A Thanksgiving Tradition

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by Deep Knight »

I would like to share this Thanksgiving tradition with you, Sherry Shriner’s recipe for Easy Cheesy Hasbrown Potato Casserole. Or rather, Sherry’s story about the casserole and my cut ‘n pasted recipe from the internet. Not that I recommend the recipe, but the story is great!

Remote Viewers Can Take Things, i.e., "Where's My Cream of Chicken?"
Monday, November 29, 2004

On Thanksgiving morning I was up early and cooking, getting ready to head to the family get together. I had previously bought at the store everything I needed for all the food I was going to make and take with me. Yet that morning, I couldn't find the can of cream of chicken I had bought for one of the casseroles I was going to make.

I searched everywhere, tore the kitchen apart and couldn't find it, started walking through the house looking and couldn't find it..I even tore the kids toy box apart and couldn't find it. And yes, for even the strangest of reasons only a parent would be familiar with, I looked under the couch and couldn't find it.

It wasn't anywhere. I was frustrated. I sent the troops (kids) out to look for it, it was a family event just trying to find my can of cream of chicken. It was simply nowhere to be found.

So I decided to just take a shower and get ready to leave, minus one of my favorite casseroles, easy cheesy hasbrown potato casserole mind you. So while I'm getting ready the brilliant idea hit me to ask Yahweh where it was. After all, the creator of the Universe would know where a can of cream of chicken disappeared to.

So I asked Him, thinking I still have time to hurry up and make it if I can find where 'they' put it. At this point, I knew something was up with that thing. I'm way to familiar with the crap that flies when you're a servant of Yahweh's and taking a stand against the New World Order and the minions and forces that worship it. So I'm just standing in the bathroom at the sink and I asked Yahweh, "Ok where is it? What did they do to my cream of chicken?" And Yah said to me, "a government remote viewer has it." And I said, "Ok where did he put it?" At this point thinking I could still get it and make the casserole before I leave..but no..Yah says, "He's (remote viewer) holding it, and he's laughing."

Well, so much for that. I gathered all the ingredients I needed, threw them in a bowl and stopped at Drug Mart on the way out of town and bought another can. I was amazed they had it. And I made the casserole anyway, at my relatives house.

Just another day in the life of me..Sherry Shriner..
Easy Cheesy Potato Casserole
By TheDancingCook on December 15, 2001

Prep Time: 5 mins Total Time: 1 hrs 5 mins Servings: 8

"Great side dish for any meat dinner; can be served with your Easter ham, is a great substitute for the ordinary baked potato at your summer BBQ or can be served with any other dinner, anytime."

2 lbs frozen hash browns ( I use the diced kind) 1/2 cup butter 1 (10 1/2 ounce) cans cream of chicken soup 1 cup sour cream 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1/4 cup diced onions salt and pepper, to taste

Defrost potatoes, melt butter, and mix together all ingredients.
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour in a 9x13 baking dish.

Just who is this person we just saw one day in the deluded life of? Sherry believes all the NESARA and Ascendant Master stuff Dove and Lord Rama put out, only she believes their cast of characters are evil instead of good. So, god talks to her and tells her to make this Orgone busters with magnets, quartz crystals, copper coils, aluminum shavings, and auto-body filler. Wait, it gets better. These days she’s off NESARA and such and into – Zombies! Last year she talked someone into transcribing one of her shows, which is long and giver Erasmus a run for "boring," but if you just look at the section “titles” you can get most of the flavor with only a small serving of crazy.

Government Agencies Preparing Public for Zombie Apocalypse
What Does Rabies Have to Do with Zombies?
Joplin Tornado a Coverup for Zombie Practice Run
Bible Codes on Chemtrails
Three-Prong Zombie Virus Attack: Chemtrails, Vaccinations, Rabies
Why Are All Catholic Archbishops Being Recalled to Rome in October?
8 Starships Coming with Planet X
What's Happening October 21 in the Codes? Why Is Rome in Such a Panic?
Orgone Warriors in Hawaii Need to Target the Portal-Opening Areas
Aliens Like Eating Kids So Keep Them Away from Yours with Orgone
They're Indecisive and Unorganized in Satan's Kingdom
Obama Bible Codes: "Materialization - Bison King - Hawaii - Army"
Hillary Clinton Got Burned in the Astral Realm by Sherry's Rings of Fire
They Don't Like Our Bohemian Grove Prayers
They Have Time to Repent, But They're So Evil That They Won't
They Hide the Fact That Real Human Sacrifice Goes on in the Bohemian Grove
If Something Doesn't Happen in July, Keep an Eye On the Next Few Months
We Can Take Out a Lot More of Satan's Forces with Your Help
China Listeners, We Need Your Financial Help to Get the Orgone Out
With Your Support We Can Get Orgone into Places That Sherry Can't Get To
Put Up Those Orgone Walls, Warriors

Your Donations Help Sherry Prepare the Nations to Survive These Last Days
Send whatever you can, $5, $10, $100, $1,000...whatever the Lord puts on your heart.
Thank you. And may you be blessed by the Most High.

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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by Deep Knight »

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of a good orgone, here's some more information.
orgone energy

...unlike Sir Isaac Newton, Reich was not willing to stand upon the shoulders of giants. He stood only as high as his own experiences would allow, and from this low perch imagined himself to be a lone eagle soaring higher than any other man had ever reached. --Roger M. Wilcox

Orgone energy is an alleged type of "primordial cosmic energy" discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) in the late 1930s. Reich was an Austrian immigrant to the U.S. who had been trained as a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and Freudian psychoanalyst.

Reich claimed that orgone energy is omnipresent and accounts for such things as the color of the sky, gravity, galaxies, the failure of most political revolutions, and a good orgasm. In living beings, orgone is called bio-energy or Life Energy. Reich believed that orgone energy is "demonstrable visually, thermically, electroscopically and by means of Geiger-Mueller counters."* However, only true believers in orgone energy (i.e., orgonomists practicing the science of orgonomy) have been able to find success with the demonstrations.

Reich claimed to have created a new science (orgonomy) and to have discovered other entities, such as bions, which to this day only orgonomists can detect. Bions are alleged vesicles of orgone energy which are neither living nor non-living, but transitional beings.

Reich died on November 3, 1957, in the Federal Penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, where he was sent for criminal contempt. The criminal charge was levied because Reich refused to obey an injunction against selling quack medical devices such as the Orgone Accumulator and orgone "shooters," devices which allegedly could collect and distribute orgone energy, thereby making possible the cure for just about any medical disorder except, perhaps, megalomania and self-delusion.
So, if I get this right, this guy Reich demonstrated orgone energy with a Geiger-Mueller counter, but it only works for those who really believe. Small wonder. I'm not squeamish when it comes to sex, when you have millions of lovers sooner or later the odds catch up with you and you do things you would rather forget. But someone shoving a clicking Geiger counter into the "field of play" would definitely put me off. You would have to be a true believer to keep humping away while nerdy guys in white lab coats carrying clipboards took obtrusive readings and measurements.

Sherry, who now makes Orgone generators without the magnets (you got the earth's field, don't cha know, and besides they were getting expensive), sells many different variety including large "buckets" with pipes stuck in them to direct the orgone upwards and clear the skies above you of chemtrails. One wonders how she does her quality control. Is one step recording the intensity of her orgasms using a Geiger counter?

Sorry if I ruined anyone's Thanksgiving with that last image. Just imagine how Mr. Shriner feels.

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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by Deep Knight »

Spiritual Warfare & Frequently Asked Questions
By Sherry Shriner

I frequently get emails from various people around the world typically asking the same kinds of questions. So I have put this page together to answer these questions.

As a child of the King, Satan has no right to you. If you have accepted Yahushua as your messiah and live in Him, then you have all the authority you need from Yahushua to kick Satan's butt and send his forces chained into the abyss. We have power over ALL of Lucifer's kingdom through the shed blood of Yahushua. Most people just don't know what to do, or how to ask Yahweh to help them battle against Satan.

If you are not a child of Yahweh's then accept His free redemption now and become one of His. If you are not one of His and living in sin such as drug addictions and alcoholism then you are giving Satan open door access to you and you are allowing him to afflict and torment you because you're not one of Yahweh's! If you don't belong to Yahweh then you belong to Satan and he will do what he wants with you and you can't stop him. Only Yahweh and our redemption through Yahushua can stop Satan.

Father = Yahweh pronounced "Yahuah" Son = Yahushua

I'm hearing voices - rebuke them in the name of Yahushua and command them to stop speaking to you and to leave in His Name. If they don't leave, ask Yahweh to chain those speaking to you and cast them into the abyss in the name of Yahushua.

I'm being followed - ask Yahweh to blind and disorient 'them' so they can't see or follow you in the name of Yahushua.

I'm being harassed - ask Yahweh to stop the harassment being targeted against you and to chain them and cast those involved into the abyss. If they are humans that are behind the harassment, ask Yahweh to break their equipment beyond repair and send them into derision in the name of Yahushua.

I have chemtrails in my area and they're making me sick - Saturate your area with Orgone Blasters it will keep the chemtrails away.

I think I have chip implants - You can deactivate chip implants with neodyme magnets.

I have a defibrillator and I am wondering if it is safe to use the neodyme magnet on my body? - Neodyme magnets are very powerful and strong. I would not use them if you're on a defibrillator, pacemaker, or any type of machine without approval from a doctor first.

I have lazer beams coming into my home through my windows - Cover the windows they are using to hit you with lazer beams with Mylar blankets. You can get them $4 for 12. Also, ask Yahweh to break their equipment beyond repair.

I'm being hit with microwave weapons while I'm sleeping - Cover the windows they are using to hit you with lazer beams with Mylar blankets. Also, ask Yahweh to break their equipment beyond repair.

Are there good aliens? I've heard that many are here to 'help mankind' - There are no good aliens. If they were 'good' they wouldn't be aliens nor would they be terrestrial beings...they would be celestial beings in heaven. There are 2 types of heavenly beings, terrestrial and celestial. Celestial beings are angels and live in the upper heaven with Yahweh. Terrestrial beings were kicked out of heaven and live in our upper atmosphere and sky. They inhabit our moon(s), planets, and star systems. They all have their own agendas and plans for 'earth.' They may claim to hate the New World Order and want to help mankind but they really just want to implement their own plans and agendas on earth. Satan rules over all of the terrestrial beings in our space, atmosphere, and the places under the earth.

I can see and/or hear demons or aliens in my bedroom/house at night - Put orgone in your home. Put it on top or in front of your computers and tv's. Put it under your bed and at your front door and back door. Demons and aliens hate orgone and won't stay where there is orgone. Having orgone under your bed will help keep dreamscape weapons from attacking you at night and will keep 'them' out of your bedroom at night while you're sleeping. Also, ask Yahweh to send His Warrior Angels to clear out your home of anything that isn't of Him. Ask Him to chain them and cast them into the abyss in the Name of Yahushua.

I get a feeling of Fear - start Praising Yahushua. You will feel His instant presence when you praise His Name.

I'm worried about the things that are coming - Perfect love casts out Fear. Start loving Him MORE. Put your life in His hands and ask Him to lead you.

When I drive by towers I can hear them speaking to me - get orgone around and near those towers. Put orgone in your car.

I hear a ringing in my ears - Get an orgone pendent and put orgone in your home and car. If you think it might be a result of a chip implant then get a magnet and put it on your ear lobe, you can use a bandaide to hold it in place for 12-24 hours. Also, if you think it's targeted harassment against you, then ask Yahweh to break their equipment beyond repair in the Name of Yahushua.

I think I'm being psychically attacked - ask Yahweh to put a shield around you they can't penetrate.

I'm being visited by ghosts, remote viewers, or cloaked military soldiers - ask Yahweh to chase them out and away from you with flames of fire. Ask Him to scorch them to teach them to stay away from you.

Is the Symbol of the Cross Good or Bad? - The cross signifies death, a curse. Yahushua doesn't want us to remember His death but his LIFE, His Resurrection. Christians want to memorialize His death by wearing crosses, to many it's simply remembering His redemption for us. However, HE doesn't want us to make graven images or "idolize' His death. I stopped wearing cross jewelry years ago once He made me aware of how He feels about it. Satanists and Satanic groups have no problems wearing crosses, it reminds them of His death and they glory in it and that's what they celebrate. We worship a RISEN Savior, not one still in the grave.

Tired of being bothered, harassed and afflicted by Satan, demonic, alien, and black op military forces? Stand up and do something about it and put a stop to it! Simple Warfare Prayer. Dear Heavenly Father. I ask in Yahushua's Name that you fry and melt the computer chips and circuit boards operating the equipment being used to afflict me and my brethren, cause the airplanes and drones being used to purposely spray poisons in our skies to malfunction and crash to the earth, cause chaos and derision amongst Satan's forces and human cohorts, cause their high tech weapon satellites and spyware being used against me and my brethren to cease from working beyond recovery and repair, erase all the files and cause the computers to malfunction beyond recovery and repair that are being used to compile databases against me and my brethren, and chain and cast into the abyss all those who are stalking me in my home whether they are alien, demon, or human.

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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by AndyK »

Is there any specific terminology for that area around 10,000 miles away from woo-woo land?

Sherry, although she was well beyond the fringe in the past, seems to have boldly gone where no sane person has gone before.

Is she the reincarnation of Dove?
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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by Burnaby49 »

AndyK wrote:Is there any specific terminology for that area around 10,000 miles away from woo-woo land?

Sherry, although she was well beyond the fringe in the past, seems to have boldly gone where no sane person has gone before.

Is she the reincarnation of Dove?
Not unless she starts endless rantings about NESARA, White Knights, and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I think I have chip implants - You can deactivate chip implants with neodyme magnets.

I have a defibrillator and I am wondering if it is safe to use the neodyme magnet on my body? - Neodyme magnets are very powerful and strong. I would not use them if you're on a defibrillator, pacemaker, or any type of machine without approval from a doctor first.
I'll be all right then, I'm currently sat here with two different 12" subwoofers within about 4 feet. Though I'm not sure what my doctor would say (or do) if I asked him if it was OK to use strong magnets to counter the effect of the implanted chips.
I have lazer beams coming into my home through my windows - Cover the windows they are using to hit you with lazer beams with Mylar blankets. You can get them $4 for 12. Also, ask Yahweh to break their equipment beyond repair.

I'm being hit with microwave weapons while I'm sleeping - Cover the windows they are using to hit you with lazer beams with Mylar blankets. Also, ask Yahweh to break their equipment beyond repair.
Now that's where you are going wrong, obviously, asking Yahweh to break their lazers when they are using lasers. Still going to need that mylar sheet and tin foil window screens.
(Wow - what a fruitbat you have discovered here.)
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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by LightinDarkness »

I do believe we've found someone who is about as far along down the fruitcake rabbit hole as you can get while still maintaining some outward semblance of sanity. Its becoming difficult to tell which of these people are simply mentally ill versus deluded.
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Re: A Thanksgiving Tradition

Post by tracer »

Deep Knight wrote:So, if I get this right, this guy Reich demonstrated orgone energy with a Geiger-Mueller counter, but it only works for those who really believe. Small wonder. I'm not squeamish when it comes to sex, when you have millions of lovers sooner or later the odds catch up with you and you do things you would rather forget. But someone shoving a clicking Geiger counter into the "field of play" would definitely put me off. You would have to be a true believer to keep humping away while nerdy guys in white lab coats carrying clipboards took obtrusive readings and measurements.
How the hell did I miss this thread?!

As it turns out, I'm the author of perhaps THE most comprehensive set of anti-Wilhelm-Reich webpages on the whole Internet. The main page is here: http://www.rogermwilcox.com/Reich/.

The reason I know so much about Reich and Orgone Energy is that I used to be a True Believer in Reich's work. Hell hath no fury like a former True Believer.

In Reich's defense, he never stuck a Geiger counter into anyone's nether regions. The Geiger counter was part of his experiments for "atmospheric" orgone energy, separate and distinct from the orgone energy he claimed was in everyone's body. Reich made all sorts of claims about the nature of orgone energy, some of which had zero predictive power and were thus untestable (such as "if it's blue, it's orgone energy!"), and some of which involved replicatable experiments that -- wonder of wonders -- don't produce consistent results when performed by "skeptics."