Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I'm still trying to come to terms with "four murder threats" = genocide. :roll:
The four murder threats - my mocking EoA about "October surprises." Apparently "October surprise" is code speech for "killing millions, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people." And here I thought it was:
In American political jargon, an October surprise is a news event deliberately created to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. presidency. The reference to the month of October is because the date for national elections (as well as many state and local elections) occurs between November 2 and 8, and therefore events that take place in late October have greater potential to influence the decisions of prospective voters.
While I'll admit that one side or the other killing tens or hundreds of millions of Americas in October would have an effect on the election, I think that's taking the concept a leetle mite too far. But apparently if Erasmus was president or king of Omni-Law World, this is the sort of thing he would do to affect elections, so be forewarned before you vote him in as King of France or Czar of all the Russias! Remember those problems we had with Ivan the Terrible.

Anyway, when I told him the surprise would be that the "October" surprise would take place in November or December, he didn't get it. Instead it was my threatening to kill him twice, once in November and once in December. But, if I kill him in November then why would I need to kill him again in December? Silly boy.

As for "genocide," this is the US government refusing to require that everyone eat his miracle bread. You see, without it several studies by scientific types have PROVEN that millions, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people will die! Wait, I've heard that somewhere before, you don't suppose the October surprise is ... no rich brown bread approved by Hitler and Stalin for the little trick or treaters? Anyway, these potential mass deaths are genocide under the genocide treaty that Reagan signed (our last legit president) so the UN can send in troops to occupy Washington DC.

I hope you're clear on this now. I don't think Erasmus is because it seems to change with each new pronouncement, but it's his world so I guess he gets to do what he wants.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I'm still trying to come to terms with "four murder threats" = genocide. :roll:
New math don't you know!!! kind of like the value of the damaged computer keeps expanding, Rassy is hypnotized by numbers and the bigger they are the better they are.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy has pulled the trigger and officially sent strange document packages to the UN and a few country's embassies and an internet newspaper. November 21 will hereafter we known as "Confederate Ascension Day." I'm not sure if this means he went into 5D or the government exists in 5D or what.

In other news, Sassy Rassy said this in today ranting about the continued fight over the battle of the law of the flag.

Now continuing on. When Nazi Germany occupied Poland and the Nazi German occupation flag flew over Poland, this military occupation of Poland did not mean that Nazi Germany had legitimate claim to Poland as annexed to Germany henceforth as German land. The same legal principle applied to the Northwest Territory obtained by legal fraud of massive criminal fraud in agreement over the Articles of Confederation and then U.S. Constitution which it did not keep with Virginia which granted this Northwest Territory land to Wash., D.C. only upon terms the legal agreement made for this land had to be kept perpetually. And military occupation of the South in 1865 did not give valid claim to Confederate lands which were never legally surrendered to Wash., D.C. The perfect legal assertion that the Confederate States of America had legal claim to the lands of the Northwest Territory is to have the President of the Confederate States of America recognized as being born in part of the Confederacy as Virginia had legal claim back to the Northwest Territory by 1861 as Wash., D.C. defiantly rejected the terms required for legal authority through the U.S. Constitution. Wash., D.C. laughed in the face of Virginia and the rest of the Confederacy "What the hell could they do to make Wash., D.C. ever restore the U.S. Constitution to legal authority again by actually obeying it?!!!"
But wait, I thought that Brassy Rassy had said the NW Territory belonged to Virginia by right of conquest, but now "conquest" isn't valid when it comes to Germany and Poland?

And finally, there is another Confederate States of America, and this one has their own webpage so MUST be more legit than Assy Rassy's.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:Rassy has pulled the trigger and officially sent strange document packages to the UN and a few country's embassies and an internet newspaper. November 21 will hereafter we known as "Confederate Ascension Day." I'm not sure if this means he went into 5D or the government exists in 5D or what.

In other news, Sassy Rassy said this in today ranting about the continued fight over the battle of the law of the flag.

Now continuing on. When Nazi Germany occupied Poland and the Nazi German occupation flag flew over Poland, this military occupation of Poland did not mean that Nazi Germany had legitimate claim to Poland as annexed to Germany henceforth as German land. The same legal principle applied to the Northwest Territory obtained by legal fraud of massive criminal fraud in agreement over the Articles of Confederation and then U.S. Constitution which it did not keep with Virginia which granted this Northwest Territory land to Wash., D.C. only upon terms the legal agreement made for this land had to be kept perpetually. And military occupation of the South in 1865 did not give valid claim to Confederate lands which were never legally surrendered to Wash., D.C. The perfect legal assertion that the Confederate States of America had legal claim to the lands of the Northwest Territory is to have the President of the Confederate States of America recognized as being born in part of the Confederacy as Virginia had legal claim back to the Northwest Territory by 1861 as Wash., D.C. defiantly rejected the terms required for legal authority through the U.S. Constitution. Wash., D.C. laughed in the face of Virginia and the rest of the Confederacy "What the hell could they do to make Wash., D.C. ever restore the U.S. Constitution to legal authority again by actually obeying it?!!!"
But wait, I thought that Brassy Rassy had said the NW Territory belonged to Virginia by right of conquest, but now "conquest" isn't valid when it comes to Germany and Poland?

And finally, there is another Confederate States of America, and this one has their own webpage so MUST be more legit than Assy Rassy's.
Somehow I don't think comparing Rassy's CSA to Nazi Germany is going to inspire confidence or create the best image.

I wonder if Rassy is aware of the other CSA. It looks like they already have representatives and with their fancy website they really do look legitimate. I wonder if we will see a war between the Confederate States.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Rassy may have pulled the trigger, but would seem to be shooting blanks.

That was without question one of the most grammatically and logically painful things I have read in a very long time. Even for Rasbo this was embarrassing. If he spent 11 years in a military school, it was obviously of the seriously inferior variety, and more likely a containment facility for the terminally useless than a school of any stripe, particularly if he didn't learn how to gibber any better than this indicates, which might also explain his unverifiable claims to mathematical brilliance.

On the plus side, if he actually sent this nonsense to the UN and various other outside entities, he has undoubtedly provided some bored mail clerk with some amusing reading in between all the junk mail they normally have to toss.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If Rassy indeed spent 11 years in military academies, I suspect that all of them were at the elementary school level.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact he’s likely not even in a shed and rusty from being out in the rain and peed on by the dog, but he should be smart enough to know that this guy (ID'd as Larry Yeatts on one forum) will never be a substitute for strangely-silent Erasmus. This gem was “rescued” from another forum where it got removed (but not the other crazy stuff there), and is soaked in obvious paranoia. The more amusing of those bits are here (it’s even longer and more repetitive, rambling and repetitive than Erasmus’ posts), the title is about a natural gas explosion that couldn’t have been one ‘cause that wouldn’t make it part of the conspiracy! Oh, and did it mention is was repetitive?

Saturday, December 1, 2012
Springfield Bombing - The Real Story

I am OK right now, I am dealing with security related issues and cannot get online for long periods of time safely. But I am OK, so if anyone is worried about me because I am not posting as usual, I am fine. I am standing my ground

The nightclub was three floors and 69,000 square feet on the ground floor, despite how it looks on Google Earth.

Put your thinking caps on and do not be bamboozled by the official line for even a minute, is it not amazing that we had TWO of the most epic explosions so soon after Obama got so-called re elected? Never forget that Obama signed an executive order allowing him to kill any American he wanted without trial. Of course they will try to false flag the reasons rather than admit when he kills out loud. Do not expect those murdered to be reported by the press as among the dead. They need cover for these actions, and therefore natural gas now needs to replicate bombings and drone strikes, utter bullshit, but a plot that will succeed with the newly graduated product of our public schools because the children are not only not taught how to think anymore, but they are taught in a way which shuts down any ability to think if they naturally had it.

But have you ever tried to trick a two year old? One famous trick is when the two year old eats something like a cookie, to pretend you pulled it out of their tummy simply by hiding a different cookie in your hand, and then rubbing the child's tummy for a second or two and then show the child the other cookie. Any two year old will think you stole their cookie right out of their tummy. To an adult the trick is obvious, after all the cookie was chewed and there is no way it is anything but gone. But a trusting two year old who has not yet learned to think about what is possible, will fall for the ruse every time. And people will probably fall for this "gas explosion", where a little gas stink (which had already vanished before the blast) was traded for military ordinance.

So the question is not "was it a gas explosion," the question is, instead, WHY are they suddenly souping up the image of what natural gas is capable of? … Perhaps they want to set a precedent for drone strikes so they can false flag dissidents to death under the guise of natural gas. Perhaps they want an excuse to go into homes and perform inspections for anything but natural gas, using gas as the excuse, because gas is really dangerous you know, and we have to go into your home and check things out several times a year to make sure you do not blow the neighborhood up, and if you don't let us in you are a jerk who belongs in a detention camp because you really don't care about anyone. You are just a dink who would sooner see the neighbors die on behalf of your furnace than give up a little privacy. What a jerk you are.
I had a reader send me a mail saying that it might even be probable that now that they have false flagged nuclear to the fringe, that they are going after other clean and reliable sources of energy. After all, enough of these blasts will certainly scare the public. What a victory it would be for the NWO crowd if they managed to get us to give up natural gas - we use it just about everywhere.

This is an extremely important video, spread it far and wide
This video documents youtube tampering with embedded videos in a solid irrefutable way. I and a friend of mine set out to do a quality job of busting Youtube and we did indeed accomplish it.
Please pass this video along to the forums and the blogs and other web sites. I can't do it because I am censored. Simply copy it off the site, change the name, attach it to an email and send. Don't include my name or web address in any mails, because that will trip an autobot and the mail will go straight in the trash. Post it to your youtube as well, there is nothing I put up that is not public domain. My purpose is to get people informed and support the truth movement, and ALL truther web administrators should consider this vital viewing. It will be taken down each morning because it really bogs the server.
This video is set up to be downloadable, right click it to save it.
Change the file name to something different before posting it to youtube and mailing it, to confuse the autodeleting search bots. This might appear boring to many, but it really is vital info. To download, right click it, and save target as. To keep things like this from getting lost I usually save them to the desktop, which will need to be selected to avoid having it land in a random folder when the download is a video.

A reasonable analysis of what is being seen in the US is clear. America faces an insurrection driven by extremist groups within the financial community who are actively working with religious cults that have penetrated the officer corps through America’s discredited service academies. Many American military, some retired but some actively serving, have displayed clear signs of treasonous disloyalty and the willingness to, not only overthrow the civilian government but to stage terror attacks inside the United States in concert with foreign intelligence agencies.

I finally got around to teaming up with a friend in Utah to nail Youtube for fraudulent embedded video switching. Youtube has a new method of silencing the truth movement, which involves video embedding. Site administrators see the video properly embedded because Youtube remembers their IP, and serves them the correct video while it switches the video for everyone else. We documented this with the following video, and it has to be hosted on this web site because obviously Youtube won't play friendly with this one. Perhaps a reason for the new hack attempts? who knows, but I am stepping up the battle now.

VERY IMPORTANT: The shills are hitting this video hard in the blogs, saying it was a stunt pulled by Glenn Beck. I have searched this out quite a bit, and there is NOTHING ANYWHERE that proves this, only false or misleading allegations. I think it is most probable that Glenn received this video through a classified source that leaked it to him, and he held onto it for a while and then aired it. There is too much psychology at play in this video for it to be anything other than a product of a well funded think tank and extremely high level infinitely funded media team. The quality is beyond the reach of even high level media producers like Alex Jones or Glenn Beck. This is top tier Spielberg quality video.

Agenda 21 seeks to kill off over 93 percent of the world's population, to get it down to 500 million. And I promise, they won't stop there, I honestly believe the world is run by psychopaths who want to erase mankind entirely. But that would just be a wild eyed conspiracy, so I will stick with the 500 million number.

In this era of information control, you HAVE TO either lie enough or be stupid enough to be fully discredited in order to live. I won't lie, and I am no where near stupid, and therefore I have lost it all, been jailed twice, attempted murdered at least twice, and have been stalked relentlessly and driven out of the country. If anything is inaccurate here it is because I made a legitimate mistake, and with regard to things like the hurricane, often it comes down to a judgement call.

After Fukushima, there were pre programmed words built into three forums that I found that tripped an auto ban. These forums were the Infowars comment section, Above Top Secret and Godlike productions. Simply typing that ONE word would trip a ban from these forums. And now, according to some of my readers there is another key word (or words) that are tripping auto bans. They are, THERMITE CON ED TRANSFORMER. And I would like to know why
You see, You can type all manner of B.S. on practically any forum and never get banned, provided that B.S. is not true. But I learned with Fukushima that the word tsunamibomb, or tsunami bomb triggered bans left and right, even without any reference to Fukushima. The word "bomb" does not trigger bans, only when the word "bomb" is used in relation to the word "tsunami". I have not checked this recently, but a year ago it led to bans, and even a wordpress account deletion. Wierd. Or perhaps not.
There are certain key words that are so damaging to the elite plot for taking us down, they cannot be permitted to exist. One totally unrelated example is the word "gun", where saying it, even in the context of paint in a school will get you disciplined. Drawing a picture of a gun will get you kicked out of school. That's telling all by itself, though totally unrelated, and the point is, they want the word "gun" removed from a child's psyche in any positive sense, with the word being only associated with bad people. And with regard to the word tsunamibomb, it says so much in a word that the word itself is not tolerated in any elite controlled forum.

First of all, no ambassador died at Bengasi, and if one did, SHOW ME THE FUNERAL. The press got so wagged up in the many permutations of their wag the dog, that they totally missed the funeral. All they published was a picture of 4 coffins that arrived in America on Sep 14. Coffin means BURIAL. Forensics were FINISHED. COFFIN MEANS NO REFRIGERATION, HE IS ROTTING, PUT HIM IN THE GROUND. Yet no funeral for the ambassador. THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA BLEW IT.

The bengasi fraud is now taking the form of a schizoid info squid, with so many tentacles of lies you can't tell which one is going to slap you next. And this schizophrenic story is serving an entirely new purpose now, and that is To cause partisan anger and division, in the hope of creating an environment which will escalate staged riots which will likely happen during the elections to justify a military style lock down on the American people.

America is a nation about to be destroyed. They put in place every last thing they needed to accomplish the job, all the while the only thing we did in response was cry on a lawn and stare in awe as Jesse Ventura put the Fema coffins on tv, and Alex Jones did a rant. THIS IS A WARNING. IF they succeed in sparking riots with this Bengasi story, at the same time the Reserves are ready and Fema is in overdrive, with the handcuffs already welded into boxcars, the coffins lined up, the guillotines at the ready, and the Fema camps having plenty of vacancy, LOCK AND LOAD. This hurricane alone should be enough to prove that you have NO friend in charge.

So when you hear a story about Bengasi being a consulate, and "ambassador Stevens" being dead, don't believe it, it is only in place to whip up republican hate. When you hear a story about Romney being a little nazi who befriends child molesters, robs old ladies of their stock profits, and evades taxes, don't believe it And when you hear stories about the white house being attacked, and riots taking place across the country, don't join them, they are staged, because that is the plan and this is why they are telling so many outrageous stories about these candidates - to provide plausible cover. THEY WANT THE RIOTS, DON'T PLAY THE GAME.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:13 AM 0 comments

I assume the YouTube video changing comments came from a process much like this: Q) Where's your proof? A) In a video I have. Q) Show me. A) I posted it to YouTube. Q) It doesn't show that! A) Yes it does, I just checked it and it's there. Q) Where? There's nothing like that in the video! A) They must have switched the video for everyone but me to make you think I was lying and crazy!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by AndyK »

MacHaffie obviously never attanded or failed high school chemistry AND is SO not up to date on MythBusters.

A proper-ratio mixture of natural gas and air is explosive. Explosive in the sense that it burns SO fast that it's almost instantaneous. The exact same concept is what leveled grain elevators in the mid-west, flour processing plants, and some coal mines.

Mix some amount of a combustible substance with the right amount of air and boom -- actually BOOM

In fact, one of the USA's most devastating, non-nuclear bombs relies on that concept -- although it uses fuel oil instead of natural gas. Check out Thermobaric explosives for more information.

However, it's much simpler to ignore facts and attribute everything to conspiracies.

I wonder if MacHaffie attributes solar eclipses to government plots?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Boston Globe actually created a good diagram which shows how the explosion happened. The gas company worker identifies the street valve, and then the point where the gas line enters the building. He then moves two feet to the side of this line, and inserts the gas-sniffer probe. Apparently, though, in this building, the gas line was either run in crookedly, or was pushed out of shape for one reason or another; and when the probe went into the ground, it went right into the gas line and worsened the leak to the point where natural gas saturation + spark = boom!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie and the writer Yeatts would not only have failed chemistry, they would have been expelled for writing things like this in Composition & Grammar. Sentenced to death by one of those strict old-maid English teachers. Erasmus would have been drawn and quartered.

I am very smart at blowing things up, I have been called the Albert Einstein of American explosives. Mount St. Helens was one of mine. And I can tell you that natural gas makes a wonderful explosive when mixed with air in the right proportions. Sure, those fancy plastic explosives and tsunamibombs seem to have a leg up on blowing someones leg off, but natural gas is by definition natural and organic. I mean I'm blowing them up, not trying to poison them with pesticide and artificial fertilizer residue! And it's more environmentally friendly - we may be evil, but we still want to be good neighbors. You might be interested to know that those FEMA concentration camps are all zero waste facilities! Everything is recycled or reused. One might wonder why any sane evil overlord would use those legendary guillotines to kill prisoners instead of simply shooting them. Simple, it's lead free! We can then recycle the bodies without fear of contaminated Soylent Green.

Here's just one example of the proper use of natural gas.

The 2010 San Bruno pipeline explosion occurred at 6:11 pm PDT on September 9, 2010, in San Bruno, California, a suburb of San Francisco, when a 30 inch diameter steel natural gas pipeline owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded in flames in the Crestmoor residential neighborhood 2 mi (3.2 km) west of San Francisco International Airport near Skyline Boulevard and San Bruno Avenue. The loud roar and shaking led some residents of the area, first responders, and news media to initially believe that it was an earthquake or that a large jetliner had crashed. It took crews nearly an hour to determine it was a gas pipeline explosion. As of September 29, 2010, the death toll was eight people. The U.S. Geological Survey registered the explosion and resulting shock wave as a magnitude 1.1 earthquake.
P.S. Damn it, keep your mouth shut about the solar eclipses!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus is back posting again, but strangely there's nothing about the Confederate States of America or threats against the government. Instead it's all religion, namely the real birthdate of Jesus. While states leaving the union got a yawn, saying that Jesus was born on December 25 brought the dogs out. Rassy claims he figured this out by reading all the church father's writings, but it looks more like he took a few things out of Wikipedia and waved his hands for the rest. Since all the evidence for the date is contradictory, there's lots of room for alternate hypotheses. This brought a second posting from Erasmus claiming typos in the first were a trap by the Holy Ghost, although this is never explained. He also claims the typos were the only reason people didn't agree with him, which was wrong in all cases, but no doubt made him feel better.

Two points I'll share here. For one, I think it's interesting that, even though things should be hopping with the new Southern government, Gassy Rassy is silent. Could it be he really sent out those "packages" of secession 3 weeks ago and one got back to some local authority? I kind of doubt it, most people would simply file such material in the trash, but one never knows. After all, aren't the holidays a time of miracles?

The second is that it brought the following comment about BRIAN LEONARD GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL.

Anonymous December 3, 2012 5:18 PM

The Christ was born June 17 3 A.D. The conception day was September 11th. That is EXACTLY why the twin towers were taken down on that day. The Zionists hate Jesus. This was a way to control us through fear and terror. The Christ has returned and his new name is BRIAN LEONARD GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL. WE ARE IN THE JUDGMENT NOW.

I had heard of this Golightly character before, and found that much like John the Baptist for Jesus, he led the way for Erasmus. Not by preaching the holy word, but by trying to lay claim to entire countries, in his case 10 years ago (I wonder how that worked out).

Saturday August 30th 2002.

To the attention of all politician and government agencies from the Federal to State parliaments of Australia. I Brian Leonard Golightly-Marshall do hereby declare That I am the Christ and make claim for all territories dedicated to me by Pedro Fernandez de Quiros

Further:- I accuse Windsor, Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales Of being the Antichrist. I further charge that he was the responsible person behind the murder of Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales (b. 1.7.1961) I further charge that he, Prince Charles, with knowingly plotting to reduce the world population by acts of mayhem in accordance with Freemasonry doctrine. I further accuse Prince Charles as being representative of the biblical beast as per the holy book of Revelation 1611 King James Version chapter 13 verse 18.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a Charles; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18 is the number of a 'man' and is Charles.

The beast is the three 6' of the bar code, which is the exclusive club one must join to be a merchant in world trade. A merchant pays a fee per month. Without it, no company can do business. Prince Charles is the head of the largest conglomorate of multinational corporations in the world, based in Rome. CHARLERS = 396 Philip = 420 Arthur = 516 = 1332 divided by 2 = 666. "charles" spelled in Greek, comes on page 667 of Thayer's New Testament Lexicon, proceeded by 666 pages.

The combination of very powerful corporations in partnership with government provides a concept not considered before. While he has been portrayed as a daft, anti-hero type, the author believes this negative portrayal belies the political future for this heir to the oldest and most powerful throne in the world.

The World Order is spearheaded by Charles, a man who is in line for the throne of David and claims descent from Jesus himself, via the children of Mary Magdalene.

I Brian Leonard Golightly-Marshall have more royal blood than any other man alive and to that end claim all rightful inheritance according to the royal kingdoms of the world.

I have established Miracle Water in defiance of the World order and bring relief to any who wish to participate in the miracle cures I have developed for the sake of humanity.

I cure all illnesses from Cancer to HIV AIDS.

To that end, I anointed my building located at 120 Hoddle Street Abotsford Collingwood Melbourne Victoria, on August 28th 2002 at 3:05 PM in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thus I claim the territories for all of Australia on the basis of the Santa Clause case, which stated that a defendant had claimed to be Chris Cringle, i.e. Santa Clause, and for the court to prove him wrong.

That I am the Christ.

In 1995 while before the courts in Canada, I had also claimed that I was above the laws of the queen, 1) being the most royal man alive and 2) the resurrected Jesus Christ.

As of August 31 2002, Moves will have been initiated to demand that the Australian court comply with the sacred declaration before God, when Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, on May 14th 1606, claimed all of the Southern lands south of the Equator in the name of Jesus. South Land of The Holy Spirit

Pedro Fernandos de Quiros was acting on behalf of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The date of August 31st 2002 was chosen by God to identify a time period of 396.3 years, being the duration of time between events in world history,

1) the declaration of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros and
2) the anniversary of the murder of Lady Diana at the hand of the beast 666 Prince Charles.

According to the dictates of time, unfolding at the precise moments determined by God, the number of years between the declaration of Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros and June 31st 2002, ALIGNED WITH the radii of the earth in miles, and in the Word of God, the King James 1611 bible, CONCORDANCE NUMBER the number 3963 is the number for Patmos, and by association, the book of Revelation. I lay charge on this date, August 31st 2002, that Prince Charles is the murderer of Lady Diana.

Brian Leonard Golightly-Marshall
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Well, Golightly may be Jesus, but Gassy Rassy is publishing a book.
Okay, tricks of the trade of the evil how to try and divide and destroy Christianity. Their propaganda line with hundreds of invented con lies will be "Don't get a copy of that heirloom book "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" for the limited offer of just $25.00. He doesn't know what he is talking about. We are so smart and he so dumb in Bible scholarship. Believe us!" "Jesus was supposed to be born according to the Bible at the Feast of Tabernacle, not Hanukkah!" Problem there folks! Your King James Bibles have been censored.
Not only does it clear up the Jesus birthdate thing, it has the story of Erasmus' flaming balls of fire!
In the dark I see a ball of fire over my head and am scared of it. I bolt out of the bedroom and run up the hallway past Phillip Trutter in the hallway on a business call on the phone. I run into the living room up front and Kitty Trutter and my socialite mother hear this incredible story from me that a ball of fire just hung over my head and woke me up in the dark bedroom. They know I have had a nightmare, so walk me back to the darkened bedroom to show me that there is nothing there. To their shock, there is this oval light around 8 to 12 inches according to one of them and around 12 to 18 inches in dimension according to them dancing on the wall. It looks like a ball of fire. They have the presence of mind to place their hands over it and can create no shadow over it. They check the windows and all are covered so no light should enter the bedroom. They watch this oval light of dancing fire on the wall for around 20 minutes and then begins to rapidly evaporate until it is gone. The startled women tell Phillip about this once he is off the business phone call. The next morning he checks his Catholic Encyclopedia and tells the two women he judges this is the Cloven Tongues of Fire which appeared with the Apostles of Jesus Christ at Pentecost. He and the two women tell other Christians about this and the Christians are very hostile to this testimony. They are accused they were taking drugs (never happened!), drunk that night (my mother for example never drank then any alcoholic beverage), they were crazy, they were lying to the others to mock them, and this was the general reaction as Americans have secretly told God in their hearts to not bother them in America with serious manifestations of the Will of God for America.
Don't buy this book. Not only are we smart while he is dumb, if you read it your head will explode. This isn't some sort of satanic curse, but an honest assessment of Rassy's prose. Besides, I have the feeling his "book" will be e-mailed copies of his posts on MacHaffie's forum and, like everything else NESARA, always a few weeks away from being printed.
Get the book for $25.00. I have drawn the line in the sand and may not reissue it again! We have to act now as real Christians, not 500 years from now! Time is important for either the coming victory or else defeat of Christianity in America and the world. Time for action, not endless excuses to Jesus of wait until next year or next century and then maybe you will stand up for Jesus on earth at some distant time in the future. Send $25 (or more!) to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 296789. Say for "book" and give us information how to send this to you by email or else printed copy as soon as ready in a few weeks from now. And you have reserved your heirlooom copy and gone on the rolls of Jesus Christ that you back the resurrection of Apostolic Christianity to full power and leadership in Christianity today which needs this now, not in a future age as that will be too late if we wait that long! I am a good steward of Jesus and if you are serious, we will turn the tide for Christianity in America with surplus money after expenses of supplying this book to you.
Still nothing about the New Confederacy and the glorious cause.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Get the book for $25.00. I have drawn the line in the sand and may not reissue it again!
He sure draws a lot of lines in the sand.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by rogfulton »

Get the book for $25.00. I have drawn the line in the sand and may not reissue it again!
Say for "book" and give us information how to send this to you by email or else printed copy as soon as ready in a few weeks from now.
Is it just me, or are these sentences a tad contradictory? I mean, how can you reissue something if it isn't ready yet?

Oh, wait, he apparently means he can send you a copy by email or he can send a printed copy as soon as it's ready! Hey Rassy, they're called parentheses - look them up! :roll:
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Get the book for $25.00. I have drawn the line in the sand and may not reissue it again!
Aw, shucks. I guess that I'm just going to have to suffer through life without this marvelous revelation. :cry: :cry: :cry:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Thule wrote:He sure draws a lot of lines in the sand.
He sounds like a five year old in a sand box. If you don't do what he wants right this second, well, he'll stamp his foot real hard, and draw another line, and then you'll all be sorry.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

It's as if Erasmus never seceded the South from the Union. Nary a peep about the glorious cause, instead we have to hear about how smart he is and his new book.
In my soon-to-be released book in a few weeks, "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity ($25.00 at cost price to you or others), heirloom edition meaning I may never reprint it again, I compromise with the brevity of St. Augustine's explanation of how the Two Foundational Commandments of Jesus Christ replace the prior Ten Commandments of the Old Covenant issued under the leadership of Moses under instructions of God and the lengthy explanations written by the top Christian scholars of first Christianity. I give you the meat of what they explain in detail, but you don't have to read 500 pages to see their total explanations where and how the change occurred in commandments for mankind on earth. Also, I don't pull the snob tricks of academic scholars who want to show they think they are so much smarter than you so use words and examples that are way over your head and you don't have the foggiest idea what they are often talking about. I use common words and common logic you can follow. God did not make you dumb, so I treat you as intelligent and give you the straight answers the "politically correct" scholars in Christianity and outside would give you if they tackled the same questions about what early Christianity taught in their first official writings in history on what was Apostolic Christianity or not meaning what is the True Christianity Jesus and the Apostles founded on earth for all future generations of Christians including us in this modern age of great wickedness and the Spirit of Antichrist roaring around like a lion trying to take over America and the world if we are morally corrupt enough to let the evil take over all society and then destroy Christianity collapsing because they no longer have their roots in first Apostolic Christianity left us by Jesus Christ and His Apostles.
I have the answers that America needs to skyrocket the American economy, but I have a price attached. If America becomes a Christian nation again, I will teach America my tricks in economic science. If America hates God, I go on strike and will not teach America my economic tricks and I am the best trained economist according to some that has ever been trained in America. I know the right answers. Obama knows kindergarten level in economics and that is all Communist and Muslim economics which is not the economics needed by America today to solve its problems. I say Jesus over America! That is why I have brought back to life "Apostolic Christianity" from the first Christian writings of the first 4 centuries A.D. My book "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" ($25.00 per heirloom copy) shows me if America wants to be a Christian nation or not. Real Christians loyal to Christ will want it. Lip service Christians only will not want it. I use all the right tricks including publicizing stunning Miracles of God to win America back to God. And smarter than the Vatican at this time, I knock the daylights out of the credibility of the Theory of Evolution by showing the scientific proofs the public can understand until this pseudo-scientific theory collapses and the Bible resurrects with total credibility to be believed by the American people and people all over the world. And many canonized saints over the centuries predicted this movement outside of Europe and the Middle East which could give Christianity one last great revival all over the world and then the end and rise of Antichrist once the Christians are too morally corrupt to be real Christians any longer on earth! So they predicted in steady stream for up to the last 1,900 years from beginning of Christianity on!
For those wanting to get a heirloom copy of "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my pen name), send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 and say "Send Book!" Include name, address if we ship and email address if we send out electronic version of this book probably ready within 4 to 8 weeks to release. Your name will be added to reserved book shipments. For those wanting to add your name to our national email list for reports to be sent to, say "Add to List" and email your name and email to gassyrassy@gmail.com . If you want to read my 100 plus national reports for the last 8 months posted with Nesara News, go to the website for Nesara News and look at their search box at the top left side. Put in my pen name of Erasmus of America and see the 100 plus national reports posted with them for this time period. Don't be bashful. Push this report all over the internet both in America and abroad. Once we win, Christianity and a booming economy will spread from America to all nations of goodwill on earth.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:30 PM

Anonymous December 6, 2012 6:02 PM

see you just do NOT get it!
if you are truly smart in the ways of GOD why do you feel you need to blow your own trumpet so loud???
I am quite sure you are wrong about the date of CHRISTS birth!
and I have studied for 15 years now, NO where in the word of GOD doe's it say that self pride is good. as a matter of FACT it says just the opposit. selfpride is of lucifer your father.
lucifer knows the scriptures better then any of us here on earth, he also knows that to fool the masses alls he has to do is twist 1% of the truth to fool the idiots!
remember the word anti in the greek has several meanings, one IS "another" or "mirror image" so anti-christ does NOT nessecraly mean opposit. it just means another version of.
most of what you say has truth to it, BUT you have way way to much pride! and that 1% lie will give you away every time!
JESUS help this man to humble himself before you LORD, so he may truly begin to understand!!! amen

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Otherwise known as one overblown gasbag twitting another equally overblown gasbag.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

It is noted with some minimal interest that Eratticus always has to rely on "tricks" in order to accomplish something. It gives the impression that he does not know how to achieve anything in a straight-forward and upright manner. How honest and trustworthy can he really be if he has to resort to tricks and skulduggery? This is just one of many reasons I won't be sending him $25 for an e-book, after all he may decide to rely on a "trick" to keep the money and not forward the book.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, December 7, 2012

Who could forget December 7th 1942, the infamous "day that will live in infamy," being exactly one year to the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor? Not Gassy Rassy, who's a year late and a dollar short. Then again, it's no doubt some computer hacker who changed 71st to 70th just to make Erasmus look like an arrogant idiot.

As for "arrogant," Erasmus in Bishop Tim mode goes on and on about this at the beginning of his math-challenged post. Someone must of called him this again (didn't see it recently in the comments on MacHaffie's forum, but he gets posted a couple of other places too). For some reason, just because certain famous people could have been called arrogant, his being called arrogant means that he must be famous too! It's all 'cause we're so jealous of his abilities.

As early Christianity taught, those who were jealous in Christianity of those given special gifts by God to carry out the Will of God were possessed of the spirit of Satan, not of Christ, in their acts of hatred and hostility towards those blessed of God when God did not want them for the God-approved missions given to others God wanted to use instead of them.
Whoever rejects the supernatural works of the Holy Ghost showing who God backs for some special reason and assigning it as supposedly to Satan instead of God is guilty of blasphemy which is the unforgivable sin before God both in this life and in the hereafter for all eternity. Jesus instructed do not even pray before God for their forgiveness for this unforgivable sin before God! God is enraged at those calling the Works of God the Works of Satan instead! These critics whether federal operatives of our would-be Antichrist Obama in the White House, Bible scholars possessed by the Spirit of Satan because they are jealous and think that God was dumb to pick someone else instead of them for a special gift or task to serve God with, operatives of the Illuminati which is the secret Satanist society of the powerful acting as the secret government of Wash., D.C. today and yes, they do exist folks!
By Satan's plan, Hitler had to defeat America in World War II as America would be the birthplace of the resurrection of true Christianity also called Apostolic Christianity in the world if America was not defeated then. Time is up! The time for the great battle predicted in Revelation is now. We are now exactly to the day 70 years away from when Satan had America attacked at Pearl Harbor to order to try and block the plan of God for Apostolic Christianity to arise in America later on. Satan understands some Bible prophecies a lot better than "dull of hearing" Christians which first Christianity said would later be thrown into the Tribulation.

Satan may understand bible prophecies better than thrown Christians, but he has that same "confusing 41 and 42" math problem that Erasmus does.

Do you think that God would turn over this great secret which decides the survival or else extinction of the human race over to a person who is not backed by God? Don't insult my intelligence or yours with such nonsense that God would turn this secret over to His enemies on earth. And might as well tell you. I also have the water of great health promised in Exodus 23:25 which even my father did not have. But this I will share with those I want to and those I do not want to share with as they love evil and not God nor good in life, why let them have this water of great health and longevity for those who hate God and mankind on earth? I probably know how to give man on earth life for nearly 1,000 years as first man experienced on earth, but my scientific knowledge is only for my friends and not for the enemies of God on earth.

The one who has the bread and water of Exodus 23:25 has the power base to spread true Apostolic Christianity all across America and all across the world. Of course God planned this and it is not by random chance. You speculate if I am worthy of such from God. God knows me far better than you and if I have these powerful answers, then God who knows me far better than I would know myself thinks I should handle this mighty food mission for God and not you or others who call themselves Christians on earth. I do not know why God wanted me and not you to do this for God on earth, but if God thinks I can do the job and am the one that God wants to do the job, I respect God in all things and consider it a great honor and privilege to serve God in whatever capacity God wants me to whether to sweep the streets of Heaven or handle this food mission which will give world power to Apostolic Christianity so one time it can go all over the world as the foundation to the Gospel of the Kingdom going over all the world and then the end according to Matthew 24.
What I like best about Erasmus is his humility.
I know much more about Apostolic Christianity from the first Christian writings than anything I have hinted at here. Order the book for $25.00 and I will share my knowledge with you of what God wanted me to find for you to study. Do not want any part of this and Jesus will be greatly offended at you that you follow the heresy invented by Wash., D.C. and Satan that you are not supposed to back the God-sent leaders in human society. You believe in not supporting God-sent leaders, you believe in the propaganda line and giant heresy invented by Satan so Satan and not God will win in this world. You openly support Satan when you refuse to back those who are obviously sent by commission of God. I will draw the line for all to decide over. I am the prophesied Chief Steward of Jesus Christ that Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 and Luke 12. Jesus said that this prophesied Chief Steward would supply you your bread in life. And did you not know that the name of Bethlehem which Jesus was born in stands for "House of Bread. As the Old Testament states, those who have blessed bread giving them good health and endurance are those who are the loyal followers of God on earth. Those who have the staff of the bread broken so it does not give them good health and endurance are those cursed by God as the sign of bread is the sign that they are the enemies of God on earth and cursed by God on earth!
You don't like a Christian leader who is really a Christian! Tough! Think I am a dummy in worldly matters and fields! I am a sharp boy in worldly affairs and fields, but use whatever talents I have in the service of Christianity because I love Jesus. And in case you can't figure it out, I also love you is why I am trying to help you in your worldly needs such as in economics and also lead you to Jesus who awaits you with all His love!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for "the man who loves God!")

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:47 PM
And the people heard unto him, and seeing that what he sayeth was good and true, rejoiced in it and said in a great voice, "Truly this is the word of God!"

Anonymous December 7, 2012 6:48 PM
-"Whoever rejects the supernatural works of the Holy Ghost...assigning it as supposedly to Satan instead of God is guilty of blasphemy...God is enraged at those calling the Works of God the Works of Satan instead!"-
Mary is dead. She has ceased to exist, like all the other dead, until called back to life by Him who is the Resurrection and the Life. There is no Biblical support for the idea she didn't die, was assumed into Heaven, etc...
Attempting to communicate with the dead is necromancy. It is witchcraft. Period. God forbids it so strongly--it is so dangerous--that severe punishment was assigned to the practice under the Israelite theocracy. It was not to get a foothold amongst His people.
It is the very same thing today. And God has not changed His position on the subject because demons in disguise are the only ones who reply for the dead.

Anonymous December 7, 2012 9:54 PM
I agree 100%
you are wise in the ways of the world! that is exactly the opposit of what JESUS tells US. you blow your own horn and ask US to send you money for a book full of your opinion. NOT gona happen lucy, you see I have spent 15 years studying the REAL WORD of GOD in the KJV bible with a strongs concordence. GOD has put in my heart the gift of discernment, you are full of lucifer and as the comment above states you listen to familure spirits, NOT the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD!!!
so you still do NOT get it, if you were really sent of GOD you would not puff yourself up like a bafoon and speak like a dragon. NOR would you need our money, if GOD wanted for US his TRUE children to know some thing it would be given FREELY!!! amen

Anonymous December 7, 2012 11:11 PM
Hey, Erasmus, do you remember your claims in early November about how you were about to take down the US government via an ingenious 'legal war?'
Well, I remember. Whatever happened to that? We're nearly a third of the way through December now and still nothing's happened like you said it would. Instead, you're just posting reflections on Christian history.
When are you gonna get off your butt and go take down the US government like you've been threatening for months? The election's over. Why haven't I seen any news about your recently seceded Confederate States of America online or on the TV? Surely news as big as the entire southern US seceding would make it online, even if the mainstream news censored it. And yet...nothing.
Getting really disappointed in your lack of results, man.

Anonymous December 8, 2012 3:22 AM
When i subtract the year 1941 from 2012 i get 71 years-is there something i am not understanding here or is this "new math"?

Anonymous December 8, 2012 4:31 AM
The idea of "One God" was perpetuated by the Hebrew leader Moses while he was in Egypt. He left Egypt with his adopted people, the Jewish slaves.
While they were crossing the desert, Moses was intercepted by an operative of the "Old Empire" near Mt. Sinai. Moses was tricked into believing that this operative was "the" One God through the use of hypnotic commands, as well as technical and aesthetic tricks which are commonly used by the "Old Empire" to trap IS-BEs.
Thereafter, the Jewish slaves, who trusted the word of Moses implicitly, have worshiped a single god they call "Yaweh". The name "Yaweh" means "anonymous", as the IS-BE who "worked with" Moses could not use an actual name or anything that would identify himself, or blow the cover of the amnesia / prison operation.
The last thing the covert amnesia / hypnosis / prison system wants to do is to reveal themselves openly to the IS-BEs on Earth. They feel that this would restore the inmates memories! This is the reason that all traces of physical encounters between operatives of space civilizations and humans is very carefully hidden, disguised, covered-up, denied or misdirected.
This "Old Empire" operative contacted Moses on a desert mountain top and delivered the "Ten Hypnotic Commands" to him. These commands are very forcefully worded, and compel an IS-BE into utter subservience to the will of the operator. These hypnotic commands are still in effect and influence the thought patterns of millions of IS-BEs thousands of years later! Incidentally, we later discovered that the so-called "Yaweh" also wrote, programmed and encoded the text of the Torah, which when it is read literally, or in its decoded form, will provide a great deal more false information to those who read it.
Finally, something that makes sense!
"Follow the Money"