Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Ok, morbid curiousity overwhelms me. What in the world is an "IS-BE?"
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by rogfulton »

The Observer wrote:Ok, morbid curiousity overwhelms me. What in the world is an "IS-BE?"

Natural man on the land? :whistle:
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Ok, morbid curiousity overwhelms me. What in the world is an "IS-BE?"
“…Will you answer questions from the gallery now?”

“No. I will not answer questions. I will provide information to you that I think will be beneficial to the well-being of the immortal spiritual beings who comprise humanity, and that will foster the survival of all the myriad life forms and the environment of Earth, as it is a part of my mission to ensure the preservation of Earth.

“Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings. This includes human beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: “IS-BE”. Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for their existence is that they decide to “be”.

No matter how lowly their station in a society, every IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that I myself would like to receive from others. Each person on Earth continues to be an IS-BE whether they are aware of the fact or not.”

– Statement made by Airl, pilot of a craft from The Domain which crashed near Roswell, N.M. in July, 1947. Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer
The term "Is-Be" is also frequently used by David Icke. Strange that aliens speak English.

As for Erasmus (who may speak English, but has a darn hard time writing it), his latest post is a "parable" which is actually an old joke, changed to bash Obama and posted 2009 at World Net Daily, and copied without editing (with an unique typo) by Gassy Rassy. I wasn't fooled, the prose flowed and didn't repeat itself endlessly repeating itself by repeating itself. The "parable" was supposedly from his $25 legacy book on early Christianity, which will be out any day now.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Someone needs to buy the book. I volunteer anyone but me.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Anyone on this board wh spent $25 or more on Powerball tickets should have NO problem ordering the book. I for one, do not qualify.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, December 10, 2012
Surprise, surprise, that person is Gassy Rassy! He spends pages and pages beating around the bush, but finally comes out and tells us it's him who will lead us in these end times! In the middle of this muddle is the following apology for being so wrong on the 70th anniversary thing, but it wasn't his fault - the mainstream media made him do it! Funny that nothing ever seems to be his fault...
But first an apology from me for an error I committed to print. I still have not totally learned my lesson never to trust too totally the news media in a statement of theirs without checking them out totally first. I incorrectly took at face value a statement on TV news that this Dec. 7 was the 70th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Being rushed preparing a report, I took them at face value and only later checking out the math realized I got suckered in again by the news media. One other time a few months I took at face value a news item supplied me and later found out it was inaccurate. I wrote an apology then for an error in scholarship and stated as policy if I found later I had made another mistake in some other important item, I would then apology and correct the mistake. I carry out my apology now and state that Dec. 7, 2012 was the 41st Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, not 70th Anniversary as I heard the TV news item state and being rushed did not seriously check out their misstatement until later. So apologies for an error in reporting a historical item. I trusted the news media to be accurate on this and didn't check it until later on when I had time to do the math and then saw the mistake! But don't ever fall for the trick of Satan to trick you that if ever a genuine Servant of God has to apologize for a mistake that this means that he is not a legitimate Servant of God or that you should not listen to him. Two early examples showing even the best Servants of God are capable of an error at some time or another, the Apostle Paul rebuked the Apostle Peter whom Jesus Christ said He would build His church upon. The Apostle Peter had not committed an error in doctrine, but in policy by not opening the door widely enough for the Gentiles to join the Church of God on earth. The Apostle Peter corrected his error in policy, but at no time did he mislead the Christians as to doctrine. And don't forget that the shadow of Peter at the time of Pentecost was so highly honored by God that a invalid was instantly cured by his shadow coming over that cripple in the streets of Jerusalem. And St. Augustine was quite brilliant as a Christian scholar later on wrote and apologized for one earlier Christian stand on Bible prophecy he now judged had been in error.
Be very careful. Don't cry out about the small splinter of wood in the eye of a true Servant of God when God sees you with a giant beam of lumber in your own eye as Jesus commented on. Don't use the excuse that a Servant of God has made a single mistake at that time in serving Jesus whereas you have even 1,000 mistakes before Jesus that you have not apologized either to Jesus or to your fellow man for doing. As Jesus warned, "Do not judge others lest you be judged" by Jesus and with the same non-forgiving standards as you want to apply to a Servant of God. By the way, in the Aramaic dialect that Jesus and the disciples spoke then, judge meant to criticize and by the standard you criticize others, then Jesus will criticize you in turn before Him. If a Servant of God gives you a valid message from the Lord, listen to and practice what he tells you to do as a Christian and do not use a human mistake or flaw in him as your excuse before Jesus why you will not do what Jesus wants you to do in your life.
There is a very encouraging thing in all this. Jesus can use all of us regardless if we are perfect or not. The good Christian does not give Jesus the excuse that he can do nothing for Jesus as he is not perfect. None of us except Jesus was perfect on earth. We serve Jesus as best we can regardless of any faults in us whether pettiness of character, lose temper sometimes too easy, get impatient and don't want to always take the time to do the job "perfect" the first round, and so on. Jesus can forgive us for not being perfect, but Jesus is greatly offended when we do not want to do good on earth in ways that God has given us the gift to serve God with. I am right on this!
One would think that this gift would make you not make so many mistakes, but what do I know? As for his book, Jesus is watching who orders it or not, kinda like Santa watching all the little girls and boys.
I expect to see within the next 7 days the orders coming in for my book "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity." Jesus is watching to see who loves Jesus or not in America. If only a handful care enough about Jesus to uphold His works in America until He comes, at some point I am commanded by the New Testament to shake the dust off of my shoes which is symbolic and means I turn America over the Judgment of God as they will not accept the message of Jesus Christ for America. The book is $25.00. Most of the surplus money is to give by surprise maneuvers sudden victory for Christianity in America. But if the messiah of America is Obama, not Jesus Christ, this book will flush out whether America cares about God or else Satan through Obama and all his corrupt allies in government and American society including cold churches of America. Three orders so far for this book which faithfully shows the true teachings of early Apostolic Christianity as recorded from the main teachings of first Christianity on earth is a slap in the face of Jesus Christ. You are cold- hearted Christians if you can show no love for Jesus now just before Christmas which celebrates His birthday on earth. If I walk away from America, as Jesus warned in His parable about the royal wedding, Jesus can bring in the rejects and outcasts of society from all the world to replace you as His invited guests to His royal wedding to His bride church. On this point I was fooled. I thought that many Americans cared more about Jesus than this. I am ashamed of American Christians if this is the best of love you can offer to Jesus Christ. 4 times I was given visions from Jesus Christ. I do not know why, but Jesus wants to use me, not you, for this position of the Chief Steward of Jesus Christ. One time I was allowed to see the actual face of Jesus Christ and the thing that melted my heart is that He showed such love for me which I do not know why as I have always rated myself just an ordinary man, but maybe more scholastic in habit than most, and an excessive amount of boldness or courage I do not see in too many others. I will stand up for Jesus. Will you or give your million and one excuses why you cannot be bothered by Jesus in this life? However, you still look for all these rewards from Jesus in the hereafter when you have done so little or else nothing for Jesus in this life.
Want to have a second chance to let Jesus know that you love him and had not just forgotten Him in the shopping days before Christmas? To force the issue, I will not accept any orders at the low price of $20.00 for this book not sent in before Christmas Dec. 25, 2012. I will give to Jesus those souls who showed their love for Jesus by His birthday of Christmas on Dec. 25, 2012. I will commend them as those who loved Him in America. The others are apparently not serious in America. Orders sent in after Dec. 25, 2012 the price will be $25.00 while orders still accepted. Jesus might use this as His list who are the Wise Virgin Christians who don't have to go through the prophesied Tribulation and those not interested will be on His list as the Foolish Virgin Christians who do not have the Spirit of the Holy Ghost of God as their oil to light their oil lamps called their souls before Jesus Christ. If someone wants to back the cause of Apostolic Christianity separate and on top of the price of this book, Jesus will approve if you do this as Jesus hates the hypocrites claiming they love Jesus and do not.
As for ordering it - I figure 1) it will never be in print, and 2) what you'll get as an electronic version is copies of all of Erasmus' brain-numbing posts from MacHaffie's forum. I may not be the longest tool in the shed, but I know which side my deep-fried-butter is breaded on, and respectfully decline, no matter how Ashlynne's legs tempt me.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

IF the Magnum Opus of "Erasmus of America" ever does see print, it will be because he somehow scraped up the money to have it printed by some vanity press.

Five years from now, Gassy Rassy will probably be found staring at boxes upon boxes of unsold copies, wondering why the orders aren't pouring in, despite all the ads and offerings he puts into the back of supermarket tabloids, eBay and the like.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

It's all the evil media's fault don't you know??? He would have been a world class author if only they hadn't sabotaged him. On the other hand, it might just sell as an insomnia cure, the brain would be so desperate to get away from it, it would shut down in self defense.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus of America wrote:I carry out my apology now and state that Dec. 7, 2012 was the 41st Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, not 70th Anniversary as I heard the TV news item state and being rushed did not seriously check out their misstatement until later.
The 41st Anniversary? And he gets it wrong again.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus posts an ad for his new "book" again today, with these highlights!
In the soon-to-be-released book "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America is quoted the finding of some British Protestant scholars showing early Christian writings did indicate that Jesus Christ was born on December 25. What they discovered makes for an interesting read!
Separately in this book will be many unusual and interesting topics. For example, what natural ingredient mentioned in the Bible has been used to keep the skin of women looking young and healthy through even old age? And also works great even for their husbands to keep looking younger and more handsome! For example, one woman practicing this kept getting noticed for looking so young and attractive all her life using this simple Bible ingredient as her secret to nearly flawless, young looking skin all her life.
This author used a God-given natural ingredient and his growing near total blindness in his right eye disappeared by four days. Soon after that, his eyesight was the best it had been in maybe 30 years. God gives us all the answers we need for good health. We just have to know the answers of God that solve our health problems in life!
Separately, when this same author was heading towards a heart attack or stroke from building plaque in the arteries, he used another God-given natural ingredient which removed the plaque from his arteries and never had heart problems after that for many years now! Again, God has the answers we need for good health!
One more example of blessing our health when we use the answers that God gives to us, this same author had a tumor on his left arm, a large tumor on his face, and advanced colon cancer over one year and close to when he would die from this. Relying that the Lord would give him the answer, he refused the answers of medicine and suddenly he knew what natural God-given product should cure all this. By four days the tumor fell off his arm and left no scar. In the same time period of 4 days, the large tumor on his face suddenly fell of and left no scar. And in seven days the advanced colon cancer of over one year was totally cured. The cancer infection passed out of his body and he has been cured now of this for over one and one half decades. Praise God who shares this wisdom of God with man! These answers will be found in this book!
Wait, haven't we heard about this tumor falling off before, but wasn't it Erasmus' wife?
In 1984 my wife Linda had a large tumor on her face and a much larger tumor inside her. The medical field urged immediate surgery in order to protect her life. The medical field urged immediate surgery in order to protect her life. We refused this surgery and instead practiced what the Bible taught us to do if we wanted a Miracle of God to take care of these tumor. Later, to the shock of the medical field, a national insurance company (Mutual of Omaha), our local church and othe sources, the large tumor fell off her face one evening and the larger tumor inside her disappeared into thin air, which startled the medical clinic when they examined her immediately afterwards.
God endorsed this report on Oct. 27, 1993 with a stunning Miracle of God. The same day the national mailing of this report was completed, the large, deadly tumor that had been growing on the chest of the author's wife suddenly fell off that evening, and 14 hours later a doctor could find no evidence that there had ever been a tumor there!
These tumors falling off seem to be rampant at the Gassy Rassy house!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

More religion and nonsense, with the following title that has little to do with the text.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
In important fields, censorship can be used as a form of lying in order to trick you into the opinions and beliefs the evil want to convince you is the truth. The evil hire highly educated people to tell them how to control the thinking, actions, and beliefs of the common people by censorship of the truth from them. ... By the way, the censored news media and the censored history textbooks are two of their ways of controlling your thinking by censoring the truth from you the American people.

So, did someone tell Gassy Rassy to shut up or they would commit him again? Is that why there's been nothing on that big lawsuit against the Justice Dept. or the CSA?

I tripped up the plans of this evil clique to put America under a military takeover in October, 2012, but I got word from two sources in the last 24 hours that they want a fresh start at taking over America. C.I.A. is very thick and heavy in evil events going on in America now. Due to censorship by Wash., D.C., their moves are well hid from you the American people. And it serves no useful purpose if I tell you what I have learned about a number of recent bad events that have now occurred in America and to America.

No big deal, Erasmus, nothing you do serves a useful purpose.

I feel that those who back the revival of total Apostolic Christianity should be rewarded for such a noble deed for Christ, humanity, and the advancement of first Apostolic Christianity. So I arranged a surprise for them. I contacted a good friend of mine yesterday who is one of the smartest health brains in America. I arranged through him to line up for readers of my book being released very soon now, probably released middle of January, 2013 if all is on schedule, two of the best God-given answers to heal much to maybe nearly all of the health problems Americans face today.

Put yourself in the good doctor's hands. Hands that also suck up to MacHaffie.

And I heavily promote NESARA NEWS in my book as I think this blog needs to be heavily publicized both for their quality of reports and also the integrity to promote the truth when others are too cowardly, corrupt, etc. to do what is right for America! So I say God bless NESARA NEWS! You are a model for other blogs to follow!
The secret is they have this excellent editor both in brains and quality of editing his best blog in America now! So other supporters of NESARA NEWS join with me in saying, John, we love you, and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for someone who believes that we celebrate Christmas to honor the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:55 PM

But the best part was dueling Apostolic Christians in the comments.


Anonymous December 20, 2012 8:31 AM

What whoppers! Instead of calling himself Erasmus of America he should be Ananias of America.

Acts 5(KJV)

1 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,

2 And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet.

3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

5 And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

6 And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him.

Sounds harsh to me, but apparently this is a favorite of those who don't want to be judgemental but still call someone a liar. Pretty strong stuff, although I had to look it up.

A member of the early Christian community with his wife, Sapphira. In obedience to the ideal that the community owned everything in common, Ananias sold his property but connived with his wife to turn over to the Apostles only part of the proceeds. Peter rebuked him for his deception: "It is not to men you have lied but to God." Ananias dropped dead. His wife arrived later and, not knowing her husband's fate, repeated the lie. She, too, died on the spot. This incident originated the familiar use of the name Ananias to represent a liar.

But someone disagrees strongly. 'Zat you 'Rassy?

Anonymous December 20, 2012 1:33 PM

Jealousy, and for what? I see a manifestation of the fruits of evil from you. When you call works of the holy ghost to be works of the devil, the New Testament calls that blasphemy, and you can damn your soul to hell for all eternity, according to the New Testament.

Not only is the first guy/gal wrong, he/she is going to hell for it. Serves 'em right for being two sexes at the same time.

Anonymous December 21, 2012 10:13 AM

The Bible (KJV) is the word of God. How can Anonymous 1:33 twist them and call it the works of the devil?

Spiritual warriors know this trick - use the Word of the Lord as your sword and evil will expose itself!

Does this evil wear a raincoat with nothing under it? And isn't Erasmus the one who knows all the Holy Ghost tricks?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

After a month and a day, as prescribed by scripture, Gassy Rassy is back and twice as ugly. He still doesn't have a clue about limited title length.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Years ago I was Director of the American Counter Intelligence Agency, Wash., D.C. set up by secret oral charter of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon. We used very unorthodox tactics and successfully penetrated the top leadership of the Soviet Spy Ring in America and also the top leadership of the Communist Party in America. We pretty much cracked the more quick range plans for the conquest of America by the Soviet Union and also the longer range plans for the conquest of America if the quick range plans ran into problems. President Ronald Reagan very cunningly engineered the basic bankruptcy and collapse of the economy of the Soviet Union which bought time for America. The Soviet KGB which was a spy service was also much more a political apparatus for the subversion and overthrow of the Western World. The KGB was thrown into disarray and loss of power in Moscow due to the economic damage done to the Soviet econonomy. However, the American apparatus of the KGB remained intact and had some key hidden leaders inside of Wash., D.C. and a much larger number of leaders outside of Wash., D.C.. The most secret leadership ring of the Communist KGB apparatus in America was code named "The 100 Columns." About one-third of these leaders were inside the U.S. Government including six members of Congress. Also, six members of Congress were secret "Gays" at the time and we suspected the same six were the six secret Communists in Congress our plants found out about from the head of the Soviet spy ring in America. We got some names, but not all. The rest of the top secret Communist leaders in America were very influential American leaders but outside of the formal U.S. Government in Wash., D.C. We got lucky a few times and got the top defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies who turned over to us all the top secret nuclear attack plans against America for the nuclear annihilation of America. A trait of Soviet military strategy then was all plans were aimed for the annihilation of America and none for just hurting America. They wanted to make sure that America did not come back after a Soviet nuclear "Pearl Harbor" to rally and later defeat the Soviet Union in a World War III. Knowing the Soviet plans, several times even without knowledge of Wash., D.C., we tipped the scales so America was not forced into a nuclear war with the then Sovie Union. I used similar tactics recently when certain military elements were planning an "October Surprise" in 2012 with a military takeover of America and end of elections, U.S. Bill of Rights, etc. Wash., D.C. is way too corrupt and will never investigate those who were hatching a huge plot of high treason among certain high elements in the U.S. military. There is still a backup plot going on if they can disarm enough of the American citizens by tactics of psychological warfare in 2013. What I know is best not stated at this time unless my proposed Omni Law is passed which will stop the treason going on in some circles of Wash., D.C. even after the 2012 election. Sometimes the American people cannot handle the entire truth, so best tell the truth as far as you are allowed and then shut up as to the rest!
But the Soviet KGB apparatus in America survived the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the official Cold War. Karl Marx had from long ago suggested an ultimate master strategy for the defeat of America by political subversion if they could not raise enough military power to defeat America otherwise. I had studied economic science with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including from a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. I rate Karl Marx brilliant in some areas of economics and also quite naive or dumb in other aspects of economic science. Unfortunately, Karl Marx had in one key areas correctly analyzed how to eventually bankrupt America and the other capitalist nations in the world in the end if military or else political defeat for the West could not be achieved earlier by worldwide Communism. I will now quote Karl Marx on how to bankrupt America and other capitalist nations through pushing of "free trade." Fair trade works fine with free enterprise in nations. Free trade meaning non-controlled trade between nations is not smart in practice. Through "free trade" pushed by both Republicans and Democrats, America has lost much of its national industry. I drive through South Carolina and see many closed plants due to Washington policy of "free trade." I talk with friends in other states who also see many closed plants in their states due to Washington policy of "free trade." The Thomas Register of Manufacturers which was a many volume set of listing of American manufacturers published its 100th anniversary edition and then stopped printing up this many volume set of listed American manufacturers. So much industry was now leaving America due to "free trade" that the industrial base of America has been steadily shrinking while China by cheap labor behind her industries and engaging in a very ruthless price war against American goods and goods of other capitalist nations has successfully transferred much of American industry and that of other capitalist nations to China. Her quality may not be as good as "Made in America" stood for, but her prices were cheaper and that is all that mattered to most customers in the world. Japan ahd used a similar policy against America prior to World War II where Japan by cheaper labor sold cheap products of often inferior quality to American and foreign markets based upon cheap labor for her Japanese industries. With this money from "free trade" Japan bought steel from America and whatever else she needed to build her "Imperial Japanese Navy," etc. preparing for the eventual conquest of the world if she could pull it off. But first she had to conquer China and that proved rougher than the Japanese military leaders thought it would. Hitler pushed as the price for military alliance with Nazi Germany that Japan had to attack Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 and that move saved the Soviet Union from being defeated by Nazi Germany.
But on to our problem in the American economy now. Wash., D.C. has politicians but none brave enough to be statesmen for America at this time. You, the American people, have a poor record of backing honest leaders in Wash., D.C. and corrupt elements backed by secret or open big money crucify those in Wash., D.C. who want to tell you the truth in important issues. The Communists infiltrated your schools and pushed "free trade" as the ultimate answer to make free enterprise and capitalism work right. They were giving you a Trojan Horse teaching so you would push a Communist policy thinking it was a free enterprise or capitalist answer to boom the economy and generate millions of new high paying jobs. I think Bishop Fulton J. Sheen was a smart Catholic intellectual and stated the problem with the liberals is that they wanted "freedom from freedom." That means their concepts would ultimately lead to a police state of endless regulations and denials of God-given rights in America. The conservatives have to be watched too so they stand for rights but not setting up a police state themself. As one friend of mine used to state, you go too far Right or too far Left and you end up with dictatorship for the nation. Rights I believe in, but dictatorship I do not believe in. I rate myself a strong conservative, but not extremist meaning going past good judgment and common sense in national issues.
Okay, Karl Marx spotted the weakest spot to defeat capitalism (bank dominated economics basically) or free enterprise (freedom but still must have a sound money and good commercial laws for it to work right). Now Karl Marx saw how to bankrupt the capitalist nations by a clever economic trick based upon the greed of the capitalists leading them into a trap if they didn't see it coming.Quoting now from Karl Marx in "The Poverty of Philosophy" and quoting "Address On The Question Of Free Trade" which was delivered by Karl Marx before the Democratic Association of Brussels, Belgium, January 9, 1848. With an introduction in the book by his close associate Frederick Engels: "... for tis reason, and for this reason alone, did Marx declare in favor of free trade."
Karl Marx in Brussels at this meeting stated, "But in gneral, the protective system of our day is conservative while the trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antgonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoise to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade."
Karl Marx was looking for ruthless price war conducted through non-controlled free trade would lead to capitalist nations not being able to sell their products at profit and ending up bankrupting one another to fight for the world market through free trade. This would lead to the eventual bankruptcy of the capitalist nations and then Communism by default would take over the world economy and economies of all nations on earth. And America and Europe and elsewhere have these gigantic debt structures because ruthless price war blocked them from realizing the profits to make their national economies grow right economically. The debt structure of the capitalist nations is so huge now that one mishap in how the world economy runs now and all the capitalist nations could be totally bankrupt overnight anytime now from 2013 onwards. But even Karl Marx did not see the following as he showed a strong weakness in understanding the subtleties how monetary systems work. He didn't foreseee the capitalist nations building debt ceilings beyond any reality to be supported by their economies, so they are preprogrammed to mass crash if they can't maintain their debt structures much longer. If America and the main world economy suddenly crashes for any reason now, this will likely trigger off what is called "The Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics." That means maybe even 90% of the American people die with the crash of the American economy and a survival situation in America looking like a scene from a science fiction horror film of utter hell on earth for the survivors. The same situation for Europe and elsewhere across the world. Even China is too dependent on the world market and up to even 90% of the people of China might die if this sudden world crash of the world economy suddenly occurs for real!
Folks, better pass my proposed Omni Law and fast in America. If America falls, then the rest of the world economy falls with America like houses of cards with no structural strength to them. In my book about to be released "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity," I tell in detail how "The Doomday Factor Of Industrial Economics" works. In early Christianity, the Christians were warned by a prophecy to leave Jerusalem before it fell to the Roman Army and so the Christians were not there to be slaughtered with the one half million Jews or more who were slaughtered by the Roman Army as recorded by the Jewish historian Josephus about four decades after Christ. What I tell in my book might save the Christians from horrible death in America if we don't change our foreign trade policy from "free trade" to "fair trade" meaning sensible controls on it so it does not hurt the economies of nations trading with each other worldwide. I do in my book also discuss how to prevent the collapse of the American economy through present Washington "free trade policy." By the way, my book can be ordered from my new national website at fatbooamericaneconomy.com . My email address remains at fatbooamericaneconomy@gmail.com . I was not there for the fall of the Roman Empire and some other shocking events of history and not anxious to be there for the fall of America and the rest of the world in world economic collapse and bankruptcy. So I am warning you before it is too late and while we can still head off this giant disaster from occurring that was planned long ago by Karl Marx and has been pretty much set up by the successor "100 Columns" of the Communist Party in America in 2013, It took years to set this up, but the crash is organized to occur maybe soon now!
I apparently was under heavy hacker attack on two email accounts of mine today or else this report would be much longer as my notes were very thorough, but the message of warning is effectively contained here but in capsule form versus much bigger as soon as I can release my book. Pass this report all over America. The warning is serious and the time is late! We could have the American economy crash anytime even soon now! I just heard from a friend how one national discount clothing store chain has just notified their employees that all employees now are turned into just part-time employees not to exceed 28 hours a week due to the cost of Obamacare for full-time employees otherwise. And word this trend will spread to many other businesses across America. Maybe even Obamacare may push America over the fiscal cliff into "The Doomsday Factor For Industrial Economics." I am not interested in the offers for nothing from Wash., D.C., but just proposals based upon sound national economics!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for a "controversial" economist because nothing is more controversial than the truth in America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:16 PM

1 comment:
Anonymous January 22, 2013 at 7:10 PM
YOUR QUOTE: "Sometimes the American people cannot handle the entire truth, so best tell the truth as far as you are allowed and then shut up as to the rest!"
REALLY??? Why don't YOU just stay SILENT then!

What happened to the secession of the Confederacy, the withdrawal of the Louisiana Purchase, and the lawsuit against the Dept. of Justice?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If there's one thing I love about John MacHaffie, it's his humility.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:If there's one thing I love about John MacHaffie, it's his humility.
But that was Erasmus. Say what you will about MacHaffie, at least he knows about using paragraphs.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I stand corrected; but neither one of them seems to feel like they are anything less then always right and thus infallible.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Does China Plan To Establish “China Cities” All Over America? Forwarded By Erasmus Of America Jan. 30, 2013

[Synopsis: Does China plan to establish “China Cities” and “Special Economic Zones” all over America? Yep. And not only that, it is well-known that the Chinese population of Vancouver, Canada has absolutely exploded in recent years!]

New national website for Erasmus Of America is fastbootamericaneconomy.com . Send your email to us and say "Add To List." We are sending out unusual national reports to help get valuable truth out so others can then spread more of the truth nationally and internationally. We and others like us are like the Committees of Correspondence which brought the truth to the Thirteen Colonies and let the American people then know what was going on when the British didn't want the Thirteen Colonies to know about troop movements intended to militarily occupy and crush the Thirteen Colonies which wanted God-given freedom and economic prosperity for themselves.
I grew up with some Chinese families in America and liked them. However, the Chinese under Communist rule have a long range Chinese patience the Americans do not of carrying out long range plans for the conquest and takeover of America soon. It would be very naive to underestimate how practical the Chinese are in long range plans against America. They used cheap Chinese labor to replace American industries and jobs. And kept building up the debt of America to China by cheap labor manufacturing and having cheap Chinese products systemically take over more and more of the American market until now apparently they try to use American debt to pressure Obama Wash., D.C. to turn over parts of America to Chinese control and ownership.
Better back my proposed Omni Law into national law so China does not end up owning much, most, to all of America. Look up my Omni Law in the search box for Nesara News and put in Omni Law or Erasmus of America (my pen name) to read my Omni Law designed to save America from having chunks of America soon confiscated to Europe, Russia, China, Mexico, etc. Also, be careful of Washington sponsored immigration reform. Once the standards are officially relaxed, there are strong rumors that Obama wants to bring in 50 million Muslim aliens into America and then America is taken over by the Muslims. In "politically correct" America, no one is supposed to state the real truth because you are being brainwashed and trained to avoid the hard truth like bubonic plague. You get upset with those who tell you the truth, not those who lie to you and tell you the pleasant lies you want to hear about how wonderful things are shaping up in America. I probably have two or more good engineering answers how to get for a few hundred dollars your average car up to maybe 70 to 90 miles per gallon on ordinary gasoline, but Wash., D.C. through legal double-talk would never let you have this for your cars unless my Omni Law is passed first. Wash., D.C. is corrupt or else they would allow you to get cheaper gasoline by tactics like this which would give you more money to grow the national economy with. And gas mileage increased by tactics like this pretty much eliminates the "pollution" of the atmosphere if true, but Wash. acts like it doesn't know this. I admit that carbon monoxide is bad for you, but people seem to forget that plants need carbon dioxide which is different than carbon monoxide to grow with. I saw a science report that the amount of carbon dioxide is just above the suffocation factor for the earth. Get a little lower and no crops can grow on earth after that and the human race dies due to worldwide famine. If Wash., D.C. under Obama through carbon taxes, etc. gets the carbon dioxide a little lower for the earth, then maybe suddenly the whole human race dies due to environmental fanaticism in Wash., D.C. NASA reported that 90% of the oxygen produced in the world from carbon dioxide comes from the oceans plankton and only 10% from the trees and other plants on land. I agree to protect the environment in the oceans from toxic poisoning by man. However, the environmental policy in land issues is a socialist front to confiscate your property rights in America and not a legitimate scientific issue. As Gorbachev said when he came to America and wrote to the American Communists, the environmental movement in America was secretly controlled by the Communists and would be the means by law to turn America into a Communist nation without the naive Americans ever figuring how this all happened to them! With a heavy background in military intelligence, I don't fall for the liberal politician con tricks too many Americans fall for! I know the difference between Washington propaganda and the real truth whether economic, science, environmental, legal, etc. I listen to the smart sources in various fields who know the truth and they expand my knowledge of the truth and I expand their knowledge of truth in fields that I am more the expert in than they might be. But I always respect brains wherever I find it! And as my wise mother said many years ago, "A good leader is a good evaluator." And a smart people are those who listen to smart leaders in various important fields so they are not misled by fools and con artists from Wash., D.C. and elsewhere.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for one speaking the truth in a 1984 style Matrix culture where "politically correct' is in power and truth is outlawed if the power elite can get away with it. As George Orwell who wrote the prophetic novel "1984" once commented, "In a society of universal deceit, it is a revolutionary act to speak the truth!"

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:42 PM

Better watch out or some heir to the Russian throne will seize Alaska and then where will America be? And maybe the Louisiana Purchase and Old Confederacy too! Damn commies!

Oh wait, that was Erasmus "My book will be out by New Years" of America. Never mind.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote: I admit that carbon monoxide is bad for you, but people seem to forget that plants need carbon dioxide which is different than carbon monoxide to grow with. I saw a science report that the amount of carbon dioxide is just above the suffocation factor for the earth. Get a little lower and no crops can grow on earth after that and the human race dies due to worldwide famine. If Wash., D.C. under Obama through carbon taxes, etc. gets the carbon dioxide a little lower for the earth, then maybe suddenly the whole human race dies due to environmental fanaticism in Wash., D.C
Nothing to worry about. I will be soon marketing 2 liter bottles full of carbon dioxide. This is my contribution to the Help Erasmus Out Of America plan. By my figures, if every person in America bought ten bottles of carbon dioxide from me (at $5.00 a pop) I would be rich! Well, besides that, it would mean that all the bottles opened at once would provide so much carbon dioxide that the plants on earth would be saved and all animal life would die instead due to oxygen being crowded out of the atmosphere. I have a full team of relatives out gathering/stealing old empty Evian water bottles and then coming back to my garage and breathing into each and every bottle. We then quickly seal up the bottle. By my calculations, each bottle is probably good old-fashioned 90% CO2. And it's not any of that watered down crap that is being sold in China. So you can be assured that you are getting the best carbon dioxide that money can buy.

If this plan goes over well, Erasmus will be exposed as the fake he is for trying to scare people with his phony carbon dioxide deprivation myth. I will be able to take the money from my sales and buy up all the dinars prior to any RV, thus again exposing Erasmus as a fraud for not implementing his Omni Law and instead focusing on scaring people over carbon dioxide loss. As you can see, I have a plan to defeat his scaremongering and to get the dinar values inflated to ridiculous levels. And my plan allows everyone on earth to rest assured that they can release their bottled gas in their gardens and fields to ensure that they will have food no matter what may happen elsewhere in the world. Erasmus will probably end up starving since he has not come up with a genius plan like mine to combat CO2 loss on the planet. The best he can do is to to hope his silly Omni Law keeps the levels at near suffocation level. My plan adds this precious gas to what we already have. And if there is anything that we need more of, it is certainly gas, and not the gas that Erasmus is peddling.

Once I have cornered the market on dinars, I will then use the money to help institute a world-wide oxygen tax and require oxygen breathers (like Erasmus) to buy vouchers in order to breathe. This way we will not have to worry about people breathing in wasteful amounts of oxygen and they will only use what they need. This will give plants time to bounce back from the low levels of carbon dioxide, plus the additional revenue that can be used to purchase/build detectors to show who is trying to steal extra oxygen when no one is looking. I have seen a few reports that show Erasmus is likely breathing in more oxygen than is necessary; this could be the result of his collaboration with a Soviet experiment in his younger years in an attempt to gain super powers for himself. It backfired in an unexpected way, and has caused Erasmus to hog oxygen from others around him. If this is true, then it means that his claim of carbon dioxide loss is a phony story and that our planet is actually facing oxygen loss rather than CO2 loss. This makes it even more important that people buy the ten bottles of carbon dioxide from my program so we can get plants growing again and producing oxygen - before Erasmus breathes it all up!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Hello, it's Texino and don't think I haven't noticed that certain people in this place are sporting large colored user names while the rest of us have skinny black fonts. I figure that the colors equal Red for Power and Green for Money. Might be something else. I don't know.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

texino wrote:Hello, it's Texino and don't think I haven't noticed that certain people in this place are sporting large colored user names while the rest of us have skinny black fonts. I figure that the colors equal Red for Power and Green for Money. Might be something else. I don't know.
Vivid new avatar but nowhere near as interesting as the hat.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Gassy Rassy seems to be the only conspiratorialist who uses the catch-phrase "Carbon dioxide deprivation," a quick search only brings up actual articles. He might be interested in the whole concept of altitude and air getting thinner as you go up in it. Where I live at just below 6000' (and I do mean just below - the line goes through the back of my property) there's only about 80% of the air pressure at sea level, which means 20% less Oxygen and Carbon dioxide. Yet the plants grow. Hmm...

If you look it up you'll find that botanists have done this research and found ... wait for it ... an increase in the number of stomata on the leaves (holes to let them gasses in and out) when you reduce the level of Carbon dioxide. And by reduce I mean dramatically, to less than a third of normal levels, and they still grew just fine. Makes one wonder what "science report that the amount of carbon dioxide is just above the suffocation factor for the earth" ol' Gassy read. And if he's reading this, that's "stomata" not "stigmata" - holes in the hands and feet just like the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ that no doubt have miraculously appear on Erasmus numerous times to show he's favored by God. Perhaps it was to let in more Carbon dioxide.

By the way, in pre-industrial times Carbon dioxide was at about 280 ppm. When I was doing some research in the early 70's where I needed to know what it was, we used 325 ppm unless the lab wasn't well ventilated, when it went up. Today it's in the high 380's. If we are almost starving plants of life-giving Carbon dioxide, what the heck did they do in 1972?
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