Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

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Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

After the recent spate of "secession" petitions to the White House website for such things, and an earlier one to "build the USS Enterprise," either some joker or someone even more deluded has suggested we build the Death Star. The Dark Agenda has wanted one of these for years, so I humbly request you all sign the petition. Do it for yourself and your country, not just because the Illuminati are watching and taking notes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Will Obama build a Death Star next?

The darkness and pure evil coming forth out of this administration continues .....

Will Obama build a Death Star next?
White House urged to construct 'Star Wars' space battle station
Published: 4 hours ago
by Joe Kovacs
Joe Kovacs is an award-winning journalist and, since 1999, executive news editor of WND.

It sounds like a case of “May the farce be with you” but at this moment in a galaxy not far away, there is a real-life petition on a White House website pushing for the funding and construction of a Death Star like the one featured in the “Star Wars” film saga.
The fully armed and operational Death Star from the "Star Wars" film saga was powerful enough to destroy an entire planet.
The specific petition is on the White House’s “We the People” site, and states:
We petition the Obama administration to: Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.
Those who sign here petition the United States government to secure funding and resources, and begin construction on a Death Star by 2016.
By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration and more, and strengthen our national defense.
In the “Star Wars” movies, the Death Star was an armed battle station in space that produced enough concentrated fire power to instantly destroy a planet.
So far, there’s no official response from the White House, but there could be one should the petition collect 25,000 signatures by mid-December. As of Monday afternoon, more than 800 people signed the online measure.
Interestingly, one of the names on the petition is “Darth V.” from Burlington, N.C., who signed the measure Dec. 1.
Darth Vader is the legendary character from “Star Wars” who was the father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, and was seduced to the “dark side of the force.”

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:50 AM

The petition is at ... 6/wlfKzFkN It was created on Nov 14, 2012 and is "tagged" for these Issues: Defense, Job Creation, Science and Space Policy. 1,650 out of 25,000 have signed in 30 days (until Dec 14).
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by AndyK »

Something about a treaty banning nuclear weapons in space seems to ring a bell.

However, if the treaty was back with the old USSR, that means it's no longer valid, right?


But, what does a legal commitment by the de facto government mean to the tin-foil-hat brigade? Also, what does the prohibitive expense in a time of fscal turmoil mean?

Obviously, this petition was well researched and clearly thought out.
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This reminds me of the mid-to-late 80s when Lyndon LaRouche got it into his head that particle beam weapons were the single most vital thing which our country needed; and suddenly his acolytes around the country were touting "beam weapons" at every turn.

I remember one candidate for the Boston City Council ranting about how all the other candidates were dangerously foolish for wanting to make Boston schoolchildren "computer literate". Rather, he said, all of our schoolchildren should become "laser literate", so that they could complete the necessary research and development needed to make beam weapons a deployed reality. If I recall correctly, his voters could all fit on two city buses and not overcrowd them....
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

AndyK wrote:Something about a treaty banning nuclear weapons in space seems to ring a bell.
Obviously, this petition was well researched and clearly thought out.
Nuclear weapons are simply not powerful enough to break apart planets like Alderaan. The Death Star uses the power of the rays, each one being pure light and love, to kill billions of sentient beings and other rebel scum. Perfectly OK by all international treaties and most local laws.
Pottapaug1938 wrote:...Rather, he said, all of our schoolchildren should become "laser literate", so that they could complete the necessary research and development needed to make beam weapons a deployed reality.
When in college, some idiot who came into the Math Dept. head’s office to chat about what courses he should be taking. He wanted to learn to make death rays and such as a physics major, so the professor suggested calculus through differential equations and linear algebra. This didn’t sound sexy enough for the idiot, who insisted that he wanted to take something like “Advanced Laser Calculus.” The story was spread around the school and this “class” became a by-word for delusional thinking. As it so happens, a friend had access to the files where class registration was kept, at the time on computer punch cards. It was simple to slip in another set, for an “Advanced Laser Calculus” class with all sorts of interesting famous people as students, and assign it to this professor. I understand he literally collapsed from laughter when he got the printout.
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by fortinbras »

The Death Star was used to destroy entire planets. The suggestion that WE should build one when we haven't yet sent people beyond the moon necessitates the conclusion that this Death Star is intended to destroy Earth. All of Earth. Not even Mars, where the inhabitants are making rude gestures at us with their tentacles.
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Famspear »

Well, the word is out.....

from a post on a talk page at Wikipedia today (spelling, spacing, etc., verbatim)......
In my belief against the illuminati this is a group that needs to be stopped immediately for it is the main cause of destruction here in our universe. Many people is being held and co-operated by this group and there is a need for people to realize and understand what are the capabilities of this group. This group needs to be STOPPED immediately for problem is arising due to the formation of these gropus being entitled by different organizations and i should say that we should make a move now when we do have the chance to make a move for if NOT this group will over- rule this universe and be incharge of everything.
Hey, it's too late, dude.......

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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by ashlynne39 »

Famspear wrote:Well, the word is out.....

from a post on a talk page at Wikipedia today (spelling, spacing, etc., verbatim)......
In my belief against the illuminati this is a group that needs to be stopped immediately for it is the main cause of destruction here in our universe. Many people is being held and co-operated by this group and there is a need for people to realize and understand what are the capabilities of this group. This group needs to be STOPPED immediately for problem is arising due to the formation of these gropus being entitled by different organizations and i should say that we should make a move now when we do have the chance to make a move for if NOT this group will over- rule this universe and be incharge of everything.
Hey, it's too late, dude.......

I have to say whoever is on the Illuminati Miseinformation and Misdirection Committee is doing a great job with posts like this one. Its hard to be scared of or take seriously a dark forces group when the warning makes no sense. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Petition Has Enough Signatures!

Today was the last day but the threshold has been met and exceeded! And you thought from reading Drake that all the Illuminati had been arrested. In your face, forces of good! Once we have the Death Star, if any country messes with us we'll blow up their planet!

Death Star petition earns enough signatures for White House response
By Justin Sink - 12/14/12 11:28 AM ET

A petition urging the United States government to immediately begin work on a Death Star modeled on the moon-sized space station from the "Star Wars" movies has earned enough signatures to warrant a White House response.

A petition on the White House's "We the People" website earned more than 25,000 signatures in the first month since being posted, passing the threshold required to earn an official White House response.

The petition urges the government to begin construction of the Death Star in the next four years.

"Those who sign here petition the United States government to secure funding and resources, and begin construction on a Death Star by 2016,” the petition reads.

“By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense.”

The White House petition site has been employed for both practical requests and practical jokes since being launched in September 2011. Users successfully petitioned for the release of the White House beer recipe in September of last year, and last month, voters in some states circulated petitions calling for their states to secede from the union following President Obama's reelection.
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

You can't make stuff like this (about them making stuff up) up.

Geniuses at WND are concerned that President Obama might build a ‘Death Star’
December 4, 2012
By Anomaly

What does one do as a Republican while your party is reportedly soul searching in an attempt to find out where they went wrong in the 2012 election? Well, if you’re Rick Santorum and considering a Presidential run in 2016, you build up (down?) your reputation by writing for a conspiracy site.

So I went back to WorldNetDaily to look around again.

Even though the Birther site WorldNetDaily acknowledges that this White House petition is likely e a farce — and it is — the readers of the conspiracy blog are concerned that President Obama is building a Death Star. And don’t we all have one? Again, this is the site that Santorum is joining forces with.

I’ve considered starting a petition to end all stupid petitions and this seals the deal. I am on it — and I refuse to admit as to whether I signed this one or not:

On the White House’s “We the People” site:

We petition the Obama administration to: Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.

Those who sign here petition the United States government to secure funding and resources, and begin construction on a Death Star by 2016.

By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense.

So it must be true.

WND states:

* So far, there’s no official response from the White House, but there could be one should the petition collect 25,000 signatures by mid-December. As of Monday afternoon, more than 800 people signed the online measure

FYI: The White House doesn’t acknowledge petitions which have only gathered 1181 signatures with one of them being Darth V. from Burlington, N.C. And now we know where Vader lives. Or possibly we know where someone from 4Chan lives. It’s just a guess but it’s possible that they started this petition.

Choice comments:

* Good God, This guy has already been elevated to the status of “Our Lord and Savior” now we are going to make him DARTH OBOMA. Good Grief were doomed.
* Signing a petiton like this one is a death wish, when in the wrong hands..
* please find the email and websites of your representatives and senators. tell them your concerns about all the issues. if we don’t complain they will think they are doing just fine. i have mine in my favorite list so i can write them easily
* Barack Hussein Obama IS the PRINCE OF DARKNESS. As much as one shudders at the reality of stupidity it is what it is. The damage showered on America i’m afraid will be irreparable. Can you say-FEDERAL JUDGES?

I admit that this one is funny but I’ll deny it later:

* There should be some way we could use obama to plug the black hole.

This might be Grover Norquist’s comment penned in another name. We can form conspiracies here too:

* Oh boy. Here we go again. A fruitless way for the a$$hole-in-Chief to spend the money he hasn’t wasted yet. Our money.
* Death Star, 54 Christmas Trees in White House, $4M three week vacation to Hawaii (Michelle and the girls will come back to Washington for a short time at Christmas time and then back to Hawaii) and Obama will not let the XL Pipeline go through, thereby depriving my home town of Cushing, Oklahoma (known as the pipeline capital of the world) thousands of jobs. There certainly does not seem to be a lack of money with the White House occupants!

He got several replies. He must be popular :

* guess we better get use to it. dictators are rich have a ready supply of wealth. we will be paupers and ride our bikes 10 miles to get to town. where did i park my ricsha?
* What can one expect from a Muslim/Communist. Even the Russian News outlet Pravda had a scathing oped that a bunch of lazy illiterates elected a communist. Communists hate capitalism and love to spend what does not belong to them.

Obviously we need to impeach Obama over this. Duh! It’s not because Obama opened a can of whoop ass on the GOP. No, this is for impeachable reasons such as building a Death Star in his spare time:

* I do not know but I hope the top Government officials are smart enough to impeach him before our freedom is gone! Our jobs are no longer allowed to funtion due to the excuse of polution.Cripples our economy!
* because the MSM is afraid of retribution for reporting on what is really going on.
* I find The White Houses’ lack of response……………..DISTURBING………………
* Hey Barry, why stop with the USA? Broaden your horizons, why not destroy the whole planet
* Is this for real?? Hasn’t he done enough damage already? I would be terrified to hand him another weapon he can easily use on us.

Oh look, a normal comment,”So….slow news day huh?” Well listen, it’s the middle of the night and I felt like trolling WND….Oh, sorry. That comment was on WorldNetDaily’s site. I knew that.

Rick Santorum will fit in perfectly at WND. May the force be with you Rick.


I suggest the White House respond with "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."
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Re: Build the Death Star Now! Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

It's a trap! Petition to build Death Star will spark White House response

Let's face it: Funding a Death Star would push the federal budget off the fiscal cliff and into a fiscal Death Valley.
By Alan Boyle

The 25,000-plus signers of a "We the People" petition calling on the federal government to start building a Death Star by 2016 must be feeling as peppy as the Rebel Alliance, now that they've put their plea over the threshold that will trigger a response from the White House.

Campaigns on 4chan, Reddit and Twitter helped put it over the top with a day to spare. This means someone at the White House will have to take a good look at the Death Star issue and draw up a response (unless officials decide it would be improper to speak out on something that's more appropriately addressed by, say, the Defense Department, NASA or Lord Vader).

The rationale for securing the funding and resources to start construction was laid out in the petition, created on Nov. 14 by John D. of Longmont, Colo: "By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense."

Building the kind of moon-sized Death Star portrayed in the "Star Wars" saga would be a heck of a stimulus program, however. Earlier this year, Centives calculated the cost of the steel alone at $852 quadrillion, or roughly 13,000 times the world's gross domestic product. At the current rate of production, it would take more than 833,000 years to produce enough steel to begin work.

I'm afraid the White House's political deflector shield will be quite operational when that petition arrives.

Administration officials have had a lot of practice dealing with "We the People" petitions that address far-out topics like the Death Star: Last year, for instance, two petitions calling for full disclosure on extraterrestrial visitations reached the standard requiring a response, and the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy rose to the challenge.

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race," OSTP's Phil Larson reported on the website. "In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye."

I'm hoping that the Death Star petition will provide an opportunity for Larson and his colleagues to come up with a pithier, more creative response ... maybe something that will satisfy the fanboys. Here are a few examples that have popped up over the past few days:

•"The farce is strong in this one." (Commenter on The Ticket)
•"We find its lack of signatures disturbing" (MSNBC's Ed Schultz)
•"We have a bad feeling about this" (Modern Man)
Which "Star Wars" cliches would be most fitting for the task? Try to think of some suggestions you can leave in the comment space below. On second thought, try not. Do, or do not. There is no "try."
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