Sins of the Father

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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by ashlynne39 »

Quixote wrote:It is so frustrating to watch kris ruin her daughter's life and not be able to intervene. kris has provided an e-mail address, but talking to her would be a waste of time. She is too deep in the Kool-ade. Her daughter, the one who is suffering, is getting everything filtered through Mom's fevered brain. The folks the daughter spoke to in HR, even if they understand what's going on, are not equipped to steer her in the right direction.
Well, I wasted my breath. Despite all the BS these folks bandy about, I always feel sorry for them . . . at least initially and want to give at least a try. Here is my e-mail and Kris's response. I found some things about her response interesting and will highlight them for comment. As usual, most of her e-mail isn't true and/or doesn't make sense.

My e-mail:
Do with this advice what you will but if for nothing else but for the sake of your daughter, please consider having your daughter consult a legitimate tax attorney who can help her work a deal with the IRS. This is your child. Consider that Pete was in prison (for the second time) because of his CTC tax scheme. Do you really want your child to risk jail time because you filed her tax returns using Pete's plan? This is very serious. At a minimum she is likely facing more fines than just what is being levied and at worst, just look at the jail time some people like Pete are getting. Can she and her husband afford that? Can you if the IRS comes looking at you as the one who filed the returns? The reason you are getting the brush off from Ogden is because the Constitution, case law and the IRS guidelines are very clear that using the CTC method is frivolous and against the law. They aren't going to discuss it with you because they don't have to do so.

Your choice, but as a mom I sincerely hope you give your daughter a chance to meet with a legitimate tax attorney in your area so she can at least assess her options for herself.

Either way, best of luck to you.

I do not understand why you are trolling this forum, believing as you do, but that is your business, not mine.

I will tell you this, however. If I did not believe this to be true, and LEGAL, I would NEVER have even told anyone I know about CtC, let alone promoted it in any way. My daughter, her husband, and all the rest of my family and friends, who are aware and filing corrected information returns, KNEW the risks before they started, and were willing to accept the fact that they MAY have a fight on their hands. Anytime the 'ranchers' suspect the 'cattle' may be escaping, they will do EVERYTHING in their power to keep the 'cattle' on the 'ranch,' as they are their livelihood. This being said, I can also tell you for a fact, that we have personally had several successes already with 'Auntie' and also know of many others in our area who have been just as successful. Whats more, 37 states have accepted this as accurate, which you SHOULD KNOW if you truly spend any time LEARNING anything on this site. Sometimes, when you choose to break the chains of enslavement, you PISS OFF the keepers of the keys. Everyone who chooses to argue with 'Auntie' understand there may be a very hard fought battle ahead.

You cannot tell me that the IRS is wrong in hundreds of thousands of instances where they send back peoples property every year, and are only trying to correct a small handful here and there! if this were true, not only would they NOT return anyones property to them, they would be attempting to take back all they have returned for years - AND YET THEY ARE NOT!!
You mention that Pete has been in jail twice..... this does NOT mean he is wrong - only that he has upset the apple cart, and they are trying to bring their 'horse' back under control, before they lose all their apples! NATURALLY they will go after him! DUH!! And when you are right, just like Sherry Peel Jackson, sometimes you must sacrifice in order to prove your point! If you stand for nothing, they will STAND ON YOU!

I have NEVER forced anyone to do anything they did NOT want to do, and I always have made sure they understood ALL THE RISKS involved in their stance. For you to suggest that I have placed my daughter and her family in a risky position, against their will and without their knowledge is OFFENSIVE and 100% WRONG!!

I, and others like me, are prepared to fight the RIGHT fight, in order to protect our freedoms and live the life God and our Constitution have guaranteed us. You may believe us to be wrong, and thats the beauty of our country, that you have the right to be wrong yourself! I will defend to my death YOUR right to be wrong.

But because WE are willing to stand up for ourselves, do not denegrate us. You can disagree all you like. I would never tell you you are wrong, unless invited to.

You were NOT invited to give your opinion. Please refrain from doing so again, and do not respond to this email.
I attempted my good deed for the day and as I expected, it was a waste of time but at least I tried. I do find interesting that 37 states have apparently found CTC legal or at least that is what I took from that part of her e-mail. I'm not sure if that is 37 US state or 37 "sovereign" citizens acting as their own states. Anyway, there it is.

Edited to add: she also included her real name in the e-mail so I suppose I could forward this e-mail to the IRS as support for whatever case they've got but I wouldn't know how to do that.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by webhick »

ashlynne39 wrote:I do find interesting that 37 states have apparently found CTC legal or at least that is what I took from that part of her e-mail.
I think she means that 37 states have issued refunds based on CtC-style returns. What she doesn't see is the amount of states that have attempted to correct their error.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:I do find interesting that 37 states have apparently found CTC legal or at least that is what I took from that part of her e-mail.
I think she means that 37 states have issued refunds based on CtC-style returns. What she doesn't see is the amount of states that have attempted to correct their error.
Yes, Hendrickson and some of his followers have repeated the lie again and again: When the IRS or state taxing authority issues an erroneous refund based on the fraud inherent in a CtC-style return, it somehow means (in their minds) that the IRS or state authority "really knows" that CtC is "the law." The related lie is: When the IRS, etc., begins efforts to recover the fraudulently obtained refund, it's somehow the government refusing to adhere to what Hendrickson calls the "rule of law."

Hendrickson and, by extension, his merry group of wackadooster followers, have created an imaginary Alice in Wonderland sort of world where they claim to believe, in effect, that up is down and down is up, and that words mean what they want words to mean, and not what the courts have ruled words to mean.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by LightinDarkness »

What I found most sad about the email response is that her entire dismissal of all the objective evidence that CTC is wrong - the IRS ignoring her, the CTC author going to jail, etc. The rationalization is the standard conspiracy theory "THEY know were right, so THEY use their power to persecute us when we use the CTC filing method."

Yet again, the shadowy cabal is so powerful that they can throw these idiots in jail, but so dumb that they leave secret ways of filing your tax return open in the code (according to the TPs) instead of just fixing them. Even if you believe like they do, it still doesn't make any sense.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by LightinDarkness »

Isn't the reality of it that most states only do very simple cursory (and mostly automated) reviews of tax returns when issuing initial refunds? And then later when they are doing more in-depth checks is when they catch most of the CTC filing idiots. They do that because otherwise the amount of time it would take to issue refunds would be enormous, and most of the time people don't lie or file fraudulent returns like the CTCers.

Silly me, thinking rational again. Must not be that, must be because the state knows CTC is right!
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by grixit »

ashlynne39 wrote:
I attempted my good deed for the day and as I expected, it was a waste of time but at least I tried. I do find interesting that 37 states have apparently found CTC legal or at least that is what I took from that part of her e-mail. I'm not sure if that is 37 US state or 37 "sovereign" citizens acting as their own states. Anyway, there it is.
Well at least she has your email address now and if ever a glimmer of light shines though she has someone to reach out to who won't just pour another glass of poison.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Kestrel »

My daughter, her husband, and all the rest of my family and friends, who are aware and filing corrected information returns, KNEW the risks before they started, and were willing to accept the fact that they MAY have a fight on their hands.

And when you are right, just like Sherry Peel Jackson, sometimes you must sacrifice in order to prove your point! If you stand for nothing, they will STAND ON YOU!

I have NEVER forced anyone to do anything they did NOT want to do, and I always have made sure they understood ALL THE RISKS involved in their stance. For you to suggest that I have placed my daughter and her family in a risky position, against their will and without their knowledge is OFFENSIVE and 100% WRONG!!
I'm just having a hard time feeling sorry for the kids. Kris is the mouthpiece and self-anointed tax expert, but it's looking more and more like the kids would have a hard time claiming to be pure as new fallen snow. When you volunteer to be sacrificial lambs, you tend to wind up getting sacrificed.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result. Sane people would find another tax expert.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Gregg »

LightinDarkness wrote:Isn't the reality of it that most states only do very simple cursory (and mostly automated) reviews of tax returns when issuing initial refunds? And then later when they are doing more in-depth checks is when they catch most of the CTC filing idiots. They do that because otherwise the amount of time it would take to issue refunds would be enormous, and most of the time people don't lie or file fraudulent returns like the CTCers.

Silly me, thinking rational again. Must not be that, must be because the state knows CTC is right!
When the IRS issues a refund to them, it is as infallible as the Pope. When it does anything else, it's mistaken, corrupt or the employee is untrained.

It's called tax denier logic.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by . »

Most TPs are no doubt of the opinion that state governments and the federal government, to include all taxing authorities and administrators, are highly inefficient, wasteful, and generally incompetent (and I would agree with them for the most part.)

That they then conclude that an erroneous refund implies or constitutes some sort of agreement with or endorsement of their lunacy is just a necessary extension of that lunacy to maintain the coherency (such as it is) of their gibberish in their own deluded minds.

It's hard to jump through all of the intellectually and logically inconsistent hoops needed to be a TP. Must be exhausting. Then again, maybe it's just that ignorance really is bliss.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Cathulhu »

Ashlynne, you deserve kudos for trying. But you can't fix stupid, or in this case, psychotic. :brickwall:
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Quixote »

On Oct 2, Harvey the Hamster in his Libre persona posted the following, directed at kris:
Anyway, tell me about how much the cartel's dinging 'em for and I'll personally see to it that amount doubled is extracted from the banking cartel via someone in my network. And when I say "extracted" I mean taken off the table, off their books, ammo depleted, etc. whether in the form of loan default, drained bank account, etc.
I foolishly read that as an empty promise by Harvey to help kris's daughter by acting like Robin Hood, somehow generating a bogus credit and paying that to the daughter to replace the wages lost due to kris's meddling. I was wrong. All he was offering to do was to find some deadbeat whose loan default would metaphysically offset the daughter's payments to the IRS. A sort of cosmic carbon offset.
OK Kris, source tells me this Discover account ($14976 balance) will never be paid back, unsecured debt.
So that's almost triple the levy - treble damages! Call it Kris' daughters payback.
Yeah, that'll put food on the table.

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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Gregg »

So, some numbnuts quit paying his credit card bill 7-8 months ago, and that's revenge for another dingbat's tax evasion? Wow, that's stupid on a stick. Not to mention he didn't even include any not yet assessed penalties.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote:So, some numbnuts quit paying his credit card bill 7-8 months ago, and that's revenge for another dingbat's tax evasion? Wow, that's stupid on a stick. Not to mention he didn't even include any not yet assessed penalties.
Harvester-Libre-Nationwide-johnthetaxist-johnny cash-whateverhisaliasmightbethisweek is not just stupid on a stick; he is stupid on a motorized pogo stick, bouncing up and down, hair-on-fire-screaming "we're winning! we're winning!"-"Jay-is-Famspear-is everyone-else"-paranoia stupid.


A few weeks ago, at another web site, Harvey claimed that he had stopped paying on his mortgage (an action he supposedly took based on DMVP theory or some other such idiocy; I can't remember which theory).

If Harvey really is no longer paying monthly payments due on his home mortgage, I can't wait to see how that works out.

Actually, with a brain like his, it's hard to see how he managed to have a home -- or a mortgage......


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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by ashlynne39 »

Quixote wrote:On Oct 2, Harvey the Hamster in his Libre persona posted the following, directed at kris:
Anyway, tell me about how much the cartel's dinging 'em for and I'll personally see to it that amount doubled is extracted from the banking cartel via someone in my network. And when I say "extracted" I mean taken off the table, off their books, ammo depleted, etc. whether in the form of loan default, drained bank account, etc.
I foolishly read that as an empty promise by Harvey to help kris's daughter by acting like Robin Hood, somehow generating a bogus credit and paying that to the daughter to replace the wages lost due to kris's meddling. I was wrong. All he was offering to do was to find some deadbeat whose loan default would metaphysically offset the daughter's payments to the IRS. A sort of cosmic carbon offset.
OK Kris, source tells me this Discover account ($14976 balance) will never be paid back, unsecured debt.
So that's almost triple the levy - treble damages! Call it Kris' daughters payback.
Yeah, that'll put food on the table.


I am pleased to say that I had to read Harvey's scheme 10 - 15 times before I understood what he was trying to say. The more I don't understand some scheme of his the saner I feel :whistle: Now I have to say, what the heck is this blather. Does Harvey actually think this accomplishes something? I know the answer is yes, he does but still this is absurd even for him.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by AndyK »

The Hamster is in serious competition to wrest the title of "Loosest Grip On Reality" from David Merrill.

Although he initially seemed to be a mimic of a wannabe, he seems to have convinced himself to believe in his insanity.

Unfortunately, he's such a minor pimple that he will be able to continue his inanity until his mother kicks him out of the basement.
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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by grixit »


Hamster Time!!!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Sins of the Father

Post by rogfulton »

grixit wrote:Stop!

Hamster Time!!!
Warning please! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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