Sign the Petition!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:I thought the WH was considerably kinder and more restrained in their response than that nonsense warranted. Of course I don't suppose it would be possible to just flat out tell them they are freakin' nuts and to go peddle their delusions elsewhere? I'm also making the assumption, possibly/probably quite erroneous that they could even make enough sense out of the whole thing to tell what they were going on about, since NESARA only exists in their fevered imagination.
I remember Dove using "we asked the teller at our bank if they had been trained in NESARA and she said 'yes'" as evidence. I figure that the bank tellers ARE trained, but to smile and say "of course" when a wacked-out customer asks them a question like this. No doubt the White House uses the same training.

If the Jon Carson who posts here is the same, then I would like to compliment him on his self control. I would also like to tell him I loved him on the Tonight Show, and just explaned to some younger collegues the "Slossen Cutoff" running joke as we passed the Slossen exit on the 405 in LA.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Somewhere in the last century, I worked in a Disclosure Office. We once wrote a form letter to respond to people revoking their ssn and birth certificates.
"Frankly, we don't know what you're talking about. Futrhermore, we don't give a damn. Please go away and never bother us again."
For some reason, the boss would not approve it...
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Deep Knight
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

What's that definition of insanity where someone expects a different result for the same action again?

Monday, June 18, 2012
"We the People" White House petition for the Obama administration to announce Nesara.
I have started a "We the People" White House petition for the Obama administration to announce Nesara.! ... w/05MY0zHQ

I was hoping you could post this on your Nesara blog to help get the necessary 25,000 signatures by July 15th, 2012.

If that number is reached the Administration has to comment on it.

Thank You,


Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:22 AM 0 comments

We petition the obama administration to:
Announce & Implement NESARA...Now!

Nesara passed in secret by Congress in 2000 & again in 2001.

This law will provide the following benefits:

1) Abolishment of the IRS and income taxes;

2) Establishment of the U.S. Treasury Bank System, with new currency backed by precious metals, and absorption of the Federal Reserve System in to the U.S. Treasury Department;

3) Restoration of Constitutional Law;

4) Bank debt forgiveness of credit card debts and debt relief to American citizens of bank mortgage and other debts;

5) Removal of the current government administration and new elections to provide a clean slate on which to base our country's future;

6) New prosperity options for American citizens;

7) Expansion of these benefits to other countries around the world;

8) and many more direct and indirect benefits.

Created: Jun 18, 2012

2 days and they already got 11 signatures. NESARA NOW WON!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
White House Responds to NESARA Petition

Hello All:
You may be interested in what he has to say about NESARA.
God Bless Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart

Folks, the White House has given its formal response to the NESARA petition but I do encourage you to be patient with this communication (the communication appears below this note). [It did in the original Steve Bekow posted at 2012 Scenario, but not in the Johnnie MacHaffie version - it's in this thread on page 2 - from Jon Carson from sometime between February and June].

The White House announcement is pro-forma. By that I mean, it’s a mere formality and has to be made this way for the time being.

I’m told that President Obama is fluent in all aspects of NESARA, Disclosure, etc., and is simply playing things as they must be played for now.

There are events going on behind the scenes that must remain hidden. As far as I can see, we need to be patient and wait a while longer for openings like NESARA, etc.

We here at 2012S don’t like to engage in predictions. No predictions to date have been correct and the reasons for that, apparently, are many. But we do know that things are close and complex and have to be done at the appropriate time.

That having been said, in last Monday’s An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael did speak about NESARA:

Steve Beckow: Are there any obstacles remaining in the path of the announcement of pre-NESARA and NESARA?

Archangel Michael: None. …It will be in place very shortly. No, I do not mean soon, I simply mean shortly.

SB: What’s the difference between shortly and soon, please, Lord?

AAM: Days. (1)

We haven’t emphasized this statement because the most important thing at this time is to remain balanced and centered. As AAM also said in that interview, when things break, “they are going to be happening far more rapidly than you can imagine.”

I don’t like to sound preachy but I’m afraid some of it is part of my job – just as you have or will have your job. We’re lightworkers. We especially need to stand back and allow events to unfold without getting unduly swept up in them.

The various channeled messages that we post have been giving us hints of what’s to come and hints are all that are advisable for now. The main thing is that there’s nothing to fear on any score, that what we hoped for is definitely in motion and coming, and that our role as lightworkers will then begin in earnest.

When it does start, it’ll require us to act in a more mature and trusting fashion than we probably have ever contemplated up till now. I can’t emphasize that enough.

So please just allow things to unfold and, if you’ll allow me to say it and I say it with all the humility I can muster, please don’t get caught up in thinking that the white hats managing events don’t know what they’re doing. They do and are acting in our best interests, whether it appears that way on the surface or not.

For the rest, we’ll have full explanations when things unfold.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:12 PM

So Obama is fluent in Nesara, huh? Probably learned from his REAL father, who was from the Nesara Island in the Caribbean (the one with the banks where you can get those special prime rates). If you want to see the REAL birth certificate, that's where I would look. No doubt he and Obama's mother flew there because this was a common thing for woman about to give birth to do at the time.


1. Anonymous October 10, 2012 8:40 PM


2. Anonymous October 10, 2012 9:31 PM

More b.s. from the White House. Pro Forma? It was a denial. Obama is simply playing things out huh? Oh great job NDAA, law of the Sea Treaty so I guess vilolating the constution and handing over our sovereignty is his way of simply playing things out? More New Age b.s. stop drinking the cool aid.

Vilolating the constution?

As for the Law of the Sea, out here we know about the Code of the West, which is something about being caught vilolating the rancher's daughter in the hayloft and having to marry her. I suspect the law of the sea is similar, except a fishy rather than horsey odor is involved.
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