Erasmus of America

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Now unfortunately an ugly subject that has to be raised now on Oct. 17, 2012. A man passing himself as working for the federal government in Wash., D.C. has issued two understood murder threats against me. He calls himself deep knight and earlier stated over the internet which I copied that he would love to murder me if he could get legal authority to do so. He now announces and I copied his murder threat again that carrying out an OctoberObama Surprise for me, I am supposed to be federally murdered by him before October, 2012 is over and asserting Obama as his authority to do this. This is clearly an understood federal murder threat that I am supposed to be federally murdered this month by order of Obama in the White House. I have witnesses to these murder threats from this dark knight out of Wash., D.C. Not being legally naive, I copied from the internet what amounts to his murder threats against me that I am supposed to be federally murdered in the next few days by order of Obama of the White House. I had been written up as "The Einstein of American Economics" by a very prestigious international organization and maybe it got under Obama's skin that I called Obama incompetent in effect to run the national economy of America. But Obama is not supposed to under American law to try and order federal personnel to murder those who do not agree with him politically in America. I am not afraid of dying which is why threats cannot control what I say publicly. That makes me deadly politically because I will champion the truth in America and "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"
Okay, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder with the whole nation watching this public posting, legally you are supposed to arrest this deep knight for murder threats over the internet and saying he is doing this in the name of the federal government and Obama at the White House. Answer me now with public posting with Nesara News as to whether you are going to arrest now for threatening murder over the internet or does the U.S. Justice Dept. under you approve murder threats over the public internet and claimed issued murder threat by authority of the White House? And investigating this, are you prepared to issue an arrest warrant for Obama at the White House if he authorized this murder threat against me which deep knight indicates that Obama has authorized my threatened federal murder before October, 2012 is over? If you remain silent, I suggest you immediately resign as U.S. Attorney General or else face pending impeachment by Congress for obstruction of justice and refusal to uphold the national criminal law of America? All sorts of federal sources have been watching my national posts with Nesara News and also foreign intelligence services. In other words, you have no wiggle room saying that you did not know that this sizzling federal scandal was posted now with potentially all of America to witness this and governments and people across the world. Hot situation isn't it! Corrupt as I am sure you are in reality, you are now in deep legal trouble because this deep knight has drawn you into a lethal legal situation for Obama now! Next move yours Eric Holder - the "cowardly lion" who is too corrupt to be U.S. Attorney General now!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Use of pen name just gave me victory over the Satanists in Wash., D.C.! Will show later I learned clever military tactics in eleven calendar years in military academies!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:46 PM

Oh, oh, I'm in trouble now! I'm just lucky all I said was that Erasmus' home town would be the site of the October surprise he himself had been vaguely talking about (he has moles in the White House, so no doubt he had keep the details to himself to protect them). If I had said something like this I would have been in REAL trouble!
Erasmus of America wrote: And since Obama is mocking and laughing at constitutional law and bill of rights in America, I will legally honor his legal position and say that he and 10 top co-conspirators with him are all to be dropped into hot sulphuric acid and inch by inch dropped down until their entire bodies are eaten up by acid which will scientifically likely be the most painful slow deaths any leaders have ever suffered in human history for planned treason against their own people. Do I mean it? Yes! Not symbolically but for real! I am a tough son of a bitch when reality requires it!
Just in case you boys at the CIA and FBI don't have this address, his picks up his mail at P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Good luck, and good hunting!
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gnoose »

I feel really sorry for whatever FBI agents get tasked with investigating Erasmus' death threats (pretty sure he's made multiple ones) towards the Pres.

His latest post was just a bit...much.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

I am in wonderment as to what Erasmus means by 11 "calender years." Is this opposed to "Dog years" or "Salmon years?" Also, I need to know about this Vatican approval business. I have been in the "Panama Red Brownie" business for years with a work force that is 110% Catholic and other than slipping the priests a couple of grand each month to keep my message of hard work and company loyalty in the sermons, the Big V has never contacted me with any approval scheme.
Also, if anything did happen to Erasmus, I can provide evidence the DK was deeply involved in Super Model rehab down among the sheltering palms of dear old Balboa. (and folks, DK doesn't even like me. Still I am loyal to The Q)
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

the voices in his head wrote:I am supposed to be federally murdered by him before October, 2012 is over and asserting Obama as his authority to do this. This is clearly an understood federal murder threat that I am supposed to be federally murdered this month by order of Obama in the White House. I have witnesses to these murder threats from this dark knight out of Wash., D.C
I dunno what the Pres told you at the last Illuminati Strategy Session, but the authorization that I gave you was specifically for State murder only. So, unless you got another superseding order, you cannot murder him at a Post Office, Military reservation, Guam, or the US Marshall Islands.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

What about the gunsmith's shop in P R?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:What about the gunsmith's shop in P R?
Those were illegal and were shut down. The only gunsmith shops are allowed in the Virgin Islands. Why? Because it makes much easier to locate the paytriots when we convert their IMF Code on the IRS computer system and turn them into taxable gunsmiths.

As far as federally murdering Erasmus in the Virgin Islands, a big problem with that. If he voluntarily relocates here, he would have access to the best weapons that money could buy and defend himself quite well from the likes of Deep Knight/Dark Knight/Dark Helmet. In fact, if Erasmus would like the protection that we could afford him in the VI, I could arrange for a UN Black Helicopter to ferry him to St. Croix before DK gets close enough to carry out his "October Surprise" (which, honestly, sounds more like some horrible Halloween desert made out of leftovers from Columbus Day -unless it is a sordid reference to DK planning on deflowering Erasmus).

And it would certainly give Erasmus a much better location to continue working on getting his Omni Law enacted by moving the Confederate government here. South Carolina is a bad place for a Confederate capitol, the US government pretty much leveled the state the last time there was a Confederacy. He could also run for President or Chancellor or Prime Minister or Something of the Virgin Islands much cheaper here than in the US. Additionally, with all of the armed people here, Erasmus would be able to quickly recruit an experienced army to defend the Confederate government in case DK tries to invade. A person as deadly in military intelligence as Erasmus is should be able to make good use of such a force.

The final reason is that these are the Virgin Islands, a place that has been able to resist the urges and sexual addiction of DK. The fact the Virgin Islands are still the Virgin Islands after so many years just shows the power of abstinence can conquer the primitive lust of DK.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Gnoose wrote:I feel really sorry for whatever FBI agents get tasked with investigating Erasmus' death threats (pretty sure he's made multiple ones) towards the Pres.

His latest post was just a bit...much.
All his posts are, like, too much baby! But I have to ask, was it you who ruined their fun at the RAP-NESARA forum by posting the first comment to Erasmus' post below?


Anonymous October 18, 2012 7:25 PM
Hey, Erasmus, friendly pointer: death threats aimed at government officials (especially the President) don't go over well with the FBI.
And if you think your 'pen name' is protecting you from being tracked or found out in the real world, just know that you're tied to the National Institute for Inventors and it's pretty easy to deduce your name and where you live from that connection.
You might want to lay off the violent speech, lest someone come knocking at your door. This isn't a threat; it's a warning for your own well-being.

Anonymous October 18, 2012 8:15 PM
When will the sheeple ever wake up to the reality that this is not a Federal Government, any more then Fed-X, Wal-Mart, etc. This sheeple is a corporate fascist regime with a puppet dictator as the front man and now the sheeple are going for it again.
The plot thickens and the hits just keep on coming.
Ya better keep your trust and faith in the Lord because it sure isn't man that is going to save anyone's rear in this picture.
texino wrote:Also, if anything did happen to Erasmus, I can provide evidence the DK was deeply involved in Super Model rehab down among the sheltering palms of dear old Balboa. (and folks, DK doesn't even like me. Still I am loyal to The Q)
It's the hat. I'm sorry if that seems petty and superficial, but it's true. As for the Super Model rehab incident, I was never charged and my lawyers, Dewey Cheatham and Howe, tell me that's as good as being innocent!
Gregg wrote:I dunno what the Pres told you at the last Illuminati Strategy Session, but the authorization that I gave you was specifically for State murder only. So, unless you got another superseding order, you cannot murder him at a Post Office, Military reservation, Guam, or the US Marshall Islands.
He told me, "John has a long mustache, it wounds my heart with a monotonous languor" which of course was code for you-know-what. As for murder, federal, state, territorial, or local, I let the guys upstairs figure that out and myself look at each murder as a work of art. A well known who's who organization has called me the Michaelangelo of Manslaughter, the Winslow Homer of Homicide, the Norman Rockwell of Rubbing Out, and my mother had the highest IQ of any female criminal since Ma Barker.
The Observer wrote:... St. Croix before DK gets close enough to carry out his "October Surprise" (which, honestly, sounds more like some horrible Halloween desert made out of leftovers from Columbus Day -unless it is a sordid reference to DK planning on deflowering Erasmus).
Halloween Surprise
A couple was invited to a swanky masked Halloween Party. She got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He, being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed and there was no need of his good time being spoiled by not going. So he took his costume and away he went.
The wife, after sleeping soundly for one hour, awakened without pain, and as it was still early, she decided to go to the party. In as much as her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice chick he could and copping a little feel here and a little kiss there.
His wife went up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his partner high and dry and devoted his time to the new stuff that had just arrived. She let him go as far as he wished; naturally, since he was her husband. Finally he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one of the cars and had a little bang.
Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away and went home and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make for his behavior.
She was sitting up reading when he came in and asked what kind of a time he had had. He said, "Oh the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there."
Then she asked, "Did you dance much?"
He replied, "I'll tell you, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But I'll tell you... The guy I loaned my costume to sure had a real good time!"

The Observer wrote:The final reason is that these are the Virgin Islands, a place that has been able to resist the urges and sexual addiction of DK. The fact the Virgin Islands are still the Virgin Islands after so many years just shows the power of abstinence can conquer the primitive lust of DK.
Bring it on! The last time we got down and dirty, abstience lost 2 falls out of 3! And it took weeks to get the stains out of the curtains.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

"He told me, "John has a long mustache, it wounds my heart with a monotonous languor" which of course was code for you-know-what. As for murder, federal, state, territorial, or local, I let the guys upstairs figure that out and myself look at each murder as a work of art. A well known who's who organization has called me the Michaelangelo of Manslaughter, the Winslow Homer of Homicide, the Norman Rockwell of Rubbing Out, and my mother had the highest IQ of any female criminal since Ma Barker."

Since reading your exploits I'd go more with the Homer Simpson of Homicides or the Monty Python of Manslaughter.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Gregg wrote:I dunno what the Pres told you at the last Illuminati Strategy Session, but the authorization that I gave you was specifically for State murder only. So, unless you got another superseding order, you cannot murder him at a Post Office, Military reservation, Guam, or the US Marshall Islands.
Wait, wait, wait. Are the drone-delivered wiener attack dogs not operational yet?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Wait, wait, wait. Are the drone-delivered wiener attack dogs not operational yet?
No, due to cost overruns that far exceeded the original proposal estimate. Apparently Greg omitted telling us that that the wiener dogs need heavy fortified housing at the forward base to where they are deployed. This little omission has set back a score of approved conspiracies by months, if not years, and we are having to fall back on the UN Black Helicopter Squadron to take up the slack until we oppress and rob a few hundred thousand more people to make up the difference.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by rogfulton »

The Observer wrote:This little omission has set back a score of approved conspiracies by months, if not years, and we are having to fall back on the UN Black Helicopter Squadron to take up the slack until we oppress and rob a few hundred thousand more people to make up the difference.
Or one Erasmus.
:whistle: :whistle:
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Since reading your exploits I'd go more with the Homer Simpson of Homicides or the Monty Python of Manslaughter.
I have avoided giving details in my writings, after all they could be used in evidence against me. Let me assure you that when I mention murders in an offhanded way I really mean truly beautiful and unique acts, that expand the meaning of what is meant by "senseless act of violence." More than once I've been thanked by people for whom it was a great honor to be murdered in such cutting edge ways. Often by a cutting edge. Except of course of the traditionalists who resist change and simply want to be shot in the head - what can I say, there's no accounting for taste.
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Wait, wait, wait. Are the drone-delivered wiener attack dogs not operational yet?
I sat through a boring project review, and all I can say is we've had some setbacks in their development. The basic problem is that the boys in the lab did a single experiment with half a dozen dogs and a remote control blimp, declared success, and turned it over to manufacturing. Now, a few billion dollars later, they wonder why basic problems, like air sickness, keep coming up. You can see why I prefer field work.
The Observer wrote:No, due to cost overruns that far exceeded the original proposal estimate. Apparently Greg omitted telling us that that the wiener dogs need heavy fortified housing at the forward base to where they are deployed. This little omission has set back a score of approved conspiracies by months, if not years, and we are having to fall back on the UN Black Helicopter Squadron to take up the slack until we oppress and rob a few hundred thousand more people to make up the difference.
I'll say it again, you've got to do your research and development first and not rush these things into production. Reading between the lines, I can tell that you're one of those lab guys on the project, so I won't insult you any more by dwelling on what a horrendous job you did. But, a word to the wise, if you have any critical lab records on the project leader's computer, you might want to download them onto yours before next Tuesday.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote: Reading between the lines, I can tell that you're one of those lab guys on the project, so I won't insult you any more by dwelling on what a horrendous job you did.
Then you are overdue for a visit to your ophthalmologist. I am a mere conspiracy coordinator, which means I work in Admin and basically look at all the stuff that is sent up after Research, Protocol, Design, and Enforcement get finished with their specs, invoices, and budgets. We just look to see if the plan is going to mesh with all of the rest of the conspiracies out there and look for any potential pitfalls due to oversights from the implementing teams. In Greg's case, the budget outlays just had too many vague line entries and we had to go back several times to get explanations for why the fortress had to be equipped with, among other things, wet bars, jacuzzis and stripper poles; at the same time we noticed the budget lacked items that you would actually expect to be in a fortress - such as internal security cameras showing the movement and actions of all personnel inside, computers to keep track of outlays from the petty cash fund, and dogs trained to detect any illegal narcotic substances on the premises.

After a few of these back-and-forth sessions that basically resulted in little or new information, we deep-sixed the project and told them to submit next fiscal year once they got their act together. So instead of the horrendous job you are complaining about, we actually did a great job that resulted in saving a couple of trillion dollars that got rolled instead into the Illuminati Fund For Orphaned Gunsmiths In The Virgin Islands.
Deep Knight wrote:But, a word to the wise, if you have any critical lab records on the project leader's computer, you might want to download them onto yours before next Tuesday.

No lab records here, based on the info above. But since the project leader for Greg is married to Satan's granddaughter, you might want to think carefully about whether you would want Satan to get the idea that you might know something about a computer losing data next Tuesday.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:No lab records here, based on the info above. But since the project leader for Greg is married to Satan's granddaughter, you might want to think carefully about whether you would want Satan to get the idea that you might know something about a computer losing data next Tuesday.
The computer would only be collateral damage. And, you better not be lying about not be a lab rat because they'll be expected to fall on their test tubes too, you know how the old man is, family or not (besides, the project leader's her, what - 17th husband?).
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

I must say that something about my hat. As a child, I suffered what was, at first thought to be hydrocephaly, however; this proved false. Instead, I began to develop a gigantic brain, possibly the most powerful organ ever visited on a human being. You must understand the horror I felt when I realized my powers only worked in the realms of evil, and were hell bent on the destruction of mankind. So my friends, I am doomed to wear a giant supercooled turban that keeps me dumbed down within the hoi palloi. Were this device to fail, I would become the Lord Mantis of Magnetism, and all things would just go away. You know, lights out; finito; endsville ; the cosmic dustbin, period. Well maybe some headless men moving large chess pieces on a black sand beach, but that would be it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

texino wrote:I must say that something about my hat. As a child, I suffered what was, at first thought to be hydrocephaly, however; this proved false. Instead, I began to develop a gigantic brain, possibly the most powerful organ ever visited on a human being. You must understand the horror I felt when I realized my powers only worked in the realms of evil, and were hell bent on the destruction of mankind. So my friends, I am doomed to wear a giant supercooled turban that keeps me dumbed down within the hoi palloi. Were this device to fail, I would become the Lord Mantis of Magnetism, and all things would just go away. You know, lights out; finito; endsville ; the cosmic dustbin, period. Well maybe some headless men moving large chess pieces on a black sand beach, but that would be it.
You can actually blow that hat picture up to full size so I did to see what the hell it was. Seemed to be some East Indian religious ceremony so I asked my wife, who is Indian, if she had any idea. She didn't and nor did her Hindu friends.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

texino wrote:I must say that something about my hat. As a child, I suffered what was, at first thought to be hydrocephaly, however; this proved false. Instead, I began to develop a gigantic brain, possibly the most powerful organ ever visited on a human being. You must understand the horror I felt when I realized my powers only worked in the realms of evil, and were hell bent on the destruction of mankind. So my friends, I am doomed to wear a giant supercooled turban that keeps me dumbed down within the hoi palloi. Were this device to fail, I would become the Lord Mantis of Magnetism, and all things would just go away. You know, lights out; finito; endsville ; the cosmic dustbin, period. Well maybe some headless men moving large chess pieces on a black sand beach, but that would be it.
So, the whole Mayan Calender thing is basically just the day you take off your hat?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:So, the whole Mayan Calender thing is basically just the day you take off your hat?
Gee, I hope not. I was counting on something more Lovecraftian when the Mayan calendar terminates:

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The incident with this deep knight played beautifully into my hands! With moral force behind my legal action, the F.B.I. and all Washington was put into a fierce legal jam due to this deep knight incident who thought he could threaten murder over the national internet and no way any legal harm could ever come to him from doing that. The incident giving me moral force to expose just how corrupt the U.S. Justice Dept. actually was, I exposed how the U.S. Justice Dept. arranged the chopping off of the two feet of Mike Kodosky if he would not tell them where the money was overseas he said belonged to his clients, not the federal government of Wash., D.C. So the U.S. Justice Dept, finally got his feet chopped off to try and force him to talk. They did not foresee that he would die of a heart attack from this and so this became federal murder of an American citizen who dared to assert his legal rights under the U.S. Bill of Rights against federal tyranny. Everyone knows that Wash., D.C. has no legal integrity and intends never to investigate this very cold-blooded federal murder of Mike Kodosky. Since someone raised the point that Clyde Hood confessed that he was guilty in this same Omega Trust operation, let's expand the details a bit. I had informants and as this progressed, I had it reported to me that he had as I recall a son who needed the constant medical assistance of his mother or else he would die. The U.S. Justice Dept. told him if he would not confess that they would also legally charge his wife. As they knew, if she went to jail, Clyde Hood clearly understood that his child would die. So through the legal double-talk, they were telling him that they would murder his son if he did not confess. Threatening the chopping off of feet or else murder of a family member if someone won't confess to a crime is a barbaric approach to law no civilized government on earth would ever resort to.

Ah, Erasmus of America is playing right into my hands by thinking that I was playing right into his hands! As you know, the only hands I play into belong to rich heiresses or stunningly beautiful supermodels, and I do mean "play into." Next, the October Surprise, which will take place sometime in November, December at the latest.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Or maybe even October so that it really is a surprise. You tricky devil you.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.