RV 2012!

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Re: RV 2012!

Post by The Observer »

Well, this judge doesn't seem to understand politics and geography in the least.
Seventy-one Countries opposed the RV because it meant the destruction of their FIAT based currency and government. All of those Countries are United Nations members. Now isn't that curious?
No, Judge Dale, there are 193 members of the United Nations, not 71. But if you didn't imply that there were only 71 members, then that would mean that you also can't do math. So please explain how a 71 member minority in the UN can overrule a 122 member majority.
The balance of the 194 Countries who are not United Nations members, voted in favor of the RV because they are tired of selling their goods and services internationally in exchange for worthless paper [or] script, a/k/a FIAT currency!
Another problem. There are only a total of 195 countries in the world (and even this number is subject to variation depending on whether the country is recognized as a country or not (Kosovo, as an example)). It could be 193 or 196. If we took the numbers that you pulled out of some unmentionable place, we would have to conclude that there are at least 265 countries in the world - which is simply impossible.

So you can see, I have a real problem with considering Judge Dale an expert on international matters when he can't even get out of the starting gate with correct facts. And it also shows that MacHaffie is an idiot because he can't recognize such blatant errors himself.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

There are many countries that are still striving for international recognition, for example the Kingdom of Deepknightyvannia. Just because we're small and fictitious doesn't mean we don't get a vote! Go RV!!!
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Gregg »

I can't help but think he was a Judge in a sov'run court held down at the local Denny's.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:I can't help but think he was a Judge in a sov'run court held down at the local Denny's.
I was in the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area recently; and every time I drove past a Denny's I kept on wanting to stop in and ask where the court room was.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Omne »

"In Mathematics, 0 = 0 and anything less than 0 is still 0"

That statement alone explains a lot about the reasoning, or lack thereof, in this scam.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:for example the Kingdom of Deepknightyvannia.
Fact Sheet on Deepknightyvannia

Location: Outer Quatloosia

Area: 0.091827 acre

Population: 1*

Capitol: Kelly's Bar & Grill

Government: Benevolent Tyranny

Head of Government: Maximum Dictator and Potent Potentate For Life

GNP: None of your business**

Major Imports: Supermodels

Major Exports: Self-serving bodice-ripping novellas

Natural Resources: Gas (all natural and plenty of it).

Currency: Quatloos, Dinars, Dongs, Draconiums, and those chocolate discs covered with gold foil.

*Population fluctuates dependent on how many supermodels have been imported and if Mrs. Deepknight happens to be around to derail the import.

**Some reports indicate due to an extreme trade imbalance, Deepknight has an additional real job in the real world to be able to pay for the supermodel imports. The Foreign Ministry (headed by a Minister Secretary For Life Deepknight (no relation)) has steadfastly denied all of the above.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: **Some reports indicate due to an extreme trade imbalance, Deepknight has an additional real job in the real world to be able to pay for the supermodel imports. The Foreign Ministry (headed by a Minister Secretary For Life Deepknight (no relation)) has steadfastly denied all of the above.
Yeah, cousin Deep (no relation) doesn't want to reveal my day job: thwarting worldwide prosperity, peace, light and love for the New World Order, Evil Incarnate Division, because he doesn't want to be killed for blabbing secret society secrets. But it's my job, I do it well, and I'm proud of it. It's a lot of day-in-day-out, down-in-the-trenches, hit-and-run, the-old-in-out, up-your-alley and across-the-nation sort of work, but someone has to do it, and Satan pays well.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Is Basil III a genetically modified herb crop? I think the readers may recall that some economic discussions were held in Basel, Switzerland but that's obviously not Basil, which probably appears in the seasonings and condiments section at the local Denny's.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Is Basil III a genetically modified herb crop?
No, he was the Grand Prince of Moscow circa early 1500's.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Gregg »

Deep Knight wrote:
The Observer wrote: **Some reports indicate due to an extreme trade imbalance, Deepknight has an additional real job in the real world to be able to pay for the supermodel imports. The Foreign Ministry (headed by a Minister Secretary For Life Deepknight (no relation)) has steadfastly denied all of the above.
Yeah, cousin Deep (no relation) doesn't want to reveal my day job: thwarting worldwide prosperity, peace, light and love for the New World Order, Evil Incarnate Division, because he doesn't want to be killed for blabbing secret society secrets. But it's my job, I do it well, and I'm proud of it. It's a lot of day-in-day-out, down-in-the-trenches, hit-and-run, the-old-in-out, up-your-alley and across-the-nation sort of work, but someone has to do it, and Satan pays well.
Well, I made a mistake on that, expect your salary to be cut on the next paycheck, and thanks for bringing that little oversight to my attention. :mouthshut:
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote: Well, I made a mistake on that, expect your salary to be cut on the next paycheck, and thanks for bringing that little oversight to my attention. :mouthshut:
Expect a visit from my union shop steward. The SEIU (Satanic Employees International Union) may be small, but since you can't do evil without us we have a lot of clout.

Look for the union label when you are sacrificing a calf or goat or sheep.
Remember somewhere our union’s members are working and that ain't cheap.
We work hard, but who’s complaining? Well, except for the sulfur smell.
So always look for the union label, saying 'Made by the Minions of the Lord of Hell.'
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Is Basil III a genetically modified herb crop?
No, he was the Grand Prince of Moscow circa early 1500's.
No, they're obviously talking about Basil III, Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe 2385 AG-2391 AG. Basil III al-Tam "the Blue" (d. 2391 AG) was brother to Costin VIII and possibly grandson of Kenric II. He succeeded his brother but himself was murdered by Sardaukar Commander Harmhab. And you think your job is tough, but hey, the spice must flow.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, May 21, 2012
Banker Bill On Line with Hammerman
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:18 PM
Subject: Dinar - Banker Bill

Banker Bill says the banks are definitely ready and have been ready. Expect this anytime now. The Dong could go first.
IQD Rate $9 - $10??? possible but well over the Kuwait rate.
When we make our appts. can we lock in the rates??
The rates will be locked in even if the appt. is 7 - 8 days later. Appt. phone Lines will be open 24/7, so once registered your rate will be locked in unless you miss your appt. DO NOT MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT UNTIL THE RV HAPPENS. PLEASE, DO NOT CALL THE BANKS.
Special account you can get to protect your money, should the US dollar fall?
All you need is an non-interest bank account, and if you want to purchase additional insurance. Look into the Dodd/Frank accounts for US only. There are floating rates. They are starting to see them. Only very influential bankers can see the rates floating. it's happening. It's close and will happen very shortly.
Is there an imminent sign that US Dollar$ is crashing?????
Stability of US $$ when the RV hits. "All speculation" probably a couple years out...conspiracy theory....
Bill has to rush over to the Bank, so saying goodbye.
Is there a concern about JP Morgan and Chase, Goldman Sachs leaving their RV money there???
Maybe they could go bankrupt.
PapaJack, The possibility always exists, so put your money into different profit centers.

Transcription of Prosperity Programs found at 49 minutes to 51 minutes.

Within 1 to 4 hours after you see the posting of rates on the RV, your Prosperity Program packages will come out to you. Everything is ready to go right now. All paperwork has been done. It's sitting in the courier's hands whether that be private courier or certified mail. You'll get those packages, and there will be a letter directing you. Instructions which will send you to a bank within 120 miles of you. There won't be but probably 5-10 people that that bank handles. When you go in, you go in originally for Fines and Penalties. They'll be able to draw up your Prosperity programs that your in. Let you know what funds you have. You'll be able to talk about whether the programs you're in have gifting attached to them and ability to gift. They'll also tell you if there are gold certificates attached. I'll answer any other questions people might have on them.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:51 AM


1. Anonymous May 21, 2012 1:02 PM
The PP comments are from a gentleman known as 'Papabear', not 'papajack'.

2. Anonymous May 21, 2012 3:39 PM
The more people with money the harder it is for the cabal to stay alive, Weeellllll? Are we waiting for the next eclipse on June 4th? The Bilderberg controllers to be rounded up? Bush to go to the White House to have his portrait dedicated? Seriously, if this is true why are good people still needy and desperate today, 5/21? No info can be trusted, this has had so much hype, for so long, how can anyone believe a word about anything? So- on and on and on we go, where it stops nobody knows. Now go steal some toilet paper and package condiments for dinner, since most cannot afford luxuries now! BTW, we are still in a great place for this to happen, as we were during the past year! Now go feed your head, and I hope your are looking at the right stuff!

I hear Grace Slick's voice drifting off ... Feed your he-ad! Feed your he-ad! Feed your he-e-e-e-e-e-ad! But that particular acid flashback isn't important now, what's important is that Deep Knight got fed the line, "The Dong could go first." Hmmm. Sounds like the punch line for a joke. But when I searched for it to see, instead I found the #2 listing (after this piece of nonsense) "10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat." Deep Knight knows when something is hard to beat, and will leave this one alone until I can top that.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Madam WU - Thank You

We Americans should thank Madam Wu Xiaoling as she and the Chinese Old Guard are the ones in charge of pushing through the RV of the currencies here in USA. She has recently confronted the evil ones of the Federal Reserve Bank and met there match. She is known as the Iron Lady of China.
I for us Americans say with much respect --- say

John MacHaffie

Madam Wu Xiaoling
Independent Director
Madam Wu Xiaoling is an Independent Director of Central Huijin. She is concurrently a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of NPC. Previously, Madam Wu served as Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Governor of PBOC Shanghai Branch, Director General of the Research Bureau of PBOC, and Deputy Director General of Financial System Reform Department of PBOC. Madam Wu also served as Deputy Chief Editor (deputy director general level) of Financial News affiliated to PBOC.
Madam Wu was born in 1947, and holds a master's degree in economics

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:48 AM


1. Anonymous May 29, 2012 11:57 AM

2. Anonymous May 29, 2012 2:36 PM
Did she push them through?

3. Anonymous May 29, 2012 6:28 PM
Dear Madam Wu; Thank you for all of your kind endeavors to help the world in a positive way. May God Bless You Abundantly Forever!
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by texino »

Are you with me Madam Wu?
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Cathulhu »

Actually, I think she's a notorious slumlord in Seattle.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by The Observer »

I thought she was one of the infamous Gang of Four. Or was that the Gang Of Sixteen Divided By Four?
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

Madame Wu's is a Chinese restaurant in Fayetteville Arkansas and Melbourne Australia, and used to be in Santa Monica but closed. It is also the name of a band that plays at "The Loft" and has a song called "Biscuit Crumbs." There's definitely more to this than meets the eye, ear, or tongue.

By the way, a quick search shows that Wu Yi, not Wu Xiaoling, is known as the "iron lady" for being one of the toughest negotiators in China's government. She's now retired and as far as I know not invested in Iraqi Dinars or in any gangs.
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper weighs in on Wu. I removed most of the rest, mostly ranting about how he hates Obama and loves his country.


At the White House today 13 Great Americans including John Glenn and Bob Dylan were presented our nation’s highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, by President Obama. I’m sure he tried to reach me too but I was not available today.

Obama remains very busy these days spending our nation into oblivion ...

... As always it is the Fiat/Debt based world as represented by Obama (and Bush before him) and his policies versus the new asset backed system and our delivery and funding.

Now regarding the “Madam WU is here to help get deliveries done” Intel which began on ‘the grapevine’ the middle of last week you may recall that she was the center of our attention in five or six consecutive updates three or so years ago. At that time she supposedly came here to ‘help get deliveries out’ and the series of updates ended with her ‘in bed’ with Bush Senior and being recalled to China as a result and facing execution. At that time we tried to follow the situation through to see if it actually took place but all soon went completely silent upon her return to China and she was nowhere to be seen then all this time has passed and suddenly we have a three year old story reappearing. Today we tried to find out if she is still alive. Two reports, both from China, say no, but we are still not sure. The biographical info on the net is dated. We managed to learn she is not among the top 14 people on the ‘Standing Committee of The National People’s Congress’ as advertised, and the Intel regarding her position on the ‘Finance Committee’ is also ‘dated’. Of course we hope these stories are true, that she is here to help, but so far what we are getting is “it’s warmed over hash”…..

Our reading of the overall situation remains basically the same. The Cabal, led by Obama (in Our Opinion), continues with the production of fiat digits on the computers, without limits, in an all-out ‘ devil may care’ attempt to preserve their fraudulent Ponzi Playpen and to maintain themselves in power while the new can’t seem to ‘get over the hump’ because, we hear, Obama and the Cabal refuse to ‘throw in the towel’. The arrest, if they are occurring, are not visible to us or our allies. Every day we question the support for Obama from ‘you know who’- given all that we have encountered with this TRAITOR over the last several years. ...

A couple of other messengers recently reported that the Fiat System must completely collapse before ‘the new’ can happen. If true, as long as Obama/Bernanke/Geithner continue to create ‘thin air money’ and spread it far and wide, adding it ‘to the books’ as a debt of future generations of Americans, the existing system will last until hyper-inflation kills it and the peoples living standards simultaneously.

Fulford has a unique take in his current update, “the BRICS buy up the FRN’s”. Where do they get the funds to do so?

And the Dinar? As WE have reported, the tail cannot wag the dog.

Casper 5-29-12
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Re: RV 2012!

Post by Deep Knight »

It's offical, er, official! But don't call the banks!

Thursday, May 31, 2012
OKIE OFFICIAL Pre-Graduation Announcement

DO NOT email Dinar Recaps any questions about this.
We can not handle hundreds or thousands of questions. A NEW Auto-responder email will be used and that NEW email will be on the top of this Blog page when we are allowed to post it.




If you have been with me in Dinar University, you’ll want to head right to your group leader. Graduation announcements will soon be sent via email from your group leader, and there will be no public posting. If you are not on a group list, contact someone who is but if you don’t also COMING SOON will be details of an email auto responder at Dinar Recaps. This is the only way to make this vital connection and secure your great GPA.

Dinar Graduates please do the following to secure your diploma:

•Secure WF Bank Code & Instructions — once the Bank issues the Bank Code and Instructions the group leaders will be sending it, via email, directly to group members. The WF Banker handling the large group has assured me that you will receive the best possible rate.

•If you are Not on the List — if you are not on the group list to get the WF Bank Code and Instructions then call other dinarians that you know and ask them if they are on the list and get the Bank Code and Instructions from them and also COMING SOON will be details of an email auto responder at Dinar Recaps if you don’t know someone.

•Follow the Instructions Carefully — Please conduct yourself as professionals and be respectful of all bank employees. There will be ample time for each of us to get into the bank to facilitate our currency exchange. You must follow the bank instructions carefully to protect yourself and others. Please make Okie proud of each one of you as Dinar Graduates!

•WF Bank Package — the Bank Code will give you the best rate possible, but does not include other benefits the bank may offer you. In my younger years the bank would offer a new customer a toaster, or blender, so when you go into the bank use the code to get the rate but you should ask about the toaster, blender, or other benefits the bank can offer you. Remember, you don’t get anything until you ask for it. So ask. The banker is there to help you.

•Don’t Post the Bank Code or Exchange Rate — The Bank Code and Exchange Rate MUST NOT be posted on the Internet in a public forum. The Bank does not want their Bank Code or Exchange Rate to be posted for the general public, but wants this kept as a grass roots communication effort to the faithful dinarians of these groups along with their friends and family. We must respect the bank’s request.

•Okie Wants the Best for You — the rate will be very good. Be very happy with the blessing given. The leadership team has gone to great lengths in working with the Bank to protect everyone in these groups, and to make sure this will be a seamless process for everyone involved.

Thank you for allowing me to be the senior member of the graduating class. We have all grown and are wiser. Use your new resources to help your family, loved ones, and friends to grow and make a better life.

Take care everyone, and God bless you all.


Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:13 PM

Deep Knight has already gotten his "WTF" code and is willing to share it with you. Just go to your local Big 4 bank and give them the number 666. But whatever you do, don't call 'em first!
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