Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

And here all this time I thought you did it with chicken feathers, leg bones, and old Billy Carter speeches. Ah the advances of technology!!! I guess I'm just an old fashioned type and will stick to the sanctified tried and true methods, besides I want to make his fingers fall off intermittently, should cut down on his long winded rants if he is missing random fingers, and I just don't trust all those new fangled things to do it properly. And I don't trust those independent hackers anyway, you never know when they are going to put an extra key on your keyboard or something like that. I'll just stick to the old methods I think. They're also hard to track, and you don't have to worry about them leaving a trail someone can follow.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
Supreme Court
Confederate States of America
Only Courthouse West of the Pecos, Langtry, Texas, CSA

Your Honor,

As you are aware, the person calling himself Erasmus of America has declared in his open report to the UN that he was born in Illinois, still he insists that he is President of the Confederate States of America. In the glorious constitution of that esteemed nation, Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 7 says:

No person except a natural-born citizen of the Confederate; States, or a citizen thereof at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, or a citizen thereof born in the United States prior to the 20th of December, 1860, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the limits of the Confederate States, as they may exist at the time of his election.

And what is a “natural-born citizen?” Born in the Confederacy and in Erasmus’ own words:

I pushed nationally and correctly under law that the votes for Obama could not legally count as he was not a natural born citizen as required by the U.S. Constitution if you would run for the White House. Natural born citizen meant when the U.S. Constitution was written that you had to have two parents who were U.S. citizens to make you legally a natural born citizen under law.

Not only was he not born in the Confederacy, but neither of his parents are, thus he is by his own admission not qualified, yet claiming to hold the office. We have a word for that in law, and as I don't have to tell you, your Honor, that word is treason! West of the Pecos that’s a hangin’ offense.

I know that you know what to do and will do it. By the way, Miss Lilly gave me a lock of her hair to give to you, which I would be happy to do when, say, I came to be a witness at a certain hanging or something like that. Not that I’m trying to influence the court, just let him know about my busy schedule and Miss Lilly’s insistence that you get her intimate gift as quickly as possible, if you know what I mean.

Yours truly, and I do mean truly, you can look it up with a Google search,

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Why do I keep reading the title of this thread as "Let's Help Erasmus Out of America"?
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notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Wishful thinking, Freudian slip, wishful thinking, public service...
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Why do I keep reading the title of this thread as "Let's Help Erasmus Out of America"?
notorial dissent wrote:Wishful thinking, Freudian slip, wishful thinking, public service...
Well, my letter to Roy above ain't a-gonna help our cause 'cause I just learned he died in 1903. Sorta limits your judicial powers. Believe me, I was really put out when I found out, after all I was hoping this case would be heard in his saloon along the Rio Grande, with justice served immediately afterward using a rope.

Until then, all we can do is continue to demand to see the birth certificate, loudly, repeatedly, and somewhere other than here where the joke is starting to get stale. No doubt a clever ploy by Erasmus. But don't worry, I'm sure he'll provide us with more grist for that mill.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

More grist for that mill, Erasmus' wheat berries are getting crushed, much like in US Patent 2,509,418.
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wash., D.C. keeps sending the dumb, dumber, and dumbest federal operatives who flunk Lesson 101 in law again and again! I, Erasmus of America, was born in the Confederate States of America as the land of Illinois was among land granted by Virginia to Wash., D.C. for legal agreements made to Virginia by the newly created American Government which it had to keep under the Articles of Confederation and then the U.S. Constitution which replaced the Articles of Confederation March 4, 1789. As Wash., D.C.. did not keep its legal agreements made to Virginia for the land claims of Virginia all the way to the Pacific Ocean, all land grants by Virginia were automatically cancelled in 1861 when the federal government refused to honor any longer its agreement with Virginia to get these land grants from Virginia. The states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and southern part of Pennsylvania including Ft. Pitt later called Pittsburgh all belonged to Virginia by claims such as George Washington with the Army of Virginia claiming these lands for Virginia when fighting the French fort at what was later called Pittsburgh.
The story so far. Erasmus claims the presidency of the never-really-ended Confederate States of America by a process you could use in a fairy tale, but not a Court of Law. You know, the families of the last President signing it over to him at age 6 months for some magic beans. But Deep Knight, smart at phony law and fairy tails, decided to taunt him with the "where's the birth certificate" ploy because ol' Erasmus is a full-body high-test birfer who lectures us on why Obama isn't a natural born citizen. Poetic justice, don't you know. And, for some odd reason, Erasmus' droning run-on posts don't digest well with MacHaffie's readers either, and they've picked this up. So, over and over and over and over again, Erasmus o' America, or Dan Brown Jr, or Martin Hunter, or the son of Alfred Martin, or Bishop Tim, or Wade Garner, tells us he's 100% natural born rebel 'cause Chicago Illinois is in Virginia!

What he's talking about is this (and isn't he lucky to have found it). During the Revolutionary War, General Clark invaded the lands north of the Ohio and claimed them for Virginia. According to the historical reviews, Geological Survey Bulletin 1212, Boundaries of the United States and the Several States, by Franklin K. Van Zandt, US GPO, 1966 and The Hornbook of Virginia History, by Emily J. Salmon and Edward DC. Campbell, Jr (and I'm sure others, but 2 references will do), this claim was clarified by the State of Virginia to be "all of that territory between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers" and it was called Illinois County. This "territory" could be geographical or hydrological (river drainage) and the later is believed to be what was meant - both by tradition, legal precedent, and the fact nobody knew the geography at that time. Also, for Erasmus' purpose, it was larger. However, this was soon further specified to be "all the territory west of Pennsylvania and north of the Ohio to the 41st parallel of north latitude" because of "the Connecticut claim, which extended from the 41st parallel northward to the parallel of 42° 2' and from the west line of Pennsylvania to the Mississippi River." Then as the final act of a process started in 1781, "On March 1784 the Illinois territory was ceded to Congress and ceased to be part of the Commonwealth of Virginia"

But enough of facts. It is simpler, and more understandable by MacHaffie's minions, to simply laugh at the Land of Lincoln being part of the Confederacy. Or, go back to the river drainage (Chicago isn't on land drained into either, it drains into Lake Michigan!), or 41st parallel (Chicago is 41° 51' N!) definitions and once again demanded to see the Birth Certificate, this time the Long Form that not only includes the doctors signature and the baby's footprint, but also the exact latitude and watershed!

By the way, Virginia giving up claims to lands she never controlled wasn't done as a quid pro quo (that there's legal talk fer sayin' they didn't get nothin' fer it). This utterly destroys the utters of Erasmus' interesting legal argument below.

A simple example shows how the law works towards the land grant of Virginia to the American Government which ended up as Wash., D.C. If I sell you my house for $100,000 and then you figure out some way how to steal this $100,000 back from me, then this sale of my property to you is null and void meaning a cancelled contract as I am not paid for the contract or legal agreement we made so I would sell my house to you.

So, if I sell my ranch to you, and then go to your Saloon, get liquored up, lose my proceeds in a game of faro I later claim was rigged, then I get my ranch back, right? That's how it worked in Destry Rides Some More, so it's gotta be the law! Code of the West! Law of the Jungle at Sea! Bona fide legalistic-style!

Anyway, his citizenship in Virginia restored (which is much like restoring your virginity), he now gives an ultimatum to Washington DC that's just as geographically confused as his natural born status.

Since Virginia granted land to the U.S. Republic to build Wash., D.C. upon, I hereby give Washington, D.C. a 60 day legal eviction notice to vacate Wash., D.C. from those parts of Wash., D.C. which once more now belong to Virginia again. And if Maryland wants to claim the part of land they granted to create Wash., D.C., then they can evict Wash., D.C. from the other half of the land of the District of Columbia, a corporation instead of a national government as many legal sources have documented for the pseudo-government occupying Wash., D.C. for now. If the federal corporation called the U.S. Republic wants to, they can move back to New York State where the national capital was located at before moving to the District of Columbia.
Everytime federal operatives are assigned to try and be clever to try and discredit the Confederate Government in America, I hit back hard and Wash., D.C. loses more of its legal credibility and land rights in America.

I hate to tell Erasmus this (no I don't, I'm just being coy), but ALL of Washington DC is the Maryland part, NONE of Washington DC was "granted" to the Federal government from Virginia. Zilch. That part of the "diamond" is Arlington Virginia, NOT Arlington DC. Strange that Erasmus doesn't know the boundaries of the state he was born in!

Yours for God and Confederate States Of America, Erasmus of America (pen name. Fun rattling the nervous in Wash., D.C. by using my pen name. Of course, I have given my regular legal name as well in some reports now, but they are so scared of me now in Wash., D.C., they send in panic psychological warfare operatives of Wash., D.C. trying to figure out some way how to discredit or discourage the American people from backing me and the Confederate cause in America. They sense they are about to lose and don't know how they can stop this from happening!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:37 PM
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by LightinDarkness »

Question - exactly how did Erasmus decide he got to be "President" of the "Provisional Confederate Government"? I mean I know he gives a kooky fruitcake reason for it, but even the kooky explanation doesn't really make any sense:
One of the British Commonwealth parliaments by written diplomatic letter many years ago extended diplomatic recognition that I was the lawful head of the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America which never legally surrendered to the Union of Wash., D.C. under international law.
Questions that Erasmus has not seemed to ponder (1) Although its technically true that the confederacy never surrendered (just the main army, from my understanding) - since its now HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER how do you get to just proclaim that your now the confederacy? and (2) What "British Commonwealth parliament" extended diplomatic recognition? I have a feeling that what happened is he wrote some kook letter to some Commonwealth parliament body and got a form letter response written by some secretary, and by custom they always respond to the person in the fashion they titled themselves in the original letter. I bet he then took the form letter and declared it was "diplomatic recognition."
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Lightindarkness, allegedly 3 descendants of Jefferson Davis gave Rassy the right and authority to sit on the Confederate throne. You bring up a good point though. In addition to his birth certificate, Rassy should also have to produce his parlimentary recognition as well as his authorization papers from the Jefferson Davis family. As a Mississippi girl by ancestry and a proud Southerner, I would like to see some proof.
notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Rassy, is, as usual, delusional, and for a math genius, fails at his numbers yet again.

The Commonwealth did not officially come in to existence until in to the 20th C, 1917, when it got its start, was formalized under the "Statute of Westminster" in '31, and didn't become official until the late 40's, and there was certainly NO "British Commonwealth parliaments" "by written diplomatic letter" or any other means to "extended diplomatic recognition" for the simple fact that there were no such entities at the time of the Confederacy, or for some twenty some years after the fact. The British Empire very specifically DIDNOT recognize the Confederacy, and none of their dependencies could have done so without Westminster's approval, which wouldn't have been forthcoming, and there is certainly no reason any of them could or would bother to do so a century and more after the fact.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:


I hate to tell Erasmus this (no I don't, I'm just being coy), but ALL of Washington DC is the Maryland part, NONE of Washington DC was "granted" to the Federal government from Virginia. Zilch. That part of the "diamond" is Arlington Virginia, NOT Arlington DC. Strange that Erasmus doesn't know the boundaries of the state he was born in!

Actually, the original District of Columbia included the segment of land in Virginia; but that segment was retroceded to Virginia around 1842, since it was not considered to be needed for the District, which was expected to grow mostly to the north and east, and since the Potomac kept the two halves of the District isolated except for a few bridges and ferries. People in the Federal government have been lamenting this action for years....
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:Question - exactly how did Erasmus decide he got to be "President" of the "Provisional Confederate Government"? I mean I know he gives a kooky fruitcake reason for it, but even the kooky explanation doesn't really make any sense:
ashlynne39 wrote:Lightindarkness, allegedly 3 descendants of Jefferson Davis gave Rassy the right and authority to sit on the Confederate throne. You bring up a good point though. In addition to his birth certificate, Rassy should also have to produce his parlimentary recognition as well as his authorization papers from the Jefferson Davis family. As a Mississippi girl by ancestry and a proud Southerner, I would like to see some proof.
I didn't ask for these signed papers from the Davis family or commonwealth parlimentary recognition because of a portion of International Law you might of heard of, the "Blood from the Turnip Rule." Besides, it was fun to demand to see the birth certificate when Erasmus was doing the same of Obama.
LightinDarkness wrote:Questions that Erasmus has not seemed to ponder (1) Although its technically true that the confederacy never surrendered (just the main army, from my understanding) - since its now HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER how do you get to just proclaim that your now the confederacy?
The Hittites never technically surrendered either, but when I declared myself Emperor because the throne was signed over to me by a thousand or so descendants of Suppiluliumas II they thought I was crazy! It's not my fault that Hattusa fell in 1180 BC and the Hittites haven't existed since then, and there is no statute of limitations in Losing Your Empire International Law!
LightinDarkness wrote: and (2) What "British Commonwealth parliament" extended diplomatic recognition? I have a feeling that what happened is he wrote some kook letter to some Commonwealth parliament body and got a form letter response written by some secretary, and by custom they always respond to the person in the fashion they titled themselves in the original letter. I bet he then took the form letter and declared it was "diplomatic recognition."
I think you nailed in on the head. I remember a sites where this idiot posted a response letter obviously meant for children who wrote NASA about their pet theory, as proof they supported his "science" on earth changes. Of course, the letter could also exist only in his mind.

By the way, I hope nobody actually sent Erasmus' letter to those agencies I listed earlier. Not that there would have been anything wrong with letting others know about this nutcase, but public employees don't need their time wasted with such drivel, they have plenty of drivel to do already. I just wanted to have Erasmus mess his pants at the thought of his statements actually being read by someone in authority.

notorial dissent wrote:Rassy, is, as usual, delusional, and for a math genius, fails at his numbers yet again.

The Commonwealth did not officially come in to existence until in to the 20th C, 1917, when it got its start, was formalized under the "Statute of Westminster" in '31, and didn't become official until the late 40's, and there was certainly NO "British Commonwealth parliaments" "by written diplomatic letter" or any other means to "extended diplomatic recognition" for the simple fact that there were no such entities at the time of the Confederacy, or for some twenty some years after the fact. The British Empire very specifically DID NOT recognize the Confederacy, and none of their dependencies could have done so without Westminster's approval, which wouldn't have been forthcoming, and there is certainly no reason any of them could or would bother to do so a century and more after the fact.
Just because it doesn't make rational sense and defies everything we know about the way things actually work doesn't mean it's not real. No wait, yes it does. Sorry.
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Actually, the original District of Columbia included the segment of land in Virginia; but that segment was retroceded to Virginia around 1842, since it was not considered to be needed for the District, which was expected to grow mostly to the north and east, and since the Potomac kept the two halves of the District isolated except for a few bridges and ferries. People in the Federal government have been lamenting this action for years....
That's easy for you to say, but do you know what this does to Erasmus' legal theory? If the land was given back in 1842, VIRGINIA OWES LAND TO THE FEDS, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! And it must be true, after all Erasmus proved it!

I suggest asking for some of Virginia's land in Illinois, after all, that way it won't decrease the size of the main part of the state, and also get back at those Illinoisians for that Lincoln guy.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Prof »

Also, as another historical correction to this histerical exchange, Judge Roy Bean held court in Langtry, Texas, which is just west of the PECOS RIVER some miles to the North of the Rio Grande. That is why JRB was and is "the law West of the Pecos," although I guess he could have been or could be " the law North of the Rio Grande."

Those of us in Texas notice such errors and are not above correcing same.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:Question - exactly how did Erasmus decide he got to be "President" of the "Provisional Confederate Government"? I mean I know he gives a kooky fruitcake reason for it, but even the kooky explanation doesn't really make any sense:
ashlynne39 wrote:Lightindarkness, allegedly 3 descendants of Jefferson Davis gave Rassy the right and authority to sit on the Confederate throne. You bring up a good point though. In addition to his birth certificate, Rassy should also have to produce his parlimentary recognition as well as his authorization papers from the Jefferson Davis family. As a Mississippi girl by ancestry and a proud Southerner, I would like to see some proof.
I didn't ask for these signed papers from the Davis family or commonwealth parlimentary recognition because of a portion of International Law you might of heard of, the "Blood from the Turnip Rule." Besides, it was fun to demand to see the birth certificate when Erasmus was doing the same of Obama.
Yes, I am very familiar with the "Blood from the Turnip Rule" but I am also an expert in the "Mockery of Morons" statute. Pursuant to provisions in the statute, one must never waste an opportunity, in fact there could be fines and penalties for doing so. That is why I always ask for every bit of "evidence" referenced by said moron because you never know when it will come in handy.

Though . . . from the comments to Rassy's post:
AnonymousNovember 17, 2012 8:24 PM

I truly hope that this is real but where is the proof. I am not trying to bring negativity but today tomorrow next month. This is getting real old. Can you give us any type of proof that what you are saying is real. anything??

AnonymousNovember 18, 2012 12:16 AM

No offense intended but who are you to demand proof of anything? Can you do anything with that information? Probably not! So you were one of the sheeple and recently woke up after Uncle Sam dropped an anvil on your foot and now you require everyone on this blog to prove that their suggestions or intentions have merit? Return to your armchair and quarterback your favorite football team and as usual let someone else save your unworthy behind!
Apparently asking for proof on the Nesara site isn't allowed
Deep Knight wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:Questions that Erasmus has not seemed to ponder (1) Although its technically true that the confederacy never surrendered (just the main army, from my understanding) - since its now HUNDREDS OF YEARS LATER how do you get to just proclaim that your now the confederacy?
The Hittites never technically surrendered either, but when I declared myself Emperor because the throne was signed over to me by a thousand or so descendants of Suppiluliumas II they thought I was crazy! It's not my fault that Hattusa fell in 1180 BC and the Hittites haven't existed since then, and there is no statute of limitations in Losing Your Empire International Law!
Since the Hittites don't exist anymore, to whom did you declare yourself Emperor? And no, I'm not invoking the Mockery of Morons statute referenced above. I'm just curious.
Deep Knight wrote:By the way, I hope nobody actually sent Erasmus' letter to those agencies I listed earlier. Not that there would have been anything wrong with letting others know about this nutcase, but public employees don't need their time wasted with such drivel, they have plenty of drivel to do already. I just wanted to have Erasmus mess his pants at the thought of his statements actually being read by someone in authority.
Unfortunately if anyone did send out the letters, it is because you fell right into the trap set by Rassy and gave him what he wanted. On Rassy's post of today, he encourages his followers to send out his letter far and wide so that all will come to learn of his brilliance and plan to take down Obama, D.C. and to help the South rise again.
notorial dissent wrote:Rassy, is, as usual, delusional, and for a math genius, fails at his numbers yet again.

Whoo hoo, my nickname caught on with one person.

Deep Knight wrote:Just because it doesn't make rational sense and defies everything we know about the way things actually work doesn't mean it's not real. No wait, yes it does. Sorry.

From Rassy's post of today: Americans, I am maybe more clever than you give me credit for!

I sincerely hope Rassy is more clever than I give him credit for because 11 years of military school and the greatest genius in economics to ever walk the earth credential aside, I consider him to be one of the biggest morons out there, in part because of his own unintelligible writings and in part because of John MacHaffie's supporting post of today.

John MacHaffieNovember 19, 2012 4:23 PM

FOR THE RECORD - I John MacHaffie, am one of the LORD's humble servants and support this message.

What say you?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Yes, I am very familiar with the "Blood from the Turnip Rule" but I am also an expert in the "Mockery of Morons" statute. Pursuant to provisions in the statute, one must never waste an opportunity, in fact there could be fines and penalties for doing so. That is why I always ask for every bit of "evidence" referenced by said moron because you never know when it will come in handy.
You know of the mockery or morons and must have studied under Master Wu Chu Fat. I see I have underestimated your skills. But you also show the rashness of youth in addition to your shapely legs, and must remember a war is not a battle. He who fights with many knives may overwhelm the enemy for a moment, but he who instead chooses a single giant machete and isn't afraid to use it to cut off hands, arms, and heads will win in the end because he is the baddest @#$%&*!. As you can see, I studied under Master Danny Trejo.
ashlynne39 wrote:Though . . . from the comments to Rassy's post:

Apparently asking for proof on the Nesara site isn't allowed
If you don't believe, you suck the energy out of those people who do, and that's not nice. Asking for proof is a lack of faith. Don't ask for dates either, they don't play that game. "No dates. No Nukes." as Lord Rama used to say, apparently because if he went out on dates Lady Tara would nuke him. And don't call the banks about the RV either.
ashlynne39 wrote:Since the Hittites don't exist anymore, to whom did you declare yourself Emperor? And no, I'm not invoking the Mockery of Morons statute referenced above. I'm just curious.
Hittites don't exist? Are you sure? I looked in the Yellow Pages and found a number, I'll call during business hours and let you know what I find out. If the are out of business, I blame Obama's excess regulation.

Besides, even if they don't that doesn't mean their legal rights to have me as their Emperor are any less.

ashlynne39 wrote:Unfortunately if anyone did send out the letters, it is because you fell right into the trap set by Rassy and gave him what he wanted. On Rassy's post of today, he encourages his followers to send out his letter far and wide so that all will come to learn of his brilliance and plan to take down Obama, D.C. and to help the South rise again.
He says that in every one of his postings, it adds to their perceived value in his eyes. There are only a couple of places that copy them with any regularity, Before It's News, WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS!, and Discount Bulk Penile Implants.
ashlynne39 wrote:Whoo hoo, my nickname caught on with one person.
I've tried 'Ras and 'Rasmus, but Rassy seems to have the right feel to it, much like "wacky," "loony" and "committed."
From Rassy's post of today: Americans, I am maybe more clever than you give me credit for!
ashlynne39 wrote:I sincerely hope Rassy is more clever than I give him credit for because 11 years of military school and the greatest genius in economics to ever walk the earth credential aside, I consider him to be one of the biggest morons out there, in part because of his own unintelligible writings and in part because of John MacHaffie's supporting post of today.
John MacHaffieNovember 19, 2012 4:23 PM

FOR THE RECORD - I John MacHaffie, am one of the LORD's humble servants and support this message.
ashlynne39 wrote:What say you?
Well, normally I would say, if he's a good enough moron for John, he's a good enough one for me. But then I find he's had run ins with the law, such as this cease and desist from selling securities order to Martin Hunter of the NIFI (one of his names) from 2007.

http://www.scag.gov/securities/securiti ... rs.C&D.pdf

What I like from his most recent post:
By the way, federal operatives. Your computer hacking talents are good having switched my legal reference to Obama having had to have a father and mother both who were U.S. citizens to Obama had to have a father and a father who were U.S. citizens. Your sense of humor is sick and shows there is no serious reason now to delay the cancellation of Wash., D.C. as the claimed national government of America and instead raise up now the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America as the only lawful government for America now. By the way, your second joke of changing the spelling of Freeh to Free was not funny in my eyes and means you have cut the throat of your claimed federal government to have any basis for compromise so the Confederate Government does not execute its asserted lien of $100 trillion on all remaining federal lands left to the claimed title of Wash., D.C. And such lien to be collected on within 60 days or else like a foreclosed mortgage, the Confederate Government now owes the lands used for the remaining 50 states of America.
Erasmus is just being silly and blaming his mistakes on others. If some had hacked in, believe me there would have done more. It's a target rich environment for parody and satire, to say the least.

And then there's this comment.

Anonymous November 19, 2012 5:50 PM

"Pursuant to the "Law of the Flag", a flag does result in jurisdictional implication when flown. The Plaintiff cites the following: "Under what is called international law, the law of the flag, a shipowner who sends his vessel into a foreign port gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the shipmaster that he intends the law of the flag to regulate those contracts with the shipmaster that he either submit to its operation or not contract with him or his agent at all." - Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41, 45, 185 ILL. 133, 49 LRA 181, 76 AM.

If he was born in Illinois at a time when the flag above the state or his mother's hospital was NOT the flag of Virginia, then how could it have been in the state of Virginia?

Also, show me one reference or map where Virginia claimed Illinois during the War Between the States! You can't!

Illinois is the land of Lincoln, arch traitor to the Confederacy, not part of it. Go paddle your fake history elsewhere.
Anonymous is using the Law of the Flag and the Canoe which had only here-to-before been used by people who want the government to keep that gold fringe off their flag and birch bark off their boats! Note the quote within the quote.

The flags displayed in State courts and courts of the United States have gold or yellow fringes. That is your WARNING that you are entering into a foreign enclave, the same as if you are stepping into a foreign embassy and you will be under the jurisdiction of that flag.


The Law of the Flag, an International Law, which is recognized by every nation of the planet, is defined as:

"... a rule to the effect that a vessel is a part of the territory of the nation whose flag she flies. The term is used to designate the RIGHTS under which a ship owner, who sends his vessel into a foreign port, gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the ship master that he intends the Law of that Flag to regulate those contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him or his agent at all." Ref.: Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41

By the doctrine of "four cornering" the flag establishes the law of the country that it represents. For example, the embassies of foreign countries, in Washington D.C., are "four cornered" by walls or fencing, creating an "enclave." Within the boundaries of the "enclave" of the foreign embassy, the flag of that foreign country establishes the jurisdiction and law of that foreign country, which will be enforced by the Law of the Flag and international treaty. If you enter an embassy, you will be subject to the laws of that country, just as if you board a ship flying a foreign flag, you will be subject to the laws of that flag, enforceable by the "master of the ship," (Captain), by the law of the flag.

When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered into a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you, because you may not be coming back to the land of the free for a long time. The judge sitting under a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the "captain" or "master" of that ship or enclave and he has absolute power to make the rules as he goes. The gold or yellow fringe flag is your warning that you are leaving your Constitutionally secured RIGHTS on the floor outside the door to that courtroom. Under martial law, you are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
You see, Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41, which in the above became, Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41, 45, 185 ILL. 133, 49 LRA 181, 76 AM. I don't know what those extra numbers mean, but they sure are impressive and in my mind give the argument more weight. Which is still - 100%

Deep Knight backing the gold fringed flag lunacy and Rugrats v. People NE? If it can be thrown back in the face of Erasmus, you bet! From now on, we want to see the Long Form Birth Certificate with the Latitude of Birth signed by a surveyor, the river drainage it's located it signed by a hydrologist, and a sworn statement about what kind of flag flew over the hospital where Erasmus born when he was born. This along with all 3 signed statements by the Davis family, the Commonwealth confirmation, and of course, the picture of him in his west-point style uniform in The National Tattler and article confirming his status. Nothing less with do!

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:Yes, I am very familiar with the "Blood from the Turnip Rule" but I am also an expert in the "Mockery of Morons" statute. Pursuant to provisions in the statute, one must never waste an opportunity, in fact there could be fines and penalties for doing so. That is why I always ask for every bit of "evidence" referenced by said moron because you never know when it will come in handy.
You know of the mockery or morons and must have studied under Master Wu Chu Fat. I see I have underestimated your skills. But you also show the rashness of youth in addition to your shapely legs, and must remember a war is not a battle. He who fights with many knives may overwhelm the enemy for a moment, but he who instead chooses a single giant machete and isn't afraid to use it to cut off hands, arms, and heads will win in the end because he is the baddest @#$%&*!. As you can see, I studied under Master Danny Trejo.

I see my shapely legs have done their work and diverted your attention away from my breadth of knowledge. I may be youthful but am never rash. I am familiar with Master Trejo but perhaps you missed the day he taught the wisdom of looking past the legs to all of a woman's other ass...ets. I refer of course to my rather creative, skillful and highly logical brain. You see I have come to be known in certain circles (multi levels above the president though I cannot reveal how many) as the brainy bombshell . . . The one who lures them in with her legs and then knocks them out with her brains. Yes I studied the Mockery of Morons statute under Master Wu Chu Fat but when I said I was an expert in the law it should have clued you in that my studies did not stop there. I continued my studies with a master so skilled and yet so reclusive that few know his name let alone have the honor of being under him. While Master Trejo taught you the pithy one machete saying, I was learning to hone my skills by wielding many knives at once. After all, with your machet you can take out but one moron at a time while I with my knives am capable of cutting low multiple morons. In this case Rassy the chief moron and all who support him.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The latest spew, shortened using "Editing of Erasmus" technique, as taught by Master Getoutthe Redpencil.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Today, Nov. 21, 2012, we might as well call The Ascension Day For The Confederate States of America. Today a little after 10;00 am this morning, at a witnessed cremony for the rising again of the Confederate States of America, we sent formally effective as now Confederate Documents of the National Independence of the Confederate States of America to the UN Security-General Ban Ki-Moon at the United Nations, New York, NY 10017 and to the European Union Delegation, 2300 M St., N.W., Wash., D.C. 20008. … Our sent documents were previously posted with Nesara News … 0ur sent Confederate legal reports were: "Nov. 16, 2012 - Legal Notice To The United Nations From The Government Of The Confederate States Of America," "Land Claims Of Virginia Now In Legal Force. Wash., D.C. Given Legal Eviction Order As It Is Located On Land Belonging To Confederate Virginia," "Nov. 19, 2012 - The Plan Of God Versus Law In America Today" (The main reason we used this report was the heavy legal coverage why what was called The Northwest Territory plus much of the land of Wash., D.C. legally belongs to the Confederate States of America now, not to Wash., D.C. This real estate includes Illinois, Indiana, etc. The Confederacy owns the land these states were established on. We show under international law why this is so!)," "Anniversary Of The Nuremberg War Trials Of Nazis War Criminals Starting On Novbember 20, 2012" which shows how the Confederate Government is going to operate under law once back in effective power. and our ace up our sleeve to force the UN to back us instead of Wash., D.C.- "Nov. 9, 2012 - Genocide Report To The United Nations From The Provisional Government Of The Confederate States Of America." This shows that the Confederacy alone possesses the Vatican endorsed trade secret food industrial process and food discovery that decides whether the human race survives on this earth or else goes extinct soon like the dinosaurs of old….

… It showed how criminal their nature was that they secretly backed a man from Wash., D.C. four times threatening me with murder in the name of Obama in the White House if I tried to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. As they refused to arrest him though four murder threats over the internet and recorded by us as his murder threats were public legally means that either he was actually speaking in the legal name of Obama that he had been authorized and ordered by Obama to murder me or else even if quite legally insane, still by letting him 4 times threaten me with murder has to legally mean they wanted him to murder me. This is why they allowed him to commit 4 criminal felonies under federal law and 4 criminal felonies under state law as murder threats over the internet are felonies each time the murder threat is issued. I several times posted his murder threats over the internet after he issued them to legally trap Obama and Eric Holder that they very willingly wanted to commit mass genocide against the American race and all other races and nations on earth. This is not theory but documented legal fact as to their proven intent as these national reports of mine exposed these murder threats were by their will and legal approval. Also, never making any move to return $4,400,000 to me of money federally stolen from me and witnesses to these acts of federal robbery from me despite repeated national reports of mine over Nesara News saying I would need this money as a minimum to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process … 100% legally guilty of planned genocide of the entire American race and all races and nations on earth. How could anyone be that evil? …

A little legal note for the UN. The KGB of Moscow, Russia had if I am correct massive intelligence files on the Confederate Government authority I publicly raised in the 1960's in America. My mother appealed to me not to push the Confederate cause all the way while the Cold War existed between America and the Soviet Union. She said don't divide America then and give the Soviet Union potential world victory. For that reason, I postponed this legal drive to reestablish the Confederate Government and Confederate States of America back into power in America. Let Moscow share their Cold War files on the Confederate Government in America during the Cold War and if Soviet intelligence was as good as I assume they were, Moscow will have all the legal documentation needed so there is no reason to delay for the UN to legally recognize the Confederate Government of the Confederate States of America and enforce our legal reports we just sent by formal mail (diplomatic mail since involving communications of a national government of the Confederacy) to the UN and to the European Union Delegation….

Can still use financial backing from the people of America. Send any financial support to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. When we get heavy money as we will both nationally and internationally, we should be able to pay you back any financial backing now. And smart to get yourself listed as a friend of the Confederate cause in America. …
Yours for God and the Confederate States of America, Erasmus of America (pen name. Actual legal name is Martin Hunter, though in the '60's had another name as a young man named after my father, but 6 federal murder attempts on my life then meant either change my name or I would have been murdered long ago by the traitors in Wash., D.C.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:28 PM

1. Anonymous November 21, 2012 5:09 PM
Funny. Not seeing this anywhere except in Erasmus' report. You'd think the South rising again would make for potential news, but I guess not.

2. Anonymous November 21, 2012 5:19 PM
"Send us your money and we'll pay you back when we get ours both nationally and internationally." Yeah, right! Erasmus, you need to crawl back in your hole and disappear!

3. Anonymous November 21, 2012 9:56 PM
Reading some of the articles and comments tonight is a hoot. We need to remember that any agency from the UN to the Congress, to the Supreme court to the World court is part of te CABAL, and they are not going to rule against their own corporation... SO ALL THIS SO CALLED LEGAL THIS, AND LEGAL THAT, IS NOTHING BUT BS TO THE THUGS AND CROOKS THAT STOLE OUR COUNTRY, AND HELD US IN PRISON OUR WHOLE LIFETIME... ARREST THE BASTARDS N O W !!!!

4. Anonymous November 21, 2012 11:15 PM
Said it before, this guy is on some serious drugs. This schitt he writes is fotter for the greatest fiction novel ever written. lol

Well, if it was indeed a "witnessed cremony" then we'll have to take it seriously, you ignore cremonies at your peril! I especially like how the ownership of the Northwest Territories, and thus Erasmus' claimed birth site, is now a lynch-pin of his "legal" argument. I also love his asking the UN to check KGB files for copies of the legal documents proving his claim to the Confederate throne, one would think he would be able to provide such copies instead of recent postings going on and on about Deep Knight threatening to federally murder him by October surprise in November! I guess I just don't understand international law, we Dark Agendaists only go in for International Banking.

By the way, a word to the wise for Erasmus, er, Martin Hunter. Name changes don't thwart federal murders by traitors in Washington D.C. Not since we started putting those microchip implants in people while they slept. Considering where our records show it was implanted in/on you, I suggest the only effective way to hide would be a sex change.


"Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools." - Napoleon Bonaparte

"Jesus Money as Jesus taught, keeps money from being hoarded. Also, two other teachings of Jesus are used to insure the value of all money, so inflation is impossible in an economy, except maybe briefly if a war or national disaster occurs." - Erasmus of America
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

It's really an accomplishment when the nutball denizens at McHalfwit's den start thinking your too far out there for them.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by AndyK »

I can't wait until they attempt to claim, by force, the land surrounding the Lee-Custis Mansion in Virginia.

I suspect the Old Guard, plus several hundred thousand mitliary veterans and their families, will make Erasmus' effort something like Custer's Last Stand.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Cathulhu »

He's provided an address. It'd be nice if all those stiffed waiters out there sent him their worthless "Jesus money" tips.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I'm still trying to come to terms with "four murder threats" = genocide. :roll:
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self