Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

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Deep Knight
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Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »


I would like to apologize to Erasmus of America. I would like to apologize to him twice.

First, in another thread I dared him to go through on his threat to file a lawsuit against the Obama Administration and a fictitious person for genocide. Then I laughed when he made the threat above this morning. It turns out he "delivered the legal," by posting it this afternoon on MacHaffie's site!

Second, when I read:

"Being the head of the Confederate movement in America, it is absolutely legally certain that the U.S. Justice Dept. and probably all intelligence operations in Wash., D.C. watch intensely every national posting I have been making for 7 months now."

I realized this meant he hadn't actually sent his letter to the "UN Genocide Reporting Office!" Again, I thought really horrible, nasty thoughts about him, using phrases like "nutless and guttless." But then, as I read on and on and on, he clarified himself by saying:

"I suggest the American people copy and mass send out this report all over America and the world."

Erasmus isn't hiding like a frightened weasel - under two pounds of dog poop in a one pound bag - he's challenging all of America to put our fate in our own hands, mold it, and use it to change the future! The posting is below - I don't suggest you read it unless you have a tinfoil hat on - but take it from me that while it only covers half of Erasmus' themes, it's enough to them to give anyone a good flavor of who he is and what he's advocating - sedition, treason, murder, whole wheat, and of course, hanging Obama.

I'm sure you've all had the same thoughts about Erasmus and are ashamed of them now, well, except for the thoughts about his horrible prose. Let's all do some penance for our violent, possibly homicidal, thoughts by doing exactly what he asks! Instead of reading the text below, copy it verbatim by highlighting it, right clicking or using "cntl c," and then paste it in a word editor. Print out a few copies and get out some first class stamps. Be warned, it's long - you'll have to use small type, print on both sides of the page, or get bigger stamps. Don't sign it, let Erasmus get all the credit, and just to make sure use his return address too "Bishop Tim Garner, PO Box 1465, Seneca SC 29679" The only thing you need to decide is who to send them to. Some one who will read and act on them! To avoid duplicates, or perhaps to solicit duplicates so more people at these fine institutions get to read this, I'm leaving a list:

Seneca Police Department
205 N. Depot Street
Seneca, SC 29678

Oconee County Sheriff's Office
415 South Pine Street
Walhalla, SC 29691

Anderson-Oconne-Pickens Mental Health Center
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
200 McGee Rd.
Anderson, SC 29625

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division
Post Office Box 21398
Columbia, SC 29221

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

U.S. Secret Service
Office of Government and Public Affairs
245 Murray Drive,
Building 410,
Washington, DC 20223



I am the President of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America. I received authority for this from three branches of the descendant Jefferson Davis family. Since Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, and the Confederate Congress never signed legal surrender papers with Wash., D.C., according to the terms of the Confederate Constitution, the Confederate Government and nation of the Confederate States of America never legally surrendered to the Federal Government of Wash., D.C. One of the British Commonwealth parliaments by written diplomatic letter many years ago extended diplomatic recognition that I was the lawful head of the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America which never legally surrendered to the Union of Wash., D.C. under international law. Under international law, we were still an independent government, nation, and people. I think it was the National Tattler around April, 1966 ran a national article on this still legally independent Confederate Government and still legally independent nation of the Confederate States of America. They also ran a photo of me in my dress military uniform from when I attended a military academy and our uniforms looked a bit similar to West Point. I was listed as the President of the Confederate States of America in that national article. After studying my legal papers for this Confederate authority, Judge William Roy Bean from a well-known Confederate family extended legal recognition that I was the lawful head of the Confederate nation and possessed all legal powers for it until we could hold national Confederate elections in it. Soon we had delegates for all the member states of the Confederate States of America during the time that Gov. George Wallace ran for President of the United States. He and some other state governors legally recognized our legal authority for the South. In our large Confederate Convention at Hot Springs, Arkansas, I proposed and all delegates voted in agreement that we declared that we had a legal king of the South who was Jesus Christ. This way we firmly committed that our government and nation would be firmly committed as Christian contrary to what Wash., D.C. committed America to which was Antichrist.
Since it ties in with the coming genocide legal charges I am now formally raising against Wash., D.C. in the name of the Confederate Government and nation of the Confederacy, a photo of me is shown when I was eight years old with my industrialist father Dan Brown of Evanston, Illinois then and later Chicago, Illinois is on the worldwide internet for the diamond of Psi Upsilon - Volume 36, Issue 1 - Page 3 - Dan Brown - 1949. My father was a prominent industrialist and written up in many prominent publications including the Congressional Record of Wash., D.C. which publicized U.S. Army tests on what my father had invented as an industrial food process, worldwide support of the Vatican for my father's industrial food process which Pope Pius XII in the semi-official Vatican newspaper endorsed as potentially great news for mankind, and elsewhere endorsed as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson endorsed this as very important to the national health of America.
Fortune Magazine in World War II wrote up the great food discovery of my father and quoted a top national health expert in America that this was a potential nutritional revolution for America. The Catholic Digest in the 1950's wrote up my father and told how the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin in 1950 tried to buy world rights to this since despite patents of I think the final figure was 44 patents worldwide on it, Soviet engineers and other engineers across the world could not duplicate this family trade secret method of retaining close to all the nutrition from wheat or other grains and then baking as a super health bread for the people. University tests in Illinois and elsewhere indicated that later on the entire human race would go extinct like the dinosaurs if this was not added in time to the national diet of America and other nations across the world. When in Wash., D.C., Al Gore wrote the foreword to a science book quoting from medical labs across the world that the human race will soon go biologically extinct on earth unless an answer in food is found in time to save the human race from biological extinction. My father found the answer the human race needed many years ago and prior to World War II. The Nazis got samples of the super health flour my father milled at Morris, Illinois and Nazi scientists reported to Hitler that the results in super health were so incredible with German students tested that Hitler could raise a biologically master German race with this if they could get the secret to it from my father. My father being anti-Nazi and also Hitler losing World War II made sure that the Nazis were never able to get this trade secret food process from my father.
My father never told how to make the milling equipment for this and engineers across the world could never find a way to make their equipment duplicate my father's results with his worldwide patented food process. My father wanted to make sure that no one tried to steal his trade secret food process and not pay him royalties on it, so hid key answers to it not shown by his patents. After I was an engineering student, my father showed me the entire system of secrets to it and I am the only person on the earth who really knows how the engineering discovery of my father works. Since leaving the university as a history major until today Nov. 9, 2012, Wash., D.C. has had a secret policy of worldwide genocide of suppressing this Vatican endorsed trade secret industrial food process every time I have raised the money and/or support to get my father's Vatican endorsed food process reestablished in America. At one time, my father supplied around 2,300 independent bakeries across America and their sales skyrocketed as the bread made from his flour tasted so good as well as being fabulous for the health of their customers. So the process is quite real and totally legitimate as to results. To see the vast multitude of criminal acts by Wash., D.C. to repeatedly stop me from reestablishing this family trade secret industrial food process, go to Nesara News on the internet. In their search box at the top left of their website and put in Erasmus of America which I used as a pen name while posting up to around 80 national reports many of which told of federal murder attempts on my life, repeatedly stealing money from me such as $525,000 not many years ago or else blocking large money such as $25 billion coming to me until the U.S. Justice Dept. of Wash., D.C. pulled out all criminal stops to try at all costs to make sure that I would not get this money to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed family trade secret industrial food process with. So a huge audience across America and in nations across the world has been seeing for themselves how truly criminal Wash., D.C. is today under Obama. To show how criminal Wash., D.C. really is under Obama and the U.S. Justice Dept., I posted national legal reports for all to see as witnesses across the world! I offered a fabulous deal to not press criminal charges against Wash., D.C. if they delivered by today in the morning $4,400,000 which is just a tiny, tiny amount of the money that Wash., D.C. stole from me and blocked me from receiving. While not much money, I could have reestablished my father's industrial food manufacturing in America again with even that small amount. While not paying me any of the money federally stolen from me many times by now, I have a hanging federal murder threat against my life by a Washington operative calling himself deep knight that in the name of Obama at the White House and in the general name of the federal government of Wash., D.C. itself that I am supposed to be federally murdered at any moment now. The latest murder threats say in November or else December, 2012. I am supposed to be murdered by him. This is 4 murder threats so far in two months or so in time by now. He claims he is threatening in the name of the federal government of Wash., D.C. and in the personal name of Obama himself at the White House that he is authorized to murder me at any time. I have reported on these murder threats that he posted publicly on the internet he is so sure that the U.S. Justice Dept. will protect him so he can never be prosecuted for issuing murder threats which is normally a criminal felony each time done in America both under federal and state law felonies in this case. I publicized these asserted federal murder threats several times over the internet by posting reports on this with Nesara News which is now seen by a huge national and worldwide audience 7 days a week. Being the head of the Confederate movement in America, it is absolutely legally certain that the U.S. Justice Dept. and probably all intelligence operations in Wash., D.C. watch intensely every national posting I have been making for 7 months now. I have called upon the U.S. Justice Dept. to legally stop these asserted federal murder threats in the name of Obama and the U.S. Justice Dept. has refused to do anything to stop him. They legally approve of these murder threats in the name of Obama and the Democratic controlled Wash., D.C. since the Republicans do not control Wash., D.C. at this time.
To help illustrate how criminal in policy and action Wash., D.C. is now under Obama and the U.S. Justice Dept., under Article II, it clearly says, "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President." Now as it is the standard joke at C.I.A. that everyone there knows that Obama was born in Kenya, not America, as they had birth certificates for him both from the hospital there and the providence there also recorded his birth, but the Washington con line is how dare anyone question whether he was born in Hawaii or not. so the backup airtight legal angle why he can never be President of America is that he is not a natural born citizen which legally meant at the time of the writing of the U.S. Constitution that he had to have two parents who were U.S. citizens or he could not legally run for President of America. But Obama is a slick con artist, a super liar, etc. and so ignores that he is not a natural born citizen as his father had been a British subject and never an American citizen. And the U.S. Justice Dept. with no legal integrity to the U.S. Constitution pretends that it does not understand what this section of the U.S. Constitution means. Also, the U.S. Justice Dept. is trying to hide that with its legal consent much to most of the military vote of America sent from U.S. military soldiers abroad was sabotaged so it was never counted in the national election of Nov. 6, 2012. It is reported that if this military vote is counted, then Mitt Romney and not Obama has just won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote of America to be the elected President of America for 2013. A U.S. Justice Department policy of not counting the votes which defeat Obama in a national election and not enforcing the legal qualifications of the U.S. Constitution as to who may run for President of America or not, shows a federal government of Wash., D.C. so corrupt and criminal as to not be a constitutional government but just a would-be police state by the political gang which captured control of Wash., D.C. and America at this time.
It has been known for years that I was interested in setting up my father's Vatican endorsed food industry in Virginia if Wash., D.C. would finally stop blocking me. It meant the South was going to get what should become the largest food industry in world history as all nations must add my father's Vatican endorsed food to their national diet or else that nation and race will later go extinct as part of the human race. Also, very damaging scientific evidence indicates that the GMO food that Wash., D.C. is trying so hard to push worldwide will kill off the entire human race before it is over. Wash., D.C. is trying its best to suppress any scientific evidence or reports on how potentially dangerous this food might be for humans to eat across the world. Laboratory test animals die from this and then Wash., D.C. wants all the world to eat this same deadly food. Credible sources have reported to me that secret circles of Satanists run Wash., D.C. behind the scenes. Originally they wanted the human race killed off down to 500 million who would then be the slaves of the Satanists in their planned global plantation. Later figures they only wanted 200 million humans left alive on earth and those to be their slaves. The latest figure I have heard now that due to computers and automation, they only want 20 million humans left alive on earth as modern technology eliminates the need for more humans to supply the needs of the planned Satanist rulers over the human race. This would explain why Wash., D.C. so savagely fought my father and then me to block us from giving this wonderful God-given food and health blessing to mankind across the earth. However, they don't know the university test results I know. If my father's Vatican endorsed food process is suppressed by Wash., D.C., then the university tests predict that all humans on earth will die and the roaches inherit the earth to replace the now no longer existing human race on earth.
If Wash., D.C. is not to be put under United Nations Army occupation to arrest all these genocide conspirators in Wash., D.C. including Obama and those heading and inside the U.S. Justice Dept., then let the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon arrest Obama and co-genocide conspirators in Wash., D.C. and then let Mitt Romney take the oath of office to be President of America starting in January, 2013. If Obama was not legally elected President of America as 100% certain he is not a "natural born" citizens since his father as he lists was not ever a U.S. citizen, then automatically under law Mitt Romney was elected validly and legally President of America regardless if he received the majority or else minority vote in America. Obama could not legally run for President so any votes for him are automatically invalid under national law. If the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon militarily arrest Obama now and are ready to install Mitt Romney for President in January, 2013, I will be willing to hold off pushing for the establishment of the Confederate States of America as separate from the rest of America. However, I have to see my proposed Omni Law be promptly passed to insure constitutional and free government for the people of all 50 states including my people of the Southern States. I will not betray the people I have legal authority for. They must have true legal freedoms and a sound economy for them or we go independent and that is the end of a 50 states United States of America. The unity of America as one nation hangs by a razor's edge as to which way I will go. My patience with Wash., D.C. is at an end!
I will expect immediately $200 billion from Wash., D.C. to start building my Camelot Project as the world headquarters for my father's Vatican endorsed world food industry. Receiving murder threats in the name of Obama and the federal government does not lower the settlement price after they dared have the nerve to do this and even let it be posted over the internet as public record for all the world to witness and see. Might as well start showing more of my hand. My Camelot Project will have the legal charter I have described in some of my national reports posted with Nesara News over the last 7 months. And I have a Washington issued land grant for all federal land in a 30 mile radius from Roanoke Mountain, VA. And any private land within this radius may join with us if we approve and become part of our Camelot Project also. I already granted this land to the Camelot Project from Confederate authority which applies here and not federal side, but if I agree for the South to remain in the federal union now, I'll pretend that Wash., D.C. also can issue a land grant like this. At least there is no legal dispute ever from Wash., D.C. if I decide to give Wash., D.C. one last chance to win back the people of the South. If you don't win us now, we are gone and will never return to you. The political and legal divorce will be final.
I suggest it would be smart politics for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to arrest Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General for high treason as well as Obama and suspend the U.S. Justice Dept. until after passage of the Omni Law. We will then decide if the U.S. Justice Dept. will have one final chance to serve the American people faithfully this time or else be legally abolished forever. The U.S. Justice Dept. ran a secret grand larceny scheme to steal from millions of people large scale and nearly all Americans smaller scale. Whether I release for the world to find out how this worked or else not force legal prosecution at this time, the American victims of this are going to be reimbursed once the Omni Law is passed as the national law of America which I expect to be done before January 1, 2013. I will stall final Confederate Government commitments until I see if Wash., D.C. is now going to be an honest government or else as crooked and criminal as it has been for a very long time now.
I suggest the American people copy and mass send out this report all over America and the world. This will save America from permanently splitting into two nations. I am sure that the UN will see the world need to arrest many top leaders in Wash., D.C. by a UN Army if the Washington leaders continue in their conspiracy to kill off the entire human race on earth by suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed food industry any longer. I don't think that other nations want all their races wiped out by Washington genocide plan to wipe them out from the face of the earth. If Wash., D.C. does not get the message now, I will invite a UN Army to back us as we resurrect in force the Confederate Army of the Confederate States of America. Once we are standing again militarily, then the UN Army can withdraw from the South. This way the Satanists in control of Wash., D.C. can't try to engineer the massacre of the people of the South while they are defenseless as was recently planned by Obama. Read national reports posted at Nesara News under my pen name of Erasmus of America where I stopped this planned massacre of Americans by special military intelligence tactics. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and learned how military intelligence tactics work. A retired U.S. Major General reported how Obama was going to murder 25 million Americans or more by a planned military takeover of America that had been planned for Oct., 2012. Many other military sources also reported on the military moves of Obama. Patriotic military spies across America stopped Obama who was planning to make America a Communist nation and no more national elections. Thank you military patriots! We saved America from planned mass military slaughter of the American people! We broke the plot and saved America!
Okay for the record now that my hand is played against Obama and the conspiracy of high treason and world genocide that the traitors in Wash., D.C. had planned for all the American people and then world dictatorship under Obama as he had planned. My original name was also Dan Brown. We even both attended the same school at Andover, Mass. The Dan Brown who with Muslim financial backing for the movie as I understand gave it his best shot to wipe out Christianity in America with his very false basis movie The DiVinci Code. I the other Dan Brown was maneuvering to give Christianity back national power in America. The deadliest leaders for both sides in America both had the same original name! Maybe the name is a name of power. He backed one side. I backed the other side. However, after many federal murder attempts on my life, I had to change my name to Martin Hunter or else I would have been murdered by Wash., D.C. After six rapid federal murder attempts on my life for stopping a planned C.I.A. military coup at the time, I had no choice but to change my name or else be murdered at that time. The ironical thing is I had a very secret military charter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff so all my moves were legal no matter what. I was Director of the American Counter Intelligence Agency in Wash., D.C. for a number of years. This was done with secret oral charter from the Joint Chiefs and then confirmed by retired Lt. Gen. P.A. del Valle, U.S. Marine Corps, and three other Pentagon representatives of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I used the pen name of Erasmus of America until at last I could trick and flush out the hardened traitors in Wash., D.C. today. We have got their names and can legally hang them once the Omni Law is the national law of America. I had debated whether to use the pen name of Charles Henry as that was my confirmation name in Christianity to honor my forefathers who descended from the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. He legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire close to 300 years after Christ. However, I finally decided on the pen name of Erasmus of America as that better fit what my goal was to achieve.
The name I use for legal purposes now is Martin Hunter. However, I will continue to use Erasmus of America as my pen name. Enjoyed using it as it displayed a lot of my real character where enemies could not stop me!
May or may not release another report tomorrow again addressed to the UN. When it serves my purposes, I can use international law.
As for the South, we will always uphold our national laws as higher than international authority saying we can't be the people and nation we want to be! Treaties will be if required submissive to our constitution. For UN sources, you may email me at fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail. com. If sending mail, send to Martin Hunter, NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for an American patriot! Since leaving school, I have basically lived in the South ever since! Southern patriots have always loved me!)
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Deep Knight
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus of America wrote:Under international law, we were still an independent government, nation, and people. I think it was the National Tattler around April, 1966 ran a national article on this still legally independent Confederate Government and still legally independent nation of the Confederate States of America. They also ran a photo of me in my dress military uniform from when I attended a military academy and our uniforms looked a bit similar to West Point. I was listed as the President of the Confederate States of America in that national article.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

So your point is that the article wasn't in the magazine or that the magazine was a rag or both? Though after looking at the magazine articles it does seem to be the sort of rag that might write an article declaring Eramus king and grand pubah
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:So your point is that the article wasn't in the magazine or that the magazine was a rag or both? Though after looking at the magazine articles it does seem to be the sort of rag that might write an article declaring Eramus king and grand pubah
The top one's from Apr '67 and the bottom May '66, so neither would have the non-existent article referenced by Erasmus. I was only sharing some front pages around that time for my and hopefully your amusement. And, one way or the other the absence of references is as meaningless as his posts. Read his claim carefully rather than rushing through it because your eyes beg you to make it stop. Erasmus only "thinks" it was The Tattler and around April, so even if you could find some archive that kept or microfilmed cheap supermarket tabloids, if you can't find it, that's not Erasmus' fault.

As for the magazine being a rag, I doubt that the quality of the paper made it suitable for most household chores. It's absorbency was more suited for puppies that hadn't been house-trained. Which, strangely enough, may have produced the portrait of himself in military uniform that Erasmus remembers so vividly.

By the way, Wade Timothy Garner of Seneca, South Carolina, was 41 in September of 2007 when they arrested him, so if he really is Erasmus he would have to have been less than 6 months old when that picture for The Tattler would have been taken. Of course, having the same address, literary style, obsession with certain events like Fatima, same wrecked car story, and Wade's mug shot showing the scar Erasmus talks about having, isn't proof. But it's good enough for me!

Believe it or not, Erasmus has put up a relatively short posting (less than 2 pages) threatening more legal wanking. But like that brown LSD at Woodstock, a little of his writings go a long way, so I've been merciful (which is hard when you're so evil) and edited it.

Saturday, November 10, 2012
The People have spoken: Forwarded By Erasmus of America With Additional Comment Nov. 10, 2012

[Article links to] The People have spoken: You were warned: Obama’s layoff bomb goes BOOM! ... Welcome to Obamaville: Pepsi looking to layoff 4,000 workers ... Re-elected Obama Pushes Anti-2nd Amendment Gun Grab ...

Comment From Erasmus of America. Will probably release today or else next week how U.S. Justice Dept. pulled legal strings so Obama could win White House by massive voter fraud. Obama has not been elected President. Mitt Romney won! And with Republicans required to pass Omni Law to get Mitt Romney in as our next sworn President ... Obama is a slick boy... He would have lost by national landslide ... news media refusing to report ... he legally could not run for President under terms of the U.S. Constitution. ... By the way, the Democrats have hid from you how with con tactics, they want to tax away 100% of all your money annually deposited in your banks starting in 2013 ... I intend to put Mitt Romney in the White House starting in January, 2013, but with the Omni Law passed, he can't be controlled by secret power elite if he had even intended to as he will have to serve your will as the American people instead because of the Omni Law. ... Folks, pass this report all over America!
I call for the U.S. Justice Dept. to swiftly return to me now $4,400,000 of my federally stolen money and no legal double-talk! ... That is why I have received 4 national murder threats publicly posted over the internet in the claimed name of Obama and federal sources such as the U.S. Justice Dept. since they did nothing to stop this man called deep knight threatening me with federal murder in the name of Obama. Personally I think the Obama Administrattion was so dumb to be so open and obvious with these 4 murder threats publicly display over the national internet when each count of murder threat is a felony under federal law and state law also. ...
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for super patriot the corrupt and traitors in Wash., D.C. hate and wish they could murder as these 4 murder threats show if they could get away with it!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:06 AM

[Wait a second, last night he demanded $200 Billion but this morning he'll settle for $4,400,000 in chump change? Schmuck. I suggest Washington wait a couple more days, by then it might be down to $29.95]


1. Anonymous November 10, 2012 10:36 AM
CAREFUL FOLKS!! ... Don't let yourselves be seduced by Obama!! ... He was raised in Chicago with Al Nassir and Abu Nidal, his name is evidently Barack Obama & he has contacts everywhere. Why didn't the Homeland Security arrest OBAMA & Nassir ages ago you will ask, because no one knew a thing back then! ... What did you think, this was not real??! Obama is passing laws that will soon make the ability to criticize Islam ILLEGAL!!!!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by fortinbras »

I was unaware that the Confederate States was a monarchy in which the ruling power remained in the family of Jefferson Davis and his family could bestow the Presidency on others. I was also unaware that Abu Nidal had lived in Chicago - every bio I read of him puts him continually in the Middle East. Of course, my education neglected to include regular reading of The National Tattler.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Erasmus of America wrote:I intend to put Mitt Romney in the White House starting in January, 2013....
Hmm! Worried about death threats but openly intending to commit treason? Could have some explaining to do there.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
Deep Knight
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:I was unaware that the Confederate States was a monarchy in which the ruling power remained in the family of Jefferson Davis and his family could bestow the Presidency on others. I was also unaware that Abu Nidal had lived in Chicago - every bio I read of him puts him continually in the Middle East. Of course, my education neglected to include regular reading of The National Tattler.
It's a well-known secret that Obama grew up in Chicago with Al Nassir and Abu Nidal (it's hidden from the press because it would PROVE that the birth certificate was false). Unfortunately for Anonymous, that was "Fat" Albert Nassir Jones and and Sheldan Nidal of the PAO (Planetary Activation Orgasms). Sheldan was called "Abu" by his friends because that's the noise he would make when drooling. When confronted with the evidence, Nidal said, "Dratzo! We Return!" and slammed the door in our face.

As for the Confederate States being a monarchy, there's obviously a lot you don't know about the hidden history of secret laws. Don't be ashamed at your ignorance, it's shared by 99.9999999999999% of the population. It would be wise for all my millions of readers to check their own ancestry to see if there are any Davises in their family. If so, they might have a piece of the throne! All you have to find is three more like-sired folks to seize your birthright - Erasmus only had 3 branches of the family sign the rights over to him and you would have four! If I were you, I would definitely look into this. Myself, I'm not descended from anyone but the Chinese, Japanese, Roman, Spanish, British, Mongol, Mogul, Zulu and Aztec ruling families, which would make me King of the World if it wasn't for that mixup at the hospital.

As for the stealing of the election that Erasmus talks about revealing. I know you don't want to wait, and even more don't want to read any more of Erasmus, so I'll blab right here and now.

First of all, there was the kidnapping of 16 million white voters. In MacHaffie's re-post from GodLikeProductions of "WHERE DID 16 MILLION WHITE VOTES GO????" he thought we stole those votes. Too easy. We stole the voters instead! And only in the 8 of the 9 swing states Obama won! Why haven't you heard of this? Mainstream media in the tank for Obama and gag orders as serious as a heart attack, that's why! If you didn't hear from someone you knew in Ohio or Florida on Tuesday, NOW YOU KNOW WHY!

Then there were stuffed ballot boxes. In the same article reference above, they proved that only 117 million votes were cast, but the mainstream media is now showing a total of 122.2 million counted, with a few still trickling in. Where did those extra 5.2 million votes come from? Let's just say I had a heck of a case of writers cramp by the end of the day on Tuesday!

Illegal immigrants bussed in numbers too large to count to the polls? Check. Double, even triple voting by dead people who we then killed again so they couldn't talk? Check. Polls open after dark so Vampires could vote? Check. We worked every angle, copped every feel, crossed every "i" and dotted every "t" until we squeaked out a narrow victory for the foreign-born guy. But it didn't have to be that way. If only Romney had agreed to our demands to hand over his daughters to us for use as brides of Satan, we would have cheated for him and he could have been where Obama is today! We would have even buried that birth certificate that shows him being born in Mexico.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Well, I went down to sell my vote and all I got was a schooner of beer, a cigar and a free lunch.
I had to wear a straw hat and wave a pennant too, but I think my candidate won.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Well, I went down to sell my vote and all I got was a schooner of beer, a cigar and a free lunch.
I had to wear a straw hat and wave a pennant too, but I think my candidate won.
Let me get this straight - you wore a straw hat? I'm confused. One would assume you took off the other hat to do this, but prophecy says that the temple curtains would rent, the seas boil, and the gates of Enoch open. The seas are still normal temperature, the gates closed, and I haven't heard about anyone renting anything from the temple. Yet another disappointment, gotta stop listening to channelers.

What I want to know, or rather have Erasmus read, is how many letter's you've copied and mailed out. Come on, admit it, you thought he was the lowest form of life and things even worse. You owe it to him to send copies of his letter to important organizations, who seeing it's from Panama will no doubt pay it even more attention! I looked a few up, and have these suggestions:

Special Adviser on the Promotion of Genocide
United Nations
760 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017

Genocide Task Force
Dark Agenda National Headquarters
2301 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037

Master of the Sword
South Carolina Illuminati
Room 519 Rembert Dennis Building
1000 Assembly Street
Columbia, S.C. 29201

New World Order Enforcement Bureau
Palmetto Division
151 Westpark Boulevard
Columbia, SC 29210
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Reader’s Indigestible Condensed Version with emphasis on Erasmus’ legal moves.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

… massive voter fraud .. extreme corruption … U.S. Justice Dept. I am the head of the Confederate movement in America … diplomatically recognized as valid … by a British Commonwealth Parliament … legal evidence was examined by … Judge William Roy Bean who then reported … that I was for real the valid President of the Provisional Government … Put into language the public will clearly understand, U.S. intelligence sources including the U.S. Justice Dept, foreign military intelligence sources all over the world have been watching like a hawk all my 80 or so postings of national reports to Nesara News for the last 7 months. … Dead silence from U.S. Justice Dept. sources except for obvious federal plants trying to block and discredit my … deep knight …. was bold enough to issue 4 murder threats over the internet as public record … in the name of Obama in the White House who ordered me to be murdered. That folks is totally 4 federal felonies under law and 4 state felonies under law as murder threats as well as attempted murder is a felony under federal law and in all 50 states. … For 2 months no move to arrest or silent this person operating out of Wash., D.C. who calls himself by the pen name of deep knight. … Deep knight is just small fry fish in the ocean, but a colossal mistake by Obama … It was not deep knight I was after as I am not intimidated by murder threats… native American Communists called the "100 Columns" in top secret Communist circles … top civil rights leader of the Blacks… adults who no longer believed in moral values in America. As former Director of the A.C.I.A., I used military spies across America and we successfully stopped the planned military takeover of America planned for October, 2012 by Obama as he then made America a Communist government and nation after murdering from 25 million Americans up to 150 million Americans if required … FEMA concentration camps to imprison millions of Americans overnight, enough FEMA graves already dug to bury many millions of Americans murdered overnight … Communist and a Muslim fanatic.
Wash., D.C. stole a fortune … father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process … secret genocide plot against the American people as the federal government is secretly run by Satanists who want to kill off all but … 20 million humans left alive on earth and the rest of mankind killed off … because of computers and automated equipment the Satanists believe will make it that they need no more than this number of humans left alive on earth to serve as their slaves …makes obsolete the prior need for 500 million … lowered their figure to 200 million … they don't need to leave more than 20 million … this clique is Satanist all the way and savagely hate the American people and all other races on earth … do you begin to catch on why I have pushed so hard for passage of my proposed Omni … Mitt Romney won the national election, not Obama. The old saying is, "If treason prospers, none dares call it treason!" So long as Erasmus of America (me) is around, I will call this bloody murder as treason against the American people as it is! … I maintain the Confederate authority as a threat so the other side can't militarily take over America and make it a combined Communist and Muslim nation … I prefer peace over fighting, but I am not afraid of fighting if required. And I am in street language "a son-of-a-bitch" … I will hang traitors if that is what is required to end high treason in America.
The U.S. Justice Dept. used its legal tricks so millions of illegal Latin voters … In at least 5 key states, the voting machines were rigged. ….in some counties, nearly 100% of all voters voted which is an obvious legal fraud. Maybe many ghost voters resurrected to vote in this national election. No wonder the U.S. Justice Dept. wanted no voter I.D.'s checked … Now for the nail to the coffin! Under the U.S. Constitution … no person may run for President of the United States who is not a natural born citizen of America. … looking the other way and not enforcing the U.S. Constitution …proves it is illegal, criminal, corrupt, and treasonable ... Boy, our federal hackers must be really upset over this report they are reading as I compose it. My computer just mass attacked and they tried to wipe this report out. With computer tricks by two of us, they were blocked from wiping out this report as they just tried! Resuming this report now. … No one may legally run for the White House under the U.S. Constitution who does not have two parents who were U.S. citizens. … But Obama and the U.S. justice Dept. were giving the finger to the U.S. Constitution when they said "Screw the U.S. Constitution! We will do what we want and to hell with the legal U.S. Constitution!" … Okay, one more final legal issue. Obama is the greatest con artist ever to run for the White House! … When I legally bloody their nose enough, then Wash. sources will learn the hard way don't pick a fight with me! I will win and I am a mean boy to pick a fight with! I fight to win! When it comes to fighting corrupt, treasonable and corrupt government, I am no pacifist when all they understand is having their teeth knocked down their throats by me! … Got the message in the U.S. Justice Dept. now or are you going to play dumb for one more round?
Folks, mass pass this report out all over America and watch those resignations continue until maybe Obama has no one left in his Cabinet!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. The honest patriot the treasonable and criminal in Wash., D.C. love to hate!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:18 PM


1. Anonymous November 11, 2012 2:47 PM
Failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted. Hmm.
Asking a question of whether someone approves of an act not committed by them and no evidence of being endorsed by them, is not stating a claim nor requesting relief.

2. AnonymousNovember 11, 2012 2:49 PM
Let me just preface by saying I don't support either Obama OR Romney.
I feel very strongly the evidence is undeniable that Romney has a criminal history and Obama is probably one of the most deceptive crooks hiding in the dark with Islamic Sharia fascists in this nation's history …The problem is instead we elected a mad man to office, who looks squeaky clean on paper but is really one of the most fascist mistakes we could have ever elected - due to the amount of unknown criminals he's putting everywhere…. they be sucked up into a hellish international "Dictatorship" which is optional but deadly.
America, think for once!

3. Anonymous November 11, 2012 3:47 PM
I have little doubt about what this POS Obama and all his czars will attempt to do in the name of Islam. Like all cia disinfo,this guyERASMUS is a f-ing dirtbag,how stupid does he think we are? Obviously very! How tacky and two bit theif he is to ask for $ from all who read his BS! You know its trash,due to the fact he supports Romney and the Bush cabal faction! Just Garbage. … It's time for the Militia to act and get rid of that traitor … Any person holding a top position in government or military for the last twenty years is a compromised POS traitor … Just absurd and insane! IMO
Replies 1. Anonymous November 11, 2012 5:43 PM
Wow! Are you just now realizing this. Drake, Erasmus, Fulford, and all the rest of these asswipes are mind controlled agents. None of them have anything to say but BULLSHIT over and over again. I get a real kick out of people that have been led along by these characters. That's why I come to these blogspots to see what's going on. It's better than any TV show series. You've all been had. What a HOOT!

4. Anonymous November 11, 2012 4:28 PM
I am NOT a neocon, so please do not even start. … The radical left in this country is insane, Islam is utterly evil. You can not make that religion into one of peace, when the rules of the Jihad state you must burn and torch the infidel. Who is described as anyone who wears designer clothes, eats chicken, enjoys western culture or in Saudi Arabia shows their shoulders.

Computer problems because of Federal hackers or Erasmus shorting out his keyboard by drooling into it? You decide - if the hackers were evil geniuses, do you think they would have failed? And you've read Erasmus' prose, any doubt that he drools?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Definitely going with the drooling, or something worse that I really don't want to think about, but definitely the drooling.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus of America Cannot be the President of the Provisional Confederate States of America!

We here have Quatloos have maneuvered this traitor into overplaying his hand! First, he reveals his birthplace,

“...me … with my industrialist father Dan Brown of Evanston, Illinois then and later Chicago, Illinois”

Which is in the NORTH. He didn’t move into the SOUTH until much later (given he was 11 calendar years in school, he must have been pretty old when he left),

“Since leaving school, I have basically lived in the South ever since!”

There is no way he could be a Natural Born Confederate Citizen, required by the constitution! To claim otherwise is TREASON! He also admits to having been a senior officer for the enemy (Yankee) government,

“I was Director of the American Counter Intelligence Agency in Wash., D.C. for a number of years.”

Counter Intelligence! And what he posts at MacHaffie’s site is pretty counter to intelligence, so he MUST still be doing this!

Sons and daughters of the Confederacy. This traitor has not only been proven to be traitorous through treason, he is impersonating an officer of the nation, an admitted Yankee spy, and leading you into a trap! A trap that will let the Yankees give you an October surprise in November or December that will really surprise you! And Erasmus of America (note he’s not “Erasmus of the Confederacy”) who treasonously uses many names, is the cause of all your woes!

We all know the penalty for treason. I leave it up to you and the courts, from common law to international, to do your duty!

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Constitution of the Confederate States of America
as adopted on March 11, 1861
Article 2. - The Executive Branch
Section 1 - The President

7. No person except a natural-born citizen of the Confederate; States, or a citizen thereof at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, or a citizen thereof born in the United States prior to the 20th of December, 1860, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the limits of the Confederate States, as they may exist at the time of his election.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Constitution of the Confederate States of America
as adopted on March 11, 1861
Article 2. - The Executive Branch
Section 1 - The President

7. No person except a natural-born citizen of the Confederate; States, or a citizen thereof at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, or a citizen thereof born in the United States prior to the 20th of December, 1860, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the limits of the Confederate States, as they may exist at the time of his election.

Hah! Obviously you have never heard of the missing Confederate 7th Amendment that conveyed hereditary titles on descendants of Roman emperors and allowed them to assume the presidency of the Confederacy if it was disbanded or otherwise totally defeated in a war. The above "amendment" was substituted by Northern carpetbaggers, proxies for Illuminati interests in the war-scarred South as a way of keeping any potential claimants out of office who might otherwise interfere with their plans to set up Waffle Houses in every city in the 13 Confederate States.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Gnoose »

After a vacation from the conspiracy clogosphere, I had to come back to survey the insanity that would ensue around election time.

Erasmus' reference to the National Tattler is both sad and hilarious. Hilarious, because, well, of the absurdity of it. Sad because it's obvious he can't make distinctions between reality and obvious fantasy. I'm not sure who decided to let him near a computer, but that man really needs some help.

I'll bet he honestly doesn't remember all of his other 'deadlines' that have come and gone without any consequence. I wouldn't be surprised if a week from now he's legitimately forgotten about his surefire gazabagillion dollar lawsuit against the US government.

Boy, his brain must be a scary place to be.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
WOW!!!..22 Signs That The Election Was A Sham Forwarded By Erasmus Of America From Soviet America - Nov. 13, 2012 (2:06 PM)

…Nesara News is doing a great job posting the national reports showing that this national election was a fraud due to massive voter fraud by Obama and co-conspirator … As Joseph Stalin once commented, it does not matter who the people vote for as their national leader in an election. It mattes who counts the vote to decide who the national leader will be. I now officially declare that we have by voter fraud turned America into Communist America from the top and is intended to trinkle down till all of America is a Communist nation. A peculiar twist. We are also supposed to become a Muslim nation under Muslim Obama at the same time, so America is intended to end up as Soviet Islamic America.
I intend to cancel the present version of this national election at the top … If this cannot be done, I will then file a $100 trillion dollar lawsuit under the Genocide Treaty and will be filed with the UN General Assembly in New York and with the International Court of Justice at the Hague. … Wash., D.C. will be placed under the legal control of either the UN or else the legal trusteeship of the Confederate Government until the $100 trillion owed to the people of the South is repaid by Wash., D.C. The legal basis for this legal charge under genocide law begins with that in 1865 members of the U.S. Congress hating the people of the South developed the abolitionist plan to bankrupt the South for at least 100 years. … The Northern members of Congress estimated this genocide policy towards the South would effectively keep the South essentially bankrupt for 100 or more years into the future. …
I will begin the pending legal action against Wash., D.C. on this genocide legal charge starting this Friday if I do not see any indication that Wash., D.C. has got the message and wants to calm down this pending legal crisis for Wash., D.C. before things get out of hand. The U.S. Justice Dept. will deliver to me $4,400,000 this Friday of federally stolen money back to me plus $80,000 for ruining the business setup of an associate who they attacked by computer hacking tactics. I won't let associates of mine be attacked by Wash., D.D. "dirty tricks" and criminal acts by federal elements.
Now the obvious question is, "What happens to the people of the North under a $100 trillion UN lien decreed against Wash., D.C.?" It won't take any time. Wash., D.C. will be internationally bankrupted as all nations withdraw credit, money, etc. from Wash., D.C. All states not already technically belonging to the Confederate States of America will be covered by lien of international law meaning technically the Confederate States of America will legally own all the land of the 50 states. As soon as Wash., D.C. collapses due to financial meltdown and collapse, the Confederate Government will become the new national government of America. This can all happen fast as the first two or three months into 2013. As each state swears allegiance now to the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America … Under Obama and the Democratic Party, they with laughter in closed circle refuse to obey any longer the terms and authority of the U.S. Constitution over them. And Northern states by refusing to enforce that Mitt Romney is sworn in as President of America on January 20, 2013 instead of Obama means no legal sources enforce the U.S. Constitution so it dies of legal authority being enforced by no legal sources in America. And since no one is legally loyal to it (the U.S. Constitution) in legal positions, the South obtains the legal ownership for all states not belonging to the Confederacy by a $100 trillon UN lien in the name of the South since Wash., D.C. under the Genocide Treaty will owe this money to the people of the South.
Now this is all legal maneuvering to cancel Wash., D.C. as the national govenment of America in power. If they will not obey the U.S. Constitution, then we will cancel them from power as they no longer possess the authority of government from the U.S. Constitution they no longer legally obey. The Southerners have no evil plans against the Northern states. Once we break the financial backbone of Wash., D.C. as this will promptly do, then we will assume huge hidden debts of Wash., D.C. to recover the $100 trillion owed the South and we will collect this money and more from secret scroundels who mass stole from the American people using Wash., D.C. as their front. We will release the $100 trillion lien on the Northern states and as there will be plenty of money for all 50 states, we will split this $100 trillion and more with all of the 50 states as soon as they all join with the Confederacy. With wealth coming to all legitimate American citizens 18 years of age and over, who thinks that all 50 states are not going to want to join and be part of the Confederacy?!! Of course our elections will be honestly run with paper or cardboard computer punchcard ballots, not computer fraud as was used in this 2012 election for Obama who couldn't stand to do anything honest in his life! Everyone who has been a valid American citizen will be a citizen of the Confederacy as soon as taking the oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government. We will sponsor one constitutional convention with delegates from the Southern state legislatures to modernize our Confederate Constitution and whatever final version they come up with will then be submitted to the Confederate citizens of the South for ratification. Then we start taking oaths of allegiance from all Americans now joining the Confederacy. If anyone does not want to join the Confederacy, they are welcome to move out and go to another nation on earth as we will allow no one in the Confederacy who is disloyal to our national government.
We will allow other religions in the South, but the delegates for the Confederacy all voted at Hot Springs, Arkansas that Jesus Christ was now the declared legal King of the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America. …Don't like it? Then move elsewhere as you will not be welcome among us!
So now this Friday if Wash, D.C. wants to remain the national government for America, we will see the $4,400,000 from the U.S. Justice Dept. and $80,000 also for the person who was attacked in a vicious criminal way and the U.S. Justice Dept. approved this criminal act to try and destroy an associate of mine. The $4,400,000 is step one. Then passage of the Omni Law and setup of the Camelot Project …
Under the standard principle of international law, "The victor writes the history, not the loser!" These 80 or so national reports I have posted with Nesara News will be compiled into a book and be used as a standard textbook to be used in all schools telling how the Confederate cause finally won in America and restored Christianity to power in America. Of course, there will be a "polishing up" of reports so typo errors are eliminated and maybe some sentences written in shorter form to make them a little easier for reading …
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. President of the Confederate States of America by authority of three descendant Jefferson Davis families and legal diplomatic recognition by letter from one of the British Commonwealth Parliaments recognizing that the Confederate Government and nation never legally surrendered under the Confederate Constitution nor international law. Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer and not wanting to legally recognize that the South had ever become an independent nation under international law accepted only the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee and made no effort to get the legal surrender signatures from President Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Government. Bad error of legal judgment which I spotted when studying true Southern history!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:16 PM

If there's one thing I hate it's Islamic Fundamentalist Communists, but not as much as they hate themselves!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

I notice Rassy is up to 80,000 now for the computer. He's jumped quite a bit in the last week. What exactly did you do to the computer DK?
notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

I thought it was his friend's computer, and what kind of lap top is worth that to begin with? I mean really? The next thing you know he'll be claiming loss of consortium with it and then you'll really be in trouble.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

ashlynne39 wrote:I notice Rassy is up to 80,000 now for the computer. He's jumped quite a bit in the last week. What exactly did you do to the computer DK?
It's all part of DK's plan to derail Erasmus's law suit. Erasmus keeps adding to his claim every time DK blows up his laptop. Problem for Erasmus is that DK keeps popping back in time using the CIA time machine to "re-" blow up the laptop. Erasmus thinks that this just adds to the damages he will get but what will happen is that just before the court hearing DK will nip back in time and blow up the laptop in the same way but at another earlier time. He will document this, then return for the court hearing where the case will be thrown out, as Erasmus will be claiming that DK blew up his laptop n times whereas DK will have proof that it was blown up n+1 times in exactly the same way (which Erasmus will have no record or claim for), thereby making his allegations look completely false, getting the claim thrown out and allowing DK's counterclaim for defamation to succeed.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:I notice Rassy is up to 80,000 now for the computer. He's jumped quite a bit in the last week. What exactly did you do to the computer DK?
Ras wrote:Deep knight did threaten a computer hacker attack at the end of October and an associate researcher with a separate laptop computer wanted to show me his latest murder threats against me posted on his website. He must have thought the other laptop computer was mine and so by mistake attacked the other computer with his hacker tactics, computer viruses, or whatever and destroyed the other laptop computer as he threatened he would do.
Apparently, my making fun of his saying there would be an October surprise that killed off tens of millions (the number changed, much like the cost of the laptop) became my threatening to "computer hack" him at the end of October. This is understandable because of the similarity between the words "threaten" and "ridicule." Then using a piece of software called "Who th' @#$! is touching yo' computer" I waited until the holographic sensors in the computer's keys keyed into Erasmus' fingerprints! Then I struck, using the famous "Blow up, hack, and puke" virus to blow up his, or rather his friend's who he touched, computer. Quite simple really, all you need are two soups cans, some string, and an evil nature. You might remember this virus as the subject of those "terrorists are going to blow up your computer while you're shopping on Black Friday" e-mails, the ones where if you open the attachment with the picture of the cute kitten the virus gets in your monitor and builds a IED using the transistors and such INSIDE of it to make virtual explosives. Even a new fangled flat screen one. Then when you're least expecting it, our paid NWO security forces break into your house, force you to dye your hair green and wear a "Joker" mask, steal your computer as "evidence" and suddenly you're in jail and all over the 6 o'clock news!

If you think that's impressive, you should see what we can do with a coven of devil worshipers dressed in robes and goat masks and an innocent virgin.
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