Eat Light Slaver Scum

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

Moderator: Deep Knight

Deep Knight
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Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by Deep Knight »

Finally, some real hard-hitting news! Well, perhaps not real…

Friday, September 7, 2012
CLS Military Report 9/7/12 Big Battle for Earth Rages On. Damage Reports. QUAKES. Real. Physical. NOT CHANNELED! Real.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 10:35:46
CLS Military Report 9/7/12 Big Battle for Earth Rages On. Damage Reports. QUAKES - No Aftershocks. Real. Physical. NOT Channeled. Here. Now. Real. LISTEN

It started Thursday before last, 11 days ago. As in my 2 previous reports, Reptilian alien forces hiding in the folds between dimensions just outside our range of sight attacked our Sovereign Multinational Earth Defense Forces. Naturally, the Creation Lightship Defense Fleet immediately came to their aid.

SOURCE can do ANYTHING. It sent LightBeing healers and airmen/soldiers to help us. Creation Light Ship CLS gave our once completely defeated and destroyed defense forces very advanced concentrated pure Light weaponry, complete with instantaneous inter-dimensional & inter-temporal targeting systems that instantly dissolve the Reptilian and GFL soldiers and ships when hit. They also were given all the alien ships ever captured by the CLS Defense Fleet after having them totally upgraded. All the ships and soldiers that Earth had just lost in battle were re-created and resurrected off the timelines.

Since our forces cannot be killed or permanently damaged, because CLS doctors use SOURCE Energy to resurrect or repair them, we win every battle.

[That hardly seems fair]

As the first alien invader ships were instantly being dissolved into nothing but a puff of orange red smoke, their whole fleet rushed in to the breach in the tunnels and air and in the water to see what was happening. The aliens are not able to see who was dissolving them, as they were being picked off from outside of any dimensions and from above time. Like a beehive being swatted, they pour out to defend their bases, but do not understand why they are disappearing one by one when they do.

They are darkness invading Light's territory finally meeting the results of their aggression and bullying.

They try in vain to discover the source of their CLS adversary's Light cannon, but their limited by being in time sensor arrays are unable to reach above these created space and time worlds we live in. They only understand their enemy is cloaked somehow, and search in vain for pattern disturbances in the background. They cannot conceive of CLS being above all dimensions, time, and anything else they are capable of being aware of, and of CLS being sent by SOURCE to defend Its' territory and free all here that have been invaded. They can blow shit up around them, but there is no defense to being a darkness minion under the spotlight of SOURCE.

The CLS Defense Fleet is made up of living LightShips with their own intelligences. The most that can happen to them is a slight lasered discoloration on the outer hull skin where they interface with things in dimension. The lasers just pass through the ship and LightBeing crew as there is nothing solid enough to hit.

Here's the recent score as of last night, with 11 days of battle to go:

Earth Multinational Defense Forces:
No permanent loss or damage.
There is, so far, now 2-3% less mind control on humans.
[I don't know about you, but I've been feeling 2.5% less mind controlled all day!]
Reptilian GFL Losses:
5,500 alien ships turned into instantaneous non-being.
Each ship had 50 to 500 aliens aboard.
560 underground alien bases were destroyed
There was no suffering or casualties involved, just instantly gone.
Suffering and casualties are food for darkness.
OUAKES. All the mysterious earthquakes and rumblings with no aftershocks have the scientists puzzled. They have never seen this before. This is because they are not earthquakes, but explosions as the alien bases' weapons and fuel blow up or implode. No Tsunamis or radiation because CLS will not allow any structural or collateral damage to Its creation. The ultimate ally really is on our side.

As a Catholic child in the fifties, I was told we never lost a war because “God is on our side.” I remember during that garden raid standing among the vegetables and being impressed and proud of that. It made sense deeply. And now that I know the god referred to back then by my little friend was an alien imposter, I take solace in hearing that SOURCE, the highest reality, really IS on the side of Humans with SPIRITS, and all the Free Will Free Choice beings.

Eat Light Slaver Scum.

Our CLS Helpers

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:51 AM

[This guy was part of the famous "garden raid?" And I thought all these NESARA guys were wusses!]


Anonymous September 7, 2012 1:20 PM
I remember several reports saying all reptilian bases on earth were destroyed a long time ago.

[All 100% true, as is this report!]

Anonymous September 7, 2012 1:49 PM
In other news, mroxygen's brain has obviously been without enough oxygen for an extended period, but he's OK, living in his mothers basement, and can ride on the little bus as long as he wears his helmut.
Seriously, this boy needs to get a life before he hurts someone...

adrianIII September 7, 2012 2:03 PM
I think this report is total BS!

Anonymous September 7, 2012 3:00 PM
[Depends on the size of one's bladder, doesn't it? I have it on good authority that these guys have bladders bigger than the orbit of Saturn...]
[How can he be serving the darkness if there is no duality and thus they don't exist? This lightworker needs to read his own comments!]


OK, if The Source can do anything, why haven't they? We always heard the "non-interference" excuse before, why not now?
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by Deep Knight »

This was all originally posted at Rumor Mill News. The poster, Mr. Oxygen, was upset he wasn’t making a bigger splash, and complained.

Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis, Alternative Health, Armageddon, Conspiracies, Prophecies, Spirituality, Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in: The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Amazed only half of our readers clicked on report of largest battle ever for Earth Vs. Reptillians & GFL. WTF?

Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Sep-2012 13:46:55

YOUR planet we are trying to keep safe from the interdimensional slavers and are now on the verge of finally ousting the invaders - now that we can - because SOURCE sent Its' LightBeings with undefeatable weaponry to help our multinational underground dimension and time-hopping soldiers finally reclaim SOURCE's original territory of LIGHT!

I am amazed half the readers don't even care enough to click on and examine WITH DETAIL the multiple witness and physically related evidence we present, and that they quickly dismiss it without really looking, and do not connect in their heads that this huge battle is reflected above here ON the surface into all the other resulting lesser downstream drama stuff they click on instead.

This place was a paradise before they got here.

Get up to speed. For all related past Military Reports search all articles for author "mroxygen" going back to October 2010 then in that list that comes up, look at all messages labeled "CLS Military Report"

Someone said "Why don't we just tend our own gardens? Why focus on this negative stuff?" Because if we lose you will not have a garden at all.

When some comments called this a channeling, Mr. Oxygen got hot under the collar.

TWISTED what you think you just read,
filling you all full of and with FRAUDULENT ASSUMPTIONS, ASSUMPTIONS, ASSUMPTIONS! ? ? ? ! ! !

NONE NONE NONE OF MY STUFF IS CHANNELED, Channelers work for the aliens I have said over and over. And over!



See How bad it is here?

Controls on you you are not aware of!

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by Deep Knight »

These are the “coming up to speed” reports Mr. Oxygen was so upset more people didn’t read. A bit of advice, if you want people to read something, make it interesting!

CLS Military Report 9/2/2012.Huge Alien Vs. CLS & Const.Undergr Sovereign Soldiers Battle throughout Brazil & S America

Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 2-Sep-2012 12:00:07
CLS Military Report 9/2/2012. Huge UFO Alien Vs. CLS & Constitutional Underground Sovereign Soldiers Battle throughout Brazil and Across East & West S America. Earthquakes.

Last night, Saturday, 9/1/2012 on the usual "Saturday Night Live on the Lightship Healing with Ron Amitron" BBS2 radio & chat room conference call, all our show listeners were brought out of time and up to the True Light Universe of NOW, beyond all time and dimension.

We entered the huge CLS/Creation Light Ship Fleet Flagship as usual. We went through some healing rooms getting cleared, and then we were allowed to experience an unusually intense battle.

We were slowly brought out through the exterior of the CLS Flagship to where the defense fleet ships were stationed. I will reproduce listener/participant descriptive comments below.

We slowly adjusted from being in Pure Light to the changing density and gravity as we were slowly prepared to densify ourselves more inside a LightShip about to go into battle here in our lower/denser dimensional worlds. The Lightships, being constructed of SOURCE light, are unable to be harmed by lower vibration material weapons and their projectiles and rays, and any of our Underground Sovereign Force Earth soldiers killed in battle are instantly resurrected.

We find many on the BBS calls are regular humans like you, and are also volunteering by serving with the Sovereign Earth time-travelling multinational underground military forces. Their Spirits are operating several human soldier bodies voluntarily taken from their timelines in Earth's history and/or from into the future as well. Many on the calls can see their experiences and report them in the accompanying BBS chat room.

Our CLS ships, when operating in density, must naturally densify themselves in order to even be there operating within time and dimension, but our occupants are completely protected by Light "bubbles" or fields inside the ships. So notice when we were hit by alien/bad-human laser or pulse cannon fire, it was felt, but that is all.

The strike hits our craft outer edge, and tries to project inward. But the further into the ship skin it goes, the less and less dense the resistance, until it simply fades away as darkness - materiality incompatible with, and unable to exist within, Light.

This is why darkness and its minions and free-will possessing turncoats can only operate here in the lower worlds of time and dimension holograms. All their weapons and mind control and black magic may only work here in thick time and dimension.

Of course, dense is all darkness is, or could ever be, and why it cannot attack Light in Its' home. This is why we cannot travel to the LightShip without Ron taking us there. We would be seen as darkness, due to all our darkness infection.

Darkness can only drain the Spirit SOURCE Light away from hypnotized and infected Spirits adhered to human bodies in time and dimensionality, whose human free will gives the Spirit grains away to the darkness and its' traps, until completely lost.

This is why the CLS uses only "weapons" of pure concentrated Light. There is no defense against CLS dissolving ANY thing material into base elements by using SOURCE LIGHT.

We have done this visiting the fleet before, and previously got instruction learning how to pilot some of the 100ft or so craft, but this time we were observers on a 500ft craft. We lowered into time and dimension, and went to Brazil.

As is always the protocol, CLS Defense Fleet Forces never attack first. For CLS to engage, they must be attacked. The Reptiles are so arrogant they always attack, vainly trying to show their mind-controlled self-imagined superiority.

A huge battle broke out. Laser cannon pulses were everywhere, torpedoes were exploding all around us, and there were multiple tunnels and airspaces comprising the battlefield. The Reptilian ships were simply dissolving "pop" "pop" "pop" one by one.

An alien ship embedded in the Earth was dissolved - its' job was to soak us all in evil "Odd Harmonics." See the Harmonic clearing on

Here is what our participant observers reported as it unfolded:

Roger: that was awesome
Shane: yes large cylinder
Melinda: going up and down my body scanning
raemond: I already feel high & i don't do drugs!
Will: I'm getting cooler, but I'm a cool guy lol
Maxine: ya!
Susan: energy level just went way up around me, feel it
Marsha: very thick light protection around ship
Cindy-MN: Will - yeah!!!! cooler by the minute!
Brian: nice, like this feeling
KATHY Cohost: Going to earthquake areas
Oscar: odd gravity
Oscar: colored steps
Cindy-MN: Wow - gravity --- hands and arms vibrating!!
Luke: Alien timelines causing that
Luke: in between space & time
Marsha: those look very menacing
Janice: What a special treat going back again.Thanks Ron
Marsha: big saucer underground? how did it get there?
Marsha: beaming odd harmonics
Shane: held in suspension coming apart
Shane: a lot of tunnels
Mark: that feels very serious to me
Larry: I see the battles on East and West of South America
Pete: I could think faster? [He was enhanced.]
Larry: Our Ship got hit
Parker: gee that was different
Parker: a lot different than lightship
Janice: I felt my body being jerked around
Parker: we got hit and ship shook

CLS September Conference Calls: Ascension Prep:Sat-4 hr Sept 15/Healing Intensive :Sun – 8 hr Sept 16, 23, 30

Sara: Felt anxious in the ship moving.
Marie R: lots of head pressure

CLS Special Wkly Removals:: Tue = Cording,Thur = Clone Body, and Fri = Entity

Janice: I felt that Larry,
Darlyn: big plants alien life forms with fiber optic
Marie R: nice head pressure
Derick: just got bits and pieces, a lot going on
Jack: Major war! holy crap!
Janice: Let go back Ron I love this!??
Meg: I'm glad I don't understand it all
Tom: to heavy for me
Pat: appreciate the protection but don't want to focus on it
Nibley: interesting
Trent: what show is this?
liz: guys i totally dozed off
liz: I'm in Brazil forces
Cindy-MN: Liz - we volunteered you for something fun!! (kidding!)
Penny: stay heart centered, mind to heart drop
Jacobson: let's focus on something else - I saw enough
Lisa: oh thank you Ron, Peace, so wonderful
Jack: right in the middle of it. crap
Ted: I'm shaking, a lot
Ted: tremors in body
Cindy-MN: counting chatters: 91 chatters!!! We are not alone!
Parker: I prefer lightship to alien wars
Janice: Should we type in Brazil 4 the earth protection clearing?? :: New to CLS ?? Check links Question & Answers / Wikipedia
Kami: your funny Ron :: Watch for the Sept Event flier! Sign up for the CLS Newsletter.
Michaela: Thank You Ron!
Rex: that's it again!!? what is it??
KATHY Cohost: Brazil and Africa
Debby: Both pugs woke up and were growling.
liz: I'm also in Africa forces...interesting
Josh: Very peaceful, thanks you constitutional freedom fighting soldiers
Andrew: Goodnight fellow followers of your spirit within
mL: the show tonight went by super fast
Susan: Nite, nite everyone, blessings
Janice: Peace~Thanks All~
Rupert: no wonder Ron was yawning allot [releasing dark energies]
Cindy-MN: Thanks Ron, Kathy, BBS and All!
mL: thanks everyone
KATHYCohost: Earth protect timeline crash put in Brazil and Africa one for each per Ron
liz: Janice, so bizarre, i totally passed out!
liz: its like i know i slept but felt different than sleep...funny

==: 9 hrs of Radio! Links on right side of website.

liz: i think i fell asleep right before we had snacks
liz: &i know we went out on ships but next thing i knew larry was calling
liz: i think my bodys just dealing w a lot
liz: night all peace & blessings
Jed: I just woke up! what did I miss??!!
Larry: OKay Liz, I guess we had an encounter
Jed: I was awake before show started? don't know what happened? can't believe it over
Larry: Jed-We went to battle the Aliens
Jed: I usually don't fall asleep, feel good now
Jed: ah man! you got to be kidding me, and I missed it Larry
Jed: what happened?
Larry: Well Jed, you needed the rest, next time maybe
Jed: feel like I was somewhere else but feels like 30 seconds ago show started
Larry: Battles underground, above ground, etc. We avoided being put into the soup bowl.

All are welcome to come along every Saturday night, or on any of the nights of the weekly 9 hours of free calls.

CLS Military Rpt 9/4/12 Earth ED Battle Continues Worldwide Since Thursday 8/30 Constitution Loving Soldiers Unflinchin

Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Sep-2012 14:15:44
CLS Military Report 9/4/12 Battle For Earth Continues Worldwide Since Last Thursday 8/30. Constitution Loving Soldiers Unflinching In Their Pursuit of Reptilian GFL Forces.

[Of course they're unflinching! If they can kill the reptilians every time with absolutely no harm to themselves, why would they flinch?]

Intense battle continues, hand to hand and craft fighting on timelines just next to ours is very intense.

Many of us serving here and there at the same "time" are feeling the subconscious, emotional and physical stress in our personal "normal lives" like a bleed-through we can't quite put a finger on.

On last night's "BBS1 CLS Ron Amitron Healing Hour" we again were brought up out of time and duality to the ABOVE time and duality regions of the Eternal Now Universe of True Light. We left the Defense Fleet Flagship upon arrival, and again boarded the special 500ft living intelligence observation LightShip and descended into our Earthly now dimensions in time and again observed the very intense full scale battle still raging on for possession of our world.

I have been doing these reports since 2010, when CLS first went to our Earth defenders and offered assistance. On one side of the battle are the invading darkness controlled slaver-of-humans aliens, who use their super advanced (2,500 AD) beyond lasers and pulsars. Their weaponry is still time and dimensionally limited technology in what is, after so much time, simply turning out to be a long vain Reptilian attempt to completely control the Ultimate Light and us, and to selfishly defeat the Forces of Light and Full Free Will Choice.

The Constitution loving freedom fighters only use Pure Source Energy as their weapons, and are instantly resurrected if they fall in battle. All this is explained in detail in my previous writings and at my related site .
Earthquakes we see here are related to the battles and are mostly from Reptilian and Galactic Federation explosive weapons causing them, as the Forces Of Light do not use any weaponry that causes any Earth or collateral damage.

Source will not hurt Its own creation, but the attacking darkside creations and turncoats created with Spirits that seek power, control, and destruction are fair game for instant elimination as SOURCE protects and re-claims Its own territory through Its CLS Light Beings and their awesome and permanently superior "weaponry."

Shining a bright light on darkness so it can no longer hide or exist as darkness.

CLS helps, but we all have to defend our own planet. That is why our soldiers are now beyond exhausted. This battle, coming on top of all the other various ET through-time attacks which I have detailed in the other writings, has been raging non-stop for 6 days now. If we just go along, if the masses blindly keep just going along, through actions we signal that we are "ok" with being alien controlled, and to stop us from using our free will to be able to choose that, is verbotten for the Forces of Light. This is one reason why CLS will not attack unless attacked first.

We were observing live battles on the East Coast, the Gulf, the West Coast, across South America/Brazil, and Africa. It looks like this just may be the biggest Battle Royale so far for the control of the planet, and no-one else who is not a psy-ops spin channeler has reported it even exists, certainly not the PTB/W mainstream minions!

And notice please, that this battle report, like all our reports, is so fresh here and now that the GFL of darkness channelers and their dupes have not been able to publicly try and jump in front of it and then try to fraudulently take credit for it!

These reports come straight from the action aboard the on-scene CLS defense fleet. And Lucy, it don't get any more fresh or embedded than that.

A notable tactic we see now is that using dimensional and timeshift technology, the Reptillian fleets are "superimposing" their military bases upon our reality by dropping them into our nextdoor timelines to fight us, and moving them around. Fat chance.

As observers, our 500 ft. LightShips were rocked by explosions around us, but HUGE LightShips materialized right in front of us and were summarily butt-kicking and removing all opposition in our path. There was only dark smoke, sometimes red/orange in color, left in the places where the many alien ships once were. An observer looking for words described it as like the scene just after a bad car wreck, with pieces, skidmarks, spills, and smoke strewn around, but no cars left!

Observers were commenting their hearts were racing as they observed the rust colored remaining clouds. One soldier - while here too - on the call - said he was puking up from the mayhem, as his Spirit kept telling him to let his self relax and just calm himself so the SOURCE energies could flow through him unimpeded as he steadily and accurately fired his pistol.

All the human soldiers from wherever in time they come from are fully trained in this advanced time-hopping space fold warfare and weaponry and tactics, and are "frequency enhanced to remain neutral" to minimize any harm they could bring to themselves through emoting human emotions, which would open a door into them - so to speak - that darkness could use against them.

The Reptilian soldiers have what were described as "spikey" energies, and their ships would disappear in plumes of red and orange smoke when the Pure SOURCE Light hit them.

A caller said he saw an alternate version of yours truly fighting for our planet and the Light. He said the aliens were trying to grab onto and manipulate timelines attached to me during the battle so they could alter my thinking. In fact, we just discovered 6 new death barcodes on me, this might be the result. No worries, we clear them off. Battalions of aliens were disappearing. So, the ones putting codes on me are probably all dead now. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

Eat Light slaver scum.

Below are 2 chatroom battle highlights of observer/participants comments from last night's Internet radio shows of 9/3/12 - especially note the ones marked "*"

KATHYcohost: GOING TO LIGHTSHIP Ed's reports
liz: kind of a lightheaded feeling
Cindy-MN: ?? my heart feeks kike it is raising - adrenaline rush??
Cindy-MN: ooops - dislexia- heart feels like racing!!!
Teri: Im still sensing that too Cindy.
*Narcode on skype here: Allot of white light waves hitting timelines over and over, its incredible
Janice: Not this time 4 me Kathy.
*Narcode on skype here: Dark smoke when white light hits them
*Narcode on skype here: looks like glowing fibers in clouds
Narcode on skype here: Florida is in a different timeline than rest of US or has different timeline it works
Narcode on skype here: South America very intense
Narcode on skype here: A lot of silver energy around me
Ray: ? Why focus energy of these battles when we have our own gardens to tend to??
[If this battle lost you will not have a garden.]

Narcode on skype here: Very big light ships intercepting in front of ours, due to intensity of battle
Ray: So much is at stake at this time.
ed: That must be why I am stationed in FL?
Narcode on skype here: Bigger ships have very powerful large light intensities
Narcode on skype here: clearing huge areas in front of our ships
Janice: Oh thats why I felt that why about fl. when i visited there in the past.
Narcode on skype here: worm holes all over florida
ed: I only like North of Miami
Narcode on skype here: like different country
Narcode on skype here: Australia forces very engaged, with me
Janice: I never felt comforable visiting, very interesting......
Narcode on skype here: All Freedom ships in instant communication
Kami: Ron you only work in moment, I know :Events: Watch for the Sept Event flier! Sign up for the CLS Newsletter.
CLS September Conference Calls: Ascension Prep: Sat-4 hr Sept 15/Healing Intensive : Sun – 8 hr Sept 16, 23, 30 :: 9 hrs of Radio! Links on right side of website.
liz: Ed, protect yourself!
ed: Liz, every call and weekend workshop :: New to CLS ?? Check links Question & Answers / Wikipedia
Nibley: interesting
CLS Special Wkly Removals:: Tue = Cording,Thur = Clone Body, and Fri = Entity $20ea
CLS Special Weekly Healing:: and Water Activation with Lightship = Wed $30
[What triggered the battle now? ] liz: blue moon could be a possibility
Ken: yes way to much to want to be concious of it all

ed: Many top illuminati old ones all died on the blue moon date. I postulate their ships dissolved in battle, so the physical illusion of old man human could no longer be maintained.

From Benjamin Fulford:
[Since the battle began,] "Several recent high-profile deaths may be related to this ongoing, but climaxing, struggle. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Bishop of Milan and reported Vatican spy master, died on August 31st, during the blue moon.

"Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov, the former head of the Soviet Union’s armed forces fired by Gorbachev, also died on that day. Another prominent death was the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, head of the Unification Church. The Unification Church is known as a powerful player in the Asian underworld and has a large ranch in Paraguay next to the one the Bush family owns. None of the causes of death were announced but all the men were elderly. These men were connected, though, at the highest level, to the intensifying factional struggle over control of the world’s finances."

Marianne: What is a "blue moon?"
Cindy-MN: Thanks for calling Ed, Larry & Daniel!
Maxine: I believe caller from netherlands, Pete
Cindy-MN: Daniel - are you from Montreal???
liz: Pete, i think he's from canada.

ed: Channelers quiet, still too new for them to spin this battle in "messages" and for them to try and take credit for it, especially the Galactic Federation of the light of darkness telepath soldiers and their fraud channeler psy-ops.

Melisa: Oh I need heart energy so much right now, thank you
ed: Try substituting "top banking and religious leaders"
Jeff: keep crashing timelines sounds important right now eh?
Janice: Thanks Daniel/Fellow Warrior of the light/
ed: ??? Can we crash all timelines attached to me they were trying to manipulate???
Tony: ?? does one particular clearing sound out as important right now to run??
[Free Earth Protection Clearing at]

ed: ??? Can we discover WHY current battle is SO IMPORTANT ??? in particular.
[To derail the 2012 psy-op fraud ascension December abductions]

Tony: does any clearings seem more important at this time? for us all?
Marianne: ?????What ia a blue moon???????
Mark: Earth Protection works good right now Tony
liz: interesting
liz: never thought of media clearing but great idea
Tina: gray sky clearing making me yawn allot
liz: making me thirsty!
Israel: Its pouring down overhere
ed: Marianne: two moons in same month, 2nd is "blue"
Jane: aliens use media indirectly to program time??
Nick: gee that feels like timeline crash, really rocking & rolling
Larry: Marianne-Blue Moon-Moon has a corona or circle at bottom :: New to CLS ?? Check links Question & Answers / Wikipedia
Larry: Blue Corona :Events: Watch for the Sept Event flier! Sign up for the CLS Newsletter.
Patricia: you will know true divine self, not your alien lie living in time
Patricia: you won't know what your mind recognizes you as
Patricia: light is light
Larry: Person not there-spirit is infinity of light
Patricia: nothing the mind identifies with will exist
ed: Caller, whole NEW way of "cogitating"
Michael O: ?? we are spiritual being having a human life :: 9 hrs of Radio! Links on right side of website.

Patricia: real true freedom unkown to mind, it will be wonderful
liz: "in light, you can choose moment by moment what you want"
Patricia: the mind loses all choice and spirit gets all its freedom of choice
Israel: Wow a bird :: another show tonight-6PM to 9PM (PST)

Israel: I wan to be a Falcon
Patricia: mind has no existence in time anymore or identity or life in moment
Melinda: that is cool Ron!
Melinda: no more traps from past controlling me! yeh!
Israel: Good show good show
ed: We have little choice now, after the big real Ascension we will have FULL CHOICE
Jasper: all boils down to mind will never figure out real light because from aliens control grid
Heather: I'm feeling much more relaxed, thank you

KATHYCohost: Thank u for the mind to heart drop!
Janice: Caller/All clearing are good 4 me,my life is so much more at peace,
Trish: thanks for calling I was wondering similar things
Janice: I am so much more empowered!

CLS Special Wkly Removals:: Tue = Cording,Thur = Clone Body, and Fri = Entity $20ea

Trish: never could figure out how to word them
Trish: mind to heart drop & real peace is what I want
Michaela: post glacier rebound, gas's coming up from the sea floor

One Hour Later on MicroEffect Radio Show:

Jeri[6:10:17 PM]: I know I am enlisted
Jeri[6:13:12 PM]: Mr Oxygen I read your article, felt I was there what a battle
Jeri[6:13:46 PM]: thank you for your articles Mr Oxygen
larryjoe[6:14:25 PM]: Reptilians attacking LIghtship, SOldier SHips and other Alien Races - want to dominate the Planet Earth
Jeri[6:15:28 PM]: Yes Ceri I got a new right foot to replace the one that got shot in battle
SpiritIsrael[6:16:37 PM]: ???If someones blood gets on us, how bad is that??? [No effect we are protected]
mroxygen[9:16:51 PM]: If you get shot, the plus is your template is reset!
CinLee[6:17:28 PM]: Ron taking us to the Ceation Light Ship!
Jeri[6:17:35 PM]: Mr Oxygen that is a comfort to know
mroxygen[9:18:10 PM]: BIG plus
mroxygen[9:19:00 PM]: Just left Flagship
mroxygen[9:19:14 PM]: On 500ft Observer ships
mroxygen[9:20:29 PM]: We are jumping timelines
CinLee[6:20:57 PM]: Jason - on Light Ship right now
Jeri[6:21:01 PM]: I feel the energy shifting and my head getting a bit dizzy from the space / time zone difference
mroxygen[9:21:24 PM]: To battle them we have to go where they are and densify
mroxygen[9:21:55 PM]: But we still are in Pure Light Bubbles
jaybird[6:21:50 PM]: well ... i have been listening sort of ... am I there?
Jeri[6:23:22 PM]: More- good reminder, I have been running the Earth Protection since Saturday night.
mroxygen[9:23:54 PM]: Running 600 minute Earth Protection Clearing,
Jeri[6:23:44 PM]: for Brazil, Africa and South America
*Halithersis[6:26:55 PM]: Blue white very think force field around ships, cannons on top and port sides
*Halithersis[6:27:12 PM]: CLS Ships are not normal - they have intelligent live awakening pure intelligent
*Halithersis[6:27:24 PM]: Gravity is nothing like I feel in space before
*Halithersis[6:27:40 PM]: Many alien ships hidden in sub shadow space coming into our timelines through many polar vortexes wormholes
jcw[6:27:42 PM]: My senses were the [Freedom Soldiers] were happy to see us, they need help... [The Human soldiers need re-inforcements, so Everybody join up! You can't lose with CLS help!]
*Halithersis[6:27:54 PM]: Bright colors of many spectrums hitting us from all directions at once, extremely intense
*Halithersis[6:28:08 PM]: Brown dwarf ships alien ships trying to track us and get fix on us, has not tracking sensors to fix on us, but can tell there being hit by us and can't see us
jcw[6:28:17 PM]: My body was jerking we were being hit,
*Halithersis[6:28:19 PM]: Thousands of ships coming in to help other alien ships, they are all in confusion to what is going on. [They see nothing, just all disappearing.]
*Halithersis[6:28:30 PM]: Alien bases underground completely lit up with instant neurosis of its existence in particle time waves holographic ally projected into its sensory reality holographic ally.
aprilstarr[6:28:43 PM]: yes, it is called demonic possesion
*Halithersis[6:28:45 PM]: 12 Earth battling-ships disappeared from [alien ]scopes and reanimated in new space with more light wave barriers around them going back to work hitting large beings of octopus like energies that have synthetic intelligent fibers all around them with electrical energies all around them trying to connect to head conciousness of earthlings as take them out. They are half robot half organic nature. AI intelligent computers running software on back scatter patterns to measure what is going on & can't see us as we are cloaked in a field not knows to them. [SOURCE LIGHT]
aprilstarr[6:28:59 PM]: the fallen angels will be coming back as aliens
Halithersis[6:29:09 PM]: I can't cover it all, way to much going on
aprilstarr[6:29:24 PM]: have fun with that
jcw[6:30:05 PM]: Thanks for sharing this Halthsis
*Halithersis[6:31:34 PM]: Command structure comes from connecting to a consciousness the aliens cannot operate on [Pure Light]
*Halithersis[6:33:33 PM]: There is no feelings of any kind and [or] none known in light [in the] is present to keep free from entrapment [To stay in The Light and out of darkness' grasp]
Halithersis[6:34:26 PM]: I'm going offline to process this, there is allot of light processing to clear space hold earth from destruction
*Halithersis[6:35:50 PM]: I'm in a field of light so thick normal consciousness is awareness of everything now, I don't know how to describe it [Close to Universe of True Light]
*Halithersis[6:36:24 PM]: its beyond normal language to describe in 95% of this area
Halithersis[6:36:43 PM]: working on seeing what words can come up in back process
jcw[6:38:56 PM]: They are all after our HEADS
Anne[6:47:16 PM]: ?? Should we still be clearing Brazil and So America?
mroxygen[9:47:46 PM]: You feel no pain have no memory but get a brand new template!
Jeri[6:47:30 PM]: Earth Protect timeline crash:
Jeri[6:47:51 PM]: Africa, Brazil, South america
Jeri[6:48:09 PM]: seperate clearings, seperate page for each
Jeremiahh[6:49:03 PM]: mroxy, how does the template fix affect us here?
Jeri[6:49:21 PM]: The alien timeline will be frozen allowing the military to deal with it. [By doing Earth Protection clearing]
mroxygen[9:49:55 PM]: Erases lots of embedded darkness attached to us
*Halithersis[6:49:58 PM]: I'm having a very hard time connecting with words right now and nothing making sense right now in normal communication, I have a thousand things going on at once trying to process it. [Mind can't work in Light]
*Halithersis[6:50:11 PM]: Multi tasking in ways creating multiple reaction points at same time to take out targets simultaneously, very hard to explain. [SourceSpirit "mind" better & faster than human mind.]
*Halithersis[6:50:28 PM]: Working so fast reaction is instantaneous. Freedom is not time based. This is beyond light slowed down in time trapped in alien tractor beam to slow down reality reading back to scripts sent to humans.
mroxygen[9:51:40 PM]: FREEDOM IS NOT TIME BASED!
Jeremiahh[6:52:59 PM]: I guess I should go out kamikaze style then. lol
*Halithersis[6:53:01 PM]: Human forces from future have light free from time to express free artistic creative intuition that get backed up when interfered with from a unknown source zapping things when they are interfered with.
alohaspirit[6:53:05 PM]: ??? Can you repeat the part about the lightship lookng for cause & effect energy?
alohaspirit[6:54:05 PM]: ??? Are aliens and clones subjected to karma? [No they subject us to it]
Jeremiahh[6:54:35 PM]: aloha, it looks for itself in cause&effect (time/darkness/karma)
*Halithersis[6:55:58 PM]: The language barrier slows down light and gets me stuck, I'm going to have to go offline and process again
*Halithersis[6:58:35 PM]: words are thought forms trapping light
*Halithersis[6:59:24 PM]: light does not use communication this way to get stuck
*Halithersis[7:00:00 PM]: I do not know how to describe what is going on
Jeremiahh[7:09:05 PM]: So are the people's spirits who died here but are still fighting being reincarnated? [Not re-incarnation but instant reset, reboot to the previous moment with a new duplicate body. Source can do anything.]
mroxygen[10:11:15 PM]: Larry saw they were trying to manipulate me by controlling THOSE timelines ATTACHED to my clone AS I was Battling. Trying to negate my effectiveness
jcw[7:12:16 PM]: ??Ron if my Sister who was in the Navy, is she inlisted? Now with out any knowledge of it?? [Yes.]
LisafromCalgary[7:13:30 PM]: What happens to the forces at ascension?
LisafromCalgary[7:13:59 PM]: Do they all ascend and all battles stop? [Everything reset to start]
Halithersis[7:14:14 PM]: thank you, that is what I could not say
jcw[7:16:10 PM]: Alein WAR Timeline Ed
CinLee[7:16:38 PM]: Halithersis - thanks for your info ! You translated fine,
Jeremiahh[7:19:12 PM]: hello McFly. haha
larryjoe[7:19:49 PM]: Aliens create time lines to attack us. We jump on Time Lines to counter-attack them
mroxygen[10:23:58 PM]: I've been domestically snappy due to battle stress last few days, can we clear all of us with battle stress?
mroxygen[10:25:11 PM]: Every warm body sorely needed [Largest battle ever]
CinLee[7:28:54 PM]: Ron is clearing battle distress
Jeri[7:28:56 PM]: Stress clearing, we can sure use it... Thanks Ron
Jeri[7:29:35 PM]: Good for you, Ed, good for us too! thanks!

Domestically snappy?
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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by Deep Knight »

A bit of a taste of their website. Remember, you have at least 3 death barcodes to be cleared at $100 each, or $150 each if you want an unlimited clearing of each one (huh?)


The Creation Lightship
Pure Divine Light Energy from the Source that Created You

Death Barcode Removal

This clearing also includes the: Emotional Stress Death Barcode

The Death Barcode is an active energetic implant placed in every person's body DNA. This implant contains time-coded sequential programming to eliminate the bodies life force energy, causing physical death. Ninety percent of humanity has 3 Death Barcodes and the remaining ten percent may have more or sometimes less of these implant-coded death dates.

Approximately ten years before the first barcode is due to become active, the body's life force energy begins a steady decline. As it knows it will no longer be living when this barcode comes to fruition, the body goes into an apathetic state, and begins to more or less give up. If a person is able to override this date, the physical body must attempt to get by on a greatly reduced supply of life force energy

Meanwhile, the physical body knows that yet another Death Barcode is waiting for it, like a time bomb set to go off, and so its supply of life force energy declines even further. One's body at this point is typically receiving a mere 40% of its intended life force energy, or less. If this second Death Barcode does not destroy the body, then most likely the third one will.

Each time one passes through a barcode activation date, the life force energy that sustains life within the body greatly diminishes. The physical body gives up its healing ability because it sees no life expectancy or future survival potential, and it becomes overwhelmed with the task of attempting to heal the body with such a reduced flow of life force energy. Often when a person receives a diagnosis of terminal illness, their body already had the knowledge of it ten years prior, had resigned itself to the dying process, and cannot become empowered to save itself.

The Death Barcode Removal Clearing by the Creation Lightship removes the Death Barcodes from a person's DNA, and frees the body from the apathy of having to live with these darkside pre-programmed death dates. This removal may be able to return a person to the level of life force energy that was lost ten years prior to their first Death Barcode activation. This Death Barcode Removal can also be performed on your pets and animals.

Please note that this Special Barcode Removal Session requires 6 hours minimum on your computer to complete. IT CANNOT BE PERFORMED IN MULTIPLE HEALING SESSIONS, but must be done in one single session. Give yourself an extra two hours to complete the process, (8 hours total), just in case you need it. If your internet connection goes down or your computer fails, you must start the whole process from the beginning, and go through it completely, all over again, from start to finish

Each individual Barcode that you remove requires 3 important steps that must be done in sequence! These steps are: 1. Removal of one Death Barcode. 2. Clearing the associated emotional trauma, (or feelings of death), that may overwhelm a person with sadness as their barcode is removed. (Do this step as many times as needed per each barcode removal until you feel balanced out, before going on to step 3.) 3. Re-instating the precious life force energy that was depleted or greatly diminished by the Death Barcode. (Repeat this step as many times as needed per each removal until you feel ready to go on to the next barcode removal.)

These 3 steps are repeated in sequence for EACH BARCODE that is removed. In summary, use the drop down box to select the Death Barcode Removal, (i.e. 1, 2, and 3, or more if you feel you may have more than 3 Death Barcodes). Then for each Death Barcode removal, immediately perform the Emotional Trauma Clearing as often as needed, followed by the Spirit Integration/Infusion as often as needed, before going to the next Barcode Removal occurrence.

After each removal session, it is highly recommended that you take a shower, which will greatly assist you to cleanse your auric field of any residual energy.

Please also note that if you feel/sense that you may need additional emotional trauma release and/or Spirit Integration for this barcode removal, you can repeat the trauma clearing and Spirit Integration portion of the clearing as often as needed for the next 7 days.

After you have fully performed all these clearings, you should feel full of energy and may even feel or look younger. This Death Barcode Removal releases the walking death from you! Enjoy the feeling of life again...Blessings Ron

Suggested followup Healings if you are unwell:
1. Mind of The Body Clearing
2. Infection Body Clearing
3. Toxicity/Lymph Clearing

Price: $100.00 per EACH (Per PERSON, PET or Plant)
ADD $50.00 for UNLIMITED Clearing.

Full Name: (For whom you require clearing)

Normal Option
Qty: X $100.00
Unlimited: Check to Add UNLIMITED Clearing for $50.00
Unlmited Upgrade Option
(Only if you had earlier ordered without unlimited option)
Total: $

Please check your confirmation e-mail from
after Paypal payment for Username and Password
to login for this clearing.

Disclaimer: We make no medical or health claims
regarding the use of this Clearing.
If you have a medical condition, please see your physician.
Use of this Clearing is for the purpose of Ascension Preparation only.
The Clearing process may not be detectable by current Earth-based equipment and technology.
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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by The Observer »

I have been doing these reports since 2010, when CLS first went to our Earth defenders and offered assistance.
So after fighting for roughly two years with ominpotent ships that never can be destroyed, the ability to instantly resurrect Light soldiers who stupidly get themselves killed, and the ability to one-shot enemy ships, the Forces of Light still haven't freed Earth-Shan? I think I can understand why NESARA still hasn't happened.

Guess they need to ask Erasmus if he will take command of the Light fleet.
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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
I have been doing these reports since 2010, when CLS first went to our Earth defenders and offered assistance.
So after fighting for roughly two years with ominpotent ships that never can be destroyed, the ability to instantly resurrect Light soldiers who stupidly get themselves killed, and the ability to one-shot enemy ships, the Forces of Light still haven't freed Earth-Shan? I think I can understand why NESARA still hasn't happened.

Guess they need to ask Erasmus if he will take command of the Light fleet.

Yes, Erasmus is a smart boy in strategy, learning it by spending 11 years at that military school your mother threatened to send you to after that incident with the goat. Unfortunately, like Khan in the Wrath of Khan, he doesn't intuitively think about tactics in 3D (actually, I believe ol' 'Rasmus is a 1D sort of thinker, 1.5D at most) and with the Creation Light Ships vs. the Reptilians we gotta be talking 5D at least, so you see the problem. Besides, he would probably focus on feeding them bread made by his father's grain milling method and soon have a mutiny on his hands.

You also have to understand just how many Reptilians there are in our society. If you get these special glasses from this professional wrestler you can see them as they are, and they're all over! Anyway, it's hand to hand and craft fighting in a densified state, which means undensifying and visits to the craft store every few hours for more glitter and hot glue sticks. All this takes time, and until you've walked a parsec in another man's gravity boots I suggest you not criticize it taking over 2 years to get 2 to 3% freed from mind control. I say keep up the good work! Or would say it if I wasn't an agent of the Dark Agenda, allies to the Reptilan Slaver Scum of the Priory of Dracos! Then again, with all those scales and bad dental hygiene we never actually liked them, so kill away!

Besides, instead of criticizing, why aren't you helping? After all, I believe it's only $20 or $30 dollars to join these calls and experience a battle yourself! Well, if you don't fall asleep, which seems to be the fate of a lot of these lightworkerwarriors. No doubt for some heavy spiritual reason. Once you've been in the space trenches I'm sure you'll change your tune, perhaps to "I'm a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas."
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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Besides, instead of criticizing, why aren't you helping? After all, I believe it's only $20 or $30 dollars to join these calls and experience a battle yourself! Well, if you don't fall asleep, which seems to be the fate of a lot of these lightworkerwarriors.
Because I can boot up a copy of Master of Orion and beat up on not only reptiles in space, but bear-like aliens, bird-like aliens, as well as silicoid and cybertronic life forms for a one-time price of $9.95. And unlike the Light force battles I can resolve the fate of our galaxy in less than a couple of years. And if I fall asleep, no problem! I can just start again! And I am probably impacting Earth-Sham just as much, if not more, than these wannabe space soldiers. This is a much better bargain. And the graphics are probably better than whatever you chumps are paying for in those sessions. The added bonus is that I still get to spend plenty of time with these beautiful blondes discussing their retirement plans and their financial portfolios.
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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by Deep Knight »

Exactly how much of a task is getting rid of the Reptilians? I mean, do the forces of light & right have to get rid of a few small nests or millions 'n millions? And how many have been killed so far? The people who know don’t seem to agree. For example, in the first post the Creation Lightship Defense folks said:
It started Thursday before last, 11 days ago.

Here's the recent score as of last night, with 11 days of battle to go:

Reptilian GFL Losses:
5,500 alien ships turned into instantaneous non-being.
Each ship had 50 to 500 aliens aboard.
560 underground alien bases were destroyed
I figure this means about a million Dracos down and a million to go. But, in a link MacHaffie put up today:
Monday, September 10, 2012
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:08 AM
This turned out to be a 2007 missive by Dove with updates by Beth Tushwink. The numbers are much bigger, but then again, they had a lot more time.
100 million reptilians have been removed over the last 8 years from surface and subsurface environments. Every organization, political, religious, military, legal, media, of any magnitude, on the Planet has been infiltrated and controlled by these ones, as agents of the 13 Old Dragon families. There has been almost complete control of every facet of existence until Faction Three, Galactic Federation, and the ascended masters were given permission in 1987 and 1999 to ‘remove the controllers’ and assist the planet in ascending. It is only in recent days that enough of us have awakened enough to tip the balance to the Light. That was by Divine decree and with direct Source Light infusions which will continue through Ascension.
Leapin' lizards that's a whole lotta Reptiods! Then there was this that MacHaffie put up yesterday.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Fall of the Reptilian Empire

We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on the etheric and astral planes around the surface of planet Earth under the dictate of the Archons and black nobility guided Cabal financial slavery system on the physical plane of the surface of this planet is the last stronghold of once vast Orion dark empire that was feared throughout the Galaxy for countless millennia.

However, the progress of Light in the last few decades was such that we are just before the final breakthrough that will bring this Reptilian empire to its knees. There was a very successful operation of the Light forces completed on this planet on August 25th that sent a very clear signal to the leading Archons that their defeat is near and undeniable. This has set them in panic mode and inside the time window between August 25th and October 7th they are trying to do everything they can to stop the progress of Light. This is their last chance to create as much division, confusion and conflict between all people that are working towards the liberation of this planet as possible.

During this time frame you will read all kinds of accusations, distortions and disinformation on the internet. My suggestion would be for everybody to turn inside towards the still small voice of Truth and learn not to judge people or get involved into conflicts. The Archons will try to instill as much conflict as possible, commanding their Reptilian minions on the etheric and astral planes to pressure on the weak spots, doubts and insecurities of everybody.

Before October 7th, billions upon billions of Reptilians will be cleared away daily from the astral and etheric planes by the Light forces. This is a very volatile time during which the Event will not happen as it would be very unwise to trigger things during the peak of the Archons attack as this could lead to many casualities. After that, more Light will come in and after October 7th I will be able to release more intel about the Event.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:18 AM
I’m so confused. If there need to be billions cleared away every day, the 100 million is just a drop in the bucket. And the CLD should simply forget it, 2 million in 22 days might sound good, but it’s less than 0.01% of what the Light Forces are doing. Then again, if the Light Forces data is correct, then why aren’t all the Dracos BBQ by now? Tastes just like Chicken!

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Re: Eat Light Slaver Scum

Post by The Observer »

Let's see. The earlier quote said that 2-3% of Earth was freed over the last two years.

100 million were cleared over the last 8 years = 12.5 million a year.

So over the last two years, 25 million were eliminated.

25 million is 2% of 1.25 billion (at 3% we are under a billion at 833 million or so).

But if they are killing reptiles at a million over 11 days, then during a year (at 2 week intervals, we will be generous and give the Light crews weekends off) then roughly 26 million are a killed a year. So for the last 8 years we should have seen 208 million killed.

So we can see the numbers are not adding up. Of course there is always the problem of getting accurate body counts and I am sure there are more than a few hot shot captains who are exaggerating how many ships they shot down between sips of latte.

But if these were accurate numbers, the alternative explanation is the reptiles just breed like crazy and are replacing their losses at a 1:2 ratio. So while you killed 50 million over the last two years, the reptiles put 25 million back into the ranks. And that doesn't mean instantly. If the reptiles were able to mature in 12 years, that would mean that their breeding pump has roughly 300 million in the pipeline. So forget about clearing billions and billions every day. They simply are not doing it.

At this rate this might explain why control of Earth-Shan is at the 2% line. Especially if the reptiles are able to reinforce from their home system as well as draw on their population here.
It may also explain the claims that DK has been making about conquering millions of women.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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