Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I'm obviously too lowly a minion to have been invited to the party. ... 2110747974
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd just settle for the shut up part. Whatsit is getting really boring and repetitious. Mostly boring.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus Lite! Or perhaps "Erasmus as lite as I can edit him." Erasmus will be pissed, but it's by popular demand and pleas from mental health professionals.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I believe in what Mitt Romney proposed to give the American economy a future instead of pending disaster for America. I am now proposing a wild political ace to be played for Mitt Romney so he now wins the national election ... make Mitt Romney national chairman of the National Omni Law Committee so he can help fast pass the Omni Law for America and the American people. ... I will totally back him ... He will win ... America may not have a second chance to save the American economy from pending national collapse or such reduced growth as America will never rise to greatness again as a nation. As soon as the Omni Law is passed which can even be before 2012 is over, I guarantee that Mitt Romney will be one of the ten American Civil Tribunes appointed by it as I am chairman of the national committee for the appointment first term for the ten American Civil Tribunes.... Mitt Romney gave up basically $2 billion he would have made if he had stayed in business instead of devoting himself to public service to help you the American people. ... see your elected Republican leaders promptly see this report so they can fast rally and put him in key charge of the national economy through the legal power created by passage of the Omni Law. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, was written up by a prestigious international organization as "The Einstein of American Economics" ... Technical name for the Omni Law is Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America, but a lot easier for the people and publications to say Omni Law in regular conversation!
Mitt Romney, you offered too much to the American people to be lost to America just because you lost this national election by a tiny hairline margin. So please accept my offer ... We need your wisdom and business experience ... with some additional clever ideas in economics if you agree with me... do miracles for the American economy. ... I am doing my best to open the door of opportunity for you so you may bless America with your God-given talents. ... Now a few more mundane details. For those interested, I am too honest and outspoken on national issues ... If I receive large money from one or two large pending national deals, then I will treat any money received for the Omni Law to be treated by me as loan money so you get your original money back. Okay patriots, we can still save our nation so it has a bright future for all Americans! Now so we know what I am talking about when I say pass the Omni Law, enclosed is a copy below. ...
We ... authorize ... ten civil tribunes powers ... ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people ...They will be elected for four years ...They will hold referendums to create national law. The first 10 civil tribunes will be appointed for four years by the National Institute For Inventors [Erasmus] ... make fuel cheap again in America, restore our ... rights ... break the power of corrupt interests ... address other national issues ... establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth ... assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts, and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests." - End of proposed Omni Law. ... you don't have to write massive laws to deliver powerful legal messages.
... - Omni Law is written by a voice crying in the wilderness for sanity, freedom, and prosperity in America - Erasmus of America (pen name for one who believes in peaceful reform rather than violent revolution to solve the problems of a nation)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:31 PM

What a wuss! He promises violent revolution, and ends up offering a job to Romney? What about his Soviet Doomsday Bomb or Louisiana Purchase Repo? Instead he's gonna have Romney pass laws making fuel cheap? And besides, haven't dozens of articles on MacHaffies Website, most admittedly before the nomination, identify him as a member of the New World Order? What gives? Will MacHaffie's readers be fooled?


1. JohnMachete November 7, 2012 3:34 PM
I call Bullshit

Replies 1. Anonymous November 7, 2012 5:54 PM
I second that motion.

2. Anonymous November 7, 2012 4:39 PM
Erasamus, you aren't winning yourself allies with this rubbish. Lyndon Johnson was an absolutely horrid president, and despite his "cross" to the GOP he remains one of the worst democrats. Romney's solutions for jobs aren't real solutions- they are band aids. When Johnson publicly confronted Romney, he even admitted on national T.V. that his view has been skewed by socialist programs - and he was one of the longest running Democratic governors in MA. [Huh? Is this secret history that I don't know? In my world, LBJ was from Texas, president from 1963-1969 and died in 1973 when Mitt was 25.]
Unlike the other jokers, Romney doesn't mind making fun of the fact he backs a losing strategy. ... There is nothing glamorous about it. Romney was actually willing to admit it was flawed nonsense, but not picking Ron Paul as his running mate sealed the deal of how good it was. Looking it is clear that Romney's family were so involved with criminals, ... I think his family will do the jail time. Romney though may simply pay a larceny fine ...
We don't ever want any Federal Government, let alone tribunals to be dictating to us the way to go. ... If he would have picked Ron Paul he would have beat Obama ... instead he perpetuated the Federal Fraud by backing the wrong horse - a Federal insurance mandate and as Johnson calls it....."unsustainable consumption" which leads to a backwards judicial system. ... We could have dodged a bullet by having no IRS and mandatory tax on all making over 800 million/1 billion per year, but instead, we get what we paid for. Absolute failure. [Lyndon Johnson again!]

3. Anonymous November 7, 2012 4:47 PM
Spoiler alert: Abraham Lincoln isn't responsible for that quote. It comes from one William Boetcker, a Presbyterian minister and industrialist.

4. Anonymous November 7, 2012 4:47 PM
Dude, what are you doing supporting Mitt Romney? ... take a look at his history. He's a communist man. He's completely anti-everything-that-makes-a-country-run.... But someone who shows nothing, who I have never seen, whose name is known while he hides behind Erasmus, and who supports the wrong people and says nicely that he wants to put them over us, is not worth my time. Honestly. ... I'm young, but I see that there is no one left. I see that I am going to have to go and change things. I am not seeing the Christians salting everything. I am not seeing the Christians lighting up everything, ... In a single year of research, I have found the solution to the education system, the solution to the money, the solution to chemtrails, the solution to HAARP, the solution to how to arrest all of these people, the solution to how to show your rights, the solution to how to fix the justice system, the solution to fixing the food and the water, the solution to so so many things, and I know if I, as a young man, can do it, so can so many others, and I know that they have. I have to assume by the lack of action that they don't care. They don't care about the money, the fraud, the corruption, the lies, the mockery, the death, the evil, and don't tell me that they care because belief is shown by actions, and that's what the Bible says. You try to show your belief without actions. You can't.
I guess it's my turn.

5. Anonymous November 7, 2012 4:50 PM
P.S: Prove to the people of America your good faith intentions.
So far you have defended some questionably bad people, such as the most ignorant Lyndon B. Johnson. If people are to take you seriously, or think you are spreading anything except David Crayford level disinfo, you need to show an example of your good works and a photograph to back it.
A lot of people talk a good talk before inevitably turning to the government is the answer card, which is how you know it's bullocks.
[What is this LBJ - Mitt Romney connection that's screaming inside Anonymous' head?]

6. Anonymous November 7, 2012 5:23 PM
The writer comes off as someone with "A FEW FRENCH FRIES SHORT OF A HAPPY MEAL" symptoms. Actually I think they just handed him an empty Happy Meal box. What a crock of insanity this is.

7. Anonymous November 7, 2012 7:34 PM
Just listen to these comments! If they aren't indicative of what America has become: know-it-all, ignorant fault-finding whiners. Hello! I mean you up there! Where does Erasmus "support" Johnson? Just because he mentioned Johnson in a previous article doesn't mean he supported him! What quote did he attribute to Lincoln? And my gosh!!! You'll have to look mighty long and hard to find the truth at the radical and extremely biased Veterans Today web site. If that idea weren't so pathetic, it would be laughable! Truth??? Facts? Nothing but opinion and bias.
How easy it is to sit on your you-know-what and find fault with Erasmus! You probably do it with everyone and everything! At least he has an idea and is willing to it out to the people. That's more than you are doing. Your arrogance and negativism is disgusting and certainly counterproductive. Since you all think you are so smart, what are your solutions to the problem? Let's hear them.
Oh! And one more's ROME, NOT GREECE. Let me repeat...ROMAN TRIBUNALS that existed in ANCIENT Rome several thousand years ago. Get your facts straight!
[Erasmus, 'zat you?]

8. Anonymous November 7, 2012 7:49 PM
P.S. The minister was quoting Lincoln
{It is!]

Boy, when you've got to heavily edit the comments for length, you can see that Erasmus' prose style (brutal spewing) is catching on at MacHaffie's site!

As a special treat, the mention of LBJ by Erasmus yesterday and a comment from the even-crazier person above.

I was invited by the head of Liberty Lobby years ago to be one of six trustees who knew about the Secret Service agent who smuggled out of the White House a copied tape of the conversation of Lyndon Johnson where he talked to the two New York bankers who ordered C.I.A. to murder Pres. Kennedy. This was Col. Curtis B. Dahl, one-time son-in-law of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I contacted members of Congress about this smuggled out tape from the White House. Only one responded and he said he would not touch this with a 50 foot pole this was so hot.
Anonymous November 7, 2012 3:05 AM
Erasamus, why do you defend Lyndon B. Johnson? That treasonous Democrat was the same one who covered up the USS Liberty bombing. He was the precursor, FDR's number one lapdog next to bush. They were all so twisted, sick and evil.....
Who are you kidding with Erasamus? Prove to us you are who you say you are, by an act of good faith. A document or a photograph of you from a while ago so we can verify you. Drake wasn't afraid, so what do you fear?
There should be no more hesitation on this respect, just furnish us with something. As much as we would like to believe you, the way you ballyhooed around defending Johnson and even getting deceived by Romney led a lot of us to think you aren't for real. Please prove us all wrong and let us begin.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by fortinbras »

So Erasmus is the national chairman of the otherwise unknown committee to appoint ten "tribunes" to govern the US. Is this supposed to make me feel good? Where can I apply to become a tribune??

I am still trying to get my brain around the notion that the CIA killed Kennedy and did so at the behest of two NY bankers.
notorial dissent
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Erasmus Lite! Or perhaps "Erasmus as lite as I can edit him." Erasmus will be pissed, but it's by popular demand and pleas from mental health professionals.
Amen to that!!!

Actually, I think the delete button would be more in order all things considered. Ye cats!!!!
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

fortinbras wrote:So Erasmus is the national chairman of the otherwise unknown committee to appoint ten "tribunes" to govern the US. Is this supposed to make me feel good? Where can I apply to become a tribune??
Hey, National Institute for Inventors isn't unknown, they've got a mailbox and all.

Besideds, the smelly guy on the corner named it "The Kwik-E-Mart of American institutes".
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

I'm just stuck back on how all it will take for Erasmus to prove he is legitimate is for him to produce a picture. And if I read right, that is howDrake proved he is legitimate. On the one hand it is explains so much. On the other hand wow what an excrutiating test of truthdullness.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

I don't know who this Anonymous is (if indeed, that is their real name), but I'm starting to like him/her/it. At first I thought the mixed-up history was lunacy, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just jerking Erasmus' chain. Yet another comment on the Erasmus Lite post.

Anonymous November 7, 2012 10:05 PM

Oh, please. Lincoln was just another shill in a long list of shills who promoted massive Federal Over Reach. His Proclamation to take ownership of the "slaves" under his Slavery New Deal is one of countless examples, where he gave the slaves to his democratic friends and Winston Churchill.

He actually bragged about his "New Deal" for the slaves, when later he was called out as a tyrant. What about the Logan act? They tried to prosecute him and Lincoln instead brought total collapse. Many don't regard him as anything but a traitor.

[The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and named after George Logan who died in 1821 when Lincoln was 12. Lincoln died in 1865 (he got shot in Ford's Theater, you might have heard of it), 9 years before Churchill was born.]

Don't pretend Americans are so stupid anymore or do not know their own history. We know it loud and clear, and the record shows unequivcably that Federal mandates have failed every time.

You want to talk about stupidity? Stupidity is voting for this system in the first place, and we've had it. We don't need the Federal mandates and bottom line is we do not desire, nor should we request to have much Federal government at all. Given its line of consistent failure it is CONTRARY to our interests plus a sham.

Finally, we're doing the best thing possible by exposing all the shills. Because if you want to talk solutions, we've had them for over fifty years...

The solution is to abolish the Federal Reserve, restore state sovereignty and eliminate the tax all-together once and for all. Enforcing a revenue generating consumption tax or anything similar, should only be done at the state level and with very limited Federal involvement-hardly any at all, period.

No IRS. Eliminate the tax loopholes and sham company taxes. Return full power of revenue to the States where it always belonged, get rid of the American Bar, and mandate the Maxim of Law doctrine in every court nation wide to be law. Gets rid of all the failures and crooks in one fell swoop, plus restores our Legal Article 3 courts to deal with this treason once & for all.

I think anyone saying we are going to solve it with any other "solution" is either deluding themselves, or a massive shill who'd love further war. It is all BS, and all corporations need to be made to pay - first by removal then followed by prosecution. And if necessary, the elimination of all income taxes placing the garnishment back on the billionaires who deserve to pay in full.

Also the problem cuts all the way across to Romney's cronies in Cuba and elsewhere. He may see he's against Islam, but this lying narcicist does not care about Bahrain for example.

Which Bahrain, an Islamic country has more abuses than Iran or Pakistan combined. So its more B.S. The banking system needs to go, and instead of propping up regimes like Bahrain or Egypt we need to prosecute them all, and Israel. Something that these crooks will never do and even Obama if he does prosecute the Fed, the story does not end because of allowing regimes like Bahrain and Egypt to even exist. Islam is just as corrupt and evil as Jerusalem, and we are all going to learn that. Probably the hard way but one thing is certain; all double standards are dying. Our Republic was built on choice, not double standards....time to cut the chords.

I'm dying to learn more about this exciting new American history where people from vastly different eras hang with each other. It explains so many things, such as why George Washington had a cell phone.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, November 8, 2012

[Sorry, I swore I would edit this, and already the title is too long.]

... military vote was deadly against Obama, ... "accidents" occurred with military mail ... "accidents" are the type thing that C.I.A. would arrange ... in legal reality Mitt Romney won the national election both by popular vote and ... electors ... file immediately with the U.S. Supreme Court ...
I saw one federal plant I am familiar with laughing over the internet that Obama had just stolen the U.S. election from Mitt Romney by voter fraud and what the hell could the American people do about it? My legal answer is we have an immediate impeachment investigation of Obama and Biden ... go to prison for high treason ... for what appears to be secretly engineered voter fraud to suppress the military vote ... I suggest that Eric Holder immediately resign as Attorney General ... being too dumb ... makes him automatically guilty ... fire the entire U.S. Justice Dept. for willful high treason and then rebuild ... upon honest people ...
I also suggest that the military votes now be counted and added to the official figures for final certification of the national voting from the 50 states. Then Mitt Romney be certified the legal and valid President of America elected in the November 6, 2012 national election....
Folks, copy and send this report all over America. Show to newly elected Republican candidates and those who are already in office and tell them to "go hang the traitors in the federal government!" Investigate the daylights out of those who engineered this situation and under intense heat, I predict some of the canaries will begin to sing how this really happened. Have my Omni Law passed ...And as soon as possible, have President-elect Mitt Romney called the President-elect ... A retired Colonel of the U.S. Air Force who had a great discovery to lower the cost of auto fuel in America but also honest and exposed some scandals of Wash., D.C. was told that he was on some Obama black lists and would be murdered as soon as the November 6 election was over. He talked with a friend of mine two days ago. Yesterday, all phone lines to him were cut off and no way to reach him. Has he already been murdered by Obama or what is going on? ...
Tomorrow morning I required the U.S. Justice Dept. to pay me $4,400,000 for an out-of-court settlement plus $20,000 for a criminal they backed in a criminal act intended for me but hit the wrong victim instead. A lot more than any $4,400,000 has been stolen from me by the U.S. Justice Dept. This is merely a legal test to see if I should hit them with enough legal charges to maybe put away nearly the entire U.S. Justice Dept. in criminal prisons for many years or even life. I am good at law and they have totally destroyed their legal reputation with me. ... I don't think they can murder me tomorrow as the whole nation will know they did it if they try. I just say this to put legal heat on them as they have already for maybe two months protected one person from Wash., D.C. who claimed he was going to murder me in the name of Obama once the time was right. He would be legally authorized by Obama to do this. Issuing murder threats over the internet is a felony each time you do this. He has done this four times threatening me with federal murder in the name of Obama and the U.S. Justice Dept. does not arrest him or put him in prison. ... For those who want the national economy improved by the RV of foreign currencies, as soon as the Omni Law is passed, the RV will occur and the American economy will begin booming again. Obama has been sabotaging this or it would have happened maybe even one year ago according to reports to me from banking sources.... And folks, mass send this report out all over America. The corrupt and traitors in Wash., D.C. hate to be exposed to the whole nation! Too much national spotlight and they can't Promote this report nationally and we may soon get our lawful President Mitt Romney certified as the winner of the national election and then takes the oath of office for the White House starting the nation on the right foot at the beginning of 2013.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Military personnel, you can also help spread this report everywhere or do you like Obama suppressing the right of the U.S. military to vote in the national election of 2012?)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:41 PM

Now it's $20,000 for his friend's laptop computer!
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Erasmus wrote:....Have my Omni Law passed...
Erasmus has his own version?
Erasmus wrote:...some Obama black lists...
Not sure if Obama would have a "black" list.....
Erasmus wrote:...Tomorrow morning I required the U.S. Justice Dept. to pay me $4,400,000 for an out-of-court settlement plus $20,000 for a criminal they backed in a criminal act intended for me but hit the wrong victim instead.....
Deep Knight to get $20,000 off the DOJ? This guy needs to proof read his word-barfs.
Erasmus wrote:.... I am good at law and they have totally destroyed their legal reputation with me. ...
Won't somebody think of the irony?

And regarding the $4,400,000 check (Illuminati delaying tactics 101) who is it to be made out to? Erasmus of America won't do. Second, for that amount, it can't be sent to a Mail Box address. :Axe:
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

I am still trying to find the first alleged "death threat" on these unhallowed pages that DK was supposed to have issued, and now I find Erasmus has ran the count up to four. I am forced to conclude that NESARAites/RVites simply lack the ability to count, given the fact that any number over 2.000000001 immediately becomes some impossible number, only to be topped by the next person in the chain by increasing that number by a magnitude between 4 and 3,823 times. I am sure by next week Erasmus will have found the very subtle and cunning death threats in DK's messages that he missed before, and therefore will increase the count to 6,376 death threats, $17,330,971 dollars owed by the government, and 543,762 dollars for the laptop.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

The Observer wrote:I am still trying to find the first alleged "death threat" on these unhallowed pages that DK was supposed to have issued, and now I find Erasmus has ran the count up to four. I am forced to conclude that NESARAites/RVites simply lack the ability to count, given the fact that any number over 2.000000001 immediately becomes some impossible number, only to be topped by the next person in the chain by increasing that number by a magnitude between 4 and 3,823 times. I am sure by next week Erasmus will have found the very subtle and cunning death threats in DK's messages that he missed before, and therefore will increase the count to 6,376 death threats, $17,330,971 dollars owed by the government, and 543,762 dollars for the laptop.

I believe the federal murder threats can be quite subtlely found in the last deep knight mystery story that featured erasmus.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

I listed four possible murder threats on page 10, about 1/4 of the way down, and all were a real stretch. Since then I've learned from careful study of Erasmus' ravings and the fact he's said it about 10 times that by saying:
Ah, Erasmus of America is playing right into my hands by thinking that I was playing right into his hands! As you know, the only hands I play into belong to rich heiresses or stunningly beautiful supermodels, and I do mean "play into." Next, the October Surprise, which will take place sometime in November, December at the latest.

I somehow threatened to kill him twice, once in November and once and December. Ignoring the fact that you can't actually murder someone who's already dead, so once is the limit, it's only in his mind that "October Surprise" is code for Deep Knight and President Obama killing him to win the election. Everyone knows that code is "Rosebud."

I'm not sure what the other ones are, but this is from a guy who claims I said I would hack into his computer and was bragging about fixing the election.

Loon or Nutcase, you decide.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I already know about all of those "threats". But they don't count. Nixon threatening Erasmus isn't DK threatening Erasumus (unless you are going to admit that you really are Nixon). Two "threats" in a fictional story don't count either. And a "October surprise" is so vague and sophmoric that Erasmus, good at law or not, wouldn't be even able to get a grand jury indictment against you, unless you dressed up as a ham sandwich.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

The Observer wrote:Yeah, yeah, yeah. I already know about all of those "threats". But they don't count. Nixon threatening Erasmus isn't DK threatening Erasumus (unless you are going to admit that you really are Nixon). Two "threats" in a fictional story don't count either. And a "October surprise" is so vague and sophmoric that Erasmus, good at law or not, wouldn't be even able to get a grand jury indictment against you, unless you dressed up as a ham sandwich.

You're on the wrong story. You need the one before Nixon where DK sets Mrs Howell and the slice girls on Erasmus. I think that is about the time all the claims of federal murder popped up. Apparently DKs story was so realistic with all its confederacy and roman empire talk that Erasmus thought it was one big real life scheme to take him out federally or otherwise.

By the way DK, I've taken your advice and while you work on a federal plan I'm working on a state one. I guess we will see who gets there first.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

ashlynne39 wrote:You're on the wrong story.

Well, I went to page 10 as DK directed, and found his itemized four examples. If he is even getting it wrong, that means Erasmus is one step ahead of DK!
You need the one before Nixon where DK sets Mrs Howell and the slice girls on Erasmus.
I really don't really read the DK stories, they are pretty much all alike. Not unlike the Harlequin Romances, if you have read one, you have read them all. But do let me know when he writes a story involving about logical female actuaries and forensic accountants in a high-finance potboiler uncovering and defeating a fiendish strategic financial conspiracy responsible for the market trends of the past 6 years or so, and leads the nation on a new paradigm. Then I will consider reading a few chapters.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by fortinbras »

The wikipedia article on the Narcissistic Personality Disorder mentions a subcategory, called the Fanatic Narcissist, which description seems to fit Erasmus (and many others we've discussed) like a strait jacket .... ... -TR_301.81

... I am convinced that Erasmus knows he is talking nonsense but continues to do so because he believes (perhaps forces himself to believe, in the absence of any supporting evidence) that he still has a hardcore of followers hanging on his every word. Since he's using a pseudonym for his audience, perhaps when this NESARA nonsense completely fizzles out, "Erasmus" will vanish and soon we'll have another pseudonymous internet huckster selling some other conspiracy theory.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:The wikipedia article on the Narcissistic Personality Disorder mentions a subcategory, called the Fanatic Narcissist, which description seems to fit Erasmus (and many others we've discussed) like a strait jacket .... ... -TR_301.81

... I am convinced that Erasmus knows he is talking nonsense but continues to do so because he believes (perhaps forces himself to believe, in the absence of any supporting evidence) that he still has a hardcore of followers hanging on his every word. Since he's using a pseudonym for his audience, perhaps when this NESARA nonsense completely fizzles out, "Erasmus" will vanish and soon we'll have another pseudonymous internet huckster selling some other conspiracy theory.
NESARA has been chugging along quite nicely for the past twenty years or so. Dove, the person that really boosted it into the stratosphere, started writing about it about late 90's or early 00's. Although she died in May 2010 it seems to have developed a self-sustaining life independent of any specific promoters so I don't see it fizzing out any time soon.
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