MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Gnoose »

WTH is it with conspiracy theorists and being unable to differentiate between reality and satire?

Also was this White House Insider the same one from that poxy Ulstermann Report blog? I'm guessing it is, which is great, cause that guy is hilarious to read. On a similar topic, I wonder just how far one could string the conspiracists along if they were to pose as a 'government insider' and attempt to get in contact with a guru or blogger.

Everyone must remember the esteemed Drake Bailey, spokesman for an underground military coup that was set to take down the NWO and blah, blah, blah, constitutional government. Also recall that Drake was inevitably outed as a gigantic liar and pathological attention-seeker despite the fact that New Age wunderkin David Wilcock's own top secret anonymous insider 'vetted' him as being 'the real deal.'

Basically, just about anybody claiming to be an 'insider' can puss muster with these people. Which makes them ripe for teh trolling.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

Of the top 10 "crazy conspriacy theories" having to do with the recent election (gathered from talk radio and the internet) offered by AlterNet, ones featured by MacHaffie don't make the top 3, but are consigned to #4, #5, and #10. Not a very good showing by "The Duke," no doubt due to his being too selective. He has to learn to embrace all the crazy, not just the parts of it he likes.

As for this White House Insider being the same one as at the Ulsterman Report, it appears that he is (at least the postings are the same). For some strange reason, MacHaffie didn't post WHI's repsonse to being wrong about the election, so I'll include it here. No doubt a simple oversight.

by Ulsterman on November 7, 2012 with 96 Comments in News

After repeated requests for feedback, we finally hear back from the D.C. political operative who just days ago was supremely confident Barack Obama would be defeated in the 2012 Election. They were proven wrong yesterday. Very wrong. Barack Obama remains president. So what now?

(The Jarrett-Obama Agenda received four more years last night. Will the promises of ”revenge” now begin?)

WHI: Please stop with the messaging. I’m going over the #s. State by state. County by county. Had all of that lined up a week ago and it was looking so good for us. Last night not adding up. A major shift in the final hours or some serious anomalies in the actual vote counts. Voter turn out was depressed for both sides. All prior evidence states otherwise. How is that possible? Don’t know. At this point not worth discussing because I don’t have an answer for you so don’t ask. This is f-cking Venezuela we got here.

Is what it is for now though. Shut up. Move on.

You want me to say I was wrong? Fine. I was wrong. But I said they could steal it. And that is what might have happened. But to pull that off in so many states, would mean they got help. Talking from both sides here. Get it? Republicans. And that is scary. If we are that far gone, what the hell are we to do about that? We need a major reset in America if that is the case. We don’t f-cking deserve America anymore. When those Senators dropped Benghazi I got real worried real fast. It felt like a deal had been made. And the CBS bullsh-t. Talk about a media scandal of epic f-cking proportions. But nobody is pushing it. Like I told you. They buried it. Both sides. Gone. I’ll say it again. BOTH SIDES. Get it? I know localized fraud. But a multiple state millions of votes level of fraud? To pull that off would be incredibly risky and would require help from the apparent opposition side. And I don’t really want to go there right now. Too scary.

Another thing. They will use this to further divide the conservatives. Stir them up. Get the finger pointing at an all time high. Divide them up even more. Easy pickings then. You might be getting taste of that already. Keep your head up.

Won’t sugar coat the real issue here though. America is in big f-cking trouble here. Jarrett said they have two judges ready and waiting. They want to own the Court. Congress really does become moot at that point. More than it already is. Hell, if elections are moot, why not the Court too?

Give me 24 more to digest all of this. I’m waiting for feedback from others. Sure they are just as stunned as me. Virginia? That was +3 for us. Easy. When that got jammed up last night I knew something was up. And everybody was saying “What is going on?” Everybody. I’m hearing something like 8 million fewer votes. And we don’t win with those #s? That means no Republican pick ups? How is that possible? Don’t know. Doesn’t make any sense. There is no previous election to hold 2012 up against in comparison. I have never experienced an election night roll out like what happened last night. Never.

Give me 24.

Maybe we shut this down. Permanent or temporary I don’t know yet.

I’ll echo the Old Man. I’m sorry too. Really believed we had this one.

To give you a taste of what I’m doing now I’ll share this with you. I’m using a Florida outcome in a specific district to try and wrap my head around all of this. Three counties. Martin, St. Lucie, and Palm Beach. Martin is controlled by Republicans and the turnout #s match what all our national trending showed. Big enthusiasm for the Republican candidate. Republican vote dominated Martin County. St. Lucie and Palm Beach are the real tests and is where the #s really start to signal something is wrong. St. Lucie leans Democrat. Palm Beach is Dem dominated. St. Lucie showed marginally less votes for Democrats % wise. Republicans enjoyed some cross-over which is what all the national models were indicating. In Palm Beach County which is Dem. dominated, voter turnout was even more depressed than prior elections, especially for the Democrats. But the Democrats won the district. The Republicans lost. Basically, the Democrat-dominated counties seem to be where some very odd #s came back. And if this is the model they utilized last night, they had to have done it in multiple counties for every swing state. That kind of coordination would be huge. And it would need the help of operatives from the other side. So I’m sitting here trying to figure out if the #s represent real voter outcome, which means almost all our internals were way the f-ck off, or how they pulled off fraud. That will take time. It won’t matter for this election, but it will make us better prepared for the next one. Either way, I got to focus and make calls, and try to figure this sh-t out.

Or not.


Ulsterman also has a Military Insider (gives us the straight poop from inside the armed forces), a Wall Street Insider (Wall Street hates that Wall-Street-loving Obama), a Longtime D.C. Political Operative, and now a Republican Insider (2012 was in inside job). Strangely enough, they all seem to have the same writing style. I guess if you work in the same field long enough, you start to sound like all the others in it, huh?
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

Now that a full week has passed, I am beginning to have doubts about the prescience of MacHaffie's insider source.

I am astonished at several pundits (including Hannity, Rove, Limbaugh, and the like) who are claiming that Romney lost because he was not conservative enough. It was plenty clear to almost everyone with two brain cells to rub together that Romney was more conservative than Obama. Does anyone really think that a voter who wanted someone even more conservative than Romney registered their dissatisfaction by deliberately voting for Obama?!
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by rogfulton »

fortinbras wrote:Does anyone really think that a voter who wanted someone even more conservative than Romney registered their dissatisfaction by deliberately voting for Obama?!
They could be implying that people who wanted someone even more conservative did not vote. "if I can't have my way, I'm not playing!" :x

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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

Well, then it's obvious that the people who wanted someone more conservative than Romney taught Romney a lesson they'll never forget!

It occurs to me that if all the Republicans would contribute as much toward paying the federal debt as they just threw away on Gingrich, Romney and others, that the federal debt would be a LOT smaller. That, and the amount that people like the Koch Brothers and Adelson threw at Republicans dwarfs whatever amount they'd be asked to pay in taxes if Obama has his way about cancelling the Billionaire's Tax Break.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Kestrel »

Webhick is right.
Last edited by Kestrel on Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by webhick »

It occurs to me that people cannot control their need to discuss politics.

Look, I think we all "get" that the NESARA topic is intertwined with religion and politics, but your comments have nothing to do with NESARA. Keep it on topic.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

Let me say one word about NESARA, prosperity deliveries, Dinar RVs, Ascension, First Contact, and the end o’ the world as they relate to politics.


The NESARA folks talked for years about how Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich worked together against the government to pass NESARA. Also, they would be running mates in a Pro-NESARA ticket for president (which would be which wasn’t specified). In NESARA world, both of them were anti-government and Dark Agenda, so thus their politics aligned perfectly.

Recently, Romney was the devil because he was running against Ron Paul, but then later he was the anti-Obama savior about 3 posts out of 4. Crazy daddy-o! Had he won, they might not have been as upset as they were when Obama did, but trust me, they would have returned to that anti-government sweet spot by January.

So why the flurry of conspiracy posts by MacHaffie and Bellringer? ‘Cause they love a conspiracy! Of course there was a Dark Agenda plot to fix the election, there’s a dark agenda plot for everything! MacHaffie has been outdoing himself with the number of posts in the last few days, of course all he has to do is cut ‘n paste and there’s a lot out there. No doubt he’s busy around the bunker, humming to himself happily at all the action. NESARA NOW WON!

As for religion – just as clueless. Apparently there’s nothing conflicting between fundamental Christianity and multiple alien gods named Hatoon/Aton/Yowza.

P.S. My theory on White House Insider calling the election for Romney. The two political campaigns weren’t stupid, they knew that if their side didn’t think they would win it could depress voter enthusiasm. Thus a flurry of very positive predictions on the Republican side when a few days before the election the Democratic side promoted polls showing a lead for Obama. In politics these days no one is reasonable or goes half-way, so some of these predictions got 100% certain, with language that left no room for doubt. I believe that the people who faked these “inside sources” picked up on this and decided to increase their credibility (not hard when you’re at zero) by calling the election for Romney. Had they been right, we would have never heard the end of this “proof.” But as it was, we’re now hearing their tantrum at being wrong, which includes numerous outrageous political posts that would be “trolling ready” if they were fought over here.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

The NESARA backstory seems to differ among the different cults. There is this story you mention that Ron Paul and Kucinich are or were working to pass NESARA. Someone else has this story that years ago, on an unspecified date, regiments of military men, at the direction of a group of generals and admirals, seized the Members of Congress and locked them in the Capitol until they secretly enacted the NESARA (not clear whether the President signed it or how/why it was kept secret so long), so that it's already passed. Then there are those who don't mention it as legislation but as something brought to us by saucer people and/or angels.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:The NESARA backstory seems to differ among the different cults. There is this story you mention that Ron Paul and Kucinich are or were working to pass NESARA. Someone else has this story that years ago, on an unspecified date, regiments of military men, at the direction of a group of generals and admirals, seized the Members of Congress and locked them in the Capitol until they secretly enacted the NESARA (not clear whether the President signed it or how/why it was kept secret so long), so that it's already passed. Then there are those who don't mention it as legislation but as something brought to us by saucer people and/or angels.
All these backstories are 100% truth! The only reason there appears to be a conflict in your mind is you're stuck in 3D and need to move to 3DDD.

Luckily for us, MacHaffie was obliging and posted this election-fraud story that's perfectly alright to use here because it's so far out. How was the election stolen? By time travel to the future to see who won, that's how! Only slightly sanitized to removed troll and sanity bait.

Thursday, November 15, 2012
"Obama: The 2012 Time-Travel-Captured U.S. Presidency" - Transcript & References
THE NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to hide.

This is the NEWS Live for November 9, 2012, with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre. “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.” Let me repeat that. “The NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.”

So what's the headline for this week’s THE NEWS Live, November 9, 2012? It is “Obama: The 2012 Time-Travel-Captured U.S. Presidency”.
U.S. Presidential election as a false flag operation

The total cost of this election was in excess of $6 billion dollars; the duration was 23 months - almost 2 years - starting in January 2011. (By contrast parliamentary democracies, most of the western European democracies, here in Canada, in Australia. I know that here in Canada, by law, there's a 1month limit to the national campaign, 30 days. The election drops and there’s 30 days, 1 month, of campaigning and the voters go to vote.) What the 2012 election has become (and this is the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide) what it has become is more than bread and circuses. It has become a false flag operation--the U.S. Election itself, and the 2-year campaign that goes before it to divide the electorate into different memes and to put them into a false competition for no reason, because the winner is known before hand. The winner of the 2012 election was known in 1971 to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency time-travel apparatus. It's a false flag operation on the U.S. and the world population by the CIA time-travel apparatus. We know that the CIA time-travel apparatus is essentially the muscle for the planetary control elite at the level of the Rockefellers in North America, and the British crown-Elizabeth Windsor, and the city of London bloodline bankers lead by the Rothschilds. That's about how the planet is controlled.
CIA Time-Travel Apparatus

Let's look at how the CIA time-travel apparatus specifically operated in the case of U.S. president Barack Obama, so that both the 2008 and the 2012 U.S. presidency became a time-travel captured U.S. presidency, requiring a little tilting here and there by HAARP. [HAARP-Chemtrails weapons system] Steeling Hurricane Isaac into the GOP convention in Tampa to knock out the first day of their convention and to slow the initial momentum. And then, finally, Hurricane Sandy which was environmental war to really give the 'Commander in Chief' role to Obama in the final week prior to the election, and to tilt the election toward Obama. ... Although they don't know that hurricane Sandy was HAARP caused/HAARP triggered environmental war. Even John McCain, who was a GOP contender in 2008, called Hurricane Sandy “an act of god” on national television. So, most of the mainstream politicians in the U.S. are completely in the dark and it's like rats running in a cage.

Time-Travel Pre-Identification

Okay, let's look at time-travel pre-identification and the secret training of U.S. presidents. In the summer of 1980 there was held a CIA jump room training class at the College of the Siskiyous near Weed, California. There, Barry Soetoro (that's Barack Obama's legal name), Andrew D. Basiago, William B. Stillings, and Bernard Mendez (three whistle blowers), who unlike Barack Obama who has chosen to stick with his security agreements about being in the CIA's 1980's jump room program and has not gone public on this.
At substantial threats to their lives and livelihood, in the public interest whistleblowers Andrew D. Basiago, William B. Stillings and Bernard Mendez have chosen to go public and that's why we know about this. They all corroborate each other’s story independently. They were at this training class along with Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham and Andrew D. Basiago's father, Raymond F. Basiago, and William B. Stillings father, Thomas J. Stillings, along with a number of other people, including, Regina Dugan who was Barack Obama's first director of DAARPA. Now, she's with Google.
During this class, Stanley Ann Dunham identified herself to Andrew Basiago as Barack Obama's mother and she stated a number of times, quite proudly, that her son, Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro, would be the first African American president of the U.S., and he's been positively identified [as a class participant]. ... All of them have positively identified him as Barack Obama-that [class] participant.
So, Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother, identified Barack Obama at this 1980's class as the first African American president of the United States. They were about eighteen years old at the time. Now this is not an anomaly. ...
Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother, was a CIA career operative in Indonesia under the cover of U.S. A.I.D. She was informed by CIA, by her CIA handlers, in 1971 that CIA time-travel had pre-identified her son, Barry Soetoro then ten years old, as a future U.S. president named Barack Obama who would be initially inaugurated on January 20, 2009, under the name of Barack Obama. The CIA, then, directed Stanley Ann Dunham to go to Honolulu, Hawai'i, where in December of 1971, she arranged a six weeks meeting at which, what is called in the intelligence community, “the Legend” or kind of the cover story-the life cover story, which itself was then memorialized into the “autobiographies” of Barack Obama (that were ghost written apparently), by which “the Legend” of Barack Obama could be arranged.
During that six weeks meeting in 1971, Neil Abercrombie, the future governor of Hawai'i in 2008 during the Obama campaign (He would be instrumental in perpetuating the ruse that Barack Obama was born in Hawai'i) was brought in as a central character in organizing “the legend”. He was a friend of the Kenyan civil servant named, Barack Obama, who had been with him at the University of Hawai'i. He invited Barack Obama to come back from Kenya to Honolulu for the six weeks. There's one photo op at the Honolulu airport with Barack Obama senior, Stanley Ann Dunham, and the ten-year-old Barry Soetoro. For six weeks, Barack Obama senior from Kenya, Neil Abercrombie, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Stanley Armour Dunham, (Stanley Ann Dunham's father and CIA agent) arranged “the legend” that Barack Obama II was the Kenyan civil servants son. In turn, Barack Obama senior was assassinated in Kenya in a CIA automobile accident in 1982. [It was] the same year that Barry Soetoro assumed the public name, Barack Obama, in a court preceding here in a British Columbia court in October of 1982 (probably under CIA guidance). We have the sealed documents from that name change.
So that what it appears from the evidence, is that all U.S. presidents from 1971 forward - George H. W. Bush senior, George W. Bush junior, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama - have been pre-identified by a secret time-travel technology. They have been briefed and groomed by the CIA time-travel apparatus. What this means, is that the U.S. presidential election is a charade because the winners, the winning candidate, and the CIA time-travel apparatus know the result beforehand. As do probably the controlling parties of the CIA time-travel apparatus who are the elite New World Order directors: In North America, the Rockefeller group-David Rockefeller; and in Europe, the British crown-Elizabeth Windsor, and the city of London bloodline bankers-Rothschilds. This is one of the technologies, along with HAARP, by which they control public affairs.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:41 AM

If they knew the result before-hand, why did they need to change the weather? Also, if this could happen, how exactly would it be fraud? I mean, they're not changing the election, just indoctrinating those they know will win! Sounds like good ol' fashioned American know-how if you ask me.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

This makes perfect sense and explains everything.

PS: If you can, please ask the time travel chrono-naut to go back to 1997 and tell me not to dump my Google stock in order to buy Enron.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by ashlynne39 »

If the CIA knew obama would be president and could time travel why not travel back in time to when his mother was pregnant and make her stay in hawaii. That woulve alleviated the need to create an elaborate birth backstory and would have saved us all fom orly.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Ulsterman Report

MacHaffie's White House Insider isn't, he's Ulsterman's and he isn't either. Real, that is son, I say real. Here's what I can piece together of the story.

Ulsterman is a anonymous person who gets his kicks posting "explosive" political stories. When questioned in 2010, he backed up his story with sources that didn't pan out (no such person and no such publication). Imagine, the audacity of someone checking sources! See So, the "White House Insider" suddenly showed up, no doubt drawn to Ulsterman because of his journalistic integrity, with stories from inside the Obama White House. Now way of checking on him, smarty pants! Then, as needed, all sort of other insiders came forward, including the recent "Republican Insider" to expose how November 6th was an inside job.

What's surprising is how long of legs these White House Insider reports seem to have. I thought it was limited to MacHaffie and his ilk, and his ilk may be ilky, but they're few in number. I was wrong. I seems that when you tell people what they want to hear they listen. I doubt "his" poor prognostication of the election will matter if the transparent nature of the fraud didn't before, but we'll see.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

I know I've mocked these "insiders" in the past, but here's finally one who seems to know what's going on. Especially valuable for you who want to know exactly who the players in the drama really are.

Thursday, November 22, 2012
An anonymous insider reveals poistions of Antichrist, Sananda, St. Germain, ect

Sananda Immanuel Esu is the Antichrist, the beast from the land. His false prophets are Germaine and Prince William, the beast from the sea, who has his own false prophet, Meitreya, who assumes the title of president of the theosophical society after he kills Rael or Claude Vorilhon.

Meitreya's false prophet in turn is Benjamin Creme. Satan the devil had a demon child with Lilith , one named Yurii, and the other Sanat Kumera, and the other Germain. Yurii became ancestor of the pre-germanic Scandinavians, and his descendant, Freya, had Baal the demon, who was incarnated as Baal the king of Babylon.

Satan and a fallen angel named Madonna "the queen of heaven" had Astarte, who was incarnated As Astarte, wife of ninus, and later wife of their grandson, king Baal. Sanat Kumera the demon had Athena, and Sananda the demon had Pindar. Pindar and Athena had Pindara, who with Germaine had Alepha. Alepha the demon and Baal had Incubus, who with demon astarte had Astar. Pindar was later incarnated as king Pindar of Sodom.

Now Incubus and Lilith had Jedi, who had Annunak, progenitor of Annunaki, with Atlanta. Atlanta was the daughter of king Chronos of Atlantis. Chronos was the one who broke off Atlantis from asia originally it was landlocked. Atlantis used to be called Enoch, prior to chronos's reign ( which began three months after his daughter Atlanta was born, hence Atlantis.) Enoch after Enoch, father of Irad, father of Chronos, who was the son of Cain, the son of Satan. Irad also had Prince Mehujael, who had Duke Mehushael, who had Sir Lamech, who had Feudal Lord Tubal Cain, whose daughter Sedeqetelebeb was good and married Ham but they became evil after the flood and had Cush, who had Nimrod.

Meanwhile one of the annunaki Tebiris had Semiramis with Misra son of Ham and Sedeqetelebeb. Semiramis and Nimrod were progenitors of all Satanists.

Meanwhile An Annunaki alien king Lam reigned. His son prince endri-Gakama became the father of Fairenai , ancestors of the fairies.

The original Atlantis was destroyed because of the sins of the Kenites. A fairy named Alba however found it and remade it near the coast of Portugal. The inhabitants of this new Atlantis, Alboin, were destroyed, but Domjov was taken in the heir during the flood. During the flood Albino moved to the north west of the European mainland . Domjov's son Atlas I sunk 90 percent of Alboin so it could not be destroyed again, and the other 10 percent later became known as England .

Now the sunken part of Alboin was known as Atlantis again. One of it's queens Attica was the mother of Cush's children. One of their progeny was Neptune and another was Baal whose daughter was Athena the selfsame demon Incarnate. Athena married the son of Misraim and his sister Maza, named Caphtor. They had Phillisti, who had Chua, who with Neptune had Atlas. Atlas had Oceanus and Tethys, and they had Tethys.

Zeus a demon incarnate was the mortal son of King Thoth of Egypt. Zeus and Tethys had Alice, who mixed with the descendants of the Britons, (who were the seed of Latins or of Iberian Celts, and of the Trojans, descendants of the tribe of Dan.) Iberian Celts were a branch of Celts. Celts are a mix of descendants of the tribe of Ephraim, descendants of the tribe of Dan, descendants of Japheth, descendants of Egyptians, who were descended from Nimrod and Semiramis , descendants of demons , and descendants of Babylonians (of Nimrodian seed). The Britons and them created the current Atlantean race .

But anyway Sanat Kumera, Germaine, and Sananda arrived as demons on earth in 1954. Until 1990, the demons were nomads and in 1990 they settle in Rome. In 1994 Prince William and his future gilfriend and wife Catherine Middleton were forced to have an affair, producing the secret princess Mary Diana, who on June 1 2006 had a child with Meitreya. This child was Sanat Kumera incarnate, who the moment he was born became an adult. He was incarnated as a female. On June 6 2006 she became pregnant with Satan's child, Sananda Incarnate, and gave birth the same day. Sananda immediately became an adult and works near Utah in his human state with the satanist Mormons. I am NLT sure but be aware I believe Sananda Immanuel Esu is the Antichrist ."

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:39 PM

The rest of this sounds pretty reasonable, but "In 1994 Prince William and his future girlfriend and wife Catherine Middleton were forced to have an affair" when they were 12 years old?


1. Anonymous November 22, 2012 10:56 PM
most ill informed smear campaign by Rote Ignaramous

2. Anonymous November 22, 2012 11:01 PM
The world you live in is devoid of any truth , love or light,,,Your in misery,,,Your day is done,,,go back into your pit of darkness.

3. Anonymous November 22, 2012 11:20 PM
Oh my, this is very strange and interesting. I always thought that this Sananda calling himself Christ was a demon. And we all know the Mormons have likely the best geneology archives on the planet. My sister married a spooky Mormon and her quest has been to gather generational data on our large family.
And what is nlt please???

4. Anonymous November 22, 2012 11:26 PM
Sanada Immanuel Esu Antichrist...hmm.
Well, it's nothing to rule out, just because of the value that the theosophists and the new agers and channelers and so forth have put on that name and the names included in your writing. However...just that whole list is really really out there. When I say that, I mean that the tracing is even more out-there than some of the craziest conspiracies I have ever heard. Could you please provide some references or sources? At least, the information that allowed you to reach this conclusion. Thanks. But wow. Just absolute edge of the conspiracy world. Believe absolutely every conspiracy ever, and this conclusion is possible, from what I have seen. John, may I ask, I'm just curious, but what's your take on this?

5. Anonymous November 22, 2012 11:47 PM
Well, there you have it..
The shit has finally been stacked too high.
I'm outa here!

6. brokenwrench November 22, 2012 11:50 PM
i have read some of the channeling of sanntanna and the phoenix journals that shows up on fourwinds10 and i must say they reek of arrogance, intolerance and a total lack of love for those who do not shallow everything hook line and sinker. he says he is coming back to evacuate those who are ready and if no one boards his ships, too bad all will perish. a I could care less attitude is not the God i have a relationship with. the another translation of anti christ is the instead of christ an impostor who comes in his own name showing false signs and lying wonders and will deceive many. according to Daniel and revelation this world leader reveals himself as God in the middle of the 7 years. then there is 1295 days until the real Jesus returns with his armies to set things right.

7. Anonymous November 23, 2012 1:22 AM
Interesting words BUT by my understandings, the chronology of statements are aparently all over the recorded historical map.
If you want to present your case in a more convincing manner, you will have to try again with better sequential order.
Declarations would be better received if additional information of a supporting nature was included. As it stands, your position does not warrant receiving any cigar of mine.

8. siriusvoid November 23, 2012 5:59 AM
As real as this stuff might seem to some of us,
It is just another dissolving mythos...
Trash blowing in the wind.
Hierarchies, names, and bloodlines...
They all add up to nothing.
Seek the magnificent life which is always already living you.
- NOW.
It's never too late to be restored to TRUTH/REALITY.
"Follow the Money"