Erasmus of America

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus Lays it on the Line. After all, the government in Washington is INSANE!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012
Louisiana Purchase of May 2, 1803 Cancelled. Wash., D.C. Stole Back The $15 Million Payment Of America For This French Land. Reasons For Legal Action By

The sale of the Louisiana Purchase to America by France is on questionable grounds as to legality regardless as Wash., D.C. said they would send in 50,000 invading American soldiers to take what they wanted from the Louisiana Territory if this French land was not sold to Wash., D.C. Sales made at the point of a gun are not the kind of legal contract courts uphold as binding law! Years ago I owned a small office building and also a small manufacturing plant. My sales representative who was very capable had just secured orders from I think the final count was 8 national firms including Sears (then largest retail chain in America) and Grant's (a national retail chain which later went out of business). We had the financial backing to cover huge national orders as soon as we received the purchase orders from these national firms for our exclusive national product. They had seen the product, display racks we supplied for these, and thought this was a sharp national product line. I was going to use the profits from this to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food product the Pope had endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was so important to world health. Wash., D.C. engaged in a savage campaign to smash our national deals and terrorize our office staff, national sales representative, etc. With national orders "in the bag," based upon national commitments, we evalauted first round we were good for $15 million and more profit from the first round of orders, and looked for maybe $30 million or more national profit second round of orders as we anticipated competitors to these national firms would also want our product after it hit the national market. Wash., D.C. destroyed our guaranteed national sales as they did not want me to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food product. Wash., D.C. had earlier pulled a wild stunt and due to total legal corruption in Wash., D.C., there was nothing we could do to undo the business sabotage engaged in by Wash., D.C. to block my father's Vatican endorsed food product ... The first time after being on the national market for several years, powerful enemies of my father arranged a trap how they would bankrupt him even though he had a plant worth millions of dollars. It was a clever plan and my father did not see how it was a planned ambush to wipe him out of business. Wash., D.C. held my father back until his enemies could figure out how to destroy him. It was a team effort to destroy him. Wash., D.C. on a deal arranged outside of the United States charged in and contacted the West German industrialists that this food process was a hoax, had never existed, and this was a giant con. My Canadian businessman in wrath called me from Canada and asked, "What the hell is Washington, D.C. contacting my West German industrialists in Germany and telling them this is a hoax and con, and the food process has never existed in history?" Wash., D.C. lied bigtime to sabotage this guaranteed backing I think was for either $12 million or else $15 million starting funds and likely more later on coming from West Germany then. Wash., D.C. through the U.S. Army had already tested the super health bread produced by this trade secret process in World War II as recorded in the Congressional Record of Wash., D.C. Besides being super healthy for U.S. soldiers, it tasted so good that polled by the U.S. Army, 85% of all U.S. soldiers who had tasted it at the two U.S. Army bases it was tested at said they wanted no other bread after tasting this. ...
Because the details of the following are releasing details hidden from Europe for a long time since elements in Europe thought they had successfully murdered off the branch of the royal line of France I descend from, the shock wave will soon reach Europe that the real royal line of France is still intact, well, and many of us in America descend from this branch of the royal line of France. When my great grandfather in pride gave all six of his children names from this French royal line, the family privately boasted how all six still had the hereditary birthmark of the family line which came from the mother who married the ruler of France which established this branch of the French royal line. An Austrian nurse to the Hapsburgs was quoted in the Latimer series of history on Europe mentioning what this unique birthmark was this branch of the Hapsburgs had. The six children all had the hereditary birthmark on their hip maybe no other family in Europe ever had. My grandfather Joseph had the hereditary birthmark. My mother had the birthmark and keeping to the family tradition, I also had the hereditary birthmark. Since the elder brother of Joseph who was Francis died young, Joseph became the lawful head of the family claims. And since I am his only male descendant, I have all the family claims to the Throne of France and which involve the authority to cancell the Louisiana Purchase if Wash., D.C. stole back the $15 million payment for the Louisiana Purchase which it has. The land not being paid for, I with the authority of the royal line of France declare that legally the Louisiana Purchase was cancelled as a land sale to America on August 25, 2012 since Wash., D.C. stole back the purchase price for this land and France certainly never gave this land to America for free. I know all the family details of the secret story how the royal line of France ended up in America after our enemies thought they had successfully murdered the line in Europe. ...
I know all the answers but only releasing part of the family details as this is already adequate to establish that we are the real royal line of France. Get the six names of the children of my great grandfather and the family name is spelled out so clearly, any historian should immediately know who we really are among French royalty. The hereditary birthmark may have only been possessed by one family line out of the countless millions of family lines in Europe. ...
Also, to insure that the rights of the Confederate States of America are fully backed if we agree to what will likely end up a French commonwealth or confederation with France since part of the Louisiana Purchase covered some land later incorporated into the Confederate States of America, I am to be established as the lawful ruler of the Throne of France until I am satisfied that the Confederate States of America are fully reestablished as a nation with full freedom for its citizens. After that, I would prefer to work with science and engineering rather than political affairs unless the French people want me to stay in this position. To me it is a job which while I am hired to do it, I will be faithful to the interests of France. But also possessing authority for the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America by grant of legal authority from three branches of the descendant Jefferson Davis family, I am totally loyal to the people of the Southern States represented by this legal authority. I am making this incredible legal and political move because my people of the South are faced with pending mass slaughter under our would-be tyrant Obama who has amazed large military assets for the smashing of the American people planned at least tentatively for October, 2012 just before the national election which he will try to stop if he can. France has independent nuclear arms. ... If once on the Throne of France, I am prepared to show the French military how we build this bomb and then we can annihilate any military opposition from Wash., D.C. if they try to stop us from sending in our French Army, etc. to liberate the Southern people from the tyranny of Wash., D.C. and give them their national independence as they are legally entitled to under international law.... If I head the French forces and you try this, I will hang or otherwise execute every leader of Wash., D.C. who wanted to mass slaughter the American people by order of Obama. If necessary, I will wipe out if necessary all your military if they try to mass slaughter the American people whether in the South or elsewhere in America. I declare all the American people under the military protection of the Confederate States of America and its ally if required of nuclear France in support of the Southern cause in exchange we will agree to sign over the Louisiana Purchase Territory over to France except for what is held back for the Confederate States of America.
If France does not care for this offer, but I suspect they would realize this would wildy turn France around to a major world power if I do this, then I go down the list.
To Russia, in exchange for total backing of the national independence of the Confederate States of America, I will agree in exchange for becoming the Czar of Russia, turn over to you what land of the Louisiana Purchase not to be turned over to the Confederate States of America. This will give Russia giant new resources and wealth you do not currently posess. ...
Third position. If we have to go this far, I will invite that Great Britain, also a nuclear power, back the Confederate States of America and we will join your British Commonwealth and better to rejoin with Britain as a confederated but still free nation than continue to live under a tyrannical government far worst than the British Government ever was. Again the dowry we bring for our marriage with any of the listed nuclear armed nations, what the South does not use for the Confederate States of America, can be joined with the nation backing us, but on usual terms already stated. Also, we of the Confederacy have already declared that Jesus Christ is the King of the Confederate States of America. We are by this legal stand a royal nation and our laws and policies will be passed based upon our understanding what Jesus Christ would want us to do. We will build a great throne for Jesus for when He returns to earth. When he comes, we will be His loyal people and with great rejoicing crown Him King of the Confederate States of America. ... I expect within 7 days of posting this for all the world to see that I now be repaid twice $525,000 to teach you to accept my first offer as my later offer will be far worse for you to face. You may write out now two federal checks for $525,000 each and send them to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. If they arrive one day late, add $525,000 additional to be paid by 7 days after that. If nothing paid on time, ... we will add $50 billion for punitive damages and if not paid before October, 2012, we will see about meeting with the above nations and who offers us the best deal for the Confederate States of America, we will probably close the deal with them and Wash., D.C. is finished as a national but illegal government of America....
If we agree to continue with the federal union, we will expect all drones picked up by Wash., D.C. to be turned over to the newly formed Confederate Air Force. If we have these robot planes instead of your madman Obama in power, we have pulled a lot of your teeth to kill millions of Americans as Obama plans to do this year. he will have C.I.A. try to engineer the race war to give Obama the excuse and then America is put under perpetual martial law as long as Obama lives. Sorry, but I am cancelling your plans Obama! You are not going to massacre millions of Americans up to 100-150 millions of Americans as you would not hestitate to do as you are a madman in temporary power. ...
American people, I have probably just saved many millions of you from being murdered this year by Obama. But don't sit on your rear ends or letting "E.T.'s" to rescue you later on or "loyal" military elements in Wash., D.C. to come to your aid. I am reality, not the psychological warfare of C.I.A. and allies in Wash., D.C. Look at the zombie members of Congress walking around like nothing deadly is forming in Wash., D.C. Don't trust the walking zombies of Congress. Join with the Southern States which my industrialist father many years ago used to say, "Someday the South will save the United States from total disaster." He was right!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Friends already know what the event is I am waiting for and then gladly I will let all know what my usual name in society is. I have really rattled the traitors in Wash., D.C. by this pen name game. There is brief reason for this pen name game. But it is to help protect the American people. Later all will be explained!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:03 PM
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notorial dissent
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

So far round the bend he keeps meeting himself.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Deep Knight wrote: An Austrian nurse to the Hapsburgs was quoted in the Latimer series of history on Europe mentioning what this unique birthmark was this branch of the Hapsburgs had. The six children all had the hereditary birthmark on their hip maybe no other family in Europe ever had.
I actually think Erasmus might be on to something here. Marrying you cousin might be good for keeping the ol' Blood Royal pure, but it also meant that all sorts of mental diseases ran wild in the Habsburg family (in addition the usual deformities).

He claims to have the birthmark, he definitely has bats in the attic, perhaps he really is a Habsburg.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

the current lunatic wrote:The sale of the Louisiana Purchase to America by France is on questionable grounds as to legality regardless as Wash., D.C. said they would send in 50,000 invading American soldiers to take what they wanted from the Louisiana Territory if this French land was not sold to Wash., D.C. Sales made at the point of a gun are not the kind of legal contract courts uphold as binding law!
At the time, France was a global power, Napoleon in th era would rule over much of continental Europe and had well over a million men under arms, the second largest navy in the world and a lot of people think he was pretty good as generals go, unlike most dictators who call themselves General....

and he was scared of us?

The entire strength of the U.S. Army in 1804 totaled just 3,220 officers and men - in a nation of over 5.3 million people.

I have calculated how much my Confederate States Gold Bonds are worth with accrued interest. I still want this nutcake to win because when the CSA sets up shop, they owe me $23 gazongazillion dollars in gold, which works out to a lump of gold about the size of one of Saturn's major moons. Something between Titan and Dione.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:
the current lunatic wrote:The sale of the Louisiana Purchase to America by France is on questionable grounds as to legality regardless as Wash., D.C. said they would send in 50,000 invading American soldiers to take what they wanted from the Louisiana Territory if this French land was not sold to Wash., D.C. Sales made at the point of a gun are not the kind of legal contract courts uphold as binding law!
At the time, France was a global power, Napoleon in th era would rule over much of continental Europe and had well over a million men under arms, the second largest navy in the world and a lot of people think he was pretty good as generals go, unlike most dictators who call themselves General....

and he was scared of us?

The entire strength of the U.S. Army in 1804 totaled just 3,220 officers and men - in a nation of over 5.3 million people.

I have calculated how much my Confederate States Gold Bonds are worth with accrued interest. I still want this nutcake to win because when the CSA sets up shop, they owe me $23 gazongazillion dollars in gold, which works out to a lump of gold about the size of one of Saturn's major moons. Something between Titan and Dione.
Yes, we were small, but potent! After America's Whiskey Rebeliion, he figured we would start a Cognac Rebelion in France.

But that's not important now, what IS is that you SHOULD NOT sell your CSA bonds! I am at this very moment negotiating a sale to 4 major US banks (I can't tell who they are, but if you stay Well in Fargo, Bank in America, don't Chase your own tail, and only go in the Citi to a Bank, you'll understand) who will give us a 1000% premium because they are desperate to waste money! And, this is gonna happen any minute now, a hour at the most! Wooooo, we're gonna be rich!!!!!!

Thule wrote:
Deep Knight wrote: An Austrian nurse to the Hapsburgs was quoted in the Latimer series of history on Europe mentioning what this unique birthmark was this branch of the Hapsburgs had. The six children all had the hereditary birthmark on their hip maybe no other family in Europe ever had.
I actually think Erasmus might be on to something here. Marrying you cousin might be good for keeping the ol' Blood Royal pure, but it also meant that all sorts of mental diseases ran wild in the Habsburg family (in addition the usual deformities).

He claims to have the birthmark, he definitely has bats in the attic, perhaps he really is a Habsburg.
Even if he was, it still wouldn't do anything for his "throne of France" claim. The Hapsburgs ruled Austria, but a little thing called WWI ruined that gig for them. As for a birthmark, it's not a cross on the thigh, but a distinctive problem with the jaw or lower lip called Prognathism, not to be confused with Priapism, which is a genetic defect which runs in Deep Knight's family and confirms we're descendant from Casanova.
Prognathism is well recorded as a trait of several historical individuals. The most famous case is that of the House of Habsburg, among whom mandibular prognathism was a family trait; indeed, the condition is frequently called "Habsburg Jaw" as a result of its centuries-long association with the family. Among the Habsburgs, the most prominent case of mandibular prognathism is that of Charles II of Spain, who had prognathism so pronounced he could neither speak clearly nor chew as a result of generations of politically motivated inbreeding. The consequence of this and other genetic defects was the War of the Spanish Succession.
Well, if Erasmus wants to refight the War of the Spanish Succession, it's fine with me but it won't get him anywhere in France! For that he'll have to refight the War of the Cheeses, which was originally won by Wisconsin.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by fortinbras »

Excuse me. Are birthmarks hereditary?? I know that the idea of an hereditary birthmark was crucial in the Danny Kaye movie, The Court Jester, and was used in an episode of the Douglas Reagher TV series of Zorro. But, really??
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Excuse me. Are birthmarks hereditary?? I know that the idea of an hereditary birthmark was crucial in the Danny Kaye movie, The Court Jester, and was used in an episode of the Douglas Reagher TV series of Zorro. But, really??
They are in Erasmus world! It's sort of like the bar codes on food, a way the conspiratorialists can trace who's who.

But now for his daily posting where Erasmus lectures us on race relations. Pardon me if I over-edit this, but I’ve taken all I can stands and I can't stands no more.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"The entire art of government consists in being honest." - Thomas Jefferson. Washington Answer To Thomas Jefferson, "Thomas Jefferson, you idiot! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest." - With Love And Kisses From Obama And Other Traitors In Wash., D.C.!

When my mother was a young girl, she was very bright and intellectual. She attended a world trade fair in America which had an African tribal chieftain who talked to her. He boasted how he had heard the legend from generations of his forefather tribal chieftains that he descended from, that the superior Black tribes in Africa defeated in warfare the "inferior Black tribes" and shipped them off to America and other slave markets to get rid of forever the "inferior" African tribes they never wanted back in Africa. If Black historians are going to blame Whites for everything wrong that ever happened to them, better get the history right on this rather than straight Communist Party Line.
… Modern machinery and technology was replacing human cheap labor by machine cheap labor. We have our "cheap labor" today and it is called machines. Machines are our non-human slaves to potentially make all mankind on earth rich if we use correctly machines to make our money worth high value … But beware of the application of our modern technology for it can make us slaves to technology and machines instead of being the masters of our technology and machines. Wash., D.C. has this wicked little twist to its character that it wants to use modern technology and machines to make us slaves to federally controlled technology and machines.
... Now all of us in America believe in slavery meaning cheap labor when it is machinery we use for this cheap labor to make all of us in America rich, not just a few in America. Washington, D.C. cannot get their act right. They would use machines and technology to enslave all Americans, not help free us to a higher standard of living and happiness in life. They do not believe in God-given rights nor serious freedom in America. And their Congressional approaches to solving the problems are a joke to any serious thinking American. Leave it up to Congress how to correctly build an atomic bomb by the Congressional "compromise" approach to solving all the problems of America, then a new branch of science and engineering would be born in America. They would take the explosive radioactive material out of the atomic bomb, replace it with peanut butter, and then wonder why it won't explode or work! Dummies, your stupid answers don't work because you try to ignore the laws of science and the realities America lives in creating your "compromised solutions" to the problems you created for America in the first place.
In order for our machines being our "cheap labor" meaning our mechanical slaves to make us rich, we need an honest national monetary system. Otherwise, we create the wealth, The bloodsuckers running secretly our monetary system suck off the wealth we create and we end up poor as a nation irrelevant of the massive amount of wealth we created in the nation. Like Jesus Christ, let's kick the thieves out of the Temple of God or our national monetary system in this case as money is their god they worship.
Congress so dearly loves corruption, the last thing in the world they want to do is give America an honest monetary system, Pass my Omni Law and America starts skyrocketing in prosperity soon afterwards. Also, some of our schemes in Wash., D.C. want to crash your economy it is reported even later this year to trigger off a civil war and then Obama declares martial law and gets to be dictator for life over America. With all those guillotines Obama has to do the honorable Muslim thing of chop off the heads of the "infidels" meaning nearly all Americans in America unless you convert to Islam, this is not the hour to hide my light under the bushel. I was written up as "The Einstein of American Economics," Make me quickly Economic Czar of America and I will act like lightning. I will stop the crash of the American economy if it suddenly occurs as it is reported Obama wants to engineer on America to trick you into a civil war in America. Then he militarily takes over America for the rest of his life and plans to kill off from a low of maybe 25 million Americans according to one general up to a high of maybe 110-250 million Americans. Obama is a nutcase in the White House and he would not cry any tears as he killed off most Americans before he is done. I don't like the boy, but Adolf Hitler secretly borrowed an idea suggested by Bernard Baruch to skyrocket the American economy after World War I. … I am the only American economist who knows how to set up "The Inverted Inflation" suggested first by Bernard Baruch first in America and proven it worked by Nazi Germany. I guess I would use it briefly to yank America up from a collapsed national economy. Restore the value to money and then set up the Jesus Money System which Hitler did not know about is even far more powerful than "The Inverted Inflation" system of money. The Jesus Money used 4 times in history always skyrocketed national economies beyond what human imagination thought possible each time. And each time overthrown by banking interests who did not like the people to become so rich and prosperous, business becoming so rich and prosperous, and governments becoming so rich and prosperous while they lowered taxes in their nations. Again I am the only American economist who learned how this Jesus Money is set up. I studied with the German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century and this German economist used the medieval records, etc. to show how Jesus Money was set up each time in history. I did go beyond my German teacher when my master economic formula I invented showed me there was more to this formula than what this Einstein endorsed German economist knew. I found the missing medieval records my formula told me would exist and I am the only economist in the world who knows how to set up the entire Jesus Money System used with wild success 4 times in history. For naive Bible scholars, Jesus was the greatest economic teacher in human history. Shame it went over your heads when Jesus told you how to boom economies in every nation of the world! You saw and understood not. You heard and heard not. But I respected truth too much rather than a "politically correct" education and so I found the final secrets of economic science needed by all nations on the earth. Islam does not have these answers. No other religion does. Only the Bible teaches us the greatest economic secrets of human history. And all have already been tested and worked already in history. The last Czar of Russia was practicing one of these 25 teachings of the Bible and his economy was growing so fast, Russia would have been twice as rich as America by 1972 if the Communist Revolution had not overthrown him in 1917. When I studied Czarist Economics with a London economist of Russian noble ancestry, I suddenly realized what a goldmine of economic genius I found in this censored portion of economic science.
Okay folks, now that I have hopefully won all of you to want slavery in our economy as I do meaning "cheap labor" by machinery instead of humans, I have just by subtle tactics taught you an economic principle that can skyrocket the American economy if the Omni law is passed now for America …
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. I have scared the daylights out of the power elite of America in Wash., D.C. If you the American people mass support me now, soon our would-be dictators and tyrants will be fleeing for their lives and not a shot fired! As for the power elie abroad who think they secretly run the government without the American people knowing it, once the people truly back us, you have lost all power and control over America. And America is once more a free nation for real One nation, one race, one people under God united, free and prosperous at last!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:06 PM
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

The only proper edit key for this idiot is the delete key!!! Blech!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:The only proper edit key for this idiot is the delete key!!! Blech!!!
Use any key too much with this on the screen and it will break it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

From: Erasmus of America
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 8:27 PM

… The atheists do not know how to answer the scientific proofs I use showing that God exists for real and only the fool remains an atheist in the face of such overwhelming evidence from science. The people vote too often for evil leaders for public office because the churches failed either to win them to serious belief in God or else failed to win their hearts from loving evil and corruption instead of good and honesty in society. …
Right now China has such a large lien on America due to our colossally dishonest and stupid Congress that they are getting tempted to claim ownership of all the land of America and all Americans become the property of China which now totally took over America. Pass the Omni Law fast and China will be paid off and this threat ends to the national survival of America. Americans are great evaders of reality and responsibility, but this time reality has to be faced and fast. Or else maybe start learning your Chinese as you get taken over by China as your new national government, etc. Also, we have according to certain reports maybe up to 150 Soviet nuclear suitcase bombs that were left in America from the Cold War. If they used plutonium, they are likely still operational. And we need to pass the Omni Law to make sure these are hunted down and eliminated from America. They may be in the hands of Soviet-era Sleepers but still ready to be ordered to be used against America anytime the orders go out from Moscow.
Also, apparently too much of the American news media is owned by Saudi interests which keeps American news carefully controlled to not report and expose that Obama is a Muslim in the White House. Apparently this ownership of key American news media by Muslim sources is what put Obama in the White House the last election. You couldn't expose the colossally evil background of Obama when he ran for the White House before. As sources of mine in Muslim mosques secretly told me, once the Trojan Horse Islamic candidate was put in the White House, once he could get away with it, all of America would be put under Sharia Law, all Jews killed in America, and all Christians killed who did not convert to Islam. My sources were very good, but I protect my sources so Muslims can't murder those who tipped me off of the plan to mass slaughter Americans once the hidden Islamic Preisdent gained effective power over the federal government and then the American people. The passage of the Omni Law stops this deadly foreign planned takeover of America by front of a national election of 2012 today.
… We in the past had every kind of tactic pulled to try and silence us including apparenly having $20,000 in commercial printing equipment smashed in our office in or about 2006, breaking into our office and throwing away or hiding business correspondence we had. We found some orders 6 months later hidden behind storage shelves of ours. We had business calls cut off from the phone and other ugly tactics you don't want to hear about by you know who. We had over 20,000 satisfied customers before Wash., D.C. pulled all its "dirty tricks" to try and ruin our two decade old business. They didn't like for us to tell the American people the truth about corruption and treason in Wash., D.C., etc. Too much truth steps on powerful toes! …
I was sad to learn that Dr. Grant Jeffrey died on May 11, 2012. His recent book Global Warming Deception Book ($14.99) which can be bought from bookstores, etc. documents the Global Warming movement is a colossal con job as there is no global warming due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is a front for the still existing international Communist movement and designed to bankrupt the capitalist nations through "carbon taxes," international treaties in the name of the fraudulent "Global Warming" which does not exist except for the repeat cycles of solar flares, heating, etc. Grant Jeffrey brought together all the scientific facts and this is all a Communist front hoax in the name of psuedo-science in this case. When Gorbachev came to America, he sent a secret letter to American Communists that they should back "Global Warming" and the rest of the U.S. environmental movement as it was all controlled in America by the Communists and would turn America into a Communist nation and then the entire world. By pushing the Communist hoax of Global Warming and Carbon Tax so strongly, Obama must be a secret Trojan Horse Communist in the White House. I have a long background in what we will call independent military intelligence and all the real evidence points to Obama as a trained Communist operative to collapse the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Economy by power through the White House. Don't pretend I am dumb. My mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and went to a state university without prior formal education. She was a child actress and had no time for formal schooling. My own I.Q. had once been tested in Wash., D.C. to be they claimed "beyond scientific measurement." I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. And once was written up by an international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe as "The Einstein of American Economics." I know how to set up "Jesus Money" which skyrocketed economies 4 times in history! And overthrown by bankers who hated super prosperity for you! I am on the side of the American people which too many in Wash., D.C. are not. Wash., D.C. has tried many times to silence me by whatever criminal means available! Back the Omni Law to all the public and politicians until we pass it. It is the only smart answer how to break the bad government now going on.
… I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and have with a militarily trained mind told you how we can storm America in this year of 2012. As Napoleon Bonaparate once commented, "Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools." As Jesus Christ commented, with enough faith, you can even move mountains which I think was an old Aramaic saying 2,000 years ago meaning you can win even against so-called "impossible odds" if you have faith enough. You told me that you want a leader to lead you to victory, Okay, call me your National Director and I will lead you to a gigantic victory. I know how to win. I will draw in other brilliant people who will reinforce our strategies and we will overwhelm the enemies of the American people in Wash., D.C. regardless of party or no party at all. Erasmus of America. P.S. I can't prove it but get the strong impression that God smiles on me because I have the guts as a Christian leader to seriously stand up for what should be done in America today. And I bet all of you will be heroes in God's eyes who stand up with me! Okay, heroes, let's storm the enemies of God and America and make America once more "One Nation Under God" truly in meaning and not just in empty words! Once the Omni Law is passed, I can give a colossal industry potentially as big as the oil cartel to America to skyrocket the American economy. Wash., D.C. under Obama did not want me to give America this colossal national wealth and potentially millions of new, high paying jobs!
"If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, it will only take three days for most people in the US to receive the message. Maybe it is time. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!!" Page 8, December 2011, The Sovereign (National Newspaper, New York)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:48 PM
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Texino here to wonder if anyone else feels that the ramblings of Erassmus O' America are as convoluted as the text that appears on a bottle of Dr. Bronner's pure peppermint soap.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by fortinbras »

Dr. E.H. Bronner was an eccentric genius who harmed nobody and whose soaps are REALLY VERY HIGH QUALITY.

This Erasmus, on the other hand, is leading other people into a world of trouble.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Cathulhu »

The good Doctor Bronner made a nice soap. The peppermint is very refreshing on a hot day.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

First it was Robin Hood, then St. Jude, then some Pope or something, then the Czar, then France, and now Spain. Is there any throne of Europe safe from this Erasmus of America?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dear King Juan Carlos Of Spain, Distant Cousin Of Mine If I Am Correct - Erasmus Of America
I am creating quite a stir in America. Obama in our White House has mounted plans for a massive military takeover of America ... Now down to the business at hand. I descend from a recent branch of the royal line of France the Rothschilds thought they had successfully murdered off in the 19th century. This French royal line outwitted the Rothschilds, secretly moved to America, and now there are many of us in America who descend from this branch of the French royal line they thought they had successfully wiped out. They settled in America with a small fortune for them left from this French royal line hidden that the Rothschilds did not know of their secret royal funds still intact. For political reasons, I cannot yet openly admit the entire French royal line background, but you can probably figure out the missing pieces if I tell you my great grandfather gave his six children all names from this French royal line the Rothschilds thought they had successfully murdered and wiped out. The first son was named Francis. The first daughter was named Frances which is the same name as the son had. My grandfather the next son was named Joseph. And if you saw the remaining names, you would grin as you would recognize right away what cousins we are of you in Spain. Any of us of recent European royal descent are all related to each other by intermarry of the lines and so in tradition I greet you as a "royal counsin" of mine. I haven't checked out your genealogical lineage to see how close we are related but we are all related to each other. When Francis died young, my grandfather Joseph became head of the line and I am his only male descendant so I am head of the line.
Trying to save 25 million up to 150 million Americans from being slaughtered by Obama who is not legally an American citizen nor was born in America, but he is a fanatical Muslim and a fanatical Communist which is a very wicked combination for the current leader of America, I had to come up with some clever angle or else these countless millions of Americans would be mass slaughtered like helpless sheep before Obama and his assembled military mercenaries.... Since this demonstrates that Wash., D.C. has zero legal integrity towards its U.S. Constitution and refuses to enforce the terms of its national law called the U.S. Constitution, let me tell you a secret of Wash., D.C. how Wash., D.C. secretly destroyed the potential of Spain to ever again be a world colonial power and this act was an act of war against the royal line of Spain as well as Spain itself as a nation.
Remember how the villain nation of Spain blew up the U.S. battleship Maine in Havana Harbor on Feb. 15, 1898? That gave Wash., D.C. the legal excuse to declare war on Spain and take away from Spain Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillippines! The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon in top secret discussion mentioned how Wash., D.C blew up the U.S. Maine to create a legal excuse to start a war with Spain. The same kind of military tricks Hilter liked to use to start wars with nations he wanted to conquer. The Joint Chiefs of Staff made a bad mistake. They placed a copy of the report quoting what they said in the wrong stack and it got declassified as public record. Wash., D.C. blew up the U.S. Maine, not Spain, and laughed at Spain for being dumb enough to fall for Washington military tricks. Okay royal cousin, time to teach Wash., D.C. a Spanish trick or two not to mess with the future of Spain as a nation. Back me your distant royal cousin and I will checkmate Obama while you gain a powerful friend in America who will be of invaluable help to the future of the economy of Spain and other national interests of Spain. Us royal cousins need to back each other up occasionally when justified for our nation and people. I have a hunch back me and your royal line will become very popular in Spain for standing up for Spain when Wash., D.C. planned by their blowing up of the U.S. Maine in 1898 to make sure that Spain could never again arise in history as a colonial or world power.
I would appreciate a short term loan or gift from you of at least $2 to $5 million for my Omni Law drive in America. I have legally notified Wash., D.C. that if this is not passed by Nov. 6, 2012, I will formally secede the Confederate States of America from the federal union forever. ... Under Confederate authority, I have already started appointing secret ambassadors to governments I intend to deal with. My instructions have already been given. The first nation to be dealt with will be France because this is required under international law. The proof of the credentials of this secret ambassador to France will be the delivery of the technology of how to build the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. I got this years ago from a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. When the French military see this, they know they will be able to easily take back from Wash., D.C. the entire Louisiana Purchase in exchange they agree to back the immediate national independence of the Confederate States of America at the same time. I will be the President in power of the Confederate States of America and will use this leverage to save the American people in the 50 states of America from being mass slaughtered by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. But as I have already stated if Obama tries to engineer a civil war in America, I intend to see he is arrested, tried and executed for high treason against America. Also, any leaders in Wash., D.C. who back him.
Obama has been secretly sabotaging what is referred to as the realignment of foreign currencies also referred to in America as the RV of foreign currencies. He had to do this to set up his planned collapse of the American economy in October, 2012. He had to cut off social security checks, welfare checks, food stamps, etc. in October, 2012 to incite the American people to civil war. Then he declares martial law, kills off millions of Americans, and is dictator of America for life. ... By the way, my royal cousin back me now and I should be able to arrange that the RV of foreign currencies will go through swiftly after that. A high banking source secretly got word to me how Obama had been sabotaging the RV in order to strangle the American economy. Banking sources knew that the RV would trigger off prosperity in America, in Spain (your nation!). France, Greece, and other hurting nations across the world. Even China should have a strong rebound to their national economy with the RV. Russia also! Even Middle East oil countries would have far better world oil markets with money that buys, not money that is worthless.
When all the dust politically settles in America, I already know that I will end up being the economic czar of America until the economic crisis in America is over and the American economy mass booming with prosperity again. My Omni Law will be passed ... I massively studied military intelligence records of America and other nations of the world. This taught secrets of national economics they would not allow to be taught in the colleges of involved nations. I hated doing it as much of my personal interests were elsewhere, but forced myself to work 30 or more professional fields to have practical insight into national economics no other economist would have. Several of my most powerful discoveries in national economics were made by this approach. I was not personally comfortable because human nature is human nature. I would be successful and then quit the field when I was successful and had mastered knowledge from that field. My formula required me to ignore my own human nature and do what this formula said I should to learn all the practical angles to national economics not taught in the college courses of the world.
I said all this to lead up to the following offer to you as King of Spain. When I have won in America, send one or two of your handpicked family to study economics with me. Much of what they will learn from me will be top secret and I will not agree to share some of my best economic discoveries with colleges or universities unless I change my mind later on. I will have them work with me as I set up key national and international economic policies. With this training, they will be the best economic leaders for Spain since it was founded as a nation. Your royal line will skyrocket the economy of Spain with the economic secrets I will teach to your two family members I will accept to work with me and learn my economic secrets.
...But if Wash., D.C. tried to interfere with this payment, this would be basically a violation of international law and in effect an act of war against Spain. So write a personal letter to me ... Give me what ways you want me to contact you back. I will give you my regular name in life as Erasmus Of America is a pen name which was necessary for certain security reasons. I will give you banking information so you may have deposited direct in my banking account what amount you wish to. If Wash.,D.C. tries any delays or tricks on money deposited, your
Spanish Embassy in Wash., D.C. can file a diplomatic complaint that this is an outrage committed against Spain as a nation. Washington,D.C. gets uncomfortable fast when things get too hot for them.If I call you that they interfered with this loan from you, they are in a ton of trouble that will be in the world press.
You may look at my proposed Omni Law on Nesara News, Look at their search box at the top left above the listing of archive reports and put in Omni Law. ... My tactics are unorthodox but with that system, I have consistently won in life against Soviet intelligence and other sources over the years.
With Best Regards, Erasmus Of America

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:26 PM


1. Anonymous August 30, 2012 5:10 PM

Who is this guy. His website hasn't been updated in 10 months. A google search doesn't come up with anything. He sounds awfully important.

2. Anonymou sAugust 30, 2012 5:37 PM

Have you ever heard of bullet point summaries? Your supposed to be intellegent. Boring your readers with long winded articles are a turn off. To get your message across they should be short and to the point.

Replies 1. Anonymous August 30, 2012 7:47 PM

You stick to your bullet point summaries. This is an open letter to King Juan Carlos of Spain, not you. You shouldn't be reading other people's letters and complaining about them anyway. I don't see you complaining about Obama about to slaughter you and your family. Erasmus Of America, My Heroe!!! Love Erasmus Of America!!!

3. Anonymous August 30, 2012 9:27 PM

This Erasmus character is just a con man trying to squeeze money out of the sheeple. NIFI is the National Institute for Inventors. They claim they have inventions which would revolutionize the world but that the FBI and CIA have been trying to shut them down and have stolen money and destroyed their property. Sounds fishy to me. Go to or Google NIFI.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either."- Albert Einstein
"The people cannot be safe without information." - Thomas Jefferson

I am receiving intelligence reports from various sources which I will not identify. I thought this might be a sober intelligence report for the American people to read as Obama is trying to engineer a civil war in America so he can take over America for life as Communist dictator. He is prepared to kill off 50% of all Americans if required to secure power for Communism in America. … Americans are too soft to face a genuine Communist takeover of the nation through Wash., D.C., so it is healthy to have the image that somewhere in America exists a source that can save maybe half of the American people from being slaughtered off by Communist Obama and foreign allies.
Oh God is on my side! In 1990 I pray for a Seneca Police Officer … and he instantly healed of all injuries. That folks is public record! That was intended by God to tell Washington officials and personnel that you face the Wrath of God if you mess with this boy. God likes him and God backs him. …
Now you in Washintgton, D.C. know how to push all the wrong buttons with God to make God madder and madder at you. In Lev. in the Old Testament, it is listed how when you really make God mad at you, God is prepared to increase punishment on you 7 times 7 times 7 times 7 times or equal to 2401 times greater punishment to you than you would originally have received for outraging God against you. Each time the punishment is increased 7 times is when you refuse to repent of your evil before God and stop mocking God by your arrogant sinning and rebellion against God. I earlier told you that I expected Washington, D.C. to return the federally stolen $525,000 to me which was stolen … You boys in Wash., D.C. have really done it. God is if I understand what is happening really getting mad at you. Director of F.B.I., what is your excuse before God why the federally stolen $525,000 was not returned to me and promptly long ago? Director of C.I.A., what is your excuse before God? Obama of the White House, what is your excuse? Members of Congress, what are your excuses before God? You think ignoring God is going to get you off the hook with God? You must not understand what the Bible teaches then. Because the survival of the human race is at stake, I call upon God and mankind for witness. For each 10 days from now, I call for God to increase eternal punishment for every federal official and personnel not seeing I am returned the federally stolen $525,000. The formula is for God if He so honors my request to increase your punishment by 7 times for each 10 days until the federally stolen money is returned until the final maximum of 2041 times increased punishment for all eternity as listed in the Bible. … even Satan will laugh at you as his punishment for all eternity will be like a Sunday School Picnic in comparison to yours! The students of Satan will end up suffering maybe even billions of times more painful and incredible than human imagination could ever conceive of. And this punishment for all eternity. And Obama and co-mockers of God, you will scream your heads off and God will laugh at you for all eternity!
…I was curious and checked out my own name in the Old Testament in Hebrew and my name in Greek in the New Testament. I will not admit what all I found but the message seems to be from the Old Testament that God smiles with enormous approval of me for when I arise in history. And in the New Testament in Greek Code, my name is there again. And the message comes out that Jesus approves higher of me than any prior political leader in history. According to the Bible Code, Jesus is colossally proud of me because I had the courage to stand up for Jesus all the way whereas colossal numbers of other Christians were ashamed before the world to admit they were Christians and did not want Jesus to ask them to do anything for Him in this life. My name is spelled out in Greek Code in the New Testament when Jesus prophesied twice that He will have His Chief Steward on earth just shortly before Jesus returns to earth. The real Christians back me automatically. Those who don't will have some powerful explaining to do to Jesus later on why they would not back me when I was going to return the Bible and prayers to the public educational system, going to use the economic teachings of Jesus to skyrocket the economy of nations I am suppsosed to bless and help the poor rise out of their poverty to a God-blessed prosperity and life on earth. Much more but I will not list it here.
… I have had a few stunning Miracles of God occur in my life, not because I was perfect, but I assume because God liked my heart and that I "cared" about important things for mankind that most of mankind do not want to be bothered by. When God creates stunning Miracles of God, there is logic and common sense behind it, but maybe hidden from us why God would do this. I think I could with financing totally document from previous records left us by history probably 50,000 or more stunning Miracles of God for nearly 2,000 years starting with Jesus and the Apostles and ending up with us in 2012. A recent Miracle of God occurred. I lost a copy of a small book on God-given rights showing the Founding Fathers of America founded American law upon this legal concept. I had lost the book in my house and when I checked on the internet, could not conclusively line up another copy of this book nationally either new or used. By 4 days I sort of complained to Jesus as to why Jesus would not help me find this book. It was so important as I wanted this reprinted to be used in the schools of America. On the 4th day I think in April, 2012, there was the book all covered with lint sitting beside my refrigerator which I pass many times a day. It got the lint from elsewhere in my house where a very awkward piece of furniture is never moved and the book had to be knocked behind it where no one could reach it or find it once there. That is the reason for the heavy lint. One other person at the house said they never saw this book nor moved it. Some of my friends said they believed that either Jesus or an angel under orders of Jesus moved this book of the founding legal concept of America to where it could be found. And left the heavy lint on it so I would know where it had been. This was the endorsement of Jesus that Jesus backed my drive for passage of the Omni Law and Jesus wanted this concept of God-given rights taught in the atheistic, Antichrist public schools of America today. Jesus helps those who love Him, not those who hate him such as Obama and other demonically possessed people in Wash., D.C.
Wash., D.C. stop playing like little children in your sandblox of a world of fantasty and nonsense. Fast pass the Omni Law before Nov. 7, 2012, pay me back stolen federal money you robbed from me to prevent me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process. And behave yourself to keep the peace between the South and you! I am giving you briefly a way to save the federal union. Once we leave the federal union, we are independent and will never return to you. When our Confederate generals hear how to build and use our "Population Bombs", they will know that we can easily defeat you if you ever try to start a war with us. Last chance to win the South back! Better behave yourself! And give rid of Obama who is the main reason why events got pushed to the point of no return for either side!
… If Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs are built by my order and I may already have them as I can be sneaky if necessary, they will be set on timing systems. They automatically launch unless humans return to the locations to disarm them. They would be on trick systems so any untrained person tries to touch them, they launch and China and Russia then annihilated. This is a chessgame of military options and time for the planned military takeover of Obama to be cancelled and now! I promise Obama and his supporters deaths beyond your human imagination if you try to destroy America and kill off the American people as you currently plan.
For those who want to be considered for positions in the Confederate Government if events get out of hand, send an email to me. Just to clear the air. If anyone contacting me this way is harmed, threatened, etc. by agents for Obama, this will be considered an act of war against the Confederate Government and we will take justified actions after that. For those who want us to stop Obama from engineering his planned civil war in America, financial backing welcome. Send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. For corrupt news media trying to protect Obama from exposure for planning the legal overthrow of the U.S. Republic and U.S. Constitution by military means, if things, if the American people are enraged at much of the news media for being active backers of the foreign invasion of America by Russian and Chinese soldiers, maybe we should give you after we have won the treatment the French people gave to Nazi collaborators after Nazi forces were defeated in France. …
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name to buy us time to outmaneuver the most evil conspiracy ever seen in history and by the archtraitor Obama, not a U.S. Citizen, but foreign agent for the KGB of Moscow is why Putin was willing to back him in the military takeover and then mass slaughter of America)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:59 PM
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

In Erasmus' last posting, he didn't rave on even once about European Royal Families. What we got instead was the "Population Bomb."
Erasmus of America wrote:I call my ultimate weapon system "The Population Bomb." It does not need nuclear supplies to make it and so deadly any underground organization once possessing it could easily militarily defeat America, Russia, China, Europe, Middle East, or whatever part of the world you want to defeat. It does not kill, but instead crashes the government of any nation on earth by the colossal disaster that hits their nation.

This was the title of a book which was widely read when I was in High School. Its thesis, which thankfully hasn't come true, was that there would be vast famines unless population was brought under control. Anyway, in all likelihood this is some buzz word Erasmus either remembered or heard somewhere and it doesn't go any deeper than that, but then again, he also said this (in yet another quote from the 80% of his post I edited out):
Erasmus of America wrote:... earlier mankind did not need social security for retirement because the ancient formula with ancient races was try to have at least four children per married couple and the children would support their parents in old age.
So, it is just possible than Erasmus was actually thinking of population explosions! I can see it now, blackmailing governments by threatening to get all the women in their country pregnant over a couple of generations so that overpopulation causes situations much like the introduction to a Mad Max or Zombie movie.

What Erasmus doesn't realize is that the evil agent he calls "SS" for "Super Stud" is the perfect means of getting said populations preggers. It would take a man of his seductive skills, his reproductive potency, but mostly his unbelievable turnaround rate to make a dent in the number of conceptions in all but the smallest countries. More to the point, it would be such a potent weapon, if you call one that takes 40 years to explode potent, that I would be happy to volunteer to make the sacrifice. Unfortunately, I've been cautioned to focus less on seminal scattering and more on the concerns of a rapidly-aging population of readers, such as women who make wise investments for their retirement nights instead of hanging from harnesses attached to the ceiling. Don't look at me, I don't like it either.

By the way, Erasmus, if you're reading this, exactly how much do positions in the Confederate Government cost? I mean, do you, like, have a price list? And these positions, do any of them require the woman to hang from a harness attached to the ceiling?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

The more I read these Erasmus posts the more I think it is time to report this nut to whichever agency in his state commits nuts to the nuthouse for examination and treatment. Plus it sounds like his house is really dirty.

The whole promising Obama death thing too, is that reportable to the secret service. Not that I think he would or has the means to carry it off but this guy just needs to be locked up in an insane assylum (if we still have those). He's crazy.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

I'd bet the Secret Service would be interested enough to interview him.

But more important to me is the "South is gonna rise again" stuff. General Sherman has no direct decedents (strange that, in a family with 8 or 9 siblings, the generation after his was the final one in all branches) so although I'm not claiming him as an ancestor, I do think I can channel him well enough to be considered for the burning of Atlanta and most of South Carolina.

I've never liked either one, I'm good with a bic lighter and I know the way to Savannah from Atlanta like the back of my hand! Oh the memories of my own military training, singing our marching shanty...
Rape, Kill, Pillage and burn
We're gonna rape, kill pillage and burn (sotto voice) EAT BABIES!
Rape, kill, pillage and burn!
We're gonna Rape Kill Pillage and Burn!

I'm not making that up, we really sang that at Ft. Benning
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote: Oh the memories of my own military training, singing our marching shanty...
It's already been done before. "Marching Through Georgia" was a big Union hit. The song was so-in-your-face at the time that it still causes outrage in the state should anyone be brave enough to sing it in public.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Cathulhu »

Gah! Here I was thinking that our theme song was "Hog Killing Time in Nebraska".
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Cathulhu wrote:Gah! Here I was thinking that our theme song was "Hog Killing Time in Nebraska".
I thought it was "Keg Filling Time in Alaska." No wonder I was getting strange looks from the dais when we sang it at the last Illuminati dinner.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff