Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

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Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by Deep Knight »

Have a GFI blow and UPS run down that's powering a radiation sensor at a University in South Bend IN, which on an online radiation "live" site shows up as a high reading instead of zero. Then have some guy post an all-black video that has a sound track with some bangs and pops he identifies as fireworks on Youtube. Finally, have some guys with too much time on their hands feed this all to internet chat boards and conspiracy-friendly radio hosts and you have - Nuclear War in the Heartland. The lamestream media is covering this up, mostly because it's so easy to cover-up nuclear war, so you'll only hear it here or a couple of hundred other places!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone

By Anthony Gucciardi
June 8, 2012

Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now sending in a large number of photos and videos documenting massive explosions accompanied by unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel.

These reports come after a Department of Homeland Security hazmat fleet was sent out to the location after ‘years’ of inactivity.

Those on the ground report that the explosions are ‘loud and deep’, sounding like fireworks with a kick.

The explosions are oftentimes followed up with a squadron of helicopters or other aircraft, oftentimes black and unmarked.

One Michigan resident reports the following, and is then backed by dozens of organic comments which confirm the findings:

“EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Also, Large helicopter heading away from Local Air Force base flying toward scene of explosions! These explosions are seriously consistant, loud booms for the last hour or more.”
After generating much interest, the poster was able to capture some of the explosions on tape. While he would be the first to do so, many more videos began to pop up recording both the explosions and the onset of military aircraft flying through the area into the radiation zone.

You can view the video and hear the explosions for yourself: ... hh2BYvw3HA

[You gotta watch, er, listen to this - only 38 seconds]

Further comments went on to document the increased presence of unmarked choppers and strategic military aircraft.

A number of photos have begun to surface from eyewitnesses in the tri-state area of the event, reporting that the helicopters and other crafts were traveling towards the center of the incident. Some pictures are shown below:

[pictures of 4 airplanes in the sky at the same time!]

Thousands of comments on articles, discussion boards, and twitter posts are surfacing regarding this event. Explosions are still reportedly being heard in rapid secession, often a large number over the course of only a few seconds.

Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone :

Global News

- Developing: Nuclear Cover-Up? Extreme Radiation Levels Prompt EPA Censorship, DHS Hazmat Team (Natural Society, June 8, 2012):
In a developing story that is raising concerns over a potential nuclear cover-up by the EPA, alarming amounts of radiation were reported near the border of Indiana and Michigan and later censored by the EPA online geiger tool. The readings, which were captured in a screenshot, measured as high as 7,139 counts per minute (CPM). This is particularly startling, as the normal radiation levels are generally between 5 and 6 CPM. Sources say that a Department of Homeland Security hazmat team has now been dispatched after ‘years’ of inactivity.

A number of community reports have came in on the subject in fact, with readers of community boards and concerned citizens offering up some interesting and intriguing information regarding the potential radiation cover-up. Discussion over the information first began to surface on internet boards like Reddit and user-submitted news source Digital Journal. In the Reddit submission, which ultimately reached thousands of comments — many from those in the area who had contacted radiation monitoring stations and other affiliated individuals — and brought some further information to light.

One Reddit reader, an eyewitness who reportedly attends a nearby University shared some concerning information which quickly rose to the top and was later confirmed by accompanying comments. According to the user, a large fleet of hazmat team members and reponse trucks funded by Homeland Security have been dispatched after years of inactivity. The comment, which has been screen captured for preservation, states:
“I work at a large public university next to a small research reactor that’s located near the back of campus. There’s (normally) a large fleet of hazmat response trucks and trailers parked in the nearby lot. Most of them are NIMS early response vehicles funded by Homeland Security (says so right on them). Haven’t seen them move once since I started working a few years ago. Tonight? All gone.”
The Digital Journal submission, however, was promptly edited and much of the shocking detail in the original post was wiped away. They quickly added an edit stating that the measurements must be false due to the fact that they were so high. Comments quickly cited the changes to be inaccurate and bizarre. One comment, currently at the top of the page, states:
“I don’t buy this false alarm stuff for one min! There are other independent sources doing their own measuring and coming up with similar results.”
As the comment mentions, a number of private organizations have recorded the radiation spike using their own methods to monitor the spike. One such measurement coming from the Radiation Network in Fort Wayne, recorded a massive increase in radiation as seen in the released image below:

[picture showing spike from South Bend - same reading]

Amid the publicity, most likely amounting to hundreds of thousands of visitors to Radiation Network’s website regarding this image — which supports the fact that there is a massive and ongoing radiation cover-up — Radiation Network then issued a quick and delayed message on their homepage stating that they must have experienced an error in their system. Additional findings however, which are now censored to the public, confirm the findings once displayed by the Radiation Network. Again, you can view the original numbers in the screen capture showing the results before they were terminated from viewing by the EPA.

Latest: Major Nuclear Base Running ‘Containment Exercise’ Amid Censored Radiation Spikes

Therefore, to add even more credibility to the spike being much more than an unforeseen error, the increase was actually measured from two entirely different and privately owned locations (BlackCat and the Radiation Network). What this means is that the statements regarding the reading being nothing more than small fluke in the system appear to be quite impossible.

Developing: Nuclear Cover-Up? Extreme Radiation Levels Prompt EPA Censorship, DHS Hazmat Team

Breaking: Major Nuclear Base Running ‘Containment Exercise’ Amid Censored Radiation Spikes As High As 7.139 CPM!

- Breaking: Major Nuclear Base Running ‘Containment Exercise’ Amid Censored Radiation Spikes (Natural Society, June 8, 2012):
Amid a number of reports of massive and bizarre radiation readouts coming from experts, eyewitnesses, radiation facilities, and a key choice news outlet, it has now come out that one of the largest nuclear bases is currently running a ‘nuclear containment exercise’. The Minot Airforce Base exercise, running in North Dakota, reportedly involves the use of B-52 aircrafts. The news comes after a developing story arose over the potential cover-up of a nuclear situation stemming from near the border of Indiana and Michigan.

Sources from near where the elevated levels of radiation were observed say that a Department of Homeland Security ‘hazmat’ fleet has been dispatched after ‘years’ of inactivity. The story first erupted after online geiger readings showed an unprecedented radiation spike in the area, with levels reaching as high as 7.139 counts per minute (CPM) over the average of between 5 and 6. While there has been no official reported cause of the spike, there has been quite a bit of foul play regarding the information being put forth by many media outlets, the EPA, and even radiation measurement centers. After the readings shocked viewers, the EPA quickly censored the ability to view the levels online.

Thankfully, the readings were captured in a screenshot, which show the elevated levels far exceeding normal limits.

Measurements were recorded by a number of sources, though the growing publicity over the event has caused denial and censorship from not only the EPA but private organizations as well. The Radiation Network originally released an image showing an outburst in radiation levels stemming from the location, but later issued a special message on their home page stating that the readings were the result of an ‘error’. This, of course, is virtually impossible as the readings were confirmed by two entirely different locations. BlackCat and the Radiation Network both recorded the levels, meaning that the likelihood both of their systems failed at the exact same time and produced the exact same result would be dismal.
As the story develops, more information will undoubtedly come out on the subject. It appears that the EPA’s incognito takedown of the measurement results indicates that the agency, perhaps along with other government organizations, will vehemently deny that there was any real spike in radiation levels. The ‘failure’ message issued by the Radiation Network also shows that it is very possible that an organized level of non-disclosure may ultimately be the result until alternative media organizations continue to pry into the situation.

Breaking: Major Nuclear Base Running
Indiana Radiation Spike Triggers Elevated Levels In Other States, Media Stays Silent (Video)

Elevated Indiana radiation levels — specifically near the border of Indiana and Michigan — have prompted explosions, military helicopters, thousands of eyewitness accounts, but where is the mainstream media coverage? Now independent radiation experts are reporting increased levels in some other states, with one particular station noticing an increase since just around 11:45am mountain time on Thursday. This coincides with community board posts created just around the same time in a number of locations, even before the incident hit the public. In one such posting on a law enforcement website discussing the radiation increase, an individual from Chicago states “We’ve been encountering some high readings at the labs here.”

Independent radiation monitoring station owner Joey Stanford has uploaded a video showing spiked radiation levels as far as Colorado. Some individuals are questioning the actual source of the increased radiation, stating that it could be solar-based.

Stanford created the video in response to the growing concerns over elevated radiation levels stemming from Indiana. Indiana radiation levels normally hover around 5 and 6 counts per minute (CPM), but the levels drastically increased to as much as 7,139 CPM without warning. Afterwards, the EPA disabled the online measurement tool. Here is the screenshot of the tool showing the skyrocketing levels.

You can view Joey Stanford’s video below — remember that Joey is in Colorado, not Indiana so the elevated levels are not nearly as high:

Video at the page link: Odd radiation by Joey Stanford on Socialcam - Jun 08
Joey’s report echoes what many stations are finding, with live Twitter updates reporting a consistently increased amount of radiation since the initial event around 11:45 AM on Thursday. Some Twitter updates from last night’s Radiation Monitor, Joey’s own station all the way in Colorado, read:
252 CPM, 2.0462 uSv/h, 1.9820 AVG uSv/h, 7 time(s) over natural radiation
324 CPM, 2.6309 uSv/h, 2.1884 AVG uSv/h, 8 time(s) over natural radiation
222 CPM, 1.8026 uSv/h, 1.7459 AVG uSv/h, 6 time(s) over natural radiation

Once again, this is nothing compared to the 7,139 CPM reported near Indiana, however it shows that there is a possibility of correlation. While the answer as to what is going on is not clear, it is clear that it has piqued the interest of government officials. Military helicopters, aircraft, and Department of Homeland Security hazmat fleets have reportedly been dispersed towards the area based on eyewitness photos and accounts.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:25 AM

Easily explained but still running around the internet like wildfire. Has the total lack of physical evidence in an area that's supposed to have been through nuclear explosions slowed anyone down? Of course not, this is TRUTH!
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

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Sorcha is on the case. Turns out it wasn't a war between Indiana and Michigan, but that darn Obama killing American patriots.

June 11, 2012
380 American Rebels Reported Killed In Michigan Battle
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that last week an “intense” battle erupted in the US State of Michigan between military forces loyal to the Obama regime and American rebels that killed at least 380 men, women and children who had gathered to oppose their nations slide towards a totalitarian dictatorship.

According to this report, nearly 500 people opposed to the Obama regime had assembled for a “clandestine” meeting in the Michigan country of Alpena in an effort to form a 50-State alliance of local law enforcement and political officers seeking to “turn the tide” of their nations path towards dictatorship even, should it be necessary, by armed force.

The FSB states in this report that hostilities erupted when the American rebel forces gathered at this meeting indentified “several” undercover FBI informants who were seeking to “escalate tensions” and arrested them whereupon, “within minutes,” a contingent of “heavily armed” Obama regime federal police forces attempted to, in turn, arrest these rebel leaders.

After a “prolonged skirmish” between these rebel forces and Obama regime federal police, this report continues, the US Military launched a series of airstrikes, the largest being a 2,000 lb laser guided bomb that hit in the middle of those gathered at this meeting killing over three quarters of them instantly.

To how powerful this blast was we can read as reported by a local Michigan reporter named Bob Powell who wrote: “At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/6/2012, a mysterious explosion shook homes over hundreds of square miles in Northeastern Michigan. The ground shaking explosion was heard from Presque Isle to Lincoln, and out west as far as Hillman.”

Important to note is that this reporter was swiftly detained and arrested by Obama forces when he attempted to gather more information.

Over the next nearly 48-hours since the initial bomb drop upon the rebels, this report continues, Obama regime military forces “numbering in the high-hundreds” descended upon Michigan [photo 2nd left] utilizing nearly 85 combat transport helicopters and A-10 Thunderbolt air-to-ground missile equipped fighter aircraft.

Confirming the chaos of this battle we can, also, read as confirmed by the Natural Society News Service which, in part, says:

“Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now sending in a large number of photos and videos documenting massive explosions accompanied by unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel.

Those on the ground report that the explosions are ‘loud and deep’, sounding like fireworks with a kick. The explosions are oftentimes followed up with a squadron of helicopters or other aircraft, oftentimes black and unmarked. One Michigan resident reports the following, and is then backed by dozens of organic comments which confirm the findings:

“EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Also, Large helicopter heading away from Local Air Force base flying toward scene of explosions! These explosions are seriously consistent, loud booms for the last hour or more.”

Russian nuclear experts contributing to this FSB report state that the elevated radiation levels associated with this attack by the Obama regime upon these rebel forces state that they were caused by the bombs used because they contain depleted uranium, and that there is the “strong likelihood” various other rebel areas of the States of Michigan and Indian may have been targeted too.

This FSB report further states that the “massive retaliation” against these rebels by the Obama regime was due to their having military grade weapons in which to defend themselves and their families.

In less than 48-hours, however, after this attack an “angry and livid” Obama regime put a clampdown on its programme that has supplied US local police forces with military weapons, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the Fox News Service:

“The Defense Department has stopped issuing weapons to thousands of law enforcement agencies until it is satisfied that state officials can account for all the surplus guns, aircraft, Humvees and armored personnel carriers it has given police under a $2.6 billion program, The Associated Press has learned.

The department's Defense Logistics Agency ordered state-appointed coordinators in 49 states to certify the whereabouts of that equipment that has already been distributed through the long-running arrangement overseen by the agency's Law Enforcement Support Office.”

This FSB report notes that the death toll they projected in this report is, indeed, an estimate, but further state that based on the number of body-bags requested by Obama regime forces in the aftermath of this battle it could even go higher.

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans, and as we had detailed in our previous report “Russia Shocked After Thousands Of Americans Beg Obama Not To Kill Them”, the Obama regime is operating completely within the law of the United States that now gives their President unprecedented powers to kill and imprison any citizen he so chooses without either evidence or trial, and even newer laws that allows the US government for the first time in its history to deliberately lie and deceive all of them for any reason whatsoever.

June 11, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatTheBleepDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

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This story got legs! Even Jesus or Yahweh is writing 'bout it!

A Message from our Saviour
June 09, 2012

“Treason from within: the Russian attacks on America!”

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Blessed Child, the alarm bells are sounding for this nation! Very great alarm bells! And, you, as a nation, are sleeping! For, a Trojan Horse has entered into this nation! You have widely opened your gates, and the Trojan Horse has entered in!

While you, as a nation slept, they worked; and still you are in the dark about their works. What is this Trojan Horse, and who are these, who have entered into your gates, whose works will have remained hidden?

I tell you that this Trojan Horse is the Russian Operation in your nation. Their true intents and purposes have remained hidden from you, the masses! And, their works have been in the dark; and sadly for you as a nation, the leader of this nation bowed to them! He broke to their demands and he opened wide the doors of your nation to these infiltrators.

Do not be naïve! The Russians, who supposedly came in for joint, military exercises, have not left; and their joint experiences have all been terminated, except for some very few.

Now, their experiences are known primarily to themselves and to a very few at the highest levels of your government. For, their collaborative efforts are to keep in power the one, who is in power over this nation.
And, their combined schemes are to destroy this nation and to put it totally into the hands of your enemies. Do not believe that the Russian troops have left! They have only gone underground.

You will see more underground nuclear explosions, like the underground explosion, which was reported in and around the Indiana/Michigan area. You have also seen that this nuclear explosion and its radioactivity were immediately covered up.For, when the Russians came, they brought nuclear devices.

Why would the Russians need to bring war planes into this nation; and why would you, as a nation, allow even one of their war planes to come into your nation?

When the Russians came, they brought nuclear devices. They brought explosive devices; and they intend to set off the New Madrid fault. They are viciously attacking the New Madrid fault zone with both nuclear devices and with their terrible weapons, which are known to cause earthquakes. They have also been busy setting fires and they plan to blow up nuclear power plants and to destroy dams.

They have been allowed into this nation for the sole purposes of destabilizing this nation! You will not recognize these Russian infiltrators. Their mannerisms and their training have been perfected so that they will neither be recognized, nor suspected as foreign.
They are on your streets, in your tunnels, in your cities, in your subways, and in your countryside; and they have been brought in, brought into your nation by a few at the very top of this nation, particularly by your President. For, he will use their instabilities to get his iron grip on your nation. And, he will use their money to keep his place.Soon, devastating explosions will rip this nation from one end to the other.

You opened up and you allowed these troops and these many explosions to be brought in through Russian aircraft and vehicles. The plot is from within and the great treason is from within this nation.

I am showing you their works. I am not just telling you their plans; for their plans will come to pass in great measure. I am showing you their works: fires in New Mexico; fires in Colorado, nuclear explosions and various kinds of attacks on the New Madrid Fault lines.
But, among their plans are planned attacks on your nuclear power plants, planned attacks on your dams and bridges, fires, fires all across this nation, many fires and explosions, and the planned release of poisonous gases! Yes, they plan to release the poisonous gases, and soon!

Now, you see! Now, you know! There is a president in this nation, who is a true Russian intelligence agent! He is one among them; and he has been one among them for most of his adult life.

Will one change the feathers of a bird? And, will this bird easily give up his power? He will not, for his controllers will not. And, his controllers are not just the Russians, but, as you know, his controllers also control the world’s wealth. Therefore, he will do as he is told to do; for he is Satan’s frontrunner, who controls the military and who will also bring this nation to its knees through the violence of this Trojan Horse; and also through the violence of the international banking cartel.

I tell you these important truths! For, soon, very soon, the poisonous gases will fill the skies and fires of all sorts will erupt all over this nation, fires and explosions, and a very great destabilization of the New Madrid Fault will take place.

And, you shall hear! Chicago is fallen! Chicago is fallen! Chicago is fallen, and so great are the numbers of the dead! For, Chicago is fallen and the city is broken, clean broken down! For, a very great earthquake will rip through Chicago!

Hear Me in this! The plans of their great works are to rupture the Great Lakes! See their evil works! See what they do! For, in this way, Chicago shall fall!

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 9th day of June, 2012,

Linda Newkirk

Dear Ones, you need to be thankful for this message, and for all messages, which truly come from our Saviour. Once this message is posted on some internet sites, you will see immediately how the wolves come out to discredit and devour this message. Know them for who they are:NSA operatives, CIA operatives, foreign intelligence operatives, yes, human and non-humans, alike! They come out in great numbers to discredit these messages The war against me has been very great and this war against me is still very great.

The wicked make world decisions, which are based the messages, that our Saviour gives to me. You must not take His words lightly; and you must not think that you are entitled to know anything. He warns us as HE loves us, but many truly are not worthy to hear His words.

Make no mistake about it. These terrible things are coming upon this nation; for you will not hear His words.

Jesus, our Blessed Saviour, gave me His Holy Manchild, His precious child of light and fire on May 10, 2006! He is light and fire, even as our Saviour is light and fire.

All of the high-level world leaders know of the holy manchild; and every high-level Satanist in the world knows of him, but few of you believe the truths of the holy manchild of Revelation Twelve.

These wicked ones have surrounded me with their antigravity crafts for more than nine years! Yes, they know; and they well understand what is taking place with me and with the holy, little son. They monitor my every deed and my every thought and they hate me more than anyone can every imagine! So, you should not be surprised to see them come out and attack me with their great hate and with their terrible accusations and lies! For them, it is far better for you to believe their lies; for if you believe these truths, many of you may repent, turn to our God and be saved!

This is no time to sleep! The sleepers will die in their sleep. For, the Kingdom of our God is now in the earth, even in its infancy; and this is no kingdom for the sleepers.

Arise, oh you Faithful Ones, and prepare to take your places in the Kingdom of Our God; for He calls to you.

Sending my heartfelt love to you all,
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

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All I want to know is who won the battle - Indiana or Michigan? Will there be a significant border change? Will the survivors be herded into the Upper Peninsula if Indiana won? Or will the Indianians be forced to give up the Brickyard?

And the most important question: when can we expect the zombies to start rising out of the graveyards due to the resulting radiation?

Aren't apocalypses exciting?
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

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The Truth Is Viral is a weekly analysis of current events, produced by Bob Powell.

I depend on YOU! If you appreciate my efforts to bring you the real truth about what is going on in the world - truth that is often slanted, ignored, or lied about in the mainstream media - PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION to help improve the quality of the show, and defray expenses incurred during production.

Thank you for your support ~ Bobby

Reporter Detained/Arrested Investigating Mysterious Explosion That Rocked N.E. Mi On 6-6-12

At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/6/2012, a mysterious explosion shook homes over hundreds of square miles in Northeastern Michigan. The ground shaking explosion was heard from Presque Isle to Lincoln, and out west as far as Hillman. The Alpena County Sheriff's Department dispatched deputies to locate the source of the blast; but no cause was ever found. During my investigation of the cause of the explosion, I was arrested when I attempted to interview the Executive Secretary at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training center; a woman who had left me a message about the blast that very morning. I was simply trying to get her comments on camera as I've done at military bases all over the country. This is Part Two of my story...

Doing this story, bailing myself out of jail, and getting my van out of impound sucked up EVERY DOLLAR I had, and all I could borrow. Please make a generous donation so I can continue developing this breaking story.
Thank you for you generous support, and God Bless, Bobby
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:All I want to know is who won the battle - Indiana or Michigan?
Reports leaking into NWO Central had Michigan up by 7, but Indiana rallied and came back in the 4th quarter with two unanswered TDs for the win.
The Observer wrote:Will there be a significant border change?
Yes, Michigan gave up their rights to Toledo, which should have been part of the Wolverine State but the liberals took it away back in the 1830s. See
The Observer wrote:Will the survivors be herded into the Upper Peninsula if Indiana won?
No, they are being hearded into UFO spacecraft to be ferried to Planet Reptiliosis for the "To Serve Man" cookoff.
The Observer wrote:Or will the Indianians be forced to give up the Brickyard?
Yes, even though they won this was part of the settlement. However, Indiana gets to keep the formula 1 cars and the bricks themselves.
The Observer wrote:And the most important question: when can we expect the zombies to start rising out of the graveyards due to the resulting radiation?
You're way behind the curve. The hoards of Zombies hit Chicago on Sunday and have made it all the way to Cleaveland where they'll never be noticed, which is kind of strange given that they walk so slow. Maybe they caught busses.
The Observer wrote:Aren't apocalypses exciting?
Just another workday when your employer is The New World Order.
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Yes, Michigan gave up their rights to Toledo, which should have been part of the Wolverine State but the liberals took it away back in the 1830s.
Which only goes to show how little thought goes into liberal policy decisions. If they knew anything about Toledo, they would have made Michigan keep it.
Deep Knight wrote:You're way behind the curve. The hoards of Zombies hit Chicago on Sunday and have made it all the way to Cleaveland where they'll never be noticed, which is kind of strange given that they walk so slow. Maybe they caught busses.
I'm behind the curve? The first documented zombie attack occurred in Miami, not Chicago. It appears you are looking for zombies in the wrong direction.
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

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Mistaken radiation readings cause concern
Updated: Friday, 08 Jun 2012, 5:54 PM EDT

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) -- Some people in northern Indiana were alarmed after a website reported readings indicating that radiation levels were at a catastrophic level in South Bend.

The owner of the company that owns the site that monitors radiation across the U.S. tells WSBT-TV that the readings reported Wednesday and early Thursday on the Radiation Network site were a false alarm.

MineraLab owner Tim Flanegin says the readings appeared to be caused by an equipment malfunction.

WSBT says it received about a dozen calls or emails from residents concerned about the readings.

Officials at the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission told the station that their radiation readings were normal.

Internet Buzzing Over Presumed Radiation Spike
Posted in: Iowa City Owl
Posted: Jun 09, 12 at 3:06pm | Author: Nicole Fulmer

Recently, many internet forums have been talking quite a bit about a presumed "cover-up" by the government of radiation levels spiking due to some unexplained occurrence that happened a few days ago near the Indiana and Michigan borders.

An incident near the borders of Indiana and Michigan in an area that is owned by the DOD has raised some eyebrows, especially where Internet forum operators have been concerned. They believe that something has happened, and nobody is talking about it except them.

One user on provided a long list of information about the recent and incredibly spike in radiation levels and a reading that was retracted and called a "false alarm" by the EPA.

According to the user, a few days ago, a story was posted about radiation levels being between 2,000 and 7,000 CPM. The story was removed quickly, which sparked the user to do his own research on the situation. Anyone he contacted claimed that the reading was a malfunction of a detector and a false alarm, stating that he had nothing to worry about.

He discovered footage and reports of a strange event in the area that was not disclosed, but there is no report of the event occurring at all, and the footage is nonexistent at this point. Nonetheless, since then, according to the user, the radiation levels have been incredibly high, which is a potential danger about which the area residents should know.

The user has decided to raise awareness about the issue because a private radiation detector made the discovery, but the EPA-controlled detector corrected the issue, and none of the events he assumes to be related have been explained. He claims a government coverup, as many on the forum and other forums do as well after the incident.

According to the user, the normal radiation levels should always be between 5 and 60, and anything over 100 should always be reported. He believes the levels to have been dangerous, so public awareness is necessary in order to protect the general welfare.

Even though the user and forum have provided a lot of support for their concerns, much of the information used to back up their arguments is either anecdotal, brief, or nonexistent. Videos, articles and other information are not online at all and the only backing proof is screen shots from ther user showing the spikes that happened and when they happened.

This information has been thus far not noticed by the EPA, who still holds that the reading was a false alarm by a broken detector that has since been dealt with.

Still, the user and many on that forum and others as well have stuck to their stories, firmly believing that the spike did in fact occur, and it was linked to a situation that occurred days before in the area.

With the recent reports of zombie attacks, now is the biggest time to worry about the possible effects of a nuclear radiation leak.

More Zombie attacks? Am I missing out on an exciting new trend?
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by ashlynne39 »

Sad we had to find out from the Kremlin about Obama's attack on men, women and children patriots. What's up with that?
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by The Observer »

ashlynne39 wrote:Sad we had to find out from the Kremlin about Obama's attack on men, women and children patriots. What's up with that?
Yeah, it's a pretty lousy world when you can't count on the commies to be the ones attacking US citizens.
Deep Knight wrote:More Zombie attacks? Am I missing out on an exciting new trend?
Just a little modification to the HAARP array. Now, in addition to earthquakes, hurricanes and locust swarms, the Dark Cabal can deliver a wave of zombies to distract people from NESARA and the RV.
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: Just a little modification to the HAARP array. Now, in addition to earthquakes, hurricanes and locust swarms, the Dark Cabal can deliver a wave of zombies to distract people from NESARA and the RV.
PTB1 - We have the agents in place and boots on the ground to thwart the RV, but people might notice. Any ideas?
PTB2 - How about zombies?
PTB1 - Good idea. It's hard keep focused when the walking dead are trying to eat your brains. Make it so!
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by Deep Knight »

An "in parts" response to a follow up on the site that "broke" the original story.

Michael J. Nutt says:
June 12, 2012 at 10:53 pm

You guys are idiots! Northeastern Michigan is hundreds of miles from the border with Indiana! (app. 250 statute miles) These sources are tying together stories from northeast Michigan which contains a joint civilian/military airfield in Alpena, Michigan, Camp Grayling (a military training area that contains weapons ranges) and several Military Operations Areas (MOAs) for military aircraft training with stories related to an “insurrection” in SOUTHWEST Michigan, near the Indiana border (very close to Chicago Illinois). Helicopters normally train at Grayling Army Airfield (part of Camp Grayling) during the summer, supported by A-10s based at Selfridge Air National Guard Base (near Detroit). Activity like this is common throughout the summer. The number of helicopters involved is grossly exaggerated and, as I have stated, hundreds of miles from this reported area of interest.


Michael J. Nutt says:
June 12, 2012 at 10:53 pm

Oh, and in researching this I found articles on “MLive All Michigan” ( ... natio.html) that was headed by an article on the Palisades nuclear plant (one of the oldest operating plants in the country) having more safety violations, followed by an article on a local National Guard unit from Battle Creek that was being activated for 3 months at Ft. Bliss in Texas for training and then on to 9 months of duty with Operation Enduring Freedom. These are unrelated articles, just like looking at the front page of a newspaper with various leads on different topics. Did someone try and tie these articles together into one big story in SW Michigan? And then add in all the reported air activity that was part of normal training in NE Michigan by units mostly out of Grand Ledge and Selfridge? Bullshit all the way anyway!

Michael J. Nutt says:
June 12, 2012 at 11:06 pm

…and to top it all off, the discussion much earlier about chemtrails/contrails. As another pilot pointed out earlier, contrails occur in cold air. As the military discovered in WWII, even the B-17s with their piston engines, left contrails when they flew into this cold air (minus 28 degrees F or lower, if I recall). You can see this in many of the old newsreels. They made these aircraft VERY visible and were an arrow that pointed to the formations. Due to this, the level that contrails formed (the altitude varied, due to variations in temperature) was plotted in, in order to try and avoid them if at all possible. As you passed this layer, planes that were very close to each other might, or might not, leave a contrail. It depends on who is higher, by even 100 ft, meaning they are in the cold air and the other hasn’t reached it yet. I have left a contrail in light aircraft in the dead of winter -but would have a little trouble reaching that cold a temp in the summer in a Cessna 172 (service ceiling of about 17,000 ft., depending on the model -and air that cold would likely be above 40,000 ft in this part of the world in the summer)! Another example of this is the ice fog that sometimes forms in Alaska and other cold environments. This is basically a “contrail” from vehicle exhaust and other sources of warm humid air that are released into the extremely cold air of winter.

Micahel J. Nutt says:
June 13, 2012 at 1:01 am

…and the “unmarked choppers and strategic aircraft” are the current typical “low vis” markings where there is little contrast between the aircraft and the aircraft markings, just a few shades different. They’re all there, just low visibility (low vis). Nothing sinister, just standard.

Geez! The people who wrote this article, and many of the respondents, are looking for trouble and linking totally separate events into one complex and illogical story! When I first read it, it sounded like an area the size of a county in SW Michigan was involved. Then I realized that the cities mentioned ranged from southwest to northeast Michigan and included some very populated areas and some of the largest cities in Michigan. There is no way that this area could be “blacked out” like it is suggested. Someone has a cell, landline, amateur radio, CB, satellite phone…. and could (and would) get a message out if this were true. No, this is a concocted story that is “supported” by pics of aircraft on training missions, as they are at least a weekend a month or more.
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Re: Nuclear War Between Michigan and Indiana!

Post by The Observer »

Memo regarding Michael J. Nutt:

The only thing worse than a NESARAite trying to expose our conspiracies is a person debunking those conspiracies and making us not only look impotent but non-existent. Someone needs to pay a visit to this Nutt and convince him to shut up.
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