Liberty Dollar Update

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »


May 2012 Vol. 14 No. 05

New Motion Filed

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. Legal Update: New Motion Filed
2. Ron Paul suspends campaign - Rand Paul Endorses Romney!
3. Federal Judge Rules Terror Law Violates First Amendment
4. Inching Towards Collapse
5. Greeks Rush the Banks
6. Spain's Collapse is No Little Thing
7. Europe's governments, banks perilously entwined with US
8. China Ditching the Dollar
9. Velocity of Money and Big Price Inflation Is Coming?
10. Big Brother Drones Are Everywhere

1. Legal Update: New Motion Filed
I am pleased to report that a new motion has been filed that relates to my Liberty Dollar case. When the FBI wrongfully seized the nine tons of gold and silver that backed the Gold and Silver Warehouse Receipts on November 14, 2007 (that is almost five years ago!!!) they also confiscated sixteen 1,000 ounce fine silver bars that belonged to my mother. Of course, this has been particularly painful for my elderly mother who just can't understand why the government would take her silver. So I am relieved to announce that Noell Tin, my sentencing attorney, filed a motion for the recovery of her silver on May 21, 2012. Of course, while the motion in her behalf has no direct relationship to my pending post trial motion for dismissal or a new trial, my long awaited sentencing or your wrongfully seized gold and silver of soo long ago, it does indirectly point out the outrageous and egregious behavior of the government to Judge Voorhees and hopefully it will bring some positive action in all of our regards.

Plus, Sarah Bledsoe and Rachelle Moseley, the two former managers of the fulfillment office for the Liberty Dollar in Evansville and my co-defendants recently completed their one year of deferred plea without violation and on May 24, 2012, their indictments were dismissed by Judge Voorhees so they have a totally clean criminal record, without even the fact that they were arrested. This should also verify to the court as to quality of people involved with the now infamous Liberty Dollar.

And Kevin Innes, the former RCO (regional currency officer for Asheville where this whole sorted affair originated), co-instructor at Liberty Dollar University and my fellow male co-defendant who was held in a stinking county jail for 23 months because he refused to lie and testify against me as demanded by his !@#$#@! federal public defender, was fined $300 (the minimum) for a federal petty misdemeanor that is akin to federal parking ticket.

Hopefully all this and the two extremely well crafted amicus briefs by Bill Olson and Herb Titus will bring a positive closure to this ill-founded case. My goal remains to have every ounce of your property will be returned to you ASAP. Hopefully sooner vs. later.

My compliments and sincere thanks to the approx. 250,000 monetary activists who took action via the Liberty Dollar to return our great country to a value based monetary system and the hundreds of supporters who wrote to Judge Voorhees. But if you are holding any Liberty Dollar Certificates and have not written to Judge Voorhees, shame on you! Please write to Judge Voorhees re dismissing my case and returning your property!

Contact info and sample letters to Judge Voorhees are in many previous Newsletters that are available at

2. Ron Paul suspends campaign - Rand Paul Endorses Romney!
Now that Ron Paul has suspended his active campaign and his son, Rand has endorsed Mitt Romney :( it is more than a little interesting to learn the details about Paul's Chief Strategist for his presidential campaign, Jesse Benton, who is married to Paul's granddaughter Valerie Pyeatt.

So who is Jesse Benton? Well the Economic Policy Journal had this to say:
Jesse Benton's $586,616 Take as a Result of the Ron Paul Campaign We may not get liberty because of the Ron Paul campaign run, but it sure looks like Ron Paul campaign manager, Jesse Benton, got the big bucks. Benton's total income from the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign and PACs, in the 2012 election cycle, is at least $586,616, EPJ has learned.

According to Open Secrets, he has been paid $322, 577 in the 2012 election cycle, by Liberty PAC. His total income directly from the Ron Paul presidential campaign 2012 is, to date, $264,039.

Many Ron Paul supporters have become unhappy with Benton because of his suspected contacts with the Romney campaign and his overall handling of the Ron Paul campaign. Supporters are so frustrated that they are calling for Benton to be fired.

According to Who Is Jesse Benton, Benton is now owner of various consulting firms, including, C.I.C. Solutions based in Washington D.C., where he is president of the firm. He is also owner of Performance Institute, where he is Director of Policy and External Affairs.

As Tom Woods, the savvy communicator of libertarian ideas, the New York Times best selling author of eleven books and a senior fellow at the Mises Institute put it:
Bottom line, I personally have questions with how parts of the campaign have been run. Ron Paul deserved better. It is remarkable the following that Dr. Paul has been able to generate, given what I consider major blunders in the way the campaign was handled. It will be something of a "last hurrah" for Dr. Paul when he goes down to Tampa for the Republican Convention. He doesn't need handlers who are concerned with their long-term careers in politics. He needs people around him, who are advocates of liberty, who will slam the convention with calls for liberty.

Jesse, it's time to go. You got the cash. You have established your cred as political operative, your career is safe. Now, let your wife's grandfather go out in style, not kowtowing to the statist, establishment, warmonger Romney.
Now that Benton has been outed for his mischievous deeds and taking an amazing $586,616 for what nobody knows from Paul's campaign, I wonder how loyal he was to Ron Paul's campaign and how he may have influenced Paul less than active support for the Liberty Dollar and refusal to testify at my trial.

3. Federal Judge Rules Terror Law Violates First Amendment
Journalist Tangerine Bolen, who along with other activists and writers filed suit over an indefinite detention clause in the NDAA, said Thursday that the citizens of the United States had become indifferent about their rights.

"This panoply of laws and circumstances over the last ten years have led to a milieu that is increasingly dangerous for our own citizens as well as citizens around the world," she told The Young Turks host Cenk Ugyur. "The U.S. government has gone a little bit insane in its war on terror." Please click HERE for her complete article.

On May 18, 2012, the newly-appointed federal Judge Katherine Forrest of the Southern District of New York, issued an amazing ruling: one which preliminarily enjoins enforcement of the highly controversial indefinite provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), enacted by Congress and signed into law by President Obama last December. This afternoon's ruling came as part of a lawsuit brought by seven dissident plaintiffs - including Chris Hedges, Dan Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, and Birgitta Jonsdottir - alleging that the NDAA violates "both their free speech and associational rights guaranteed by the First Amendment as well as due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution."

The ruling was a sweeping victory for the plaintiffs, as it rejected each of the Obama DOJ's three arguments: (1) because none of the plaintiffs has yet been indefinitely detained, they lack "standing" to challenge the statute; (2) even if they have standing, the lack of imminent enforcement against them renders injunctive relief unnecessary; and (3) the NDAA creates no new detention powers beyond what the 2001 AUMF already provides.

Please chick HERE for the complete article.

4. Inching Towards Collapse
Here is an interesting article that documents the failed attempts to rescue the European banking system with increasingly larger loans of hot air money. Unfortunately it omits the fact that about $1 Trillion in European debt is on the US bank's books... As Europe goes... so goes USA. Keep an eye on Europe. Please note companion article #7 below.

For example, last fall, it had become so difficult for banks in the 17-nation Eurozone to get commercial financing that "We were very close (to) having a collapse in the banking system in the euro area, which ... would have also led to a collapse in the economy and to deflation," said Rolf Coeure, an economist at Spain's IESE Business School, in an interview broadcast on the BBC.

Recently the ECB intervened by providing a stunning $1.3 trillion in unusually cheap long-term loans to European banks in December and February. The loans helped buoy the banks, but also indirectly propped up governments, because the banks used the money to buy more government bonds!! This is utter BS slight of hand financing because that is exactly what the Federal Reserve is doing for the US government. And on a much larger scale!

"It's very unsafe for a bank to buy debt in its own government, because it's like putting all your eggs in one basket," Campos said. "The outcome depends on whether you drop the basket or not." Get your money out of the bank NOW!

Please click HERE for the article.
Additional article is HERE.

5. Greeks Rush the Banks
Greeks Rush the Banks; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week

The Guardian Nailed The Greek Bailout
As Europe goes... so goes USA. Get your money out of the bank NOW!

6. Spain's Collapse is No Little Thing
Spanish Banks' Bonds Slide After Moody's Downgrades Ratings By John Glover
Bonds of Spanish banks fell after Moody's Investors Service downgraded 16 of the nation's lenders and said it may cut seven of them again because of the state of the economy and the government's deteriorating credit.

Is Spain beginning to collapse and, perhaps, the EU with it?
Click HERE for the complete article.
As Europe goes... so goes USA. Get your money out of the bank NOW!

7. Europe's governments, banks perilously entwined with US
LONDON, The alarm over potential bank runs in Greece and Spain this past week has highlighted an often-overlooked fact: Europe's debt crisis is also, in many ways, a major banking crisis.

In capitals such as Athens, Madrid and Rome, large portions of the sovereign debt racked up by spendthrift governments are owed to the countries' own banks, locking governments and the banks in an embrace so tight that disaster for one would almost certainly spell doom for the other.

Many of Europe's debt-stricken countries are now caught up in a dangerous cycle. Cash-starved governments are being heavily financed by their nations' banks through massive bond purchases. But the banks' exposure to all that shaky sovereign debt has made it difficult for them to raise money on the open market because investors are skeptical.

Click HERE to read the whole article. (link to:
As Europe goes... so goes USA. Get your money out of the bank NOW!

Euro stability being siphoned off?
As prices for most necessary commodities, such as fuel, rise and salaries fall, citizens of Europe's strongest economy resort to desperate measures. In Germany truck drivers are being attacked by fuel-stealing thieves.

A full tank of the cheapest gas in that country can often cost over a hundred euro, and when it comes to big trucks - filling them up with diesel could cost up to fifteen hundred euro.RT's Egor Piskunov, who is in Germany, reports that these trucks with huge and easily accessible fuel tanks are an easy target during pit stops.

Click HERE for the complete article.
As Europe goes... so goes USA. Get your money out of the bank NOW!

Euro falls to 4-mth low vs. dollar
LONDON, The euro hit a four-month low against the dollar and 3-1/2 month trough versus the yen on Friday as concerns about a chaotic Greek exit from the euro zone and instability in the Spanish banking system fuelled demand for safer currencies. Investors were reluctant to buy riskier assets after Moody's cut the credit ratings of 16 Spanish banks on Thursday. Fellow ratings agency Fitch downgraded Greece deeper into junk territory.

Click HERE for the complete article.
As Europe goes... so goes USA. Get your money out of the bank NOW!

8. China Ditching the Dollar
It's as if China and Iran have gotten together and said, "Fine, we don't need dollars to conduct business anymore."
We step away today from the hour-to-hour, nay, minute-to-minute noise generated by the latest euro-scare… to inspect a couple of nails pounded into the coffin of the greenback's status as "world reserve currency."

"China is using its currency, the yuan, and gold to pay for some of its imports of Iranian crude oil,"
According to anonymous "Iranian trade professionals" quoted by
Iran, you'll recall, is feeling the squeeze of Western sanctions over its nuclear program. Its central bank and commercial banks have been kicked out of SWIFT, the international outfit that transmits payment orders among its member financial institutions.
So to keep selling their oil, the Iranian mullahs are resorting to methods bypassing SWIFT, and by extension, the U.S. dollar.

This non-dollar China-Iran trade amounts to as much as $30 billion annualized, according to "industry estimates" furnished to the Financial Times.
Some of it is in Chinese renminbi. And because of U.S. pressure, domestic Chinese banks aren't carrying out the transactions. Instead, it's done through Russian banks - which take a huge commission. Some of it is in barter: The Chinese trading company Zhuhai Zhenrong pays Iran for its oil by furnishing services like drilling. And some of it is in gold: Dow Jones describes how recently "two Iranian oil tankers heading for China were bartered at sea with their equivalent in the precious metal."

China and Japan to drop U.S. dollar for direct trade
The Japanese and Chinese governments have entered the final phase of negotiations to establish foreign exchange markets in Tokyo and Shanghai and will likely reach an official agreement soon.

In fiscal 2011, Japan's exports to China amounted to 12.48 trillion yen, accounting for 19 percent of the nation's total exports. Imports from China were 14.78 trillion yen, accounting for 21 percent of total domestic import value.

If the Japanese and Chinese currencies are traded directly, foreign exchange commissions from U.S. dollar transactions will disappear. From the Chinese side, an increase in the volume of exchange deals with Japan will result in increased circulation of the yuan outside China and strengthen its international influence, economists said.

Click HERE for the complete article.
Get your money out of the bank NOW!

9. Velocity of Money and Big Price Inflation Is Coming?
"We are humble because we are aware of the great monetary forces at work and will do all we can to triumph over them." Ben Bernanke."

So is it arrogant to think of Bernanke as humble? Or should we seriously consider him for the crook that he is as he steals trillion of dollars while pleading humbleness? He's playing around with the lives and savings of billions of people and the hard earned money! It's impossible for a handful of even good intending, old men to manage a global economy of tens of trillions. It simply cannot be done.

Inflation whipped up by the velocity of the market and turbo charged by dumb men who think they are gods over the market. It is just not so.

Click HERE for the complete article.
Get your money out of the bank NOW!

10. Big Brother Drones Are Everywhere
The world is changing and it isn't just the money that's going to hell. We will soon have hell in the form of drones in our own back yard… and everyplace too! Big Brother drones are going to be everywhere, some as small as an insect, others as big as a plane. They will be as big, as fast and as invasive as government can be and needs to be… to protect us. But who will protect us from Big Brother? Be forewarned, the future of no privacy is now upon us. Below are a few articles that have been published in the past month, alone! Please click each link for the article.

Drone Use Takes Off on the Home Front

Groups Concerned Over Arming of Domestic Drones

Is There a Drone in Your Backyard?

Surveillance Drone Spotted Near Chicago - For NATO Summit?

NFL Spends On Washington Lobbyists For Drone Planes

Spy drone could have almost brought down a plane in Colorado

Killing drones for the rest of us - or How I Learned To Embrace Remote Control Death From Above

U.S. drone strike in Pakistan kills 10 suspected militants

Video-Street Light's That Talk, Record Conversation & Watch You, Go Live In Michigan

Closing Remarks:
As Europe goes... so goes USA. Get your money out of the bank NOW! Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Of which there is little.
I am pleased to report that a new motion has been filed that relates to my Liberty Dollar case.
I'm on the edge of my seat.
When the FBI wrongfully seized the nine tons of gold and silver that backed the Gold and Silver Warehouse Receipts on November 14, 2007 (that is almost five years ago!!!) they also confiscated sixteen 1,000 ounce fine silver bars that belonged to my mother.
I did a quick google for the price of such a thing. The Northwest Territorial Mint buys them for a little over $28k each.

Are you seriously claiming that you were holding nearly half a million dollars in silver for your mother? Unless she's got a receipt from another company in her name saying she bought it, it's going to impossible to prove that a) she didn't "buy" it from you, therefore making her a customer or b) that it even belongs to her at all.
Of course, this has been particularly painful for my elderly mother
Well, I'd be in considerable pain too if my idiot of a son caused me to lose half a mil.
who just can't understand why the government would take her silver.
Just tell her that her son was involved in illegal activities and her half a million dollars in precious metal was taken away because the government has no reason to believe that it's not connected to the illegal activities.
So I am relieved to announce that Noell Tin, my sentencing attorney, filed a motion for the recovery of her silver on May 21, 2012.
You know what's strange? I don't recall you ever bitching about your mother's 16 bars of silver before now. Like, where was your outrage five years ago when the feds seized what you now claim to be her property? I think I'd remember something like that.
Of course, while the motion in her behalf has no direct relationship to my pending post trial motion for dismissal or a new trial, my long awaited sentencing or your wrongfully seized gold and silver of soo long ago
You're right. It has no direct relationship. Why aren't you giving us updates on your sentencing?
it does indirectly point out the outrageous and egregious behavior of the government to Judge Voorhees and hopefully it will bring some positive action in all of our regards.
No, no it doesn't. It does however make me think that you really need that half mil right now and are willing to use your mother to get it.
Plus, Sarah Bledsoe and Rachelle Moseley, the two former managers of the fulfillment office for the Liberty Dollar in Evansville and my co-defendants recently completed their one year of deferred plea without violation and on May 24, 2012, their indictments were dismissed by Judge Voorhees so they have a totally clean criminal record, without even the fact that they were arrested. This should also verify to the court as to quality of people involved with the now infamous Liberty Dollar.
All this does is verify that two of the Festering Four can be good for one year. ONE YEAR. Most people can do that without being a party to a crime, getting indicted, arrested, and making a deal to be good for a year to get all of that wiped out. Most people don't need the incentive, is what I'm saying.
And Kevin Innes, the former RCO (regional currency officer for Asheville where this whole sorted affair originated), co-instructor at Liberty Dollar University and my fellow male co-defendant who was held in a stinking county jail for 23 months because he refused to lie and testify against me as demanded by his !@#$#@! federal public defender, was fined $300 (the minimum) for a federal petty misdemeanor that is akin to federal parking ticket.
I think we're missing most of the story on this one.
Hopefully all this and the two extremely well crafted amicus briefs by Bill Olson and Herb Titus will bring a positive closure to this ill-founded case.
Yeah...I don't think it's gonna end the way you think.
My goal remains to have every ounce of your property will be returned to you ASAP. Hopefully sooner vs. later.
But first, you need half a mil in precious metal.
My compliments and sincere thanks to the approx. 250,000 monetary activists who took action via the Liberty Dollar to return our great country to a value based monetary system and the hundreds of supporters who wrote to Judge Voorhees.
So, out of 250,000 "monetary activists," only hundreds wrote to the judge? I believe that's called a FAIL.
But if you are holding any Liberty Dollar Certificates and have not written to Judge Voorhees, shame on you! Please write to Judge Voorhees re dismissing my case and returning your property!
I love the fact that you're shaming your victims as well as those who used you as a money laundering service. Way to level the playing field!

And the rest has pretty much nothing to do with LD.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

No, but an awful lot to due with the overblown/smoked ego of a certain world renowned monetary architect-at least in his own mind.

I don't remember, did the gov't ever release an actual inventory of the metal they seized and actual dollar value? I'd still very much like to see a comparison between what he actually had and what he claimed he had or was supposed to be holding.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

notorial dissent wrote:No, but an awful lot to due with the overblown/smoked ego of a certain world renowned monetary architect-at least in his own mind.

I don't remember, did the gov't ever release an actual inventory of the metal they seized and actual dollar value? I'd still very much like to see a comparison between what he actually had and what he claimed he had or was supposed to be holding.
There was a detailed inventory published. I calculated the value of it once, if you search the forum it might still be here, but I think it was before one of the crashes. If memory serves, most of the value was in copper,I think he had several tons of it, and quite a bit of silver bars.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

I was always of the opinion that Bernie was not only a legend in his own mind, but that he was making up the accounting out of cloud stuff as well.

I just don't remember ever seeing anything that indicated that he had all the bullion he claimed to have.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

I don't think it proved that he did. The numbers for what he had were there, but the numbers for what the holders were holding vouchers for I never knew.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

The NY SUN, Nov. 16, 2007, reporting on the raid on Von NotHaus's HQ, said that the feds seized (quoting) more than two tons of copper coins, five hundred pounds of silver coins, three pounds of gold (not necessarily coins) and several ounces of platinum (ditto). The article did not say if these measurements were avoirdupois (common pounds of weight) or troy (used specifically for precious metals); it would make a difference in estimating the value. Also no mention of copper or silver not in coin form.
Last edited by fortinbras on Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Fortinbras, thanks, I thought that was what I vaguely remembered, but hadn't saved the article. If that is the case, then even at a rough guestimate, Bernie didn't have anywhere near the amount of material he was claiming, or has been claiming since, and certainly couldn't have met the client demands if they'd asked for their "deposits" back, or at least it certainly looks that way to me. The copper actually makes sense since he had just had a big run of “Liberty rounds” done in China and they had just come in when the bust happened.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

June 2012 Vol. 14 No. 06
Sixteen Months and Counting
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
Table of Contents:
1. LDN Publication Date Changed to sync with Conviction Date
2. Legal Update
3. Indianapolis Monthly article and Editorial
4. Jeff Kotchounian and Recent Deaths
5. Manipulation of LIBOR reeks of Gold Manipulation
6. Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill is Approved
7. The God of the Machine
8. Roubini: 'Perfect Storm' Is Unfolding for 2013 - Worse than 2008
9. Obummercare Hands Federal Government Unlimited Power
10. How Does Gold Fare During Hyperinflationary?
1. LDN Publication Date Changed to sync with conviction date
Since October 1998, this monthly newsletter has chronicled the Liberty Dollar by providing a complete history of our struggles and successes to return American to a value based monetary system. Until now the newsletters has followed the previous month. Starting with this June newsletter, all future newsletters will be published mid-month so the newsletters will be in sync with BVNH's conviction that was on March 18, 2011.
2. Legal Update
This July 18, it will be 16 months since my conviction on March 18, 2011. While this is an extraordinary length of time between conviction and sentencing, it is not a record that I understand is two years. Most recently, and as reported last month, Noell Tin my sentencing attorney, filed a motion for recovery of my mother's silver. The DOJ reply was ferocious. Noell countered with an equally strong reply that basically said that my mother supplied everything the DOJ requested and they should put up or shut up. The DOJ then informed the court that they had no additional info. That leaves the court to resolve my mother's silver when the Judge rules on my post trial motion to overturn the wrongful jury conviction or order a new trial. These recent legal murmurings should be of great interest to the thousands of people who are still holding the paper or digital warehouse receipts and desperately need their property. Please remember that regardless of the outcome of my case, the seizure of gold and silver that backed the paper or digital warehouse receipts will eventually be returned to you. You did nothing wrong or illegal and this was clearly a wrongful seizure of your property.
Here are the four documents concearning my mother's quest for her silver:
Mother's Motion for her silver
DOJ reply
Mother's counter to DOJ reply
DOJ decline to reply
3. Indianapolis Monthly article and Editorial
I am pleased to announce that the Indianapolis Monthly just published an extraordinary article titled, Mad Money by Daniel Comiskey. It is a rather telling story about my life and efforts that fills eight pages. Click HERE for the article.
In addition to the article, Amanda Heckert, the editor wrote an interesting editorial about her own fascination about money in "Editor's Note." Please click HERE for her editorial.
4. Jeff Kotchounian and Recent Deaths
I sincerely regret to inform you that Jeff Kotchounian has died. I am sure many of you who have been closely involved with the Liberty Dollar knew Jeff as the lovable and flamboyant RCO from northern Michigan. But Jeff was much more, for more than 10 years he was the person behind the scene who supplied so much to the Liberty Dollar organization and its efforts. After the FBI raid, he continued to support the Liberty Dollar in a thousand helpful ways and issued his own Chiropractic Dollar and the Ron Paul Dollar and became the top numismatic dealer in Liberty Dollar material. Jeff was like a brother who was always there to help. I really loved that guy and miss him greatly.
Unfortunately, Jeff is not the only RCO or Liberty Dollar supporter who has died recently. While it is not possible to know of all the deaths or strive to report them, Fred Davideit, the first RCO in New Hampshire passed recently. I knew Fred too who was a retired deputy sheriff, anti-government, anti-tax activist, lived remotely and loved to collect and trade silver and gold bullion. Fred was a classic old time patriot.
John Crowe, RCO of Rupert, Idaho, passed away in Nov. 2011. John was one of the first RCOs to file a lawsuit in 2008 after the FBI confiscated his property that backed up the Liberty Dollar certificates (warehouse receipts) he was holding. As John said, "I didn't lose very much at all, about $158, but the government has no right just to seize my property." John was fighter to the very end.
Currently, my close friend Pete Hallock, the feisty RCO in Pennsylvania and his wife Donnie are both ill but holding on. I wish them the very best.
It is very sad to experience so much sadness from such a great group of fine Americans who simply refused to allow the government to steal their property without a fight. My sincere thanks to all of you who have participated.
5. Manipulation of LIBOR reeks of Gold Manipulation
The recent exposure that the all important global influencing London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) - an average interest rate by leading banks in London - was fraudulently rigged by Britain's Barclays PLC bank draws a close analogy to the rigging of the precious metals market.
GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's special "Midas" commentary headlined "It Won't Be Too Long Before the Gold/Silver Market Manipulation Scandal Goes Mainstream. Big-Time." Check out these links for more info:
Grant Williams: If they can rig LIBOR, they can rig gold and silver: In this week's edition of his "Things That Make You Go 'Hmmm'" letter, Grant Williams argues that if the LIBOR interest rate, probably the most important financial data point in the world, could have been manipulated for so long even as suspicions about it were expressed openly, manipulation of the gold and silver markets may not be a crazy "conspiracy theory" after all. Click HERE for the complete story.
And even more insulting, if not criminal, is that the Fed knew as early as August 2007 that the LIBOR rates, the global benchmark interest rates was rigged. Following an inquiry with British banking group Barclays Plc in the spring of 2008, it shared proposals for reform of the system with British authorities.
A New York Fed spokesperson said in a statement "in the context of our market monitoring following the onset of the financial crisis in late 2007, involving thousands of calls and emails with market participants over a period of many months, we received occasional anecdotal reports from Barclays of problems with LIBOR."
It is unclear precisely what was discussed at this meeting or who attended. Among those invited, along with Geithner, was William Dudley, who was then head of the Markets Group at the New York Fed and who succeeded Geithner as its president in January 2009. Also invited was James McAndrews, a Fed economist who published a report three months later that questioned whether Libor was manipulated.
Click HERE for the complete Reuters article by Carrick Mollenkamp on July 10, 2012.
Gold is manipulated just as LIBOR was and for same reason, Naylor-Leyland tells CNBC: Cheviot Asset Management Investment Director Ned Naylor asserted that the gold and silver markets have been manipulated just as the LIBOR interest rate was manipulated, and for the same reason -- to disguise trouble in the world financial system. Looks like the gold and silver manipulation issue is becoming irresistible real.
Click HERE for Naylor-Leyland's five-minute interview on CNBC.
CNBC seems to have started to put 2 and 2 together, giving hope that eventually the business television network might add them up to 4. The network's new introduction to Cheviot Asset Management Ned Naylor-Leyland's assertion on CNBC Europe this week that the gold and silver markets are as manipulated as the LIBOR interest rate report.
Click HERE for more info.
"Jawbone of an Ass" article by the New York Sun gives one of the best reviews of how the LILBOR is much the same as the Federal Reserve rate sitting system: " So it turns out that the great scandal of the London Interbank Offered Rate has spilled over to the Federal Reserve. And concludes: But it's hard to look at the LIBOR scandal and not conclude that jawboning has its limits, as poor Samson found out the hard way.
Click HERE for the complete article.
Why Rigging the Libor Interest Rate Is a Big, Rotten Deal
Click HERE for the article.
6. Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill is approved
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), was advanced by the committee on a bipartisan voice vote with no vocal opposition. The measure, which has garnered 257 co-sponsors from both parties, would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a full audit of the Fed's operations, including its monetary policy deliberations.
Unfortunately, by the time Paul's last try at this got into a final bill, even Ron Paul himself wouldn't vote for the whole bill. Click HERE for the complete article.
7. The God of the Machine
Although I read many books, I rarely recommend a book. If time permits, I highly suggest you read The God of the Machine by Isabel Paterson, published in 1943.
If you have an interest in monetary policy, or public education, or wartime economics you will find separate chapters, brimming with insight, on each area. But it is Paterson's broader ideas that made The God of the Machine a classic as it cast man as "the humanitarian with the guillotine."
The opening paragraph of one of her chapters says it best:
"Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends... ...when millions are slaughtered, when torture is practiced, starvation enforced, oppression made a policy, as at present over a large part of the world, and as it has often been in the past, it must be at the behest of very many good people, and even by their direct action, for what they consider a worthy object."
Paterson's one-time protegé Ayn Rand said of The God of the Machine:
"It is a sparkling book, with little gems of polemical fire scattered through almost every page, ranging from bright wit to the hard glitter of logic to the quiet radiance of a profound understanding. Paterson's wit, logic, and understanding still cast light today, and The God of the Machine remains a source of illumination for modern readers seeking a better understanding of the preconditions for development and freedom."
8. Roubini: 'Perfect Storm' Is Unfolding for 2013 - Worse than 2008
"Dr. Doom" Nouriel Roubini, says the "perfect storm" scenario he forecast for the global economy earlier this year.
In May, Roubini predicted four elements - (1) stalling growth in the U.S., (2) debt troubles in Europe, (3) a slowdown in emerging markets, particularly China, and (4) military conflict in Iran - would come together in to create a storm for the global economy in 2013.
"The 2013 perfect storm scenario I wrote on months ago is unfolding," Roubini said on Twitter.
Chinese inflation data released on Monday, suggested that the economy is cooling faster than expected, while employment data out of the U.S. on Friday indicated that jobs growth was tepid for a fourth straight month in June.
Roubini said that unlike in 2008 when central banks had "policy bullets" to stimulate the global economy, this time around policymakers are "running out of rabbits to pull out of the hat."
Policy easing moves by the European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England (BoE) and the People's Bank of China (PBoC) last week did little to inspire confidence in global stock markets.
"Levitational force of policy easing can only temporarily lift asset prices as gravitational forces of weaker fundamentals dominate over time," he said.
Click HERE for the complete article.
9. Obummercare decision hands federal government unlimited power
Regardless of whether you agree with the fundamentals of Obummercare, the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has now ruled the federal government has the power to tax Americans into mandatory purchases of private industry products means an end to economic freedom in America. Why? Because it hands the federal government the power to force the American people to buy anything the government wants or face tax penalties for refusing to do so. It is the equivalent of announcing a federal monopoly over all private purchasing decisions.
Thus, Supreme Court's Obummercare decision hands federal government unlimited power that can force Americans to buy anything it wants by simply characterizing the forced payment as a "tax." Economic freedom has been crushed by Supreme Court.
Click HERE for the complete article.
10. How Does Gold Fare During Hyperinflationary?
As we all know - Inflation is a natural consequence of loose government monetary policy. If those policies get too loose, hyperinflation, i.e. an inflation rate of 50% or more in a single month, can occur. Ever wonder if gold is really good protection from hyperinflation? Or if the precious metals would keep pace in this extreme scenario? Click HERE for a quick read.
Closing Remarks:
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Lambkin »

Demosthenes wrote:3. Indianapolis Monthly article and Editorial
I am pleased to announce that the Indianapolis Monthly just published an extraordinary article titled, Mad Money by Daniel Comiskey. It is a rather telling story about my life and efforts that fills eight pages. Click HERE for the article. ... ID=1725808
In addition to the article, Amanda Heckert, the editor wrote an interesting editorial about her own fascination about money in "Editor's Note." Please click HERE for her editorial. ... ID=1729649
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

So, before I rip Bernie I have a couple of observations about the motions that were filed back and forth ( has all the newsletters available to read with links intact- back to around '07 or '08).

WTF is wrong with his lawyer? The motions start out "NOW COMES defendant Bernard von NotHaus, on behalf of Mary S. (“Suzy”) Nothhouse and Robert K. (“Bob”) Nothhouse, owners of 16,000.05 troy ounces of raw silver." And it looks he's trying to piggyback the criminal case, instead of bringing a new one. DOJ's motion pretty much takes him to task for both. I mean, even I know you can't file a motion on behalf of someone else (although there's likely a power of attorney exception to that). And I kind of always assume that if you weren't a plaintiff or defendant then you had no business playing with the docket.

Anyone check out the last names? I'm almost positive that it's been pointed out before, but it just hit me now.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Webhick, I think you have pretty well got it. It looks like Bernie still hasn't figured it out, and is still trying to go about it bassakwards. He is still trying to attack his conviction by going around the side of it on his parent's behalf. Of course, instead of doing it the sensible way he is going at it the wrong way around, and as wrong as he possibly can, just like he has everything else. So, what he will end up accomplishing is that his conviction will stand, and the silver imputed to his parents will stay out of reach.

Sounds very Bernie to me.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

ND, it looks like Bernie's dad passed away sometime mid-nineties. Robert is his brother. I find it a bit odd that aside from posting the motions, I don't recall Bernie mentioning that of the 16,000 troy ounces of silver he is claiming is his mother's, only 15k is hers and the other 1k is his brother's.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

I love that Bernie went the ostentatious route by adding the "von" and the cleaning up the last name (nothhouse means fisherman.)
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Hey, when you are von Nutbert you make it up as you go along, which is pretty much what he has been doing all along, why should he stop now.

I don't pretend to keep up with his family, he's bad enough. I can't say I was even aware he had any family until fairly recently, probably not paying attention, but with von Nutty you can only take so much at any one time before the mind glazes over.

I have however, determined, from past experience, that it is best to take anything von Nutty says with several tons of halite, and even then I don't believe him.

I'm kind of wondering what mummy is doing with 16,000 oz of silver to begin with, that is a pretty good sized piece of change even before the silver went up. Any bets on whether what passes for his accounting will bear this out?

And again, we're supposed to take his word for any of this?????
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

It may be significant that Von NotHaus is doing this bareback (=pro se). It's indicative that no lawyer thinks he has a chance or, more likely, will accept his funny money as payment. That by itself is ominous.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

1. LDN Publication Date Changed to sync with conviction date
Starting with this June newsletter, all future newsletters will be published mid-month so the newsletters will be in sync with BVNH's conviction that was on March 18, 2011.
Why? I mean...why? Is there even a point to this? Isn't this a little like marking the anniversary of a DUI conviction by getting completely hammered?
2. Legal Update
As opposed to the illegal updates, which is what happens when I tell Windows to remind me later and the second I get up it updates and reboots my computer. Like "later" means "any ten minute span of time when you're not looking."
This July 18, it will be 16 months since my conviction on March 18, 2011. While this is an extraordinary length of time between conviction and sentencing
I bet you're that guy who pushes all the buttons in the elevator and then complains about how long it's taking to get to the top floor.
it is not a record that I understand is two years
Punctuation I feel you lack.
Most recently, and as reported last month, Noell Tin my sentencing attorney, filed a motion for recovery of my mother's silver.
And your brother's silver. Which I don't think you mentioned previously. Maybe you don't want all your follower to know that you're keeping it all in the family.
The DOJ reply was ferocious.
Oh, let us see how "ferocious" with the webhick CliffNotes to the gov't reply:
1. Bernie has no standing to attempt to recover someone else's property.
2a. Bernie's not allowed to make that motion.
2b. Criminals like Bernie can't assert another person's interest.
3. Only a numbnuts like Bernie would try to piggyback his own criminal case.
4a. Now isn't the time to talk about who owns what, now is the time to determine what was used in connection with the crime and what wasn't.
4b. Bernie's mommy will have an opportunity to try to get her silver back AFTER the abovementioned determination.

Bernie, you are one ultra-sensitive special snowflake. After browsing the gov't motion, the meanest thing I could find is:
At 7. And what is to be made of Mary Nothhouse’s whimsical statement that she “wanted to purchase an additional 225 ounces from Sunshine Minting, Inc. to have an even 15,000 ounces of silver in her safekeeping account?”
Oh! It burns! BURNS! You might want to get some ointment on that! You may even need a skin graft! "Whimsical!" Of all the horrible four letter words in the English language, that asshole Ascik has to use the one that's even banned on the premium channels! That was sarcasm, Bernie. I'm only letting you know because you're probably baked right now and need it explained to you.

I have to say again right now that I love that Ascik's last name. I always pronounce it "Asskick" in my head. And it never gets old.
Noell countered with an equally strong reply that basically said that my mother supplied everything the DOJ requested and they should put up or shut up.
The first paragraph:
The government’s reply relies on technicalities and ignores the fundamental injustice of holding the life savings of a 93 year old widow and a 65 year old veteran of the Vietnam War for 4.5 years without providing any apparent basis that would indicate it has a chance to ultimately prevail in ancillary forfeiture proceedings -- unless it waits out the owners’ lives and forces them to spend their remaining savings on litigation.
I skimmed for a few paragraphs but ultimately stopped. I suddenly became too drunk on whine. How can you not get that your mommy can't even try to dip into the till until after it's been counted? I feel bad for your mom, for dumping her entire life savings into one investment, but she also needs to understand that she'd be in the same boat as she is now if the silver market collapsed. It's not smart to put it all in one place. I mean, look what happened!
The DOJ then informed the court that they had no additional info.

Oh. My. God. You actually managed to screw up telling us about a one sentence motion. They said that they weren't going to file an additional response. It didn't say anything about "having" no additional "info."
That leaves the court to resolve my mother's silver when the Judge rules on my post trial motion to overturn the wrongful jury conviction or order a new trial.
Per my understanding, you're somewhat right. First the court determines how much of the seized assets are criminally connected. Then, something about third-parties (like mummy) maybe getting their stuff back. Anyone know how that works?
These recent legal murmurings should be of great interest to the thousands of people who are still holding the paper or digital warehouse receipts and desperately need their property.
The odds are more likely that they're just assuming they're never going to get their money back. How many times have you asked for money? What kind of results have they seen? If I was one of your victims, I would have given up on the whole thing and ordered my spam filter to eat your newsletters every month.
Please remember that regardless of the outcome of my case, the seizure of gold and silver that backed the paper or digital warehouse receipts will eventually be returned to you.
Do you promise? Do you pinky-swear?
You did nothing wrong or illegal
Except those who used you as a money laundering service.
and this was clearly a wrongful seizure of your property.
According our friend Asskick, only some of it turned out to be not related to the crime, which is to be expected given the amount of stuff siezed. No reasonable person would expect the government, when raiding a place, to sit down right on the property and separate your stuff according to what the time machine indicates will be found to be in connection to the crimes you will be convicted of.

[..snipped mentions of some LD friends who have passed away recently and his usual ranting..]
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

fortinbras wrote:It may be significant that Von NotHaus is doing this bareback (=pro se). It's indicative that no lawyer thinks he has a chance or, more likely, will accept his funny money as payment. That by itself is ominous.
Actually, his sentencing attorney is Noell Tin. And Bernie's recent motions were all filed by the lawyer.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Courtesy of ... the-fringe

This site is pretty good. It prints a lot of stories by the "precious metal bugs"; but everything is at least interesting. I don't recall seeing any super-cranks on there.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

August 2012 Vol. 14 No. 08

Transcripts of the BVNH/Liberty Dollar Trial

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. Transcripts of the BVNH Trial re the Liberty Dollar
2. National Debt hits $16 trillion!!
3. ECB agrees to buy unlimited government bonds
4. Free Competition in Currency
5. 13 States Now Considering Gold and Silver as Money
6. The Gold Standard Goes Mainstream
7. US Drops in Global Competitiveness
8. On Money and the State
9. Middle Class Falls to 51%
10. Truth about the Oklahoma City Bombing

1. Transcripts of the BVNH Trial re the Liberty Dollar
Due to the recent requests by legal researchers and other interested parties, I have posted the transcript for the eight days of my trial. As you will quickly discover, my trial attorneys blew it by not being prepared, not contacting the witnesses, not providing effective direct or cross examination and their failure to do so foreclosed their opportunity to discovery witnesses' strengths in support of my defense. The real reason that I was convicted was not because of dumb jurors, it was because of the ineffectiveness of my trial attorneys, Dumb and Dumber.

Day One: March 8, 2010
Direct Examination By Ms. Rose
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Redirect Examination By Ms. Rose
Recross Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Mr. Randall

Day Two: March 9, 2010
Direct Examination By Mr. Randall
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Redirect Examination By Mr. Randall
Recross Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Mr. Randall
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Redirect Examination By Mr. Randall
Direct Examination By Ms. Rose
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Mr. Randall
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Ms. Rose
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Ms. Rose
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee

Day Three: March 10, 2010
Direct Examination By Mr. Randall
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Redirect Examination By Mr. Randall
Recross Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Ms. Rose
Cross Examination By Mr. Lee
Redirect Examination By Ms. Rose

Day Four: March: March 14, 2010
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Mr. Randall
Redirect Examination By Mr. Lee
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Ms. Rose
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee

Day Five: March: March 15, 2010
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee

Day Six: March: March 16, 2010
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Ms. Rose
Redirect Examination By Mr. Lee
Recross Examination By Ms. Rose
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Mr. Randall
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Mr. Randall
Redirect Examination By Mr. Lee

Day Seven: March: March 17, 2010
Direct Examination By Ms. Rose
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Ms. Rose
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Mr. Randall
Redirect Examination By Mr. Lee
Recross Examination By Mr. Randall
Direct Examination By Mr. Lee
Cross Examination By Ms. Rose
Redirect Examination By Mr. Lee

Day Eight: March 18, 2010
Jury Verdict and beginning of the Forfeiture Trial

My sincere thanks to the eight witnesses for taking the time and the stand in my support of what is right and good. Unfortunately, the defense attorneys were not up to the task and I was convicted.

2. National Debt hits $16 trillion!!
The Treasury Department said Tuesday that the national debt has topped $16 trillion, the result of chronic government deficits that have poured more than $50,000 worth of red ink onto federal ledgers for every man, woman and child in the United States.

The news was greeted with a round of press releases from Barack Obama's Republican rivals, who used the grim-but-expected news to criticize the president for the government's fiscal performance over his 3 1/2 years in office. Obama has presided over four straight years of trillion dollar-plus deficits after inheriting a weak economy from his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Of course, the inevitable happened. And of course, it makes no difference which political party is in the Whitehouse. The real power does not rest with neither party nor the people, it rests with the money interest behind the Council on Foreign Affairs.

Click HERE for the complete article.

3. ECB agrees to buy unlimited government bonds
The European Central Bank moved decisively Thursday in announcing that it would buy the bonds of struggling governments without limit, an initiative that could save the euro zone and blunt one of the main threats menacing the global economy.

The unprecedented step, meant to reassure fearful investors that euro-zone governments would not default, sparked a rally on world stock markets. U.S. stock indices posted their largest gains in weeks, with the S&P 500 soaring 2 percent and closing at a four-year high.

This is very much like the action of the French Republic and their experience with hyperinflation. It is time to read or reread Fiat Money Inflation in France by Andrew Dickson White. History is about to repeat "The Reign of Terror" on a global scale.

Click HERE for the complete article.

4. Free Competition in Currency
Dr. Lawrence H. White recently testified before Ron Paul's Congressional Hearing regard "The Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011." Speaking in behalf of the benefits of currency competition, the well know economist for Free Banking noted that it is widely understood that competition among private enterprises gives us technological improvements in all kinds of products, delivering higher quality at lower cost. For example, the competition of FedEx and UPS with the US Postal Service in package delivery has been of great benefit to American consumers. Currency users also benefits from competition. My research indicates that currency has been better provided by competing private enterprises than by government monopoly. For example, private gold and silver mints during the American gold rushes provided trustworthy coins until they were suppressed by legislation. Scientific appraisals have found that the privately minted coins were produced even more precisely than the coins of the US Mint. Private bank-issued currency was the most popular form of money around the world until government-sponsored central banks, with few exceptions, gained exclusive note-issuing privileges.

Click HERE for the complete article and be sure to note the Liberty Dollars in the masthead:) Please note fellow Free Banking economist George Selgin's article #8 below.

5. 13 States Now Considering Gold and Silver as Money
When the governor of Utah signed a bill that made gold bullion and silver bullion legal tender in the state last March, he had no idea of the groundswell he was going to start.

The Utah Sound Money Act outright flies in the face of the fiat money system, which is the printed money used today; backed by nothing but the promises of politicians. While U.S. states cannot create their own currency under the Constitution, they are allowed to use gold bullion and silver bullion as legal tender. More and more states are now exercising that right.

Click HERE for the complete article.

6. The Gold Standard Goes Mainstream
An under-reported development of this campaign season is the Republican Party's decision this week to send Gov. Mitt Romney into the presidential race on a platform effectively calling for a new gold commission. The realization that America's system of fiat money is part of its economic problem is moving from the fringes of political discussion to the center.

This is a sharp contrast from the last time a gold commission was convened, in 1981; a decade after President Nixon abandoned the Bretton Woods system and opened the era of a fiat dollar. The 1981 commission recommended against restoring a gold basis to the dollar. But two members-Congressman Ron Paul and businessman-scholar Lewis Lehrman-dissented and outlined the case for gold.

This excellent article in the Wall Street Journal by Seth Lipsky, Editor of the New York Sun and former editor at the Wall Street Journal signals that the battle has begun in the marketplace for a new monetary standard, and not a moment too soon. Lipsky has also written some of the finest articles regarding my trial and the Liberty Dollar.

Click HERE for the complete article.

7. US Drops in Global Competitiveness
The United States has slipped further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, according to a World Economic Forum (WEF) survey.

The US economy, the world's largest, which was placed 5th last year, fell two positions to the 7th spot - marking its fourth year of decline.

A lack of macroeconomic stability, the business community's continued mistrust of the government and concerns over its fiscal health were some of the reasons for the downgrade, according to the annual survey.

"A number of weaknesses are chipping away at its competitiveness...the U.S. fiscal imbalances and continued political deadlock over resolving these challenges," said Jennifer Blanke, Economist at the Geneva-based WEF.

Click HERE for the complete article.

8. On Money and the State
Dr. George Selgin, a noted Free Banking economist, recently published an outstanding article 'on money and the state'. In particular he said, "I couldn't help being glad to see The Economist refer to Carl Menger's theory of the origins of money just as I was about to explain that theory to my undergraduate classes. Nor did I at all mind having Menger's ideas contrasted with those of another of my favorite economists, Charles Goodhart. I was, however, sorry to see that venerable publication, whose first two editors, James Wilson and Walter Bagehot, were among the more important 19th-century proponents of free banking, embrace Professor Goodhart's "Cartalist" theory of money, and do so on grounds that won't stand up to critical scrutiny.

Menger, of course, famously argued that commodity money, far from having to be deliberately designed, can evolve spontaneously or, as The Economist puts it, "is a market-led response to barter costs."

Click HERE for the complete article and note fellow Free Banking economist Larry White article #4 above.

9. Middle class falls to 51%
The idea of a large, stable middle class is central to America's sense of itself. But the U.S. middle class has been steadily shrinking, dropping from 61% of all adults 40 years ago to a bare majority now, a new study finds.

This middle tier of American society also has slipped downward in terms of its income and wealth in the last decade, according to the report released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. And it has lost a share of its traditional faith in the future.

If you know much about sociology and economics, the middle class is the bedrock of society. So it goes, goes society. This is another step down the ladder into chaos.

Click HERE for the complete article.

10. Truth about the Oklahoma City bombing
I still remember the Oklahoma City bombing quite well. But because it was an awful terrorists attack, that it was, but because I did not believe the government did it. I remember defending the government against it accusers. But when I was challenged, it did not long, even in those early days of the Internet in 1995, to verify the truth.

G. Edward Griffin has spoken that truth many times and recently detailed the bombing as a "noble lie," i.e. a myth or untruth knowingly told by an elite to maintain social harmony, in introducing a new documentary on the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building by James Lane at Free Mind Films that is titled: A Noble Lie.

Click HERE for complete info.

Closing Remarks:
The longer the wait - the better the ride. We have no choice but to wait. And wait we will until the Court takes action. Meanwhile, many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor