DoJ harassing Ed Brown Supporters

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Quatloosian Baron of the Unknown Statute
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DoJ harassing Ed Brown Supporters

Post by buck09 »

...from bakery wireless hotspots and overseas...

I, and a couple of people called BS on him. Now, strangely, I can't post anymore. Seems like that happens every time I take him to task: ... and-annoy/

Sad thing is, up until he espoused his love for Ed Brown and Ron Paul, I quite liked his blog.
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Post by Demosthenes »

He thinks the evil fed is posting to his site from a Panera bakery in Virginia and then from a wifi connection in Brooklyn NY and then from a proxy in England?

This guy is major paranoid. It probably makes him feel important.

Post by error »

I don't know why you can't post to my site.

I do know, however, that neither of you have sufficient experience in tracking IP addresses, since you've both posted completely wrong information about the IP addresses given.

If you want to call me paranoid, well, you have the right to hold counterfactual beliefs. Though, I got the impression that this board was about NOT holding counterfactual beliefs.
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Post by Demosthenes »

error wrote:I don't know why you can't post to my site.

I do know, however, that neither of you have sufficient experience in tracking IP addresses, since you've both posted completely wrong information about the IP addresses given.

If you want to call me paranoid, well, you have the right to hold counterfactual beliefs. Though, I got the impression that this board was about NOT holding counterfactual beliefs.
Welcome to Quatloos. Show us where we're wrong. I used an ip tracker program on the ips to tell me geographic locations.
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Post by Imalawman »

Suggesting to Demo that she doesn't have sufficient experience tracking IP addresses is about as stupid as Larkin Rose asking to be prosecuted.
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown
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Post by Demosthenes »

He doesn't seem to like us much...
Some assholes from an anti-tax-protester site have invaded and are giving me grief, knowingly posting demonstrably false information in an attempt to make me look bad.

Please feel free to do whatever seems appropriate.
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Post by Dezcad »

We should probably introduce him to Shaun Kranish :wink:
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Post by Demosthenes »

And by the way, I looked up the IPs prior to reading Buck09's comment on the blog and had come up with the same data as Buck.
Joey Smith
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Post by Joey Smith »

That poor guy is developing a healthy case of paranoia, as if anybody in the government gave a rat's ass about what he's doing.

As Demo says, the desire for self-importance reigns supreme.
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"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to
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Post by Nikki »

If any of the three-letter agencies wanted to contact someone or was worried about him, it wouldn't be via an anonymous post to a blog.

The person is question would receive a personal visit from two very serious, credentialed people in relatively inexpensive suits. (three-letter work doesn't pay very well.)
Quatloosian Baron of the Unknown Statute
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Post by buck09 »

error wrote:I do know, however, that neither of you have sufficient experience in tracking IP addresses, since you've both posted completely wrong information about the IP addresses given.
I tried hard not to snicker at that comment - I was working on the series of tubes that make up the internet back when Yahoo was a computer science project hosted at Stanford. So, yeah, I know a little bit about these things.

Let's leave that aside entirely - please tell me what source of information to used to trace those IP addresses back to somewhere other than Panera Bread, Verizon Wireless and some Euro ISP in the UK.
Joe Dirt
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Re: sick

Post by Joe Dirt »

UGA Lawdog wrote:I am sick of the Browns and their scofflaw ways.

I know this will sound terrible, but I have gone from not caring whether they get hurt when they are finally arrested, to hoping they do get hurt when that day comes.
I just did a google search on Ed Brown... except for his local media market, a few anti-govt blogs and here, Brown just isn't the factor he holds himself out to be. Brown's foundational value is nothing more than narcissism.

To date, I am very pleased with the govt's response to Brown. Face it, Brown just plain can't stay in his little castle on his little hilltop forever. Restraint is our government's best option.

As an additional ingredient, he has Randy Weaver in his company. Weaver has made great capital over the deaths of his wife and son at Ruby Ridge. In my humble somewhat rightward leaning opinion though, Weaver is no better than a piece of crap Jihadist storing weapons and explosives while hiding behind the skirts of women and the toys of children.

My hope for this matter is law enforcement's continuing patience... remember the bright side, interest and penalties continue to accrue.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Just listening to yesterday's Brown radio show now.

Elaine was absolutely elated that someone honored their wishes by spray painting graffiti "Yahweh" all over the dental building.

She was also very happy because Pastor Butch has been at the home.

She whined a lot that she misses her car, even if she hasn’t driven it in 6 months. They're asking someone to donate an SUV, "just drive it u, and turn over the keys."

She said the Marshal told Jason. “I don’t give a fuck about that constitutional gay shit.”

Overall, I sense a recent sea change in Elaine. She's turning into an ugly personality.
Last edited by Demosthenes on Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

I can't help but marvel at the general lack of education displayed by many of the Brown supporters, as well as the paranoid anti-government crowd in general. One of many, many examples was on the Makethestand site they put up a video of thier recent "freedom concert" allegedly filmed by Riley (the dog walker). The entire beginning of the video is Riley obsessing over "chemtrails" allegedly being sprayed over the Browns' house from passing planes. At one point, this knucklehead zooms in on a jetliner flying at 30-40,000 feet and gets all bent out of shape about the "chemtrails" he's "spraying." Of course, this imbecile has no concept of "contrails," ie, freezing exhaust, and rants and raves about how many "sprayers" the plane had etc. Never mind the basic physics involved in releasing this evil chemical vapor 7 or 8 miles above your target would almost assuredly render it moot anyway.

Oh well. The nice thing about such patently stupid people is when they finally decide to "act," they make for easier investigative targets.