Erasmus of America

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Can't decidei if this guy is a nut off his meds, a con man who is trying to set himself up as some sort of leader, or a quatlosian or someone with jsut too much time on his hands who cooked this up just to mess with the minds of the gullible. I tend to think it is the first. This person thinks an awful lot of himself and his skills and all the power he thinks he has.
MacHaffie's readers have decided, here are comments from the post above at the RAP NESARA Forum. And be sure to write your congressman to urge immediate regulations for trick electronic devices that make people scream in agony for weeks and then die (advertized on late nite TV as "Mr. Horrible Death").

By the way, I sent in a comment about Erasmus coming from the Greek for "beloved" but it didn't get posted for some strange reason. The Hebrew for "judge" is "shofet" (origin of the name "Shufro?") and while I can't find the Hebrew for "judgement of god" I did find the name "Adlay," a "Hebrew name meaning "justice of God." In the bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Shaphat, the overseer of David's herds."


Anonymous August 8, 2012 5:12 PM
I like this person more and more everyday...

Anonymous August 8, 2012 5:43 PM
Don't you mean ARESTED!! Screw him and his freaking convienence! This bastard is an enemy combantant and should have been jailed three years ago and all geo-political patriots know it it's so!! Where's the courage by the militia that minute man has asleep for twenty years!
Think somebody paid his ass off,like the rest of the traotors in this country!

Anonymous August 8, 2012 7:50 PM
Sorry to say, I do not know whom to trust anymore. The messages from Erasmus of America sounds good yet how do we know this is not a trick? "Pass this Omni Law right away and save America". How do we know we are not playing right into the hands that are creating the deception, very evil hands. For all we know the 10 civil tribunes are the same as the Fema Districts. Sorry to say this all sounds good yet for me I think that if it is to good to be true then it probably is. I do not believe that I will be trying to pass anything blindly....just saying.

Me and all me August 8, 2012 8:29 PM let's see some action

Anonymous August 8, 2012 8:45 PM
Well, one thing that I think is that if they ( being the congress) wanted this bill passed then it would NOT be discussed and passed in the night, as they do all EVIL BILLS. Or Obama would pass it by executive order. Wouldn't they?? READ THE OMNI LAW and then all you have after that is your common sense and good instincts. I myself, would like to have one of those TRICK ELECTRONIC DEVICES. TO my knowledge they have not regulated those yet.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

This is almost a month old, but the last comment was so deLIGHTful that I had to include excerpts (yes, this guys spewing has been condensed by popular demand).

Thursday, July 12, 2012
Camelot Project from Erasmus of America

When I talk about my proposed Camelot Project with the bright and brilliant of America, they love the concept so much, it is like the movie A Field Of Dreams. "Build It And They Will Come!" I am like a Pied Piper with the very intelligent and brilliant of America. People who have God-given gifts in various fields usually find that the federal government and also too many times state governments as well believe that correct government for America is massive bureaucracies, countless regulations no one can easily or else seriously fulfill, and the chief junction of government in America is to be a legal tyranny in practice to suppress the super talented and geniuses of America. ... I have talked with enough geniuses in America to supply a potential flood of new industries for America and skyrocket past China in the process. But with a bored yawn, Wash., D.C. both parties but the Democrats are worse, do not care to hear the cries of the brilliantly talented in America to give them freedom under law so they can bless America with their God-given talents. ...
I am a very bright boy in national economics and can pull in many other bright economic brains in America. I always check my proposed answers in economics by discussing with other bright economic brains the pros and cons of actually doing this or that policy for America. Others agree that the answer is sound or else we add to the answer to make it the sound, right answer we want for America. ... I am not afraid of supreme command decisions, but I like strong feedback from other smart and brilliant brains before committing to the decision that strongly affects the future of America whether in military, economics, science, technology, legal policies, etc. I was written up years ago by a very prestigious international organization as "The Einstein of American Economics," but I strongly prefer the old German concept of the smartest leadership around is to be a collective braintrust of the very smart to brilliant and committed to common action once we see the best answer available. ...
Having given the background why I became so sold on the idea of establishing this Camelot Project in America, I was impressed with my forefather Constantine the Great who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire and saved the Christians from annihilation as was planned as soon as the pagan Roman leaders defeated Constantine which did not happen fortunately in history.
I propose to build a great community in North America which I will call Camelot. The name is symbolic but I do apparently descend from the Joseph of Jerusalem related to Jesus Christ who buried Jesus Christ in his family tomb. And this same Joseph the Tin Merchant of the Roman British Isles is supposed to have been a forefather of King Arthur of Camelot and some others of the Round Table of Camelot. So it appears I descend from the Joseph family related to Jesus Christ. This Camelot will in architecture look a bit like the Camelot shown in the movie First Knight which is the only decent version of a Camelot I have seen in any of the Hollywood movies. However, this will be much bigger, better, and in many ways like a Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It will be a great tourist attraction and the stores within will look medieval but very colorful and pretty. ... Even for our incredibly bright brains I will draw to this Camelot, they and their families will love living in the area. The wives will love the shopping, their kids can get the best education seen anywhere in the world there, all sorts of cultural events to entertain the people with, some great museums there, fabulous apartments for our citizens there, great houses and lands close by, great gardens for the public borrowing some of the smartest ideas from England and elsewhere. I think I know where the drinking cup of Jesus Christ from the Last Supper is hidden and if correct, will see if I can arrange for this to be bought to Camelot and also other things people will want to see. Now in all this colorful and enjoyable . And while very medieval and colorful in appearance will be some castle type structures which I judge correctly done castles can give the maximum security for top secret projects of ours seen anywhere in the world.
Okay folks, I have given you a far more powerful approach to the improvement of the American economy than Obama or Romney but Romney as a businessman would understand far better this Camelot Project, etc. Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name until I come out nationally and address the nation over the internet, etc.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:43 PM


AnonymousJ uly 13, 2012 1:36 AM
That was the most ignorant post ever. Romney as a businessman would understand? The guy is about to go to prison for defrauding the people!

Anonymous July 13, 2012 7:41 AM
and what is wrong with Ron Paul, I say if he is marginalized in main stream and marginalized here perhaps we should take a keen look at his msg. I would feel alot better with Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano at the helm taking us back to smoother seas

donald wayne July 13, 2012 10:25 AM
Well, Drake's 15 minutes is about to expire. So, we need another hero. And , even though Erasm-ass doesn't know how to use spell check or grammar check, he's the only one steppin' up. So, we'll take him. Simple enough?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

ashlynne39 wrote:Can't decidei if this guy is a nut off his meds,...
I vote with DK that he is off his meds, based on my experience at one time when I had to take a financial interview with an individual in his late 60's. When I showed up at his residence, I was admitted by a person I presumed to be the maid or housekeeper. He met with me and we proceeded with the interview, over the course of which I learned several fantastic things:

1) He was a former USN admiral, retired after a full service career,

2) He later became a vice-president of a well-known international company based in the US,

3) He had a very large six-figure income,

4), He was married to a woman from Asia who had an advanced science degree and spoke several languages,

5) He held several patents, including a couple of items that were used by NASA for space exploration,

6) He was currently working on putting together a large transportation consortium to deal with trucking traffic/logistics for a large urban city, and

7) He had been asked by the White House on several occasions to act as an negotiator/mediator in resolving crises that were threatening world peace.

At this point, he related that on his last political mission, he had been escorted by officials of the foreign government to a ritzy place in the countryside, ostensibly to meet with members of a dissident faction in order to facilitate peace talks. But when he got there, he found that there was something more like a festival or party going on, with a number of women present that appeared to be prostitutes brought in to liven up the festivities. Not knowing what to make of this, he asked about when they were going to get down to business and start the talks. He was told, "We will start now", at which point the government officials pulled out automatic weapons and proceeded to shoot everyone at the mansion, until all were dead. The former admiral was the only one left alive and the government agents walked out, leaving him alone in the middle of the massacre. He ended up having to walk all the back to his hotel in the city and then flew home.

In my response to my question, "And why didn't we hear about this on the news? And you haven't gone to the press about this?", he responded that he had been advised by the foreign government and our government that he should never mention this to anyone if he valued his life. I bit back on asking the obvious follow-up question: "Then why are you telling me this?"

After concluding the interview, which by this point I knew was totally worthless, I got a chance to spend a few moments with the housekeeper and confirmed that she was actually his appointed caregiver and that he had been on regimen of drugs to deal with mental issues. She told me that he was given to creating elaborate stories about his life and career; today he was a former admiral, tomorrow he would probably be a famous scientist and Nobel prize winner. At one point he had been a moderately successful businessman, but financial reverses and a divorce sent him over the edge and he cracked.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

I used to live with a psychologist who was interested in a woman he had gone to grad school with who worked at a halfway house for psychotics. She talked him and me into volunteering there, and I went in one evening a week. My first experience was interesting because a staff member who didn't know who I was thought I was a new "client" (wack job), so I got to see what it was like on the other side of that fence (you get talked to in really calming voices and protests are ignored).

Anyway, I became familiar with all sorts of delusions talking to the people at this house. Many were quite talented, one as a writer and another as a painter. The writer wrote great fiction, which he thought was real, and the painter had great imagery, which he told me was because he was really the devil. One woman had been an asset to the CIA and had the most amazing experiences, much like the guy you talked to. It turns out that when I was in high school (living in the same town) a professor at a local univesity disappeared after splitting with the wife and taking up with some crazy lady. She told this unbelievable story that changed every day and included characters from the CIA, KGB, and Nazi's hiding in Argentina. She wasn''t this crazy lady (she had died more than a decade before) but she had co-opted her story and added new details to it. And, believe it or not, you can still find stuff about this on the web.

A peculiar chapter of Colorado's criminal history was closed on March 9, 1971, with the announcement that Gloria Tannenbaum, suspect in two deaths and one disappearance, had died in the state mental hospital at Pueblo. A suicide note was found at her bedside, and authorities concluded she had somehow managed to ingest a dose of cyanide -- the same poison allegedly used to kill two of her victims in 1969. Gloria Tannenbaum's publicized troubles began after Dr. Thomas Riha, 40-year-old professor of Russian history at Colorado University, vanished from his home near the Boulder campus on March 14, 1969. Within a short time, Tannenbaum was charged, both in Boulder and Denver, with four separate felony counts involving illegal disposal of Riha's property. Prior to her trial on one charge -- that of forging his name on a $300 check -- Gloria was pronounced insane by court psychiatrists and confined to the state hospital until such time as she recovered sufficiently to participate in her own defense. In confinement, Tannenbaum boasted of influential contacts and hinted at "secret assignments" performed on behalf of intelligence agencies. Outside her narrow world, the search for Dr. Riha's body yielded no results, but homicide detectives had begun suspecting Gloria in two more deaths. A couple of her neighbors, 78-year-old Gustav Ingwerson and Barbara Egbert, 51, had recently died of apparent cyanide poisoning. There was insufficient evidence for indictment, but police believed that Gloria had murdered both, perhaps because they had possessed some information on the Riha case. The deaths and disappearance are officially unsolved, but Gloria appears to have claimed the last word on the case for herself. "It doesn't matter really," she wrote to her attorney on the last night of her life, "but I will tell you this. I didn't do Tom or Gus or Barb in. I went nuts with hurt over losing them. Everything that has made me feel good about myself has been taken away. Life is very cheap."
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Simple Or The Hard Way To Stop The Planned Military Takeover Of America By Obama In October, 2012
From Erasmus Of America

Understand one secret of my character and maybe you will find me highly predictable where I will stand on issues. I am bound by an extreme code of personal honor like the ancient Roman Race was. ... I am a descendant of up to 15 of the ancient Roman emperors and my character is totally Roman. My word of honor is my bond and I do not surrender to enemies but fight on until I smash them. If America gets infected with my Roman type spirit, then you will hurl the traitors out of Wash., D.C. and national defeat will never be seen by America while you have this spirit like the ancient Romans did.

America was in a jam and I saw was going to be defeated by the Soviet Union in the Cold War. I had acquired the reputation of being "the brain" in history in military school because I had correctly called a number of international events before they occurred. I had developed a secret system of analyzing international events and it usually gave me the accurate answer what to expect next to happen. So long as I got the intelligence facts I was after, then the historical formula worked like a charm in calling events before they occurred. The chairman of the history department at this military academy made it public that he rated me to be the most brilliant cadet in history ever to attend that military academy. When I wrote my analysis why World War I came out the way it did, he told everyone in the history class that I got an automatic A plus for the semester in history. He also indicated to me that he rated this to be the most brilliant analysis of World War I that he had ever seen put in writing in America. Like a car driver indicating which way he was going to drive by body motions with his car, I saw the plan of Moscow how she was going to win the Cold War and either militarily occupy America or else annihilate America by a deadly military trap she was engineering on America. Being a teen-age military cadet then, I knew that no one in Wash., D.C. was going to listen to my warning if I gave it to them. I had studied British tactics in military intelligence (the military academy had a great military library and I studied all their best military books) and judged the British were the smartest at military intelligence tactics. Without telling Wash., D.C., I set up this elaborate military intelligence ruse on Soviet military intelligence listed now in American intelligence files as "The Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse." … Soviet intelligence in Moscow totally fell for my Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse. I bluffed Moscow out of certain military victory over America which would either be the Communist occupation of America or else the annihilation of America as a nation. When Moscow finally put the pieces together and realized that they had been tricked by a colossally cunning military cadet in military school, they ordered my murder in America. I disappeared the day before they came to kidnap and drown me in the Great Lakes with a typewritten note to be planted on me that due to emotional problems, I had committed suicide. … When the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon saw the report from the F.B.I. informant who typed it out and asked me to read it before he sent it to J. Edgar Hoover, they sent me secret congratulations and rated this the most brilliant military intelligence ruse in the national history of America. They indicated they judged I was so brilliant in military intelligence they called me "the Michaelangelo" of U.S. military intelligence and could only tell me to create masterpieces in military intelligence for the national defense of America, but not tell me how to create these masterpieces in military intelligence. I was given a blankcheck authority by them to do anything in military intelligence I saw reason to. The President was "not in the loop" and knew nothing about this. J. Edgar Hoover sent oral approal his own way of what the Joint Chiefs of Staff had done. I had quite a secret gathering in Wash, D.C. One time Senator Strom Thurmond met with me and asked me if the rumors were true about me that Congress had heard that I had met with underground leaders behind the Iron Curtain. As I never showed my tricks unless there was reason to, I answered, "Sir, I can neither confirm nor deny these reports!" Senator Thurmond as I recalled sort of grinned with that answer in his office.
… As I always said in military intelligence, there is no security system invented by man on earth that cannot be cracked. I told them to show me the security of this prison. They did and then I pointed to them the one hole in the excellent security of this originally British built prison. I told him a story how Hitler went through Belgium like lightning instead of being held up for two years by Belgium fortresses as predicted by his generals. I told him the trick Hitler figured out and it worked. I said use the same tactic and it would work on this prison. … Hollywood was later to use this same escape angle from prison in two or more of their Hollywood movies.
Delay this and if millions of Americans die in the lunatic plans of Obama, don't blame me! I tried to warn you how insane this man is in the White House. He is a gifted con artist but very evil in heart. All his secret actions are flagging that he plans to crush the American people and will lose no sleep over killing off millions of Americans or even much higher casualty figures. I have read the characters of other evil leaders before who did exactly as I predicted they would and Obama is the most evil leader in heart of any leader on earth if I am correct in my analysis of him.
I use some tactics you may not fully understand, but trust me. The enemy will recognize how deadly my moves are aimed to give you, not them, victory in America.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:43 PM


1. Anonymous August 9, 2012 5:37 PM
So this guy who writes a blog single handedly thwarted russia. Ok then. Awfully high opinion of himself too. Almost like a narcissistic personality disorder.

Replies 1. Anonymous August 9, 2012 7:10 PM
You only wish you could do something great. Have you even done anything great for your wife, or your own children? When a person tells the truth, it's going to come under attack from the wannabe's. Just live your life the way you want and go back to reading your fiction books. You never would have known his feats of bravery and sacrifice if he hadn't told you. I would consider these acts selfless meaning he had considered a whole bunch of other people instead of himself. You probably wake up on the wrong side of the bed every day.

2. AnonymousAugust 9, 2012 7:17 PM
Here are some useful links I found while searching how I can help get this Omni Law passed on my end.
Communicating with Congress
Write a Letter to Your Local Media
Visiting Capitol Hill
Congressional Staff
The Legislative Process
State Leaders
It might take a half hour or hour of my time, but as the old saying goes: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in this case, maybe: an hour of my time Now is worth preventing a year or years of war here in America later.

2. Anonymous August 9, 2012 10:07 PM
Just seems a little strange to mention Rome & Romans so much .?

3. Anonymous August 9, 2012 10:12 PM
Thanks, Anon. 7:17 for your help. As for Anon. 5:37, so what if Erasmus boasts a bit! That doesn't make him a narcissist or means that he has a personality disorder. He is just giving us his history, and a very interesting one at that. Not everyone has spent a lifetime sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching TV after working at an unexciting job!

4. Anonymous August 10, 2012 2:14 AM
I don't buy any of this. This guy thinks he's James Bond! And he promotes himself on this blog almost weekly, and keeps pushing his omni law. Nobody cares that you were the greatest military intelligence man! I can do military intelligence with my eyes closed, but you don't hear me BRAGGING about it, do you?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus o' America wrote:… As I always said in military intelligence, there is no security system invented by man on earth that cannot be cracked. I told them to show me the security of this prison. They did and then I pointed to them the one hole in the excellent security of this originally British built prison. I told him a story how Hitler went through Belgium like lightning instead of being held up for two years by Belgium fortresses as predicted by his generals. I told him the trick Hitler figured out and it worked. I said use the same tactic and it would work on this prison. … Hollywood was later to use this same escape angle from prison in two or more of their Hollywood movies.
I know we like to make fun of this guy here, but this sounded familiar and a bit of research led to confirmation of this brilliant IRA escape. Basically the IRA attacked the prison wall through the gap left by the low countries Belgium and Holland, using all-motorised force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery, combat engineers and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed to break through enemy lines, and, once the lines are broken, proceeding without regard to its flank. Yeah, that's the one, remember? Hollywood used the same escape angle in the movies "Dirty Dingus Magee," and "Xanadu."

At least we're honest enough here at Quatloos to admit when we're wrong.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:At least we're honest enough here at Quatloos to admit when we're wrong.
Sadly, that is not true. As an example, we have one poster here at Quatloos who posts grandiose stories about his erotic adventures with super models, bikini babes, and the like. Sometimes these stories are included with his exploits in combatting aliens, ETs and other members of the Galactic Federation; most of theses stories tend to show him off as some sort of sci-fi version of James Bond. Pretty nauseating stuff, especially when it comes down to him bragging about scoring with female reptiles from such exotic planets as Sirius; my theory is that he has an obsession with the original Star Trek series and took to heart all the times that Captain James. T. Kirk was scoring with the guest ET for that week's episode. Obviously, to the rest of the sane readership of Quatloos, his stories are patently false and are probably created to compensate for some physical shortcoming that he secretly fears being revealed.

The fact that he persists with posting these myths as truth tends to make me believe that he really does believe that they must be true at some level. I am not going to reveal his name at this point since I am sure it would be embarrassing for him to know that his behavior has been noticed and commented on. He certainly isn't going to admit that all of his tales of wanton women having a go with him have a creditibility issue starting from the words "Once upon a time...". .

If you happen to figure out who this is, DK, please don't confront the guy and shame him with the cutting sarcasm and mockery of your ususal reports. I'm sure, at this point, that it is far better to humor him and let sleeping dogs lie.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

I don't know guys, but it sounds like this Erasmus my well be on drugs rather than off them.

I suppose he can call Jesus a relation since the Son of God never got around to writing anything himself; leaving his testament open for anyone with an agenda. It's almost like it was necessary to have a proxy God on hand, since the world had become larger and too sophisticated to fall for the maxi miracles pulled off by the Sky God in The Old Book, so now you come up with man- made God who tells everyone if they stick with him, they are a lead pipe cinch for paradise whenever the world ends. Then he lets himself get tortured to death and disappears. The End (until The Begining.) I mean how hard would it have been for Christ to have penned a calling card saying something like:" I'm Jesus, Son of God. I'll be going around preaching the good word of kindness and performing some individual miracles. I will not be here very long, so pay attention, and try to work within the rules that form the foundation of a good life." He could have done that, but since he did not, His message has been taken and twisted to the point that if it shows up in any form within the scams we try to expose, they tend to be dismissed out of hand as bogus.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Sadly, that is not true. As an example, we have one poster here at Quatloos who posts grandiose stories about his erotic adventures with super models, bikini babes, and the like. Sometimes these stories are included with his exploits in combatting aliens, ETs and other members of the Galactic Federation; most of theses stories tend to show him off as some sort of sci-fi version of James Bond. Pretty nauseating stuff, especially when it comes down to him bragging about scoring with female reptiles from such exotic planets as Sirius; my theory is that he has an obsession with the original Star Trek series and took to heart all the times that Captain James. T. Kirk was scoring with the guest ET for that week's episode. Obviously, to the rest of the sane readership of Quatloos, his stories are patently false and are probably created to compensate for some physical shortcoming that he secretly fears being revealed.

The fact that he persists with posting these myths as truth tends to make me believe that he really does believe that they must be true at some level. I am not going to reveal his name at this point since I am sure it would be embarrassing for him to know that his behavior has been noticed and commented on. He certainly isn't going to admit that all of his tales of wanton women having a go with him have a creditibility issue starting from the words "Once upon a time...". .

If you happen to figure out who this is, DK, please don't confront the guy and shame him with the cutting sarcasm and mockery of your ususal reports. I'm sure, at this point, that it is far better to humor him and let sleeping dogs lie.
I will keep an eye out for this nut job, although I have to admit I have a certain amount of compassion as I have the same problem with supermodels. Years ago J Edgar Hoover and whoever was runnning the CIA called me the "Don Juan of American Military Intellegence" and I have to admit it's a curse. If only I could make love to a woman who wasn't strikingly beautiful with a perfect body once and a while. Oh well, dreaming is free...
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

texino wrote:I don't know guys, but it sounds like this Erasmus my well be on drugs rather than off them.

I suppose he can call Jesus a relation since the Son of God never got around to writing anything himself; leaving his testament open for anyone with an agenda. It's almost like it was necessary to have a proxy God on hand, since the world had become larger and too sophisticated to fall for the maxi miracles pulled off by the Sky God in The Old Book, so now you come up with man- made God who tells everyone preaching the good word of kindness and performing some individual miracles. I will not be here very long, so pay attention, and try to work within the rules that form the foundation of a good life." He could have done that, but since he did not, His message has been taken and twisted to the point that if it shows up in any form within the scams we try to expose, they tend to be dismissed out of hand as bogus.
Its a toss up. I tend to go with off meds though. In the course of my work, we often get cases involving the mentally ill and the ramblings, grandiose nature and writing style is common to what I see. Some of the stuff we write about on this board and mock deserves it -- Drake, Oakie, Petey Hendrickson and the tax cheat crew, but this Erasmus guy is different. In my opinion he's either someone who is deliberately generating crazy sounding writings to see if he can gather in the morons for sport or more likely he is off his meds and really does believe the completely nonsensical things he writes. What is also troubling is that either way, yes, there are morons who actually do believe this bs. How stupid do you have to be to believe this stuff?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Found the text for his oft-mentioned Omni Law, which Erasmus claims will make everything allright, once implemented.
James Madison Father of the U.S. Constitution, stated that the U.S. Constitution and all other law in America must obey the supreme authority of the national compact (American Declaration of Independence) founding America in 1776 or else not be valid law or even government in America. Therefore, the American people always retain final legal authority over all government in America whether to leave it intact, amend it, or abolish it altogether replacing it with approved new government created by authority of the American people.
We therefore authorize the creation of ten civil tribunes for America with the same basic tested legal powers as possessed by the wisely created ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people from tyranny in law whether legislative, judicial, or executive. They will be elected for four years instead of the one year under Roman law. They will hold referendums to create national law by states instead of by the original tribes of Rome. The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors to keep any corrupt leaders from undermining and sabotaging the beginning of this new branch of government. These civil tribunes will propose a national plan for referendum on how to swiftly make fuel cheap again in America, restore our common law rights and 1776 declared “God-given rights” to contract and to property which were the foundation to the founding of the powerful American version of free enterprise, and break the power of corrupt interests to control politicians by making deals with them or else cannot probably be elected to public offices without their finances. And address other national issues needed for the future of America. And by national referendum will propose the plan to be approved for honest future tribune elections so the people elect and control these elections, not corrupt interests. Money cannot be allowed to dominate our elections instead of the will of the American people. And the tribunes are to establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth to break the corrupt hold of many corrupt news sources censoring the truth and lying about the truth in important issues to the American people. The civil tribunes will be assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts, and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests.”
He mentiones the National Institute for Inventors quite often. He also makes a point about Lincoln being an inventor. Could be that this started after a "brilliant" invention failed to make him rich and famous.

Ripoff Report mentions NIFI, and their director Martin Hunter.

Going back, in 2009 Martin Hunter was mentioned in this post, where they talk about our old favorite free energy. The post is done in Erasmus style, but signed Joshua.

Even further back, in 1998 Martin Hunter posted on Yahoo how brilliant he was and that he could save us from Y2K. Once again, it is Erasmus style.

So it looks like Erasmus is really Martin Hunter, director of what looks like a two-bit company operating out of a post box in Seneca, SC.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
notorial dissent
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Well color me shocked and surprised!!!!

Imagine, Erasmus of America, just another common garden variety looney!!!! Who'd a thunk it!!! [sarcasm mode off]
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Thule (is he the Ultimate Thule or just plain Thule?) has blown the whistle on this scamster/wacko (there’s no reason you can’t be both) and deserves the Dark Agenda Whistleblower award for this month! Unfortunately, the forces of evil don’t like whistleblowers and part of the award is dying horribly within the hour. Sorry.

There’s no question in my mind that Mark Hunter is Erasmus of America. Judge for yourselves.

by Martin Hunter, Director, National Institute For Inventors, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 USA - September 10, 1998. Please reprint and distribute by copying and Internet.

My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and entered a state university without prior formal education. My own I.Q. had been tested to be beyond scientific measurement. I spent eleven years in military academies, studied with an engineering school, was a history major at a major university, studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, and I was trained in several other technical fields as well. I don't like to mention the above, but only do so to give maximum credibility to the following information.
As for the Joshua post, I’m not so sure. The verb usage is similar, but it’s missing something in the tone and is too focused. Written to back up his NIFI scam in a more lucid moment? Actually by another person who got sucked into his scam?

After a few years the mind gets numbed by the seemingly endless line of idiots who wander through the NESARA universe. However, when I read this the Fatima thing rang a bell.

Martin Hunter - Newsletter publisher promoting false prophetic doctrine through something called the National Institute For Inventors. Hunter has no discernment whatsoever, and once wrote he did not care about the source of any prophetic inspiration, but taught we should "draw victory from this [supernatural knowledge] regardless which side produced this supernatural miracle..." referencing the so-called secrets of Fatima, he has claimed that he "secretly received the Third Secret of fatima from Sister Lucia shortly before she dided." Since Lucia was in Europe, and this small time peddler is in Seneca SC, we might guess she "appeared" to him. Clearly a propagator of false prophecy, Hunter should be avoided.
Bellringer used to post stuff from a raving egomaniac (Erasmus’ style) about having the secret 3rd prophecy. If memory serves (and I can’t find these via a search) there was also stuff in there about these secrets opening the door to free energy.

Anyway, kudos to Thule (if he/she is still alive when they read this).
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Still alive. A bit of a close shave, those robotic ninjabadgers have been upgraded since the last time.

Anyway, I got out of it and got a new signature to boot.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Shouldn't that be "Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012"?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Good point!
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Um, a bit of embarrassment here guys ... it seems that the Super Ninja Assassination and Pajama Squad got laid off in the last round of budget cuts and assassinations are now done by Security & Maintenance. You know the one who can't seem to keep toilet paper in the washroom? Anyway, I'm sorry to say that Thule may be in for a bit of a wait before dying horribly within the hour.

But back to the subject at hand.

Martin Hunter, the man whose IQ is so out there it can't be scientifically measured, Wacko or Thief? Here’s some of the text from a Cease and Desist filing against him by the State of S. Carolina. ... rs.C&D.pdf

WHEREAS, the Securities Division of the Office of the Attorney General of the State of
South Carolina (the "Division"), pursuant to authority granted in the South Carolina Uniform
Securities Act of 2005 (the "Act"), S.c. Code Ann. § 35-1-101 to 35-1-703 (Supp. 2005), on
May 15, 2007, received information regarding alleged activities of Martin Hunter ("Hunter") and
the National Institute for Inventors (the "National Institute") which could constitute violations of
the Act;
WHEREAS, the information led the Division to open and conduct an investigation of
Respondents pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 35-1-602, and this investigation is ongoing;
NOW THEREFORE, in connection with the investigation, the Division detemined that
the Respondents have engaged, are engaging, and are about to engage in acts or practices
constituting violations of the Act and hereby includes in this Order to Cease and Desist a
statement of the reasons for the Order, a statement of the civil penalty sought as a result, and a notice that a hearing will be scheduled if either Respondent requests a hearing.

1. Respondent Hunter is a South Carolina resident who lives at 302 Goddard Avenue, Seneca,
South Carolina 29672.
2. Respondent National Institute is an entity operating and doing business in Seneca, South
3. Respondent Hunter is the Director of Respondent National Institute.
4. On or about April 22, 2007:
a. Respondents solicited a South Carolina resident to invest in "loan units," the
proceeds of which Respondents represented they would invest in a foreign
exchange market ("Forex"), which was to provide "( d]aily increases of from 3.1 %
to 3.5% in Forex trading and compounding with the original principal daily."

b. Respondents solicited a South Carolina resident to invest in loan units in a fund,
which would have required the resident to pay a $100.00 fee to join Respondents'
"private financial club." Once the resident joined Respondents' "private financial
club," he would have the opportunity to invest in "loan units." Respondents
indicated they would charge $200.00 for each $175.00 loan unit they "line( d] up
and handler d]" for the resident. Respondents represented that at the end of eight
(8) months, the Respondents would receive back the investment and returns, the
Respondents would deduct 25% for themselves, and the resident would receive
the remainder, which Respondents represented in writing, "should be large."
c. In one document, Respondents solicited a South Carolina resident to join a "Super
Commission Plan." In connection with this solicitation, Respondents represented
that the resident need only pay a $100.00 fee if he joined by the end of July 2007.
After payment of the $100.00 fee, the resident would be eligible to purchase
investment loan units from Respondents. Respondents promised to freeze the cost
of getting the investment loan units to "$175.00 per unit and $25.00 expense fee
per loan unit," through the end of July 2007. In addition, Respondents promised
to pay to the resident a "referral fee of $10.00 per $25.00 expense fee [they]
receive[d] per $175.00 loan unit placed with [them] by any club members"
recruited by the resident.
5. In offering materials Respondent Hunter, on behalf of himself and Respondent National
Institute, makes false or misleading claims, including:
a. "I have a key inside financial connection. He is handling a $500 million
investment for a multi-billionaire you are very familiar with ... Through him I
also have access to a top Forex trader who in 20 years has made profits for all
customers he ever had!"
b. "A man who took $1000 and built it into one million dollars in 12 months off of
Forex trading shared with me his secret system."
6. Respondents also claim the Forex fund in which they are soliciting investments has averaged
from 3.1 % to 4.0% daily increases each day during the period of their trades.

7. On or about May 15, 2007, the Division sent a letter, via certified mail, to Hunter,
individually and as agent of the National Institute, requesting Hunter provide a sworn
statement outlining the details of Respondents' investment business, offers of investment
advice, and offers or sales of securities during the period since January 1, 2006.
8. Hunter was also asked to provide information regarding any exemption he or National
Institute may be claiming.
9. Hunter was given until May 31, 2007 to provide the requested sworn statement to the
10. Hunter did not provide the sworn statement or any of the requested information to the
Division by May 31,2007, nor has any of the information been provided to date.

Man, if we had Omin Law in force one of those tribunals would make sure guys pulling scams like this were put away for good, not just ceased and desisted.

In 1994 Martin was promoting a "wonder mill" for grinding flour that would make wheat into a "wonder food" that would "cure cancer" and "prevent heart attacks." "Endorsed by Pope Pius XII" and secretly tested by both Adolph Hitler and Mr. Hunter, he found that military school cadets increased their bread input by 250% and even traded their deserts for it. By the way, he's still waiting for that $5,000,000 the CIA owes him.

http://www.americanssovereignbulletin.c ... r-Food.pdf

He also was spot on in warning us of Y2K

This Y2K computer crisis is far deadlier than admitted by Wash., D.C.
The people of America and the world must be warned in time. And the people
must also be given ways to protect themselves from total death and
destruction when everything hits in a short period of time. More and more
very brilliant people are warning that this Y2K computer crisis is
dangerous enough to potentially even collapse Western civilization before,
on, or shortly after January 1, 2000 A.D.
This might even cost countless
millions of people their lives before it is over due to collapse of the
national and world economy, shortage or even no water, food, auto fuel,
electricity, or maybe even money! There are things that can be done to
protect the people, but first is warning the people! You can help by
copying this message or else passing it on through the Internet. Then
we must tell the people how to protect themselves so they can survive if
things go totally out of hand in civilized society.
And to make matters worse, on May 5, 2000 A.D. totally separate from
the Y2K computer bug crisis, because of the alignment of six planets on
that day, this may trigger off the global event originally warned about
by Albert Einstein back as early as January, 1955.
He said it was not a
question of if, but only when this would happen to the earth. Other
scientists are now quietly very concerned over May 5, 2000 A.D. Albert
Einstein warned that the building polar cap would through massive weight
pulverize the rock under the ice(now two miles high of ice and off
balance over the land below) and slide from its location which could
kill off maybe even most of mankind on earth. One science report
prepared at Ohio State University stated the increase of ice over the
loss each year in the Antarctica had been basically 52 billion 860
tons of ice added to the Ice Shelf annually. The chief loss of ice is
that in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet area.
Also, separate from the ice cap factor, the six planet alignment
according to a top secret government report may trigger off the largest
solar flares in "60,000 years" of earth history! This could cause such
large solar flare eruptions as could bombard mankind with enough proton
exposure as to wipe out the immune systems of most of mankind. As one
nuclear physicist expressed to me, he wondered if this is how the
dinosaurs were suddenly made extinct on earth. Only this time it would
be mankind made extinct instead of the dinosaurs!
With the immune systems
of most of mankind wiped out or else greatly weakened, then most of
mankind on earth could swiftly die from scores of diseases that prior
were no major threat to mankind on earth.
The National Institute For Inventors has technology which can protect
mankind from the solar flare threat and also give mankind protective
answers that can preserve their lives if society collapses for a few
months to a few years due to the Y2K computer collapse of possibly
Western civilization. We do have the Y2K Package Of Survival Reports
which we retail for $75.00, but due to this crisis situation coming up
will let the American people have for $35. and foreign people for $42.
in US funds. This package is made up of 20 technical reports written
in simple language and illustrations so the people can know how to
homemake a 10 cents per gallon auto fuel substitute if gasoline is
stopped in production or delivery, how to raise food in any apartment
or home without soil and just water and nutrients if food become
unavailable, how to purify ocean water into drinking water or else take
local polluted water and make it drinkable if water stops in your area
due to Y2K, how to produce electricity for your home if local electricity
collapses, and other reports. We may save millions of lives in America
and abroad by seeing the people get this survival information.
people can eat and survive in cities collapsed by Y2K, then we can
restore law and order, civilization, and a national economy if we
first save the people while cut off from the support of a national
economy and civilization.
Also, since the governments are moving too slowly to solve the coming
crisis problems, NIFI is forced to propose building a great scientific
community using advanced technology. This scientific community can rebuild
human civilization if Wash., D.C. through stupidity engineers the downfall
of Western civilization. NIFI(National Institute For Inventors) will be
looking for brilliant scientists, engineers, inventors, economists,
business leaders, etc. to join the central governing committee for this
super community.
This community is to be designed to even house from
10,000 to 100,000 people in a super advanced technological society
within this huge potential even city size community self-sufficient
in all things should civilization fall. With advanced building technology
required by the short time span now, the basic scientific community
backed by correct finances could even be raised and built within 100
days flat if necessary! Anyone interested in joining this community
built upon advanced technology and advanced economics of free enterprise,
contact Dept. Community at our NIFI address above. The time is very
short if this is to be done!
For civilized nations this should not be necessary, but following is
posted a very stern legal warning covering this message. Under several
sections of the Genocide Treaty law, it would be a criminal violation
punishable by even lifetime imprisonment for any governmental official or
judge(federal or state), business official, or any private citizen of
America to try in any way to interfere with or in any way to try and
legally block the transmission of this message by mail, by hand, by
Internet, etc. by any citizen of America.
The U.S. Supreme Court already
ruled that binding treaty obligations are higher national law than the
U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, etc. A similar legal situation
also applies in other nations which signed the Genocide Treaty as a
binding treaty law over their nations.
Readers of this message, feel free to copy and transmit this
worldwide. No one can legally forbid you without committing a major
criminal act under binding international law for civilized nations.

I vote for "Wacko."
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Not only whacko, but very common every day garden variety of fraud to boot.

Now I see why he is so attractive to McHalfwit, they are both cheap con artists.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

the Respondents would receive back the investment and returns, the
Respondents would deduct 25% for themselves, and the resident would receive
the remainder, which Respondents represented in writing, "should be large."
Yes, that is the blue-ribbon indicator that any sharp investor looks for in a prospectus: "Your return should be large."
I vote for "Wacko."
Me too. What clinched it for me was his investment strategy that didn't include the Dinar RV. How could he have missed that opportunity of a life time?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Thule wrote:Good point!
Yeah, but now I am thinking that "Winning Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012." is even more accurate.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff