Erasmus of America

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I can see "October Surprise" becoming a thing of legend. Women will name their children after it, Latino-Catholic countries will have fetes, festivals and public holidays, governments will name warships after it.....
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Sorry for not shortening this by more, but Erasmus, no doubt upset I hadn't been cutting and posting his run-on screeds, put my name in almost every paragraph.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies and with a heavy background in military intelligence, I have a very practical military mind and have laid many traps for the enemies of Christ in the federal government and outside. The enemies outside are not my main concern. It is trapping the enemies of Christianity within the federal government so suddenly to their shock, our disguised power tactics have won the nation and they in bewilderment wonder how this has happened. No one has played more into our hands to set up our coming victory over the traitors in the federal government who want to wipe out Christianity in America, wipe out the U.S. Bill of Rights, and wipe out millions to most of the American people than the self-named deep knight operating out of Wash., D.C. At latest count he has issued over the internet 4 murder threats against me that he indicates is ordered by Obama and coached how to do it by the F.B.I. Now I think the F.B.I. is too smart to put the entire survival of their federal agency on the line to be destroyed as a federal agency by backing him, so his implication that the F.B.I. has been coaching him how to murder me at my home, I don't buy this story at this time! However, by posting that he is now up to 4 federal murder attempt threats against me as he tries to imply that he is a federal assassin under federal authority, he puts the U.S. Justice Dept. and its auxiliary agency the F.B.I. in colossal peril of being closed down as federal agencies if they don't arrest him soon for issuing 4 murder threats against me over the internet! We with two computers on the internet recorded all his threats so he can't hide later on and deny that he issued these murder threats.
If the U.S. Justice Dept. and auxiliary branch the F.B.I. let him continue on with these murder threats over the internet and don't legally stop him now, then to world opinion it will look credible that he must be working for Obama in threatening me with federal murder 4 times as he lets this be known he will murder me by federal order. His latest threats are to murder me in November or else December, 2012. I needed a fool in Wash., D.C. who would pull the rug from under the Obama Administration and he played the role of the fool beautiful enough to win an Oscar for his performance! Every hour the U.S. Justice Dept. does not now openly denounce him and every hour the F.B.I. does not prepare to arrest him for at latest count issuing 4 murder threats against me that he indicates are on behalf of Obama in the White House, he is piling legal criminal charges on you as you legally take his side on murder threats instead of shutting him as he creates a Pandora box of legal charges against Wash., D.C. the longer he is tolerated by Eric Holder, etc.
We record it as coming evidence to be presented before the UN, the International Court of Justice at the Hague, and up to maybe 130 or more other courts abroad such as France, Germany, Britain, Russia, China, India, Japan, Canada, Mexico, etc. who all will be out to internationally arrest any federal official backing deep knight in claimed legality for his murder threats against me as every threat issued is a violation of a number of legal terms of the Genocide Treaty and an international violation of the national law of 130 or more nations represented by the UN. As I exclusively have the trade secret Vatican endorsed food process Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ, deep knight in the claimed name of Obama as he mentioned Obama to authorize the threatened murder of me is threatening to murder off the races of nearly all to all nations on earth. University tests of years ago and more recent medical lab reports from all over the world indicate that the human race will shortly go biologically extinct like the dinosaur if my father's fantastic food discovery is not soon added to the American diet and all diets in the world. In case some cannot follow logic, deep knight in his hatred of everything in America including the American people would potentially kill off the entire race in America if he was allowed to carry out his very insane, criminal threat to murder me not caring at all if this also killed off also the entire American race by the same act. Okay, Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, this fool in Wash., D.C. has put you in the hot seat! Are you going to continue allowing him to threaten me over the internet with what he indicates would be federally authorized murder of me or is it time to cool down a colossally dangerous legal issue and position he has put Obama, you, and many other key leaders in Wash., D.C. in? If you don't stop him, then usual legal logic is his claims are true and he is working for you in planned murder of me in the most total violation of the Genocide Treaty seen in human history as my father's Vatican trade secret endorsed food process has to be set up shortly or else scientific sources indicate that this will be the end of the human race on earth!
Now unfortunately for the federal traitors in Wash., D.C., I was born with colossal guts and murder threats don't intimidate me at all! Of course I take them as seriously meant, but you can't control me by fear! Sorry, not all people are cowards before a would-be tyranny. Others who are not cowards in America can join with me now as we restore Christianity to national leadership in America and save America as a nation in the process. Revelation of the Bible says that cowards are not wanted by God. To me a coward is one who has given up his manhood or her womanhood given them by God and nothing left for God or me to respect. But special for Wash., D.C. con artist liars. Revelation says that God hates those who are liars and create lies. You are rejected by God and not invited to ever live with God for eternity.
Deep knight did threaten a computer hacker attack at the end of October and an associate researcher with a separate laptop computer wanted to show me his latest murder threats against me posted on his website. He must have thought the other laptop computer was mine and so by mistake attacked the other computer with his hacker tactics, computer viruses, or whatever and destroyed the other laptop computer as he threatened he would do. Since the U.S. Justice Dept. has allowed him to freely continue on in murder threats, threatened October computer hacking attack to destroy my computer and computer memory, etc., I will be waiting for the $1,000 damage check from the U.S. Justice Dept. to be sent to me as I understand the laptop computer cost close to $1,000 destroyed by this very apparent person who did the hacking attack exactly as he threatened and when. He hit a wrong computer not owned by me and I will see they get the money to buy an equal replacement. For the naive in the U.S. Justice Dept., the money is not the issue, but stonewalling paying damage money owed over this incident created by your stonewalling of law, of dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice in a massive genocide conspiracy according to legal standards being run by Wash., D.C. now with the U.S. Justice Dept. in charge of the intended Genocide Conspiracy at this time. I needed a fool in Wash., D.C. to make the wrong legal moves so I could file with courts all over the world and have a winning legal hand in every court filed with. People all over the world will want to hang involved Washington federal leaders for wanting to kill off all the people in their nations.
For me to call off this filing of legal genocide charges with maybe all nations on earth, Wash., D.C. will have to promptly pass my Omni Law and grant the land, etc. required to set up my Camelot Project in America. I will treat that as a legal move to show that Wash., D.C. is no longer interested in a total genocide conspiracy against all the American people to potentially kill off all Americans and a total genocide conspiracy against all other races and nations on earth. Maybe they are so blinded with fanaticism in some Washington circles, but the legal logic of the situation is that they might kill off the entire human race on earth if I don't stop them and return them to reality how insane is this federal genocide policy against all the American people and the rest of the human race on earth. I would be showing legal mercy if I did not just proceed with the worldwide legal filings no matter what peace moves they make to try and have me call off this massive legal action which would hit Wash., D.C. like a sledgehammer when it hit. People all over the world are watching the blog this is intended to be posted in. That happens, you can't pretend in Wash., D.C. that you don't know what is legally going on.
And to correct one legal point that would be taken out of context and misrepresented by con artist liars of Wash., D.C. if I let them. I never threatened who you call President with murder. What I said was and in public print for all the world to see is that if Obama tried a military takeover of America as his "October Surprise" and the American patriots won against him and any military allies, then after they were convicted of high treason, etc. against the American people, I would recommend that a legal example be made of them to even put Obama and some other closest traitors and enemies of the American people in even containers of Sulphuric Acid to eat their bodies away. When a retired U.S. Army General was talking that Obama was planning to murder 25 million Americans or more in his planned "October Surprise" and many other military sources were reporting on Obama's military moves for the planned military takeover of America so there would be no national election on Nov. 6, 2012, my shocking proposal would I was sure make some of his co-conspirators have second thoughts about trying to pull off this planned October Surprise to make Obama dictator of America for life. When a man even if elected President tries to mass kill off his own people, he is no longer President of America or any other nation this would happen to. He is an enemy leader and fair game to execute in any way the wrath of the nation decides towards him and others with him. If you will notice, no "October Surprise" of Obama ever occurred in America! And military sources were reporting that Obama and his military supporters were cocky with confidence they would win and nothing could stop them. I stopped them with my tactics learned long ago from military intelligence. I make no apologies for saving 25 million up to 150 million Americans from being murdered in mass numbers by Obama and allies in the planned Communist takeover of America. And where was the U.S. Justice Dept. when sources all over America were reporting on the planned Obama October military takeover of America and then colossal massacre of the American people until the remnant would totally surrender to him and America was to be finished as a nation then? And half of the land of America was to be given over to the UN and the Americans kicked out of their homes and lands with the rest of the nation as they were to be herded into anthill colony type Communist settlements as their new homes for the slaves of America, former citizens of America! I apologize for nothing for having saved America from a civil war planned by Obama to crush the American people forever. Obama is a Communist and Muslim and has hated America for most or all of his life. He was the Trojan Horse to make America a Communist nation as reported by a business operative for the Defense Intelligence Agency of the Pentagon who in Moscow then was told by a Communist source that he was to be made later President of America to set up the Communist takeover of America once in power. Sorry, no apologies for saving America from a planned Communist takeover by Obama, etc.!
Now Christians we will get the Omni Law passed as the alternative is too crushing for Wash., D.C. to face. Under the Omni Law we get the legal rights of the churches and Christians fully restored in America. We will restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools with approval of the American people by national referendum as authorized through the Omni Law. We will boom the American economy with our Camelot Project and with other applications of Christian Economics as taught in the Bible and worked with fantastic success when already used in other nations. We will strengthen national defense so America does not fall defeated by other nations. We will restore all the God-given Rights of the American people fought for and established as law under the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. Federal officials and personnel will no longer be used in secret conspiracies to try and destroy Christianity in America. With interruptions created by deep knight while I was fixing my report on Miracles of God In Christianity For Modern America And The World, after the first time correctly listing the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917, I afterwards listed it in the same report as on Oct. 17. I did correct today this date on many copies of this report sent out all over America earlier today and already saw the first posting of it elsewhere in America shortly after I sent it out this morning before writing this report now. The person with the other computer asked my help to try and save their computer from being totally destroyed by the hacking tactic of deep knight and this disrupted my preparation of this report yesterday on Miracles of God. Short on time, I made a couple of typo errors which were corrected in copies sent out nationally today.
My power tactics would have been depended upon the election if our fool deep knight so full of arrogance and hatred of Christianity had not tilted the scales in our favor for the alternate way to win in America. We had to prove under law how criminal was the character and mentality really in Wash., D.C. Instead of legally framing us as intended, deep knight forced into legal exposure the real criminal mentality running Wash., D.C. today under Obama and his corrupt subordinates. Thanks to deep knight, we have legal checkmate on the traitors in Wash., D.C. We will win now. I knew God would give me some ace that would give me victory over the Antichrist fanatics now in key positions in Wash., D.C. under Obama. Christians, we should win national power in America shortly now!
Those wanting to be on our email list for later reports we might send out, send your email address, etc. to and say "Add To List." Feel free to circulate this report to anyone nationally you want to. Financial support for our drive now to finish getting the Omni Law passed as national law in should be short time now, send to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Look up Omni Law in the search box at the top left of the website for Nesara News. Put in my pen name of Erasmus of America in the search box to see 70 plus other national reports I filed with Nesara News over the last 7 months. We are going to win. And if Obama keeps it blocked until he leaves the White House, as soon as the Omni Law is passed, we will see the RV of foreign currencies goes through that will help out the American economy and economies of nations all across the earth! We want to see prosperity spread across America and the world. Obama did not as Communism comes in power in bad economies, not good!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Didn't use it, but at first debated using name of Charles Henry which was my confirmation name in Christianity many years ago. I wanted to use in confirmation the names of some of my forefathers who traced in ancestry to the ancient Roman Imperial Line of Constantine the Great who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire around 300 years after Christ. Some of my distant relatives with the same background all dressed in Roman togas to honor this Roman ancestry of ours. I think about 30 of them one family photo were all dressed in Roman togas to show their Roman Imperial ancestry. But Erasmus was a Christian name honoring the man who wanted reform of Christianity to earlier Apostolic standards, but not destroying the unity of Christianity in the process.I identified with Erasmus, so that became my pen name when I began this drive to dislodge the enemies of Christianity from power and restore Christianity to national power in America.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:46 PM 0 comments

OK, Erasmus, bring it on! You might think it's too late for an October surprise, but what if we take you back in time using the "Time Tunnel" we at the Dark Agenda have perfected for just this purpose? Heck, we could make it a September or even August surprise if we wanted!

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight’s Murder Threats against Erasmus of Amockery

It all started in the thread “Another Exciting Deep Knight Adventure!” when, knowing Erasmus’ huge fan base, I decided to include him and kill him in my next-to-latest adventure, “The Rise of Erasmus of America and the Battle in the Hollow Earth for the Stargate of Doom!” On Sat Aug 18, 2012 I was ordered by the Dark Agenda, New World Order and/or the Illuminati (they were interchangeable) to “capture or kill” Erasmus.

“We’ll get you anything you need, and I have my briefs right here,” said his boss, unbuckling his belt and surprising Deep who always assumed he wore boxers. “You have an unlimited expense account and the full support of any field agents you need, especially voluptuous female ones. And, due to the extreme importance of this extremely important mission, you’re authorized to use nuclear weapons. Good luck and good hunting!”
It turned out badly for you-know-who on Thu Aug 30, 2012.
“Men, and Erasmus too, I promised you a chance, but with that chance comes hard work, dedication and betrayal. With you being the ones betrayed, so unless any of the younger Sisters want to come home to go to bed with me, you’re about to be killed. I would toy with you more, but quite frankly I’m beat.” Turning to the Slice Girls he smiled at them and added, “I told you there would be a fun part to this adventure. Don’t let Erasmus die too quickly, or for that matter that terrible cook’s cousin Ike Snopes and his cow. And please be careful, we don’t want any accidents with all those sharp swinging swords.”

A few of the nuns ripped off their habits and came running in lacy black religious lingerie towards Deep Knight, which quite frankly he found kind of creepy. Erasmus got on his knees and begged, “But, I know where the Lost City of Enoch is, and the largest treasure on the earth should not be too far away!” Cold bloodedly, Deep Knight led the defecting ex-Sisters of ex-Sorcha away by pulling on their vestigial vestments and motioned for the mayhem to start. The rest of the scene is best left to your imagination, as unimaginative as that might be, but suffice it to say that the sun was blotted out for many hours by the spraying blood. The Slice Girls made the massacre a team-building exercise, awarding points not only for quantity, but for quality, with Sporty Slice just edging out Serial Killer Slice for the Gold, and Skanky Slice getting Miss Congeniality.
Unfortunately, this was fiction, so I’m not really sure if Erasmus was including it, but he needs the points. By the way, the in the Snopes Trilogy by Faulkner, Ike is the family member with a taste for barnyard bestiality. He was Flem, not Phlegm, Snopes' cousin.

Then, like a bad penny, it crept into my non-fictional fiction and general mockery in this thread. On Mon Sep 24, 2012 I put up this written by you know who on Sept 21 (or so he claimed).

Erasmus of Seneca wrote:… world events engineered by a small but wealthy clique of Satanist Jews and Gentiles who hate the human race and want to kill off most of mankind. Then they plan to rule the survivors as their slaves in the Great Global Plantation they create on the earth with Lucifier as their planned "god" over mankind! These incredibly evil leaders are insane, bu very cunning and hold the ordinary people of America and the world in geat contempt! I was asked by one of their top leaders to join them as he rated me highly talented in fields useful to them. He wanted me to help crush the American people through Wash., D.C. When I refused to join, I had a series of murder attempts on my life to try and silence me. Wash., D.C. under their control ran blocking actions so I could not get either state or federal grand juries to investigate the six murder attempts on my life then. I still have a scar on my forehead from one of the periods of attempted murder by their side.
The Wade Timothy Garner mugshot has the scar described – hmmmm. But it still was slandering our country and its government. I had to respond.
6 murder attempts and all we have to show for it is a scar on his forehead? Simply another demonstration of government inefficiency, if we would only pass Erasmus’ Omni Law government would improve to the point where we could have him killed 6 times and have a little more to show for it!
A veiled threat of murder most foul? Or perhaps more fowl. Neither, it twas but mocking his unbelievable claim – one or two times maybe, but six? But, like I said you gotta count every possibility, so this is # 2.

Then, on Tue Oct 16, 2012, I sprung my October surprise!

Erasmus, if you're reading this, I suggest you give up on the 4th amendment angle and go for a "breach of promise" lawsuit. After all, you promised to lead the South to independence once more, also somehow making part of the Russian Empire and Louisiana purchase (exactly how is a bit vague to me, I'm sure this is my fault because you certainly wrote enough about it). And I contend that promise is in breach, making a perfect case for someone as smart in law as you! After all, you are the Milli Vanilli of American Constitutional Law, and a poor minion of evil like me knows you could make mincemeat of my Jewish International Banker Lawyers any time you wish. So I guess I have no choice but to make Seneca SC "ground zero" for that October Surprise that Obama and I have been planning. I would tell you what kind of horrible, devastating catastrophe that will be, but that would spoil the surprise!
This is the one he freaked out about, and I must say, I can see why. After all, he had been predicting some sort of dire “October Surprise” that would kill millions to hundreds of millions, and you gotta figure being at ground zero at one of these would shorten your lifespan somewhat. But, instead of asking that I be arrested for threatening mass murder with my good friend President Obama, based on this inside information of his, he focuses on himself. With Erasmus of America it’s always Me, Me, Me. But this is #3.

Finally, #4, in my all new Deep Knight adventure with the wandering name, fictional former President Nixon made a vague threat to have him killed.

The former president smiled and pulled out his trump card. Then he spoke, “I understand that you’ve been having a bit of trouble with pressure being put on Eric Holder to arrest and execute you. This could easily be fixed if a certain Erasmus of America was dealt with by my minions.”

“I tried that, but he won’t stay dead,” commented Deep Knight, his interest heightened, “Call me old fashioned, but I was raised believing that if you killed someone, that was the end of it, except for the dismemberment and mutilation.”

“Yes,” said the former president, his eyes misting over, “The good old days. And no bussing intercity of negroes to suburban white schools either. Let me promise you this, join me in my quest and not only will I keep Satan from finding out but make Erasmus of America simply disappear. Neither you nor your readers will ever have to worry about him intruding into a Deep Knight Adventure ever again.”
And he hasn’t been in it again, which is probably why he’s so petulant. After all, there’s a certain glamour to appearing in a Deep Knight adventure, especially for bored rich playgirls who want their girlish parts played with and bored.

By the way, this sulfuric acid “misquote” of his from Wednesday, August 22, 2012 (he had a mole in the white house), in its entirety.

Erasmus of America who is really Martin Hunter or Wade Timothy Garner of Seneca NC who thinks government agents are wussies wrote: First position I take is any nation supplying Obama with soldiers to take over America, they will be the last to receive this Vatican endorsed food process that will save their race and nation from apparently fast coming biological extinction according to the dire results predicted by these medical labs all over the world. Second position, until Obama is executed by the military, America will never get this food needed for the survival of the American race. And since Obama is mocking and laughing at constitutional law and bill of rights in America, I will legally honor his legal position and say that he and 10 top co-conspirators with him are all to be dropped into hot sulphuric acid and inch by inch dropped down until their entire bodies are eaten up by acid which will scientifically likely be the most painful slow deaths any leaders have ever suffered in human history for planned treason against their own people. Do I mean it? Yes! Not symbolically but for real! I am a tough son of a bitch when reality requires it!
Wade, er, Tim, er, Martin, er, Erasmus, if you’re reading this I suggest you point the FBI or CIA or NSA directly to this post and DEMAND they do something about it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

I rather suspect that good ole Rasmus is already on the nutbar watch list, although it wouldn't hurt for him to remind them that they need to be keeping a closer watch on him.

The point being, that just because he is crazy, doesn't mean he isn't dangerous.

There really must be something in the water down in that neck of the woods, or else they have been getting some really bad shine.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

James L. Petigru wrote:"South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum."
Still true, 150 years later.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

I couldn't read all of Erasmus' bs, my attention span just isn't that long for that sort of thing. I do have ask though, DK did you really issue 4 federal murder threats against him? Sure it isn't 3 or 5 or even 7 or 12? He repeats the 4 federal murder threats enough times and that is part of the problem. Erasmus needs to learn how to edit and use paragraphs and not repeat himself a thousand times. But I guess when you are crazy it is hard to focus.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, November 3, 2012

[No, it’s not. In fact, it’s only a “what Deep Knight didn’t cut” read. I’m through being Mister Nice Guy when it comes to your hopeless run-on writing!]

I have been steadily picking up more and more pieces of intelligence information on colossal corruption in the U.S. Justice Dept. founded by Congress in 1870 A.D. But I couldn't find the key missing element that tied all this secret corruption together as to how big corruption was really in the U.S. Justice Dept. And a federally backed guy named deep knight made a colossal mistake by attracting my attention. He was the key that tied together this massive amount of corruption I was finding in the U.S. Justice Dept. When the U.S. Justice Dept. made no legal moves to arrest him or stop him after he had publicly over the internet twice threatened my life with murder which he indicated he would love to murder me, I had him secretly checked out. The report on him I got the other day is a bombshell. He was the key that tied together all the mass corruption now going on in the U.S. Justice Dept. I didn't even know how big this corruption in the U.S. Justice Dept. actually was. Now I know! He was the key that unlocked how big is corruption in the U.S. Justice Dept. I am now in control and will tell the U.S. Justice Dept. how you win a little goodwill with me so I don't decide to close you down as a federal agency. Congress created you and if the whole nation wants to hang you, then Congress can abolish the U.S. Justice Dept. also! If I report what all I have uncovered on the U.S. Justice Dept., the American public will demand that the U.S. Justice Dept. be promptly abolished by Congress. I will not state this legally the way the U.S. Justice Dept. would want it stated, but state it in plain words so the public gets a little flavor of how corrupt and criminal the U.S. Justice Dept. actually is. The U.S. Justice Dept. has been running the biggest grand larceny theft ring in American history, maybe even world history, and once legal actions are filed by 50 state attorney generals for the 50 states to put the officials of the U.S. Justice Dept. into state prisons for life in 50 states, this will be national and world headlines and the biggest scandal of Wash., D.C. since the U.S. Republic was founded in 1776. Thank you deep knight! Without you I might not have had a good enough hand to force the fast passage of the Omni Law! This scandal once investigated by state grand juries of 50 states will almost for sure also lead to some key members of Congress being implicated in this and as the old statement goes, "Heads will roll!" It cannot be proven yet that Obama knew the U.S. Justice Dept. was running the biggest criminal racket in America outside of maybe C.I.A., but for Obama to not know from the White House what the U.S. Justice Dept. was doing to mass steal money from the American people is an insult to intelligence. It will merely be the formality of state and federal grand juries to wade through the huge volume of witnesses, documents, etc. and Obama will surely hang with Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General. If Obama wins the election, this will yank him back out of the White House with impeachment after he is indicted by maybe even up to 50 state grand juries. If I go further legally on this, Eric Holder legally hangs for sure with lifetime imprisonment, other Justice Dept. officials will be panic stricken trying to figure some way to distance themselves from Eric Holder so they don't go to prison for life with him. I have started talking to associates about this U.S. Justice Dept. scandal and how deep knight gave me victory to crack this scandal of Wash., D.C. First feedback coming back to me is that this looks airtight to prove how corrupt the U.S. Justice Dept. really is and it is will be a miracle if all officials of the U.S.Justice Dept. do not end up in prison for life with Eric Holder. …
And my murder will not stop these federal scandals from going public, but then insure that all of America and the world will know them in depth and judge my murder is legal admission by Wash., D.C. that my legal charges against Wash., D.C. must be true. Like Gandhi of India, I am not afraid of death so you have no leverage there in trying to threaten me with murder as claimed mouthpiece for you deep knight has as of now issued 4 murder attempts. Two latest I am to be murdered in November by him and murdered in December by him. [Yep, he claims that in recognition of how bad he is, he’s scheduled to be murdered twice to make him twice as dead! If only it was that simple!] By the way, Justice Dept., my associate who had their expensive labtop computer destroyed by threatened computer hacking attack deep knight said he would do (hit the wrong target by error however!), you apparently owe this person up to $4,000 additional damage as a $1,000 business software program and other expensive software in the computer was apparently all destroyed. As you refused to legally stop deep knight from apparently destroying this computer and software as he threatened to do and stated when he would do this, you U.S. Justice Dept. for sanctioning criminal acts intended aimed at me need to also include a $5,000 check made out to NIFI and also delivered at the postal address by Friday or you face my legal wrath then as I was intended to be the target of that attack, but someone else was attacked by the assailant by error not knowing that it was not me that they had targeted. I have already informed some associates of the U.S. Justice Dept. scandal and they can legally file the whole scandal regardless if I am alive or else dead.
I win! You lose! …
U.S. Justice Dept. you want to know your biggest mistake with me? You should have legally shut up deep knight while you could. After two murder threats from him he indicated were on behalf of Obama at the White House and then two murder threats that he would murder me in November and if not then, he would murder me in December, 2012 and you remained silent in legal approval of his murder threats, you lighted the fuse to me and now I am ready to explode in your face releasing federal scandals of giant proportions unless Congress says enough and passes my proposed Omni Law. If most Americans are too scared to stand up to intended federal tyranny, I am not. And as Americans decide it is time to be patriots instead of cowards in America, the people will rally around me until the nation is behind me and would-be federal tyranny from Wash., D.C. melts in the sun of public wrath at Wash., D.C. for hating the American people and their legal rights so fiercely.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:32 PM


1. Anonymous November 3, 2012 1:44 PM
LOL, Erasmus, you're a little obsessed with Deep Knight, aren't you?

2. Anonymous November 3, 2012 1:58 PM
Erasmus must be a legend in his own mind. This guy is full of himself. Just another con artist begging for money. Let's see the books Erasmus on NIFI! Bet it will never happen.

3. Dan November 3, 2012 2:34 PM
Erasmus of America DIES of suicide as he could NOT handle the pressure of this case!
Or is it one of those stories that the Cabal brings out that they know for a fact as they know Erasmus of America!
Is it Superstorm Sandy that stops this case, yet the election goes on only in areas outside of the Northeast, which then Obama is guaranteed to win!
Maybe Benghazi is related to this as well as Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. is involved in the cover-up for failing to take actions on the crimes committed by Federal Officials on the Libya gunrunning, as why do Libyan terrorists have American made weapons?
Or maybe we should go after all the Military for NOT having the proper security to prohibit the thefts of American made Military weapons which foreign terrorists receive!

ashlynne39 wrote:I couldn't read all of Erasmus' bs, my attention span just isn't that long for that sort of thing.
Yes, it can be tedious, but when you're in charge of thwarting Omni Law you gotta read it all, no matter how much your eyes bleed.
ashlynne39 wrote:I do have ask though, DK did you really issue 4 federal murder threats against him? Sure it isn't 3 or 5 or even 7 or 12? He repeats the 4 federal murder threats enough times and that is part of the problem. Erasmus needs to learn how to edit and use paragraphs and not repeat himself a thousand times. But I guess when you are crazy it is hard to focus.
OK, the only definition of "Federal" that could possibly relate to murder is, "characteristic of a style of architecture, furniture, and decoration produced in the United States especially in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and characterized by adaptations of classical forms combined with typically American motifs." This isn't the style of murder I prefer at all, and although one forgets after so many, I don't believe I've ever done one this way. French imperial is much more to my taste, especially during the "threatening" phase of the murder. Trash talk sounds so much more civilized when in French, don't you think?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Deep Knight wrote:As you refused to legally stop deep knight from apparently destroying this computer and software as he threatened to do and stated when he would do this, you U.S. Justice Dept. for sanctioning criminal acts intended aimed at me need to also include a $5,000 check made out to NIFI and also delivered at the postal address by Friday or you face my legal wrath
So while he is busy uncovering a massice conspiracy to kill several million people, topple the government and hide the means to end poverty and hunger forever, he still finds time to whine about a $5000 of computer damage.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Thule wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:As you refused to legally stop deep knight from apparently destroying this computer and software as he threatened to do and stated when he would do this, you U.S. Justice Dept. for sanctioning criminal acts intended aimed at me need to also include a $5,000 check made out to NIFI and also delivered at the postal address by Friday or you face my legal wrath
So while he is busy uncovering a massice conspiracy to kill several million people, topple the government and hide the means to end poverty and hunger forever, he still finds time to whine about a $5000 of computer damage.

If you let the evil government get away with even the little things . . . .

What do you suppose facing Erasmus' legal wrath looks like?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Doesn't he realise Deep Knight can't send him a check without it killing the recipient? All "Deep Knight's" check books are carefully recorded and stored in the biological weapons facility, because each one contains a different poison. The Chase one is anthrax, the Wells Fargo is ricin, and so on.
Anyway, doesn't everyone know he only ever uses a Black Amex card? I'm sure that's what Elle Macpherson told me.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »


Take the hint, Wade, and stop talking about having me arrested and do something. After all, you've got a report on me, which I understand is flattering as to my abilities both in and out of bed, so you've got the evidence. Frankly, I'm tired of waiting.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

ashlynne39 wrote:
What do you suppose facing Erasmus' legal wrath looks like?
Like being mauled by a one-legged hamster with poor bladder control.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Thule wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:
What do you suppose facing Erasmus' legal wrath looks like?
Like being mauled by a one-legged hamster with poor bladder control.
To quote one of our politicians: Like being savaged by a dead sheep.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »


Monday, November 5, 2012

This report is issued because the other side did not take seriously enough my warning not to provoke my legal wrath by further incidents prior to paying me the extremely low figure of $1,100,000.00 which is an extremely low figure to pay me by this coming Friday by the U.S. Justice Dept. acting as the legal agency for out-of-court legal settlements by Wash., D.C. Some of my own supporters criticized me as being too reasonable being willing to accept an out-of-court settlement for just the actual cash stolen from me by federal operatives and not a dime of punitive damages added. …

[Add me to that list of people that think you’re a wuss. I suggest you ask for 1.1 Billion dollars instead!

This next part is unedited. I'm so sorry.]

The U.S. Justice Dept. can thank deep knight of Wash., D.C. for triggering off this colossal pending legal disaster for Wash., D.C. He issued four murder threats against me and the U.S. Justice Dept. legally sanctioned him with these 4 felonies against federal law and 4 felonies against state laws. They refused to tell him to shut up on his murder threats against me he indicated were federal murder threats against me and in the name of Obama in the White House. Their legal silence clearly indicated they hoped he would murder me and silence me as a critic of Obama and corruption in the federal government much of which I already clearly documented over the internet. The report I issued Saturday apparently got tampered with by someone working for the federal side. I clearly remember as I recall putting in 1960 as the year the F.B.I. rigged the presidential election between Kennedy and Richard Nixon. And I didn't catch it until later that the date got changed to 1990. And where I wrote where four murder threats got issued against me, they got changed the wording of murder attempts against me. What gives away the game being played by one or more C.I.A. grade computer hackers last Saturday is I was chased out of two of my email accounts maybe two or three dozen times by notice someone else had signed into my account and I was kicked out of my own accounts until I signed back in. Perhaps while I was being distracted by this, a few words were changed in my report to try and derail my deadly legal report against the U.s. Justice Dept. Any tricks did not work as the report was too big to tamper with in the short time given, just maybe two or three legal statements of mine changed by quick changing of a word or two to have them no longer say what they originally said. But this open massive attack against two of my email accounts I was using together to write this national report last Saturday shows a near nervous breakdown from the other side. You must be getting scared to death of me now!
Okay, to show you that I will not be pushed around by you, if I do not receive by this coming Friday morning now the double figure of $2.200,000 instead of the original $1,200,000 I was willing to accept and you could write the check out to NIFI for a stated grant for science and engineering research which meant I didn't force you to legally admit guilt for the original stolen $1,200,000. By the way, in case you are too dumb to legally figure it out, the federal theft of this money was witnessed by several people back then and the legal case is airtight against the federal government. If filed, I win. If I let millions of others join me as co-plaintiffs, I give them the legal vehicle that millions of Americans can all collect from federal officials all the money owed them and collect any balances from the federal government directly under international law. I create the legal filing that millions can piggyback on as you won't beat my legal filing and it opens up the Pandora Box to show for all the world to see how you stole from basically all the American people one way or the other and you stole from citizens of most to all member nations of the UN. Any more incidents and I double the figure again where you now will have to pay $4,400,000 by this coming Friday instead of the original $1,100,000 I was willing before to accept as out-of-court settlement which my own supporters criticized me as being so reasonable towards you as to be totally ridiculous. Any more dirty tricks tried by your side and I will also release my national report on how Wash., D.C. had a secret federal counterfeit money operation to pay off federal judges, members of Congress, officials of federal agencies including probably some in the U.S. Justice Dept., bribe money so court decisions would be crooked and the way the corrupt U.S. Justice Dept. wanted, laws crooked as hell passed off by paid off corrupt members of Congress both parties. By the way, I have a star witness hidden elsewhere in America who can supply the names, methods of operation of this federal counterfeiting ring set up with secret legal approval of the U.S. Justice Dept. I know too much. Dangerous to mess with a military intelligence operative who knows maybe all the secret scandals of Wash., D.C. Trying to murder me only confirms to all Americans that my legal charges must be true. And I have left legal evidence, witnesses, etc. so I don't have to be alive for all these federal scandals to explode then in the face of Wash., D.C. When you deal with a man who is not afraid to die, you don't have any way to intimidate him or stop him even if you murder him as I know you would want to do if you thought you could without the American people knowing you did it and why. My murder would convince all the American people I must be right in what I charge and give double weight of credibility to my witnesses, evidence, etc. already organized and mobilized against you if legally required I use it.

[Yes, but it would be so much fun, and you know how those Washing Satanists are ruled by their emotions instead of logic, so I would watch how much I taunted them if I were you.]

Also, let's not forget my associate whose laptop was destroyed with a hacking attack by deep knight as he said he would do this and said when he would do this in an internet posting we copied and spread throughout our filing system as well as his posted murder threats to murder me any moment now. Now you also issue a check for $10,000. to NIFI and we will see this person gets $10,000 for destruction of this person's computer property including websites both national and international. This also will be paid by next Friday or no legal out-of-court settlement with me. Deep knight threatened a computer hacking attack, how it would occur, when it would occur, and my associate's laptop, computer software, etc. was destroyed at the same time, method, etc. as deep knight had threatened. It is rather obvious who did this computer hacking attack as he attacked the computer as it was checking out his national website. He was mistaken and hit the computer of someone else, not mine, when this happened! A dumb move by the boy you apparently are backing so he can commit computer attacks, threaten murder over the internet, and nothing legally ever happens to him. I understand he is very bright with computer hacking and if I understand correctly, he is 30 years old or about that. Correct or have we found the wrong deep knight on the internet? [Nope, that's the right one alright!] Was he or another federal operative trying to block me out of two email accounts of mine last Saturday and doing any damage he could to my national report exposing criminal corruption in the U.S. Justice Dept. in Wash., D.C.? By the way, if I file my lawsuit after next Friday, though I can't legally prove it yet, logic says it should lead to Obama in the White House and get him yanked out of the White House, get impeached if he gets reelected and he spends the rest of his life in federal prison or endless centuries in 50 state prisons! I don't know if Joe Biden can stay clear of this colossal federal scandal or else join Obama in prison for the rest of his life. And grand juries should establish that a lot of members of Congress were secretly covering for the U.S. Justice Dept. so it could steal colossal amounts of money from the American people and the U.S. Justice Dept. was also secretly covering for the federal money counterfeiting operation so members of Congress and judges and federal officials could be secretly paid bribe money for corruption and never get caught! This is a legal collection action on my part to recover $2,200,000 owned me now or else I invite for $20 registration each person American or foreign to be added as co-plaintiffs to my legally filed actions then. I will only collect for those who pay the $20 fee to join my legal recovery filing. I will have millions of dollars to easily cover all legal expenses. And then I wish the coming going to prison officials of Wash., D.C., enjoy for life you free lodging and food in prison for the rest of your lives! For once you picked a fight with the wrong boy! I know how to win. Other intended victims of you did not know how to fight and win against you!
Now for some legal fun with you to show you not to ever again mess with me! This is a brief outline of many but certainly not all the ways that Wash., D.C. has murdered American citizens from World War II until now and got away with it! I can't expose many of the methods used as they would teach other too many clever ways to murder people and get away with it under law. I only list those that really cannot be duplicated by ordinary citizens. Others I have to censor so not as to instruct the would-be criminals of the multitude of ways Wash., D.C. invented to murder American citizens and get away with it.

[Pages of raving about an NCO he knew who knew the real story – and it was all the fault of liberals!]

… A good friend of mine Frank in Roanoke, VA who had had top secret clearance in the U.S. Air Force while serving them later as a civilian was exposing some federal scandals and with one or more witnesses listening on the same phone line heard threats over the phone line of "We will shortly put you in the hospital." This threat many times from obviously the federal government was later carried out. In 1989 as I recall, he was turning into his driveway at his house and smashed at maybe 90 miles per hour by another car and his car so crushed as they had to use the "Jews of Death" to pull his car apart enough so they could get his crushed body out of the totally smashed car. The other car not that well built showed no damage but maybe one or two tiny scratches on it.

[I couldn’t resist the “Jews of Death” part. No doubt he will accuse me of hacking into his computer and changing it from the “Jaws of Life.”]

… Again I figured on what their weak link was to their plan and having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I knew how you organized military coups and what to do to unhinge their plans. I unhinged their plans and enraged C.I.A. by this. They tried 4 federal murder attempts on me in 1987 in anger I had stopped their military coup. [Wait, wasn't that 6 last time, one which left you with a scar?] Three were heavily sabotaged operations against my van and one I have to give them credit was clever! One morning I got my usual morning newspaper in front of my house. It was always rolled up. This was the only day it was ever folded flat. The only way to open it was to wedge your hand inside it and wiggle your hang in it until it loosened up and then opened up. I have much faster reflexes than most people when danger arises. I felt something wrong inside the newspaper and instantly yanked my hand out. Out came this very big spider. My wife in the kitchen practically had heart failure when she saw this very large, dark, deadly spider suddenly emerge from the newspaper. It was heading right towards me and not at all afraid of a human being. I had a biscuit beside me I had just brought out from the microwave oven. Having else to hit it with, I hit it with the soft biscuit. This startled the spider having the light suddenly disappear, but did not hurt it. I raised the biscuit and no harm to the spider which again came charging towards me. I hit it a second time with the biscuit and this time spotted a Washington Times rolled up nearby. I got it and repeatedly hit this spider until dead. I carefully examined it and maybe three days later or so I saw a TV program I normally never watched. It was called if I recall correctly Proliver and showed four creatures from nature that could easily murder humans with by clever murderers. One of the four was called an Australian Funnel Spider. The program said you would die 15 minutes after being bit by it and it was more poisonous than any spider in America. I think C.I.A. had met to murder me and no games about it! But God always protects my life. …

[Yes, but how did the biscuit taste afterwards?]

I am taking too long on this report, so shortening it now. [Too late, in the original there was another 3 pages.] I again give C.I.A. credit for a clever murder angle I reported to William Sessions while Director of the F.B.I. I was in my den in my house and turned on my study lamp. My wife called me to the kitchen at the same moment so I leaped from my seat to go to the kitchen. Just out of range, a giant explosion occurred in my den. I am a good investigator and picked up the evidence from the explosion. A heavy glass bulb had been inserted to replace the type bulbs I always used. Its glass was much heavier than what my glass bulbs were made of and it had a heavier metal base to it than my bulbs. C.I.A. had an explosive charge inside the bulb and once the electricity hit it, it would take a moment and mass explode sending sharp glass daggers all over the room. If I had been there when the bulb exploded, it probably would have cut my eyes to ribbons and also kiiled me at the same time. But God always to see they can't murder me when they want to.
One final shot on the personal side. One day in Wash., D.C., a young black man I did not know began talking to me and I talked back, Finally he said that I was a decent person so he was going to warn me. A black gang was planning my murder the next day. I found out the details and gave him an expensive watch I had bought with a Dinars Club credit card. I did not tell him but with that watch I could prove he had talked to me and flush out the would-be murderers whoever they were. … I am already on all the top lists of Wash., D.C. for "We would love to murder you if we can trick the American people so they don't know we murdered you." Federal threats no longer bother me.

[The old watch as evidence of a murder plot ploy.]

So you the American people can thank me that you have a national election tomorrow on November 6, 2012. You weren't supposed in original Washington plans of C.I.A. and Washington allies. … If the U.S. Justice Dept. does not create an out-of-court settlement with me by this coming Friday morning of now $2,200,000 for my part by a check to NIFI which can be listed at a federal grant for research and development in science and engineering and a second check for $10,000 for the one who deep knight thinking it was me destroyed that person's laptop computer, business software programs, and national website operations, then Friday afternoon or else Saturday, I open the ranks to sign up millions of co-plaintiffs with me to send all the officials of the U.S. Justice Dept. to federal prison, state prisons, and foreign prisons for life. And though I don't have the legal proof yet, I am sure the grand juries will find the evidence leads to Obama … Pleasant dreams Obama if you have to face me! Because when you face reality when you face me, you will feel that life has turned into utter legal hell for you!

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. With a new future for America emerging, my regular name will be known nationlly. Should be soon!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:51 PM

1 comment:

1. Anonymous November 5, 2012 5:03 PM
Erasmus, you need to step up.
First, you were gonna take control of the Confederate States if your demands weren't met. That deadline came and went.
Now you're threatening vague legal actions if once again your demands aren't met.
So far you haven't given any evidence or made any sort of public demonstration of your supposed legal/political powers. You haven't called in outside help from the countries you claim to be monarch of. You haven't seceded from the US. You haven't used your military intelligence wizardry to seize the country via coup.
Despite the fact that you claim to own a gold mine and enough assets to 'spread the word of Christ' all over the globe, you demand donations from NESARA News readers with no demonstration of your legitimacy.
I think you need to make a public showing to convince us. Deliver a national address. Get a picture of yourself with world leader or other notable political/military celebrity who is on your side. Get the Vatican to release a public re-endorsement of your super-formula bread. See if God (you claim that God has chosen you to save the US, right?) can pull some strings and burn your likeness onto the White House lawn.
There are a lot of things you could do to convince your followers to invest their money in you, but so far all you've done is made empty promises and threats and failed to deliver on anything at all.
If you're really the man chosen by God that you claim to be, then step up already and we'll follow. But unless you can really PROVE YOURSELF, don't expect word of the Omni Law to ever spread much farther than this blog.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

… So you the American people can thank me that you have a national election tomorrow on November 6, 2012. You weren't supposed in original Washington plans of C.I.A. and Washington allies.
Oh . . . . it is because of Erasmus that we get to vote tomorrow. Silly me, I thought it was something we do every four years like clockwork.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. With a new future for America emerging, my regular name will be known nationlly. Should be soon!)
I thought he already revealed his name? Or was that DK that outed him?
second check for $10,000 for the one who deep knight thinking it was me destroyed that person's laptop computer,
Now I'm confused. In his first post about the laptop, DK had destroyed it to the tune of $1,000. Then earlier today the laptop cost was up to $4,000. Now it is a $10,000 laptop. What exactly did you do to the machine DK?
This report is issued because the other side did not take seriously enough my warning not to provoke my legal wrath by further incidents prior to paying me the extremely low figure of $1,100,000.00 which is an extremely low figure to pay me by this coming Friday by the U.S. Justice Dept. acting as the legal agency for out-of-court legal settlements by Wash., D.C.
The smartest brain in the country plus 11 years of military school and they didn't bother to teach him grammar. I can barely get past the bolded part because usually he repeats himself over and over in one paragraph, while here he has managed to do it in just one sentence.
Any more dirty tricks tried by your side and I will also release my national report on how Wash., D.C. had a secret federal counterfeit money operation to pay off federal judges, members of Congress, officials of federal agencies including probably some in the U.S. Justice Dept.,
I'm still waiting for the Confederate states to rise again and the Louisiana Purchase to be invalidated, so you can imagine how scary the idea of Erasmus releasing his national report is to me.
By the way, if I file my lawsuit after next Friday, though I can't legally prove it yet,
Whoa, whoa, whoa . . . am I wrong or didn't Erasmus just write that he has all the legal proof he needs, right down to his star witness. Methinks Erasmus is just a wee bit confused.
logic says it should lead to Obama in the White House and get him yanked out of the White House, get impeached if he gets reelected and he spends the rest of his life in federal prison or endless centuries in 50 state prisons!
I thought Erasmus was going to drop him in boiling acid, what gives with a prison sentence?
He issued four murder threats against me and the U.S. Justice Dept. legally sanctioned him with these 4 felonies against federal law and 4 felonies against state laws.
Earlier today I thought he only mentioned 2 federal murder threats. Now it is back up to 4 . . . or is it 8? Here is a word problem for Erasmus . . . if you have 4 federal felonies and 4 state felonies but only 4 murder threats, how many total crimes has DK committed?
They refused to tell him to shut up
DK, if I tell you to shut up does that mean Erasmus will then just go away because he won't have anything to moan about? If not, I'm inclined to join you in the federal plot that shall not be named on the internet because Erasmus is on to us now.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote:...he spends the rest of his life in federal prison or endless centuries in 50 state prisons!
I think DK should ask Erasmus if he can get in on the 50 state prison deal. That would surely put Deep in the Guiness Book of World Records if he could show he served time in all 50 states' penitentiary systems.
ashlynne39 wrote:What exactly did you do to the machine DK?
It was a very cunning plan. Instead of just hacking the computer as Erasmus is claiming, DK actually snuck into Erasmo's house late at night and upgraded the laptop. This totally confused poor Erasmus, since he couldn't understand how his onboard memory went to 32 gig, his hard drive grew to over a terabyte overnight, and he now had a spell checker and a grammar checker installed. But the really sneaky part is that DK loaded a bunch of illegal websites in Erasmus' browser history. Now when the Department of Justice raids Erasmus' house and seize the laptop, they are going to have a field day with the evidence of Erasmus visiting a lot of bad places on the web; while Erasmus was thinking that it was federal murder that was DK's game, it was really character assassination. When word gets out that Erasmus patronized sites that catered to nude skydiving, mud wrestling with grandmothers, and looking at the women of Al Qaeda, he will lose the support of every red-blooded American and the Confederate States will fall again.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:I thought he already revealed his name? Or was that DK that outed him?
Nope, it was Patrick McKinnion and his blog "BadFiction - a look at bad movies and worse politics." Admittedly, I found his material looking down the same rabbit hole, but credit where credit is due.
ashlynne39 wrote:Now I'm confused. In his first post about the laptop, DK had destroyed it to the tune of $1,000. Then earlier today the laptop cost was up to $4,000. Now it is a $10,000 laptop. What exactly did you do to the machine DK?
If you're confused, imagine how Erasmus must feel! The explanation is really quite simple, runaway inflation, caused by not having Omni Law. If only we had listened!
ashlynne39 wrote:The smartest brain in the country plus 11 years of military school and they didn't bother to teach him grammar. I can barely get past the bolded part because usually he repeats himself over and over in one paragraph, while here he has managed to do it in just one sentence.
So much talent being wasted on "good." Imagine the prose he would write if he was working for the evil one - it would be truly magnificent. I expect you wouldn't be able to get past the first word without falling asleep.
ashlynne39 wrote:I'm still waiting for the Confederate states to rise again and the Louisiana Purchase to be invalidated, so you can imagine how scary the idea of Erasmus releasing his national report is to me.

It's even scarier that that. Imagine the worst run on sentence you can imagine, then multiply it by 100! My boss in NWO headquarters messed his pants when he heard.

ashlynne39 wrote:Whoa, whoa, whoa . . . am I wrong or didn't Erasmus just write that he has all the legal proof he needs, right down to his star witness. Methinks Erasmus is just a wee bit confused.
You need to think bigger. Much bigger.
ashlynne39 wrote:I thought Erasmus was going to drop him in boiling acid, what gives with a prison sentence?
This is because Erasmus was so busy studying economics and military intelligence that he skipped chemistry. His boiling vat of acid sprung a leak, which not only really messed up his place, it caused an angry call to the landlord from the person downstairs.
ashlynne39 wrote:Earlier today I thought he only mentioned 2 federal murder threats. Now it is back up to 4 . . . or is it 8? Here is a word problem for Erasmus . . . if you have 4 federal felonies and 4 state felonies but only 4 murder threats, how many total crimes has DK committed?
135,264,090,591 - but that was only until this morning. By the time you read this, it should be several more.
ashlynne39 wrote:DK, if I tell you to shut up does that mean Erasmus will then just go away because he won't have anything to moan about? If not, I'm inclined to join you in the federal plot that shall not be named on the internet because Erasmus is on to us now.
It's "not." I appreciate the offer for help, but I've had literally thousands beating a path to my door, so I'm sure I have enough minions to assist a federal plot. Perhaps you can work on state or local plot, after all, you can't be too careful when it comes to someone as smart as Erasmus.
The Observer wrote:It was a very cunning plan. Instead of just hacking the computer as Erasmus is claiming, DK actually snuck into Erasmo's house late at night and upgraded the laptop. This totally confused poor Erasmus, since he couldn't understand how his onboard memory went to 32 gig, his hard drive grew to over a terabyte overnight, and he now had a spell checker and a grammar checker installed. But the really sneaky part is that DK loaded a bunch of illegal websites in Erasmus' browser history. Now when the Department of Justice raids Erasmus' house and seize the laptop, they are going to have a field day with the evidence of Erasmus visiting a lot of bad places on the web; while Erasmus was thinking that it was federal murder that was DK's game, it was really character assassination. When word gets out that Erasmus patronized sites that catered to nude skydiving, mud wrestling with grandmothers, and looking at the women of Al Qaeda, he will lose the support of every red-blooded American and the Confederate States will fall again.
I wish I would have thought of that, it would have been awesome. Instead I simply changed his screen saver.

As for the girls of Al Qaeda, that's a really hot site. Nothing like naked girls in burkas, unless of course it's mud wrestling grandmothers.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Comment Back To The Federal Operative Posting Beneath How Wash., D.C. Murders American Citizens Without Getting Caught by Erasmus of America - Nov. 6, 2012

One question from Erasmus of America. Are you an operative of C.I.A., Justice Dept., or what psychological warfare branch of the presently high treason government of Wash., D.C.?

[You have it all wrong, both grammatically and factually. We don’t work for the government, the government works for us! For example, if I want lunch or a sexy blonde, I call up the government and they send Obama to fetch it/her for me.]

When the Omni Law wins, you will be tracked down as who you really are and if you prove to be a federal operative as smells likely of you, you will be put on national trial and a team of legal brains will figure out how many criminal charges to bring against you.

[Like I told you, the smell isn’t me, it’s Texano’s hat.]

Your attempted cunning use of words is to cover for Obama, cover for Obama, cover for Obama, and of course cover for other traitors in Wash., D.C.

[Obama gets covered thrice, but the traitors washing DC only once. That hardly seems fair.]

It takes bait to tempt the traitors to come out of their hiding in Wash., D.C. If you were a loyal American citizen, you would want exposed that C.I.A. murdered President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. By the way, a number of witnesses are still alive and available to testify to the nation that C.I.A. murdered President Kennedy. C.I.A. doesn't know it but in their own files they have the listing of the C.I.A. personnel that murdered Pres. Kennedy and though old, some might still be alive and should be prosecuted for high treason for murder of the President of the United States. C.I.A. murdered Martin Luther King. Don't you want the criminals in C.I.A. if still alive to get arrested for murder of Dr. King or do you just love the C.I.A. murderers so much, you will go to any length to protect them from ever being investigated?

[The second choice. And I don’t mean “love” in some abstract sense, but full gloves-off sexual contact.]

I was invited by the head of Liberty Lobby years ago to be one of six trustees who knew about the Secret Service agent who smuggled out of the White House a copied tape of the conversation of Lyndon Johnson where he talked to the two New York bankers who ordered C.I.A. to murder Pres. Kennedy. This was Col. Curtis B. Dahl, one-time son-in-law of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I contacted members of Congress about this smuggled out tape from the White House. Only one responded and he said he would not touch this with a 50 foot pole this was so hot.

[I knew the Colonel’s wife, Barbie Dahl, well. Not only did I touch her with my hot pole, which by the way isn’t quite 50 feet long, but close, I satisfied her as no woman has been satisfied before.]

You must hate America and the American people. I gave official references including the U.S. Congressional Record of the U.S. Congress which reported on my father's Vatican endorsed food process, Vatican endorsement and support for it, U.S. Army tests on it, and even the official endorsement of the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson that this should be backed in America for the national health of the American people.

[Oh yeah? Then why are you eating and killing funnel cake spiders with BISCUITS instead of this award winning bread?]

Deep knight is small fish in the ocean. He was dumb enough to put the U.S. Justice Dept. in a very bad legal jam. He issues 4 murder threats against me which you apparently love and legally approve of. By the way, are you deep knight pretending to be just an unknown private citizen and not working for corrupt and treasonable elements in America? Deep knight by making public murder threats in the name of the federal government and Obama is either a great con artist or issued authorized threats on behalf of Obama in the White House. If the U.S. Justice Dept. does not criminally prosecute him now for four public murder threats against my life, then I prove to the nation that the U.S. Justice Dept. is criminal as all hell and all their pretended legal righteousness is just a con game to fool the public. I publicized deep knight because that puts the U.S. Justice Dept. in the hot seat if they don't legally prosecute him now for four publicly issued murder threats against me. I am after the U.S. Justice Dept. not really small fish deep knight, but I am using him to harpoon the big whale called the U.S. Justice Dept. And every trick such as you are trying now plays right into my legal trap and ambush. I am after the big whale and if they had any brains, they would shut you up fast before you totally legally hang them.

[What’s all this talk about undersea creatures? Do you have some perverted fetish about fish?]

I once asked the Joint Chiefs of Staff to terminate the oral charter originally given me by an earlier roster of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon. They did not terminate it so I still act with technical authority in military intelligence given me by the original Joint Chiefs of Staff who liked my style and backed me. We had four contact agents between us to avoid paper trails or obvious signs of our connection. Lt. Gen. P.A. del Valle, U.S. Marine Corps whose home at Annapolis, MD I used to visit with another of our intelligence group coming with me to Annapolis. I had Dale Draper who changed his name from Orville D. Barnes when Sectional Chief of the Cartographic Dept. of the Pentagon in World War II. He prepared the Normandy Invasion maps for Gen. Eisenhower, etc. He was Head of the War Map Dept. of the Pentagon in World War II. I like to state it in words the public can understand rather than get too technical on the public. The son of a colonel who was an aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff was another secret connection for us and he once brought me some of the favorite jokes of the Joint Chiefs of Staff about the current White House they did not think much of militarily. Also, one of the dozen or so top intelligence operatives for U.S. Army Intelligence was also used.
You are using baiting tactics of military intelligence. You take words out of context and make claims and statements for me that I never officially said. I answer certain things that you claimed I said and I give you intelligence information on what hand I really have. We will see how the election turns out before I show what aces I may have hidden up my sleeve. Isn't it amazing though that even a retired Major General of the Army had said Obama was planning an October Surprise with a military takeover of America and kill off a planned 25 million or more Americans in the process and many other military sources were confirming his charges were true and you don't want Obama ever investigated for high treason do you!!!

[Yeah, I know that quoting you accurately and in full is unfair, but I’m willing to do anything to make you look like an idiot, and it seems to be working.]

My friend Frank in Roanoke, VA who had a top secret clearance with the U.S. Air Force had many repeated threats over the phone that he would soon be sent to the hospital and this threat over the phone was heard by maybe two others over the phone at the same time. Then this reinforced car smashes into him at high speed, he comes within inches of dying, and after this other person shows the Roanoke Police his federal I.D., he is told to not worry as they will take care of this. They issue this federal operative not even a traffic ticket for ramming Frank's car at high speed. How crooked things are with Wash., D.C. and you love this dishonesty and high treason going on in Wash., D.C. Your words and trying your hardest to cover up for federal murders of American citizens including Pres. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy tells you must be with the bad boys as you certainly are not on the side of the American people. Your act of twisting words shows you are a hardened enemy of the American people and wish them all the ill possible as you will fanatically defend all evil acts of Wash., D.C. against the American people. You left an electronic trail as to who you are. When the Omni Law is passed, we will have quite a legal conversation with you.
You are a clever B.S. con artist apparently well trained by federal psychological warfare how to lie like hell using words falsely and incorrectly to see if you can sucker the public into your campaign of deception and seeing if you can sucker me into revealing hardcore intelligence information I am not going to share with you at this time. You could take the words of Jesus Christ and make Jesus sound like Hitler or Karl Marx. Or take the words of Hitler or Joseph Stalin and make them sound like they were Jesus Christ on earth. You definitely have no ethical code to you badly abuse of statements and facts and inventing words of deceptions with your well trained version of sophism which is pseudo-logic pretending to be honest and honest logic.

[Sounds good, let’s try it.

John 4:13, 14 Jesus answered and said unto her, "Wir Werden weiter marschieren, wenn alles in Scherben fält denn heute gëhort uns Deutschland, und morgen die ganze Welt.”

Naw, it doesn’t work as well as we thought it would. Any other ideas?]

You smell obviously of a federal operative. You are using the old Communist trick of the plants in a crowd and a few Communist plants not identifying themselves what they really are speak like they are part of the people which they are not and seeing if they can sucker the public into being crowd controlled by them.
You play these asinine mind games on the American people which only a very highly unethical person would pull. Now you engage in high treason by your attempted con games on words. Your key intelligence sources know that I have the kinds of military intelligence information I claim to have.

[They know nothing of the kind. In fact, they think you’re some idiot con man who’s looking for even more clueless people to send him money.]

Some while back, I made the official stand that I would inform the current Joint Chiefs of Staff once my Omni Law was passed of a military ambush left by the Soviet Union during the Cold designed to annihilate America if they ever used it. From elementary information I have at my disposal at this time, it looks like the old Soviet nuclear ambush of America is still operational and can annihilate America anytime Moscow decides to use it on America. Jackass traitors like you are stalling the time until I can tell the Joint Chiefs of Staff what they need to check out so America does not suddenly get itself nuclear blasted off the face of the earth. I was forcing the issue because I won't turn this information over to Wash. intelligence until key traitors are kicked out of effective power in Wash., D.C. I know Obama is a Communist and a Muslim fanatic. At a minimum, he has to be checkmated by passage of the Omni Law or by my own commitment I can't help American defense with this information as I will not back an American Stalin into power to stop a would-be Russian Hitler of such as Russia or a new would-be Mohammed of the Middle East who thinks he is called by Allah to conquer the world such as the head of Iran thinks right now.
The reason why the defector from the Moscow Institute for Nuclear Studies turned over all the nuclear defense secrets of the Soviet Union to me is that he trusted me that I was an honorable man and always kept my word with foreign intelligence sources. He told me why he would never turn this information over the Joint Chiefs of the Pentagon or others in Wash., D.C. He spoke in a foreign accent but knew how to speak American. He said as I recall, he would never deal with those "f-k-g ass-h-es" in Wash., D.C. as their word of honor was worthless and if he turned over this information to them, then they in their callous attitude would blow his cover and he would be killed by the KGB likely in one week once they found out that he was now in America.

[You said you wouldn't be baited into revealing any information, but you just did! Now that we know it's some guy who speaks American with a foreign accent, we also know that if we eliminate all those who fit this description, we're sure to get him! Your loose lips have sunk his particular ship!]

I was told by one Defense Dept. official that one piece of information I turned over to the Joint Chiefs from this Moscow defector saved America from potential nuclear annihilation if a World War III broke out. The Pentagon had never thought of one way America could be annihilated until I showed them this Soviet angle how to do it. America has no monopoly on smart military brains. Russia and other nations also have some pretty smart military brains and it is not smart to underestimate very smart foreign military leaders. Unfortunately as this defector from Moscow was right in his evaluation of Washington leaders including in the Pentagon, I did not turn over all the information I got on Moscow nuclear plans, etc. against America. I originally intended this as a military trap on Russia. If they were so certain they could annihilate America at will one way, then they didn't have to change their plans to something I wouldn't know about and then America would be annihilated for sure. At the right time I would warn the Pentagon and tell them how to knock out this Soviet-era nuclear ambush on America and suddenly Moscow would lose her key hand for the planned nuclear annihilation of America. But with such jackass traitors as we have in Wash., D.C. right now in too many strategic positions, my hands are tied. How ironical it is! If I am murdered by C.I.A., or another Washington intelligence source, then 300 million Americans all die with me as the Pentagon has no defense at this point for the ultimate nuclear ace Moscow has to annihilate America with.

[Really? And, since 300 million Aermicans dying is obviously our goal, how exactly does revealing this protect you?]

American news may be heavily censored, but Putin of Russia has made very strong statements how he is going to save the world from Wash., D.C. and its domination over the earth. He thinks he can win in a nuclear war. Through this Soviet defector I had him train me like a Soviet general in nuclear warfare. I received the same military training as Putin of Russia in Soviet-era nuclear tactics, weapons, Russian way of military thinking which is very different than Pentagon style. Moscow has modernized many Soviet nuclear concepts but the same nuclear thinking is still dominating in Moscow military circles. Let me throw back a curve of psychological warfare on our federal psychological warfare experts of Wash., D.C. trying to figure out how to stop me from winning America to passage of the Omni Law. I have secretly received word on a new Moscow breakthrough in nuclear warfare. If they have got it, the only thing that can save America from annihilation in nuclear warfare is building the top ultimate weapon system of Nazi Germany that was successfully hidden from American and Soviet intelligence. I tricked the exile scientific clique with this Nazi ultimate weapon technology and got it from them without them knowing it! The most brilliant defense engineer of America during the Cold War and I jointly completed this Hitler Ultimate Weapon System designed to conquer the whole world as soon as it was built. I know how to build it. Wash., D.C. does not.

[Russia's nuclear breakthrough is old news. As for Hitler's silly little ultimate weapons system, the patent on that ran our years ago and it's public knowledge. I have a drawing here.]

I will never deal with the present traitors controlling Wash., D.C. Passing of my Omni Law is the only way you can get me to strengthen American defense with the powerful answers I have and Wash., D.C. does not! Stop the federal propaganda B.S. your dumb little plants have tried to play against me and pass the Omni Law. You can never win my goodwill or cooperation without doing this.
I had not planned to write this answer to a federal plant who tried to play his B.S. psychological warfare games with me by the asinine comments he left to pseudo-try to answer my report How Wash., D.C. Murders American Citizens Without Getting Caught - Nov. 5, 2012.

[Pseudo-try? You complain about my love life, but what I do to all those super-models waiting at my door you do to the English language.]

But since Wash., D.C. did not get the hint and still tries to be totally asinine, new total to be paid to me this coming Friday - $4,400,000 to me and $20,000 for the other person whose computer business setup was smashed to pieces by deep knight who knows C.I.A. style computer hacking tactics, etc. but still does not have a measure of common sense to him. I won against a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court and Wash., D.C. is just as arrogant as this Jewish lawyer was until he got smashed in court by me. I won and the boy was in deep shock how this could happen.

[That's because he didn't use the "Jews of Death" or "Jaws of Life."]

If the U.S. Justice Dept. does not settle with me out-of-court by Friday morning, then I go to all out total legal war against the U.S. Justice Dept. and if the officials of the U.S. Justice Dept. begin to panic as they see how I tie the legal noose around their necks, I will not listen to their appeals for mercy and will proceed until the U.S. Justice Dept. is totally wiped out with all the nation wanting to hang alive all of the officials of the U.S. Justice Dept. The U.S. Justice Dept. will try to rely upon corrupt courts to save their legal necks. I already know how to make sure they will have no wall of legal defense left and when they see plainly their coming destruction charging towards them, I will proceed until I legally wipe them out and may even cause a UN army to end up occupying Wash., D.C. briefly to arrest Obama and others for violations of the Nuremberg War Trial standards of 1945-6. If it goes this far, many Wash. officials may end up executed abroad under terms of the Genocide Treaty President Ronald Reagan signed as a legal treaty of America. The Genocide Treaty is my secret ace how I will keep outflanking the U.S. Justice Dept. and all the B.S. con words of Wash., D.C. won't save their necks from hanging! And I will let Washington, D.C. in on one of my legal secrets. I won't release the authority of the Confederate side until Wash., D.C. pays $100 trillion dollars in damages to the people and states of the South that were the Confederate States of America. The price of legal reunification of Confederate authority with Wash., D.C. will be $100 trillion in damages paid to the South. Much smarter to pass the Omni Law and I forget my plans how to legally cancell Wash., D.C. as a national government by forcing it into world bankruptcy by the $100 Trillion Damage Claim which will hold up under international law. I am for national reunification of law so long as the South is now treated as a partner in America instead of a conquered vassal nation of Satanically run Wash., D.C. Under the Omni Law, the South will be blessed economically as well as the rest of America and I will then be the Christian leader and let the Antichrist federal government be forgiven its wrongs against the South in exchange the South is once more a free people under law and sound economics.
It would be wise of Wash.,, D.C. to mend its fences with me starting with now using this out-of-court settlement as listed here for this coming Friday. You have to meet with me partway or give me no way of ever meeting with you. By the way the Russian style of military thinking. Russia will recognize my Confederate authority if I push it. What this means is the rest of America will be nuclear annihilated if Russia attacks under Putin. The South will not be nuclear attacked and by default of nuclear annihilated Wash., D.C. will be a free nation and people since no Wash., D.C. will exist any longer which hates the people and states of the South. I save the people of the South from nuclear annihilation if things get out of hand between Wash., D.C. and Moscow. I hear that Putin now thinks he can take Wash., D.C. on in nuclear warfare and win!
My Omni Law may be read in the search box at the top left of the website of Nesara News. My nearly 80 national reports now may be read by putting in my pen name of Erasmus of America in this search box. If I begin this legal war to abolish the U.S. Justice Dept. after Friday morning if none of my federally stolen money is returned to me then, then the U.S. Justice Dept. will learn why I do not need the money of Friday morning in order to fight a legal war with the U.S. Justice Dept. I am ready for legal war or else the opening door for peace. Let's see if reason or stupidity reigns Friday morning.

[Why wait until Friday?]

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the only Christian leader who intends to see Christianity once more become the leader of America as we become once more One Nation Under God With Jesus Christ As The Recognized King of America. God is pulling strings to cause the downfall of the Antichrist Satanists now in control of Wash., D.C.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:56 PM
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Erasmus of America wrote:When the Omni Law wins....
Phew! We're safe for a bit then.
Erasmus of America wrote:Deep knight is small fish in the ocean. He was dumb enough to put the U.S. Justice Dept. in a very bad legal jam. He issues 4 murder threats against me which you apparently love and legally approve of. By the way, are you deep knight pretending to be just an unknown private citizen and not working for corrupt and treasonable elements in America? Deep knight by making public murder threats in the name of the federal government and Obama is either a great con artist or issued authorized threats on behalf of Obama in the White House. If the U.S. Justice Dept. does not criminally prosecute him now for four public murder threats against my life, then I prove to the nation that the U.S. Justice Dept. is criminal as all hell and all their pretended legal righteousness is just a con game to fool the public. I publicized deep knight because that puts the U.S. Justice Dept. in the hot seat if they don't legally prosecute him now for four publicly issued murder threats against me. I am after the U.S. Justice Dept. not really small fish deep knight, but I am using him to harpoon the big whale called the U.S. Justice Dept. And every trick such as you are trying now plays right into my legal trap and ambush. I am after the big whale and if they had any brains, they would shut you up fast before you totally legally hang them.

[What’s all this talk about undersea creatures? Do you have some perverted fetish about fish?]
He said he uses a pseudonym at present but everyone in America will know him when he reveals his true name. I think I know it already: Troy McClure.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, it appears as if Obama won the election. Erasmus, although he has given many deadlines and dates, always said that if Romney didn't win then he would, among other things, have the Confederate States withdraw from the Union. There was also talk about the repossessing the Louisiana Purchase, being heir to the French throne, Russian Imperial Crown, and Roman Empire, but hey, I'd be satisfied with a single southern state leaving the Union, say South Carolina.

Erasmus, the ball's in your court. Put up or shut up.

Then there's this Friday's deadline for getting paid some ever-increasing amount of money for genocide or computer hacking or something. The deadline is Friday, and trust me, Erasmus won't get a cent. It's not that I'm in control of paying off threatening anonymous idiots from the internet - it's that NOBODY is. I'm a patient man, and offer my ability to read through one of his postings without running out of the room screaming before I get halfway through as proof, but I'm tired of waiting. Get on with it! If he wants to drag his feet until Friday to file these charges against Obama, me, Biden, and George Soros - fine. BUT NO LATER, AND I MEAN IT!!!!

By the way, if Erasmus is reading this, I would love for him to quote where I or anyone else here ever threatened to hack into his computer. October surprise him in November, sleep with his wife and then never call, extract him from a car with the Jews of Death, yes, but hack in to his computer, no. What does he take us for? He might get away with a lot of things, but when someone trivializes the most evil organization in the history of the world, known for murder and mayhem, by saying they would stoop to annoying someone by hacking into their computer, that's going too far! Erasmus, I don't mean to threaten you, but expect a sternly-worded letter from the Dark Agenda's lawyers!
"Follow the Money"