Tim Turner indicted!

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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Prof »

As any devout fundamentalist should know, God will not be voting for the non-Christian Mormon.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Kestrel »

rogfulton wrote:
Gregg wrote:God is not a registered voter.
Probably doesn't have a picture ID either.
Barack Obama has one. And he had to show it to the poll worker before she would accept his absentee ballot.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Famspear wrote: What are you people thinking????
Just answered your own question.
Kestrel wrote: And he had to show it to the poll worker before she would accept his absentee ballot.
Oooh Oooh, now Squirley can claim use of a fraudulent DL, ID, and illegal voting all in one fell swoop. A trifecta of idiocy for her, she's sure to prevail this time, as she is fast running out of time for anything else.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

What I find most amusing about the SPLC article is you've got Tim Turner sitting in jail telling everyone hes God's anointed President while his own group is scheduling elections to throw him under the bus. The cognitive dissonance is, as always, amazing - if Tim Turner is the "REAL" de jure President it would be impossible to jail him...yet they ignore this and simply plan to vote in a new idiot.

By the way, Kelby Smith (mentioned in the SPLC article) is becoming seriously more unhinged as time goes by. I don't think there is a sovereign myth he hasn't bought whole sale into, and every week on the calls he rants for at least 30 minutes about how the government are all terrorists and how almighty God will make them all pay. He also ALWAYS seems to be in court engaging in sovereign gibberish tactics from the stories he tells. Frankly I'd love to read some of the cases where hes "helped" his fellow lunatics...does anyone have the capacity to search for them? I am fairly sure hes in the Los Angeles area and thats where hes been attending court. He wouldn't be the defendant I don't think, as far as I can tell hes completely bankrupt and has tons of judgements against him that hes just given up on from the way he talks, but I think hes "helping" others (who will end up in the same position he is in). Sovereigns usually have some legal gibberish about making "special appearances" on their nonsense paperwork, so that might be where his name appears.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

Famspear wrote:I have to say that, having watched a fairly long video of Tim Turner making a presentation, I'm just rolling my eyes.....
Which one? Is this his sovereign bond crackpot seminar on youtube?
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

Sometimes when I listen to the weekly propaganda calls I find them to be very entertaining...the October 25 was one of them. For example - turns out the women that RuSA was asking people send their checks to for Tim's crack legal team (although why they need the money I don't know, Tim told everyone RuSA had tons of gold)....that women was indicted recently on IRS charges.

Its hard to tell the percent of RuSA members who are simply conspiracy theorists or delusional versus those who joined trying to get out of their debts/taxes/etc., but it seems like EVERYONE in the leadership is in the later group!
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

By the way, its unclear to me how the women of RuSA are being allowed to vote, as according to RuSA mythology all any constitutional amendments after the 1890s ARE NULL AND VOID, thus that whole "letting women vote" thing..yeah....not in their fake government.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Famspear »

LightinDarkness wrote:
Famspear wrote:I have to say that, having watched a fairly long video of Tim Turner making a presentation, I'm just rolling my eyes.....
Which one? Is this his sovereign bond crackpot seminar on youtube?
If you google the exact phrase "Tim Turner" with the word "Utah," it should pop up as a youtube video entitled "President Tim Turner in Utah 11-13-2010," or something like that.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

As things continue to get even more bats**t crazy in RuSA, this week on the conference call they played a 2011 phone call where Turner was talking to a self-proclaimed prophet that went on for sometime about how Turner was anointed by God almighty to lead the people and that he had been given an "anointing without measure."

I am kind of puzzled at why, exactly, they thought playing this would be a good thing. I mean sure there the base of RuSA is extreme (so extreme they make Pat Robinson look moderate) evangelical Christians that think they are in a divine war against Satan via the real US government...but this entire recording just kept going on, and on, and on about how Tim was given so much power by God and how he was being set up to be a leader. I mean I was waiting for the "prophet" to declare Timmy was the return of Jesus Christ he was laying it on so thick. It got so delusional that the guy told him the entire hosts of heaven and armies of God were on his side and specifically dispatched by God to aid him from here on out!

So we listen to that, and then we face the reality that (1) RuSA leaders claim to believe the prophet yet are having an election for the new Fake President anyways and (2) that Tim was given so much power by God almighty that hes been arrested and nothing he seems to do has gotten him out of jail.

If this isn't the definition of cognitive dissonance, I don't know what is. God himself through a prophet tells you that you are given an "anointing without measure" and that you have been prepared by God your whole life to be the Fake President...and then you get thrown in jail and no amount of your divinely sourced authority seems to impress anyone in the jail. I mean, we've just been told we are supposed to believe that Tim Turner has ALL THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN AT HIS COMMAND and they can't even unlock the prison door or get him out on bail?

Other "prophecies" from this bats**it crazy...er prophet:
- Other nations will rally to help Tim Turner! (To bad they aren't helping now...)
- Immediate imposition of martial law. (This was in 2011, so much for that...)
- Tim would receive a supernatural blood transfusion from Jesus Christ. (Yes...really...wtf...)
- The next week would be "pivotal" and God himself was going to gear RuSA into going forward int he next 7 days (nothing happened in that week in RuSA)

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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The excellent Ratbags site (www.ratbags.com) once had a section for "Unhinged Rants", which was a great source of entertainment. Some of the stuff there made it seem like the writers must have sneaked into the nurses' station at the nice, nice hospital and used their computer. Had Peter Bowditch not decided to discontinue it, I am sure that people like Tim, Petey and the like would feature prominently there.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by fortinbras »

Turner has been removed as Prez of the Republic For, and replaced temporarily by James Buchanan Geiger, whom I think has only a presidential name as a qualification for office.

In the meantime, it appears that at least some Republic-types are willing to abandon Turner or even throw him under the proverbial bus.
http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2012/11/ ... fails.html

It seems typical among these secessionist/insurrectionist types that when their chosen leaders fails to make good on impossible promises and prophecies, they turn on him with a fury as if he had deliberately betrayed them.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:... they turn on him with a fury as if he had deliberately betrayed them.
Well, that is certainly easier and more palatable than admitting that he was lying through his teeth and they were too stupid or too gullible to recognize it, that and they haven't got anything else useful to do with their time anyway.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Thule »

LightinDarkness wrote:As things continue to get even more bats**t crazy in RuSA, this week on the conference call they played a 2011 phone call where Turner was talking to a self-proclaimed prophet that went on for sometime about how Turner was anointed by God almighty to lead the people and that he had been given an "anointing without measure."
It is interesting to see how fast they went from "this is totally legal and in accordance with the Constitution" to "I'M ON A MISSION FROM GOD", complete with froth and convulsions.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by grixit »

fortinbras wrote:Turner has been removed as Prez of the Republic For, and replaced temporarily by James Buchanan Geiger, whom I think has only a presidential name as a qualification for office.

In the meantime, it appears that at least some Republic-types are willing to abandon Turner or even throw him under the proverbial bus.
http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2012/11/ ... fails.html

It seems typical among these secessionist/insurrectionist types that when their chosen leaders fails to make good on impossible promises and prophecies, they turn on him with a fury as if he had deliberately betrayed them.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, they have to blame someone, as they certainly couldn't have made a mistake themselves.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by wserra »

Last week, Timmy tried to fire his court-appointed lawyer. The Court held a hearing and denied the motion, but sealed both the transcript and the resulting minute order.

That's no fun.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Famspear »

wserra wrote:Last week, Timmy tried to fire his court-appointed lawyer.....
Early in this thread, as a result of Timmy's use of a court-appointed lawyer, I believe Demo referred to Timmy as a "leech."

Now, we qualify that description as follows: an ungrateful leech.

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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Famspear »

If Timmy really believes he is a "sovereign", I am going to be very disappointed if he does not eventually try to assert the defense of sovereign immunity.

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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

I have never been able to really make up my mind if Timmy is really a sovrun, or just your plain old garden variety scummy scam artist. I know he walks the walks and talks the talk, but I've never been really convinced he means any of it. I just think he is deeply in to affinity fraud and figured the paytriot / sovrun community would be easy pickings, which obviously they were. I think they were easy money, just not nearly enough of it in the end. The nice thing about his sucker pool, is that even with everything in total disarray and all kind of evidence to the contrary of his good intentions, there are still a few of them willing to pony yet a little more cash.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by wserra »

Trial set for March 18, 2013, before Judge Thompson in Montgomery.
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