Prediction Watch

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, September 7, 2012
09-09 Portal: Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: MESETA
Date: Friday, 7-Sep-2012 06:31:17

The topic we wish to discuss today is the opportunity you have at this time due to the opening of the nine-nine portal. The build-up we promised you has begun. You will have a full week of opportunity without precedent to realize more of the new selves you desire to be. Each of you has been working on different aspects of your lives.
Your Higher Selves, those immense beings of whom you are facets, know already what those are. In fact, more than likely you have been guided by them to those things. Some are trying to manifest new skills or talents. Some are trying to clear old habits. Some are trying to heal. You may stop trying now. Place yourselves into the care of your Higher Selves and your Creator. Make it your aim now to intake and assimilate all of the available love and light that you are capable of at this time. Understand that we are speaking of the consciousness of which you are made. Your prayers and desires have been heard. Your needs are known. We would guide you to open, allow, and trust. Breathe in all of these new energies that you can and, in gratitude, allow them to make all the changes in you that are needed.
If you have reached a point that allows you to feel the incoming energy in some way, imagine it flowing into you and increasing as much as possible. Who do you want to be? Imagine that. What do you wish to do? Imagine that. Imagine it in your hearts. If your mind is still raising reasons why you can’t be that, or why it would be difficult, remind it that the force which has created universes will have no problem with such small things.
Your time has arrived, dear ones. Most are picturing this portal as some kind of opening for incoming things, and perhaps it is that, but let it be for you a doorway home to your true selves. Enter it now with playful enthusiasm.
This short message is enough for today. We will speak several more times before this doorway closes. We are walking beside you each moment. Know we are here with you. Be well.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:34 AM

I have to apologize to KauilaPele, this prediction is MUCH more vague and impossible to verify than his! If we have reached a point that allows us to feel the incoming energy in some way we will realize more of the new selves we desire to be? Balls!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

I hope everyone got recharged during the 9/9 passage, 'cause it's time for 3 Days O’ Darkness!

Hmm, it’s been more than 3 days since this was announced. I know they can’t tell us the exact time for some galactic law reason or other, but they specifically said the wait is over and we’re still waiting so I’m beginning to get concerned. Then again, it’s probably just some delay in their button pushing system. Maybe we'll have to wait for Thanksgiving on the 25th of October?

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Christ Michael Aton : The Wait is Over : I,ve Pressed The Button For The 3Days of Darkness

Hello All:
We are told the button has been pushed and the wait is over. We will wait and see hoping he is correct. He is also saying we will have three days of darkness. If I remember right Salusa says where would not be darkness. We wait to see what happens. Either way do not be afraid. God Bless Love to all

Christ Michael Aton : The Wait is Over : I,ve Pressed The Button For The 3Days of Darkness.•Posted by Andreas Botsaris on September 13, 2012 at 6:20am

Stay Informed Do not get Left Behind
Behold cometh the darkness upon your world
The darkness that shall in the end cause the great shining of light

For those that have found their light, shall come the opportunity to perceive great glory For those who made the final rejection shall come the loss of glory and for most, the lost of who they be, as they are returned to the great uncreated to become again remade in the light, but not as their former selves
It is but the cycling of the universe. For old to new to old to new, to brighter even then the last After the days of no light, the planet will come forth in the beginning of its new glory. The Mother has won her great battle...............................................................

The Wait is Over
By CM thru RubensSep 13, 2012 - 11:55:29 PM

Rubens: Who am I communicating with?
Aton: This is I, CM Aton beloved
Rubens: I am all ears dear brother
Aton: I am here to make a public announcement and not to say hello as I have in the past few days
Rubens: All right, I am ready
Aton: This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon; I have chosen to come to this scribe to announce officially that the wait is over. Yes, dear ones, as you were told by Siraya and Esu, 3DD is upon you, that is to say that it can transpire within moments of your time; I am not by any means telling you the exact time that it will occur but, I want it known that I have PRESSED THE BUTTON, to use one of your phrases. Manifestation will take shape in your realm shortly. Watch the sky and you will know unequivocally that it is so. I know that we have told you that on my instances and that, in a way, is a hindrance because many of you do not know whether or not this a message addressed to the dark ones or to you, my children per say; I want this information to be known around the world and there are many around the globe who will receive this information and pass it on to the populace. THIS IS SERIOUS folks. Belief is a choice that you will not have in this very instance for it will impact you no matter where you are.
Prepare yourselves as we have told you many times and remain CALM.
This is CM, Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon and I have given my seal of approval upon this message
Rubens: Thank you dear
Aton: Salu

A.Short UPdate from Siraya By Siraya thru Johan Sep 11, 2012 - 11:13:03 PM

I AM Siraya,
Representative of Creator Source To Orvonton.
With the most Esteemed Greetings from Creator Source, The Ancient of Days of Orvonton and your Sovereign of Nebadon, Christ Michael and Monjoronson, I Greet and Bless you ALL once again.
Another important meeting has just resulted in outlining and finetuning the vast project that will be undertaken shortly during this northern hemispherical harvest time on your planet after more has been accomplished in the month that just passed you by. It was thought THIS WAS IT, but due to persistent but failing dark actions AND grand decisions and considerations from your Sovereign to have better options available after and during the 3 DD' , in which alot of work to your Mother Planet will be undertaken, it has brought us to this new month of your earthly calender still.
When I brought you great news about the results of your jointly work towards the Vatican, We thoughts this to be the beginning of revelations that would shock your world, but the dark were keeping their cloth of lies and deception really intact and tight. More and continuous work from Christ Michael and his most loyal staff has brought even more evidence to the surface in the mean time what will enhance the explanations and teachings that will follow their removal and handling your Mother Earth with delicate care. So have you received extra opportunities to sharpen your telepathic abilities even more, getting to know yourself better and preparing in greater depth for the cleansing coming.
With this in Mind, We like to thank you once again, Our Dearly Beloved Light Warriors and Star Seeds to have stood your ground sofar in sturdy patience that will be well rewarded as your Sovereign will not forget who stood by His side through Heart, Soul and Oneness of Mind.
Greeting you warmly and sincere,
in Service of Creator Source.
Love and Light, Johan

B.Siraya Update on 3DD By Siraya thru Shellee-Kim Sep 11, 2012 - 10:35:58 PM

Through Shellee-Kim
It is I, Siraya, wishing for you to take a message if you are in agreement.
Time draws very, very near now to the D Day. Please be in position, ready for the events to occur. We know you have many times previously being given warnings and asked to make necessary preparations. Perhaps some of you, as with this channel, will see this as another ‘boy who cries wolf’ scenario, as she fondly refers to these.
However, now it really is TIME.
There are no further hindrances in our path, although conditions are not as perfect as we wish them to be. Yet we are choosing to proceed at this time, nonetheless.
We wish you all to know there are major flyovers to take place globally. We will create something of a show for the people of earth. It is important that Starfleet be perceived as playful and accessible, rather than the invasive, controlling dark forces your media and entertainment industries have painted us to be.
Also now there will be many Starfleet members ready to join with you. You have already been told somewhat about this. They will be on standby and available in an advisory capacity.
Please be warned of that element in your various societies whose fear will drive them to lead an attempted revolution against us. They will not succeed in overturning our operation but they will certainly make big efforts in trying.
You ones who are to be the wayshowers now will be specially equipped with the activation of yourselves and, in addition, gifts that will be entrusted to you. These will serve to assist on your earth in numerous ways during this teaching period and beyond. The ones in receipt of these will have been specially selected for their integrity, level of commitment and therefore ability to use these most responsibly and for the benefit of the whole. This channel has already made mention of this gifting some time ago in a previous channeled message.
In the ensuing chaos of the first week or two after 3DD we will make food available for people. This will be distributed from various depots to supermarket outlets, which will temporarily be run by us. Thereafter and once things have settled down, a new system will be in place with coupons/vouchers being used to exchange for food.
One of the first things to be addressed will be an alternative to the harmful fossil fuels your multinationals have so encouraged for profit. And it will no longer be necessary to use this type of fuel for the running of your vehicles, as we will be introducing one of our technologies. This will mean your cars will largely be running on a form of hydro electricity/water. Thus eliminating all the harm fossil fuels have brought to your beloved planet. There have already been past efforts to bring forth this alternative to your people, but once again this was either met with dismissal or suppression, by all except a tiny portion of the population.
Forewarned is forearmed, as they say on your planet. There is more which will follow in the days ahead, if you would be so gracious as to co-operate.
As you go forth with cheer in your hearts
I AM Siraya.

Comment by LuzNJoe 1 hour ago Believe it when I see something, anything. All Talk and No Action. For an Intergalatic Fleet with Devine and Angelic participation, you are like old women trying to get ready to go to the store - two hours go by and you can't find your purse. Get On With It. In all likelyhood, you have dallied and been manipulated by earth forces so long, we have missed this procession of the equinoxs. That means another 26,000 years and 10,000 incarnations.
Show us results.
Frustrated, but with Love and Light. Namaste.

Comment by Fence Sitter 2 hours ago I tried to tell my wife but she mocks me and says get of the computer chicken little. What does one do.

Comment by alveta of light 2 hours ago I know we are all waiting, and waiting, and like a lot of us we hope this will happen sooner than later. In love and light my patience is very well intacted. Let the good times rolls!!!!

Comment by Frenzy44 12 hours ago Rev siraya is the master spirit of orvonton if you have read the Urantia book he is the highest representation of source in our super verse. I hope so I want the show to get going.Comment by rev.joshua skirvin 12 hours ago This is good news, if it is correct. I do believe in Creator Michael if the channel is not false. As you all know we have heard that this would happen many times in our recent past. I knew about the 3dd 24 yrs ago, but t never came about. But now he has given us a date of sorts. He said it would be around the time of Harvest, to me that would mean ''Thanks giving time'' I think its the last thursday of Oct, which would make it around the 25th or last wk of Oct. Now once again I have something to tell people when they kid me about all the things that never came about, that I had told them about. But I will still be cautious. As for the flybys or sightings that this entity Siraya has said will start occuring in a friendly manner, I will also take this with a grain of salt. We have been also told that this would occur many times before. But I do welcome it with open arms and I am ready to go out and explain to people what is really going on. The 2nd Sun that has been seen for the last 5yrs has now been video taped in England. So we can now tell people that after the 3DD there will be a new sun, smaller but should set and rise with our old one. One of the mean reasons that there will be 5DD is to give the Earth time to cool down from these two Suns. The Grand Awakening should speed up quite a bit after all of this. I have been waiting 41 yrs for the 3DD, when I had seen it in my visionary dreams brought to me by my spirit guides. Bring it on OK. Adonai

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:34 PM

Anonymous September 13, 2012 10:54 PM
What a bunch of BS go join Drake and leave your disinformation with him.

Anonymous September 13, 2012 11:30 PM
Jesus said John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life and no man cometh to the Father but through me" Luke 21:8 Jesus Christ said,"be careful that you are not deceived for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ, and that time draws near, do not follow them".....Repent you sinners.... This is all horse hockey...

Siriusvoid September 14, 2012 2:00 AM
Three wonderful days of Pure Silence, Blessed Peace, and All Pervading Clarity...
I wouldn't miss this for ANYTHING.

Anonymous September 14, 2012 2:22 AM
Where's the 'master' story teller "Dratzo" when the horse hockey contest is in full swing? He must be arranging another 'seminar' and counting up his potential profits. This is the same thing as god crap, channelers, 'light workers,' Archons, and TV's My Favorite Martian, NO PROOF ! ZERO. My favorite quote: "Man is certainly stark mad. He cannot make a worm, and yet he will be making gods by the dozens." - Montaigne (1553-1592) I don't begin to understand all these alleged 'entities' apparent [or fictional] need to worry about this blue chunk of rock. There must be quatodecillions of planets to fight over, especially if Time Travel and/or interdimensional shifting/movement is possible, AS CLAIMED. This 'need' to interfere/help in Earths affairs is entirely biased with human perceptions and outlook. Malarkey is what I hear. How hard could it be for 'advanced' races to give humanity a safe and unmistakable display of their presence? And a 'guy' calling himself god? My BS meter is spinning like a turbocharger, and they won't come in our mouth. TYJM frj
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

I believe this Christ Michael is the same Christ Michael Aton as above, but can’t be sure.

Friday, September 14, 2012
Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
By CM thru Candace
Aug 22, 2012 - 3:09:21 PM

Dearly Beloveds, this is Christ Michael and an update is due.
The time is close. We give no dates but I am here to update today about a small change of plans that will affect you. The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time, close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward".
Now, because folks are NOT aware of what is planned, and most are NOT listening within, the 3DD will start with a partial eclipse of the sun. This will last for about 24 hours so that everyone can prepare for something coming. It gives "notice". There are many countries in which the news will cooperate during this time, but some don't plan on it. I think the pressure will require it, when the whole world notices an unexpected partial eclipse and wonders WHY.
The eclipse will look somewhat different than a partial eclipse by the moon. You will NOT see a huge round dark disk as the method is different but it will be obvious and certainly much more obvious that this is not NIBIRU or any such other thing, in the method we will use. You will not see a gradual eclipse forming. Due to the method used, it will be sudden.
At the end of the 3DD there will be another 24 hours of similar events. The electricity will be turned off shortly after the total eclipse is manifest but not before. And hopefully most news stations around the world will be making that statement about the electricity, so people can prepare some sort of lighting in their homes. People will be advised to GO HOME. For those traveling, home would be of course the hotel or whatever other temporary arrangements are being used. ALL aircraft will be landed during these first 24 hours, we will see to that.
Countries are being encouraged to bring ships into port, and this has been out for a time to leadership, but not much seriousness has been taken by some players on the world stage. Generally however, the big boats make their own electricity and will be fine and smaller ones, if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem.
Hospitals of course will make scarce use of electric generators and hopefully during the initial 24 hours will send stable patients home. Ditto other circumstances. Since most businesses require electricity, everyone is going home, there is no need to run any services except for emergency needs.
This is WELL planned beloveds. Do not fear. But we will not be dropping flashlights to people. They will be challenged to manage. Of course native types will get thru it fine. There is still the mini stasis during this. All intelligent animals will be in stasis, those requiring human care. We do not let cows go un-milked, they go to sleep too. This is but one simple example.
The mini-stasis will last at least one week and likely more. Those of you coming aboard during the mini-stasis will be lifted on our schedules devised. Generally shortly after the electricity goes off, but will fluctuate according to local circumstances.
We need those of course in the know, to be working with those who are going to be afraid. If you can have some sort of extra candles, flashlights and batteries that might be useful to share. MANY are NOT needed, one per house is enough, as to flashlights, you chose on candles. It is not hard to get thru 3 days without electricity and in the dark, but it is made easier if the house has some sort of lighting to find the way to bathrooms and the like. It will NOT be pitch black in the day time. The sun's corona extends a fair distance from the sun and the corona will not be completely blocked, so it will not be pitch black in the daytime, but more like a heavy dusk.
You can assure people that its fine to go outside and look out windows. It is the thugs who put out that one needs holy candles and must stay inside flat on the floor in prayer. People will be in prayer though, I assure you.
Where media will cooperate, this will be told in fact. People will be given some time to get small amounts of lighting to find their way in the dark. That is truly all that will be needed anyway, except in hospitals, and nursing homes and most all of them do have generators.
Anything to make light will work as long as its not on the grid. Most people with solar electricity and battery storage may have some light and it will be friendly of these who do, anyone with generators also, to invite neighbors in. There will be NO removals during the darkness. That occurs ONLY during the mini-stasis which is scheduled in the middle of the period of darkness.
The 24 hours of fading eclipse afterwards, allows the grid to be gradually brought back on line and the increase in natural light then will encourage those "left behind" to begin gathering and dealing with what has happened.
Many of our team are to be lifted, including those not known to AH who have roles in this. These ones will all help during that 24 hours of "half light" after the 3 days are over, and many of them will be triggered into action in the preliminary 24 hours. Most of the ones brought up shortly after the darkness starts, will be returned a few hours before the end of the darkness.
Now, during the mini-stasis, the plant and animal life NEEDS the sun and the planet cannot be allowed to cool to much, so of course the eclipsing craft will be moved so the sun can shine. And then the craft moved back when the mini-stasis is over. With the two "half light" days, this makes a total of 5 days plus the mini-stasis.
As soon as it is visually obvious the sun is partly occluded, you in the know, go to work. Some of you may awaken even to news in the morning if this starts during your individual sleep cycles. This 1/2 "light" initial day also provides a powerful motive to some of the dark to clean up their act, but it mostly so ones can prepare as best they can. It will make the shock and awe LESS.
Plan now accordingly and simply LIVE until the time happens. These 3 days are generally done on any planet where possible in the seasons of fall and spring, or the approaching of those times, so the planetary people do not have to deal with so much cold of winter months. Your southern hemisphere is beginning to warm, generally speaking. And the food is near harvest, in the north. Man will be busy with harvest as appropriate after this is over.
This is more than enough and should probably be the last update that will be needed. In great love of you ones who serve AbundantHope, my 2nd Coming Organization, Christ Michael.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:19 PM


Anonymous September 14, 2012 1:23 PM
Calling people dumb and using words like Ditto?
Fishy fishy fishy..

Anonymous September 14, 2012 1:41 PM
what a crock of shit, pure garbage

Anonymous September 14, 2012 1:52 PM
Let me guess soon there will be a webinar (with a cost of course). Do you think people are that stupid to believe this crap?

Anonymous September 14, 2012 2:50 PM
"There will be NO removals during the darkness. That occurs ONLY during the mini-stasis which is scheduled in the middle of the period of darkness".
First it said No removals during darkness and then it says there will be, in the middle of the period darkness.
I think I understand English.
Can someone help me with this? Ken

Replies Anonymous September 14, 2012 3:30 PM
Quite simple, Ken! Dissssssssssinformation!

Anonymous September 14, 2012 3:13 PM
This is 'copyright' protected?!! I cannot imagine that copyright protecting this garbage would even be needed, even if anyone was foolish enough to want to print this some where - like here in this blog. My gosh, these 'channelings' from these 'gods' and 'christs' get more ridiculous by the day! NO! I take that back - more like HOURLY or by the MINUTE. And there is a 'craft' that is going to eclipse the sun for three days??? A 'CRAFT' mind you?!!! Not a planet nor by the hand of Almighty God, but a CRAFT??!! WOW! These guys - this Michael and Candace - should write a Saturday Night Live script - would get a heck of allot of laughs which we all could use. There are those who create their own 'gods,' thus denying the one TRUE God. It is written in 2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,.............

Anonymous September 14, 2012 3:21 PM
John- I have to agree with some of the other posters- it's great that you post different blog articles, rants & raves but some should come from a disclaimer like others do- like "activate higher discernment meter" or "engage BS detector" lol- but you know what I mean. Some can be a waste of time but it is good that you put some crap on here just to keep us on our toes.
With that being said- I am surprised that you have not posted Kerry Cassidy's latest update.
Blessings to you and all.

Anonymous September 14, 2012 3:53 PM
This is some of the greatest comedy ever written.....very entertaining!!!!

Anonymous September 15, 2012 11:54 AM
John, when I saw this was from "Christ Michael" I almost kept going on down to the next post; there is only one CHRIST and it ain't Mike.
I didn't read it but did check the comments. By the way, comment of 3:21 is correct; that post by Cassidy about the vessels off the coast was interesting, but further info is real hard to come by. Warning though, Kerry can be goofy at times.
...and Mike, no offense.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Given that Van Pelt has been told "put up, or shut up", why are we seeing his latest piece of phony "evidence" here?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, September 14, 2012
Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

[Same stuff as before, only different comments below]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:35 PM


Anonymous September 15, 2012 1:28 AM
What do you think about this? Can this scenario be tied in? Anything is possible, right?
Who is Candace and what woodwork did she come from?
Honest answers, honest information, honest truth... isn't what the visitors of this sight seek?
How much does a BS meter cost and who sells them?
All my best,
- Wanderer

Replies John MacHaffie September 15, 2012 5:13 AM
Honest --- I personally do not have any trust in her writings and consider her a disinfo agent. But the article was submitted to me by a reader and trying to have an open - both sides being discussed blog.

Anonymous September 15, 2012 1:51 AM
"if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem."
This doesn't sound like the attitude of an archangel to me. :(

Anonymous September 15, 2012 3:04 AM
This is pure misinformation folks.
Enlightened beiings would never say: " if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem."
So this so called channeling comes from the dark to create fear.
Dont fall for it. Use discernement with your heart and mind.
Thank you.

Anonymous September 15, 2012 3:08 AM
The site should be:

Anonymous September 15, 2012 4:33 AM
This is not happening according to the Matthew channelings.
The 3 days of darkness was a theory supposedly caused by earth's passing through the photon belt, not by a "craft" eclipsing the sun.
Whose "craft" is this supposed to be? I'm not buying into this fear-mongering story.

Doug Duff September 15, 2012 6:08 AM
O.K., let's try to bring some sanity to this situation. NO ONE knows the Scripture more than angels of darkness; not even your pestor - ahhh, scuze me, I mean Pastor. A big red flag always goes up when I hear, "God told me to tell you this" or anything of the equivalent. Does God speak to us today? Yes, every time we open the pages of the Holy Writ and search for Truth.
So, with that said, the Holy Writ, Science, and History are 3 peas in a pod. They all agree. What happened around 3700 years ago? (Does the cycle of the alleged Niburu ring a bell?) Moses led the "First-Born" out of Egypt.
Exodus 10:22
And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days:
Now, logic tells me to expect "something" - if said cycle is true. In that case I look to the past (as was written for the future) at:
Matthew 24:29
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mark 13:24
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
O.K., that throws some light (or rather darkness) on the subject. But, does that mean that a "Channeller" is bringing our Father's message to us? NO! That means that someone knows enough to be dangerous and wants the "lime-light" for their minute of glow-ry. Channellers, we don't need you. Crawl back under the rock (notice I didn't say Rock) from whence you came.
So, the question remains, "Does God speak to me?" Yes, every time I open the pages of the Holy Writ in search for Truth. He'll speak to you in the same way.
May you all dwell under the Shadow of the Rock, Christ Yahshua.
Doug Duff

Replies Anonymous September 15, 2012 11:45 AM
Awesome Doug!!!!! The Holy Writ is the only Truth. May God bless you.
Sister in Christ,

AnonymousSeptember 15, 2012 10:23 AM
A spacecraft the size of the sun ? What's not to believe ? I was talking to Captain Kirk and Spock last night and they said they have never seen any space craft that big before. 875,000 miles across is pretty darned big.
NOTE: we have a serious drug and alcohol problem in this country.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

I don't know about you, but I figure that "It's is finished" means it's finished and we should expect to see some action real soon! My best bet is that it will get dark "tonight."

Monday, September 17, 2012
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Date: Monday, 17-Sep-2012 14:23:28

It Is Finished
By Aton thru Rubens
Sep 17, 2012 - 11:48:31 PM

It Is Finished
Rubens: How may I be of service today?
Aton: By taking this message down. I and the others assisting have been very busy as you were advised earlier. The ones in control of this planet out of their will believe that they cannot and should not let go of their control hence, our needing to intervene so that all could go according to plans. As most of you know already, they have the least intentions of cooperating and simply want to annihilate all of you along with Gaia instead of repenting and rectify their actions that they so much have to pay for.
We have had to work arduously to bring their plans to a halt and we have assured that they will no longer be a problem. Now to those who have doubted that I would carry this out to the end, I would suggest that you revise your commitment, although I know that you mean well, and it is quite human to doubt. In light of the assistance given to you, it is quite fair on my part to ask much more of you.
We shall implement , that is we shall assure that the source of your planetary light becomes dimmed as to bring the 3DD to full implementation per our earlier announced plan.
Do not fear dear ones, this is the end of a long struggle and nothing can stop it for My Will is in alignment with Source.
I, Aton Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon, place my seal of approval upon this message

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:08 PM
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by texino »

My beloved deer.I worry for your safety through these three days of darkness. I know that sudden unnatural darkness will in fact confuse wild land creatures. Proof on the hooves? OK, fine. One Tuesday I, texino, was fishing from a boat when, of a sudden, the heavens gave way to a nearly total eclipse caused by your moon passing before the sun. As the unnatural darkness bore down on us, I suddenly hooked a large fish not common to the particular waters where my good craft lay. So there. More proof? Coming right at you. My Brother Dike Texino likes to take me to where an airliner crashed into Mt. Weather. He was around when it happened and tells me that there was not much to see. I think that kind of proves that when you fly right into the ground at jet plane speed, you won't find much. Also, if you hangout around Mt. Weather too long, some men will show up and tell you that you need to be somewhere else.
Why am I writing this informative essay? Well, when I looked at this thread there were 65 posts and 1947 views. In 13 days, I will turn 65. What with all the number stuff that goes on here, I was compelled to write something which gave a brief nod to an old employer and it's sneaky ways. 10-98 10-43 10-12 10-43.5
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:10-98 10-43 10-12 10-43.5
That's a big 10-4, good buddy. We are waiting with baited breath (or perhaps breathed bait) for White Hats Report #48 to explain it all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
White Hats Alert - Release of White Hats Report #48 Imminent

"This is what you have all been waiting for"

September 18, 2012 12:11 AM(White Hats Report) #48 is coming so keep watch by the hour. The enormous supporting files will be the scale of exposure you have all been long waiting for. Get it all out to mass markets so the truth goes viral. This is what you have all been waiting for, and there is much more still to come. This is food to provoke thought and debate. Nothing like this has been mass released before. Watch this expand consciousness for those capable.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:05 AM
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

These folks refer to 3 days of darkness as 3DD. Imagine my surprise when I googled this and found a movie called Piranha 3DD.

Piranha 3DD From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Piranha 3DD is a 2012 horror film and sequel to the 2010 film Piranha 3D. ... A year after the attack on Lake Victoria by prehistoric piranhas, an eradication campaign has left the lake uninhabitable by life, and the town itself has been largely abandoned as a result of the drying-up of their main revenue source, tourism, but some residents still remain on the lake.

At a nearby lake, Clayton and Mo, two farmers, walk into the water to recover the body of a dead cow. Piranha eggs laid inside the cow hatch, and the farmers are killed by the swarm.

Maddy, a marine biology student, returns home for the summer to the waterpark she co-owns. She finds to her horror that the other co-owner, her step-father Chet, plans to add an adult-themed section to the waterpark with 'water-certified strippers', and re-open it as "Big Wet." At a party at the waterpark that night, Maddy encounters several old acquaintances, including her policeman ex-boyfriend Kyle, and Barry who has secretly had a crush on her since grade-school. She also runs into two of her close friends, Ashley, and Shelby. Shelby and her boyfriend Josh go skinny-dipping in the lake, where a piranha makes its way inside her vagina. Meanwhile, Ashley and her boyfriend Travis make love in their van. They accidentally trip the handbrake, causing the van to roll into the lake, where they are both devoured.

The next day, Maddy is consoling Shelby about their missing friends. While sitting on a jetty, they are both attacked by the swarm of piranhas. They manage to kill one, and Maddy, Kyle and Barry bring it to Mr. Goodman to examine. He informs them that the piranhas may be moving via sewage pipes and underground rivers between lakes. The trio return to the lake, where they establish that the piranhas cannot make their way into the outflow pipes connecting the lake and the waterpark. While Shelby and Josh are having sex, the piranha in Shelby's vagina bites Josh's penis, forcing him to chop the organ off with a knife. Both are hospitalized. Kyle is revealed to be corrupt and taking pay-offs from Chet, who is secretly pumping water from an underground river into the waterpark.

"Big Wet" opens the next day. Among the first guests are Deputy Fallon, who survived his previous ordeal with the piranhas but lost his legs, and former cameraman Andrew Cunningham (Paul Scheer). While the duo attempts to overcome their fear of the water after they were attacked a year ago, David Hasselhoff also makes an appearance as a celebrity lifeguard.

Discovering the connection between the park and the underground river, Maddy attempts to shut the waterpark down, but is stopped by Chet and Kyle. The piranhas make their way to the area and attack, killing many of the lifeguards and waterpark-goers. Fallon attaches a shotgun prosthesis to his legs in order to save the visitors, while Hasselhoff, after rescuing a small boy named David, becomes pleased that he has finally become a real lifeguard. In the chaos, Chet is decapitated by a low-hanging cable after attempting to drive away and escape.

Barry begins to drain the pools; however Maddy, who is rescuing people from the water, becomes caught in the suction and dragged down to the bottom of the pool. After Kyle refuses to save her, Barry, despite being unable to swim, leaps down and brings her to the surface, where they kiss.

Another employee, Big Dave, pours gasoline into the pipes, followed by a lit joint. The resulting explosion kills most of the piranhas, while Kyle is killed by a falling trident. The celebrations are cut short however, when Maddy takes a phone call from a horrified Mr. Goodman, who informs them that the piranhas are evolving and are now able to move on land. The film ends as one such piranha emerges from the pool and decapitates David while recording it.

In a post-credits scene, Hasselhoff is running on a beach holding a trident, which is an advertisement for a movie, "Fishhunter."

Now, that's a trashy plot the 3 days of darkness people should be happy to adopt.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

It's a bad day for MacHaffie. Not only is the White Hats Report he's been waiting for by the hour not done yet, it turns out that "THE LORD" may be omnipotent, but that doesn't prevent him from being a bad poet.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Here is a word the Lord gave me on 08/10/2012:

"For all that of old that you have heard
Shall NOW come upon the earth as a swift bird;
Darkness shall come as you approach the end of the year
For nations shall be covered with fear.
The seals are breaking fast
And the cup of iniquity overflows at last
For My warnings to America have fallen on deaf ears
And now men shall choke on their own tears.
Because they have rejected My life
Soon they shall eat of the fruits of their own strife.
The streets shall become graves in the night
But you must prepare to hold your place without fright.
By November hidden deceptions will become clear as water
And chaos shall begin the slaughter.
From the skies shall come a sign
With My Kingdom will it's time to align.
Pillage and plunder shall come to the cities and towns
And the enemy shall try to take away your crowns.
The East and West shall see My hand,
And who shall escape the mystery in the middle of the land?
They have mocked My Word and My Name;
Did they think My judgments are a game?
Stand up My prophets and cry aloud in boldness;
For I now judge America's coldness.
The blood of the innocent cries aloud before My throne
But now in great power comes the little stone.
For My hand shall come swift against your sin
I gave you time to enter in.
But in your filth you chose your course
Now see the Revelation horse.
The angels of correction now ride fast and hard
America, you have played your final card.
Did I not call you out, oh land of the Eagle?
I called you to be holy, royal and regal!
But you forsook Me for idols and pleasure above all;
Now I will bring you down to barely crawl.
Let tears come to the eyes of My watchmen
For the time of reaping of your national sin.
For the FULLNESS of evil shall now play out
As your heart, oh America, is ever so stout.
I have sent My prophets to warn
But your heart was only one of scorn.
From Hollywood to the White House shall you now see
All of Satan's plans he has for thee.
Did I not call you to come out of her and repent?
But you still reject the watchmen and prophets I have sent.
Because you chose to eat of the pleasures of sin
You shall now find My judgments on your food supply within.
You have opened your borders to the foreign order
Now you shall see the enemy surround every border.
The terrorists shall soon arise from their posts
And you shall see the dirty bombs and terrors from the sky come to your coasts.
The man in your capital house shall now show his true face
As you see him greet those of a fallen AND foreign race.
Many saints shall soon be hunted as prey;
But in My secret place they now must stay.
What must we do cries those of a hearing ear
I will show My elect My supernatural protection the end of this year.
For at the end of the year and in 2013 you will see the weakness of your nation
But I warn you not to give place to deception and frustration.
Perilous times you will go through
Never can it be the same for the red, white and blue.
Oh, major cities of every nation
You are about to see the worst destruction since creation.
The controllers shall soon openly show their arrogant plan
Upon the screens and radios they shall taunt every man.
Creatures "of the night" shall be among you commonly in the day
But I will give My elect the power to make them their prey.
People will begin to disappear in the night season
Oh your government knows well the reason.
I will make the month of December
A time for the whole world to remember.
The feathers of the Great Eagle shall be stripped this Fall
And Lady Liberty shall never again stand tall.
Baby George and others before him paved the way
Now Obama shall see his day.
JFK was the last true man for a truly white house bold and free
All those that followed did not have a TRUE heart for Me...

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:32 AM
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

MacHaffie's poem reads like an entry which got nothing better than an "A for Effort" certificate in a junior high school poetry competition.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:These folks refer to 3 days of darkness as 3DD. Imagine my surprise when I googled this and found a movie called Piranha 3DD.
Ok, I am forced to admit that the NESARAites actually may be right about this being the end of days. When they start taking Deep Knight stories and turning them into movies, it can only mean that the end of the world is near.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:These folks refer to 3 days of darkness as 3DD. Imagine my surprise when I googled this and found a movie called Piranha 3DD.
Ok, I am forced to admit that the NESARAites actually may be right about this being the end of days. When they start taking Deep Knight stories and turning them into movies, it can only mean that the end of the world is near.
You've got it backwards. Deep Knight's paucity of imagination has him frequently strip-mining the lowest, trashiest cultural references for inspiration. He seems right at home there, check out this movie recommendation from a previous DK entry;

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

As a genuine connoisseur of truly bad movies (Hey, do you know anyone else who owns a DVD of "Jesus Christ, Vampire Killer" ?) I gotta say The Apple can't stack up to "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death" featuring Bill Maher as Jim the Jungle Idiot. His best moment involves being marinated.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:These folks refer to 3 days of darkness as 3DD. Imagine my surprise when I googled this and found a movie called Piranha 3DD.
Ok, I am forced to admit that the NESARAites actually may be right about this being the end of days. When they start taking Deep Knight stories and turning them into movies, it can only mean that the end of the world is near.
Strange is truer than fiction. An actual story (the names have been changed to protect the guilty).

Years ago a friend signed me up on a "write an internet novel" website where people contributed bit and pieces to a story. Long closed, no doubt due to intellectual property issues and whatever. Anyway, I started a story called "Elvis goes Egyptian" which began with Elvis waking up in a strange room and wondering where he was. When he called down to the desk he was reassured by being told he was in Memphis, but then he realizes that the clerk was speaking in ancient Egyptian. It got a life of its own with a karaoke-loving Pharoh, J Edgar Hoover in drag, and homocidal mummies. Oh yes, there were also girls, girls, girls.

Years later I was told to watch the movie "Bubba Ho Tep" because it had been written by one of the contributors to this abomination. The word was that he had been inspired by the Elvis-Egypt link and written this screenplay - which by the way didn't steal from anything I contributed to our story.

If anything, Bubba Ho Tep is much stranger than what I had conceived, but then again it wasn't shackled by being in the form of an "Elvis movie."

My only other claim to writing fame is a song, which was actuallly written with a friend as a pure goof and recorded on a cassette tape. By a series of strange coincidences, it was covered by a San Francisco punk band with the writing credits in my name only (my cowriter taught it to them, but declined credit). Perhaps one of the worst songs ever written on a lot of levels, it was especially insulting to women (purely as a parody of 50's rock 'n roll themes). Anyway, I received one residual check, if memory serves for $10.17, so I am a professional songwriter. And yes, that is one of the signs of the coming apocalypse.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

DK--I own Bubba Hotep on DVD, as it's one of Bruce Campbell's finest (!?!) performances. Ditto owning Army of Darkness.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Burnaby49 »

Cathulhu wrote:DK--I own Bubba Hotep on DVD, as it's one of Bruce Campbell's finest (!?!) performances. Ditto owning Army of Darkness.
I'm going to have to re-think sharing parmesan fries and wings with someone that owns those movies. Never seen Bubba Hotep but I watched a rental of Army of Darkness a few weeks back. Like Ed Woods they knew how to stretch no budget at all into a movie. However I'll re-think later. In 15 minutes I'm out the door to Madrid and Barcelona.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight wrote:We are waiting with baited breath (or perhaps breathed bait) for White Hats Report #48 to explain it all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
White Hats Alert - Release of White Hats Report #48 Imminent

"This is what you have all been waiting for"

September 18, 2012 12:11 AM(White Hats Report) #48 is coming so keep watch by the hour. The enormous supporting files will be the scale of exposure you have all been long waiting for. Get it all out to mass markets so the truth goes viral. This is what you have all been waiting for, and there is much more still to come. This is food to provoke thought and debate. Nothing like this has been mass released before. Watch this expand consciousness for those capable.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:05 AM
Almost 2 weeks and nothing yet. And no 3 days of darkness either, unless I slept through them (hey, all this evil work really takes it out of you, and sometimes you need to catch up).

White Hat Reports #47, 48 and 49 Will Change Political Landscape
Submitted by dakealo on Thu, 07/26/2012 - 14:41
in Politics, General + Law(s)
From John

"Wait for 47, 48 and 49. A lot of your questions will be answered. Plus major revelations to kick 300m butt heads into consciousness. 10M of you are carrying the rest. O is facing major exposure soon. As is Romney, so who will be left? Ones an illegal, the others a criminal. The shameful VP was bribed. Only in America. They impose pseudo puppets sold as democracy on others? In November, the Third Ballot choice is so needed. Hell No to both!"

I could not agree more John.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

No 3 days of darkness, piranahs hidden in vagina attacks, or the White Hats Report #48 that was gonna blow the lid off the election. But at least we got an explanation of the latter.

November 6, 2012 - The White Hats Statement

Be assured that White Hats Report #48 is coming.

But let us be clear: We will not be dictated to in service to anyone's self interest. Our responsibility is to vigorously vet all information before reporting it. We consider all intel to be "Dirty Intel" until it is vetted by us. And we will not release "Dirty Intel" regardless of who pushes or how hard they push. The White Hats are not in service to any individual or their personal agenda. We are in service to all people and to the truth. Either we say what's true or we say nothing. Responsibility comes at a cost, not somebody's opinion or comment. As long as The White Hats are paying that cost, no one gets to provide say-so unless we ask. For right now, we haven't asked.

What is also true: If threats and coercion attempts could succeed against us, we would have disappeared long ago. They are a regular occurrence.

Don’t be surprised that disinformation increases against The White Hats as our reports become potentially more damaging. That is to be expected.

A final thought: No one outside The White Hats speaks for us ...we speak through this blog and our website. We have no new members. Do we seek assistance from those bloggers and others who would help us to spread the official "The White Hats Report"? Yes. We have requested that support and will continue to do so.

We have no affiliation or relationship with anyone outside The White Hats except for the following: First, we requested assistance from Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot on the Secret Space Program for Report #48. Second, we are associated with the White Hats Auxiliary. Aside from that, we have no outside relationships and are pursuing none.

Update on Report #48:
It takes as long as it takes to get to the truth. What was to be Report #48 is expanding in depth as we continue gathering data. While it was intended to be one report, we must now expand it into multiple reports. Be assured that #48 is coming.

Posted by The White Hat Reporters at 9:56 PM

"Be assured that #48 is coming." Strangely enough, I heard the exact same comment the other day when satisfying a supermodel who was #48 on the waiting list. What can I say, I choose them for their looks and bodies, not their conversational style.

But all this pales in comparison with the disappointing news about 12-21-12. We had all been hoping it would be the end of the world, as promised all these years, but now it turns out to be 8 minutes of enlightenment.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Between December 21-23, 2012 You Will Have 8 Minutes To Receive The Answers To All Of Life Mysteries
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

What would it be like to have ‘Cosmic Consciousness’? Imagine if you were given 8 minutes to receive the answers to any question you ever pondered? According to Mayan Ac Tah, this will be reality.
Ac Tah stated, “We knew that on December 21st to the 23rd, there would be this planetary alignment. We knew that the energy would come from the center of the galaxy to the Earth but it would only last about eight minutes. Realize for that these 8 minutes you would have a very high level of consciousness. You would realize all of the errors of your ways and everything that’s going on in your life, but the Earth would return and recuperate in its vibration, and so we would begin to forget. “
“We were going to use these pyramids so when this vibrations arrives to the earth, it remains trapped for a lot of time,” added Ac Tah. “This would allow us to maintain the awakened consciousness. The quantum physics scientists, today, are studying the Mayan culture and they’ve realized where this cosmic ray is going to hit… from the south of the United States up to Guatemala. This is where the ray will maintain itself for 8 minutes.”
He also believes that once people have raised their frequencies, then they are able to activate the electromagnetic fields of everyone around them.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:58 AM

This is a strange shift in the prophecy, to say the least. But not nearly as strange as quantum physicists studying Mayan culture to learn about the scheduling of cosmic rays.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by fortinbras »

There is no planetary alignment expected in December 2012. These things can be calculated in advance.
and ... /2012.html

The notion of planetary alignments - which do occur but not often - having spectacular almost supernatural results - seems to come from the 1969 movie 2001- A Space Odyssey.

I am unaware of any sort of energy that could do such wonderful things to the human consciousness as described, but a scifi novel of such a thing was published in the 1960s, Brainwave. In the book, all animals get proportionately smarter which shifts the balance of nature in a lot of ways.