Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Took me a second to figure out that CT stood for Conspiracy Theorist, in my day it meant "cock tease," and while some of Drakes followers may indeed be this, for the sake of everyone's sanity I would hope that you couldn't tell this from their writings.

Very interesting stuff. Things were certainly easier for these guys when they didn't leave a paper trail you could read. The same applies to me, imagine my embarassment if you found my posts as Mister Softy on the Erectile Dysfunction Forum.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

If anyone wondered what the "infamous" Drake, otherwise known as Drake T Bailey, looks like there is a link to a Rumor Mill News article about him
Rumor Mill News article
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Several of us are wondering once again why we have tuned in to tonight’s broadcast. In fact, we are wondering why you are even continuing with these broadcasts? What information is being provided to your listeners? Tonight we patiently listened to you through the first hour, hearing sometimes nonsensical babbling from one topic to another with nothing seeming to make much sense.
We tune in to your broadcasts because we want news provided to us that the military is proceeding with the MASS arrests of traitors in ALL UNITED STATES corporation government departments in this nation. During former broadcasts we understood you to say that 75% - or more – of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION military supports re-securing our nation’s freedom from the tyrannical traitorous cabal control.
We tune in to your broadcasts because we wait anxiously to hear that the highly toxic chemtrails in America’s skies have been discontinued. What we are hearing in your broadcasts does not give us any confidence as week after week after week after week after week the broadcasts continue with non-informative worthless babbling.
What is Minuteman talking about?? More babbling!! Rick needs to get his information correct as the UNITED STATES military has been and continues to work for the cabal.
NOW Rick says the military is waiting for us, the American people? What caused this change? We are waiting for the military as they are the ones who brought this on with Drake last April…. We are supposed to move out against a well armed strong cabal with no military support on our behalf?
These guys are really concerning us as they cannot get their facts straight and are now blaming us, the American people. Drake has been saying every week ….. “in about two weeks” ……. “in about two weeks” ….. “in about two weeks” ….. and NOW “in a few days”??? Really!!!
Now, the military is not going to start to do anything until we do?….What are they on about??? WE are supposed to go and arrest someone and wind up in jail ourselves?…. Is Drake going to bail us out?? This is ALL contrary to what they have been saying since the last open letter… Just MORE stalling.

I am remembering the statement that made Jerry McGwire famous - “Show me the Money.” Bankers are supposed to have been arrested? Yet the bad guys are ALL doing whatever they want.
I want to let ALL of you know that the Rothschild’s have many quadrillions of dollars in assets (could be gold, silver, diamonds, precious jewels and metals, paintings, furnishings, etc.) distributed ALL over the planet hidden in places that are out of reach of the regular banking systems and the investigators (if they even exist) will never find. Thus they can fund anything they want… Do not believe the lies that the cabal does not have the funds to finance their wars and mercenaries!
Drake just gave an answer in which he said they “are real close”??? What is it?? He says one thing then another…. A few weeks, a couple weeks, about a week and now it is a few days?? What is it??
WE ALL HOPE HE IS CORRECT, BUT HE IS ALL OVER THE PLACE WITH CHANGING STATEMENTS and, quite frankly, we have no idea what he is talking about at this point in time.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:18 AM


1. Anonymous September 27, 2012 12:34 AM
"we have no idea what he is talking about" BRAVO someone said it plain and clear nailed Drake and CO. as just a bunch of gibberish especially when that minuite man starts his lecturing.
I have a answer for everyone see the reason we don't know what Drake is talking about is because HE has no idea what HE is talking about himself!
Answer join the milita and go arrerst someone yeah right all that is going to do is get people thown in jail. Hey Drake how many have you arrested?

2. Anonymous September 27, 2012 12:41 AM
to the author of this article, I don't think you listen well as you are only listening for what you want to hear. I heard him say that he had been chewed out for giving too much information & had been told to hold back. If you read what has been coming out in the last couple of weeks on this very site, it is mind boggling, but he would not comment on many of those stories. I got that a TREMENDOUS amount of things are happening and it is too close to mention them for fear of jeapardizing people & outcomes. You need to sit tight or awhile and quit judging. What are you doing to help?

3. Anonymous September 27, 2012 12:41 AM
I'm still with ya Drake, but this guy's got a point, WHEN will this stuff happen ? Frankly, I was and am confused when you talked about 'arresting' cabal members a while back. How the hell would we do that? Most are lucky to just pay fines for traffic tickets with no jail time. The military toys out there would make anything I have a pop gun. It's not realistic. I've had a belly full of 'secret stuff' from most anywhere you look. We expect you to protect yourself, but if you end up telling us nothing, what's the point? I've heard the same claims for the dinar RV, some 'guru' gave away some 'critical' info and stopped it! LUDICROUS! POPPYCOCK, and plain crap. At this point, our best hope is 'Aliens' we can't prove exist (besides god). My biggest concern is human's being set up to become human McNuggets. I'll go look for a space ship and yell at it. TYJM frj

4. Anonymous September 27, 2012 12:49 AM
Drake is a doped up con artist and scammer. This guy is a blowhard and thinks he knows everything. All he has done is research the world wide web for conspiracy info for the past several years and has decided he's got the answers. The poor guy is delusional and I believe he actually thinks he has top pentagon insiders and can communicate with ETs. He's been mind controlled by the web and I'm sure the meds he gets from the VA is enforcing it. The same goes for minuteman, ladydragon and all the other flukes he surrounds himself with. It's time you people wake up and smell the roses because the shit Drake puts out certainly stinks.

5. Anonymous September 27, 2012 12:59 AM
Got one up on all of you--I refuse to listen...I plan not to waste that time listening to someone who has no idea what is really going on. Bashing different sites, people, ect.
How does that help anything? It doesn't, only causes division. I believe we have enough of that already.

6. Anonymous September 27, 2012 1:02 AM
I missed the update but it sounds like I didn't miss much.

7. Anonymous September 27, 2012 1:03 AM
Seriously - when someone quotes a deadline that passes once and is wrong - common sense might listen with a cautious eye. Twice - common sense says enough ... but now? still waiting/listening to this - that is just insanity taking over common sense - didn't anyone see the article on Tim Turner's arrest?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck - IT'S A DUCK - sheesh!

8. Anonymous September 27, 2012 1:20 AM
This bunch of idiots at global voice should be kicked off the air for supporting such absolute irresponsible reporting nonsense and deception! This qualifies for sedition,IMO! The people at G/V seem only interested in their ratings for advertising profit! I am not saying they don't care about freedom,I am saying they are blinded by their own desperate need for money and to pay their bills,so much so they have allowed these morons like minuteman and Drake, spewing out such nonsense that will either get one killed or put them on a list of first to be removed if and when by these bastard warlords? WTF is that all about! Minuteman is spreading fear and he IMO is guilty of sedition, a traitor working for the cabal! He has done nothing for 21 years to impede the communist take over of America.
The cabal made sure they had dummies like minuteman to keep everything in a stand down status!Texas militia you need a new leader,a true patriot that won't be influenced!
Hey Drake ,what happened to the"it's so close I can smell or taste it, BS that was suppose to happen this week or last? You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending to be a caring patriot,when in fact,you have all the earmarks of disinfo artist working for the cabal! Sorry, pal,but you made youre bed! The cabal supposedly has this ritual where by they must tell their victims what they are planing on doing to them. This BS from last weeks and this show would qualify for that ,IMO, people! Unbelievable>>>> Garbage>>>

9. Anonymous September 27, 2012 1:44 AM
I started listening to Drake but quickly realized, it was a PIPE dream setup to lift himself up as a savior for us to come and listen to him rabbiling week after week. This man wants to be someone who started the revolution but can't back it up with MILITARY sources to stand up for the MESSENGER. It's all not true people. I for ONE wanted this messenger to be true, but he is NOT.
A. Allen

10. Anonymous September 27, 2012 2:22 AM
Look at what has happened in Portugal; Spain and Greece and I read that there was a march on Washington, DC today. This is what Drake and the military are waiting on! Not enough Americans are taking an active role or interest in what the military and resistance movement is trying to do. Thats how we got in this situation in the first place....waiting or expecting someone else to take care of our business and what did it bring us? A corrupt government controlled by the royal and elite and runaway inflation! Drake is waiting for the Federal Reserve to collapse and it will thanks to the international Basil III protocols. Maybe then you wimps and sheeple will stand up for your miserable lives!

11. Anonymous September 27, 2012 2:46 AM
If you ask me: Drake...James Timothy Turner....two sides of the same coin. What happened at TT's arrangement hearing Monday? Does anybody know? Why isn't Drake talking about that? He sent it out originally in his ANMilitia emails.

12. Anonymous September 27, 2012 4:29 AM
Does anyone even listen anymore to Drake's nonsense?
I don't.

13. AnonymousSeptember 27, 2012 4:48 AM
The American public has to get involved otherwise the mass arrests will look like a military coup! The people in Iceland aided by their military was successful. 90% of the American public doesn't have a clue whats going on. It will take the collapse of the Federal Reserve to wake them up. I think that is why the Resistance and Military hasn't done anything. Don't blame DRAKE because 90% of the American Public is brain dead. Support him and the Military and keep spreading the news that the Media is blocking.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

I quite honestly can't imagine what listening to this moron carry on for two hours would be like, other than excruciatingly painful. If you weren't brain dead before I would think you would be afterward. Which probably explains his coterie of fans, the brain dead part I mean, and John, of course. Are these 'jits actually paying to listen to this fool on top of all the rest?

The one thing this bunch and the dinaridjits have in common, and I suspect there is a lot of crossover, is their scarily unshakable belief in RSN, except that RSN never gets here.

You'd think they'd eventually catch a clue, but it sure doesn't look like it.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Curatola wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:
The one thing this bunch and the dinaridjits have in common, and I suspect there is a lot of crossover, is their scarily unshakable belief in RSN, except that RSN never gets here.

You'd think they'd eventually catch a clue, but it sure doesn't look like it.
Who or what is RSN?
Registered Surgical Nurse. The belief is that the Dinar RV is within you, and it's gonna take some cuttin' to get it out.

Seriously, since I didn't write it I dont' know, but I suspect ...

Real Soon Now - (RSN) [Originally from SF's fanzine community, popularised by Jerry Pournelle's column in "BYTE"] 1. Supposed to be available (or fixed, or cheap, or whatever) real soon now according to somebody, but the speaker is quite skeptical.

2. When one's gods, fates, or other time commitments permit one to get to it (in other words, don't hold your breath).
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

In the immortal words of (Little Orphan) Annie: "Tomorrow... you're always a day away." The dinaridjits (and the pushers of similar effluent) can always promise that the RV (or NESARA, or whatever) will happen "tomorrow"... knowing that after midnight, "tomorrow" is now "today", and "tomorrow" is now the following day.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:In the immortal words of (Little Orphan) Annie: "Tomorrow... you're always a day away." The dinaridjits (and the pushers of similar effluent) can always promise that the RV (or NESARA, or whatever) will happen "tomorrow"... knowing that after midnight, "tomorrow" is now "today", and "tomorrow" is now the following day.
The RV will occur
Spend your final dollar
That tomorrow
You'll be rich!

Just thinkin' about
Clears away your cash,
And your mind
'Til there's none!

When I have unpaid bills
To pay,
I just double-down
And clown,
And say,

The RV will occur
So ya buy like mad
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
A way!
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
notorial dissent
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

RSN, at least from my perspective came from the software development community, as in, when will the bug fix be done, when will the next version be out, when will you get this damn project finished/working.... and the answer was always RSN(real soon now). The other explanations work equally well.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

John Kettler, who's been ratcheting up his "reports" ever since a new batch of "insiders" stole his thunder, hits back!

Kind of long, especially the comments, but interesting to read. Let all phonies know that if you lie to John MacHaffie's readers about something easily checked day after day, after 4 or 5 months a significant number of them will figure it out!

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Drake – Exploring The Perplexing Disconnects

Drake–Spooky & Overt Simultaneously?!

Drake. This site is deluged, to the point of disruption, with questions and comments about him. “What do you think about Drake?” “Can we trust Drake?” “When will he make another announcement?” “Is Drake okay?” “What about the Plan?” “What’s the ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extra dimensionals) view of him?” Commenters seem to be all over the place emotionally about Drake, with some wildly optimistic, others hopeful and some despairing that Drake may be a clever Cabal/NWO (New World Order) trick. Adding to the confusion regarding Drake is that at least parts of the Liberation Forces seem to be squarely behind him and say they are protecting him from what usually befalls those who threaten the system. If he’s as advertised, and I’m widely assured he is, then he’s a mortal threat to the current system. Drake’s out there in public one moment, dropping all manner of information bombshells, then gone the next, ever surrounded by swirling speculation and very real worries by many concerning his wellbeing.

Drake, Secrecy & The “Plan”
The great Benjamin Franklin, no stranger to secrets and intrigue, once wrote: “Three may keep a secret, provided two are dead.” How, then, are we to reconcile that with Drake, who has talked all over the place about the Plan, which dates back to the scary last days of the Nixon Administration (military was afraid he wouldn’t leave office), is reportedly now “five inches thick” and is constantly updated? The mere existence of such a document, which allegedly is the pro Constitution military’s plan to bloodlessly overthrow those in power and betraying their oaths of office, would by definition be a grotesque violation of this dictum:

“The first rule in keeping secrets is nothing on paper: paper can be lost or stolen or simply inherited by the wrong people; if you really want to keep something secret, don’t write it down.”
–Thomas Powers

This Plan would be a prime target for Cabal black ops, as would anyone associated with it. I worked for over eleven years on classified programs through the SAP (Special Access Program–one step below Black) level, and I personally and repeatedly observed the “write nothing down” rule being practiced. Indeed, I conveyed classified information in the exact same untraceable way, so what Drake’s been doing basically makes my hair stand on end and is utterly incomprehensible to my highly sensitive spook contacts. Rule One from the day I first got a clearance was “You don’t talk about what you do,” and there were draconian reporting requirements in the event you even innocently encountered someone from the Eastern Bloc or Russia. Been through the forms and the debriefs! That someone would publicly talk about something of such staggering import before all the pieces were in place makes our heads spin, a condition worsened by ringing reassurance from multiple components of the Liberation Forces that Drake is “100% legit” and “one of the good guys.” Repeatedly advertising, as Drake does, what the ruling powers would absolutely consider a coup plan ahead of time is beyond mind warping to us. But as the infomercials blare, “Wait. There’s more!”

Drake, The Mid-Week Update & His Challenges To The Listeners
Part of the problem I have with Drake is simply amassing the time and the mental focus to get through one of his long interviews. I did this the other night and listened to the whole thing, except for the call-ins. This was the Drake Mid-Week Update. I’ve had to “drink from the fire hydrant” before, but never in quite this way. Even so, I noted that Drake challenged the audience on certain specific issues. He talked about the major recall of trusted pro Constitution high ranking officers, citing as proof the booking availability of certain retired military frequented golf courses in Florida; the deployment of armor and troops (issued with live ammo–never issued in the U.S. for other than gunnery exercises) to seal the borders and protect against invasion by foreign troops in both Mexico and Canada; he taught procedures for conducting a Citizen’s Arrest and preferring treason charges, and he talked about alerting the militias and bringing them into the fold while acting under lawful authority. I did some serious checking, and this is what I found.

Drake & The Independent Test Results
Drake Asserts High-Ranking Officer Recall
Not only do none of my spook contacts have nothing on this, but I was present when a retired Army general was quizzed over the phone. Readers should understand that officers can be recalled to the colors through age 75 and can also be recalled to the colors from retirement, placed on active duty, then prosecuted under military law for various offenses. Typically, the rate is one or two recalls a year–for all purposes. If so many as a dozen were recalled, not only would my contacts know about it, but it would be widely known! Asked point blank by one of my contacts, the general straightforwardly said nothing of the kind was occurring. As for the golf courses, I had some calls made, by people who know which courses are the right ones. Contrary to what Drake said, not only is there no room, but the courses are solidly booked through Labor Day weekend!

Drake Asserts Armor Movements Part Of Exercise To Seal & Defend Borders
Let’s start with Drake’s first premise, the alleged exercise. According to multiple trusted sources, there is NO exercise scheduled for the continental U.S. (CONUS), and the last U.S. military exercise, just concluded, was RIMPAC in Hawaii. So, no exercise.
What, then of the armor movements which have freaked many out via direct observation and YouTube™? The explanation is simple. Following a prolonged drawdown from years of armor fleet-destroying combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, our badly depleted armor formations are now receiving remanufactured/radically upgraded Bradleys and Abrams AFVs (Armored Fighting Vehicles). Known shipments include the Army’s Fort Hood, home of the III Corps, and the Marine base at Camp Pendleton, home of the I Marine Expeditionary Force. The latter shipment is particularly welcome, since the Marines, at one point, had no tanks! In fact, they had to borrow an Abrams from the Army in order to show off a new amphibious warfare vessel. The Marines received some 90+ Abrams tanks, rebuilt to “as new standard” and massively upgraded in the process. It just so happens that both Fort Hood and Camp Pendleton are close to the Mexican border, leading to hysterical phone calls claiming the U.S. is about to invade Mexico, while Drake warns that the troops guarding the borders have live ammo, will shoot to kill those attempting to enter the country once the borders are sealed, and is putting the word out to the Hispanic community. Strange, then, how the armor’s moving, but we don’t see troop deployments, just armor moving to units from the rebuild facilities.

Drake & My Present Verdict
I personally would like to believe that Drake is right; that the end game is here; that we are about to take the country back, without bloodshed no less, and be truly free. After absolutely head splitting attempts to reconcile wildly different information coming in, I decided that I would attack this problem as I would any other intelligence question. I’d already been repeatedly, later emphatically, told by my terrestrial contacts they knew nothing of Drake or the Plan. Likewise, it was made transparently clear to me the U.S. military wanted nothing whatsoever to do with a domestic involvement, being overwhelmed already with foreign commitments. I’d been assured by certain parts of the Liberation Forces that Drake was on the up and up, but things didn’t add up, no matter how many times I ran the calculations. Now we have a nonexistent exercise, armor not going to seal the border, no mass recall of high-ranking officers and no empty golf courses because of same. I haven’t even gotten into the issue of the correctness of the Drake described arrest and removal procedures or the claims regarding secret contacting of the militia groups and the stand to orders. That may form a second post, but I have a question for my readers: Is Drake so important as to justify a second postponement of my detailed report about the Liberation Forces’ recent space battle against a new, yet familiar foe? Please let me know.

And I haven’t forgotten I owe you all a verdict on Drake and the whole Drake scenario. The only possible one, given what I know, is this: Not Proven! The Drake stuff sounds great in theory, but I need a lot more evidence, pro or con. Readers, if you’ve got it, I want to see it!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:38 PM


1. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:05 PM
Of course if anything is not proven or documented then it's fictional. I just wonder why Drake is at the center of attention? He has some very good ideas and those ideas should be thought about. But Drake as a name is still fictional. Look at the ideas from everyone and not the person behind it. Does those ideas fit what is needed? Only individuals can decide. But at the end of the day, we need to stop looking for a leader and look in the mirror. At a certain point, we will all unite.

2. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:16 PM
All I can say about Drake is he seems to be a good story teller if you like disinformation he appears to be the man for the job.

3. Kevin Mills September 27, 2012 7:22 PM
This just gets better and better. So now it's "my spooks don't know anything about your spooks" and of course we all know John Kettler is a widely known and highly respected... ( fill in the blank) and would never reveal who his highly-placed sources are. It would put lives at risk right?
The higher the stakes, the thicker the bullshit Only this is not some simple card game and the art of disinfo is peaking at a possible all time high.
Why not? Myself and many others could easily write reports with all the bells and whistles and name dropping and all kinds of wizz-bang tech talk in long drawn-out, descriptive paragraphs that could mirror the latest Tom Clancy novel. Who would know the difference except people who really know?
We certainly don't and that's the idea. Find a source you think is real and then have numerous parasites crawl out of the wood work to throw some gas and a match on it.
Or, maybe this Kettler guy is right. We just don't know for sure do we?
Expect this game to accelerate at a rapid pace. The only thing that will end it is to have some clear evidence in plain site that someone is telling the truth.

4. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:26 PM
First rule of intelligence games:
1 - Never tell your opponent what you're planning.
Second rule:
2 - Tell them to their face what you aren't planning, over and over again throwing up as much smoke as possible along the way.
Drake seems to be playing this game, so it would not be possible to verify his "facts."
He has let everyone know there is a plan in place, which is real, with documents to back it.
He has repeatedly gone back to his sources, many of whom are masters at deception; to then give out fake timelines over and over again.
Drake clearly has enough skill to know most of them were fake timelines, therefore, occum's razor shows they were put out three times to confuse the enemy.
In an operation that is this old, you wouldn't ever give out correct timelines since there's a high chance your opponent will reverse it.
I feel I get the sense that this operation succeeded in arresting so many bankers, because of the amount of obsufucation Drake threw out to date.
They were unprepared and so Barclays, Deutsche Bank, RBS Royal and plenty of others are now missing a whole mess of arrested bankers. Others disappeared. Still no tangible evidence of the "Plan."
Drake therefore must have spread the fog of misdirection on purpose, as is the case in war. What is puzzling is anyone I can "speak" to in the armed services has no idea what this is about, and I can tell very easily, some are flat lying to me.
My conclusion is, the covert liberation war is ongoing, and there is no way to have absolute "proof" of who's done what until many more pieces grace the chess board.

5. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:28 PM
I am just concerned. Drake's show last night was rambling and he said absolutely nothing, I thought he was drunk or just plain out of it. It is very disheartening to listen to such incoherent speech for 3 hours hoping you will get some new information to lift us up. After the first 30 minutes I was praying for him to just end the show as to not make himself look like any more then a babbeling crazy person. My feeling is Drake's show last night was his "jump the shark" show for a lot of people out there listening to him. I like most people have been waiting to see what he is talking about come to pass. We need some light to shine to keep us going forward. I personally have marched on the Texas capitol to protest the TSA and marched outside the Dallas Fed with yes, Alex Jones leading the way. At least he like him or hate him does get out there and does things. Alex does not just sit and ramble about nothing for 3 hours and there are others too. At this point in time listening to Drake is pointless unless he can give us even a little tied bit to work with. No just, I can't talk about it or in a couple of weeks you will see.

6. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:34 PM
"but the courses are solidly booked through Labor Day Weekend!"
All I can tell you, that is the real deal here, is that these Golf courses were filled up by many different people. They filled up fast, and most of them were retired ex-military. (Confirmed by my own contact)
The reasons for ex-military to be at the Florida Golf courses is anybody's guess, other than there is definitely something going on. It is one of those cases of "this is too hard to track" that you want to give up, but only one thing is certain, we got lots of surprises.

7. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:47 PM
It sounds like you have nothing positive to do with your time but trash others doing something.

8. Anonymous September 27, 2012 7:50 PM
the attacks are way to blatant to not be those with an agenda to serve. Why don't you write about something productive?

9. Anonymous September 27, 2012 8:46 PM
Oh my this person went to a lot of trouble to divide us. There must be a pay check coming.

10. Anonymous September 27, 2012 10:10 PM
Well, somebody is full of crap. I doubt ANYBODY in this type of endeavour. Kettler is in 'alien' territory a little too much for me. What if they are both right ? For now, I'll stick with Drake. I fervently wish he would shut that damn dog up yapping in the background on the audio! TYJM frj

11. Anonymous September 27, 2012 10:39 PM
I’m not judging Drake. He may be the real deal, or he may not. Drake makes the claim he speaks to angels. I would bet that they are the "Fallen Ones". The devil mixes lies with truth to fool the masses. The devil can only use people who have not received Jesus into their hearts. These others who have not turned to Christ are lost according to what the Holy Bible teaches us. Drake quotes from The Bible, yet he doesn’t make any reference to Jesus. People can quote The Bible and go to church their entire lives and never know who God is if they haven't asked Jesus into their hearts.
Understand that the individuals the devil uses usually aren't monsters out to serve you a fat, black lie. That would be too obvious. Instead, satan sells his deceptions packaged in the guise of nice people, mixed with as much truth as possible. More powerful still, the lies people distribute on the devil's behalf are generally convictions they sincerely accept. That's what makes satan's scams so believable. The more truth and sincerity your Enemy can mix with any given deception, the more effective it becomes.
Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
Jeremiah 29:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.
9 For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not sent them, saith the LORD
Believing this or not will not change the truth.
Jackie Blue

12. Dan September 27, 2012 11:18 PM
Read Drake's website, but here is a good story if it's true:
Sent to Drake Anonymously
"Both are true; the Acts of 1871, which put us under the US corp. and Admiralty law went bye bye on Monday, and the dragon already foreclosed on the Fed. – they own it."
As of 10/1/12 if Obama SPENDS ANY MORE MONEY then he is VIOLATING Federal Laws and can be ARRESTED!

Replies 1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 9:10 AM
Now THAT is funny! Obama's been "violating Federal Laws" since the Democrat Party and Pelosi KNOWINGLY and FALSELY certified his eligibility for President.

13. Anonymous September 27, 2012 11:54 PM
KETTLER is the guy we should all be scared of and not DRAKE!
KETTLER is a disinfo Agent. Read his foolish reporting about the Military destroying a UFO. What bunk and this gut holds himself out to be a responsible investigative journalist? I don't think so! Go home John, we don't want what your selling!

14. Anonymous September 28, 2012 12:06 AM
Get the truth about Drake. Listen to Stew Webb.

15. Anonymous September 28, 2012 12:40 AM
why is Drake's last name "Bailey" not referred to in most of these articles? If I'm not mistaken It was this website that linked the youtube video of a Drake Bailey on a Florida news broadcast in the early 2000s talking about chemtrails. The voice is unmistakeably the very same as the one we continually hear on various broadcasts known as just Drake!!!

16. Wiggy September 28, 2012 5:00 AM
Why is this guy still popular?

17. NewsIn60Seconds September 28, 2012 5:14 AM
I can not think of a single point that Drake has made that has come to pass.
He lost me 100% on the "1st Green Light."
When he announced the 2nd Green Light (Tactical), I had to go to the doctor to get stitched up from all the laughing.
It would be nice if it were all true-I think he is well meaning, but intention does not equal results.
For novelties sake I will read over his notes, but I do not take a word there as credible only read it for the amusement/entertainment factor.

Replies 1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 9:17 AM

18. Anonymous September 28, 2012 6:44 AM
All of you Patriots have been screwed over so badly for sooo many years by slick talking Politicians and snake oil salesmen that the first time an honest man and commoner comes into your lives, you don't know how to behave!
My father would have taken the belt to the whole rhenquist lot of you for behaving so disrespectfully! So Drake isn't slick or a snappy dresser or a smooth talker and so what if he tends to repeat himself! Personally, I find that refreshing. He hasn't asked us for money nor intentionally placed anyone in harms way except for himself. In case you never saw one, thats what hero's do!
Drake has tried to tell us what we can expect; how to protect ourselves in the clinches and we keep trying to tie him down to a specific date when he obviously can't predict something like that!
He keeps telling us that there are certain thresholds that need to be crossed before the other things can happen but thats not a good enough answer for you!
Perhaps you all would be happier asking OBAMA or ROMNEY those same questions from your cubicle in some FEMA CAMP?
Stop acting like a bunch of spoiled children and start thanking your lucky stars that someone is trying to do something about your less than miserable lives! You better all pray that Drake doesn't throw in the towel and leave you to your own fate!
Just keep in mind who the hell allowed every thing to get so out of hand? You did! Who made that charlatan Tim Turner wealthy? You did! Who put BUSH; CLINTON and OBAMA in office? You did! AND NOW YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO MAKE FUN OF DRAKE WHEN YOU SHOULD BE MAKING FUN OF THE DISINFORMATION AGENT WHO WROTE THIS ARTICLE!
Shame on the whole lot of you. You're less of an American than OBAMA...

Replies 1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 7:27 AM
Yeah, stupid people, you live for centuries and YOU let this get out of hand. Wait, you mean you don't live for centuries? And that before we were born, America was still fucked up and corrupt? You DON'T SAY. We can tell that you're angry, but maybe you're venting at the wrong people. Most are weary of Drake and Kettler. I hope you're including yourself in the "You did!" category, because it applies just as much to you as it applies to others, except me ofcourse, I'm not American.

19. Wiggy September 28, 2012 8:54 AM
Posting this stuff after Drake has been proven again and again to be a hoaxer/dis-info puppet, only devalues what I consider to be a great, well meaning site.
I am sorry John this is not an insult directed at you but I feel to focus on this crap only serves to divert attention from more productive avenues.
Drake is a joke! Some of you may call him a patriot but how is that possible when his ramblings have only diverted attention and resources that could have produced tangible results.
He is not a patriot, he's a self aggrandizing fame chaser and story teller.
When he gave the first (Green Light) a very nice lady called the show in tears thanking Drake for everything. This lady felt all her troubles were over and everything would be ok. The rush of emotion she felt was immense and Drake soaked up all the thanks he was receiving in full knowledge that none of it was true. In full knowledge that 72hours later this ladies world would come crashing down. He didn't care.
He is either a Disinfo puppet or somebody suffering with Pseudologia fantastica and he really believes his own Bullshit!
Either way whats the point?

20. Anonymous September 28, 2012 9:34 AM
must be nice to live in ignorant bliss! its all our fault! take that belt to your daddy for his part as well!

21. Anonymous September 28, 2012 9:42 AM
Drake is for real. However, I don't think MUCH of his military contacts or the JCS in general. Many of them are our enemies, like the ones pictured here as 9/11 perpetrators. One of these, General Myers, told Dr. Steve Pieczenik that 911 was a False Flag operation by the Bush administration (and the MOSSAD)-- see Pieczenik's YOUTUBE interviews with Alex Jones in 2010 and 2012. General Myers is among those pictured below. He was IMMEDIATELY PROMOTED after 9/11.
PHOTOS OF 103 PERPETRATORS OF 9/11 (there were many more)
(notice how many dual-citizen Israelis and PNAC members)
When someone looked up all Drake's prior comments (before anyone knew him), we discovered that he is learned in higher consciousness and other skills. He was talking about chemtrails on youtube BEFORE some of us even knew what they were. He has EXPOSED clones and ETs on the BlogTalkRadio 2012 show, which put him IN DANGER of the masses NOT believing him, when his CHIEF OBJECTIVE is to get information out. He seemed nervous over exposure of the CLONE issue. WHY? THAT must be a BIG DEAL to the PTB. It's likely the ETs (Archons) have done away with many of our elected representatives and these "representatives" (to include Obama) are now CLONED ETs. "THAT" is a big deal, since our entire government has been SUBVERTED by an alien race. The question IS: With all our VERY EXPENSIVE MILITARY TECHNOLOGY, why haven't the CLONE FACILITIES and the Archons been DESTROYED?
Drake said he addressed the CHEMTRAIL issue to the military and was told to buzz off about it. I read a book published at least 30 years ago that said the ALIEN AGENDA was to terraform earth to suit THEIR NEEDS - not ours. They are IN THE PROCESS of doing just that - warming the atmosphere so the Reptiles can live on Earth more comfortably.... AND DEPOPULATING the earth for themselves. I've read that the earth is a RARE water-type planet, with all its flora and fauna. In addition, WE ARE FARM ANIMALS to be used for their DNA experiments and FOOD. Where do you think all those "missing children" on the milk cartons went? AND HOW MANY MILITARY PEOPLE AT THE TOP ARE CONSPIRING WITH THESE MONSTERS?
It's clear to me that THE PEOPLE NEED A REAL LEADER and a REAL PLAN (if there isn't one), under which they will certainly rise up and SMITE these JERKS in D.C. But WE don't see one on the horizon. Instead, we get Militiaman Ricks sermons about "it takes all of us". WE KNOW THAT!
WHO is going to tell us HOW or what to use to:
1) Shoot down the chemtrail planes (just a few of those should make a HUGE STATEMENT!) It will say WE WILL NO LONGER PUT UP WITH THIS!
2) Start sabotaging street spycams (we can already do that)
3) Attack the storage point for all those newly purchased hollow-point bullets
We can think of PLENTY MORE of these type actions. Those who have the knowledge need to be OUT HERE TRAINING FOLKS ON EFFECTIVE METHODS OF SABOTAGE, although the public can think of PLENTY of them already.

22. Anonymous September 28, 2012 9:55 AM
Regarding John Kettler, YES he "may" be in contact with ET's, and YES he may have worked in the intel community, but NO, he doesn't know EVERYTHING. He should have just kept his mouth shut re: Drake since he knew nothing about him personally, and just left it at YES, the ETs say he's real.
I too thought that the empty golf courses and the answer re: the military tanks were suspect, but neither I nor John Kettler found out any REAL further information, so why publish it? Nobody is an expert on everything, so if you don't know, SAY SO.

23. Anonymous September 28, 2012 9:59 AM
Put it this way, John Kettler's reports are so far out, most people would roll their eyes. That doesn't mean they are not true. However -- of all the people who might "investigate" Drake, Kettler would be the LAST person I'd consult.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, September 28, 2012
In response to the rash of Anti-Drake posts I am seeing.

I wrote this and authorize this to be posted on you blog if you please.
In response to the rash of Anti-Drake posts I am seeing.
by Safetalker

I want to say that Drake must be doing something right! He has garnered many bloggers to get down and dirty with him. I at first thought them to be snooty elite conservatives that were distraught over his pulling the peoples thoughts away from the media circus that is the National non-election process. Then I read them again and find that many are from people who are true believers in the White Knight hero syndrome we affix to anyone who will stand up and accept it.
I may do this a bit different than most since I have been disappointed for more years than most. I first heard Drake speak on the David Wilcock interview. While he seemed to speak in old country slang he formed his words in Ivy league school strings of thought.
This intrigued me since it is a strange way to think and speak. However as I listened to his shows with Teri Hinkle I noticed that they were full of information, and I became a regular listener. I however do not sit through the ordeal as one blogger called it. Instead I wait till it is ready, and download the shows which are normally 30 to 50 megs, and take about 3 minutes. Then with a cup of tea, or a glass of something cool, sit back in my easy chair with pen and paper, and listen to not only the words, but how those words are strung together.
In my opinion Drake is fulfilling a definite need with his information. However some listeners forget some very special circumstances that Drake continually reminds us of. He is not in charge of anything! He is not one of the leaders. He is simply a guy who has agreed to put out to all who wish to listen the information he has been told to release. A Press Secretary if you please!
He, like many of us would be apt to do, will from time to time slip and speak from the first person about things he is reporting as a third person. It is only human when you are excited about the things that are to follow, or that you believe are going to follow.
The people have to remember that when you go to a radio show conducted by an unnamed man who is quoting an unnamed source to provide you unquantifiable intelligence you are basically there for the pearls that fall in the mud of hearsay.
As I said above, I have been listening to Drake since the David Wilcock show. I have found his information to be both enlightening, and useful. I have though considered this information based upon the above qualifications.
The people must awaken to the knowledge that "No White Knight" with blazing sword is going to ride over the hill, swoop down in his spaceship, or drive up in his M1 Tank, until we the people are ready to throw down our ploughshares and smite them into swords of indignation to join in the fray.
John Streit (minuteman), himself a strange mixture of points of view, has provided a missing link in our resources by furnishing a set of links for the everyday man to begin to form into their own lawful Militias as set down in the Constitution. The unorganized under the radar Militias are quite well organized, but due to infiltration and successive prosecution by the Alphabet agencies are hard to join. Thus his often quoted words 'Start your own".
I especially enjoy listening to the questions that are sent to Drake. It is hard to figuratively imagine that the people who ask some of those questions have ever lived in this nation. They ask things of Drake that I would have a hard time asking any man on the open internet, or in the privacy of my own home. Many questions seem to be directly quoted week after week.
This is not Drake's country, this is our country, and he just lives here with us. How can we ask him to stand out when we log onto the Blog sites with misnomers and code names to call him out. While I find some of the articles he puts out here, and on his site a bit tiresome, I blame it on my spending more time on the net than others, and that they may need to see these articles.
The complaint that he made a wrong prediction is at the supposed base of most of the Anti-Drake letters and articles. It is hard to predict the actions of the people who he reports for. He, again, is just a reporting agency.
However if you only want the news go to CNN. Drake's continued suggestions for the people to take action is very on the point. If we could get our fellow man to join us and visit the local City Council meetings, and County Commissioners meetings we would soon have a large part of the problem licked. If we all got up tomorrow, and walked up and down our street, and met our neighbors we would be prepared for the coming bad times. When the lights go out, the water stops flushing the toilet, and Mickey D's refuses our Debit cards since the bank is closed they will all be in our street demanding everyone chip in so their family can eat. It makes no difference if it because of "The Plan" Drake is speaking about or "The Plan" Obama is speaking about. It will not be fun.
If these Drake callers were to stop waiting their turn to be on the air, and start taking notes to prepare they would be further ahead. Till then keep listening to Drake who we know nothing about, or Beck who is employed by Murdock who is a member of the Bilderburgers. Listen to minuteman or listen to Alex Jones. The choice is yours.

Posted by Safetalker

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:39 AM

1 comment:

1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 10:17 AM
well said Safetalker, perhaps this excellent reading will subdue the whiners and make them look to their intuitive side, rather their selfish wants and desires. All is proceeding as it should. Be the change you want to see.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Gregg »

I dunno if was Drake or just a random homeless person whose remains I found out along the perimeter this morning, hard to tell from what was left. I will say that when I asked the Captain of the Dachshund Guard, she just looked at me a second and burped.


There is little in this world so terrifying to behold as a sated weinerdog after a kill.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

Good for her, the wolverpuss squad shouldn't get to have all the fun.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

By Red,

Finally! The news we've been waiting for since last April! It's about time!

FW: April 18, 2012


The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now quitting their banking positions in the hundreds and soon to be thousands, because the individual states filed the proper paperwork to become independent of the US Corporation (own by the Federal Reverse Bank, who’s controlled by the Cabal)… which means that the US Military must obey what the states want, and not what the cabal wants!

This is HUGE! The military is sick and tired of following the orders of the Cabal as they know it’s totally wrong… but they were forced to because it’s the law. They must follow what the governing body tells them to do, and that governing body has been the United States Corporation which is controlled by the Elite Illuminati Gangsters. They have put the US Corporation in debt Trillions of Dollars through fraudulent actions of passing the losses on it, while stealing the profits through companies like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase.

They force the Treasury to borrow money from the Federal Reverse Bank (which they own, and is a “private corporation” that reports to NO One) and have basically piled all the debts that “THEY” created (not the America people) onto the Treasury which makes the US Corporation so far in debt that they are essentially bankrupt. They plan to make us “sheep” pay that debt while they live like kings and use us as their slaves.
Their plans will fail, and are currently failing as I write this…

In this new interview with an insider named “Drake”, who speaks with David Wilcock about what is currently going on behind the scenes, the people “not are”… but “HAVE” now taken action to free the America people from these Illuminati Cabal Gangsters. They have filed the proper paperwork to make the various states (I don’t know how many, but a majority of them has do this) “independent sovereign nation states”.

In this 3 hour interview Drake explains how he was was listening to a radio show where the host was giving bad information on how to argue with a judge in court on how to get out of a speeding ticket, not pay your debts, beat the IRS, etc… Drake knew this information was not correct and could get you up to 6 months in jail if done the way that host was telling people to do it.

Drake got frustrated and decided to call into the radio show to correct it. He’s studied the law for over 2 1/2 years recently about how to get your freedom back, which covered a lot more then what this guy was telling people. Drake was introduced to a group of people in 1979 that wanted him to read a 5 inch thick stack of documents that would free America from the cabal way back then, so he wasn’t new to the idea of using the legal law to protect yourself in court.

It went much deeper then anything this host of this radio show was speaking about. In fact (back in 1979) these people even thought of staging a military coup against the ruling elite that was enslaving the America people, but decided against it and instead looked to find legal laws that would do the same thing.

Drake talks about how you can declare your own sovereignty, which I’m sure got the host of that show to listen more to what Drake had to say as he clearly was giving out information that wasn’t fully correct. Drake speaks on that show of how you can declare your own “Nation State”… independent of the “US Corporation”. This was all 100% legal and all it took was filing the correct paperwork.

Someone from Pennsylvania was listening to the show taking notes who was very knowledgeable in the sovereignty and lawfulness about the law and decided to implement what Drake has said. They put together a “Process of Notification” and sent it off to The International Court of Hague. (This is the civil division). It was sent by certified mail to make sure that they had proof they it was delivered to them. The Court sent a reply back that they received it.
Stay with here folks, as it’s just getting interesting…

This meant that it goes into Hague public record and is similar to posting a notification in an international newspaper. It’s basically stating that “I’m not responsible for my debts any longer” and “We are now an Independent Sovereign Nation State”. This freed Pennsylvania from the debts created by the Elite Illuminati Cabal through the Federal Reserve Bank that was put onto the US corporation.

When this happened the office of the International Court of Hague gets a call from a higher up in the pentagon (the military good guys who are sick of this cabal) who want to know if they can duplicate the paperwork (to be used to free other states of course). The clerk that answers the call was sure but said that it’s possible. (This clerk simply works there and had no clue what the document really meant I believe, and I’m sure he/she didn’t have any affiliation with the Illuminati Cabal… which meant that he/she would be happy to assist the request by the higher up in the pentagon).

So, they started to duplicate this paperwork (all this starting in about October of 2011). And since it was started with someone from Pennsylvania whose got the idea from listening to the radio show that Drake called into… they contacted Drake and asked him if he would help in putting this together. Drake was of course extremely happy when he realized that someone from Pennsylvania was listening to his call into that radio station… and that they actually decide to take action and do what he was talking about.
Currently, as of about February the 20th of 2012 there are enough states that filed to make America free from the US Corporation!

He gladly assisted them in helping to put this package together for many other states (a majority is all I heard in the interview, and no specific number) which has now been completed, sent off, received, and filed by the International Court of Hague. They (the good guys in the pentagon) received notice in the end of February of 2012 that the office of the International Court of Hague basically got all the paperwork from all the states and filed it. This makes it legal and declares these states as ”Independent Sovereign Nation States”.

The basic premise of a “nation state” is that while they could write their own new constitution (or use their existing one), it had to agree with the 1787 US Constitution, with the original 13th amendment (founded in 1812), the bill of rights, and the articles of confederation… and “The Declaration of Independence”.

By the states declaring their own “nation state sovereignty”, and therefore removing themselves from the US Corporation, this rebirths the “The Declaration of Independence”… which states (on page 2) that if the government gets out of control you have the right to get rid of the problem.

The manor and format of using these original founding documents, injunction with a meeting of resident representatives of those states gives those people the right to make the declarations. This in turns gives legal rights by the civilian authority to request the military to take action as necessary to back up the civilian action (basically carry out the will of the people of those states).

The military just loved it, as they can now follow the legal law and actually carry out the will of the civilian people… not the elite Illuminati cabal anymore. There was also a group of Indian nations that submitted paperwork in such a fashion that the United States (the individual states) has been set free from the corporate government (the cabal gangsters) literally… on a lawful basis and recognized internationally just like the Indian nations were.

Having this “International” recognition means that the “Governing Body” of America is NO Longer the “US Corporation” (run by the Cabal) and is now the individual states that filed the proper paperwork that together make up the “United States”, which is basically the people of each state and not some evil group of old rich men that I call the “Illuminati Reptilian Cabal Banksters”.
From now on, the people are in control of America and have told their state representatives to arrest these gangsters!

Here’s how this works… the military must obey the wishes of the “Governing Body”… which in the past has been to stage undeclared wars on innocent people around the world… something they are sick of doing as they know it’s wrong. The constitution forbids them from breaking into civil homes and arresting innocent Americans, but the cabal has been trying to stage this “World War 3″ for quite some time now so they can declare martial law in America and force the military to ignore the constitution and obey their orders to round us all up and put us in FEMA camps.

This plan isn’t going to work, and it will actually turn against them as they will be the one’s rounded up and put in these FEMA prison camps… not us sheep! (ROFLMA here!… payback is a Bitch Baby!) Sorry gang… I just write down what I feel and sometimes it’s anger, and sometimes it’s laughter… he he he he! Too funny here! I just had to make this picture!

Anyway, back to how this is going to work. The good guys in the pentagon (that are mostly military people) have wanted the people of America to rise up and take their right back (peacefully and legally of course… not violently), and that’s exactly what the states have done by filing the proper paperwork with the International Court of Hague.

So, now that the international community has recognized these individual states as currently being the new “Governing Body” of America, (and not the “US Corporation”) the military of the United States can legally act on behalf of the will of the people who want these gangsters arrested… and you can believe that they are very happy to get this request!

The process that follows is for the people to inform their respected states of what the want done (which they have), the state’s to inform the military (which they did), the military to instruct the US Marshall’s Office to deliver this list of gangsters to be arrested to the local sheriff’s office in the various cities and towns across America… which they are working on currently, but haven’t done yet.

This will be of course be a very coordinated effort, involving a whole lot of people to carry out these arrests. It is a plan that will be done in about a 72 hour period once started. The date for this mass arrest is unknown currently, but will be told on the internet 24 hours before it happens to create a viral explosion. They want everyone to know that the military will NOT be entering any civilian’s home to arrest them.

This is to be done 100% legal, by the law of the constitution, which prohibits them from acting in the policing of American citizens, but instead they will be simply standing by to assist the US Marshall’s and the local Sheriff’s officers during these arrests to make sure they are protected in case these gangsters don’t come out willingly.
There is 1,000′s of resignations to date and 450 last week as well as 200 arrests.

That’s 650 people involved in finance running scared like the rats they are… and just in one week! This is world wide right now and growing as every day passes. This link from CNBC (a “Main Stream Media” outlet… not just internet conspiracy blogs) shows a Hong Kong gangster getting arrested, so this is REAL folks… not just a bunch of talk!

Drake has his sources and the match up with the latest from Ben Fulford as well. The arrests are continuing and will bring freedom to the American people and the world. The dollar will collapse but the funding set aside by the good guys will likely keep the stock market from crashing as huge as was previously expected (by myself and many others). This is really a good thing of course, even if we bears don’t get our chance short this pig as we have all be waiting on for so long now.

So, when the time comes later this year (May/June is my expected high in the market) I’d only be looking to short the dollar after it peaks within the two week window from the time the euro crashes. Drake stated that we would have about 2 weeks after the euro collapses before it hits America, which confirms what Lindsey Williams says too. It’s coming… but the when part is still unknown?

Here is Ben Fulfords’ latest, which states that a “New Financial System” is already online now and will be there to provide funding when the time comes. This is good as these funds will be used to bring out the free energy technology and other suppressed information that these gangsters have keep to themselves for decades now.

Over 200 senior bankers arrested last week as new financial system goes online

by Benjamin Fulford, 3-26-12

The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say. Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources. There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.

The general structure of the financial cabal and its top leaders has also now been mapped to some extent. For example, the Rothschild family dynasty leaders have been identified. The Swiss branch of the family is run by David de Rothschild in Geneva, the French branch by Guy de Rothschild, the German branch by Rothschild family member and Hitler daughter Angelina Merkel and the British branch by Evelyn de Rothschild.
In the US, JP Morgan is a Rothschild front.

The Rockefeller family syndicate uses Goldman Sachs and Citibank as its major financial fronts. Bank of America is a front for the Italian black nobility behind the Vatican and the mafia, run in part by Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former black pope. Pope malevolent the 16th is also a senior member of this satanic group.

The Nazi faction is run by Fuhrer George Bush Senior with Ben Bernanke acting as Deputy Fuhrer. Their chemical and pharmaceutical mass murder division is run by the Du Pont family.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is now in Africa forcing families at gunpoint to accept the sterilization by vaccine of their daughters. In North America, Japan and elsewhere the mass sterilization by vaccine is taking place under the guise of protecting girls against cervical cancer. Message to Bill Gates: your company and foundation are going to be confiscated and you are going to spend the rest of your life making restitution.

The United States government has been so compromised by these and other cabal families and their foundation fronts that the upcoming US Presidential “election,” is nothing more than a power struggle between the Chicago mob and their front man Mitt Romney versus the Bush Texas illegal drug mafia and their guy Jeb Bush.

Hopefully the new financial system, once it is fully implemented, will pull the plug on the entire farcical show and Americans will be able to choose their own leaders based on true information provided by free media. For now though, electronically rigged elections and corporate propaganda provide sham democracy for dumbed down and drugged up Americans.

However, a look at the pentagon budget for this upcoming year shows they have dedicated plenty of resources to financing reserve troop units inside the United States. This does not mean they are preparing to put average Americans into FEMA camps as feared by many. To the contrary, they are preparing for a mass round up of cabal agents and proxies, according to pentagon and CIA sources.

There was a clear indication of change on March 20th, when instead of having the cabal scheduled earthquake hit Tokyo, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit Oaxaca, Mexico exactly when President Obama’s daughter was vacationing there. Furthermore, this earthquake was advertised in advance through pamphlets distributed locally. This is a clear sign the bad guys no longer play the HAARP.

Another sign of change was the public rebuke of Obama, Clinton and cabal controlled media outlets when the official Chinese government news site, Xinhua stated that North Korea was not on the agenda of the 50 nation nuclear security summit taking place in Soeul [Seoul], Korea this week. The cabal propaganda media has been carrying a fake story about nuclear danger from North Korea even though that country has already announced it will cease nuclear weapons development.

The secret agenda behind this 50 nation summit is an attempt to steal 200 tons of gold that is in South Korean warehouses. That theft is not going to be allowed to go ahead so the cabalists will leave the summit empty handed.

There was also plenty of speculation about a coup d’etat in China last week. All that happened was that a Maoist cabal agent Bo Xilai was removed from power after one of his henchmen was discovered taking instructions from the US consulate in Chongqing, according to MI6 sources. China is still on course for a stable and harmonious regime change-over later this year, according to White Dragon Society sources. The talk of a Maoist coup d’etat was wishful cabalist thinking fanned by cabalist media outlets.

Speaking about fake stories, the “White Hats” group on the internet, consisting of Bush agent Mike Cotrell and Hawaii resident Danny Gammage, has been spewing out laughable libel (such as this writer is a clone).

More damagingly, they managed to fool Lord Blackheath of the UK Upper House of Parliament with a fake story about $15 trillion that he raised in Parliamentary session. The House of Lords is now going to summon a White Dragon Society ally to testify about what is really going on in the financial wars.

The London financial district is headed for further purges and the talk is that Lord Sassoon is headed for a big fall. The investigation may even extend to the UK Royal family, European CIA sources say.

In Japan, meanwhile, the status quo is expected to remain on hold until the March 31st end of the fiscal year because of overwhelming workloads in the bureaucracy and the parliament. After March 31st, there will be concrete negotiations taking place involving the Finance Ministry, Bank of Japan, Prime Minister’s office and Royal Household Agency aimed at setting up a new international economic planning agency.

The Japanese self-defense forces and bureaucracy are also planning a major purge of cabalist puppets in the Japanese Parliament, banks, corporations and media.

Overall, things are looking very good. However, unless we see these senior cabalists on world TV confessing to their crimes, we must not be complacent. Until this financial war is over, keep your powder dry and stay alert.

I’ll be very glad to see all this happen, as I know many of you will too. I’ve had enough of these gangsters and would love to live in a world free of wars, were peace reigns in every country. Drake speaks of them airing the entire history of these Illuminati gangsters on a dedicated television channel after all these arrests happen and the new government is in place. I look forward to learning about all their hidden secrets and hope that the rest of the sheep in America wake up and watch this channel instead of mindless trash that’s on TV right now.

While I don’t let what other people think of me bother me, I will get some satisfaction when those “non-believers” see it all on “Main Stream News” and I can smile and say “I told you so”…. LOL! Yes, there are aliens… yes, there are people called the Illuminati… and yes, you really are being posioned by them with chemtrails, floride, processed foods, prescription drugs, electromagnetic low frequencies (ELF’s), and yeah… there really is a secret space program based in Area 51 where we have over a 100 spaceships and go to Mars and the Moon all the time.

Anyway, as for the stock market…

I’m not expecting much to happen until the head gangsters get arrested and press the “sell button” before the sheriff breaks down their front door. They are still in control of the stock market as far as I can tell and are keeping it up until the last minute… but “when” is the question here? I just don’t know that answer? There is also the likelihood that the good guys will step in at some point and stop the crash from continuing to 1929 levels.

I’m just keeping my eyes out for the Euro to crash and then get prepared to short the US Dollar when it peaks out on the spike up rally it will get from the Euro tanking. Again, this should have about a 2 week window before it hits America (according to Lindsey Williams and now Drake). If you ever wanted to bet all your chips at the Vegas gambling casino, this will be your best chance win in my opinion.

The bad guys want to crash the market to bring on the “New World Order” to enslave us all even more, forcing us to accept “their” new currency, steal up all the assets for pennies on the dollar, and put chips in all of us to keep control of their slaves. They have planned this great stock market crash for decades I’d say. Drake mentioned that Trillions of Dollars were leaving the country in only a few minutes during the 2008 crash and that the good guys seen what was happening and closed down the electronic access to stop it from crashing even further (this is about at 1 hour and 47 minutes into the video).

Now, I don’t know how much of that is accurate as I find it too obvious that the 666 spx low on March 6th, 2009 was done on purpose by the Illuminati because it’s a ritual number to them… which means that the good guys didn’t stop this mass exit of money from the market to foreign bank accounts owned by the gangsters, but instead they stopped it. The good guys wouldn’t have any reason to stop the market at such a ritual number, but yet it stopped there? I think it stopped there because the bad guys planned it that way.

Looking back at that day I see that the high was 699.09 (or 666 upside down), and the low was 666.79… come’on, it’s that obvious of who controlled that days’ trading? Of course the gangsters did! The ritual is very “in your face” here, as the multiple “Nine’s” indicates “Completion” of the move, and it’s other meaning of the mark of the beast too.

So, maybe the good guys seen what was happening and did do something to assist in stopping them from crashing the market further… I don’t know? But regardless of that, it’s the past now and the current period we are living in clearly shows that the good guys are making huge progress toward defeating these gangsters.

It takes a long time to bring down any organization that has been in control for hundreds (if not thousands) of years, so I’m just happy to see the current steps made by them and support them all the way. I want peace, not war! I enjoy life and don’t like to live in fear… therefore I don’t. I know that I’m an immortal spirit and can’t die, so the gangsters don’t scare me with their fear mongering movies showing the world ending in some Armageddon scenario.

After this is all over with, we traders will be much more successful trading a new stock market that isn’t a 100% controlled by gangsters. While I’m sure there will still be some manipulation in it, I think it will be minimum and the charts will become much more accurate and easier to read, predict and make some profit from. I’ll be happy to become a bull then, as we should see an explosion in certain new technologies that have been suppressed for decades now.

For now though, I’m just waiting patiently for right signal to short this fat pig right before it’s slaughter. I’m not sure when this will happen, but the May/June time period is still my expected date for the final high in the market. This lines up with what Lindsey Williams said too, from his elite source that said the market won’t collapse in March, April, May, or June… which leave July through the rest of the year for it to crash.

I would love to tell you that the market is going down this week, but I just don’t have a clue? It’s very, very controlled right now and there is no signs yet of any big sell off starting. It’s just a bunch of choppy action every day with a very narrow trading range. How do you trade that? I just don’t, as it’s not worth my time or risk. I’d rather wait until the proper time to attack. I’ve been burnt too many times over the last 3 years shorting this pig while the gangsters turn the market up against gravity and make my winning position turn into a losing one.

Ending this post on a good note, I”m happy to see all these positive things happening right now. This is going to be a very interesting year indeed!

Best of luck to all us sheep…

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

This is it! Just like it was in May, June and on the 4th of July!

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Drake Update: Da End Game IS at our doorstep…
Date: Thursday, 18-Oct-2012 13:23:06

Ready, Set…
Awright, HEADS UP!!!
I have been trying to let everyone know…everthing BE very CLOSE…Yes?
Well, guess what?
Da End Game IS at our doorstep…

We ALL need to complete our readiness/preparations…NOW.
All the things I have been expressing on the shows and our website are just about to START… Get that right, Start…
Anyone who needs to be talked to, do it now…
There will be several ‘notices’ coming from several places in order let everyone know what is going on and what to do.
We may NOT get to our Sunday show…IT is that close…think first of next week at the latest.
I have received intel from five of my contacts that stipulates that the ‘action’ is very close to taking place.
WHEN notification is to be made, I will be posting it on this page and our website.
Exciting as this is…each of our actions must show restraint, take it slow and easy. Do not lose your control or take extraordinary actions just yet.
Make sure you are in contact with the militia in your area, they will receive the ‘final’ instructions at the right time, and you will need to know that information.
Everyone should be careful and safe as this unfolds.



The message below comes from a person believed to be trustworthy who claims to be in contact with high level military and intelligence insiders.

The “end game” to which he refers is a series of actions to be undertaken on behalf of the American people to remove the Socialists/Communists currently controlling the U.S. government, and to restore Constitutional government.

The people involved are people of integrity who are committed to carrying out this action peacefully, but when it happens, there may be some significant disruptions of transportation, communications, banking, and logistics.

According to the information which has been published, the changes which are coming will be historic and unprecedented. These changes will include elimination of unconstitutional federal agencies (including the IRS and the Federal Reserve System), removal of corrupt individuals in all branches of government at the federal, state, and local levels, and the filing of criminal charges against those complicit in the conspiracy which resulted in the takeover of the government. Conviction on these charges could result in extremely serious consequences for those convicted.

It is not a matter of if, but when.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:59 PM


AnonymousOctober 18, 2012 2:09 PM
My info has it that we will start to see news articles (from credible media sources) that will start to expose the fact that that government is a sham. As this happens, people will be forced to deal with this new reality.

AnonymousOctober 18, 2012 2:23 PM
"All the things I have been expressing on the shows and our website are just about to START… Get that right, Start…"
And for anyone who came in late, Drake claimed that one of the first things we would see is the media being completely taken over, then mass arrests of almost all the House, Senate past and present, media heads and Banksters all arrested including Obozo and the Bushes. Then new money and ascension into paradise etc.
Anybody taking bets?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by LightinDarkness »

Deep Knight, I just want to thank you for posting in these threads - I dont get a chance to post much but I've been using your threads as lunch time pop-corn eating reading for the past 6+ months. You truly know how to find the craziest of the kooks...and it looks like you alone are also the entire CIA plotting against the all powerful Erasmus!

I know its unlikely, but I am secretly hoping he files a lawsuit against "Deep Knight and the CIA" for 100 trillion dollars. After all, I'm pretty sure you can file a lawsuit for any amount against anyone as long as you pay the filing fees.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

LightinDarkness wrote:Deep Knight, I just want to thank you for posting in these threads - I dont get a chance to post much but I've been using your threads as lunch time pop-corn eating reading for the past 6+ months. You truly know how to find the craziest of the kooks...and it looks like you alone are also the entire CIA plotting against the all powerful Erasmus!

I know its unlikely, but I am secretly hoping he files a lawsuit against "Deep Knight and the CIA" for 100 trillion dollars. After all, I'm pretty sure you can file a lawsuit for any amount against anyone as long as you pay the filing fees.
And this is one of your fans?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:And this is one of your fans?
It could be worse - s/he could be secretly hoping that Erasmus wins his 100 trillion dollar lawsuit.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by LightinDarkness »

:lol: I probably should have been a tad bit more clearer - my desire as a Deep Knight fan is only that such lawsuits generate lovely volumes of legal gibberish for our amusement but that it gets dismissed immediately and doesn't cause Deep Knight any personal legal trouble.

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Response to Drake Gives Green Light Notice
By Anonymous

Found this comment at John M’s blog….thought some of you may be interested in it…..
“The Democratic Cabal that took over the U.S.A 100 years ago is finished, done for, and kaput. Leo Wanta’s assets continue to be retrieved and repatriated as collateral all over the globe.
Operation Green light has been confirmed as “Go”. Confirmation for this comes not only from Drake, but from first hand contacts I hold in Denver & Missouri including local residents.
They saw authorities escorting Federal Reserve criminals out in shackles, literally just today. This is not a drill.
Democrat John McCain, Michael Chertoff, George (Bush)Scherff Senior, Charles Schumer and Jay Rockefeller will be apprehended shortly. Democrat Lloyd Blankfein has already been apprehended in the Goldman Sachs case and his associate Jason Rubin awaits trial in New York.
Finally at long last, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America are going to be liquidated in bankruptcy. It was written as required law in Ron Paul’s final bill.
Within days JP Morgan Chase will not even exist. Chase Bank will exist only in small form.
So those of you who said the Mass Arrests were all lies, you are in for a mighty wake up. The Mass Arrests of the democratic cabal have begun!
I have also activated Operation “Rain Maker” personally…..LET IT RAIN!!!
What that means is the above people are shortly to have trial dates set. For their treason against the United States in stealing over 4.5 trillion dollars of Leo Wanta’s funds, the Wanta Reagan Mitterand Protocols.
Folks, look it up. It’s the only reason the military shall have such lawful authority.
Leo Wanta’s Protocols

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:10 AM
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by notorial dissent »

What are they smoking over there?

I know McHalfwit will believe anything but what is right in front of him, but this is ridiculous.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.