Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Imalawman »

Famspear wrote:
Back then, I blithely assumed that laying bare the truths about that limited legal scope and that bad practice of mis-application would quickly marshal the power of the media and the courts on the side of the truth and the law. I expected that we would quickly resume our unique American experiment in liberty under the law and restore the enormous prosperity and freedom we enjoyed for the first 140 years of our republic .......

I expected that the interest of every American in his or her financial and civic well-being would be invoked by journalists who would recognize the story of the century.....
(italics added).

The "story of century"? Earth calling Pontificating Pete.... Earth calling Pontificating Pete..... Pete Hendrickson continues to exhibit the delusional beliefs of a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

And how is he coping upon release after having served his second federal prison term for federal tax crimes? Answer: By indulging himself in his inner fantasy world, by using the "power" of his imagination:
What happens if narcissistics [sic] are not succesful[sic], if they face personal failures and social humiliations? What if realistic events topple them from their illusory world of eminence and superiority? What behaviors do they show and what mechanisms do they employ to salve their wounds?

Initially dejected, shamed, and feeling a sense of emptiness, narcissists have no recourse but to turn for solace to their fantasies. [ . . .] It is at these times that their lifelong talent for imagination takes over. These facile processes enable them to create a fanciful world in which they can redeem themselves and reassert their pride and status. Since narcissists are unaccustomed to self-control and objective reality testing, their powers of imagination have free rein to weave intricate resolutions to their difficulties.

What the narcissist is unable to work out through fantasy is simply repressed, put out of mind and kept from awareness. Beyond these, narcissists invent alibis, excuses, and "proofs" that seem [to themselves] plausible and consistent, and convince them of their continued stature and perfection.
---Theodore Millon, Ph.D., Disorders of Personality/DSM-III: Axis II, p. 168 (John Wiley & Sons 1981).
I think this clearly shows that Pete has some severe psychological disorders. You have just gotten your ass handed to you in court, spent two years away from your family, and been told time and again, that you're wrong. The first week you're out of prison, you start right off where you left. What a self-centered dumbass.

I will look forward to his next stint in the slammer, which I believe will be within 5 years.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by notorial dissent »

But but but it wasn't his fault, it was all the fault of that mean awful corrupt court system ignoring his inescapable truths and punishing him for standing up for the rule of law, don't you know?????
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Joey Smith »

You fabulous people have kept the fires burning and the word spreading.
Yeah, all five of you . . . who just BTW have abandoned CTC and gone on to other strategies.

And that's if you include Skanky and his "common law remedies" based on the have-always-failed theories of David Merrill.
- - - - - - - - - - -
"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by David Merrill »

I had some fun with the Search bar over there - try plugging in "Merrill".
Unknown Named Agent

Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Unknown Named Agent »

The Observer wrote:I would think that in context Pete is referring to Thomas Hobbe's literary symbol for government in his eponymous book.
Pete is referring to the white whale that he is chasing.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Famspear »

Over at losthorizons, Perseverant, Pontificating Pete persists (a new post on his "news" page):
Time Is Too Short To Let Willful Blindness Persist

This week, as in all previous editions of this newsletter over the years, I am pleased to post yet another new batch of concrete, unmistakable acknowledgements by the federal and state governments of the accuracy and complete correctness of the information about the income tax in CtC.

Good one!
The latest of the victories posted this week issued just four months ago, and is the sixth such in as many years for the civically-responsible American grown-up who secured it.

This most-recently-posted acknowledgement was made nine long years after the beginning of unending, massive, intense efforts by the feds and their counterparts in federal-income-taxing state governments to frighten everyone away from CtC and to pretend in every way possible except by actual dispute of its revelations that CtC is wrong. In other words, this acknowledgement, like all the hundreds and hundreds of others posted here over the years, and the tens of thousands admitted to by just the feds alone (as indicated by a single IRS official speaking of what her one office in the massive agency had seen in a four-year block from 2005 til 2009 in my trial a few years ago and leaving us to wonder what kind of numbers each office of the 33 state tax agencies routinely honoring CtC-educated claims over the years would have to report) is just the latest irrefutable proof to all but the most willfully blind that what is found in this book IS the liberating truth.

“Many a man stumbles across the truth, then picks himself up and hurries on as though nothing had happened."

-Winston Churchill

And yet, the "tax-honesty" community remains mired in denial about CtC. Hard-working, well-meaning lawyers and paralegals from that community write briefs and go into courtrooms without ever having bothered to read the one book consistently proven correct on the nature of the tax and its actual legal architecture.

Pundits and bloggers post articles and commentaries declaring "facts" and flogging "theories" and viewpoints about the tax which generate a choking fog of nonsense and misinformation and HARM US ALL. Every bit of the nonsense has been authoritatively and thoroughly disproven-- over and over and in the most comprehensive way possible-- by hard facts in CtC and endless evidence on, but the distracting, confusing and obscuring fog spews forth endlessly.

This week has seen a vast pollution of such harmful punditry, as every American with a soapbox climbed on to issue an opinion piece related to the Fourth of July. Half of these folks ignorantly carried on about 1913 and the 16th Amendment at some point, speaking of them as the occasion of some great calamity, and thus contributed to the very problem about which they complain (the misapplication of federal taxing authority). Having failed to look at real information about the income tax, these folks-- most of whom mean nothing but the best, and are in nearly every other respect the most admirable of writers and opinion-makers-- contribute to the persistent and solution-inhibiting ignorance of the great mass of the American people.

Gosh, Pete, we just don't know! We just don't know. What do you have to do???
I'm at a loss, here, people. Seriously. I am mystified.
So are we, Pete!
And I'm FRUSTRATED! If people like DiLorenzo, Hornberger, Roberts, Rockwell, Jones, Greenwald and others with bully pulpits and well-tuned keyboards would start writing on this subject knowledgeably, it would be transformational ON ALL FRONTS. Liberating truths about EVERY aspect of the Leviathan state by which all of these folks are so righteously troubled would be revealed in a new people-empowering light of understanding. But something keeps these folks from seeing that light.

The great irony is that these folks all recognize the significance of the tax's impact on America today, as is evidenced by their focus on the subject in their writings. As noted above, they deem what they believe to be the advent of our modern experience with the tax to be the death-knell of the American republic and our liberty (often along with the establishment of the fed).

Further, these are generally folks well-enough educated to know better than to accept the "received wisdom" on most any subject as true without sharp and skeptical examination-- especially "received wisdom" flogged into the public consciousness by state apparatchiks. And yet, on this oh-so-important subject, these folks get their news from NBC (or the status-quo-invested organ of your choice) just like any barn-yard boob they contemptuously criticize for taking in nonsense about monetary policy, history, or most Constitutional issues OTHER than the taxing powers.

I know that there is a big campaign going on by the adversaries of the truth to generate fog with their attacks on me, of course, the purpose of which is to dissuade people from studying CtC. But surely no one is so stupid as to misunderstand that an orchestrated mugging like what I've been absorbing over the years is anything but the desperate effort it is, and is, in fact, itself the most potent admission of the truth?
Yeah, I guess you're right. The fact that you spent nearly two years in federal prison for using your Cracking the Code scam on your own tax returns just proves you're right.

I can't believe that anyone really misunderstands that it is because the muggers CAN'T make a case against CtC fair and square that they engage in dodges, evasions and the sort of scare-show abuse to which I'm being subjected.
Federal prison can definitely be a scare-show, eh Pete?
(Or that anyone mistakes the real message in the increasingly hokey and bizarre efforts to brow-beat a handful of upstanding patriots back into the prone position every year by threat and misdirection; here's a question for the community: How many times have you all seen IRS and state tax forms change during the nine years since CtC first appeared in desperate attempts to keep the charade alive, after decades of changelessness?).

Surely it is clear to everyone who pays attention that every bark, snarl and feint of the junk-yard dog is an admission that it hasn't got anything legitimate and straightforward to say on behalf of what it wants you to believe?
Yeah, all those court losses by your followers, and the absence of even one court victory, certainly is an admission that your scam, uh, oops, I mean your method, oh, gosh darn it, I mean, your non-method really works.
That this yapping and growling is because it has nothing to do but try to scare you away from looking behind the curtain or taking the red pill (which means, READING THE DAMN BOOK, AND READING IT THREE MORE TIMES, IF NECESSARY, AND THEN STANDING YOUR GROUND)?

Nonetheless, despite all these obvious points and the free-standing significance of the huge body of unambiguous physical evidence available for anyone to study, the entire "pundit" class and all-too-many legal specialists even in the "tax-honesty" community step out every day and seed the path with weeds and underbrush to the detriment of us all, rather than lending their strength and voices to clearing the way and striving against those who deliberately lie and misdirect.
I'd say it's a tragedy. What say you, Pete?
It's a tragedy. Working in harmony, we'd have won this battle years ago. As it is, the truth and the liberty that attends it advances with aching slowness, and its enemies are dangerously granted time to work against it. Understand, even the most scintillating truth is of little use once a certain level of lock-down is in place.
Well, I guess you're an expert on lock-downs, aren't you Pete? Two federal prison terms for tax-related crimes, and you still haven't learned your lesson....

At this recently past Declaration Day party [presumably, the June 30th party at Hendrickson's house] (which was great, by the way, and Doreen and I thank all of you who shared the day with us...) I asked everyone to turn their skills and talents to the task of figuring out how to break through to the willfully blind (and how better to spread the liberating, empowering and Founders'-vision-implementing truth to those not blind, but just not yet exposed).

Now I'm asking you, in the larger group reading these words, to do this, too. I CAN'T DO THIS MYSELF.
I agree that you can't do it Pete. And neither can any of your followers.
I don't appear to know how. I can't seem to get through to these folks.
Just as no one seems to be able to get through to you, Pete. You give a whole new meaning to the phrase "slow learner."
Maybe the attack-and-smear campaign of the bad guys against me-- WHICH IS THERE JUST FOR THIS PURPOSE-- is working. Maybe because I've been targeted with concrete, personally-impacting attacks that my words to these folks are taken as simply self-serving and therefore not to be taken as objectively serious or valid.
No sh[.....]t??!!!?? Yah think???!!!!???
Understand that the problem is not that these folks refuse to recognize the evidence-- IT'S THAT THEY DON'T EVER LOOK AT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I think that some who have tried to make contact with folks like this in the past (and I know some of you have) have just sent a link to the victories, for instance, or to the EWWBL pages, or the Victory Highlights page, and figured that things would proceed properly from there. The unfortunate fact is, the folks you sent to never even clicked on the link. Or if they did, they then took it for granted that whatever they saw must be explained and made insignificant by something else that ISN'T being shown to them, 'cause, hey, everyone knows that this sort of thing can't be true, right?

These refunds, closing notices, credits, carefully vague threats, judicial dodges and so on must just all be a mistake of some kind, these folk left to their own contemplation imagine. Left to their own to think about what evidence they bother to take in, folks like this don't reflect on years that have gone by now, and casually dismiss what they see as some kind of agency screw-up. (Nor do they reflect on the fact that this "screw-up" is common to three dozen separate tax agencies, and is spiced with many unmistakably open-eyed capitulations by these agencies along with the more common wordless surrenders to educated claimants.)

EDIT: Note: The numerous links in Pete Hendrickson's post are not reproduced here.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by LaVidaRoja »

If the IRS and DOJ weren't so slow, and if Pete really had any significant impact on revenue, we could start a pool on how soon he returns to the grey bar hotel.....
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Famspear »

Hey, Pete! I've got it! I know how you can solve your problem! Just keep filing your federal income tax returns using your Cracking the Code scheme! Sooner or later, you'll be indicted again, you'll be convicted again, and you'll go back to federal prison!

Then everyone will finally see that you are right!

I'm sure it will work this next time! Look how well it's worked for Irwin Schiff! He's serving his third federal prison term for tax crimes! You're better than Uncle Irwin!

Go for it, Pete!

I know you're not gonna let us down!

EDIT: LaVidaRoja's post beat me to it!
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Famspear »

Sadly (and, as other regulars here may have already noted), Pete might not receive much income over the next few years. I would imagine that it's hard enough for a convicted felon to find a job. Someone like Pete who has two sets of federal felony convictions under this belt would probably find it even more difficult. Sad for him and his family. But he may not have enough income any time soon for the feds to want to bother with him again.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:No, not sad for any of them. Pete, of his own free will, repeatedly pulled the same stupid bullsh*t and twice has gotten his card pulled because of it. Doreen is a willing stooge to go along with Pete's stupidity. Maybe some day she will find her spine and get away form the human black hole that is Pete.

The kids, okay if they are under 18, I do feel bad for them. When they become adults they will either blithely skip down the path their dad has followed with such "success," or they will get the Hell out of Dodge and keep dad's and mom's lunacy far, far, far away form themselves.
FWIW: I believe the daughter was in college as of a couple of years ago. I think the son is still a teenager.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by The Observer »

Famspear, I think you missed the one small ray of possible hope that Pete may finally realize that CtC can't work:
Hendrickson wrote:I CAN'T DO THIS MYSELF.
As the pros advise, admission is the first step to recovery. Here we see Pete finally admitting and realizing that he is simply not bigger than the whole, that the book of CtC just can't simply bring victory alone based on the months...uh days..ok, minutes that he put in on research and legal mumbo-jumbo to come with his whackadoodle theory. Pete is admitting that he needs help!

Be generous, Famspear, and recognize that this is one small step for Pete and one incredible reach for mankind in hoping beyond hope that Pete might turn the corner...even if it takes another 40 years.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Gregg »

That this yapping and growling is because it has nothing to do but try to scare you away from looking behind the curtain or taking the red pill
Come try to take this red pill, sparky. I dare you.

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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by wserra »

Like that car, do ya, Gregg?
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Famspear »

Here is a list of those individuals who have won a Federal court case using Peter Hendrickson’s Cracking the Code tax scam:
Here is a list of individuals (including tax return preparers) who have lost a Federal civil or criminal court case using (or who have claimed to have used, or who have been touted by Hendrickson as having used) Peter Hendrickson’s Cracking the Code tax scam:
Peter Eric Hendrickson [served nearly 2 years in Federal prison for using the scheme]*
Sharon K. Artman
James M. Blaga
Erik Stephen Clark
Michael Dowling
Louie Elias
Joseph Alan Fennell
Joy Ferguson
Melvin L. Gerstenkorn
Larry Golson
William R. Granger
Donald A. Gray
Robert Herriman
Beverly J. Hill
Scott Ray Holmes
Justin Carl Laue
Kenneth R. Lindberg
Roger Charles Menner [still in Federal prison]*
David Mills
Adolfo Sandor Montero
Patrick Michael Mooney [lost two cases]
James Robert Morse
David Nelson
Michael O'Daniel [released from Federal prison]*
T. Russell Ragan
Andrew D. Scott
James A. Spitzer
Steven T. Waltner and Sarah V. Waltner
Eugene George Warner [released from Federal prison; not clear whether he actually used the scam]*

EDIT: The criminal cases are marked with an asterisk ( * ).
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Imalawman »

Well, not that is was hard to predict, but I certainly called it. He's back at it and won't quit until he's back in jail. He may only be smart enough to not file the CTC method on his own returns for a while (if he has any income).
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by The Observer »

Imalawman wrote:Well, not that is was hard to predict, but I certainly called it. He's back at it and won't quit until he's back in jail. He may only be smart enough to not file the CTC method on his own returns for a while (if he has any income).
Which I think shows that Pete has this overhwelming compulsion to be in the center ring all of the time. His failures will never teach him anything, except his belief that he has to work harder at keeping the focus on him.
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Gregg »

wserra wrote:Like that car, do ya, Gregg?
I waited a long time for Ford to build them. I have never forgiven myself for not having one the first time, and the fact that I was only 6 is no excuse.

(ya know, I have a gaggle of other ones, too)
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Imalawman wrote:Well, not that is was hard to predict, but I certainly called it. He's back at it and won't quit until he's back in jail. He may only be smart enough to not file the CTC method on his own returns for a while (if he has any income).
Which I think shows that Pete has this overhwelming compulsion to be in the center ring all of the time. His failures will never teach him anything, except his belief that he has to work harder at keeping the focus on him.
This doesn't surprise me one bit. Without CtC and the Crackhead loyalists (and any newbies he can ensnare), Petey is just another loser. With them, he is a Warrior For the Truth; and he carries the Shield of Self-Delusion to protect him from unpleasant facts and reality.
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by Famspear »

Peter Hendrickson's Narcissistic Hymn To Himself

--sung to the tune of I’ve Gotta Be Me (with apologies to Walter Marks, who composed the original words & music; hit version, c. 1968, was sung by Sammy Davis, Jr.)

I know I’m right; I’ll never be wrong….
My beautiful face in this world is always so strong….
It’s all about Me…. It’s all about Me…
Oh, why can’t they see: I’m Superman….

I want to live, and also connive.
And I won't give up this dream
Of life that keeps me alive….
It’s all about Me…. It’s all about Me…
Delusion, you see, makes Me what I am….

My far-away prize, My World of Success,
I have not attained, because of My fall.
I won't knuckle down, although I'm a mess,
For now I believe, yes I believe, I deserve it all….

I'll go it alone, that's how it must be;
Cannot think about somebody else --
It’s all about Me….
It’s all about Me…. It’s all about Me…..
I could just cry: I’m living a lie!
It’s all about Me….
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Re: Pete Hendrickson's "story of the century"

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:
wserra wrote:Like that car, do ya, Gregg?
I waited a long time for Ford to build them. I have never forgiven myself for not having one the first time, and the fact that I was only 6 is no excuse.

(ya know, I have a gaggle of other ones, too)
Do they get jealous of your alone time with the Boss? Maybe a little scared of the noises they hear during that alone time?
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