Liberty Dollar Update

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

I'd love for Bernie's sentence to be structured the same way his scam was structured. But I'm having a hard time working out the details.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

webhick wrote:I'd love for Bernie's sentence to be structured the same way his scam was structured. But I'm having a hard time working out the details.

10 years, but every time he gets to only 5 years left, it "resets" to 10 years. It's adjusted for inflation!
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Eloquent and appropriate.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

March 2012 Vol. 14 No. 03

Total Police, Lies but No Action

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. First Anniversary of Conviction
2. ALD Replies to AOCS Lies
3. Control of currencies is the core of their power
4. Alternative Currencies & the Liberty Dollar
5. Over 5,000 complementary currency systems worldwide
6. Bernal Bucks: More bang from their bucks with a Visa Card
7. States seek currencies made of silver and gold
8. Shire Silver: Price Change Coming
9. Book review of End of Money
10. Total Federalization of Police

1. First Anniversary of Conviction
March 18, 2012 - the first year anniversary of my conviction came and went. And while no action has been taken by the court, that should not be confused that nothing is happening. And while, there is no way to know what is happening, there is no doubt that Judge Voorhees has received a lot of letters:). The Liberty Dollar case continues to be one of the most unique cases and your supporting letters are a key indicator of that uniqueness.

I am also pleased to report that I have received 50 letters of support that my criminal attorney can use in court at my sentencing hearing. More letters are very welcome. So if you wrote a good, respectful letter to Judge Voorhees, please scan/email or fax (775.473.9929) a signed copy to me. And remember, only SIGNED letters can be used.

And if you still have not gotten around to writing Judge Voorhees, it is NOT too late. Remember it need not be very long. Please click HERE for Judge Voorhees address and a sample letter of support that he overturns the erred jury decision.
Please add: PLEASE FREE BVNH to the bottom left hand corner of your envelope.

My most sincere thanks for your support. Your notes of good wishes, prayers and donations have been a steady encouraging sign that I am not alone and that we will win. Please consider sending a small donation of support to:

Bernard von NotHaus
527 N. Green River Road
Suite 158
Evansville. IN 47715

THANKS again for your support. You will get your wrongfully seized property back after the criminal trial is concluded. And remember the Hitchhikers Philosophy: The longer the wait - the better the ride.

2. ALD Replies to AOCS Lies
I take no pleasure in disclosing this sordid story. But the time has come to tell the real facts that define the differences between the American Liberty Dollar (ALD) and the American Open Currency Standard (AOCS).

In the March 7, 2012 issue of "Director's Update!" by AOCS Director Rob Gray contains the usual ra-ra and announces "proud to announce that we're back on track" without ever noting why they were off track and concludes by encouraging everyone "to join us in our mission to restore honest trade."

"Restore honest trade"? Honesty, particularly in the field of "honest money" is so important, let's start at the beginning.

To the best of my memory, some time in 2007 Gray started calling me about being a part of the Liberty Dollar. Somehow he had heard about the new gold and silver currency and was all fired up to become a RCO. No… he wanted to be the best RCO… he wanted to be the SUPER RCO… he wanted to become the National Currency Director and take my place when I retired in 2008. Unfortunately, he didn't even have the money to be a RCO. As he tried his best to talk his way into the Liberty Dollar organization, he explained that his hypnotism business was failing, he had a wife and two children and needed a new way to make money.

Gray met me on three occasions while I was on tour, always the nice energetic young man with a lot of salesmanship, trying to find a way to participate without any money. Finally he sprang for the $100 starter kit and eventually Gray somehow became a RCO in Texas. He quickly threw himself into the Liberty Dollar with the expressed goal of taking my position when I retired. He and his wife and two children even drove from Dallas to Los Angeles for my retirement.

But for all his words, salesmanship and well intending goals to be the SUPER RCO, Gray's performance didn't match the other RCO's successes. Undaunted, Gray pushed to be my successor and the National Currency Director. Unfortunately for Gray, he lacked any support within the Liberty Dollar organization. Every leader must have the support and hopefully the loyalty of the organization. In fact, everybody was opposed to Gray.

Ultimately, I named Dan Priest, a RCO in California, to be the new Executive Director of the Liberty Dollar because as a former executive with Microsoft and appeared to be better qualified. Unfortunately, Priest quickly showed he had oversold his abilities and beset with family problems at home, he quickly self-destructed.

Meanwhile, Gray would not be deterred. If he could not be the National Currency Director of the Liberty Dollar, second best would be a competitor and he created the American Open Currency Standard. Initially, Gray praised my work and acknowledged me for introducing private currency to him. As he put it, "Bernard energized my passion for honest money." But he soon found it more advantageous business wise to bash me that ultimately materialized in his April 15 article Liberty Dollar's arrogance ends in federal 'guilty' verdict that was the only negative article about my conviction, not issued by the government. As Gray states in his subtitle, "A title like that requires a LOT of explanation and background. [INDEED!]

The irony of this tragedy is that if I had appointed Gray as the Executive Director of the Liberty Dollar organization, he would certainly had been more successful than Dan Priest, and would have been arrested with me.

Although that article is a low point of Gray's attitude about the Liberty Dollar, it did not stop Gray from flat out lying. In an era of dishonest government money and Liberty Dollar's quest to re-establish honest sound money, I find it appalling that at the end of Gray's latest "Update" of March 7, 2012, under Featured Articles, he features an article on "Face Value" and states: "I invite you to take a moment and read our latest AOCS article update for an in-depth overview of the AOCS Face Value, why it exists, and the formulas we developed to set the suggested exchange rate between AOCS Approved Currencies and fiat currencies.

Rob Gray did not develop those formulas. He did not even write the text in that "Face Value" article. He copied my text and my currency formulas that I developed over 24 years of research and development from 1974 to 1998 when I introduced the Liberty Dollar - the world's first private, 100% value based, market driven currency designed to move with the metals market. He stole my life's work. And to make matters worse, in another article he has the audacity to state, "As I wrap up this article (regarding the Liberty Dollar) and evaluate if it reached its goal, I contemplate whether it's best to stay quiet or to point out what I consider to be valuable insight to help frame what's really at stake in the case of the Liberty Dollar. In the freedom movement… I do not believe deception or lying is a valid method to bring people to the truth."

Well I certainly agree that deception or lying is not a valid method to bring people to the truth. And that is doubly true in the honest money movement. I don't trust anybody who lies to me. And neither should you. The Liberty Dollar has proven itself to be an honest currency.

Editor Note: My work has been documented in countless articles, 162 monthly newsletters from October 1998 and Chapter 48 of my 2003 book: The Liberty Dollar Solution to the Federal Reserve that details the move up from the $10 Silver Base to the $20 Silver Base. For historically purposes to set the record straight: Please note the 2006 edition of the Liberty Dollar model currency schedule is HERE. Gold Schedule of Bases and Move Up Points is HERE. Silver Schedule of Bases and Move Up Points is HERE.

Contrary to Gray lies, I fully support many other activist efforts who use the formulas that I developed. Four noteworthy efforts are: Joshua Deatherage's Community Currency in central Missouri, Peter Affolter's Aspen Dollar, Dave Gillie's Ron Paul Silvers and Ron Helwig's Shire Silver that is featured in Article 8 below.

3. Control of currencies is the core of their power
Global Domination Agenda by Foster Gamble (an heir to Proctor and Gamble)

What is keeping us from thriving? After a lifetime journey of pursuing that question, my research revealed that a small group of financial elite have gained control over key areas of our lives - energy, food, health care, education and more - and are the single greatest threat to humanity's ability to thrive.

Control of currencies is the core of their power methodology. The elite financed Mussolini and Hitler, planned WWI and II, and financed all sides in order to cull the population and consolidate their power. For more than a century, their goal has been to create a single global government. The attempt to create a League of Nations after WWI was funded by the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds. The plan failed, but was revived as the United Nations after WWII on land in New York gifted by the Rockefellers. As wonderful as it's made out to be, with its diversity and "peacekeepers," the UN seems to be the front organization for the One World Authority - with NATO as its militant arm and the World Bank as its financial enforcer.

If you are not familiar with Foster Gamble's work, the "Thrive" video and movement, I encourage you to check out his amazing work.

4. Alternative Currencies & the Liberty Dollar
Click HERE for a very interesting seven-minute video regarding alternative currencies and the Liberty Dollar created by Kevin Hayden for Truth is Treason.

5. Over 5,000 complementary currency systems worldwide
Dr Gill Seyfang has announced the publication of two new research papers on International Journal of Community Currency Research (IJCCR).

A New Approach to a Typology of Complementary Currencies (CC) by Jens Martignoni states that well over 5,000 complementary currency systems have been established worldwide to date. They range from very large systems, such as the WIR-Cooperation Ring, to small neighbour to neighbour exchange circles. Such a diverse range of currency types has developed that it is almost impossible to get an overview of the whole field. This article attempts to strip CC money down to its basic features and then develop a typology of the various complementary currencies. This article is an excerpt from a thesis on complementary currencies by the author in The Institute for Research on Management of Associations, Foundations and Cooperatives (VMI) at the Economic and Social Sciences Faculty University of Fribourg/Switzerland. Click HERE for more info.

Key Indicators of Time Bank Participation: Using Transaction Data for Evaluation by Ed Collom states the key and advanced statistical indicators of time bank participation. Unlike printed community currencies, time banks record their exchanges in databases. Such transaction data enables researchers to evaluate member participation in these networks across time. Nonetheless, there is very little published scholarship employing time bank transaction data. Click HERE for more info.

6. Bernal Bucks: More bang from their bucks with a Visa Card
SF 'hood' evolves its local currency program - into a Visa card?

I stumbled into a small-town saloon, complete with a dingy 1950s cowboy mural over the door, a horseshoe-shaped bar, and the feeling that everybody - everybody! - knew the score better than I did. Oh wait, I remembered. I'm just in Bernal Heights.

Normally I do not spend my Tuesday night on this hill, but tonight was an exception. Cortland Avenue was hosting a local business walk - the sidewalks lined with bustling young families and the fundraising popcorn stands of neighborhood groups. Paulie's Pickling was offering free tastes of its delicious jarred carrots and cauliflower.

I wasn't even on the hill for the sour samples. The evening also was meant to debut the Bernal Bucks card - an innovative, or at the very least, new take on the idea of local currency. Bernal Heights is a neighborhood full of folks who don't have much call to go anywhere else.

Click HERE to read the complete article and more below. (link to )

Bernal Bucks: More bang from their bucks

Unified by the coin of their realm

Bernal Heights neighborhood has own debit card

Card-carrying Locals Earn 5% Rewards - SF Chronicle

Communities issue currency, promote local spending

The Bernal Bucks Card Stars in Today's Wall Street Journal

Community Currencies Aim to Aid Merchants

7. States seek currencies made of silver and gold
NEW YORK -- A growing number of states are seeking shiny new currencies made of silver and gold.

Worried that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. dollar are on the brink of collapse, lawmakers from 13 states, including Minnesota, Tennessee, Iowa, South Carolina and Georgia, are seeking approval from their state governments to either issue their own alternative currency or explore it as an option. Just three years ago, only three states had similar proposals in place.

"In the event of hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System ... the State's governmental finances and private economy will be thrown into chaos," said North Carolina Republican Representative Glen Bradley in a currency bill he introduced last year.

Unlike individual communities, which are allowed to create their own currency -- as long as it is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars -- the Constitution bans states from printing their own paper money or issuing their own currency. But it allows the states to make "gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."

To the state legislators who are proposing state-issued currencies, that means gold and silver are fair game, said Edwin Vieira, an alternative currency proponent and attorney specializing in Constitutional law. And since gold has grown exponentially more
valuable, while the U.S. dollar continues to lose ground, the notion has become increasingly appealing to state governments, he said.

Click HERE to read how North Carolina, Indiana, South Carolina, Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia, Iowa, Georgia, Utah, Idaho, and Washington are taking action against hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System.

8. Shire Silver: Price Change Coming
Ron Helwig states on the home page: You can make money by becoming a merchant, buying Shire Silver cards at a discount, and giving them out as change. You can also earn money by helping our network to grow by coming a sales agent.

As Helwig's site explains:
We believe that governments are based on force and routinely interfere in voluntary exchanges. Because of perverse incentives and the concentration of power, governments cannot be trusted with the power to make or regulate money. They have repeatedly shown that they don't deserve that trust. Even when a government controlled currency starts out sound, the pressure to debase is irresistable. Once debasement begins, governments then are forced to lie about economic conditions in order to continue their plunder.

We believe that in the future, money will have been separated from governments and all money will be produced privately. People will trade value for value, using honest wealth based currencies; with Shire Silver being the most trusted brand.

Recently Helwig announced that a price change is coming to Shire Silver. Upon a quick review it seems that Helwig has drawn upon the Liberty Dollar's MSRP model and the pricing seem similar and very in sync to the formulas that I developed. As the price of silver moves up, the value of the Shire Silver moves up. Make perfect sense to me:)!! More info on Shire Silver is available HERE and pricing changes HERE.

Thanks Ron for mentioning the Liberty Dollar on your History Page.

9. Book review of End of Money
Shortly before I dashed from Hawaii to North Carolina for the Liberty Dollar trial, I gave an interview to David Wolman who was writing a book on money and found the Liberty Dollar an interesting concept. What the hell, anybody who is crazy enough to fly to Hawaii, should be crazy enough to interview me. Unfortunately, Wolman was more tenacious than I, so I decided to let the chips fall where they may. The book has been well received with most reviewers mentioning my interview. Here are a few reviews:

Cashless author's idea, book set off fireworks by Alison Barnwell
The Portland Tribune, Feb 16, 2012

Talking quickly into the phone as he hurried to an interview with FOX News in Los Angeles, Bernard von NotHaus said the subject of economics paled beside his discussion with Oregon author David Wolman about the Liberty Dollar. "Economics is a dry, boring and an utterly disgusting topic," von NotHaus said. "I'm into money, and money is like sex - it's exciting."

Book review 'The End of Money' looks at world with no cash by the Boston Globe
NotHaus curses like a sailor, mostly about the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury, ... Although Wolman disagrees with NotHaus' reverence for gold-backed…

Do we really need cash any more? A book review of The End of Money by the New Scientist...

David Wolman's vision of a future without cash has a serious side but has gonzo brilliance as well book review by Felix Martin for the British Observer, Saturday 24 March 2012.

Why We'll Never Get a Cashless Society - The arguments against cash are rational, but our attachment to it isn't. A book review by Technology Review

No Money, No Problems? A review of The End of Money by Jennifer Vega for Pop Matters

10. Total Federalization of Police
Mission Creep: DHS Agency Abandons Fighting Terrorism, Shifts to Hiring Police, Taking Over America reported on January 25, 2012 by Aaron Dykes for

A new white paper presented to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence carves out an 'evolving mission' for Homeland Security that moves away from fighting terrorism and towards growing a vast domestic intelligence apparatus that would expand integration with local/state agencies and private-public partnerships already underway via regional fusion centers.

Crafted by the Aspen Institute Homeland Security Group, co-chaired by former DHS chief Michael Chertoff and composed of a who's who of national security figures, the report outlines a total mission creep, as the titled Homeland Security and Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission implies.

Significantly, it puts on paper and into the Congressional record a proposed transition from outwardly dealing with the threats posed by terrorism to intelligence gathering "focused on more specific homeward-focused areas."

Please read this whole, shocking article HERE.

Closing Remarks:
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

So this is von nutburt’s 1 year anniversary, my how time flies when you are having fun, how many more is that to go at this point? Lots as I remember.

Still no shortage of hubris on Bernie’s part, although why he thinks LD is anything even remotely unique is beyond me, he’s a con artist that got caught.

50 letters of support huh, I wonder how many of them can be used to prove furtherance of a criminal enterprise on either party?

So von nutburt had a competitor? Oy, this just gets better and better.

Do I detect a little bitterness and recrimination about Dan Priest???

One con artist calling another a fraud, can’t get any better than this now can we.

And more of the same Bernie drivel.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by LPC »

Von Nuthaus wrote:Worried that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. dollar are on the brink of collapse, lawmakers from 13 states, including Minnesota, Tennessee, Iowa, South Carolina and Georgia, are seeking approval from their state governments to either issue their own alternative currency or explore it as an option.
Ignoring the complete absence of any reason to worry about the collapse of the US dollar, why (or *how*) would "lawmakers" (legislators?) be "seeking approval" from their own state governments? I would think that "lawmakers" would be *granting* approval and not *seeking* approval.

Just more evidence that von Nuthaus lives in a kind of parallel universe with rules (and facts) that are different from the world we live in.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, certainly realities of his very own at the very least.

I personally think he has sampled too much of the green things he was growing over in HI, among other things.

So we have further proof that he is not only economically and realistically but grammatically challenged as well!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

What? No webhick commentary on the latest Nothaus missive? No Bernie update is complete without that. This webhick 2012! campaign is definitely wrecking her priorities.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

The Observer wrote:What? No webhick commentary on the latest Nothaus missive? No Bernie update is complete without that. This webhick 2012! campaign is definitely wrecking her priorities.

The campaign, at this point, only involves her clone.

She's actually busy with more...interesting... things right now.

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

The Observer wrote:What? No webhick commentary on the latest Nothaus missive? No Bernie update is complete without that. This webhick 2012! campaign is definitely wrecking her priorities.
I missed the last one, too. Honestly didn't think anyone was still reading them.

But, on with the show!
Total Police, Lies but No Action
Total Potted Meat, What Did I Just Eat.
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
I can't believe I never noticed this before. Who the hell ends a salutation in an exclamation point? Do you also make it a habit of grabbing people by the shoulders and shaking them violently while screaming "NICE TO MEET YOU" two inches from their face? I'm imagining you do. No, really, that's the video clip playing in my head right now. It's great to be me, because earlier this week when Tori Spelling was showing everyone how to make a giant pom-pom thing to hang over your table for Easter, I pictured there being a candle carelessly left underneath and the whole thing bursting into flames and her running around like a panicked idiot with her fake boobs smacking her in the face while the house burns down around her. It made me laugh hysterically. No one else in the break room laughed. Good times...
March 18, 2012 - the first year anniversary of my conviction came and went.
I threw a little party that day. I apologize if you didn't get the invitation.
And while no action has been taken by the court,
I don't have my PACER login here, but I'm finding it a bit hard to believe that the court has done nothing in a year.
that should not be confused that nothing is happening.
Little sense does your sentence fragment make. Learn English, you must.
And while, there is no way to know what is happening
I'm thinking that's because you kept shaking your magic 8 ball and now there's so many bubbles you can't read what it says on the little floating triangle anymore, not because you asked your lawyer or anything.
there is no doubt that Judge Voorhees has received a lot of letters:).
Yes. All 26. A-Z. 52 if you count the lowercase ones too. I'd send more but I'm not really fluent in any other languages.
The Liberty Dollar case continues to be one of the most unique cases
If by unique, you mean short and boring. Ha! I bet you're unique in bed, too.
and your supporting letters are a key indicator of that uniqueness.
Oh, you mean "unique" as in "poorly spelled, rambling, and insanely stupid."
I am also pleased to report that I have received 50 letters of support that my criminal attorney can use in court at my sentencing hearing.
So you're 6 shy of collecting them all.
More letters are very welcome.
Trying to get those last six, eh?
So if you wrote a good, respectful letter to Judge Voorhees
Which letters aren't good, respectful letters? "p" and "q" because they let their junk hang out? "F" and "X" because, well, those are just dirty. "B" because that bitch won't cover up her girls? "A" because she doesn't cross her legs?
And remember, only SIGNED letters can be used.
Okay. I hope you don't mind if I cheat and send you a copy of a chart.
And if you still have not gotten around to writing Judge Voorhees, it is NOT too late.
Oh thank god! Just now, I was writing his name on a scrap piece of paper just as quick as a bunny because I was worried that I would run out of time.
Remember it need not be very long.
So, I didn't have to invest in the poster board from the dollar store? BTW, the dollar store is really deceptive because not everything is a $1, my example being poster board. That's two for a dollar. They need to rename all the stores to Dollar or Two for a Dollar Store. I expect everyone to send all 26 letters to the FCC immediately.
Please click HERE for Judge Voorhees address
I think there's supposed to be an apostrophe there. Otherwise, it's just a weird title for a movie. Probably a shitty independent. Not one of the good ones, like Rubber. I dare you to rent it. Even if you don't like it you have to admit it's not the regurgitated shit Hollywood is cranking out.
and a sample letter of support that he overturns the erred jury decision.
Sample letter? An "I"? There's a lot of straight lines in letters. I'm betting an "I" would work. Or are you looking for a support letter. I think that'd be a "C" because it's going in for a hug. I'd say an "O" but it seems too stifling. And not a "D" because with that one side smushed in, it makes me think that the "D"s hug is a little too friendly.
Please add: PLEASE FREE BVNH to the bottom left hand corner of your envelope.
So they don't even have to open it to know it belongs in the circular file.
You will get your wrongfully seized property back after the criminal trial is concluded.
The trial has concluded. You were found guilty.
And remember the Hitchhikers Philosophy: The longer the wait - the better the ride.
Not accurate. I prefer this one: "Some people are so stupid they deserve to be punched in the face."
I take no pleasure in disclosing this sordid story.
Yeah, that explains the maniacal cackling I heard as I read this the first time.
But the time has come to tell the real facts that define the differences between the American Liberty Dollar (ALD) and the American Open Currency Standard (AOCS).
As opposed to fake facts as told to us by someone who wants us to take their word for it. Like you.
In the March 7, 2012 issue of "Director's Update!" by AOCS Director Rob Gray contains the usual ra-ra and announces "proud to announce that we're back on track" without ever noting why they were off track and concludes by encouraging everyone "to join us in our mission to restore honest trade."
Sounds a lot like your newsletters (although you do usually say why you were off-track, even if it makes no sense).
To the best of my memory, some time in 2007 Gray started calling me about being a part of the Liberty Dollar. Somehow he had heard about the new gold and silver currency and was all fired up to become a RCO. No… he wanted to be the best RCO… he wanted to be the SUPER RCO… he wanted to become the National Currency Director and take my place when I retired in 2008.
So, in 2007 Gray told you that he wanted to replace you a year later. I don't recall you announcing your retirement until it happened September 2008.
Unfortunately, he didn't even have the money to be a RCO. As he tried his best to talk his way into the Liberty Dollar organization, he explained that his hypnotism business was failing, he had a wife and two children and needed a new way to make money.
Considering that he knew about a year in advance that you were going to retire, maybe he should have gone the psychic route rather than the hypnotism route. In any event, if he wanted to make money, then getting a job would have been a good place to start. I mean, it was 2007, there were still jobs back then.
Gray met me on three occasions while I was on tour, always the nice energetic young man with a lot of salesmanship, trying to find a way to participate without any money.
Apparently he had travel money burning a hole in his pocket.
Finally he sprang for the $100 starter kit and eventually Gray somehow became a RCO in Texas.
Somehow? He bought he starter kit. You let him become an RCO.
He quickly threw himself into the Liberty Dollar with the expressed goal of taking my position when I retired.
How exactly do you think he was going to "take" your position? Bloody coup?
He and his wife and two children even drove from Dallas to Los Angeles for my retirement.
Holy shit! A 24-hour drive! Will this man's thirst for power know no limits?!
But for all his words, salesmanship and well intending goals to be the SUPER RCO, Gray's performance didn't match the other RCO's successes.
That comes as no surprise since he couldn't even get you to waive the fee on the $100 starter kit.
Undaunted, Gray pushed to be ...snip... National Currency Director.
It's a fake title anyway.
Ultimately, I named Dan Priest, a RCO in California, to be the new Executive Director of the Liberty Dollar because as a former executive with Microsoft and appeared to be better qualified.
To sell software. He was a sales executive, Bernie. SALES EXECUTIVE. Not a sales manager, which would have better qualified him, although maybe not quite enough.
Unfortunately, Priest quickly showed he had oversold his abilities and beset with family problems at home, he quickly self-destructed.
I'm not really getting the whole self-destruct thing. I seem to recall him being there one minute then gone the next. You must mean literally self-destructing.
Initially, Gray praised my work and acknowledged me for introducing private currency to him. As he put it, "Bernard energized my passion for honest money." But he soon found it more advantageous business wise to bash me
Kind of like you're bashing him, right?
that ultimately materialized in his April 15 article Liberty Dollar's arrogance ends in federal 'guilty' verdict that was the only negative article about my conviction, not issued by the government. As Gray states in his subtitle, "A title like that requires a LOT of explanation and background. [INDEED!]
Really? Only honest "article" not issued by the government? What the hell have I been doing these past few years?! Hell, not just me! All of freaking Quatloos points and laughs at you Bernie, not with you!
The irony of this tragedy is that if I had appointed Gray as the Executive Director of the Liberty Dollar organization, he would certainly had been more successful than Dan Priest, and would have been arrested with me.
So, this guy Gray sucked as an RCO, couldn't even talk you out of a $100 fee, was pushy and clingy, maybe a little bit psychic, who no one in the organization like and whose hypnotism business failed before the economy tanked would have been a better leader than the guy people liked and who proved that he had decent salesmanship (he at least used to have a job doing it and you admit he was a very successful RCO). I don't really think that you believe what you just said, I think you wish you had appointed him so he would have been arrested and you're reconciling the fact that Dan wasn't arrested by claiming that he failed horribly.
Rob Gray did not develop those formulas. He did not even write the text in that "Face Value" article. He copied my text and my currency formulas that I developed over 24 years of research and development from 1974 to 1998 when I introduced the Liberty Dollar - the world's first private, 100% value based, market driven currency designed to move with the metals market.
I would turn this info over to your attorney. Might buy you a little leeway at sentencing.
He stole my life's work.
I do actually feel a little bad for you right now. As wrong as your formulas and such are, you have spent a lot of time and burned quite a few roaches coming up with your scam. Wait, it's a scam. My empathy just disappeared. Suck it, Bernie.
Well I certainly agree that deception or lying is not a valid method to bring people to the truth. And that is doubly true in the honest money movement. I don't trust anybody who lies to me. And neither should you. The Liberty Dollar has proven itself to be an honest currency.
Except for that whole criminal trial and repeated promises to get back what is now federal property.
Contrary to Gray lies, I fully support many other activist efforts who use the formulas that I developed. Four noteworthy efforts are: Joshua Deatherage's Community Currency in central Missouri, Peter Affolter's Aspen Dollar, Dave Gillie's Ron Paul Silvers and Ron Helwig's Shire Silver that is featured in Article 8 below.
Thanks for giving the government a list of people to start looking at more closely.

And since we've hit the history lessons, I'm done here.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

webhick wrote:
The Observer wrote:What? No webhick commentary on the latest Nothaus missive? No Bernie update is complete without that. This webhick 2012! campaign is definitely wrecking her priorities.
I missed the last one, too. Honestly didn't think anyone was still reading them.
I always read your nuthous posts.

webhick 2012!
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:I always read your nuthous posts.
Then you truly have too much free time on your hands :)
webhick 2012!
Thank you for your support. I hope I can count on your write-in vote come November.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Cathulhu »

You can count on mine, Webhick! I know what's good for me. :D
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

You bet.

webhick 2012!
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

FDR, 1932, Happy Days Are Here Again

JFK, 1960, Sinatra doing a spin off of "High Hopes"

Bill Clinton,1992, Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by Fleetwood Mac

Webhick, 2012

Thanks, Arlo, for being the least screwed up celebrity I can think of
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

I have become aware of another federal law, under which Von NotHaus and NORFED/LD could be sued civally by their customers. This is a civil, not criminal, law but it seems very applicable.

It's the Hobby Protection Act, 15 USC § 2101, from Public Law 93-167, sec. 2, Nov. 29, 1973, 87 Stat.L. 686. It creates civil liabilities for those who (inter alia) "manufactures or imports, for introduction into or distribution in commerce, any numismatic item which is not plainly and permanently marked 'COPY'."

In other words, by churning out their LD drachma, which they called a "coin" and claimed had been legally consented to by the govt, the NotHaus gang had introduced a bogus numismatic item which was not marked as such. The Hobby Protection Act was supposed to stomp on those who counterfeited ancient/obsolete coins, including (maybe especially) such as were not considered money anymore (like Confederate money).

But there's a case on point: DeMarco v. National Collector's Mint (SDNY, June 30, 2005) 229 F.R.D. 73, 2005 CCH Trade Cases ¶ 74876. DeMarco is a dissatisfied customer suing the outfit that advertised on late-night TV those special "Freedom Tower Silver Dollars", supposedly made from pure silver "recovered from Ground Zero" (the ruins of the World Trade Center) and purportedly "legally authorized" by the govt, and even purportedly "government issue". DeMarco purchased the "Freedom Tower Silver Dollar" and then discovered it was not as advertised. The court decision refused to dismiss his case, held that he had a plausible claim under the Hobby Protection Act - and, perhaps more important, that he could bring his suit as a class action on behalf of all the customers who had bought the bogus coin. (I presume after that the defendant company settled quickly because I cannot find news of further litigation.)

It turned out that the govt that had authorized and "issued" the Silver Dollar was the Northern Mariana Islands. ... ver_Dollar The US Treasury and US Mint were cranked about it because a foreign country cannot churn out what purports or appears to be US coinage (and these had the usual "In God We Trust", "One Dollar" on them). ... ase&ID=535. Here are photos of the coins, with some rather pained notes by the artist who designed it:

Read it for yourself: ... s_sdt=2,21

Anyway, its application to the Liberty Dollar thing seems very plausible to me.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Much as it pains me to say this, I think you are misconstruing some of von nutburt's natterings. The one thing von Nutburt never did, at least that I am aware of, is claim that what he was doing was "authorised" or consented to by the gov't. In fact he more or less went out of his way to thumb his nose at the gov't claiming his coinage was an alternate/alternative currency, which is what got him in trouble to begin with, the currency part, that and the fact that the things did look like real US coins, and he was intending to pass them off in place of US coins, which is a big no no. Otherwise, I think you may be on to something, as I can see the Hobby Act covering what he was doing if you chose to look at it from that perspective.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Actually, early in its history NORFED was advertising (in Media Bypass, for example) that the LD had been declared legal by someone at the US Treasury, that it was "legal tender", that it was a "coin" (a word that, evidently, suggests that it is usable as money), and similar things. NotHaus dialed back on this considerably a couple of years later, when I wrote to his lawyer (a hard-to-locate Hawaiian) about the counterfeiting law.

Even so, NotHaus persisted in marking his LD with "U.S.A.", dollar amounts, similarities (mentioned in ads) to old bona fide US silver coins, etc.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

I stand corrected then, that was before I became aware of von Nutbert et al, but it definitely does indeed sound like him.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Imalawman »

fortinbras wrote:I have become aware of another federal law, under which Von NotHaus and NORFED/LD could be sued civally by their customers. This is a civil, not criminal, law but it seems very applicable.

It's the Hobby Protection Act, 15 USC § 2101, from Public Law 93-167, sec. 2, Nov. 29, 1973, 87 Stat.L. 686. It creates civil liabilities for those who (inter alia) "manufactures or imports, for introduction into or distribution in commerce, any numismatic item which is not plainly and permanently marked 'COPY'."

In other words, by churning out their LD drachma, which they called a "coin" and claimed had been legally consented to by the govt, the NotHaus gang had introduced a bogus numismatic item which was not marked as such. The Hobby Protection Act was supposed to stomp on those who counterfeited ancient/obsolete coins, including (maybe especially) such as were not considered money anymore (like Confederate money).


Anyway, its application to the Liberty Dollar thing seems very plausible to me.
Very interesting...some buyers could be irritated enough to file a suit. Not sure if its worth the effort. The feds may well make him judgment proof.
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