Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem with living in fantasy land/fantasy Republic, is that the inmates don't all share the same fantasy, no matter how much they may claim to, and that is when the disagreements, charges of treason and the like, start breaking out, as witness case in point. I'm really impressed it hasn't started sooner.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

Soon it will become a point of pride to deny the term "Civil War" in favor of "Food Fight Between the States".
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

My limited experience is that, in paranoid organizations, the members first come together because they hate/fear the enemy (Commies, Liberals, ethnicities, etc.) and, before very long, they start to splinter into hating/fearing certain of their own members and officers.

About a year ago, there was a substantial fuss among the RuSA because a very loud segment of the RuSA membership was not happy with Pres. Turner. But not for the reasons that he was indicted; in fact, they'd stand should to shoulder with him on those, but because of some imagined use of the incredible dignity and importance of his high office as a stepping stone.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

Listening to the conference call, the RMS Fruitcake known as RuSA is sinking like the titanic. Nathan Peachy/all fake National officials appear to be resigning out of fear of getting arrested, and the fake RuSA congress will vote on whether to disband tomorrow. And I don't just mean quit their fake offices, but quit their membership as "citizens" of RuSA.

Why? Its not really clear, it looks like they are creating a fall of RuSA mythology just like they created their founding mythology. Nathan Peachy claims it had something to do with how the funding never came because some shadowy group defrauded some other shadowy group and RuSA was involved unknowingly with this shadowy group and thus the secret group with all of RuSA's funding won't give them their 2983342832948 tons of gold. Of course, there is no gold, nor any group who ever promised to fund them, so I'd love to know the REAL reason...did Nathan sense his arrest was near?

What is MOST amazing and SO sad is that they were still talking about organizing on a family level to step in "when the collapse occurs" - the same US collapse that they've said they would step in and take over for...which is never going to occur. As per usual, even now as the fake empire is crumbling at its foundations, these people are STILL completely delusional.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Arthur Rubin »

LightinDarkness wrote:What is MOST amazing and SO sad is that they were still talking about organizing on a family level to step in "when the collapse occurs".
Probably on December 21.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

Remember the millerites.

Those were the people who endured a long night of anticipation waiting for Jesus's return. Twice. Somehow their enthusiasm survived the disappointment.

They are thought to have provided some of the inspiration that led to the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Seventh Day Adventists, plus numerous smaller groups.

The RuSA may be dissolving, but we may be looking at the seeds of a future constellation of crazies.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

I think disintegrating is a better choice of words, as dissolving implies there is something voluntary about what was happening. This appears to be falling apart of its own volition, or ineptitude. I do think you're right in that the future unintended comedy possibilities are becoming exponential.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

I would LOVE to know what the REAL reason is for the Republic collapsing, or at least why all the previously megalomaniac "leaders" at the national level who were loving acting like they had power just days ago...have been told something that has so terrified them that they are trying to run from the whole thing as fast as possible.

I mean, this is a group that was not even phased when its President, which its members were told was anointed by God himself and was like King David, was arrested. They simply threw him under the bus and scheduled elections...which were scheduled to happen in December. As of last week everything was going to plan. All these people were acting as they had for the past two years - that they REALLY thought they were a REAL government with REAL authority and would be in these positions when the actual US government collapsed (which they've been saying would happen any day now since 2009).

Within 5 days, everything changed. The reasons given by the leaders who are now trying to flee (like the current fake President) involve some made up mythology about not getting gold from Chinese Elders - but they know there never was any gold and they never were going to get funded. Thats a story they made up for the Republic True Believers. So what REALLY happened? I hope we find out eventually.

The fake Congress was at war with each other this evening fighting over whether to just shut down the whole fake Republic or reconvene the fake Congress in January. Lots of these people REALLY love the illusion of power, so lots of fake Congressmen and Senators spoke up about how they would not resign and how GOD had put them in their position. For purposes of my personal amusement, I hope the insanity continues with these fruitcakes.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

The logical conclusion would be that one of their esteemed number has somehow really gotten them into something and an incredibly rare rash of common sense has broken out among the ones in the first line to go down.

However, since logic and common sense are neither strange bedfellows, nor even of nodding acquaintance with these yoikes, then the next assumption would be that one of their “for sure guaranteed” sources has told them something that has scared the bejeebers out of them. I’d be happy to blame/ er nominate Deep Knight for the honor, but they are beneath his notice and efforts, and he is having too much winding up good ole Rasmus to waste any time or effort on this crowd of rank amateurs. Maybe its Drake, that super duper go to guy for all things conspiracy and thoroughly out to lunch stories. After all, if they will believe Timmy is the second coming, or at least the next best thing to sliced bread, they’ll believe anything some deep dark voice tells them.

So the next question is who is the super deep source of the week that this crowd would listen too, aside from the one who anointed Timmy, oh wait, that was Timmy, and he is currently a guest of the Feds, so I’m coming up blank at the moment.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Demosthenes »

For more information:

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Re: Please for Unity

I have heard the voice of the People that the Republic must move forward despite the perceived risks. It would be a breach of my duties to abandon the People during this time of unrest, so I will continue as Acting President. However, unless the remaining People unite around the work that Congress has heretofore enacted and around the remaining leadership, both in the States and National, I will not remain Acting President, because a house divided cannot stand. So please allow me and those that I trust to resolve any issues that are bringing disunity.

The Nathan Peachey group

Wisdom dictates that we do not make war with Nathan Peachey and those that surround him. We will neither molest not harass anyone who chooses to resign from the Republic and go along a different path. The common law court system needs to be established and that is something that can be done by the People separate and apart from the activities of the lawful civil government. I wish them God Speed as they work towards that activity.

The Security Network

I must make the assumption that they are real, however I have no first hand information or proof. The bottom line comes down to a scriptural principle of letting your" yea be yea and nay be nay". We heard through Mr. Peachey that the security network made the decision to support the Republic. Prior to them offering their support they should have had examined any evidence for the reasons for not supporting what Mr. Peachey refers to as the "Tim Turner Republic." If they are indeed who they say they are they will honor their word to support the Republic, otherwise they have no standing in any heavenly court.

The Republic

The People in the Republic for the United States have lawfully established this Republic as the only lawful de jure government of the American People. Why? Because we are the ones who have lawfully re-inhabited the de jure government that the de-facto abandoned around 1871. This Republic should never be referred to as the "Tim Turner Republic." President Turner was one, of many, of "We the People" who worked tirelessly to re-inhabit this Republic. From my perspective there was no unified plan for the re-inhabitation process, otherwise it could have been claimed by the individuals involved that they were responsible and should be given the credit for re-founding the Republic. No, it was God, Himself, and not anyone else who bears our thanks for giving the Republic back into the hands of the People. No one else deserves the credit and I readily acknowledge that He deserves the credit, not Tim Turner or any man.

President Turner

"We the People" owe a great debt of gratitude to President Turner. Without his involvement many of us would not have had the courage to get involved with such an undertaking as re-inhabiting this Republic. Unless he had been there to encourage the People, I doubt we would have been able to do this nearly impossible task of re-inhabiting this Republic. Thanks be to God for giving us such a man. We will never abandon him and look forward to the day of his release from being a political prisoner.

The Funders

I had very little interaction with the men around the President pretending to be funders at the early stage of the Republic. The best I can tell is that the President was being manipulated and lied to by evil men for their own nefarious purposes. That being said, those People had no impact on the way this Republic was founded. The main cost was wasted energy and egg on the President's face for being deceived by these men.

Later on, after those evil People had left the scene, the President was introduced to legitimate godly People with the absolute ability to fund any government on the face of the earth. I have since met those People and can report that they absolutely are who they say they are. It would be a breach of my honor to disclose the details of my interactions with these People as others have done. The de facto has been at odds with this family for many years. The de facto has lied to and cheated this family ever since they opened up their treasure and tried to help the American People. There has been a spiritual war going on behind the scenes and this family has been in the middle of this war for many years. I have nothing but good words to report about this family. I count them as friends of the Republic and I know that they will continue to stand by our side.

May God bless us all,

James Buchanan Geiger Acting President The Republic for the United States of America
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

The common law court system needs to be established and that is something that can be done by the People separate and apart from the activities of the lawful civil government. I wish them God Speed as they work towards that activity.
I am sure Denny's will be glad to know this. Nothing like being able to project corporate income because they can count on additional court sessions.
I must make the assumption that they are real, however I have no first hand information or proof.
Well, that must mean that they are real - because there is no proof!

No, it was God, Himself, and not anyone else who bears our thanks for giving the Republic back into the hands of the People.
I am sure that God is quite tired of getting the blame for the idiocies that people lay at His feet.
We the People" owe a great debt of gratitude to President Turner.
Wait a minute, you just said that God and no one else deserved thanks. Now you are saying that Turner does. Either you are contradicting yourself, or you believe that Turner is God.
The best I can tell is that the President was being manipulated and lied to by evil men for their own nefarious purposes. That being said, those People had no impact on the way this Republic was founded. The main cost was wasted energy and egg on the President's face for being deceived by these men.
Please explain to me why, that every single time a paytriot or sovrun leader ends up on the wrong side of the law, you guys always explain it as a result of said leader being manipulated, conned, seduced, tricked, or just plain flimflammed by a group of "evil people?" Why do you keep picking leaders who pick evil people to assist them and get left holding the bag?
Later on, after those evil People had left the scene, the President was introduced to legitimate godly People with the absolute ability to fund any government on the face of the earth. I have since met those People and can report that they absolutely are who they say they are.
Really? Let me ask a simple question: have they actually put up any money to fund? Or do they just talk a lot about providing money without actually putting the cash into your hands?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

What gets me is just how much of a break from reality this is. Its like as this thing goes on it just gets so far out there that I can't tell if these people have mental wellness issues or just so desperately believe that they cant discern reality from delusion.

The first break from reality is the entire sovereign citizen mythology about de facto vs de jure governments, governments as corporations, etc. I mean this is all stuff you can easily show as being mythology if you spend 5 minutes looking at a non-conspiracy source, but these people are innately paranoid conspiracy theorists so I can understand why most of them go down this rabbit hole and accept the legal conspiracy mythology.

The second break from reality is not only believing in the sovereign mythology, but then also thinking that YOU and some random people from across the country can simply become members of Congress/Governors/The President because a a few dozen wackos voted for you. I mean, hello, read the constitution? It says the house shall have a popular vote, not that you can meet in Utah with 100 people and make yourselves congressmen.

But hey, I get it the delusion is strong with them. What just really blows me away is the third thing - this whole Security Network thing. Its so obviously something the leaders made up to force the RuSA sheeple to do what they want, it makes 0 sense (of course neither does the rest of it), but they just act like its all real. Like theres some real group of shadowy do gooders calling themselves The Security Network who JUST SO HAPPEN to be whispering in the ear of certain RuSA people on what to do to take over the powerful they have to do it through a group of 100 delusional people.

I mean, where does the mythology end. What if I call and announce I have been contacted by another Shadowy Group. The HMS Quatloos Network, and they promise 1 billion tons of gold as long as RuSA does what I say?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

The Observer wrote:
Really? Let me ask a simple question: have they actually put up any money to fund? Or do they just talk a lot about providing money without actually putting the cash into your hands?
How much you wanna bet some truly mentally ill person with delusions of grandeur that just happens to be wealthy from an inheritance or before they were ill are leading them on? Assuming its not completely made up, (like the original "Chinese Elder Funders" and "The Security Network) of course.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Demosthenes »

The mythical funders = NESARA.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I am unclear on whether RuSA members are also followers of NESARA. It would seem to me that overthrowing the US govt would, of necessity, block the operation of NESARA, but then again I am a (mostly) logical being.

There seem to be a number of different schools in the NESARA fantasy. One is purely domestic - that there is this secret federal law that a coterie of generals and admirals are nursing to fruition. One seems to be sci-fi, that NESARA is not an American scheme but something that flying saucer people are determined to bestow on all humanity (presumably to fatten us up). Another is a sort of religious school, that NESARA is going to be proclaimed by angels ... or by a bunch of deities with which we are totally unfamiliar and which they are willing to worship (this sort of overlaps with Elizabeth Claire Prophet's talk about Comte SanGermain). It also seems that the sci-fi and religious schools have overlapped with a group that imagines that these new deities are arriving by flying saucer - which only starts more questions buzzing in my head.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

LightinDarkness wrote:I would LOVE to know what the REAL reason is for the Republic collapsing, or at least why all the previously megalomaniac "leaders" at the national level who were loving acting like they had power just days ago...have been told something that has so terrified them that they are trying to run from the whole thing as fast as possible. ...
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by webhick »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:$
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Ok, so now I’m really confused, or maybe that is bemused, when dealing with this sort of nonsense it is hard to separate the two any more.

I thought, or at least the last I’d heard, Peachy and his band of merry misfits were de-associating themselves from the whole RUSA fiasco for whatever reason, not schisming off as this seems to indicate. Now according to Jimmy Bo, they are going off to form their own court system???? Now while I admit this ought to be a bit of a boost to Denny’s bottom line, or at least I hope it is, someone ought to get something positive out of this, always assuming this bunch can even afford the cost of coffee, I somehow don’t see this as a benefit to RUSA since they will no longer be under their umbrella of rightness, and who knows, their version of “common law” may not agree with Jimmy Bo’s version. Hey, let’s be serious here for a moment, you know darn well it won’t be, since no two collections of ding-a-lings can agree on just what the “common law” is, just that it is good and heavenly appointed, and better than that nasty statute stuff.

Now we get to the fun part. Just as I predicted, we have the deep dark voice, “The Security Network” that is supposedly supporting RUSA, or maybe not, although to quote Jimmy
“I have no first hand information or proof” Bo, he seems to convinced they are going to ride in and save his/their sorry behind, although why Peachy is convinced of the opposite would probably make even better reading. Then we have the evil and lying “Funders” who eventually led poor innocent former President for Life Tuner astray, and the now heaven sent “Chinese Elders???”, who are all things good and right, for the moment at least.

But LightinDarkness of course you have to have the good old de facto vs de jure governments schtick, otherwise they couldn’t justify their nonsense, they have to be struggling against the awful usurper to justify what they are doing in their fantasy realm. The old thing about people wanting to believe what is convenient and suits their current wants seems appropriate here.

That’s why it is called mythology, because they make it up as they go along, and then they don’t have to bother with all those nasty little facts, that admittedly most of them never bothered to pay attention to when they were in school, which is why this is so easy for them, but still nasty old facts that contradict everything they are wanting to believe just get ignored or swept under the carpet.

Actually, the whole “Security Network” thing is pretty easy once you’ve gotten to the point you can conjure a fake gov’t up out of whole cloth. A little thing like the “Security Network” or the “Chinese Elders” is an easy step from there in cloud cuckoo land, and I wouldn’t be sure they were imaginary, someone this deluded would easily fall for someone making promises of exactly what they wanted to here, after all that is conman 101, and this bunch is definitely prime pickings, as they have proven time and time again. I’m actually quite sure there was someone promising them a whole lotta dinars at some point, just like it makes sense that someone is trying to sell the rubes on the Chinese Elder bazillions in gold con. After all, they got away with it for quite a while in NYC until the Federal Judge there laughed in their faces and shut them down and tossed the whole suit. You can’t tell me this collection of rubes is smarter than what was supposed to be one of NYC’s top law firms?

When it comes down to the final bit, I would go along with the Judge as to the real reason
$ for the collapse, since I am pretty sure common sense or reality had nothing to do with it.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:what was supposed to be one of NYC’s top law firms?
I don't think I'd go that far. Moreover, anyone who would needs to peruse this thread.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, that was certainly the noise being made about this, and I only said "supposed to be", in all honesty, I wouldn't know, of course they were also making noise that this was all for real too, and we know where that all ended. But, since it is all imaginary anyway, kind of leaves you where you are.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.