
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Post by Deep Knight »

I first heard of Dove and Nesara from the guy featured in the movie “Waiting for NESARA” (an independent film by Zeb Haradon you can buy from Amazon or probably watch for free online – although I suggest purchasing it so Zeb can continue making movies). He was on a radio show called The Power Hour going on and on about how the September 11th tragedy was a “false flag” event to prevent all our debts from being forgiven. If it hadn’t been from the publicity generated by such claims, Dove would have probably wallowed in even more obscurity than she ended up wallowing in.

This has been a hallmark of this scam, taking any publicized event and claiming a link to the base conspiracy. Great for generating publicity, the pieces of slime that do this don’t think twice about using the pain and suffering of others to line their pockets. Which should tell you all you need to know about them.

Excerpts from MacHaffie’s site:

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Entertainment Tonite ... Can't believe what I saw ...
Posted By: Journey
Date: Saturday, 21-Jul-2012 07:12:56

After Craig Ferguson, ET comes on and the whole show was about the Colorado shooting. I was outside enjoying the evening having a drink or two and came home to see ET on.
Just in time to see the unbelievable hype and spin they put on this OBVIOUS false flag event. The reporting in the show was the DEAD giveaway of the falseness of the whole event.
I just could not believe the crap they were spewing. I nearly turned it off at one point but delayed to see just how much more crap they could stoop to.

This all REEKS of a false flag event, no doubt about it. BUT ... it was a small one ( by today's standards ) that is meant to distract from something else much more important to THEM. The banking scandals maybe ??? HSBC, LIBOR ??? London too ???
The hype behind it is something I haven't seen before. The gun control issue was pushed incessantly. If I had a gun and I was in that crowd, there would have been no hesitation, he would have been down if I was able.

GOD I hate how they make us all out to be just sheep to be picked off like targets on a shooting range ...
The feeling I got from all the media coverage so far is FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, get rid of the guns ??? And don't go see the new Batman movie maybe ??? They were very concerned about box office returns, especially since the last two made it big time. They are concerned that this INCIDENT doesn't bring the box office take downwards. One talking head said, "don't worry this is just an isolated incident, go and see the movie." Paraphrased of course. How many more "isolated" incidents" do we have to see before we get it ??? They are NOT isolated. It's a result of the violence on TV and or Video Games which they went waaaay out of their way to say "We're NOT responsible ".
Really ???
Tell me another Whopper and I might just get a hankerin for one ...

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:27 AM


AnonymousJuly 21, 2012 9:15 AM
This news piece is most likely one of their MK-ULTRA projects where they have programmed this guy to "go off" on some command (possibly the movie title The Dark Night playing at the movies) and they have him pre-programmed to go out and shoot a bunch of people. The purpose of this being to put FEAR into the people and make them think they don't want everyone to have guns. This is mind programming to create emotional responses by the people of FEAR, so they will FEAR guns and "allow" the government to take people's guns. Since we know better, because we are NOT run by fear, WE WILL KEEP our guns and NOT give them to anyone, and WE WILL KEEP our 2nd ammendment right to prevent a tyrranical government takeover by foreign usurpers. DON"T OPEN YOUR DOORS TO ANYONE. Gun Control: When you aim at your target, make sure you hit it. That's gun control.

Followed by this insightful piece

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Stop and think everyone! -- False Flag events being staged by the Bad Guys

Twelve people were killed and 59 were injured in Aurora, Colorado during the midnight premier of the movie “The Dark Knight Rises!” A 24-year-old Ph.D. candidate, James Holmes, was apprehended in the back of the theater, getting into his car. He was wearing a ballistics helmet, bulletproof vest, bulletproof leggings, a gas mask and gloves. He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police reported. Police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons: an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a 40 caliber Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle. Stop and think everyone! Where in the hell would a 24-year-old graduate student find the money or the wherewithal to purchase these articles—all controlled by Federal and State Law? These are articles only available to the Military and to “militarized police” units! Some of you will undoubtedly suggest “the black market.” If that were the case, every hootenanny, red neck militia from Bangor, Maine to Spokane, Washington would be armed to their tarnished teeth with this shit and all of you know damned well I’m right about this!

Yes, you can buy a rifle and a hand gun anywhere in the country but it’s quite a stretch of one’s imagination to contend that you can purchase full body armor from a legitimate gun shop and no one would suspect you had any plans to do something out of the ordinary. It doesn’t take a “Ph.D.” to figure out that this was a false flag and, in the coming months, we’ll learn that, like many other “lone gunman” assassins of the past, this fellow seems oddly irrational and subject to a delusional rapport that only a history of deranged behavior could explain. And, like the others, there will never be a discovery—that long and tedious history of instability will never manifest itself.

This entire unfortunate episode was intended to disturb us—make us uncomfortable in public places; distress us and put us “off balance” so we would not notice that a house of cards was falling down all around us. They’re hoping they can put “Humpty-Dumpty” back together again before the King’s horses and men arrive to arrest them, indict them, try them, and throw them all into jail—where they belong as they relish separation after all—don’t you know!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:41 PM

And this

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Gun Owners of America Offering Real Solutions to Last Night’s Shootings
Friday, July 20, 2012 4:00 100% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

LETS SEE NOW... COLUMBINE....COLORADO.... AURORA.....COLORADO...... google search shootings Colorado...AMAZING HOW MANY.... Remember the ahos have one of their NWO bases near by...As another Gun Free Kill Zone claims lives. Gun Owners of AmericaWashington, DC --( Last night’s shooting in Aurora, Colorado was extremely tragic, as more than a dozen people were killed in another Gun Free Kill Zone.
At the opening showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” James Holmes dressed up in costume and murdered several people while the movie was barely thirty minutes into the story. The gunman used a movie gunfight to cover his actions and further surprise the innocent patrons. Worse, the theater in Aurora reportedly has a “no guns” policy.
Despite gun control’s obvious failure, the calls for more restrictions have already begun:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:45 PM


AnonymousJuly 21, 2012 3:36 PM
Agree, it is a false flag event and likely psy black ops job! He was probably programmed to kill on the dark night release, the very night that there was no moon. These people are all about the occult so open your eyes and watch how they play the game with all the symbolism! Creepy, dangerous, and they need to be taken down! They did the same thing with Colombine, Gabby Gifford, and many more. They have zero value for human life. Next they will try to get body scanners at malls once they take out a mall to scare everyone senseless. Look at all the murderous movies and the kind of message they put out. Its all about control and the bankster gangsters losing their hold on humanity so they have to create these events so they can scream gun control and take our guns. Too bad there wasn't a gun toting person there to take this animal out before he killed all these poor people. Humanity is waking up! Let's hope and pray! I am in Illinois where it is illegal to carry, but you bet your arse I carry anyway! I will protect myself and my family!

I’m not sure who wrote this, but MacHaffie posted it

Saturday, July 21, 2012
The Colorado "Batman" shootings
This is my own take on the shootings based upon statements by Mayor Bloomberg and several prominent Democrats shortly after the occurance, and due to the planned submission of the UN Small Arms Treaty for ratification by the Senate on July 27th. It is possible that this individual MAY have been a person that was a product of the government "mind control" program that have certain code words imbedded into their psyche that when repeated to them makes them an active subject. Following the shootings many liberal medias came out blaming the TEA Party as the did when Gabriel Giffords was shot, but moreso were the calls for gun control. With all the shootings in Chicago totalling more than the deaths in Afghanistan has not stirred any call for gun control. With more and more displeasure with the government on the rise, I believe the government itself is becoming afraid of the citizens rising up so want to abridge their 2nd Amendment rights. As some have said that one person with a "right to carry" permit would have been able to stop this shooter as did the old man where two punks tried to rob that internet cafe. This very well could be a "False Flag" event in order to create an outrage among the people to make them ameanable to accept the UN Small Arms Treaty being pushed by Hillary Clinton and Obama as part of the UN and New World Order. Remember if you disarm the people who are NOT committing only makes them more susceptible to criminals who will not care about obeying the law and will still have weapons not to mention what could be an over bearing government. Remember the survey taken on the military as to whether they would fire on the American citizens to which almost all said, NO! It is strange that they would have even polled them on the issue.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:23 PM

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter who reportedly opened fire at a Batman movie premiere, was a medical student at the University of Colorado, pursuing a PhD in neuroscience, reports ABC News. …

According to news reports, this sudden violent rampage was completely out of character for James Holmes, who was described as "shy."

There is already conjecture that James Holmes may have been involved in mind-altering neuroscience research and ended up becoming involved at a depth he never anticipated. His actions clearly show a strange detachment from reality, indicating he was not in his right mind. That can only typically be accomplished through drugs, hypnosis or trauma (and sometimes all three).

In other words, this has all the signs of Fast & Furious, Episode II. I wouldn't be surprised to discover someone in Washington was behind it all. After all, there's no quicker way to disarm a nation and take total control over the population than to stage violence, blame it on firearms, then call for leaders to "do something!" Such calls inevitably end up resulting in gun confiscation, and it's never too long after that before government genocide really kicks in like we saw with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and other tyrants.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:46 AM

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Eyewitness Account: James Holmes Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver Shooting
Sent: 7/22/2012 9:11:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: New Suspect in Batman Colorado Massacre
Eyewitness Account: James Holmes Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver
Proof Government Stages Mass Shootings: Batman Massacre Decoded
Cover-Up? FBI Theater Attack Warning Memory-Holed
One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shot blm

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:39 AM

These “headlines” all were links to videos. The “proof … decoded” one leads to a boring one that has nothing to do with the incident in question or any “decoding” but is an …

Important video report is just a small sampling of on-the-record cases where government staged shootings and other bloody acts to pose as heroes, take freedoms, and launch wars.

Was there a second conspirator, shooting from the grassy knoll?

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Witness: Someone Let Gunman Inside Colorado Movie Theater

AURORA, CO — A man who was at the Colorado movie theater where a dozen people were killed this morning, says he saw the gunman.He says he thinks someone deliberately let the gunman inside once the movie started.Here’s what he told TV station KCNC this morning live on their newscast.Expanded coverage“As I was sitting down to get my seat, I noticed that a person came up to the front row, the front right, sat down, and as credits were going, it looked like he got a phone call. He went out toward the emergency exit doorway, which I thought was unusual to take a phone call. And it seemed like he probably pried it open, or probably did not let it latch all the way. As soon as the movie started, somebody came in, all black, gas mask, armor, and threw a gas can into the audience, and it went off, and then there were gunshots that took place.”Police arrested 24-year-old James Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, for the shootings.At least 12 people were killed and 38 others wounded when the gunman opened fire during the midnight screening of the newest Batman film, “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:26 PM


AnonymousJuly 22, 2012 9:26 PM
If you listen the authorities they said that the shooter first entered the theater and sat in the front row then acted like he got a cell phone call got up and went to the back where they persume he proped open the door and retrieved his stuff and proceeded with this horrible act. Sorry but your theory that someone else let him in does not hold water.

AnonymousJuly 22, 2012 11:53 PM
Typical false flag. Handlers and perpetrator. Someone programed him,someone let him in.

AnonymousJuly 23, 2012 10:08 AM
Re: 9:26 P.M.
With all due respect please explain why it doesn't hold water. This is vital. Thanks

And finally, some “serious” questions.

Monday, July 23, 2012
Aurora - Serious Questions that beg for answers -
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 23-Jul-2012 09:12:51

One of the most unbelievable explanations that I heard regarding this crime is the fact that this college student with no military training was able to booby trap his apartment, to such a degree of sophistication, that the ATF and FBI took several hours to gain entrance to his apartment.
It has been suggested that this bright graduate student learned how to construct booby traps from the Internet. As implausible as it seems to me, I have to wonder if the Internet also taught this young terrorist how to shoot straight and master a multitude of weapons as well as the learning and the execution of advanced commando skills?
Where did Holmes practice to learn the skills and more importantly, how did this PhD student find the time to train to such a level of sophistication that the Israeli commandos at the raid on Entebbe would be envious at the skill and precision displayed by Holmes in this gruesome attack?
How did Holmes gain entrance into the highly secured rear doors of the movie theater, armed with alarms, without inside help?
The short answer to all of these questions is that he couldn’t and he didn’t.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:04 AM

1 comment:

AnonymousJuly 23, 2012 10:50 AM
MK Ultra can teach you anything - - - If he was not under mind control and someone on the other side was not there to turn off the alarm and open the door for him I would be shocked. The fact that he had military armor on also shows he had someone getting this for him. You go and try and buy this stuff, and I guarantee you will set off all kind of red flags - - It is also pathetic to see these bastards doing this while the drums are beating for gun confiscation - - If these asshole don't think many other people have figured this out, they are dumber than I am believing they are. They need to go smoke some of the dope they are bring into our country under a certain bad-ass 3 letter organization - - - NUFF SAID
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Deep Knight
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie is still posting his unbaked conspiracy theories, but I decided to go back to the roots and see what Bellringer was putting up. Even less than half baked!

Christopher OV Admin
July 20, 2012

Batman – Secrets of the Dark Knight Rises: A slick propaganda device engineered to sell submission and tyranny to the masses.

Warner Bros Censors Review Critical of Dark Knight Rises Just Before Release?

What’s wrong with this movie?


Just In!

Fifteen shot dead at Batman premiere in Denver.

At least 15 people have been shot dead at a Batman film premiere in Denver and as many as 50 injured, according to police.

A masked gunman shot dead at least 14 people and wounded another 50 others at a premiere showing of the new Batman movie in Denver, according to reports.

Local radio reported people running screaming from the Century Aurora 16 Movie Theater in a mall in the suburb of Aurora.

The gunman, reportedly wearing a gas mask, opened fire after the trailers had finished at two packed showings of “The Dark Knight Rises” and also set off a smoke or tear gas bomb.

Warner Bros Censors Review Critical of Dark Knight Rises Just Before Release.

Alex Jones’ review of the film The Dark Knight Rises, hitting theaters Friday, has been blocked inside the United States on copyright claims filed by Warner Bros., despite its having only used short, promotional clips that clearly fall within Fair Use guidelines and 1st Amendment free speech rights.

Below is mirror of Alex’s review. Please share, link and watch before it, too, is blocked or removed from You Tube.

Secrets of Batman The Dark Knight Rises.

Alex Jones decodes the latest installment of Christopher Nolan’s popular Batman series and breaks down the franchise as a slick propaganda device engineered to sell submission and tyranny to the masses.

Bob Kane’s 1939 Caped Crusader comic book hero bares scant resemblance to the modern psychological warfare reincarnation produced by Hollywood in league with the Pentagon and the military industrial complex. The old morality play of good versus evil Kane relied on now comes packaged with subliminal and not so-subliminal messages that condition us to accept all manifestations of the modern technological surveillance state. It instructs us to surrender our birthright of individual liberty and trade it for a false security against manufactured bogeymen.

The Dark Knight Rises is more than simply escapist entertainment. It implants directives deep within our psyche. In order to be successful, the globalist ruling elite require a submissive, distracted, and throughly brainwashed populace. Tyranny must be sold as ever increasingly repressive security against a phantom and intractable terrorism and shadowy villains who are never quite defeated, as they were never quite defeated in Orwell’s Landing Strip One.

So, does this mean that this murderer was trying to save these people from mind control, or that he got mind controlled just from the thought of going to this movie so he prepared his weapons months in advance...

Yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense.
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Re: Tragedy

Post by rogfulton »

It makes the same amount of sense as everything Alex Jones has put out.

"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Deep Knight »

It was only a matter of time before David, er, Sorcha got the REAL news behind the real news.

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Colorado Massacre Linked To Historic Bank Fraud
July 25, 2012
Colorado Massacre Linked To Historic Bank Fraud
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A highly disturbing Ministry of Finance report on the largest bank fraud in history that is circulating in the Kremlin today warns that it is “within the realm of possibility”that the shocking movie massacre in Colorado this past week is but another “integral part” in the deliberate plan put in place by Western banking elites and their allies to collapse the global economy.
The massacre cited in this report is being referred to as the “2012 Aurora Shooting” wherein suspect James Holmes [photo 2nd left] is purported to have opened fire during the playing of a movie killing 12 and injuring 58 in one of the worst mass shootings in recent US history.
Interestingly, this report notes, James Holmes is extremely intelligent, a gifted scientist and grew up in an affluent neighborhood; an eerie similarity he shares with other noted American killers of the past 3 decades including Andrew Cunanan, John Gardner, John Hinckley, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
Most important to note about James Holmes, however, this report says, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.
Robert Holmes, whose “blueblood” family links go back to the Mayflower, is known throughout the global banking community as being the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed and is credited with developing predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models.
Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University, Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score companyFICO, which was formally known as Fair, Isaac and Company, and which every American citizen is beholden to should they need to borrow money.
The massive banking crime being investigated by the US Senate is called the LIBOR Scandal where UK banks fixed the London Interbank Borrowing Rate with the complicity of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve (which knew about this crime for 4 years and didn’t report it) and many other major Western banks.
Not known to the majority of those affected by this LIBOR rate scandal (which is everyone in the world) is that its historically low setting of interests rates since the beginning of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2012 has done more to destroy the life savings, stock investments and retirements of Americas middle class than any other single event in their entire history.
Even worse, according to this report, Holmes recently completed his work on what is called one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed that not only uncovered the true intent of this massive fraud, but is, also, able to trace the Trillions of Dollars “lost” to the exact bank accounts of the elite classes who have stolen it.
Ministry intelligence officials note in this report that it is “no coincidence” that this Colorado massacre occurred within minutes of London’s Guardian News Service releasing their shocking report this past Saturday (21 July) titled “Wealth Doesn't trickle Down – It Just Floods Offshore, Research Reveals” as Robert Holmes algorithms were said used to discover this massive fraud scheme.
Equally curious to note about this massacre is that the American intelligence website TheIntelHub.Com in their 23 July article titled “Hallmarks of a False Flag: Colorado University Held Identical Drill on Same Day as Aurora Theater Mass Shooting, Mind Control, and Multiple Suspects” states that just mere hours before this shocking crime was committed the Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine was holding an identical drill that simulated a shooter in a movie theater.
The popular InfoWars website further notes that “false flag” events such as the Colorado massacre are actively planned for by the US Army as noted in their training manual titled “Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces”.
Even though the true objective of this massacre was may never be known, it is more than interesting to note that some in the “mainstream” US media are not accepting the“official line,” such as Fox News reporter Ben Swann from their WXIX-FOX19 station out of Cincinnati, Ohio, who asks:
“Why did Holmes go to the expense and trouble of rigging his apartment with an array of deadly explosives and then immediately tell police about the bombs when he was arrested? If Holmes wanted to kill as many people as possible, why warn the cops ahead of time?
Given the fact that Holmes was a graduate student in neuroscience, where did he obtain the skills to create a maze of bombs so complex that it took the FBI two days to disarm them? According to experts, the intricacy of the bombs was reminiscent of war zones – how could Holmes have set all this up without help from an explosives expert?
Despite police claiming “every single indicator” tells them the shooting was a lone wolf attack, numerous witnesses have described accomplices. Initial police reports that suggested the involvement of two or more shooters were quickly buried and the lone wolf narrative aggressively pushed.
As Swann points out, eyewitnesses interviewed after the shooting such as Corbin Dates state that Holmes received a phone call from someone while he was inside the theater and responded by moving to the emergency exit, suggesting the call was an accomplice coordinating the attack.
Dates also said he saw Holmes by the exit door “signaling somebody or looking for somebody to come his way.
Another eyewitness added, “From what we saw he wasn’t alone – he had someone with him. Because the second can of tear gas didn’t come from his side.”
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:37 PM
1 comment:

1. AnonymousJuly 29, 2012 6:19 PM
We the people need to find out who is behind this, who in washington, and storm that place from all parts of the country. It is time we put an abrupt stop on who ever is specifically behind all this. How about getting us their names and how they are linked and where to find them.
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Location: No longer behind the satellite dish, second door along - in fact, not even in the same building.

Re: Tragedy

Post by rogfulton »

Sorta Fail wrote:Most important to note about James Holmes, however, this report says, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.
Robert Holmes, whose “blueblood” family links go back to the Mayflower, is known throughout the global banking community as being the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed and is credited with developing predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models.
Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University, Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score company FICO, which was formally known as Fair, Isaac and Company, and which every American citizen is beholden to should they need to borrow money.
Another 'fact' pulled from where the sun don't shine? Or sourced elsewhere?



"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt
Deep Knight
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Deep Knight »

The nuts come out of the woodwork with conspiracy theories to fit any major news event, but even I am surprised at the degree this has happened with the Aurora CO shooting. MacHaffie has been posting a lot I've been ignoring. But this is too crazed.

Many people believe this was a “false flag” for gun control, which of course begs the question, “then why isn’t any major political party pressing for gun control?” But that lack of logic pales in comparison to this:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
BOMBSHELL!!! Newly released court document STRONGLY supports my case that no one died at the theater
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: DannyCahalin
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 04:20:54
Jim Stone reports with a follow up on the Aurora incident,if you missed his report it has been bumped back up on his blog below this follow up,take care all
Quoted from The Examiner: Friday's report by the online version of Denver's Westword Magazine details shocking claims made by, what appears to be, a new victim in a case that has throttled a community still in mourning over the tragic events. According to the court documents an individual, whose name has been officially redacted from the documents, came forward to file a “Motion to Intervene” for the right to be reasonably heard under the Crime Victims' Rights Act (a)(4), for the purposes of presenting newly discovered evidence to the court.

Corroborating much of a recent Conspiracy Examiner story maintaining the situation as potentially being another horrific (rogue government faction) conspiracy and possible false-flag event, the newly discovered evidence, thrown out of court by Judge William Sylvester days later, details stunning accusations against billionaire Philip Anschutz, Police Chief Dan Oates, Arapaho County Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers and, according to the alleged victim, the Illuminati as being potential co-conspirators in the crime.

The stunning accusations, dated August 27, reveal a startling story by the claimant as having been visited at home by police chief Dan Oates and Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers where they forced the unnamed individual to testify as a fake victim of the shootings, under the threat of being arrested for prostitution and escort services and charity fraud, for the purposes of garnering an easy conviction against alleged shooter James Holmes. But not before being shot by the police chief in “non-life-threatening areas” of the body, according to the motion, to appear as having been shot by James Holmes himself. The motion also claims that it is likely some of the victims in the theater were merely paid actors working on behalf of the conspirators and wants multiple individuals involved in the situation to take polygraph tests to prove their innocence.

Claiming that their conscience will not let fraudulent testimony contribute to an improper conviction of James Holmes, the new mystery victim asked that the judge submit the case to the FBI and the US Congress for further investigation into the alleged conspiracy. The judge, however, instead of taking a closer look, decided to strike down the motion as fraudulent, claiming the motion as likely being forged by an individual or individuals unassociated with the events. The judge also suggested the situation be investigated by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's office and those responsible for the motion be taken into custody by the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services and “referred to the appropriate mental health agency.”

But it may in fact be the judge that needs the mental attention as all the evidence collected in the case thus far seems to point toward mostly agreeing with the individual who filed the claim, despite the media and the court's attempts to suppress any evidence that doesn't support the official story. Multiple and corroborating eyewitness testimony stated what appeared to be multiple individuals involved in the shooting, including supporting official dispatch audio. Individuals interviewed by local media immediately after the event also claimed to have seen teargas canisters being deployed in the theater simultaneously from two different directions, in addition to side-by-side images of James Holmes prior to the shootings and the orange haired individual taken into custody as the alleged lone gunmen after the event looks startlingly like two different individuals. There also seems to have been two different gas masks found at the scene, in addition to other damning evidence that doesn't jive with the official version of the events.

The individual who filed the motion also added that they wanted their portion of the charity to be donated to James Holmes' prison commissary, after using the money to find Mr. Holmes “real” attorneys who are actually willing to act in the honest defense of James Holmes.

The motion, as certified by the Arapahoe County Dist. Atty. And public defenders offices, was sent via the United States Postal Service, then was quickly denied and subsequently released days ago to the public for reasons yet to be determined.

Perhaps one of the most telling aspects of the circumstances, however, happens to be the creepy dead silence about the motion by the media, especially considering every little detail about a situation like this is normally scrutinized at every angle after being groomed with a fine tooth comb and examined under a microscope.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:41 AM

Creepy dead silence by the rest of the media. Sounds ominous. MacHaffie obviously felt this was a big story ‘cause he followed up with this:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2012 00:51:40
AURORA SHOOTING: Whistle blower spills beans on False Flag in Court Documents
Posted by Vatic Master

Vatic Note: We called it early on based on evidence provided by another author and we posted his proof of the sloppy job the false flag operators did. Remember this accuseds' father is a big part of the Libor scandel that is brewing internationally. This set up may have been an attempt to prevent the father from testifying in court against those manipulating the Libor which resulted in Billions of dollars being fraudulently extracted from the markets.
Remember, this is also the case where one of the nurses alledgedly treating the victims of the shooting was killed in a unusual drowning situation just days after she treated the victims of the shooting. We posted a blog on here about that downing.
Look at that mans eyes, he is either mind controlled or drugged and if he is in prison, who is drugging him up for court? Is this the new gestapo railroad justice system we can expect from now on?

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:44 AM

This is the “motion to intervene” which was mailed into the court using a false name. ... olmes-Case

Not what I would call a "bombshell" or "detailed," but then again, I’m not crazy. Luckily for me, I don’t have to do the legwork in this case because someone named FreedomsTorch did it for me on the Westword (the original source of this story) webpage comments section.

I believe this filling is the work of Jonathan Lee Riches, a notorious vexatious litigant and former federal inmate.
Exhibit A: ... rvene.html
A Blogspot post which purports to be a "motion to intervene" by Yeom Pyo Lee.

Some of you will remember that Mr. Lee, a former classmate of James Holmes, was briefly a person of interest when it was alleged that his cell phone was used to send a threat to the Aurora Police which demanded the release of James Holmes from custody. ... ng-details

You'll notice that the bottom of the blog posting that it was posted by "jonathan lee riches". Also note that it was posted August 19, eight days before the motion mentioned in this story was filed (August 27).

Both documents are formatted almost identically. The blog entry has all the particulars correct (court's location, case number, etc.). Both documents mention the "illuminati", Police Chief Dan Oates and District Attorney Carol Chambers. Additionally, they both contain similar phrasing (use of "asap" in regards to releasing Holmes particularly stands out).

Who is Jonathan Lee Riches?
Exhibit B:
[You gotta read this link – well worth the couple of minutes it takes]

In a nutshell, Mr. Riches was a federal inmate until a few months ago. He's notorious for the ungodly amount of lawsuits he's filed against a wide range of well known people. His exploits have made the news many times over the last few years. Essentially, he entertained himself by creating ridiculous pleadings and wasting the time of many, many, many people who had to deal with answering his ridiculous claims.

If Mr. Riches is not responsible, it's someone who's impersonating him. Based on his previous behavior, I have zero problem assuming he's more than capable of this, and I highly doubt anyone would waste their time trying to frame him.

Just another chapter in “strange” from the fine folks who brought you NESARA. My favorite lawsuit by this Riches guy:

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Sued for (Alleged) Ties to Terrorists
Louis Peitzman

The thing about this lawsuit is that it hinges on the testimony of a man who might be more hungry for fame than Kim Kardashian and Kanye West combined.

Jonathan Lee Riches — Guinness World Record holder for "Most Litigious Man" after filing more than 5,000 suits over the past eight years — has a pretty compelling story about Kardashian's and West's un-American beliefs.

"On 6/17/2012 I was in West Virginia, deep in the hills and I stumbled upon the defendants who were all at a Al-Qaeda secret training camp." He then went on to claim that Kanye and Kim pleaded their allegiance to Al-Qaeda, burned the U.S. flag and stomped their feet on Barack Obama's picture, performed a concert for all Al-Qaeda members, and shot AK-47s in the air."
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Deep Knight »

At last count, MacHaffie has posted 22 articles about this tragedy.

Newtown Conspiracy Hoax Spreads Fast Across Fringe
Benjy Sarlin- December 17, 2012

Like many traumatic national events, the Newtown shooting has already spawned its share of wild conspiracy theories that draw in everything from British finance to the Hunger Games.

A false rumor spreading rapidly on fringe sites like Infowars and assorted Ron Paul messageboards ties the school murders to an existing hoax surrounding the Aurora, Colo. movie theater shooting. After that attack, conspiracy theorists fixated on the accused shooter’s father, Robert Holmes, pointing to media reports that he worked as an anti-fraud scientist for credit scoring company FICO.

Somehow, a rumor surfaced online that Holmes was scheduled to testify before the Senate on the Libor banking scandal before the theater shooting. It wasn’t true: no such hearing was ever scheduled to take place, nor is there even an obvious connection between FICO and the Libor scandal, which involved a number of high-profile banks misreporting interest rates on transactions. But imaginative commenters across dozens of sites exploited the phony connection anyway, concocting a theory in which the hearing was set to reveal a massive new fraud scheme before being deliberately derailed. Getting deeper into the weeds, some sites noted that The Dark Knight Rises — the movie playing during the Aurora shooting — featured a plot point revolving around financial fraud.

In the case of Newtown, Peter Lanza, the alleged shooter’s father, reportedly also worked in finance as vice president of taxes at GE Financial Services. Within hours, the same online forums were asserting as fact — again, 100 percent without evidence — that he too was supposed to testify before the Senate regarding Libor. Like FICO, GE has no obvious connection to the investigation, which has roped in various other financial institutions. And once again, there is no “witness list” that includes Lanza because there isn’t even a hearing on the issue.

“This rumor is 100% false,” a Senate Banking Committee aide, who asked not to be named, told TPM by email. “The Senate Banking Committee does not have any LIBOR hearings currently scheduled, and has never considered either of these men as potential witnesses.”

Nonetheless, this fiction is being used to fuel a range of conspiracies, many of which suggest the attacks were somehow coordinated by shadowy elites in government or business to hide financial wrongdoing or confiscate guns. And they’re getting real traction from commenters at liberal, conservative, and fringe sites all over the Internet.

A libertarian blogger, Fabian4Liberty, posted a video, which already has over 60,000 views, outlining the Libor claim and that quickly spread across social media. A post referencing the video on claims nearly 10,000 likes on Facebook and an Examiner post detailing the bogus connection has quickly garnered over 7,500 likes.

“The connections between the Aurora massacre, and the one that took place in Newtown on Friday, may have far more ramifications to the people involved in the Libor scandal than anyone could imagine,” Kenneth Schortgen Jr. wrote on

Just as The Dark Knight Rises was roped into fantastic theories about the Aurora shooting, the conspiracy crowd has glommed onto another pop culture phenomenon in Newtown: The Hunger Games. A writer on the truther clearinghouse Prison Planet noted that Suzanne Collins, the author of the popular young adult novels set in a dystopian future in which violence among children is encouraged as sport, is from Newtown. Somehow, this means the whole thing was a setup: “a ‘coincidence’ that will leave you thinking about a planned scenario at Newtown, just the kind of operation secret societies are reputedly famous for.”
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Number Six »

I was looking for the usual incisive analysis on this with all the conspiracy blogs going bonkers, anyone have a good counter to this one? ... formation/ I'm missing the garrulous and provocative Captain Kickback, has he gravitated to other sites now after being booted here?
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: Tragedy

Post by Burnaby49 »

Actually I miss Kickback too. Gave a California slant to things. Not many of us west coasters on the site, now just Tacoma and Vancouver participating.
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Number Six »

Could he have been put on moderated status? I took him for an informer when I first saw his name and avatar (i.e. kickbacks).
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Gregg »

Number Six wrote:Could he have been put on moderated status? I took him for an informer when I first saw his name and avatar (i.e. kickbacks).

Not just no, but HELL NO!

The moderators who let him and others get out of hand (and I'm one of them) allowed a few members to almost destroy this site, and that cannot ever happen again.

Those who do not have access to the moderators forum may not know the seriousness that situation caused the forum, nor how much the controversy that it caused distressed me personally.

I am not nearly high enough up the food chain to make big decisions but whatever I can do to prevent the forum returning to a place where juvenile flame wars are tolerated I will do. With extreme prejudice.
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Re: Tragedy

Post by Number Six »

I missed most of the controversy, I guess. If it were that bad, I'm surprised it didn't end up in the courts. I have known of cases of divisive patriot types when going to a new area hoping the cute little munchkin kids of said patriot will open doors, get a surprise when someone in the know on how destructive some of these people can be, contact the new church group and give them the inside information and warnings.....I guess CK, ".", DMVP and the others who were banned may be causing trouble elsewhere....

'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

'Choose loss rather than shameful gains.' (Chilon Fr. 10. Diels)