MacHaffie's Obvious Garbage

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MacHaffie's Obvious Garbage

Post by Deep Knight »

I've been ignoring most of the multiple anti-Obama postings at MacHaffie's site, but now he's going after Romney too. Guess he's too liberal for "The Duke." Anyway, this is so transparently made up it's kind of funny. In fact, parts of it sound like something I would write here about the goings on of the NWO, which is an obvious giveaway.

Thursday, August 2, 2012
Anonymous Hacks IRS Database and publishes Romney Tax Returns

August 1, 2012 - Late last night, the mysterious group of hackers known as Anonymous successfully hacked the main database for the Internal Revenue Service. The group appeared to have a singular target- Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Romney has been criticized by both parties for his failure to produce more than one past tax return.

The Anonymous attack successfully retrieved 25-years worth of Romney’s tax returns and published them without permission on major websites throughout the Internet. The majority of these websites removed the returns within minutes, however it was too late to completely protect the candidate’s already tainted image.

Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul stated last week that “there has been no year in which Romney paid zero taxes”. In 2008, this was true. He earned $23,425,316 and paid $412.18 in federal income taxes. This calculates to a federal tax rate of 0.0018%. How did Romney get his tax burden so low? According to his return, he had approximately $23,407,000 in itemized deductions. These deductions ranged from $78,923 for “Toupee Creators Unlimited” and $41,826 for “Spray-on tan services” to a $3.8 million dollar write-off for a trip to Las Vegas with potential campaign donors. The Romney family also paid salaries to their numerous employees including, two yacht captains, three pilots for their private jets, two professional dog walkers, one toupee stylist and a “live-in contortionist”. What someone does with a live-in contortionist, one can only speculate. However, the $891,064 Romney spent on an “EWS Donor Party at the Pennsylvania Mansion” might give us a clue. While the return does not indicate what “EWS” stands for, given that the deducted supplies for the party included “Venetian masks, alcohol, lubricant and various Egyptian leather accessories” it was most likely an “Eyes Wide Shut” party.

In addition to his wild nights, Romney also deducted health related expenses. These included $127,000 for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a condition termed “Pseudologia fantastica” also known as Compulsive Liar Syndrome. This may explain why the Republican nominee’s views seem to change dramatically depending on his audience. In fact, his recent string of political gaffes may be the direct result of his inability to keep up with the many competing “truths” he has spoken over the past year. According to noted Psychiatrist Bryan King, “Pathological liars seem utterly sincere about their lies, but if confronted with facts to the contrary, will often just as sincerely reverse their story.” According to Politifact, a news organization that researches the veracity of politician’s statements, only 16% of Romney’s examined statements were found to be completely true.

Read more: ... z22PCqwb5n

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:07 PM

Other than the lies in this smear, everything is completely true! Not that I like Mitt or don't think he's told a few whoppers, but a toupee and spray on tan?
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Deep Knight
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Re: MacHaffie's Obvious Garbage

Post by Deep Knight »

One man's trash is another man's garbage - to be fair here's the latest posting of an easily-disproven anti-Obama smear from MacHaffie.

Friday, August 3, 2012
Subject: He is our presidentI DON’T THINK YOU WILL SEE THIS ON THE NEWS CHANNELS, SO I THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEEHOW SMART THis president really IS..That is right.He is OUR president.Sleep well tonight.Our media is soooooo corrupt!!!

When Obama stopped in at Master Lock in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last week, he was walking the plant and stopped to talk with a plant employee and looked up at the banner hanging on the wall and said to the worker and people around him, "It is great to be in a union shop, especially one as old as this union is " - - - - pointing to the banner. He then said, "A Union shop since 1848" - - - and then he went on to talk on what that banner stood for and how important it was to display it and show your union support.The worker then said to Obama that it was the flag of the State of Wisconsin - - which was founded in 1848, and that the shop was Non-Union.This was only reported by a local radio station in Milwaukee (1130AM) and not by the major news networks - - - they didn't want to embarrass this "got no friggin' clue" President!Since they didn't do their job of reporting on this presidential visit, the only way for the news to get around is by us - on the Internet. The White House media said he skipped Wisconsin & just went to Minn & Chicago.

Do your job; I just did mine, so voters will know what really happened here and just HOW BRIGHT THIS PRESIDENT REALLY IS !!!??? NOT!!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:27 AM

Complete garbage. What happened was that the President gave a speech to the mostly-union crowd (yes, Masterlock is a Union Shop) and an anti-Obama Politico reporter mistook the Wisconsin flag for a "local union 1848" flag and gave him crap about it (since removed but cached all around the web).

WH flies labor flag in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE — It's very clear what side President Obama is on here in Wisconsin.

Behind the stage where he will speak today are two flags: an American one, as usual, and right alongside it — and a flag for the local union, Wisconsin 1848.

The president has been mum in recent months on the battle raging in the Badger State between unions and Republican Gov. Scott Walker, who is facing a recall election largely pushed by labor after he pushed through laws effectively taking away collective bargaining rights in the state.

Here at Master Lock, Obama is speaking about domestic manufaturing and highlighting what he calls "in-sourcing," bringing jobs back from overseas. The padlock manufacturer brought roughly 100 jobs back from China to this factory —union jobs, the White House has noted.

Walker had been expected to join the president but canceled this morning because his office said he has the flu.

Someone heard about this reporter's gaffe, figured it was a good story, and lied, er, revised the story to be embarassing to The President. MacHaffie could have watched the actual speech on You Tube (below), but that would be work, and besides he doesn't want to hear that something anti-government is wrong because he knows everything anti-government must be right! NESARA NOW WON!
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Deep Knight
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Re: MacHaffie's Obvious Garbage

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, MacHaffie pastes up another anti-Obama falsehood - no big surprise, he does this a few times a day.

Friday, August 3, 2012
HR 4646 - A 1% tax on all bank transactions


I would wonder why, but it sounds bogus, so I'm not.

Well guess what ... It looks as if the Democrats (Obama} want to tax it 1% !!!

YES, that is 1% tax on all bank transactions - HR 4646, every time it goes in and every time money goes out.

President Obama's finance team is recommending a one percent (1%) transaction fee (TAX). Obama's
plan is to sneak it in after the November elections to keep it under the radar.

Ask your congressperson to vote NO.

Sure enough! And it's gotta be true, 'cause they even link to Snopes

this is no big deal? Go back and look at the transactions you made from
last year's banking statements. Then add the total of all those
transactions and deduct 1%. Still think it's no big deal?
The following is copied
from Snopes: Debt Free
America Act...
Is the U.S.government proposing a 1% tax on debit card usage and/or banking transactions?
...It is true. The bill is HR-4646introduced by US Rep Peter
deFazio D-Oregon and US Senator Tom Harkin D-Iowa. Their plan is to
sneak it in after the...
...moved beyond proposing studies and
submitted the Debt Free America Act (H.R. 4646), a bill calling for the
implementation of a scheme to pay down the...
...[2010] by Rep. Chaka
Fattah (D-Pa.). His "Debt Free America Act" (H.R. 4646) would impose a 1 percent
"transaction tax" on every financial transaction...
Wed, 02 Nov 201111:27:37


Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:39 PM

But if you use the link and read what it actually says, you'll find out this is rated false and they took excerpts out of context and pieced them together to look like the opposite. It would only take a couple of minutes to find out, but most won't even click the link - after all why work to find out something you already know is true?
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Re: MacHaffie's Obvious Garbage

Post by JamesVincent »

IIRC what the deal is if you dont have direct deposit you get charged for getting a paper check and then they will cease the paper checks altogether. The savings the IRS and Dept. of Treasury advertised was something like the 1% McHaffie is talking about. Ill have to look for one of the sheets they sent me for my sons SSDI.
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