President Obama

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President Obama

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Nov-2012 00:40:26

"The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution." ~Thomas Sowell Comment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist and Patriot.
The directions to do our part could be no more clearly written below. Are you ready to do something you never thought you would consider?
Remember, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”~Sir Edmond Burke
DAUNTLESS and UNAFRAID in DEFIANCE! “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
-Sir Winston Churchill speaking on 9 November 1942
The latest formal criminal complaint naming OBAMA in TREASON was filed this morning at 1131 hours local (11: 31 a.m. EST).

Now, as is assiduously, urgently importuned since 17 March 2009 it is going to take a very large number of people, acting in groups and in a coordinated way, to advance this formal criminal complaint naming OBAMA in TREASON so as to take effect.
Individuals must file individual complaints in the same way this complaint was administered. Then the individual complaints must be collected up and submitted in mass everywhere possible across the United States.
OBAMA can and must be removed from his residence in the White House as a common thug, punk street wise criminal.
I’m not talking impeachment, I’m talkin’ ’bout OBAMA being taken down as any other accused felon.
It can be accomplished if enough people get behind the effort in a way that soars over any gathering or group action before.
HERE ENDTH THE LESSON! ( More treasonous activities below)

Thursday, 8 November 2012 – 70th Anniversary OPERATION TORCH – World War II Northwest Africa – Casablanca

From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III United States Navy Retired


* Robert Swan Mueller, III, Director – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D.C. (ORIGINAL)

* The Foreman of the two sitting Federal Grand Juries sitting in Knoxville, Tennessee via William C. Killian, U.S. Attorney for Tennessee’s Easter District



1. OBAMA represents a clear and present danger to U.S. national security, to the U.S. Constitution and to our Republican form of government. OBAMA IS A FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY! OBAMA is working assiduously to destroy America! No document record exists showing Barack Hussein OBAMA to be a United States citizen.

2. OBAMA paid money and aided and abetted Al-Qaeda members and groups that attacked Americans on U.S. territory in Benghazi, Libya on 11 and 12 September 2012. Al-Qaeda is the jihadist terrorist organization that attacked the United States on 11 September 2001.

3. Pro-jihadist and Islamist OBAMA personally denied frantic cries for help from Americans in mortal danger throughout a 7-hour attack by approximately 150 heavily armed known jihadists. OBAMA watched four Americans die in real time. OBAMA is allowing our enemies to slaughter our servicemen piecemeal at the same time ordering our troops to disarm.

4. OBAMA lies to the American people about his TREASON with every opportunity. OBAMA is lying to the American people about the 11-12 September attack in Benghazi, Libya in a cover story intended to protect OBAMA from facing a criminal prosecution and conviction.

5. OBAMA is personally responsible for OBAMA the 6 August 2011 shoot-down of an Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan. 17 Navy SEALS died. All 5 men of the Chinook crew died. 3 Air Force special tactics airmen died. 5 men of a Navy support force died. OBAMA and his gang of outlaws lie to the America people about that.

6. In commission of TREASON In commission OBAMA is engaged in purchasing and supplying guns, heavy weapons, high-powered munitions and explosives to foreign aggressors—AMERICA’S ENEMIES—around the globe. OBAMA has and continues to ship weapons from Libya to Syria through Turkey. Some weapons may be being directly shipped to Syria. Christopher Stevens was OBAMA’s point man of this operation when Stevens was murdered in Benghazi during the attack of 11-12 September 2012. In this TREASON OBAMA is arming America’s enemies: Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood connected Syrian rebels.

7. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA provides safe-haven and sanctuary to those bent on the destruction of the United States, its people, and its form of government. OBAMA encourages, facilitates and arms our enemies to carry out a WAR on the United States from enemy bases set up in the homeland and around the globe. OBAMA aids and abets these known enemy forces to establish and strike from strongholds OBAMA allows established on American soil.

8. OBAMA refuses to pledge his allegiance to the United States.OBAMA conspires with leaders of countries, groups and organizations bent upon the destruction of America. By so doing OBAMA engages in TREASON against the United States in every aspect of TREASON.

9. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA broke into and occupies the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling and deceit. OBAMA is an undocumented illegal alien and spy. Posing as an imposter president and commander-in-chief OBAMA strips civilian command and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors—command racketeers such as Martin Dempsey—are free in the exercise of an extra-military government intent upon the destruction of our Republican, constitutional form of governance. There are dozens of senior military commanders no more obedient to the United States Constitution than is OBAMA.

10. OBAMA is joined in his TREASON by a raft of civilian criminal assistants too numerous to name in this submission. I leave it to the Grand Jury, in the conduct of an independent, autonomous, and unfettered investigation, to assign specificity and particularity to the list of OBAMA’S co-conspiring outlaws.

11. OBAMA is a FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY, an infiltrator, a traitor and a spy. OBAMA installed and operates a government that rivals and competes with our U.S. Constitution. OBAMA operates government not found in our United States Constitution. If not arrested OBAMA will continue to commit TREASON. OBAMA is emboldened now and more dangerous to this country’s survival as a constitutional Republic than any other threat the United States faces in the world.

12. We come now to this reckoning: I accuse Barack Hussein OBAMA of TREASON. I accuse OBAMA’S military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. Their criminal mischief is recognized as TREASON in pure form. I expose and identify OBAMA and his criminal associates as TRAITORS (Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, David Petraeus and Martin Dempsey but a few).

13. It needs be said out loud and relentlessly: OBAMA is aiding and abetting America’s enemies. OBAMA is lying to the American people in every regard going to OBAMA’S TREASONOUNS escapades. OBAMA IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

14. This submission renews and extends all previous filings naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON dating from 17 March 2009. The list of ACTS of OBAMA’S TREASON found in this formal criminal complaint is not exhaustive. Far from it.

15. My sworn duty is to stand against everything OBAMA stands for. The FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY OBAMA IS NOT MY PRESIDENT! HE IS NOT MY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF!

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Obedient to my oath to the United States Constitution in submission of this criminal complaint for TREASON I remain stead fast and,

Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III
United States Navy Retired

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:13 AM


1. Anonymous November 9, 2012 5:45 AM
who cares about military!!! We saw how many of them was supporting Romney, so this is not surprising, Obama will lead us to the golden age, to hell with the useless military, start arresting bankers already!!!

2. Anonymous November 9, 2012 5:58 AM
Observe and read this story to see who Obama is:
Folks can hem and haw at these channelers, but the point is they frequently predict events.
And they know Obama well, they know evil.

Its commendable that the U.S. Military is taking a stand and trying to arrest the antichrist. After all, I'm sure most military leaders would agree after investigating the book of Samuel & David...that Obama is the one.
The book of Jacob tells of a man promising many things, who rebuilds America by sword and bestows great marvels. "By sword" across the Middle East, is in fact the cult of Islam.
Time to wake up and quit having delusions of grandeur. Who do you believe the book of Jacob, Deuteronomy and Elijah is speaking about?
Who is the anointed one?
That's right - he is Barack Obama. Baraq Obama whom is preparing to trash the Federal Reserve. (soon!)
Obama, who has already implemented the BRICS alliance in preparation for a One World Religion. Wake up folks, the book of Ezekiel says this 'prophet' will establish a one world religion with many king heads.
Who is it? Who do you think wears the mantle of Osiris, and comes in total peace to deceive?
Yes, he is definitely Obama and Islam's sword. You want to know who the new tech religion is based off of? Islam - read Elijah to the end. It is clear as painful day Islam is the backbone of the Beast system, 666. Obama has just begun this, charge him with treason.
It may not stop Obama's agenda now, but it will be the last stand for our U.S. army forces. He was in my dream recently. Obama and his tasty fruits of "transformation" is the Beast.

3. AnonymousNovember 9, 2012 8:04 AM
Well , if he's guilty...take your posse and o git' im! It shouldn't need 500,000 to do it...just a judge and a signature... ..We all know how the military flaked and was 's'posed to do sumptin per Drake ...and have yet to do anything. We've been hearing this rubbish for years IMHO...put up or shut up..!

Obama and his tasty fruits of "transformation"?

And just who is this Firzpatrick?

Walter F. Fitzpatrick III, Obama Birther, Arrested For Stealing Court Document
Posted: 12/09/11 01:59 PM ET

Walter F. Fitzpatrick, a retired Navy veteran and outspoken birther, was arrested in Tennessee this week for allegedly stealing confidential documents from a local courtroom.

The Monroe County Court in Tennessee conducted a review of candidates for the incoming grand jury class on Wednesday, asking applicants to fill out forms with their personal information. The papers were then collected by a courtroom clerk for processing, but before they could be filed, authorities allege that Fitzpatrick entered the courtroom and removed the documents.

"At the completion of the meeting the papers were in the courtroom," Monroe County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Jennifer Bledsoe wrote in a release, according to the Knoxville News Sentinel. "The clerk noticed the papers missing and the videotape of the area was reviewed. The video showed an individual positively identified as Fitzpatrick walk over to the desk where the items were and remove the documents."

Officers were then dispatched to apprehend Fitzpatrick, who proved uncooperative.

"Mr. Fitzpatrick refused to come to the door," Bledsoe said in the statement. "After announcements of purpose and intent, force was used to gain entry into the home and Mr. Fitzpatrick was taken into custody."

The forms allegedly stolen by Fitzpatrick, which Bledsoe said are not a matter of public record, were not recovered at the house.

As Talking Points Memo reports, this is not Fitzpatrick's first attempt to meddle with grand jury proceedings over his belief that the body is guilty of treason because of its refusal to pursue charges against President Obama for supposedly not being born in the United States.

In April 2010, Fitzpatrick attempted to conduct a citizen's arrest on Grand Jury Foreman Gary Pettway because Pettway would not agree to convene a grand jury to investigate the AGC's belief that Obama is not a natural-born citizen. "I'm charging you with official misconduct," Fitzpatrick told him. "I'm placing you under arrest. You must now come with me." Fitzpatrick was then charged with inciting a riot, disrupting an official public meeting, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Another birther, Darren Wesley Huff, was convicted earlier this year for partaking in an anti-Obama plot to take over a Tennessee courthouse in an armed standoff. He claimed during his trial that he had been motivated by Fitzpatrick.
Patrick McKinnion has this guy's number at his masterful Bad Fiction site: ... eaker.html
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Re: President Obama

Post by fortinbras »

This story resembles one told in a 1962 book about Bircher types. Some retired colonel kept writing (daily) to J. Edgar Hoover, telling him that the Constitution authorized and required him to arrest JFK for high treason.

I am worried that this constant drumbeat that Obama is not really the President, ought to be taken into custody, is a "clear and present danger", etc., is going to encourage a you-know-what to make an effort.
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Re: President Obama

Post by ashlynne39 »

Interesting, Obama arrested and charged and yet at this very moment I'm watching him give a speech. Perhaps it is his doppleganger.
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Re: President Obama

Post by Cathulhu »

ashlynne39 wrote:Interesting, Obama arrested and charged and yet at this very moment I'm watching him give a speech. Perhaps it is his doppleganger.
Nah, it's his alien shapeshifting lizard.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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notorial dissent
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Re: President Obama

Post by notorial dissent »

Gotta watch them shapeshifting lizards.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: President Obama

Post by fortinbras »

Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, having been convicted in June of extortion and aggravated perjury, in Tennessee state court, was today (August 19th) sentenced to three years in prison. These charges arose from his interference with the county grand jury in an attempt to persuade them to indict Pres. Obama and other officials for various alleged offenses. He had previously been sentenced to two months in the local jail for attempting to make a citizen's arrest of the grand jury foreman for failing to do what he wanted.

He's luckier than his supporter, Darren Wesley Huff, who was sentenced, in May 2012, to four years of prison for his efforts to arrange an armed takeover of the courthouse to coerce the grand jury to do Fitzpatrick's bidding.
notorial dissent
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Re: President Obama

Post by notorial dissent »

And to add a little more perspective to that, he had previously been convicted of having stolen gov't documents, Grand Jury internal information not available or open to the public, and was on probation from that at the time of his latest adventure in stupidity.

He also has a history of various legal problems going back to the coast.

His troubles began when he decided that his knowledge of the law and practices of TN were superior and overriding to those who actually lived there and were real lawyers and professionals, that and an apparent inability to read and comprehend, as the state statutes are really not all that indecipherable, and should not have been that big of an issue for someone who made it through Annapolis and sort of had a career in the Navy, as I can't believe that Navy Regs are any more complicated than TN statutes. The problem, I guess was that they didn't say what he wanted them to say, so therefore they were wrong, as he is never wrong and never repentant.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.