Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

You would of been a fool to believe that there was going to be some sort of arrest, PLEASE ! This guy DRAKE is just another fool along the way. Know whats most interesting they are all Southerners ! why is that so ?
Y'all hang on to them confed'rate money, cause the South is gonna RIIISSSEE AGGGAAAIIINN!

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote: Y'all hang on to them confed'rate money, cause the South is gonna RIIISSSEE AGGGAAAIIINN!

When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade I sent in some cereal boxtops and got a small denomination Confederate bill in the mail. My best friend thought the same thing - that someday it would be worth something and got very excited, just like the dinaridjits are today. So, I gave it to him. He's a used car dealer these days (or still was last year when he sent out Xmas cards), who for the past 20 years has done his own ridiculous commercials, which according to my cousin reach a new low in stupid TV advertising. I can't say if one had anything to do with the other, but you never know.

As for the mass arrests, my favorite "news" on this was the breathless assertion that a group of people were arrested in a nearby town and that they could be bankers. The actual incident was after a bank robbery where information led them to search every car at an intersection, which strangely enough caught the suspect, and everyone else was released. A week later, a "Colorado Rogue Police in Aurora Start Constitutional Crisis" about the incident was posted by MacHaffie asserting that this was somehow linked to drug cartels. For some reason, there was no mention of how this is linked to Drake's mass arrests, or how the same police behavior would be patriotic if the victims had been bankers.

Comment on MacHaffie's forum from a post on this thread, page 6, Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:26 am

2. Anonymous June 28, 2012 8:27 PM
Mass Arrests continue apace, with prejudice.
Tom Heneghan reports LEO WANTA's protocols are being processed in court!
A whole group of people were arrested in Denver, including outside Aurora near the Denver Airport. This comes from first hand witnesses I spoke to.
Unless there is an awful lot of bank robbers suddenly getting picked up, Federal Reserve criminals have been bagged and tagged.
Arrests continue in Europe, the effort is barely beginning to ramp up.
Jamie Dimon, where are you?

The actual story.

Police in Aurora, Colo., searching for suspected bank robbers stopped every car at an intersection, handcuffed all the adults and searched the cars, one of which they believed was carrying the suspect.

Police said they had received what they called a “reliable” tip that the culprit in an armed robbery at a Wells Fargo bank committed earlier was stopped at the red light.

“We didn’t have a description, didn’t know race or gender or anything, so a split-second decision was made to stop all the cars at that intersection, and search for the armed robber,” Aurora police Officer Frank Fania told ABC News.

Officers barricaded the area, halting 19 cars.

“Cops came in from every direction and just threw their car in front of my car,” Sonya Romero, one of the drivers who was handcuffed, told ABC News affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver.

From there, the police went from car to car, removing the passengers and handcuffing the adults.

“Most of the adults were handcuffed, then were told what was going on and were asked for permission to search the car,” Fania said. “They all granted permission, and once nothing was found in their cars, they were un-handcuffed.”

The search lasted between an hour and a half and two hours, and it wasn’t until the final car was searched that police apprehended the suspect.

“Once officers got to his car, they found evidence that he was who they were looking for,” Fania said. “When they searched the car, they found two loaded firearms.”

The actions of the police have been met with some criticism, but Fania said this was a unique situation that required an unusual response.

“It’s hard to say what normal is in a situation like this when you haven’t dealt with a situation like this,” Fania said. “The result of the whole ordeal is that it paid off. We have arrested and charged a suspect.”

The other people who had been held at the intersection were allowed to leave once the suspect was apprehended.

Compare this to the story MacHaffie posted, not even mentioning the assertion that it was banksters being arrested a few days before.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Colorado Rogue Police in Aurora Start Constitutional Crisis
Rogue Cops Threatens to Murder Child with Shotgun, Aurora, Colorado, June 9, 2012
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Yesterday, police in Aurora, Colorado, a department noted for poor discipline, poor standards and lax training, arrested and handcuffed 42 innocent civilians, even holding shotguns at the heads of small children.
All those held were arrested at gunpoint, roughed up, all were cuffed but the smallest of children, as young as two years. Some small children were, barely able to walk and speak, were subjected to detention with a dozen or more weapons on them, all loaded, safeties off, ready to fire.
Though the suspect, carefully identified, video taped, was 45 years old, male, white and quite large, the majority of those arrested were women, small children or minorities.
“Protect and Defend” is what it says on the cars but increasingly, American citizens are arming themselves, not radicals but hard working, tax paying middle class Americans, arming themselves against their own police, as department after department fall under the control of the Mexican drug cartels and forget the oaths they once swore but now now longer remember.
Is Aurora, its city government and police a “cartel town?” Things are beginning to look that way and not just this incident. The cartels first went after Arizona, where their control is increasing every day. Their next target, having Utah in their pocket 100%, that and Nevada, is Colorado. Denver will be “ground zero” and police in the Denver area, starting with outlying regions will be among the first cartel recruits as real terrorism comes to America.
Denver will be key, with it’s downtown of major banks, long known for laundering drug money, the same town where hundreds of millions were stolen in the staged bankruptcies of the Columbia and Silverado Savings and Loans, where Washington politics, drug money and the local mob made a killing. We are watching Denver. Anyone remember Neil Bush or that attempted killer of President Reagan, Bush family associate John Hinckley, from the famous family of Mormon prophets, came from Denver?
This is the kind of behavior Americans around the country have been terrified would begin, that their own police would turn on everyday citizens, an armed gang. Stifling dissent of the “occupy” movement, taking payoffs from “banksters” is one thing but, not the photo above, that is a 12 ga. shotgun inches from the face of a small child. That is a felony, not just a violation of “police procedure.”
That is a child, he is being terrorized and, in doing so, according to all our new laws, the officers involved belong in prison, not in the US but Poland or Egypt or Bulgaria, where hundreds of hours of waterboarding can get their confessions. It is time that we recognized the real American terrorists, the real threat to democracy we have created.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:05 AM
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Notes from Drake's conference call

7/25/12 9:00 PM Drake Radio Interview Tonight. Radio Show
Drake said:
* Fox News is saying that they don't think the Arms Treaty will not pass the Senate.
* Senator Harry Reid says that the Audit the Fed bill will not be heard in the Senate.
* 56 million persons were rounded up in the world and exterminated AFTER gun controls
on them were put into effect.
* Someone in the audience is preparing a standard Affidavit to arrest county directors
of Homeland Security for treason. This can be made available for others to use.
* Neil Keenan's suit and liens are about to come to fruition.
* If the small arms treaty is not passed we still need to arrest those that pushed for it.
* He believes that the Aurora shooting is too strange to have done that on his own.
* We may see one or two arrests per day for awhile before the mass arrests.
* Most of the false flags events planned have been taken care of.
* There are several people working on standard Affidavits. They are working with
attorneys, U.S. Marshals, etc.
* The most powerful thing we have going for the people is Neil Keenan
with his ability to cut off the Cabal's money.
* Neil Keenan says the Euro can be taken down in one day.
* He does not feel that foreign troops will invade the U.S. due to lack
of cash by the Cabal.
* He is having contact with various Congressmen, so hopefully that will be a big help
in what we are trying to achieve.
* The Federal Reserve has been shut down from printing money at this time.
No money can be printed without the approval of Neil Keenan.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:04 AM
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

* Neil Keenan's suit and liens are about to come to fruition
* The most powerful thing we have going for the people is Neil Keenan
with his ability to cut off the Cabal's money.
* Neil Keenan says the Euro can be taken down in one day
* He is having contact with various Congressmen, so hopefully that will be a big help
in what we are trying to achieve.
No money can be printed without the approval of Neil Keenan.
Ok, time for a reality check. Who is more powerful:

A) Neil Keenan
B) Drake
C) Erasmus of America

This is no joke, I truly want to know. I see all three of these guys posturing themselves as the savior/messiahs of NESARA/RV/RA and in direct competition with each other due to the size of their egos. I see a no-holds-barred cage match in the future between these guys.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

The federal reserve does not print money, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing does, and when the Fed creates money they don't do it by handing out bills, they do it by purchasing bonds on the open market (they money they spend on the bonds enters the economy when the transaction clears, and it's all done electronically). Since most money is in fact electronic these days, and even before computers most of it was ledger balances, actual cash printing, supply etc... is really just a housekeeping function. And Neil Keenan doesn't have to approve any of it.
masturbating sov'run nutjob wrote:* Someone in the audience is preparing a standard Affidavit to arrest county directors
of Homeland Security for treason. This can be made available for others to use.
Please let me know before you try this, it's a perfect U-Tube moment and I want to make sure we get it.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

The Federal Reserve has been shut down from printing money at this time.
No money can be printed without the approval of Neil Keenan.
Gregg wrote:The federal reserve does not print money, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing does, and when the Fed creates money they don't do it by handing out bills, they do it by purchasing bonds on the open market (they money they spend on the bonds enters the economy when the transaction clears, and it's all done electronically). Since most money is in fact electronic these days, and even before computers most of it was ledger balances, actual cash printing, supply etc... is really just a housekeeping function. And Neil Keenan doesn't have to approve any of it.
So what I hear you saying is that Neil Keenan scored a win. The Fed in fact doesn't print money so point for Keenan. And Keenan never claimed he had to approve electronic transactions, just money printing by the fed. So score another point for Keenan. Wow, he's really on a roll.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not sure rolling off the sidewalk and in to the gutter quite counts, but maybe it does in his world.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ashlynne39 »

I thought Keenan dropped his lawsuit so how is it they think he has all this power? And yes, I get that rational thinking doesn't apply to these guys.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

Legend in his own mind???? Someone gave him access to a word processing program, and he thinks just because he printed it up it's real????

I'll settle for just plain loopy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: Ok, time for a reality check. Who is more powerful:

A) Neil Keenan
B) Drake
C) Erasmus of America

This is no joke, I truly want to know. I see all three of these guys posturing themselves as the savior/messiahs of NESARA/RV/RA and in direct competition with each other due to the size of their egos. I see a no-holds-barred cage match in the future between these guys.
I asked my youngest nephew who's into video games, and he said to look for their special powers (sometimes bestowed by cards) and how hard they were to kill.

Special Powers
A) Neil Keenan - Can file actual lawsuits and get people to somehow think that means they're not bogus or that he's won or proved something. 50 points.
B) Drake - Speaks for the loyal forces of the Pentagon and not only gives dates for mass arrests but also the reasons they're delayed. A double whammy for 75 points.
C) Erasmus of America - Called by Mistress Cindy "The Albert Einstein of self-administered enemas," Erasmus invented Omni Law and Jesus Money, which together with his and his mother's high IQ will solve all the world's problems. 100 points!

Clearly, Erasmus comes out on top. Now for the second part, how hard are they to kill?

A) Neil Keenan - He's filed lawsuits before, and admonishments from the court couldn't stop him. And those courts had pretty scary clerks! I give him 85 points.
B) Drake - Charlie couldn't kill him in 'Nam when he was in the thick of it from age 14 to 16, the youngest non-com in the history of his outfit, the 1073rd, "The Defecating Bulls." I would give him 75 points, but he also ran away from his wife, so I'll dock him 15 for a total of 60.
C) Erasmus of America - Charmed his way through encounters with drug dealers and Communists, never having to resort to force of arms but instead using his and his mother's high IQs. Too wimpy by half if you ask me, so I'm halving the 70 I would have given someone called "The General MacArthur of Identifying Animal Scat" and award him 35.

This gives us a 135 point 3-way tie. I'm exercising my ancient right as a Judge of the Change and calling for Sudden Death - he who survives wins. No time limit, no rules, no concern about collateral damage - simple kill or be killed. When the last man standing is standing there, we'll have The Observer's answer.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, July 30, 2012
CGI's Ally: Cobra: The Plan and What You Can Do
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Monday, 30-Jul-2012 19:16:45

I have received new intel about the Plan.
The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be an unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups.
The Event is scheduled for October this year or later.
The Event is only the beginning, then things will go as fast as humanity can integrate. First Contact operations will proceed along with the restructuring of the system. New financial system will be very short lived since after the First Contact money will become obsolete. The Ascension will NOT happen on December 21st. Humanity needs a lot of healing and December 21st is just the beginning of the Ascension process...

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:37 PM


1. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 8:10 PM
Now your putting off 12/21/12 How long do you people think the carrot & the stick will last?

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 9:32 PM
It will last as long as we pay attention to it. With different messengers, this has been going since 2008 for me.

2. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 10:00 PM
Listen dude, do you agree or disagree that the minds and bodies of humanity as a whole need to be healed? I for one think that this place is too far gone, that the 99% arent ready for advanced technology, and for a group of people that instead of wanting to be free, to be able to self-govern, they want to be slaves. That they crave it, sickens me. I dont see a whole hell of a lot of folks wanting to be doing their own thing, thinking bigger, thinking that they can be able to do what they want, without resorting to taking from others what they dont need, or using anyone who even remotely acts nice or a little bit naive. I dont, do you? It may be that the end of this year is some kind of cyclic conclusion, and the beginning of another. I dont know what other people want to do, if they want to stop worshipping made up deities, or money, or technology that doesnt do them one bit of good. I am one of those who come from out there to spread information about what its like out there, whether its living a life onboard a ship, or sitting back on one of those colonized worlds. I dont expect anyone to believe what I say, cause I tried my damndest to tell others what I knew, but did they believe me? No! They either demanded proof, or said I was crazy. But now, I dont concern myself with trying to open minds, or show them a different and more personal way to make do, and get along with everyone; I mean why should I? Thousands of years of torturing, brainwashing, and making their little peons kiss their asses for the littlest crumbs of whatever they wanted to get ahead, and to think that they were superior? Really? They believed a bunch of lies about aliens who acted like they were gods, when they werent. I know they werent. I am aware enough to say, nope! They were flesh and blood too, maybe not the same kind of blood, but they were mortal just the same. There are no such things as gods, thats primitive man making an assumption based on not knowing a damn thing, and look what has become of it. I for one, look forward to either being picked up and going back home, or dying here and then leaving. Either way, I will be getting the outcome I desire. You can think that this is all claptrap, but unless you have been out there, and unless you know what can and cannot be put out there due to lack of being prepared, you will never know. There are rules that must be adhered to by even the most advanced societies, and non interference is one of those. Think about it.

2. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 9:15 PM
I have follwed Cobra's messagessince he came onto the internet and if you read closely,he makes very human refferences to scify-material and he doesn't always jive with what Drake has to say? So I guess in todays posting the biggest call on the BS meter is forcasting to the enemy you are coming for them in October or later? Come on people,how stupid do they think we are,Ill answer that>>dumber than a hemlock stump! Cobra ia fake IMO! You think what you will!

3. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 10:10 PM
I started to believe change was coming...coming...coming. People have heard me speak of arrests the fed and mocked me. Said I was reading nonsense. Said it was crazy, I feel more like I am losing my mind.

Replies 1. AnonymousJuly 31, 2012 12:40 AM
You aren't the only one... my family has disowned me but is fake as hell to my face... they want me to shut up and grow up.... I wanna die most of the time. This place is somethin else.

4. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 10:40 PM
But but,, how can it be the start on 12-21-12? Now I read that they found another ancient calendar and it basically makes the mayan calendar with the predictions of 12-21 obsolete doesn't it? Notice too that nothing is gonna happen now till just before elections.. what u wanna bet it won't happen then either? Yep, dangling the carrot buying time!

5. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 10:45 PM
First let us adsorb the truth:
He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, But he who is trustworthy conceals a matter.
Proverbs 16:28
Now the truth is a more light sense:
I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend mass arrests were coming around ....
need we say more?

6. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 10:48 PM
I have just become an ex Cobra believer and boy did I get sucked into it for awhile but now it just sounds hoaky. I do believe the ET's should intervene as they created us and allowed us to be messed with biologically mentally and spiritually and now it has gone to the point of no return. It's time for them to clean up THEIR KARMA.

7. siriusvoidJuly 30, 2012 11:40 PM
Saying the money will be no good but nothing about first restoring wealth to the people who will need, at the very least, food, clothing, and shelter...
I hope they are taking into account the fact that our real-time system (landlords,supermarkets etc.) extracts money in exchange for goods and services...
Will possesions and property rights be stripped from honest common citizens?
Are they talking about natural ascencion, or some kind of round-up?

8. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012 11:53 PM
Wow, what an obvious stalling tactic. "Oh, SaLuSa is wrong and nothing will happen on August 4th; things won't REALLY start to happen until October, probably even later than that...oh, and don't get your hopes up for anything to happen in December, either. We could be here a while."
As said above - how long do you think the carrot and stick will last? Cobra, of course, is going to try to drag this out as long as possible to solicit as much money as he can.
For example, Cobra's call for donations is so see-through it's painful. First he says that he needs as many 'rich' people as possible to donate a MINIMUM of $1000 a month to the blog because he can't maintain it (as if you need that much money just to run a blog, sheesh) and then he changes his tune just about a sentence later and says that he needs the money to fund a project to 'heal planetary timelines' using 'advanced reverse time loop technology.'
My question is - I assume he'll be using alien tech from his buddies in the 'Resistance,' so why does he need money for that? His space bros don't seem to need money. Why don't they just give him the technology for free? Or better yet, why aren't they themselves ALREADY working on this whole 'healing timelines' issue? Why is it up to him?
Cobra is seriously L. Ron Hubbard level science fiction nonsense. And I despise the fact that he's got a great section of the exopolitical crowd wrapped around his finger. He's nothing but another charlatan, a sight that, unfortunately, is rather common in this area of interest.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:When the last man standing is standing there, we'll have The Observer's answer.
The problem is I forgot about Cobra as well. He led off this whole parade with his wild-assed claims -which I suspect only encouraged the other egotists to pipe in with their equally over-inflated tripe about their abilities.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

[quote="The Observer"

The problem is I forgot about Cobra as well. He led off this whole parade with his wild-assed claims -which I suspect only encouraged the other egotists to pipe in with their equally over-inflated tripe about their abilities.[/quote]

I too have the astonishing power to channel the Galactic intelligences--and they're all laughing their asses off at this nonsense.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: The problem is I forgot about Cobra as well. He led off this whole parade with his wild-assed claims -which I suspect only encouraged the other egotists to pipe in with their equally over-inflated tripe about their abilities.
Ah yes, Cobra, who just put up this startling update!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Omega Pandora modulated and operational, POS progress to 0.3 stable. Major systems security breach enforcing master delta LOC, deflected. HVBN stable. M attempt failure, decrease to 1.0.

Posted by Cobra at 3:31 AM

All I can say is "WOW!" This guy MUST be connected to know these things. But not as connected as the lightworkers who commented below.


1. Aradia August 1, 2012 3:50 AM
An amazing piece of work from Lisa Renne. Found it whilst trying to understand the polarity integrator starseed role. It is hard trying to understand 5th D concepts with 3D conciousness. This piece indicates to me that those doing the control and harm are as much trapped as the ones actually being imprisoned. She also indicates how those disaster predictions arose from Excerpts.
When we have an accurate assessment of the Universal Holographic Reality (as it is strung out into various dimensional timelines of memory imbeds) we can begin to comprehend that the patterns of History always repeat itself.
One such example of repeated events in history is the multiple genocide or holocaust memories embedded together throughout the timelines. All such events of the intended genocide of peoples are intimately bound together through the vibrational memory and the complex webbing of soul/monad matrix capture and its mind enslavement. These events cross into multiple planetary barriers of memory which interconnect into solar, galactic and universal memories.
This is why understanding our Hidden Galactic History with Extraterrestials and its relationship to the current operating agendas on the planet make these patterns playing out in our current world - crystal clear. The underlying motivation, driving aspiration or the possession attempts to have control over others becomes obvious.
The race conflict (war over God through genetics and blood) is taking place in physical matter at the lowest vibrational density in order to finish and resolve the original conflict from the highest densities of memory. These conflicts are millions of years old and are completing in this cycle on planet earth now! All memories and information are recorded within the smallest particle all the way to the largest stellar body, spinning out and replicating itself as it expands into the fractal Universes. Many of these memories exist as “alien implants” and are artificial. They have been programmed and holographically inserted by the Controllers.
The perpetrator and the victim are bound together in the same vampiric matrice which ultimately fragment and distort the being. (This is the Victim-Victimizer polarity archetype, which creates insanity eventually.) As these repeated events are horrific to experience the soul fragments and descends into the insanity of the lower astral planes, unable to recollect itself back into wholeness. All the while these fragmented pieces of what used to be “people” and “living beings”, are lost into the vampiric use of their energy quanta. That energy quanta is harvested and fed to phantom spaces to those who choose to bully, dominate and enslave/kill others for their own service to self motivation. The danger of this during this time of “ascension” is the inertia and “purgatory” state it creates for the fragmented “soul self”. That is one specific reason why there is Guardian intervention at this time to recollect these beings/bodies from these phantom spaces that they have been entrapped on - both on the physical and higher planes of existence. We will not forget them.
Ode to Zechariah
History repeats itself. A replay of these memories passing through “The Ring of Fire” as told by the Ancients, has surfaced again in the planetary field. We are undergoing this (re)memory cycle right now and it has been the source of great confusion for those sensitive to these frequencies. In many cases it generated predictions of impending doom and prophecy of cataclysm and destruction to our planet. This was like seeing into the timeline looking glass without understanding what one was looking at – it is a memory field of our past history.
Love to all and thank you, Cobra xx

2. benovel August 1, 2012 4:32 AM
New great ufo compilation video from incarnatedsirian7
must seee
also olympic ufos comfirmed in the video. Watch and share

3. freewolf7 August 1, 2012 5:24 AM
I am so looking forward to what this means later. It'll be a great book. Love and gratitude.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

When we have an accurate assessment of the Universal Holographic Reality (as it is strung out into various dimensional timelines of memory imbeds) we can begin to comprehend that the patterns of History always repeat itself.

One such example of repeated events in history is the multiple genocide or holocaust memories embedded together throughout the timelines. All such events of the intended genocide of peoples are intimately bound together through the vibrational memory and the complex webbing of soul/monad matrix capture and its mind enslavement. These events cross into multiple planetary barriers of memory which interconnect into solar, galactic and universal memories.
This is why understanding our Hidden Galactic History with Extraterrestials and its relationship to the current operating agendas on the planet make these patterns playing out in our current world - crystal clear. The underlying motivation, driving aspiration or the possession attempts to have control over others becomes obvious.
Why, yes! And we get to see the proof of this theory in the upcoming release of "Cloud Atlas" , where we get to see the life lessons of history repeated over and over again ad nauseum. I can only imagine that the movie will inspire more of this extreme navel contemplation and how we can use this out-of-reach philosphy to receive piles of unearned money and to stiff creditors.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, August 2, 2012
"Notes from Drake's Aug 1 blogtalkradio show"
Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 2-Aug-2012 02:24:52

(Thanks, D. :)
Reader DH writes:

Listen to the 3 hour call if you want to hear it all. It is a great call. You can bypass Minuteman and his long soliloquy about joining militias and people who don't believe in guns joining and their attitudes will not defend their families from harm. You can bypass Lady Dragon too with her updates if you just want to get Drake's news. These are the notes and if I come across the transcript, I will forward them. It was great information and well worth the time to listen. Drake has met with new groups over the last 4 days. He may also be one of the people making announcements possibly from the White House.
8/1/12 9:00 PM Drake Interview Today.
Drake Said:
* All the blogs need to unite to get the word out.
* The people who are not into guns should be non-violent but still stand up to them. The people who are into guns should be prepared to use them.
* We should be aware of "the next few days".
* Within the "next two weeks" you will experience the most extraordinary thing you could imagine.
* Read the White Report #46 of July 20, 2012.
* Expect a totally peaceful transition. We should get a 2 day notice before it occurs.
* We need a form of command structure; community groups, phone trees. Communications will not go down.
* Lack of store inventories and utilities should only be for a few days, not weeks.
* He has been told that Aurora shooting was done by three shooters, not one.
* He has been in briefings for the last four days. Extraordinary things to happen.
* The efforts of the people to be heard have been heard. We will be assisted.
* The BIS, which has been shut down for 90 days, can be shut down much longer.
* Some of the things Cobra says are correct.
* Tim Turner is not president of anything.
* Every Government agency has two elements in them. Those that support the PTB and those that don't.
* Ben Fulford is alive and well.
* Be ready for things to start to change, and expect things to continue to change and change.
* The number of county sheriffs that are backing the Constitution has increased tremendously the past year.
* The Federal Government is not able to send troops into states.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:22 AM

Within the "next two weeks" I will experience the most extraordinary thing I could imagine? They don't know the scope of my imagination! If this event doesn't include women with breasts so large they rival Nibiru in the damage they would do if they struck earth, then it doesn't even start to meet that standard.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

This is the "White Report #46 of July 20, 2012" that we should all read. For some reason, Drake's transcriber forgot the "Hat."

July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION!

First agenda item: Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”. The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be. First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts. We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats. The clear and precise message is “be informed” and “take action” when required to do so. The folks in the hallowed halls are listening to the thunder clouds of a pissed off nation and world, clearly approaching the steps of the Capital. So, to all of our “friends” in the Washington D.C. beltway, listen carefully, soon the people will be on your door step, taking you away. It’s not just Obama they will be after … it’s you.

Second agenda item: To Homeland Security, tell us that you really didn’t pull the plug on Drake’s show. Who came up with that plan? Let’s review. Drake is a patriot … if you listen to the broadcasts you would know that. If you Homeland guys, and the rest of the government officials, would act like you cared about the 310 million citizens of the United States of America you wouldn’t have to worry about what the Drakes of the world are saying. They would be spouting just another conspiracy theory that nobody listens to. You do have a problem, everyone IS listening. Why? NOBODY TRUSTS YOU! Along with the freedoms we expect and are guaranteed, we specifically demand you uphold our 1st Amendment Rights. Remember the concept of Freedom Of Speech! With regard to our Freedom Of Speech we want to know why you are involved with Foreign Nations in the development and reverse engineering of alien technologies for use against the Citizens of the country you were sworn to protect .

We understand you think you are the only authority who can arrest and question people’s activities, but beware, your time is running out. You would be best served researching how the unelected elite bloodlines have stolen money from the United States through Pureheart, a Homeland Security owned and operated company, a Government Sponsored Entity (GSE), specifically attached to you. You own that company and don’t have the ability to regulate its activities. Or do you? Are you instructing Pureheart, your company, to take the stolen money and develop multiple underground tunnels and cities? You must realize that your mission would be compromised if it ever came out that you guys are the front for a clandestine, ultra secret operation that places the people of the world in jeopardy. You already know what we think, so why don’t we let the people decide. We know you won’t be forthright about your clandestine, ultra secret program.

We do want to get our questions on the record for all of humanity.

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to your belief that something horrific will happen soon, like some sort of attack that would decimate the human population of earth?

- OR -

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to the elite bloodline families (such as the Bush Cabal) having the belief that they are superior to the people of the world, giving them the right to extinguish our lives for their own betterment?

- OR –

Is the clandestine, ultra secret operation due to something in the universe that will alter humanity, as we know it, i.e.: like a large object hitting us?

Maybe you would be able to provide other lines of logical thinking. If it’s not one of those three scenarios, then explain to us why the leadership of the G8 countries would be FULLY involved, right up to their eyeballs. You guys have approved it, now you should answer for it!

What we believe is that if Homeland Security were just internal security for the United States of America, it would be doing just that. Unfortunately, you got involved in Pureheart, a Homeland Security company. Pureheart is solely set up for the thieving of large amounts of cash positions, i.e. Falcone, Tropos, and one that has not even been reported yet …all ultra secret means of financing your ultra secret underground activities. The tell-tale sign is that the Bloodline families and the Cabal can only control the Western European Monetary System - the same system the Bloodlines control. ONLY THE WESTERN EUROPEAN MONETARY SYSTEM IS FAILING FINANCIALLY, BUT IT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE REST OF THE WORLD’S FINANCIAL PROBLEMS. We are right and you know it. Why else would you need to fraudulently develop a high level scam to steal $15 trillion dollars and trade it at a rate of 2000% a month? Where’s the money, General Rosier? Where’s the money, Mr. Bernanke? Where's the money Lord Steven Greene? Don’t tell the lie that you do not have control of your main and singular product … cash. IT’S ALL BEING DONE IN THE MONETARY SYSTEM THAT YOU CREATED AND OPERATE DAILY. That’s hundreds of trillions of dollars a month and the world is wondering why the Federal Reserve is failing and broke. No cash and no cash flow. It’s painfully hilarious that the very people who own and control the Federal Reserve System and the Western European economies are failing … and you guys are the best and the brightest we have! The Chinese have operated for thousands of years, yet you haven’t got it down after one hundred years. Maybe you just don’t want to let us know what the rest of the world knows and talks about. The Federal Reserve, along with your secret government system is controlling the underground activities and that is where you have lost control. No wonder the intelligent people of the world seem to think that 911 was merely a Bush and Cheney con job to get Homeland Security instituted, so as to facilitate the redirection of substantial cash to do your ultra-secret, worldwide G8 operations. More Later, if there is one.

Once again we ask … WHO HAS THEIR TICKET?

Third agenda item: A call out to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Michelle Obama. Tell us you didn’t really demand of Wells Fargo that they pay out your Iraqi Dinars above each and every person in the world. Again, we say, Really! The politicians and the big kahuna’s wife got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Yet Again! What’s really sad is a bunch of “political speak” was issued from Congress Friday stating it would suspend business for an “internal work day”. You must think, WE THE PEOPLE are stupid. You all ended up getting your Iraqi Dinars exchanged for vouchers at Wells Fargo Bank. If we did that to our employers, we would be fired. Hmmmm … now that’s the ticket! No pun intended. For the “leadership” of this country, your actions are despicable. So, just get the hell out. Go away. Take the money you have plundered from the American people and just go away!

Fourth agenda item: A special message to President Barack Obama. When you and Michelle flew in on Nancy Pelosi’s Gulfstream and parked her bird at the far side of the hanger deck for Atlantic Aviation …where you obviously thought no one would see you … and while you snuck off to Wells Fargo Bank to transact your Iraqi Dinars … did you ever once think about the Country and the image you portrayed as you did that. Can you tell us why you think you deserve to be first in line at the profit-taking trough yet once again? Perhaps it’s like the CEO’s you say you hate who get large bonuses for bankrupting companies. Oops, another bird out of the bag … running the country like it is a profit and loss company. Imagine that, The White Hats calling you just another crooked politician with his hand out … go figure. Everyone thought you had a plan and that a change was going to occur. We guessed it would be inappropriate to talk about that right now but you certainly are a quick study.

We realize that shaming you for your greedy, self-aggrandizing action is useless at this point in your career but for God’s sake, at least put on the Abe Lincoln beard and Black Hat so that the hundreds of people that didn’t see you … ahem … don’t whisper. Hell, we found you just after the flight plan was lodged … remember Air Force One always travels to a location with a TFR in place. When one is not present, that means you are sneakin’ around and you were sneaking, weren’t you President & Mrs. Obama … sort of like the trips to Spain and London? Personally, we wish you would accelerate your plans to move to your newfound home in Costa Rica. The sooner the better … like maybe next week.


Fifth agenda item: For months and months, the White Hats have been calling out for assistance in getting the word out to the masses, thinking that all of the masses talk to each other. Go back and re-read the last sentence. We want to share some insights with you regarding the alternative media segment of the world. You have strength in a way that very few understand. The White Hats register on approximately 350 blogs throughout the world. To date, we are translated into 9 languages we know of, including all of the majors. We have been talking about stuff that no man in his right mind should talk about, but we do it anyway and there will be more, much, much more. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be heard. But …

The powers that be have kept all of the little people segregated for far too long and the little people need to do something about it. What do we mean when we say this? Let’s look. One of the best sources for UFO related stuff is Kerry Cassidy. This gal is hard working, relentless and, in our experience, she has been extremely helpful, sincere and always ready to explain things outside of our expertise.

In the same breath, you have Dr. Richard Boylan, who has been a long term member of the alternative community. There are more, and we do not intend to leave anyone out of the loop, but look at how segmented the communities are … and the disinfo guys love it. Why, you say? Because it is easy to isolate, criticize, attack and control any one of the blogs and the topics...into nothingness. As long as you isolate yourself to nothingness, the UFO's go to one corner and huddle, and the financial guys go to another corner and huddle, etc, etc, etc. We guess you only have to remember the Sadie Hawkins dance when the girls huddled on one side and the boys huddled on the other. What happens when the world's largest financial scam occurs and the disinfo teams are able to control through the Sadie Hawkins techniques of control? You are all segregated, so no kissing is going to occur. After all, you know what will happen if kissing occurs. Let the baseball game begin. If you don’t kiss then your individual stories do not mesh. Let’s give you an example.

The 911’s have their blogs, the Homeland Security haters have their blogs, the Secret Government people have their blogs, the UFO's have their blogs, the Bush Cabal haters have their blogs, and the Anti Bilderbergs have their blogs. However nobody hates the G8 because nobody knows what they do, including their clandestine ultra secret operations with the United States Secret Government. With everyone in their corners not talking to one another, nobody has the opportunity to put all of the pieces together…pieces that have been there all along … way before the White Hats showed their faces. Now, all of a sudden pieces of the jig saw puzzle started to fit in the White Hats research. And so we start to ask questions of the blog community. And then we all had to sit down and really think if this $15T scam, along with all of the other scams, is all part of the same agenda. Well folks, it is! Now you look at it and start to ask questions. Kerry, you need to move ahead and report what you know and think without the threat of accidental death. Dr. Boylan, get to it and start to make yourself available in a real world template with what you know. If the Cabal wants you to be eliminated, then so be it, but there will be hell to pay with the millions of people worldwide that read blogs and alternative media. This blog community could become a team if you work together... and that team would be capable of piecing together something akin to an internet network that would keep all the people informed of all the news and we desperately need that. It could assist the Mainstream Media in becoming obsolete due to their cabal controlled reporting. Mainstream Media - well, no guts to help save the world at this point, as you are totally controlled. News Media, get some backbone. We know you all do not have your tickets for the show … so are you laying down and giving up? We are guessing you have families that you love and cherish. Are they not reason enough to fight for your life and those humans that ultimately make a difference? Get a clue folks! We'd like to offer our blog to start the conversation.

Sixth agenda item: And now more about this $15T scam situation. The Powers That Be decided a long time ago to keep the extraterrestrial situation quiet. We need to identify who the Powers That Be are. They are the bloodline families. They control everything that goes on in the banking world, the political world, and attempt to shape our individual reality on a daily basis. The control they are exerting has to do with control of the masses. I don’t think we need to create the long line of items that are currently before us ... oh what the hell why not? Just a few … Obamacare, the United Nations Agenda 21, the Libor scandal (the newest scandal of world wide proportion to rock the banking sectors of the world), the money laundering scandals, the aliens and their technologies, UFO’s, Homeland Security, and last but not least, our leadership.

Let the White Hats help by asking this question. Do all of you folks that work for Homeland Security have your tickets? Are you expecting yours in the mail soon? Do you have a sense you will not receive one? Then you better start to question your very existence in the next three months, six months, one year to three years out. What are you going to do? Challenge and ask questions! Will you just stand there and take it? What are you going to do?

The White Hats are going to be talking about the secret Government of the United States of America, really the world, but that is a dirty little secret for right now. If you really knew, you would go fetal in a minute. Right now, we want you to concentrate on sharing with one another and having blogdom come together in a way that is currently not done. WE WANT THE BLOGS TO COMPARE INFORMATION AND TALK TO ONE ANOTHER. If the White Hats have now put it together even though the blogs have been here substantially longer, then ”who missed the boat?” Blogdom, the powerful new alternative news media, is made up of two primary segments: those that report the news from developed sources, and those that post what other blogs report. Thankfully, you all get the word out, but the ones who do the initial reporting have to do a far better job talking to one another. God Bless all of you!

Posted by The White Hat Reporters at 1:46 AM
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

Couldn't you give us the Reader's Digest Condensed version of these massive tidal waves of blather? None of these guys have a clue what clear and concise means.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

Condensed version; blather, blather, blather, fabrication, blather, blather, fabrication, fabrication, lots more blather, continue until coma mercifully sets in.

Since these clowns don't even have a nodding acquaintance with reality, the best they can do is miles on mind numbing prattle, of course, considering that their followers are already brain and reality dead, I don't much see the point.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Couldn't you give us the Reader's Digest Condensed version of these massive tidal waves of blather? None of these guys have a clue what clear and concise means.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Hi Friends, I am re-sending my message as there is a word missing from the second to last sentence in the first paragraph. It is an obvious omission, although I did not spot it. Should read " does NOT radiate Love and Light" Thank you. Mike Quinsey.

There are as usual mixed messages going around, ... The problem that still exists is that some people still resurrect the old prophesies, not realizing that times have moved on. ... if any message does not radiate Love and Light then it should set aside. The same could be said of those messages that concentrate on possible catastrophes, without balancing them with a positive outcome.

So be on your guard ... and we shall make sure you are made free of them as soon as possible.

There is some consolation as a result of the delays you have been experiencing, as the more people that are confronted by the actions of the dark Ones, the greater is their understanding of what they are doing. It galvanizes them into action and helps maintain a balance so that matters do not get out of hand. As a result the mass consciousness has risen in leaps and bounds and has ensured that the dark Ones are doomed to failure. Indeed, they are at their wits end and no longer have the power to achieve their plan for world control. We wish that they would go quietly, but there are still pockets of resistance that would do anything rather than concede defeat. However, it is what they will eventually have to accept as their time is up.

Meanwhile we eagerly await the possibility that a Leader somewhere will see the way clear to announce Disclosure. ... countries in the West are still largely under the powerful influence of the Illuminati. ... Of course millions of people are already know of us, and have seen our craft, and bear in mind it is well over 60 years since we first set out to make ourselves known to you.

We know you tire of the continual waiting, and we applaud your understanding and patience. You can be consoled by knowing that we are a hair breadths away from fully coming out into the open, and of course taking the opportunity to meet you. We have an initial celebration planned and still intend to flyover your main cities so that more people can see our craft. ...

Now more than ever we need you to concentrate on Ascension, ...

You have already given power to your visualizations ... Believe us, the changes will come thick and fast once we can get started. Everything is prepared now, and in spite of what you may see as enormous distribution problems, that presents absolutely no difficulty to us.

Do not forget that you have your personal cleansing to do, ...

Sometimes souls take on problematic lives so as to inspire others to lift up. ...

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask that you keep the Olympic spirit going, and it will create a new level of unity around the world that will be lasting.

Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:54 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous August 3, 2012 9:50 AM

Oh, look, now that August 4th is tomorrow, SaLuSa has conveniently left out any mention of their earlier plan to buzz the Olympic games. How can anybody take this (these) charlatan seriously?

Also, the world's descending into hell down here! Mike Quinsey's space bros are gonna need a bigger apology than "Thanks for waiting. We'll show up any day now." For a bunch of 'enlightened' (or 'ascended') beings, these guys can't even manage to stick to a basic schedule? Say what?

"Follow the Money"