter what words you use to describe them, the court will call them null.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Prof »

Three card monte is close, but actually the court just turns over all of the cards (discards all of the shells covering the pea).

Again, the UCC lien is ineffective under the UCC-- no value has been advanced by the lien holder.

However, I doubt that an LLC has the ability to establish :tunes: a trust and transfer assets to the trust. As LPC (Dan) can probably advise, if you were setting up a true trust -- testamentary, spendthrift, etc. -- you would put the "membership interests" into trust for the benefit of a third party. I am unsure, on Sun. night at 9, whether a trustee could act as managing member, so I guess that the managing member and its ownership interest would have to remain outside of the trust.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Kestrel »

GlimDropper wrote:The two key points in their sales pitch are asset privacy and asset protection, "You own nothing but control everything" is their favorite refrain*. But I'm also aware that those particular powers of these trusts is every bit as fraudulent as the tax evasion abilities. Could anyone point me in the direction of a pure or constitutional trust scam being prosecuted for reasons other than taxes?
Sure. I don't have time to look up any case law cites right now, but this sort of fraud might be used to avoid creditors in judgements, debt collection actions, foreclosures or bankruptcies. Or to avoid ex-wives and their lawyers.
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by LPC »

Prof wrote:However, I doubt that an LLC has the ability to establish a trust and transfer assets to the trust.
Corporations set up trusts all of the time, usually for the benefit of employees (such as for qualified and non-qualified retirement plans). A rather famous form of non-qualified employee benefit plan is known as a "Rabbi trust," because the first one approved by the IRS was set up for the benefit of a Rabbi.

And partnerships set up trusts for similar reasons.

I don't know of any reason why an LLC couldn't also set up a trust.
Dan Evans
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Re: Master's Protection Group, LLC

Post by Prof »

Thanks, Dan. Of course, you are correct -- trying to answer a question at 9 on Sun. night -- something I should not try at home, myself!
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