Prediction Watch

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, Saint Germain has confirmed this, but only in that August 4th is the "starting date" of something or other - NOT necessarily the day that flying saucers land at the Olympics. What a wuss. Archangel Michael similarly "confirmed" that this was an "intended" date - what can I say, these guys live in "Now" and historically have had trouble with calendars so you can't be too hard on them.

Then there's this from Metatron (wasn't that an old brand of color TV?)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
through Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

You yourself have realised that our advent is imminent, that it will be at the Olympic Games and that there will not be terrorism as such, except that plotted by the governments and state control forces. There may well be maverick opportunists who utilise the at first chaotic reaction to our coming, the coming of the Star Nations en masse, to terrorise and steal for their own ends. But the Star Councils of Light will ensure that this will not continue, and that order will be restored with the least violence possible.

The Dark Forces are preparing for this event, which is why it has been disseminated on the internet that a fake star landing will be staged, to throw people off the scent that what will happen is in fact real and taking place in the moment. The meditations sending the Love in your Hearts for all humankind with the intent for the best possible outcome are having an effect. Do continue, dear ones, to hold the world events in London in your daily meditations and to call on the assistance of the Star Councils of Light, for it helps greatly to ensure that the events predicted for the 4 August in the Manton Drove crop circle take place in as smooth a way as possible.

We would encourage you to speak with as many people as possible about the coming of the craft of the Star Councils of Light, of the coming of the Star Beings openly to make contact with the peoples of earth and to stabilise the world situation. We will ensure that your ruling bodies are stabilised by the replacement of many of your world leaders with those who work for the light and are dedicated to the wholesome evolution of the earth. These people are already in place behind the scenes or waiting to step into the positions of power. They have necessarily been veiled before the time was come, both for their own safety, and so that the coming of the Star Nations may take place as planned.

We ask you all who are partially aware of these imminent events to stand firm through the apparent chaos which may at first develop and to trust in our good intent and our ability to stabilise the situation in a relatively short time. We need your steadfastness, your love and trust, in order to reassure the people of the planet earth that there are those who understand what is happening and who welcome your star brothers and sisters. For it is true that all earth people are connected at some time in their past to the stars. We are all family, and there has been much interconnection between the star beings and your planet over the ages past. Now the earth has reached a critical stage in its evolution, and it is necessary to work together once more, the people of earth and the star beings who have always supported your development.

For behind the gods of ancient times stood your star families: in all the great early civilisations of your world like Ancient Egypt and the Mesopotamian cultures, India and China and the Mayans, and the Greek and Norse gods, and right through till now in the indigenous peoples of your world, who have retained a direct connection to the star people and the spirits of the living world around them. Many, many of you in the so-called civilised parts of your planet have also re-awakened to your star origins and are establishing your own direct connection once more through expanding your conscious mind to encompass these realities and to come into communication with us through channelling.

We call on you all to speak out fearlessly of what you know in your inner beings, to ease the rapid waking up and acceptance of what will shortly take place upon your planet. People will become aware for the first time that UFOs are real space craft, that 'aliens' are your star family, that the star beings come to help the world and offer the priceless gifts of their advanced light technologies. These people will need the help of those who have had longer to come to an understanding of these matters. Your task, dear ones, is to reassure and to help people comprehend what is happening, to tell people that you have been in communication with these star beings for some time, and that their intent is wholly benign, for they wish only to help the peoples of the earth.

AMUNA RA: Why did Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan use the words 'cataclysmic' and 'terrorism' about the Olympic Games in the Polar Clock crop circle channelling about 4 August?

METATRON: Oh dear one, it was to rouse you to action. You needed to be stirred sufficiently to give disseminate it widely along with the meditation calling on the Star Councils of Light to assist, which has helped prepare for our coming. There will be some maverick 'terrorism' as I mentioned above, but the major event (which we could not reveal at that early stage for it would have prejudiced the outcome), will be the coming en masse of the Star Nations to the earth. They will come in such numbers that your governments will immediately recognise that resistance by force would be useless. There will be great confusion and initial chaos which some will view as 'cataclysmic', but this will be calmed relatively quickly as the realisation spreads that this meeting with your star brothers and sisters is a most joyous occasion.`

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press` We Found this On Facebook, there is no link to refer too. As a Tea we read this Information and Agreed On the Validity whch is why we have Posted. Thank You for Focusing In on All Possiblities. WE Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:10 PM

But what will happen if the deadline passes and nothing happens? Maybe they will be like Cobra, who still has the following posted on his site, and simply ignore that deadlines have passed.

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

I think Metatron must be derived from the Metrons out of the classic "This Island Earth". The mutant from it scared the crap outa me when I was six.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by fortinbras »

Ironically, since this Flying Saucer NESARA website is so decidedly anti-Jewish, Metatron is from Talmudic stories. Metatron is supposedly the most important of all the angels and is personally responsible for keeping track of the affairs of Jewry. There are a number of theories about the name, which might be a confluence of differing cultures - in Hebrew it suggests "supervisor", in Greek "by the throne", in Persian it suggests the god Mithras, etc. In Jewish medieval folklore, Metatron is extremely powerful and extremely large, and usually grumpy, something like Aladdin's genie.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Burnaby49 »

Cathulhu wrote:I think Metatron must be derived from the Metrons out of the classic "This Island Earth". The mutant from it scared the crap outa me when I was six.
Apart from that one mutant about the dullest, most somnambulant movie ever made. Nothing happens. For most of the movie they all pretend to be scientists at a country house then they go to a planet in distress (to late!) they come home again. My lunch tomorrow with a bunch or retirees will be more exciting.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:I think Metatron must be derived from the Metrons out of the classic "This Island Earth". The mutant from it scared the crap outa me when I was six.
Apart from that one mutant about the dullest, most somnambulant movie ever made. Nothing happens. For most of the movie they all pretend to be scientists at a country house then they go to a planet in distress (to late!) they come home again. My lunch tomorrow with a bunch or retirees will be more exciting.
For a six-year old at the Saturday free movie, it was perfect! Bright colors, scary mutant! Those were the days of George Pal and Hammer horrors and Forbidden Planet. Nostalgia...I recently learned that the dear old Liberty Theater is still alive. Thinking I should take the spouse there next time we're in town.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:I think Metatron must be derived from the Metrons out of the classic "This Island Earth". The mutant from it scared the crap outa me when I was six.
Metrons were from Star Trek, Exeter and his "This Island Earth" cohorts were from the planet Metaluna. I guess this made them Metalunians, Metalunites or Metalunatics. They had big foreheads, didn't patronizingly call Earthlings "mine own dear ones," and their planet was infested with ugly mutants. This is no doubt why they didn't join the NESARA / Ascendant Master crowd.


The Metrons were different, they said things like "We are the Metrons," had great powers, and made Captain Kirk fight a Gorn.


No word as of yet if they hang with The Forces, but being as the Gorns were obviously Reptilian, this may be proof that they're on the other side, you know, bad aliens with anal probing fetishes. If I were you I wouldn't mess with them.

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Gregg »

Metatron was of the First high Choir of Angels, and was the voice of God (as humans who heard God's actual voice would explode from it's amplitude). Played by Alan Rickman in "Dogma", which had Alanis Morrisette as God.

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Ascendant Master Santa Claus
Channeled through Deep Knight
August 3, 2012

Mine own dear ones,

It's almost August 4th and I wanted to let you know the schedule for the flying saucer flyby at the Olympics! It will take place in prime time in the US, of course, and be seen on NBC during their nightly broadcast, check your local listings for times! And don't worry, not only won't people panic in the street as your leaders have long feared, but we won't hog the spotlight so long that you miss your favorite events!

Remember, you are co-creators with the other gods and goddesses, and we honor you for it! We also hope you understand that if this doesn't happen it's your fault for not believing hard enough, not ours! You need to KNOW it is so, and it will be, above as below, in sickness and in health, through rain or sleet or snow, 'til death us do part, so say one, so say ye all!

In love and light

[Deep Knight note: I'm only the messenger, it's not my fault either]


Anonymous, August 3, 7:27 PM
Deep Knight is a fake! I went with my sister to channel with him and he slept with my sister while turning me loose to these supermodels who hang around his place who tied me up and had their way with me. OK, that part was fun, but the humiliation of pictures being posted on the Internet, and my sister's being unable to be satisfied by any other man more than balanced that out. And we never got channeled any more than the obvious channels that one could make a dirty joke about but wouldn't, even though as I said that was the best part of the evening.

Anonymous, August 3, 8:18 PM
Thank you for your inspiring words brother Knight! Call me any time, and bring your friend Santa too. I'll sit on his lap and tell him what I want for Christmas in August!

Anonymous, August 3, 8:33 PM
Please call me! I keep leaving you messages and never get a call back. I know there was a spark between us you've never gotten from any other woman, with or without the help of machines. My brother is getting suspicious about the channeling but he's a wimp, not a real man like you, and his crashing into your place with his pickup truck is only loose talk, so call me, please!

Friday, August 3, 2012
UFO Contact, London 2012 Olympics – Tolec Critique – (vid.)
Posted By: MESETA
Date: Friday, 3-Aug-2012 13:03:15

[video, er, audio with a single picture, presentation from a 3 hour boring radio show, I assume the stuff below is a transcript]

July 30, 2012
A critique, discussion & review of:
And asking the questions - what is this really all about, do these statements in this news story, and 'transcript,' make sense, do they come from a good loving place, what is their true intent & motivation... do they empower people? It has been - "DECIDED"& "ORDERED" ... really, by whom? For who's benefit?
Why would someone say these things? Is there no agenda in the revealing of this information... this way? I believe, these questions & more are all fair, reasonable and valid questions to ask. Of any announced ET event.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:13 PM


1. Anonymous August 3, 2012 1:41 PM
Tolec. Andromeda Council he is FAKE agent for Cabal... its not his call to make Universal laws... under his law Dark Cabals will enjoy and rule us forever...

2. Anonymous August 3, 2012 1:55 PM
Chill out! No ET disclosure will take place on Aug 4th. It's all BS!

3. Anonymous August 3, 2012 2:33 PM
Whatever can go wrong for tomorrow .. will.

4. Anonymous August 3, 2012 2:37 PM
there are answers to this statement. In the simplest of terms I would have to say IT IS TIME - not for the people but rather to help Gaia make her ascension. Yes, the question are illegitimate when One is not aware of what is happening AND how very powerful but without any scruples whatsoever The Dark Cabal is and their furious attempt to subject the world to economic slavery.

5. Anonymous August 3, 2012 8:08 PM
People have died 10-15-20 yrs. ago exposing this cabal plan of alien invasion and possibly the fake return of Jesus. So this is not something I can accept off hand. The people promoting this aparently have no real contact. Nothing they have predicted has come true. If they had inside info.they would have to be right at least some time don't you think? Disbelief under these conditions is commendable. Right?
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

You all know what didn't happen August 4th, and MacHaffie is upset.

NESARA- Restore America - galactic honest News

This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE!


There, he said it in CAPS, so they're sure to notice it! He also put up a poll.

Should the Galactics Channelers be Accountable for False Predictions?

YES 157 (74%)
NO 24 (11%)
Don't Know 13 (6%)
Nonsense 16 (7%)

Votes so far: 210
Days left to vote: 6

Which came after this poll had already closed

Are You Ready For 1st Contact 8/4/12 London?

YES Definitely 681 (45%)
YES Welcome 184 (12%)
YES Love Yall 102 (6%)
All Of The Above 622 (41%)
Nonsense 222 (14%)

Votes so far: 1481
Poll closed

Only 14% thought it was nonsense, which proves it was true even though it didn't happen! At least one group of aliens was nice enough to cancel.

Saturday, August 4, 2012
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 10:22:38

Channeled message dated August 3rd.:

"The growing revelation of the practices of your controllers in public and that you are becoming conscious of it, also serves your own growth process! As soon as you become conscious of this reality, your true spiritual path can begin, if you choose so! They show you the topics which you must transform in yourself: your reactions, your fears, your judgements, your belief in darkness, to go beyond it! This is it what it is about! Dates do not matter, but the degree, to which you achieve true Self-Mastery. This is about the Light-Process, and not about some moral self-improvements!"

Dear friends,
I have been meditating on the date of August 4, as there are several messages, claiming, that our Galactic family would disclose itself on that date. There is also a channeling saying, that the Pleiadians would be directly landing in London at the Olympics on that day. So I asked my Arcturian Guides, and they answered in their function of being part of the Galactic Federation.

And here it is:

Message from the Arcturians:
Dear Ones!

No, we will not land! We will be landing, when you and your planet are ready, when you have mastered your transition into the next higher dimension! The disclosure of our existence might happen at that time, but there are still some considerations going on about it, mainly whether this is the right time to do this, depending on several circumstances. "Deadlines" are "focus points" for us for possible but not binding actions. We are dealing with a complex circumstance where all parts have to be taken into account.

Please understand, as difficult as this might be for you, that we are not an armada of saviors!

Ascension is a spiritual process, in the first place. And at this special time, it is ultimately also a physical one.

You all have chosen, to incarnate at this time on Gaia, and thereby to have the great opportunity for a quantum leap in your evolutionary process in a short time.

This does not mean that your souls are not already Divine, but the process of experiencing the descend into the darkness, and to bring back that darkness to the Light, is the task you have agreed with.

Thereby you are supported with every help from us and many other Light Beings, energetically, purifying and healing you. But the work is yours, you yourself must walk the path, and that’s why you are here.
It would not serve your spiritual growth, to take this learning process away from you. You would deprive yourself of important experiences and practices, which are necessary, so that you can truly learn mastery over duality and lower vibrations, the illusion of limited awareness, separation and suffering. If we would just take you back to your once ”undistinguished" state, before you incarnated on earth, your whole enterprise with the intention to return from very low density to Divine Consciousness with the full harvest of your own dedicated work, would have failed.

Many misconceptions are spread! Your controllers love it, to play with fairy tales and magic, to blind you! It is essential, to see through this! This is an important step of initiation into full Mastery.

Be Blessed!
We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:01 PM


1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 12:23 PM
Uh, oh! Looks like the ETs won't make it. My oh my! Quinsey and all the other charlatin channelers have a lot of explaining to do. But of course there is some reasonable excuse and the sheeple who follow this crap will eat it up. I wonder what the next landing date is going to be? Epic, epic FAILURE!

Replies 1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 7:46 PM
you should watch what your saying
you have to know time will tel
l i believe in the GFOL in fact here is something to prove it they have a reason for it read this
sir or ma'am i know how you feel i got angry too...... but reading this made me realize that one of the lessons that had to be learned similarly in this old show i used to watch avatar TLA..... you cant just come in and reveal yourself or attack you have to wait for the right time for that i forgive GFOL for there misunderstanding

2. AnonymousAugust 4, 2012 12:29 PM

3. Anonymou sAugust 4, 2012 12:41 PM
I want to know the message and read it and it says that the message does not exit....can someone send it to me or show me it.............thanx

Replies 1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 5:14 PM
Don't put all your hopes in broken promises! Forget this nonsense. This is all put in place by the cabal to keep you in darkness. They themselves follow satanic plans. One of these plans is to fool the world into believing that the aliens will swoop down in their spaceships to save the world. This IS a diabolical plan to fool the masses, to take you all away from knowing and focusing on the truth! Jesus! The dark forces on this planet have been planning for this time in history for many years. Their master plan IS working. They've got you all believing in a fantasy that has moved your focus on et's rather than The ONLY REAL, TRUE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD, JESUS CHRIST. But you refuse to see this truth because you have been brainwashed by so called channelers which have allowed themselves to be fooled into believing that they have these gifts and powers to commune with aliens. These are demonic spirits which make their presence known to those who are willing to invite them in rather than invite Christ into their lives. I read The Holy Scriptures and I believe that JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION. It's your choice. God never forces people to love HIM. - Jackie Blue

2. Anonymous August 4, 2012 7:49 PM
go throw urself in a hitch stay where you are lets see how the "goverment" will help you and when our outer space family comes and helps ill be rubbing it in your face

4. Anonymous August 4, 2012 12:51 PM
Why are so many blogs still posting this? Please explain me someone, can't understand this ... after years and hundreds of failed predictions. Please stop it!!!

5. Anonymous August 4, 2012 12:59 PM
More shit than a Christmas Turkey. About like the Cabal saying they are going to give up tommorow, did I say tommorrow, no I ment tommorow, or was it tommorrow I forget so maybe next week. lol

6. Anonymous August 4, 2012 12:59 PM
This whole disclosure thing is becoming one big joke!
Get the * ships on the ground, for gods sake.

7. Anonymous August 4, 2012 1:05 PM

8. Eric-Gunther August 4, 2012 1:19 PM
The ET's made it long ago. They live in the bastard STATE of israel.

9. Anonymous August 4, 2012 1:29 PM
This was a psyop to make the truthers look bad for believing in aliens. TPTB are laughing. The channelers will be a laughing stock and TPTB have fooled the world again. The BBC is doing an expose' on all this truther stuff and they are using the Aug.4'th landing as the backdrop and they intend to have a phsycologist to say that if you believe in this stuff you are nuts. Seems the channelers are on the side of TPTB.
Even the aliens were telling us to tell it far and wide so truthers would look nuts. They took care of the arrest by throwing their under minions (lowly bankers) to the wolves . We need to stop falling for what the channelers say or we deserve to be fooled by them.
So here we are again with mud on our faces. Tell the channelers and the E.T.'s to shut up. They are making it worse for everyone! Which I dont doubt that , that was their intension all along. We should solve our own problems and let the E.T. and TPTB finish their psyop with no success. This has all been a psyop people, and the channelers and E.T.'s are in on it .

10. Anonymou sAugust 4, 2012 1:31 PM
No landings until we learn our lessons.

When I read this I thought Master Po was giving Grasshopper another lesson.
"This is about the Light-Process" .. we're all going to be seeing that light before this ever happens.

11. Anonymous August 4, 2012 1:40 PM
I am going to get my lawn chair and sit in front of my house that Bank of America stole and wait for the nice Spacemen to give it back.

Replies 1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 6:10 PM
Aint that the truth, better start using the guns before the military steals those too! Lord know they have plenty of property now to give the Chinese since they wont accept FIAT money anymore.

12. siriusvoid August 4, 2012 2:31 PM
The Clear Light of Real Truth, Pure Consciousness, and All Pervading Love.

13. Anonymous August 4, 2012 2:42 PM

14. Anonymous August 4, 2012 2:57 PM

Replies 1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 6:29 PM
Your not ET so you wouldnt get it, I sure got it. I saw now what I hadnt worked on yet in me, and now I will do it with a vengeance. I think if you have never been out there, you wouldnt know what its like to be one, and how they think. I love how you assume you know what and who they are, it kinda amuses me but then again that would be involving made up drama, and it looks like you still prescribe to the drama, well good luck. I wont see you in this world or in any world, but maybe in a 1000 years or so your consciousness will have figured it out. Later.

2. Anonymous August 4, 2012 11:03 PM
What a complete dogmatic zealot

15. Anonymous August 4, 2012 6:08 PM
Guess the ET's feel like they have not lost enough trust from humanity already..... strike 3 your out! and actually its more like strike 12..... oh welllllll ............sigh
Quit playing games with peoples hearts and heads! Not the right way to raise conscienceness if the message is actually from the light. Heaven help us! Who do you trust now? Just announce NESARA already and forget the GFL stuff, its safer for you soul that way!

16. Anonymous August 4, 2012 6:42 PM
Ashtar Regarding August 4th, 2012:

Given through Susan Leland, August 3, 2012
"Greetings, Beloved Family! We are in awareness of the announcement that we will be de-cloaking at your Olympic Games on the date of August 4th, and we wish to address this in several ways.
"First, as you know, we are not in the practice of giving dates, and we have several reasons for this, not the least of which are your own safety and peace of mind. Remember that the dominoes are falling in a sequential order, and that it is necessary for all who would block your Freedoms to be removed. Also, we ask that you be aware that many dates have been given in the past for events and announcements and that, when nothing has occurred, it has caused a downward energetic spiral for those who have had hope. In other words, it has given the dark hats more disappointment, despair and depression upon which to feed.
"Now, having said this, we announce to you that we are at the Olympics, and have been there since long before the torch arrived. Our ships are so great in numbers as to literally blanket the sky in layers, and our purpose is to monitor, assist in preventing major 'false flag' events, and most of all, to beam loving messages to all present. Yes, even the video recording devices are picking up our high frequencies and thus relaying them, even though we have remained invisible - for the most part! We are in great Joy and thanks for this opportunity to address such a huge audience, and we express our infinite gratitude for the welcome which you have given to us!!!
"We assure you that we shall continue to appear to you in ever-increasing de-cloakings, and that, when the timing, or sequential flow, arrives at the optimal moment, we shall indeed appear to the entirety of Planet Earth. This moment is so close that we invite you to join with us in the Joy of its envisioning, for it is in the state of absolute and infinite Love and Joy that we perceive our long-awaited and much anticipated reunion with you, our Beloved Ashtar Family, who have volunteered to serve in the ground crew!!! 'Stay tuned' - Salut!"

Replies 1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 10:30 PM
I know that they are there. They are just operating at a much higher frequency than us. They have a lot of trouble physically if they have to reduce their frequency to have us see them. But, see only children and strong psychics can even perceive them, much less see them. The trouble is, people are not understanding how to raise their frequency to see them. That, is easier than what most people think. The thing you have to do, is let go of the drama, the drama is of lower frequency. You dont need the lower frequencies. The way to see up is to shrug it off, and tell your mind that it cant hear or see it anymore, cause it is just a frequency that we are unfortunately getting in our heads, real is not what most people think it is. I can assure you, once you raise your frequency and become accustomed to it, you see what is normal about how every reality is perceived. This lower reality is not what we want to keep dwelling on, if you want to stay alone and stay slaves, go ahead and keep getting involved. I wont, and I will raise my frequency up to where it once was, and refoin my people. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

2. Anonymous August 5, 2012 10:49 AM
Seeing is believing! Keeping your word is the code of honor among humans! Admit it~ you blew it! Copy and pasting words with a few revisions is the same old, same old, OLD! Action speaks louder than words. It appears the GFL is more interested in asssiting the PTB with the dark. Theres an agenda alright, obviously that is to piss off good hearted people even more than we are already! GOT TRUTH~ Show US!

17. Anonymous August 4, 2012 7:39 PM
Re: 6:42 P.M.
I gatta giveitaya YOUR PERSISTENT!!
What's the moto, keep telling the same lie over and over and it becomes the truth.

18. Anonymous August 5, 2012 1:49 AM
Hmmmm, I just wonder how many more times people will allow themselves to be fooled before they realize what is really going on ?
That's what our problem has been all along is always wanting someone else to take care of things for us.. We have elected ones that we wanted to take care of things for us now look what its gotten us into? We wanted Big Brother to watch out for us so they said. ok and made sooo many laws to govern us that we have so many laws that none of us can go through a day without breaking one wheather we know it or not because there are so many it is not possible to even know all the laws now! We keep asking someone else to take care of things that they gladly do so by taking away more freedoms while they gain more controls over us! If you want freedom then RESPONSIBILITY is the first step! To gain freedom we have to learn to rely on ourselves more and on others less! Until we do that we will continue to be ruled by those who pretend to be looking out for our best interest! Folks, we asked for it and look what we have!

19. Anonymous August 5, 2012 3:51 AM
ETs? You guys watch too much Star Trek! Did you really think that aliens from another planet, communicating with humanity telepathically, through humans, who are "channelers" were actually introduce themselves to humanity? And people think I'm crazy because I believe in God.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Disappointed that The Olympic Aliens didn't show on August 4th? Well, hold onto the family jewels, 'cause here's a new Olympic prediction fer ya!

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Date: Saturday, 4-Aug-2012 05:45:39

electric you....
oh, by the way....expect the zionistas to war onIran via first attacking their 'olympic' games on August 12th, 2012. This begins their (so they think) next bloodfest...
of course i could be wrong,
as after all i am just a nutter in the woods, and not a pedofilic priest, pope, politician, or banker, and am not a royal so i do not drink blood of humans, and thus they (tptb) never tell me anything, so i have to sus all this sheit out on my own, and it sure looks like the Roths have chosen their day....August 12th which numerologically equals 11.


Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:35 AM


1. Anonymous August 4, 2012 11:45 AM
Some more fear porn.
Keep them distracted. Distracted people don't educate themselves. While were doing that we could also inject some racial hatred or religious division. Keep the worker bees busy producing the honey. We cant have them thinking freely. If all else fails we can go to war against a minority. Maybe capitalize on the general collateral damage to gain a little more control.
Our differences are nothing compared to the difference in opinions between us and the powers that be. We are not part of their future.
Lets remove them from ours.
Much Love

2. brettrinker August 4, 2012 12:47 PM
ANYTHING, anything at all that the Obama administration supports is by definition a Coercive, blackhearted, murderous activity. You (the Obama administration included)can ONLY promote that which they already possess. Obama as President of the United State of America, is like seeing Blood on a Birthday cake, the murder of a child, a dead Bride.

Replies 1. AnonymousAugust 4, 2012 9:09 PM
You really haven't studied or realize what a mess George Bush and the Republicans made out of the USA. it was in shambles and 4 more years the USA would have been in the toilet. I am not saying Obama is a saint but at least he got something moving. In Canada we couldn't believe when you voted him back in but then again there are some that have their heads so far up the Republicans back side that they can't see or hear what is going on.

This time fer sure, after all, this guy sounds like he knows what he's talkin' 'bout!
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, it isn't like it didn't happen on the 3rd or didn't happen on the 2nd or 1st, or even like it didn't happen on the 31st or the 21st, or.... well you get the idea at this point I'm sure. I just can't imagine why McHalfie's got his knickers in such a twist all of a sudden.

Which is to say that McHalfwit should be used to these things not happening by now, since they never, ever do. And yet it keeps coming as a surprise and disappointment to the poor dear boy. Why you might almost think he was simple instead of just plain gullible and stupid, you just might, if you were really really generous, and not prone to paying attention to the obvious, and I'm not.

Oh, and he's going to do his little temper tantrum dance, isn't that just too specialllll!!! That'll show those mean ole galactic dead beats it will.

A better question is should McHalfwit be held responsible for being such a gullible schmuck in unquestioningly swallowing and passing around all this dreck? I'll bet he can get some 180% scores on this one.

As DK so correctly puts it, "This time/next time, fer suure.....", fer sure fer sure fer sure.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

More clarification today from Gob-Like Productions.


Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 03:07 AM
CIA + Synthetic Telepathy + Channellers + New Age Mind Control = PSYOPS + DISINFO = Apathy + Hopelessness + Passivity = NWO
No one is going to save us, so here's a radical idea - why don't we stop listening to serial liars & sending 'love & light' & living in denial & actually stand up to those who are killing & enslaving & lying to humanity & ACT?
Oh yeah, that's right, because it's much easier to say 'love & light' a lot & we don't want to lower our frequencies in case we don't qualify for ascension...
Because 'light workers' like us are going to leave all the shit behind if we are good & only focus on nice things & 'anchor the light' so we can manifest abundance...
Shit, my ascension pains are killing me today so I know I'm well on the way to ascending...
Belief only your own eyes

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 07:23 AM
World wide people are following messages from the GFoL, Niburu,ect ect- world wide many of us have been waiting for Disclosure on 4th of august...In many countries ---IT -did- not -happen- Not yet?!
But anyway if gives me the feeling dat we Do connect-as people-all over the world-we do wish and hope for the same thing we do belief in disclosure-we can feel it- there are changes in ourselfs-in the this world..there are so many different things going wors and worser that we want to belief; There must be something out there who/what can and will help us in many ways to live a better, beautifull life; no more worries about-sickness-money-work and a place to feel safe...a home.
we are looking, waiting, hoping for anything who/what can change our problems into something good/better because we can not do it by ourselfs and it will not be our politic-no way..
world wide we are suffering in also many ways-the last years for sure-and it will get worser-Something must happen worldwide-for you and me I wish i could meet you, i wish we don't suffer aymore-i wish freedom for everybody ad a warm house-no more worries about money-work and sickness- i wish too They would be here because our own political can not give us the most simple things they only take away-They can but they will not and thats slavery.
(sorry for my spelling, im dutch and dit my best ;.))
Anyway have a nice day-and hold on to your dreams-they may come true some day soon.
Warm greetzzz
a beliefer from Holland.
If it was'nt you, who was it?

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 08:51 AM
aug 4 is nearly over ...NOTHING!

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 09:03 AM
aug 4 is nearly over ...NOTHING!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1246800

Well it's all over now
"Only the knowledge that comes from inside is the real Knowledge" – Socrates

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 09:11 AM
Running late,will be here within the next 3000yrs

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 09:35 AM
could OP mean Aug 5th?

08/05/2012 09:39 AM
Another massive FAIL for the Galactic Federation Freak Show....and their purblind adherent's....

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 10:04 AM
Massive failure, so whats the excuse
these wachos have now?


Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 11:46 AM
Oh yeah, that's right, because it's much easier to say 'love & light' a lot & we don't want to lower our frequencies in case we don't qualify for ascension...
Because 'light workers' like us are going to leave all the shit behind if we are good & only focus on nice things & 'anchor the light' so we can manifest abundance...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 949959

Thank you. Their cultish insistence that we all lay back passively and never criticize someone for spewing nonsense has always bothered me. It's nice to see someone calling bullshit on them.

Anonymous Coward
08/05/2012 11:47 AM
Massive failure, so whats the excuse
these wachos have now?alien11
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2960938

Neblina and Beckow (Neblina actually started this crap) have been backpeddling for a few days. They're saying, "We never actually said they'd come on the fourth."
That's actually true, but who cares? They're still full of it.

08/05/2012 12:02 PM
Stop putting your energy into this sh*t. That's what they want.

08/05/2012 12:49 PM
Another massive FAIL for the Galactic Federation Freak Show....and their purblind adherent's....
Quoting: Elsabiades... 688491

Told you all that the galactic federation is not real
This has been going on for a long time now
It has been going on so that all humans will loose faith in
Religion,Governments and now any human who talks about celestial brothers helping mankind. The only that will happen are more lies so the love of humans will grow cold for one another. Sad that people do not see that we are already here
We cannot overstep the LAW of freewill
i have told you at the height of the great war we will be revealed to you all..First the wave comes and then the gathering of all evil people. There is not going to be a look at me we are your friends..We are not here to allow evil humans to continue on the path of destruction.
So keep believing the liars and one day you will wake up to the sky's turning red...
seventh son
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, August 6, 2012
GALACTICS respond to No Show on August 4th

I have received several communications from the Galactics Friendlies per there no show on August 4th in London.

They explained there failure to appear because:

1) The earth allies failed to announce NESARA, failed to have the RV, failed to reveal disclosure and start the financial reset. The earth allies are still controlled by the dark cabal.

2) The Olympics surrounded with armed military & security personnel was not considered safe and secure for a visit. Concern was raised of a possible incident via an accidental shooting. We are considered a violent race.

3) Too much communications were detected by us with respect to Dark Cabal Black Ops Rogue units planning sniper attacks, realizing it was not safe.

Good Suggestion From A Smart Reader

Why don't you make a proposal to the ET's suggestingthat they utilize their New Technologies to remove and replace Cabal members with Clones of the Light ??

No need for arrests or any other negative activity but rather a 180 degree in direction back to the original Constitution and a cleansing by Congress doing whatthey are suspose to do: representing the People.

This leads to and permits the announcement of NESARA along with release of prosperity funds and the removalof all world debt............

IF they truely want to make their presence known, thiswould be a excellent starting point.

[That's right, I had almost forgotten that the original constitution had a provision for replacing members of Congress with clones.]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:48 AM


Anonymous August 6, 2012 9:26 AM
Lol, did people actually expect the ETs to show up? There is no logic at al in their excuses. The fact we haven't seen anything on the nesara or RV subject, is no reason NOT to show up. Are their spaceships physically unable to move without those things happening? NO, they can move so just BS. And about the olympic security, that was well known for months.
Cut the ET visit BS. It is all crap. Don't get me wrong, it think it is mathematically impossible for us to be the only ones in the universe and we will have contact sooner or later. But this is just crap. Maybe the ETs are hostile maybe they are not. Don't pretend them to be our friends while they have not visited the earth for all eyes to see.

Anonymous August 6, 2012 9:33 AM
These Galactics can travel across the galaxy, have unlocked technologies like antigravity and free energy, as well as possibly time travel, and are capable of remotely scrambling (and even completely destroying) human nuclear weapons systems, but they're afraid of security at the Olympics?
You know what, Galactics? Save it. People are still suffering and dying on Earth, so you're gonna need a better excuse than that. You think the 'Earth allies' are lagging behind? Just look at yourselves. You could show up any day over any random city in the world and put a stop to all of this chicanery, but you don't. Huh. Typical. We've given you everything you've asked for but you still won't lift a finger to help us.
Well thanks, but no thanks. In fact, we'll handle this ourselves, because believe it or not we've slowly started to turn the tide with no help from you. For people who claim to be spiritually enlightened, you sure are a cowardly and dishonest lot.
(The above catharsis is fictional, given the fact that the Galactics are really just an invention of the channelers. Still, I feel the need to rail at someone.)

AnonymousAugust 6, 2012 9:38 AM
It is SO NICE to read this blog WITHOUT the galactic clutter. I always skip over the multitude of them anyway, since they constantly REPEAT themselves. I find their response to you VERY ENLIGHTENING. Any EXCUSE will do to explain their lack of follow-through. PLEASE STICK TO YOUR GUNS AND ELIMINATE THEM ENTIRELY.

John MacHaffie August 6, 2012 10:08 AM
I am very strongly tempted to eliminate them. Doing my best to keep my cool. Don't want another heart attack. LOL!
I am going to put them on probation -- no real tangible results and they are history.

Anonymous August 6, 2012 10:18 AM
I am in agreement with Anonymous 9:38 am about it being a nice to not have all the ET BS articles.
Their response here is so much BS that it is unbelievable!! They have said for several months that they have the ability to jam radio frequencies, arrest the dark cabal, deport them into far away planets for safe keeping, etc etc etc etc. Now they don't feel safe because of anti aircraft guns set up over the Olympics?? They said they had ways of making themselves invisible, hiding in clouds etc and protected themselves with force fields. Yet now they are scared of showing themselves because they don't want to be shot!! LOL!! BS!!!
I don't believe in ET myself and the excuses given for their not showing up just prove their nonexistance!!
First they couldn't help us, then they were going to have to help us so the good people could win and now they are scared of the very cabal that THEY SAID they had the power to neutralize. EXCUSES EXCUSES!!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by The Observer »

Actually, none of that is true. Here is the real scoop:

1) The Galatic Federation figured out that they would have to put up a sizeable sum of galactic credits to fund NESARA/RV - which, as been shown here on numerous occasions, is a staggering sum both in terms of value and gross tonnage. Just the cost of moving the funds here would bankrupt the Federation, so they came up with a handy excuse of blaming the Earthers for not announcing the programs.

2) The Galactics actually are rather fearful of reprisals, many of which would been seen as justified, over the years of kidnappings and biological examinations that happened at the expense of the earthers. And it's no use for an innocent alien to explain that they have never participated in these exercises to the vigilantes - they all look alike to us anyways.

3) The leaking of communications was, again , due to ET incompetence and vanity. It turns out Facebook and Twitter were simply too attractive to resist as galactic ship commanders, Defenders of Light officers, and the janitorial staff got into an escalating social battle to see who could amass the largest numbers of "friends" and "tweets" here on Earth-Shan. Saint Germain finally had to get involved when the "twittering" started resulting in ETS and Earthers exchanging revealing pictures of their anatomies. He had to pull out the purple light and sever the FIOS and Comcast connections that his subordinates had installed; this resulted in a near-mutiny and several higher-ups were threatened with permanent exile to the far corners of space (rumored to be where Dove is now holding court in celestial circles).
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
notorial dissent
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by notorial dissent »

Or the even simpler and more reasonable answer, that the whole thing is a massive load of hooey perpetrated on the discombobulated by their so called "friends" and "saviors".
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight has probed his intel contacts (especially one named “Bubbles”) and discovered a few more excuses, er, reasons our space brothers were missing from first contact on August 4.

Our spaceship is so big it takes up millions of parking spots. We thought parking was free on the weekends, hence our choice of Saturday, and we found out about it too late to bring along the billions of Euro coins we would have needed to feed them.

We set what you Earth humans would call “alarm clocks” but a power outage caused by Grener’s Neptune running a red light while cloaked caused a power outage and we overslept.

The people of earth failed to properly respond to our crop circle message with their own crop circle RSVP. Making these is easier than Earth girls on prom night, all you need is some rope, a few stakes, and some sheets of plywood to smash down the plants.

We discovered a literal army of process servers ready with summons to appear in a giant class action suite of abductees who have been anally probed, and our lawyers advised against landing.

My dog ate it.

And now for further and farther out responses to MacHaffie’s report on his frustrations with those darn no-show aliens.

Anonymous August 6, 2012 11:07 AM
I was willing to put ALL my money..(20.00 bucks or so) that this Galactics were going to be MIA on Aug 4th. I've always believe they are the imaginary characters of those seeking their 15 minutes of fame. Firstly, their resources seemed to be strangely humanly limited, secondly, their excuses are ALWAYS strangely humanly conceived...I.E. too much security at the Olympics to make an appearance ???? DUH!!! and thirdly....How long has this been going on?? and how many of their predictions have come to pass? NONE. John, Please, I am begging you get rid of this nonsense, times are getting tougher for we the people, new laws to keep us under slavery are being created daily, let's get rid of this false individuals that come to this site and make a load of promises and predictions, one crazier than the next and NOTHING ever comes to pass, that goes for DRAKE and others as well. We need serious reporting on this site.

Anonymous August 6, 2012 11:18 AM
im not sure if there legit or not but i think what they were trying to say was that they did not want to risk showing there and then the security forces turn it into a fight and set them up to look like they were attacking keeping in mind they have made it very clear that they believe most of us are still not ready though many are waking up to meet them without some sort of chaotic scenerio going down but hey im just throwing that out there and no matter what the truth is all of there teaching of light and energy and why it is important to keep posative thoughts is very real weather we like it or not and u can look at past events of larger scale to see that things almost never happen as planned considering this is one of the biggest undertakings in mans history it to will be riddled with missed dates but i have always said i dont know if there for real but everytime they post something it does happen eventually and keep in mind no matter who is doing what the bad guys are being brought down right before our eyes everywhere

Anonymous August 6, 2012 11:33 AM
While I dont believe the Excuses as listed, I also dont know everything in the background.
My observation would be First: There will always be some unhealthy situation based on the list of three here. So am I to assume then, unless there would be a perfect scenario we will never see contact or Disclosure?
Seriously as stated over and over again, the BAD guys Dont want the GOOD guys to Arrive. that apparently is their job.
So this is serious business so it requires serious actions to get the job done.. Is that going to happen.
Time to get the house in order my dear Galactic Family, You tell us constantly what we need to do, what we cant do, you make statements that we are on a time line, and NO Cabal will stand in the way, You have plans and ALL the scenarios in Play... and YET we are still in the same position as we were years ago, for those of us Not involved and can ONLY see the results that are public.
I am NOT in Judgment my Galactic family, just in Observation.
In Love and Light

Anonymous August 6, 2012 11:42 AM
I think that all ET/ED Channels need to be ignored. They are a complete distraction. They are taking focus and energy away from the reader and seem to repeat the same message for years. How much more time and energy will the reader give away? Turning to them for hope and to fix our problem is no different than expecting it from any other source other than ourselves.

Anonymous August 6, 2012 12:14 PM
I agree, I just pass by all the ET nonsense, don't want to read more lies than I have to in a single day... IF they did have all this wonderful Technology, couldn't they just put up a force field or something like they do in star trek? Then make all the bad guys go POOF!!!

Anonymous August 6, 2012 12:49 PM
If I were you, I would eliminte them. Why? As I told Sheldon Nidle, any message with a supposed date for the incident to come true, NEVER does, and never will. When it doesn't come true, what happens? The people become even more bitter, than before. So why in the world, would anyone want to make the public even more bitter than they already are? It's as simple as that John.

Anonymous August 6, 2012 1:36 PM
Why is it the galactic's parade around saying they are negotiating this and that with the dark cabal and playing hosts to the cabal on their ships, but when it comes to us meeting them its a bunch of bs hoops they want us to jump through. I just cant see why if the cabal can meet them why we cant (so much for being one and equal) and as for disclosure is not the channellings a form of disclosure, they have announced they are there they have announced they have spoken to our pseudo leaders and have even stated they have walked amongst us I think open physical interaction would not be a far stretch if what they state is true I don't see the delay and if they have truly researched and studied humans they will know we need indisputable proof of their existence they ask way to much to be taken on faith

Anonymous August 6, 2012 2:05 PM
GFOL is nothing more than a CIA psyop wake up and smell the horseshit

Anonymous August 6, 2012 2:28 PM
John- your Cameron Day post has a good view on all of this. If some of you haven't read it I suggest you look for it in the List on the Left. Personally, I am weary of the empty, repetitive Channeled messages that have yet to bear any fruit. And I have to say the Star Trek-ish descriptions of promised "New Technology" is a little ridiculous. People are giving these so called Channelers too much time, dontations, attention and twice has much HOPE and Cameron Day hit that one on the head. It would be nice to see more posts on good positive reports of people making efforts to save this world on their own, community level groups making a difference-something substantial and inspirational that lifts us all up and truly inspires us to be better humans/earthlings.
Doug D. August 6, 2012 2:30 PM
Zechariah 2 (KJV)
1 I lifted up mine eyes again, and looked, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand.
2 Then said I, Whither goest thou? And he said unto me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.
3 And, behold, the angel that talked with me went forth, and another angel went out to meet him,
4 And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein:
Jeremiah 51:20
Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
2 Chronicles 20 (KJV)
15 And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's.
Now, why did I go to the trouble to look up certain passages for your ease of comprehension? I did it to establish certain facts:
1. Jerusalem is NOT, NOT, NOT that “sandbox” (kitty litter anyone) in the Middle East; It is a land on “unwalled villages.”
2. Father was speaking of the True Israelites, not the Israelis (heavy emphasis on the “lie” part) as being His battle axe and weapons of war;
3. And, the typical “cop-out” most hypocrites tend to use, “The Battle is the Lord's – The Battle is the Lord's.” Don't forget that was David's Battle cry as he charged uphill against Goliath. By the way, David chose 5 smooth stones BECAUSE GOLIATH HAD 4 BROTHERS.
Now, do you have a better comprehension of “what to do?”
[John, please post this where people might read it. Thanks. Doug D.]

Asuret August 6, 2012 2:40 PM
What you all do not know is that the NESARA law was sabotaged very early on. This is extremely dangerous as you are expecting it to be announced. The NESARA Law was secretly changed by the Supreme Court. Some of the changes included: allowing the IRS to continue after a brief interim of being audited resulting in furthering unconstitutional taxation; also, the exchange rate of the greenback to the new NESARA dollar will only be 10% NOT the 100% promised. Three Supreme Court Justices, as being the ones having ultimate authority over the NESARA Law, sabotaged it:
“As I explained in the January 13, 2006 Dove Report, I knew the US Supreme Court Judges had “jurisdiction” over NESARA. I also had discovered three of the Judges - Rehnquist, O’Connor, and Scalia - had been purposely blocking NESARA from being announced.”
Anonymous August 6, 2012 2:48 PM
John get rid of them now... they clearly do not want to act now... just like the cabal they are kicking the can down the road waiting for a time that suits their true agenda.. like a natural disaster when they can step in and offer to save us... like come on board our ships sheeple we will save you from these earth changes...

Antonio Carlos August 6, 2012 5:01 PM
I understand that the galactic friends DID NOT set a date on August 4th. Nevertheless, the answers above are, in my point of view, unacceptable.
1. That the earth alies have FAILED, it is a nonsense. Three BIG FAILURES at the same time is totally outrageous. Completely UNACCEPTABLE and unbelievable. They always said that they were in control of the situation; that the bad guys are powerless, etc. This is all a big incompetence and I don't believe the REAL GF is such a thing.
2. They have all the technology to stay away from our bullets, I suppose. This excuse is unacceptable. Are they pretending to help God with such results? Please, don't thread on me!
3. Sniper attacks? Are they afraid of something like this? Oh, come on!!!
Conclusion: these "gf" guys are fake and they have been manipulating us. I want to let them know that we do not accept their excuse. Not of this kind. We are pretty much more intelligent than they think.
Question: Who are you? To whom you work for?

Anonymous August 6, 2012 5:28 PM
Wait, let me get this straight- Drake and Wilcock all claim "Divine Intervention" when it comes to weapons not working, vehicles not starting- but these so called ET's are worried about Security? Really!??
Give me a break. Nothing would produce more cheer from the masses than to see them shut down any attempt of an attack. And if they are so evolved this plan would have been more thought out with every aspect covered. You so called Channelers who are in Contact with these "Good ET's" stop all of your BS. Get past your EGO's needing to be stroked and your request for donations and stop effing with peoples minds and offeringd of false hope. We are all starting to see through your crap. Your days of shoveling HorseHockey is over. We are AWAKENING to your NEW AGE BS that is being controlled by TPTW for their own agenda. You wanna save this world- come with clean hands and repent for your lies and transgressions and really get your hands dirty digging into what is really going to save us. OURSELVES! Do I believe there are ET's- it would be arrogant on my part to say NO, Do I believe in God, or a Creator or Great Source-Yes- because my heart and soul tells me yes-and that's not based out of fear. But I have to say that if this Great Source created us all and I mean ALL- and you ET's claim to be our so called lost brothers and sisters then make it happen- act like an Ascending Being who acts out of LOVE to all Beings and ACT- Not as gods or leaders but as mentors, teachers, guides. There's no better time than the Present. Here is a call out to our ANCIENT STAR FAMILY of Love and Light. Act like a family member and lend a hand out of LOVE and for no other reason. If you do not come from the LIGHT then I rebuke you all and may the Great Source do with you as it will if you wish harm on a race of beings who have been so controlled, manipulated and denied of their birthright and the truth of their peoples history. Here's a date- I dare all Ascended ET's,Star Brothers and Sisters, Masters from the Light of the one true Source to act like the loving beings you claim to be and make it happen on the ides of August. This isn't coming from anger it's coming from the love of my people and the desire to see the lies and suffering stop once and for all and if you can't live up to your own promises then you should be judged by your deeds and actions by the Great Creator. Let it Be Done. Amen.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Forget the Olympics, September 22 is the real deal! There's gotta be something to this, after all 9/22 is exactly twice 9/11 so it can't be a coincidence!

Friday, August 10, 2012
2012 Emergency messages of extraterrestrial civilizations 1
From Russian scientist Victoria Popova

Emergency message of extraterrestrials about natural disaster of incredible power on September 22, 2012 and instructions for humanity salvation from global cataclysms through the united consciousness. As a result of critical decreasing of Earth magnetic field in the ocean near the coast of Peru will occur the epicenter of very powerful disaster. The natural blow will be directed on the East Coast of the North America. Side blows can affect Western coast of Europe and other countries. On the way of the natural disaster many nuclear plants will be destroyed and the level of radiation on the planet will be very high. International communications will be interrupted.

On September 22, 2012 will happen the second preliminary cataclysm and soon will happen more powerful natural catastrophe - the third preliminary cataclysm. Then on December 21, 2012 will start global cataclysms. It will be impossible to hide and wait till their end. ETC inform about the only way for humanity salvation - to make the Transition to another safe Highest level of the material world through the united consciousness of all civilization. ETC call humanity to make the Transition before September 22, 2012.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:59 AM


Anonymous August 10, 2012 10:14 AM
A little Jack Daniels in the coffee every morning would explain it.

Anonymous August 10, 2012 10:58 AM
This is such Russian BS... when we have open communications with ET/ED
An Hour with an Angel - Monday at 5:00 PM
Let's Talk 2012 and Beyond - Tuesday 6:00 PM
The Light Agenda - Wednesday at 6:00 PM
Heavenly Blessings - Thursday at 4:00 PM
Cosmic Vision News - Friday at 4:00 PM

Anonymous August 10, 2012 11:05 AM
So, that's the youtubers sorted! What about informing the rest of the planet?^^lol

Anonymous August 10, 2012 11:30 AM
These idiots need to take a course in geography. Peru is on the Pacific side of South America.

Replies John MacHaffie August 10, 2012 11:40 AM
That is why "Viewers discernment strongly advised!" was put on top.
Gotta Love It!

Anonymous August 10, 2012 11:37 AM
Festivus for the rest of us!!!!!!!!!

This sounded a bit familiar, and it was, having been released last year too. The timing then was a bit different...

Cataclysms predicted by ET pictograms

According to the Russian scientist group, the ET pictograms predict a model that shows the Earth undergoing a series of three specific cataclysms, followed by a general state of cataclysmic upheaval.

A weakening of the Earth's magnetic field is the specific mechanism that the Russian scientists hold will trigger this age of cataclysm that will be started by three "pre-cataclysms". As to the extent and timing of the first pre-cataclysm, the Russian scientists state, "The first of these pre-cataclysms is imminent – an extraordinary event which surpasses all natural powers known by humanity. The scientists claim a catastrophic seismic event will emanate from the west coast of Peru in the area of the Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly at the intersection of the Humboldt and the El Nino currents in the Pacific Ocean. An area of the United States from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes will be inundated as a result of a tsunami. According to prophecy of Edgar Cayce – famous American prophet – during several minutes the waters of the Mexican Golf will joint with Great Lakes. This catastrophe will have a devastating impact on the whole central and south Pacific region, with the likelihood of mega-tsunamis hitting the Eastern seaboard of New Zealand and Australia. The tsunami may even affect the north-western coast of Africa and the shores of Western Europe, but the brunt of the cataclysm will focus on Eastern coast of North America. The second and the third pre-cataclysms will be much stronger."
Benefits of investigating the Russian scientists hypothesis and discovery

Just because there is supportive evidence for a hypothesis and a proposed discovery does not mean that it is totally correct. The hypothesis may be totally correct, partially correct, or totally in error. The above supportive empirical data provide prima facie evidence that the Russian scientists’ hypothesis and discovery should be taken seriously and publicly discussed, along with other information regarding the risk of impending Earth cataclysm.

A. Timing – One of the most pressing issues raised by the Russian scientists’ hypothesis and discovery is that of the timing of these hypothetical cataclysms. Their website now states that the first “pre-cataclysm” may occur in late August 2011. That date is so soon to the date of this article (August 16, 2011) that we will know soon enough.

B. Scale – The scale of the impending cataclysms as described in the Russian scientists hypotheses is beyond comprehension and historical record. They state that the purpose of the cataclysms is “to destroy the Earth.”

This hypothesis is congruent with the “ascension” hypothesis, as set out by the Russian scientists, and such other proponents of the “ascension” hypothesis as Dr. Georgi Stankov, Anthony Kane, and George Kavassilas.

Guess it happened late last summer and we missed it, what with being so busy sending the kids back to school and watching the 2011 Olympics.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

First, MacHaffie posted this, and later repeated it ID'd as a hoax with details from Wilcock himself. Strange, with all his intel contacts and spiritual discernment, he didn't pick up on it sooner...

Saturday, August 18, 2012
David Wilcock Gives An Account Of His Trip To The Olympics In London First Contact Has Occurred

DivineCosmos Member Exclusive News Update 8/13/12
David Wilcock Gives An Account Of His Trip To The Olympics In London First Contact Has Occurred
David Wilcock wrote:

All I can say is WOW!!!!
My Expedition To The Olympic Games - Hard To Put In Words

My trip to the Olympics was no less than Extraordinary. I'm finding it hard to articulate the sheer magnitude of my Experience as it impacted me and most importantly, mankind. I had been tipped Off by no less than three insiders by the time I decided to make the trip to London. Two insiders has contacted me when I wrote my last membership Exclusive update and a third called me when I was on the way to the airport And corroborated what the other two had told me.
Prepare for first Contact.
While I Was Expecting First Contact To Be A Public Spectacle, It Turned Out To Be A Private Affair

By August 11th I started having doubts as to why I had not seen anything to indicate first contact.
That afternoon is when my world turned upside down. An average looking English man sat next to me as I watched the track and field events. He handed me an envelope and then looked directly in my eyes and said, "This is what you waited for your whole life. We appreciated your work. Now reap the rewards".
Stunned I started questioning him right away. But as soon as he said what he had to say he simply ignored me and left. I immediately opened the envelope and the only thing written on the note inside was a time and place. I left and went back to my hotel room to review what just occurred with my support staff. I traveled to London with only two other good friends and volunteers at DivineCosmos. After about 3 hours of discussion, weighing the risks of going to the location at the time in the note I decided to take the risk and go.
What Happened Next Was Simply Amazing
I thought long and hard about whether to take the time to find out what this was all about. The location was about 75 miles outside of where I was staying in London. Part of me thought someone recognized me and was just up to a hoax. But after much thought my inner guidance instructed me to go. I arrived about 25 minutes before the time written in the note at the location.
The location was given as a set of GPS coordinates. It was outside of a small town in a clearing in a forest. It appeared as if the trees were recently cut down in the clearing as I could see fresh wood chips and saw dust on the ground.. This was in the middle of nowhere other than the small town that was about 5 miles away.
I was sworn to secrecy about telling others of the location and time of this miraculous event.
Others Were Already There Waiting When I Arrived
There were about 50 other people standing in the clearing when I arrived. A few government types but mostly it seemed like ordinary people who were just as perplexed as I was. Others arrived after I did.
However exactly at the time given in the note the area was sealed off by more government types who I didn't immediately notice upon my arrival. They were guarding the perimeter of the clearing.
This made the people there a bit nervous, by then I estimate about 70 had arrived. There were only a few of the government agents among the crowd and when they saw we were starting to wonder why the perimeter was being shut off they assured us that anyone could leave whenever they wished and that everyone was safe..
I met a doctor, a police officer and a veterinarian among others. There were people there from all professions.
About 10 minutes after the area was sealed off from anyone else entering is when the magic happened.
What Happened Next I Will Never Forget

The people there started to get a bit anxious. But their anxiousness soon turned to awe.
A whitish metallic ship was spotted in the sky towards the north. I'll never forget as one gentlemen began shouting that he was seeing something in the sky. Immediately the whole crowd of about 70 were fixed on the incoming object. It was approaching our location and coming closer and closer. It was simply surreal. The craft came ever closer and eventually started to hover about 200 feet off the ground above our heads.
It was a white ceramic metallic looking oval shaped craft.
There were a few strange looking characters that I could see on one side. The characters looked similar to those in our alphabet but I could not recognize them. The craft then landed.
There Was Anticipation And Excitement In The Air
It took about one minute, but seemed like an eternity, before a hatch opened and a walkway from the hatch to the ground rolled out automatically. An extraterrestrial appeared in the opening.
The crowd gasped with awe. It was a male in strange clothing. He looked human from my vantage point but I was about 250 feet away so it was hard to see any anatomical details. He then simply smiled and waved at the crowd. The crowd then cheered with total excitement!
It was so surreal I wish that you all could have been there. The man standing in the opening got a standing ovation. His smile got bigger as he saw the crowd's reaction. I can now in retrospect take an educated guess that the people chosen for this epic event were chosen because they were vetted by some sort of international government welcoming committee to be able to accept and react positively to contact based on the crowd's positive reaction.
They Were Human, Just Like Us
Twelve in all walked down out of the craft and into the crowd for a meet and greet. My eyes were filled with tears. I finally got my chance to speak to a few of them.
I had so many questions to ask them. Where were they from, what is their history, what is our history. What I learned that day has verified all that I had studied throughout the years. I will share those details for my next public article which I hope to get done in the next two weeks.
The meet and greet lasted about an hour before our visitors boarded their ship and left.
Post Meet And Greet Briefing
After our friends left one of the government types addressed the awestruck crowd. He told us that we were not the first who had this experience. That there were 4 other groups chosen and that this same event occurred at different locations around the world.
That these meet and greets had started in January of 2012 and would continue until the end of the year. That the good guys and the ETs were circumventing various parts of the world governments that opposed disclosure. But most importantly that by the end of this year or sometime early in 2013 we would have a single world disclosure event with ships making themselves seen in our skies so that no one can deny the obvious truth. That we are not alone.
And not only are we not alone that we on Earth are just one branch of the human family that is spread out throughout this galaxy.
He also told us that this plan was put in place to lessen the panic. He encouraged us to 'spread the news' of this event. I think this plan is brilliant and I feel honored to have been a part of one of the first groups chosen to experience this.
Just Returned From London, More To Come
This trip was physically as well as emotionally draining and I need to get some rest and absorb all that happened in order to better articulate it to those who visit DC.
But I plan to make this report part of my public website as soon as possible, hopefully in the next two weeks. There are many more details and I feel this will be my most important update I have ever given.

I thank you for your support. I look forward to filling you all in on the repercussions of this latest awe inspiring event!
Doing some googling, I found this post on GLP on 7/31/2012, 13 days earlier. This earlier post adds to the veracity of the post on 8/13/2012. –B

DivineCosmos Member Exclusive News Update 7/31 - David Wilcock Changes Schedule To Fly To The..
[11:45:22 AM] Richard A. Labadie:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:51 PM


1. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:11 PM
If this was true, it would have been reported directly by David on his Divine Cosmos web site.
Perhaps the 'spooks' are going to target Wilcock.

2. zonsb August 18, 2012 1:17 PM
Posted at Divine Cosmos:
Screen captured this. Before. Now. And after.

4. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:20 PM

Check out David's Blog, he says that story is a HOAX

5. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:21 PM

6. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:22 PM
Prepare for first Contact.
While I Was Expecting First Contact To Be A Public Spectacle, It Turned Out To Be A Private Affair
so an advanced alien race can't get a hold of you without putting it out all over our internet... you get an email ... and maybe you show up by chance ???
I call BS
prove your claim mr wilcock

7. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:26 PM
No proof = just so much hype! This was supposed to be world wide disclosure. supposed to be for everyone to see. What happened??????? I gave you the benefit of the doubt till now. No more, that benefit has expired!!!!!!!

8. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:30 PM
This is a hoax:

9. siriusvoid August 18, 2012 1:31 PM
We come in peace

10. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:34 PM
Thankyou for the courage you demonstrate as you speak "words" of TRUTH for ALL.

11. Pat Maas August 18, 2012 1:37 PM
David Wilcock did not write the above and it has been refuted on his website. Sorry I don't have his web address off hand, but did feel this disinformation needed to be exposed.

12. Breaking The Silence August 18, 2012 1:43 PM
Nothing about this appears on the Divine Cosmos site- I've sent a message asking for verification that this is not a hoax.

13. Anonymous August 18, 2012 1:48 PM
Bullshit caca crap..lies~!! Such a hoax...what a web we weave when we practice to deceive..! Be vigilant truth because you can handle it!!

14. Eric-Gunther August 18, 2012 1:51 PM
And not one photograph.

15. Wiggy August 18, 2012 1:52 PM
Wilcock is a very lucky man. I wish I could have a similar experience. I have always believed we are not alone and have always wanted to meet those who live in the cosmos or even dimensions.
I can only hope that 1 day I get the same opportunity and could share it with my partner. (she thinks i'm a bit nuts lol) This is great news but I will use my discernment until such time as I can corroborate this with my own eyes.
I am doing my best to be the change I want to see.

17. Anonymous August 18, 2012 2:04 PM
Just went to David denies the above account. Says it's a hoax perpetrated by an impostor.

18. Anonymous August 18, 2012 2:08 PM
Well.......this is my last time to ever read anything David writes. I thought he was one of the good guys but I now have the opinion that he was either dreaming or drank too much kool aid.
What an encounter this must have been either in a dream or imagination.
David, you need to wake up and quit trying to impose your imagaination and/or dreams on the people. This spaceship crap hasn't happened, didn't happen near London and furthermore it "ain't" gonna happen.

19. Anonymous August 18, 2012 2:09 PM
When that guy slipped him that envelope he also slipped somthing into his drink. Probably a hallucinatory drug of some kind.

21. Anonymous August 18, 2012 2:31 PM
disinfo bs,,wilcock has already confirmed this is disinfo,,he was not even in london,,,getting very suspicous about this site,,,,why are you reposting this bs,,,do your research,,or are you posting this crap on purpose....
what's your game john,,,,??

22. Anonymous August 18, 2012 2:35 PM
John- this "story" has already been debunked on David's actual site and the fact that it came from GLP, well...
Not a very reliable source for "News" or "Updates" wouldn't you agree?

26. Anonymous August 18, 2012 3:02 PM
I see the propaganda is real getting deep. Must mean the real crap will be hitting the fan shortly.
So let me get this straight, as the world is engulfed in war, where innocent women, children fathers and sons are being slaughter by the minute, David Wilcock had a first person encounter with real aliens that take human form.
While a large portion of this earthly people on this planet are starving adn DYING, David Wilcok had a first person encounter with our human family from our galaxy and beyond!
While misery reigns through out the world we live in, David Wilcock had a first person encounter with human type beings from outer space, with technology that fix all of our Earthly ills in a heart beat.
While the earth goes through moral decay, human slaughter, hunger, corruption, pollution to name a few, David Wilcock had a close encounter with space aliens that decided to meet with special people like him rather than save the innocent of our planet?
Honestly, why do many of you people reading Wilcock believe such BULLSHIT?
...and let me guess, through out this entire meet and greet process, Wilcock had to take time off do to exhaustion? the man is so drained all the time from his great offerings to our world. Hey, who ouldn't be after writing on average 8 paragraphs every 1 month or 2?

31. Anonymous August 18, 2012 3:59 PM
It was stated that he was standing 250 ft away and could not make out details yet he could tell they were smiling.. lol! Dead give away on that one!

32. Anonymous August 18, 2012 5:28 PM
I don't need David or anyone else to tell me this was a hoax. It's obvious he didn't write this. None of it sounds like it's in his words. I only read the first couple paragraphs and was done. David is one of the few people that still resonates with me. Obvious hoax is obvious.

A bunch of comments were removed because they simply cut and pasted Wilcock's retraction below, as if saying it more times made it more true!

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Your new post about Wilcock and first contact at the olympics is a Hoax.

The following statement is from David.

The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.

Let me be absolutely clear: there are no "member excusive" writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No "First Contact" occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives -- while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline -- which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on -- faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant -- and there is so much on that topic alone -- that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would "never come back" to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment -- while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia..............

I had posted it too my friend lol


Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:38 PM


1. Dan August 18, 2012 4:18 PM
What is a Real Hoax?
The ET's are to coming to help us out with SHUTTING DOWN the Cabal, however many people don't believe in them.
Adolf Hitler I heard believed in the Holy Bible and his favorite verse was the following, or was it just to get people to obey him, yet he Killed many Jews!
The Holy Bible says to: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's"
So therefore Christians nowadays push that We Are Mandated by GOD to Pay the Income Tax, yet this has only been the last 50 years or so as We The People are ignorant of the TRUTH!
If your wages Belong to the Government then You ARE a SLAVE!
So ALL those persons that have a SSN that gave their life to Christ, according to the Government's belief that you are property of THE UNITED STATES, INC., you have committed SIN as you gave what belongs to Caesar you gave to Christ!
When Obama begins his next term I think he would push his Muslim brotherhood of the Islamic religion on ALL us, but some say he is a Christian, yet his wife never goes to Arab countries, and their dog flies on a separate plane, both Muslim tradition.
I even had a pastor that Refused to go to abortion rallies as that was a crime to protest against the government!
They even had an elder that was an Assistant Police Chief that arrested Christians for trespassing at those doctor's offices, but failed to arrest anyone else that was trespassing on the neighboring properties as they were just watching the protest.
So what laws are you to obey, Man's Law, or God's Law, and which is then a Hoax?

2. Anonymous August 18, 2012 5:32 PM
I say it again - GLP is an division of Tavistock. Both admins are working for MI-X...

3. Dan August 18, 2012 6:05 PM
Excuse me, Adolf Hitler's favorite verse was this per the new translations which were rewritten by Germans, Wescott and Hort in 1881;
Romans 13:1, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
So this would establish Hitler's authority, but the Old King James was for to "the higher powers." which is the Church Leaders.

4. Anonymous August 18, 2012 9:13 PM
Anon 4:18, God doesn't care about abortion. He really doesn't. When A man intentionally or accidentally causes a woman to miscarry by a beating or the like, all he has to do is pay a discretionary fine to her husband if the woman wasn't his wife. and God also song praises and orgasmically soaked himself with the blood of unborn babies ripped from their mother's wombs and dashed against rocks.
So you know what? save it.

I somehow lost these people's train of thought there, but with MacHaffie's forum it's all part of the experience.
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by notorial dissent »

Train???? I thought it was more like a flotilla of loose toboggans all going in different directions at once. There is no way they could be organized enough to put together a train.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, prediction watchers - we still have a couple weeks to go before the "natural disaster of incredible power on September 22, 2012," but don't worry, KauilaPele has a much sooner one! Your remember ol' KauilaPele, the guy who got duped into bankrolling a Hawaiian vacation for Lord Rama and Lady Tara on the basis they would open the portals etc. etc. Anyway, he had a deep feel, which can get you arrested unless you have the feelee's permission, and wanted to share it with us.

Thursday, September 6, 2012
“The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission…
Posted on 2012/09/05

Why I am calling this period of days, “The Window”? It has felt to me, for some time now (weeks, months?) that this 9-9 window was the most potent of the three windows, 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, prior to the 12-12. There is no “evidence” I can present to you about this. There is nothing I can say to prove it. This is simply what I have been “feeling”. And it’s been a pretty deep “feel”.
Also I have been getting this “in your face” passion calling, or desire, to go to a particular place for this 9-9 window
, for some time as well. This “going to a particular place” deal is what I often call a “mission”. To BE in that place… to DO something in that place… and/or to LIGHT UP something within or around or via that place. It’s always a very deep calling. And it’s always a very deep Joy that does the “calling”. So I have made arrangements to BE, DO, LIGHT UP… in that place. There. Wherever “There” is. And that will be revealed only after I am “There”. (Most likely. Unless Guidance tells otherwise.)

I’ll just list a few Highlights about what has come to me about this window.

* 9-6 through 9-12… a 7 day period.
* 9-9-2012 = 18+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5. That number has a strong Andromedan connection (to me).
* The 9-11-12 is the 11th anniversary of 9-11-01. 9-11… the 11 anniversary. To me it stood out that we have 9, and 1111.
* 9 = completion. 1111 = a Grand New Beginning. A Grand Apocalypse (unveiling, uncovering) beginning. About the 9-11-01 events.
* So here we have the 9-9, which opens a portal, a window of opportunity, shall we say. Followed by the 9-11 11th anniversary. A perfect time to close the past (9) and to begin (1111) to unveil the actual events, and what was behind the events, of that day.
* 12-12 to 12-21… a 9 day difference. Another 9. And both “12-12-2012″ and “12-21-2012″ add to 11. A 9 and 11 again.
* This is a worldwide “New Portal Opening” period. A bunch of new ones, whose locations have been veiled, will be activated and start doing their “thing”. Whatever that “thing” is.

Okay, a lot of that up there may just seem like “playing with numbers”, but these connections have kept coming up (several times) again and again during the past couple weeks.
11 Points of Connection throughout the Planet
Some of you may recall that I spoke earlier about this 9-9 mission, in this post. And here are a couple points from that message.

“If you thought it was intense these past ten days, just wait… It’s only just begun, and it will get more and more and more… Intense, that is. During the buildup to, and through, the 9-9-2012 portal.”

“More of this message, was that I was given a mission… I am not to unveil any details of this until it is finished, but it will be a connecting mission meaning it connects with several other points throughout the world.
“A few of you to whom I’ve been guided, will be sent something to assist in this mission. I know of a couple of you, but I’m not sure who the rest are… yet.
“While this “pressure” is building, I have got that it is most helpful and “important” that we remain in close contact with our Passion-Self…”
So there you have it. That was the prelude. As things progressed, I was moved to send packets of a certain Hawaiian sacred material to 11 people throughout the planet. Here are the locations of those individuals (and the number at each location).

* Japan (1)
* Australia, west (1)
* Australia, east (1)
* Hawaii (1)
* California (Los Angeles) (1)
* Oregon (1)
* Illinois (Chicago) (1)
* Costa Rica (1)
* Ireland (3)

This was strictly a Guidance thing. I had no idea, until a few days ago, to whom these packets would go. And one at a time, it became clear. And off they went. It just “happened” that there were 11 points to which they went. Again, we have the 9-11 connection. So we have 9-11, 11, 11.
I will also have one of those packets. And will connect it with the water, where I will be located.
Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets
The only instruction received for this was that these should be connected in some way, with water.
At the 9-9-12, at 9:09 AM (your local time).
Other than that, follow your Higher Guidance. If it tells you something in addition to that, please feel free to follow. If it tells you, go here, then please do so. If it tells you, go there, then please do so. Only you will know where you need to go.
So What is Happening Here and What is All This Going to Do?
From what I have seen (and I’m sure I am not seeing everything at this time), this process is to open a multitude of new portals throughout the planet, through which some type of “new” Higher D Light may shine. It’s almost like this Light will be coming from within the planet, up through these new portals, out to the surface, and casting a whole new Light perspective for the bulk of humanity.
This may very well be part of a 9-11 wake up process. This may very well not have anything to do with that, but I’m getting a very intimate connection among the fact that here is 9-9, 9-11, 11 (th anniversary), 11 locations. 9-9-9-11-11-11.
The three 9′s to me indicates a very strong closing down (completion) of something. The three 11′s indicates a very powerful activation, or beginning, of something brand new.
It likely involves the 9-11-01 event, but goes far, far beyond it.
So that’s what I’ve got. I’m supposed to publish this on the 9-5-12, so I’ll stop here. But all I can say is, hold on to hats!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:57 PM

A "whole new Light perspective for the bulk of humanity" is the best that you can do? Hold on to my hat indeed! Quite frankly, I'm shocked that you went for such a wimpy prediction. I mean, how exactly do you objectively tell if something like this happened or not? The sun standing still for an hour in the sky, the Nile turning red, or a comet in the sky, now those are the sort of things REAL MEN predict, not this namby pamby new agey stuff! Get with the program!
"Follow the Money"