Ed Brown Front Page of the LA Times

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The Observer
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Post by The Observer »

I don't know - what is the going rate for a cockroach?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by grixit »

The Observer wrote:I don't know - what is the going rate for a cockroach?
With or without the word "Liberty" stamped on it?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4

Post by ElfNinosMom »

The Observer wrote:Well, this guy has met all the requirements of Frickintardistan citizenship:
Bednarsky will tell anyone who listens that he was a mercenary for hire, a hitman and former military. According to those who know him, he was always trying to hook up with females asking them to fly to Puerto Rico with him to do hired hit man jobs
He worked in the plumbing department at the Vineland, NJ Home Depot for a while and around the time of the anthrax scares of post 9-11, he was working at Lowe's.
There has not been a record found of him ever serving in the military
Currently the 37-year-old lives at home with his mother and brother.
One affiliation that he has had in the past - and apparently currently - was as a Klansman.
...he announced that he was going to hold a rally in Millville on May 15, 2005. He also alerted the media and local law enforcement. Just like the 1990 rally, this one fizzled as well, reportedly because Bednarsky could not come up with the million-dollar liability insurance policy for the day.
Bednarsky would soon cry about a series of misfortunes happening to him. "Well, the Feds. (sic) ram saked (sic) my home looking for God know (sic) what," he wrote in Nov. 2004 on the Dragon's Realm website. "The SPLC, ADL, OPP, and the Jew Press have personally attacked me the past few months, and I lost my job due to it my home. and (sic) a number of other things.
He said that all he had was his car, and just might leave New Jersey for greener pastures, and if anyone could help to contact him via a phone number he provided. Interestingly enough, that number is listed as belonging to someone with a Hispanic surname.
As he has done with basically every other screen name he had, Bednarsky denied he was the man behind the screen name, and acted like he was someone who was close to him.
I must respectfully disagree, Observer.

As the Minister of Immigration and Disinformation for the sovereign state of Frickintardistan, I can assure you that this particular hitman has a lot of work to do before he can garner Frickintardistanian citizenship.

Obviously, we must be very careful which hitmen are permitted citizenship, simply because no one in Frickintardistan possesses the intellect to foil a hit. Therefore, the only hitman who has ever been admitted is a gentleman who once attempted to shoot his target, realized his gun wouldn't shoot, then looked down the barrel to figure out what was wrong. We call him "half face", for reasons which should be obvious.

The females invited to go on Bednarsky's alleged "hits", however, are eligible for immediate citizenship in my fine country simply for speaking to Bednarsky in the first place.

I hope that clears things up for everyone.