Cobra Resistance

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Cobra Resistance

Post by Deep Knight »

Cobra: Intel Update – May 8, 2012
2012 May 9
Posted by Stephen Cook

Stephen: I am not quite sure everyone will agree with everything here. Personally, some of it resonated; some didn’t – but I found it interesting nonetheless. How you ‘feel’ about it is entirely up to you.

There are many versions of our planet’s history, currently. So I always like to read a wider range of viewpoints. I find that doing so helps me make my way forward in balance – and in the light. I suggest you tune in to your own inner ‘knowing’.

Equally, Cobra states clearly that he is not posting it to alarm anyone. Simply to provide his intel on the situation as his sources see things. Although I am not sure ‘who’ or ‘what’ is instructing him to do so…

P.S. the “net” he refers to is the Matrix, as described below; not the internet.
Fall of the Archons

By Cobra, Portal 2012 – May 8, 2012

I had some doubts about posting this intel as it may be shocking to some people, but I was nevertheless instructed to do so. Events of the last few days have further convinced me that now is the time to release this. I am not posting this to spread fear, but to inform. If we are aware of the situation, our unified consciousness will be able to transmute and dissolve it. This is a fairly complete picture of the state of affairs between the light and dark forces and of the ultimate victory of the Light.

25,000 years ago, dark forces created quarantine Earth and took humanity hostage. They created a virtual reality control system so nobody could escape. They have trapped Light beings who have a connection with the Source, to fuel this virtual creation.

This virtual reality control system is still in place to an extent and is usually referred to as the Matrix. On the physical plane, the control is maintained through Orion-Babylonian type debt-based financial system slavery and through mass media mind programming. On the etheric, astral and mental planes, the control is maintained with electromagnetic spacetime distortion chambers similar to those used in Philadelphia experiment. Those chambers create an illusion of a closed loop system that appears to be eternal and this is the reason why so few beings have been able to be set free / liberated / enlightened.

The Matrix is run by beings, called Archons (Greek for rulers). They are beings that came from the Andromeda Galaxy and chose to experience darkness. They refused to reconnect with the source. Through millennia, they created Draconian and Reptilian race through genetic engineering to use them as slave warriors to expand their dark empire.

Planet Earth is the last planet of this dark empire to be liberated. There are very few Archons on planet Earth left.

On the etheric and astral planes, they are known as Lords of Karma. They are the ones that to a great extent decide the life path of anybody that incarnates. They choose our parents and to some extent determine our life conditions. This programming system is known as karma. With advance wave-form generating technology on the astral plane they manipulate astral currents of planetary energies and use them for malevolent astrological influences. They maintain the distorted spacetime structure with implants that have created spacetime black hole anomaly, thus confusing human mind and emotions. Implants are programmable crystals that were put into mental, astral and etheric bodies of every single human being on Earth with strong electronic devices.

On the etheric and lower astral planes, their Draconian administrators maintain the artificial intelligence technology that keeps the Matrix in place. It has an alert system so if an awakened being creates a hole in this Matrix with his Light, Draconians send a Reptilian slave warrior to exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of that awakened being to lower his vibration and thus close that hole. Also, those Reptilian slave warriors constantly exert pressure upon the mind and emotions of incarnated human beings on Earth in order to prevent their spiritual growth and to suppress their fight for freedom. If that is not enough, they also send amoeba-like elemental beings that put additional pressure. All those negative beings usually hide in folds of distorted spacetime structure on astral and etheric planes:

Their power is in fear and hidden agendas. They lose all power in the face of light, truth and courage. If we are aware of all this without fear, the light of our consciousness will straighten those folds in spacetime structure and all those negative beings will be removed from astral and etheric planes of planet Earth:

On the physical plane the Archons are incarnated within Jesuit organization and they spiritually control their administrators (Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system), their warriors (Reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati) and their slaves (humanity that works for them in their 9-5 jobs). Through Jesuit societies and 33rd degree Freemasons they hold the Illuminati structure together. This structure is now finally falling apart.

Invasions of the Archons

There were three main invasions of the Archons and their subjugated races such as Draconians and Reptilians from outer space in known human history. All of them happened both on physical and spiritual planes.

The first one is the Kurgan invasion that happened around 3600 BCE. Dark beings entered through Caucasus dimensional portal.

Their purpose was to destroy peaceful Goddess worshipping neolithic cultures that thrived in neolithic Europe. They wanted to destroy veneration of the Goddess since feminine energy is our direct connection to the Source:

The second one is the Khazar invasion that happened around 393 CE. Dark beings used the same Caucasus dimensional portal:

The purpose of this invasion was to destroy mystery schools, Christian gnostic groups and nature worshipping paganism and replace those with Christian cult mind programming. This programming was enhanced with creation of virtual reality hells on the lower astral plane, which were then used by the Church to strengthen its position.

The third one is the Congo invasion that happened in 1996. Dark beings entered through war-torn Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. Main focus of this invasion was on the etheric and lower astral plane. The purpose of this invasion was to destroy new age and ascension movements and to reinforce the Matrix that was already beginning to disintegrate in 1995 as a result of mass awakening on Earth. Most beings are not aware of this invasion as their memories about the Light that was present on Earth before 1996 were erased with intense implanting sessions between 1996 ad 1999.

Victory of the Light

After the 11:11:11 portal activation in November last year, the Matrix is finally falling apart.
Immediately after that, events were set into motion (Keenan lawsuit) that will finally result in our ultimate liberation. This time there can be no invasion of Archons from outer space, since planet Earth is the last one to be liberated.

The decisive battle is expected to happen around the Venus transit portal on June 5th. We are already within the timeframe of that decisive turning point. Although the victory of Light is ensured and all negative timelines have been erased, we need to be extremely vigilant.

Archons on the astral plane will continue to exert pressure on the psychological weak spots of the key players of the positive forces on Earth to create divisions and conflicts between them. This serves their purpose to diffuse our focus into petty quarrels and away from our focused intent of taking down the Cabal. We need to release those conflicts and refocus immediately. Liberation consciousness stream is strong enough to override Archon influence, but they are still powerful enough to create unnecessary delays. Mass arrests of the Cabal are not physical operation only, they need spiritual support so that when they happen, human masses will not panic.

At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states:

The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters

The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.

The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.

The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and the weather pattern of luminosity will begin.

Cobra Says “Archons” Leader Arrested May 5 2012 May 11
Posted by Stephen Cook

Stephen: This is a continuation/clarification of Cobra’s post on the Archons from two days ago.

But what made me sit bolt upright today is Cobra’s big revelation, just casually sitting in the third last paragraph, that the “Leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet. He has crossed over to the Light and is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary liberation process”.

Just who this person is is not revealed. But Cobra does give some indication here as to who may feature when the mass arrests begin…

Clarification About Archons

By Cobra, Portal 2012 – May 10, 2012

This is a continuation of the intel about the Archons with a purpose of clarifying some ambiguities.

All physical and non-physical Reptilians, Draconians, Archons and all other dark entities have been already completely cleared from the whole universe, galaxy and our solar system, except from a small surface layer of planet Earth.

All Reptilians and other dark forces have already been completely cleared from all underground military bases. Those bases are now empty, and their entrances sealed.

You can now only find any dark forces in two places:

The first place is the etheric plane and lower astral plane (4th dimension) in a thin layer around the surface profile of the Earth, extending 8.6 miles in both direction at most. Great majority of those discarnate dark entities are in the immediate surface layer which extends no more than 60 feet in both directions (upwards and downwards from the surface profile). Most of those entities tend to concentrate in heavily populated areas, there are very few entities where pristine nature is preserved. Those dark entities consist of a small group of Archons, a larger group of Draconians, even larger group of Reptilians and vast number of amoeba-like elemental beings. There is a war going on now on the etheric and lower astral plane during which dark entities are being removed by the non-physical light warriors. This etheric and astral liberation operation is known under codename Pandora.

The second and the last place where you can find any dark forces is the physical plane on the surface of planet Earth. Dark forces consist of a few dozens Archons (found mostly in Jesuit circles), a few hundred Draconians (found among Illuminati banking cartel) and a few thousand Reptilians (found in private mercenary armies such as KBR and Academi-former Blackwater). Those beings will be removed with the coming mass arrests.

So there is still a war going on but we are close to victory and the planet will be liberated.

The fact that Archons came from the Andromeda galaxy thousands and in some cases even millions of years ago does not mean that everybody coming from Andromeda is on the dark side. In fact Andromeda galaxy is famous for some very bright heroes of the Light forces.

Leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet. He has crossed over to the Light and is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary liberation process.

Lords of Karma have nothing to do with the Ascended masters. The whole teaching about karma is a disinfo programming attempt from dark force agents that have infiltrated mystery schools in India millennia ago. The purpose of that teaching was to strengthen the control mechanisms of the caste system in ancient India. Lords of Karma are beings on the astral plane that to a great extent dictate the incarnation path of those about to be reincarnated.

Karma was never part of Ascended master teachings. Ascended masters teach about love, forgiveness and liberation. There are no direct Ascended master teachings on Earth right now. All Light teachings available on Earth come from their disciples and all those teachings are biased to a certain extent.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Cobra Resistance

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, May 18, 2012
The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 1/2
2012 MAY 18

While we often know the name, face, gender and other more personal details about many of those we post here and who you regularly enjoy reading – or at least who their earthly channel is – one of this year’s newest and intriguing “informants” remains a total enigma.
Since launching the blog Portal 2012 – which is subtitled The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light in 2012 – on March 31 this year, the person who identifies his or her self only as Cobra has made quite an impact.
Mostly, this has been due to Portal 2012’s intriguing content mix – which incorporates an unusual blend of informational postings for readers like you and I, as well secret codes, under titles such as Pandora and Phoenix, which Cobra maintains are designed for those who work with an organisation called the Resistance Movement, led by a man he only refers to as “Michael”.
But it has also been because, if you are like me, we’re hungry for information that will take us to, help us understand, or give us some timing for the next exciting phase of this incredible year we now find ourselves in.
Yet, apart from Cobra’s own blog postings What is Cobra? and Who Is Cobra? from the Portal 2012 blog post from April 8, 2012 and one titled Resistance Movement from April 6, 2012, which gives an explanation of the movement Cobra is associated with as their messenger, nothing else is publicly known or available that I know of.
For me personally, my curiosity – and quite possibly also my suspicion – is always aroused by anyone who wishes to remain completely anonymous. Sometimes it’s for a very good reason: I understand that if you’re carrying out undercover work you need to remain undercover. But having worked in journalism, marketing and PR all my working life, I’m also acutely aware that creating an air of complete mystery around someone or something can also be a wonderful method of attracting greater interest.
That said, I decided I still wanted to try and find out more about who Cobra is, what his or her motivation is and where he or she gets his or her information. Especially in light of recent postings Cobra made on the Archons, which included information – or personal musings – which differed somewhat from a wealth of previously-available information and terminology.
So, over the past week or so I’ve been in email-only contact with Cobra trying to find out more. We agreed that I could pose a series of introductory questions that would be answered, where possible, by Cobra. They were.
I have not edited any of Cobra’s responses. I’ve simply re-organised my questions and Cobra’s answers into a more cohesive flow, as our communications eventually took place by email over several different days.
Today Cobra reveals:
• He or she has assisted in negotiating the surrender of some top members of the cabal.
• His or her identity must be protected at this time due to having been threatened, physically attacked and interrogated and because people dear to Cobra have been severely tortured physically.
• Blogposts on Portal 2012 are the result of “direct (not channelled) intel from the Pleiadians, direct intel from the Resistance and from information agents” inside what he calls the “occult economy” and “alphabet agencies”.

Before you read on, I ask that, as with anything that we cannot verify, you use your own discernment. In a reading I had this week, Archangel Michael was very clear to me that it’s important to be “very discerning” with regards to the information Cobra shares in this interview and on the Portal 2012 blog.
Cobra has also stated in today’s Part 1: “I do my best to give you intel from credible sources. However, you need to check my intel (and any other intel as well) with a combination of your intuition and rational mind. This combination is key (as to) how to discern disinfo”.
Finally, for the record, I still don’t know who Cobra is, his or her gender, his or her nationality, where he or she lives, is located, or anything like that. I only know what Cobra has told me in the answers provided to my questions below.
Comments are on, should you wish to make any in regards to Cobra and/or the content of this interview.

The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 1
Part 2 will run tomorrow.

Stephen: Cobra, you came onto the scene on the last day of March 2012 with your blog Portal 2012. What were you doing prior to this and what prompted you to open your blog?
Cobra: I was basically living my life on planet Earth as any other human being does, and at the same time fighting for liberation of this planet by being involved in Special Operations. I was instructed by the Resistance in late March to open my blog to inform the general public about the coming changes.
Why that particular day, March 31, 2012, to launch your blog? Was there a significant reason?
C: It was a few days before 4-4 portal and consciousness level on the planet was getting ready to receive intel I was about to offer.
In your very first post you said, and I quote here: “We are living in extraordinary times. This is the shift of the ages. The financial system will restructure itself, the matrix will fall apart and new society will be born. Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody. This world is about to enter a totally new dimension, a new reality, an end of linear time. Are you ready? This tour is not just an introduction to preparedness… It is the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. It contains information and guidance about time around 2012 and the planetary dimensional shift, never before revealed on this planet.” What did you mean by ‘tour’? And how is your blog preparing us for this ‘tour’?
C: Tour is a metaphor for our journey from third into higher dimensions. Information is power. And I give that to people.
You have said that Cobra is the abbreviation of ‘Compression Breakthrough’, and you have explained on your blog (see link below, What is Cobra?) what this is. But why did you choose that name? As you would agree, it has a slight fear element – being both a dangerous and venomous snake; a strong Illuminati symbol if ever there was one…
C: Cobra is also a symbol for kundalini, the force of enlightenment, the force of liberation and freedom. And yes, that IS dangerous to the Illuminati. It represents a slight fear element to them and they have every reason to be afraid…
Why is it necessary to keep your own identity secret?
C: Because of my mission, I have been threatened, physically attacked and interrogated. People dear to me have been severely tortured physically. I think this is reason good enough to keep my identity secret. I will reveal who I am after the Cabal is removed. I will reveal zero details about me prior to that, period.
Are you able to tell me what nationality and/or age you are?
C: No.
You have also said that what’s important is the message not the messenger, but people still need to believe the messenger? They also like real names and surnames. Plus, we have no known history of, or with you, other than these past few weeks. So what credentials do you offer that give people some certainty that what you are a credible source and what you are saying is credible?
C: For most people this war for liberty is like a video game or a good sci-fi novel they read about on the internet. For those directly involved behind the scenes, it is very real and can be dangerous. So I will not offer any credentials. I will present intel and people will have to make their own opinion about it.
Also, asking for credentials is a trap of the mind. Many high ranking Illuminati have brilliant credentials in academia and corporate world and look what have they done to the planet.
So, why have you been chosen as the messenger?
C: First, I am a good personal friend of Michael and some other senior top level people inside the Resistance. Second, I am an expert in information war and am well suited to help with my expertise in this field to assist the final victory of the Light.
But you have said you only met “Michael” once in 1977?
C: My further involvement with Michael is classified information.
And what do you mean by ‘information war’?
C: Information war is the war between forces of light and forces of darkness in the area of intelligence /counterintelligence.
How do we know you are not disinfo? Some of what you have written about has not always lined up what others may have read previously, or think they know. Where do you get such big-picture details?
C: I do my best to give you intel from credible sources. However, you need to check my intel (and any other intel as well) with a combination of your intuition and rational mind. This combination is key (as to) how to discern disinfo. With practice you can get fairly accurate.
My sources are: direct intel from the Pleiadians, direct intel from the Resistance and my information agents with connections deep inside the occult economy and alphabet agencies.
Tell me about the name Portal 2012, why you chose it and what does it signify to you?
C: The Portal was the name of Michael’s Resistance Movement intranet website once. I chose a similar name in his honour.
Why does your blog also carry secret code? I mean, that’s a bit obvious to the dark, isn’t it?
C: It is a practical way of communicating to many Resistance operatives at once. They can get updates simply by checking my blog. Sensitive intel is of course transmitted by other means.
Dark agents will never be able to crack that code and even if they would, it would not help them much. Actually, it would make them even more afraid, because it contains intel about their own downfall.
But you also appeal to the wider public as well. So it’s a strange tightrope to be walking, serving two audienceone with very public messages; the other having a top secret purpose. Kind of an unusual mix in the one blog, don’t you think?
C: It is time for the general public to become aware of the Resistance Movement.
What can you reveal of your current or previous roles in life, be they career or otherwise, that will assist people in deciding to take your word as a credible source?
C: Nothing.
You have stated clearly that you are not a military person, so what do you do/what legitimacy do you offer to a resistance movement?
C: I am cooperating with them for years and they have vetted me thoroughly as I have excelled in some Special Operations. I have for example assisted in negotiating the surrender of some top members of the Cabal.
You have said the Resistance Movement lives in subterranean dwellings in the upper part of the earth’s crust in Himalaya, near Kongka-La in eastern Ladakh, and under Bora Bora Island and that they have constant physical contact with the Pleiadian bases in both locations. Can you tell me more?
C: The locations you just stated are for Pleiadian subterranean bases. The Resistance has its main bases underneath some larger metropolitan cities.
You have talked about “Michael” and the beginnings of the Resistance Movement in 1977. You wrote as if you were there? Were you?
C: Yes, I met Michael once in 1977 in a subterranean base below New York.
And yet you have said above that he is “a good friend”?
C: Unfortunately I cannot explain this further.
Is Michael still leading the resistance?
C: Yes.
If so, then you have been working with him and this Resistance Movement for over 35 years, is that correct? If not how long have you been involved? And how did you first become involved?
C: I am not working for them. We work together.
After that initial contact, I was not involved for many years. I am more actively involved in the last two decades. My active involvement started as Resistance offered me protection when members of the Cabal attacked me after I released some sensitive intel about them to the general public.
What work did you originally undertake with/for the Resistance Movement?
C: I cannot answer this question.
What is your role today beyond being their official contact? Are you a resistance fighter or simply their main communications medium?
C: I am not and never was involved in physical combat so technically I can not be called Resistance fighter. I am more involved in intelligence, counterintelligence, Cabal surrender negotiation and other Special Operations.
What is your communications area background? Were you involved in telecommunications? Media and PR? A journalist?
C: I cannot answer this question.
Are you also an agent or communicator within some current nation’s military force or government?
C: I am not involved in any national military or government forces, although some of my information agents have contact with that on a top senior level.

Tomorrow… The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 2.
Cobra reveals some members of the cabal are already under house arrest; that Cobra is a Pleiadian incarnate in a human body; and, that this weekend, around the eclipse of May 20, is “going to be VERY intense”.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:56 PM
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Deep Knight
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Re: Cobra Resistance

Post by Deep Knight »

I know you're been breathlessly waiting breathlessly, but here's Part 2 anyway.

Saturday, May 19, 2012
The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 2/2

Since launching the blog Portal 2012 – which is subtitled The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light in 2012 – on March 31 this year, the person who identifies him or herself only as Cobra has made quite an impact. Yet, to the world at large, next to nothing is known about Cobra.
This is the second part of my 2012S interview with Cobra. I suggest you read yesterday’s Part 1 first

Today Cobra reveals:
• There is a plan for Ascension, but claims that “the exact plan how this will occur is classified intel until the Cabal is removed”.
• He or she had a physical encounter with the Pleaidians and is a Pleiadian, incarnate in a human body.
• Some cabal members are already under house arrest.
• This weekend, around the eclipse of May 20, is “going to be VERY intense”.
I would like to reiterate that I have not edited any of Cobra’s responses. I have simply re-organised my questions into a more cohesive flow as our communications took place via email over several days.
Before you read on, again I ask that, as with anything that we cannot verify, please use your own discernment. In a reading I had this week, Archangel Michael was very clear to me that it’s important to be “very discerning” with regards to the information Cobra shares in this interview and on the Portal 2012 blog.
As Cobra also stated in yesterday’s Part 1: “I do my best to give you intel from credible sources. However, you need to check my intel (and any other intel as well) with a combination of your intuition and rational mind. This combination is key (as to) how to discern disinfo”.
Finally, for the record, I still do not know who Cobra is, his or her gender, what nationality, where he or she lives, is located, or anything like that. I only know what Cobra has told me in the answers provided to my questions below.
Again, comments are on, should you wish to make any in regards to Cobra and/or the content of this interview.

The 2012S Interview: Cobra – Part 2 of 2
Stephen: Do you call yourself a Light worker, a Light warrior or something else?
Cobra: Light worker, Light warrior, does it really matter? It matters more what I do to help liberate the planet.
Would you describe yourself as an Earth Ally?
C: Yes.
You seem to be bridging the worlds between the Galactics and the Earth Allies, would you agree?
C: Yes, very much.
And why are you able – or what aspects of your life allow you – to do this?
C: I had a physical encounter with the Pleiadians and also physical contact with the Resistance.
You have also said that you are “instructed” to post certain messages. Is it only by the Resistance Movement?
C: Resistance movement and the Pleiadians.
And are the Pleiadians the source of many of your messages?
C: Yes, some of them.
Are you Terrestrial Human or Pleiadian Human?
C: Pleiadian, incarnated in a human body.
You mentioned you would soon be carrying messages (not channelled) from the Pleiades. Can you explain this in a little more detail as to what is your personal contact with the Pleiadians
C: There is a plan for Ascension but the exact plan how this will occur is classified intel until the Cabal is removed. For this reason positive ET races give no information. This has confused most channels. They connect, they feel the positive energy of their ET contact, but no intel except for general messages comes through. Then they make up the message with their subconscious mind. This is the main reason why most channels are not reliable. A few of them are, but I am not going to say who they are.

My connection with the Pleiadians in not channeling. When the Cabal is removed, I will give intel about the Ascension plan to the general public.
You have said that Operation Pandora has nothing to do with any Microwave mind-control CIA operation. And that Operation Phoenix has nothing to do with a CIA operation in Vietnam. You mention codes for both on your website, so what are they?
C: Operation Pandora: removal of the non-physical Archons.
Operation Phoenix: still classified. About Operation Phoenix, I can say only: something beautiful is going to happen.
You have written about The Event being the moment of Compression Breakthrough and that includes, but is not limited to, the mass arrests. Can you tell me more about how these two are related?.
C: Most likely at the moment of mass arrests also all non-physical negative entities will be removed. This is the moment of removal of last darkness in the universe. A big breakthrough of Light of cosmic importance.
You have also said: “before the Event, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start.” Do you have any idea when this may occur?
C: This may occur within the Window of Opportunity. (Stephen: which is May 5 through June 6, 2012)
Surely there are more than 300 operatives for such a massive mission?
C: There are only 300 operatives of the Resistance on the surface of the planet. They will not be involved in actual arrests. This is the job of positive military and positive civil authority. Resistance is just giving assistance with intel and tactical advice.
You have also talked about the current Window of Opportunity, between May 5 and June 6, but many people are getting frustrated at waiting. What do you say to them?
C: Do not wait. Get actively involved. Spread the information. Get involved in mass meditations. Do whatever else you can.
You’ve occasionally quoted information from other commentators on the net and elsewhere and you’ve described Ben Fulford, David Wilcock and Drake as being credible sources. How do you know this?
C: I have excellent information sources that have confirmed their credibility.
How do you discern who and what is “correct” and credible? How do you know?
C: I have an excellent spiritual connection with the Source.

Why did you write your open letter this week to Drake, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Brockbrader? What’s the story? Is there some sort of disinfo campaign against you that we do not know of?
C: There were some conflicts lately between some of those people. I just wanted to get them to talk to each other, forgive, heal and then cooperate and share resources to be more effective.
Why them – and only them? Surely they are not the only people who are attempting to get messages out and assist in the changes we are all seeking?
C: Yes, that is true. You can suggest anyone else and maybe we can include them in this discussion.
You also called on your blog for others to provide you with info. Why is that? And how do you then “know” that those sources may or may not be credible?
C: Nobody knows everything, myself included, and it never hurts to have more information and to make new meaningful connections with people.
There are stories of shootouts in Washington in recent days – not sure of their veracity – and rumours that things may move along during NATO? What do you know about these things?
C: Both stories are true. Cabal members under ”house arrest” are getting a little bit “nervous”.
This weekend (May 20th) is going to be VERY intense.
Likewise there are rumours around the G8. What do you know about the reason for moving the G8 to Camp David?
C: The Cabal is a little bit afraid to have everybody in one place. So they diversify…
Do you believe President Obama is one of the good guys?
C: I have intel about Obama but it is still confidential. Nevertheless, in the greater perspective, all this drama about Obama is not needed. Obama good guy, Obama bad guy, that doesn’t change much.
You must be aware of the discussions that have resulted from your Archons’ messages, especially your comments on the Lords of Karma and the Ascended Masters; e.g. that the Lords of Karma live on the astral plane, which would be 4D by most people’s understanding (did you not mean a higher-dimensional plane?). Also, that the Ascended Masters did not teach the laws of karma (when many believe they did). So, what do you say to those who have disputed or questioned your version of certain events such as these on your blog?
C: There are no pure Ascended Master teachings here on Earth. All teachings that supposedly come from the Ascended Masters (including all channeling) are in fact teachings of their disciples. Those disciples are NOT completely enlightened and are thus susceptible to the mind programming of the Cabal to a certain extent.
Pure Ascended Masters teaching would be an Ascended Master materializing in front of a group of people and teaching them spiritual truths. This is NOT happening, as you probably know. This will be happening only after First Contact.
Apart from sending positive thoughts and visualising the world we all want, what else can we all do to help?
C: You can spread information. You can create a network of meaningful connections with people around you.

What advice can you give to Lightworkers who’ve been waiting all their lives for this consciousness shift?
C: Actively participate in the shift. Live your dreams.
Is there anything else that you can tell me right now?
C: Light will be victorious and we are quite close to that victory.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:01 PM

Actively participate in the shift by spreading shift! Visualize your preferred reality and spread it deep and thick.
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Re: Cobra Resistance

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

....sources that have confirmed their credibility....
I can confirm that there's a massive surplus of credibility about. Some people apparently have massive amounts of credibility.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self