Prediction Watch

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:There is no planetary alignment expected in December 2012. These things can be calculated in advance.
and ... /2012.html

The notion of planetary alignments - which do occur but not often - having spectacular almost supernatural results - seems to come from the 1969 movie 2001- A Space Odyssey.

I am unaware of any sort of energy that could do such wonderful things to the human consciousness as described, but a scifi novel of such a thing was published in the 1960s, Brainwave. In the book, all animals get proportionately smarter which shifts the balance of nature in a lot of ways.

If only people became as impassioned over bad astronomy as they do over politics and religion. Back in the good ol' days, astronomy was strongly linked to both. During certain periods of English history saying bad things about the position of the stars at the time of the King's birth was considered treason, and don't get me started about what the church used to do to "witches."

As for this blast of fictitious energy penetrating to the earth's core and causing an ascent into 3DDD (the dimension where all women's breasts are huge), don't count on it with the present government and church! Imagine the chaos in both if animals became smarter - for one you would have herds of murderous cows and chickens looking for some payback - for another they would get all the high-paying jobs outsourced to them. Barnyards would become the new India. Save our species by just saying "NO" to 12/21/12!!!!
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, November 23, 2012
Dinar Chatter

There are reports today (and intermittently in recent days) of the VND
showing up on various forex/financial sites at a NEW rate. Too soon to know
if the dong has revalued.

It sounds like some essential/mandatory banking and investment laws have
been passed and published in their "Gazette." It appears these were part of
the flurry of legislation that was being rushed through the first part of November.

There are also news reports about rebel fighters in Syria gaining ground on
Assad (whose best friends have been Maliki and Iraq). We have no way to know
if there's some indirect link to Iraq and the dinar to all this fighting.

Reports are saying that although the US isn't "officially" arming the rebels
(including their hate-America-jihadist segment), that's exactly what that
Benghazi outpost (not a consulate at all) was being used for ... arranging
arms deals and smuggling them to the Syrian rebels. That strategy hasn't
worked so well in Egypt and Libya--where they still seem to want to kill

From MIG chat this afternoon/evening ...

[charm] It seems the Vietnamese dong (VND) is central to the global reset, more so than the Iraqi dinar (IQD). It is starting to look like the announcement about the global reset will be on Friday, not today.

[charm] Tell your friends. Tell your neighbours. This is BIG! The best part is that is is finally starting to materialize! Stay tuned for details! The Dinar RV is happening. Prosperity packages are on the way! The UNITED STATES corporation is dead. The IRS and the Federal Reserve are GONE! Watch lamestream media for an announcement on Friday. in the next 48 hours (probably after the close of business on Wednesday) This is shaping up to be THE BEST Thanksgiving that any American alive today has EVER experienced!

[freedom13] green friday not black friday weeeeeeeeeeee

[charm] This is a email i got ...please treat as rumor

[charm] The eur conversion and the msn usa rate is about 46===48...cent for vnd

[willietrader] charm May the room know who sent the e-mail

[da58] willietrader do you have a link for your msn site?

[SEFlorida] charm willietrader da58 Oanda was showing .047 for vnd but then changed back to normal

[Precious] Greetings All, Check this out !!!!!!!! UPDATED: The Chicago Plan to Replace NESARA? Posted on November 21, 2012by Light Worker 29501 It seems the Vietnamese dong (VND) is central to the global reset, more so than the Iraqi dinar (IQD). It is starting to look like the announcement about the global reset will be on Friday, not today. Hot off the press... The Chicago Plan

Newshound Guru Bondlady and her team just announced the banking and investment laws have been passed and are official...the is beyond HUGE news! We're waiting for other gurus to confirm this and chime in. If this is official it opens the door to Ch7 release, WTO membership, and large international investment! Newshound Guru Bondlady says these laws are listed in the official Gazette!! These laws outline investment responsibility for banking, business and investment...including penalties (one compliance penalty is 1000 dinars a day... 70 cents doesn't sound too discouraging to me--hmmm unless there is a rate change!) Stay tuned as the other gurus chime in on this all important subject! This is super Thanksgiving Day news! :) --


11-22-2012 Newshound Guru Bondlady This law i have waited to see for well over 2 yrs when shabibi 1st talked about it saying it had to be in place before any new money or rate adjustment could ever happen...this counterfitting law and money laundry law had to be done. iraq has to send a VERY clear STATEMENT and send a strong one to the world...this is the new Iraq and corruption in the banks and within the investments and the banks will not be tolerated and by passing this law its going to hold all the forgers counterfitters and money launders accountable...this had to be done before we could ever see a real change in the rates values, imo. [timmy: my final thought, remember that no wise person plays the game unless they know the rules. Iraq has laid out the rules for the world to see...let the games begin]... its very huge and anyone who didn't think this law was important is totally clueless imo.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:00 AM

Timmy. Watch what you say to Bondage Lady, she takes things quite literally. If you make insinuations about your Dong and "being huge," you'll find yourself tied up and introduced to a leather strap and buckle restraint system.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Timmy. Watch what you say to Bondage Lady, she takes things quite literally. If you make insinuations about your Dong and "being huge," you'll find yourself tied up and introduced to a leather strap and buckle restraint system.
You really ought to rename this dinar chitter, since that is all it is, the chittering of silly little monkeys with nothing better to do.

Bondage Lady and the leather straps is about as close to a thrill as Timmy, or the rest of them for that matter, is going to get. This really was Black Friday for the dinaridjits, as, as usual, nothing happened. The dinar and the dong are still valueless, and going to remain that way for quite some time to come.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by LightinDarkness »

I still don't understand how any these gurus get anyone who listens to them at this point. I mean no matter how BADLY you want to believe in this fantasy, do you not at some point look back on your life and realize these people have been 100% wrong every year? By this point the idiots who "invested" in dinar and started following these gurus have 10+ years of wrong predictions to look at.

If that is not enough to convince dinar "investors" that they bought into a scam, nothing can.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by fortinbras »

I am actually looking forward to the Mayan Doomsday.
I plan to go to Atlantic City, gamble with money I don't have, write bad checks, max out all my credit cards, and have lots of unsafe sex. Anybody wanna come along??
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

It seems that I accidentally posted this to the wrong thread - it was meant for the long-ignored "Lies my Guru RV'd Me" thread. If I was less of a man I would blame it on Erasmus hacking the system, but that would be silly given his level of competency. Instead I blame it on a near-toxic dose of turkey, dressing, and green bean casserole with the french-fried onions on top. Deadly. My mind overcome by being overcome, I posted it here, which was OK because as notorious d said below, the predictions have become less about the end of the world and more about a "start of a gradual ascent" with signs like universal brotherhood, restoration of maidenhood, and currency realignment. Wimps.
notorial dissent wrote:You really ought to rename this dinar chitter, since that is all it is, the chittering of silly little monkeys with nothing better to do.

Bondage Lady and the leather straps is about as close to a thrill as Timmy, or the rest of them for that matter, is going to get. This really was Black Friday for the dinaridjits, as, as usual, nothing happened. The dinar and the dong are still valueless, and going to remain that way for quite some time to come.
Timmy's Dong has always been valueless, due no doubt to that incident with his dog, Lassie, when he was young. As for bondage lady getting a thrill, I'm afraid that she simply had too much stimulation in earlier years and she's been completely burnt out since 2005. A warning to you girls out there who "want it all and want it now."
LightinDarkness wrote:I still don't understand how any these gurus get anyone who listens to them at this point. I mean no matter how BADLY you want to believe in this fantasy, do you not at some point look back on your life and realize these people have been 100% wrong every year? By this point the idiots who "invested" in dinar and started following these gurus have 10+ years of wrong predictions to look at.

If that is not enough to convince dinar "investors" that they bought into a scam, nothing can.
Don't be silly, if they had any actual discernment about what was and wasn't possible they wouldn't buy into it, period. That they believe even a bit says that they won't be dissuaded by a 100% wrong record of gurudocity.
fortinbras wrote:I am actually looking forward to the Mayan Doomsday.
I plan to go to Atlantic City, gamble with money I don't have, write bad checks, max out all my credit cards, and have lots of unsafe sex. Anybody wanna come along??

If you've been reading my shamelessly-plugged-here adventures, you know I'm married now so I only get to go out nights to kill, thwart prosperity, and sacrifice virgins at the full moon. That's the bottom line, and the ol' ball and chain doesn't care if the world is ending or not! But Henry will probably want to join you.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, December 17, 2012
FULFORD - The world will not end this Friday, December 21st 2012, but it almost did
This was sent to me by a reader and no link was provided.

This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this because a very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.
The purge of the over 26 Pentagon generals and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.
To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.
Since many of the top cabalists, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are well known, we will concentrate on people who were directly involved in fighting against the White Dragon spokesperson. In Japan, the first people who began threatening, trying to drug and trying to kill me were self-described Ninja’s sent to me by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. Their names are Shiramine and Tenzan Nakai. Shiramine threatened to kill me and Nakai tried to get me to drink a glass of orange juice spiked with amphetamines so he could ruin my image by filming me stoned.
Later an agent then going by the name of Slasha Zaric but now going by the name Alexander Romanov came to me with 70 kilos of marijuana laced with mind-destroying chemicals. The marijuana was delivered to Romanov by a South African using the name Spencer. Spencer, who is linked to MI6 says MI6 was fooled into sending Zaric to me by the CIA and says the spiked marijuana came from a man named Rodriguez (now dead) who was the former right-hand man of Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
This brings us to Tom Clines of Iran Contra South American drugs for weapons fame because his is the name dropped by Neil Keenan when he first contacted me.
MI6 asset Dr. Michael Van de Meer once warned me that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had bragged to him that I was going to be jailed on drug charges. Recall that Blair, together with George Bush Jr. both went to the pope to ask for protection and convert to Catholicism after leaving office.
Since that takes us to the Vatican, let us then return to the incident in Chiasso, Italy where two Japanese, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Tsuyoshi Watanabe, had $134.5 billion worth of bonds seized from them by the Italian police. After the bonds were seized, self-described Italian P2 lodge “prince” and heir Leo Zagami introduced Daniel Dal Bosco as a Vatican banker who could cash the bonds.
Neil Keenan was also involved because he was given an additional 1 trillion worth of bonds to hand over to Dal Bosco for cashing. Dal Bosco was then closely followed until the trail ended with the UN offering Dal Bosco $100 million to go away. Also, out popped a rival group calling itself the OITC, using David Sale as a spokesperson, claiming that it had the historical rights to the bonds.
At this point Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Agnelli Brothers, Giancarlo Bruno, Vincenzo Mazzara, the Orsini family, Baron Thyssen, Carl Rove, David Eisenhower and a whole bunch of characters straight from central casting pop out.
Then, when the money still did not flow from Asia to the cabal, Japan was attacked on March 11, 2011 with nuclear weapons placed on the seabed to cause a tsunami and timed with the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear plant with a micro-nuke planted by the Israeli company Magna BSP. J. Rockefeller, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Benjamin Netanyahu, Leo Zagami and Peter Hans Kolvenbach have all been forensically linked with this attack. When this mass murder still did not force the Asians to fork over more money, multiple attempts, all stopped by the Pentagon, were made to start World War 3.
There has also been a rash of murders and murder attempts. Some of the victims have been Japanese finance ministers and ambassadors as well as Dr. Van de Meer. The Van de Meer murder has been linked to David Eisenhower and the Bushes. None of these murders has caused the funds to flow.
There have also been murder attempts. On March 10th, the night before the attack, an attempt to poison me was made by yet another self-described Ninja linked to J. Rockefeller. Alexander Romanov also survived an assassination attempt that day. The next poisoning attack against me, when I was stabbed with a poisoned needle in June of this year, has been traced to a North Korean agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo, according to Chinese sources.
My suggestion is to round all these people up and start questioning them if they do not voluntarily come forward to confess.
Meanwhile, the Cabalists now seem to have split into two opposing camps. The Rockefellers and the Pope are hoping to arrest the Rothschild family and dethrone the Queen, according to Neil Keenan.
Keenan, who has just returned from Indonesia, meanwhile, succeeded in photographing the, until now, legendary bunkers full of cash and gold that are there.
Nonetheless, Keenan has still not been able to actually start dispersing any of the funds because he is still being blocked at some mysterious level. The man who was supposed to help him remains in jail in Indonesia.
This writer was also shown bunkers full of gold and cash last week but I have not been given permission to publish any photographs of them. However, we believe that the new government in Japan and the soon to be new government in Korea will coordinate with the new bosses in China and the re-elected Obama government to release a flood of money to the people of the world soon. We would like to believe it will happen in time for the December 25th solar new year celebration known as Christmas.
However, that depends on all the players giving up selfish thoughts.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:07 PM
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

Nutball claims:
Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
Isn't that the D list actor on the Simpsons? Or was he Troy?
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Cathulhu wrote:Nutball claims:
Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
Isn't that the D list actor on the Simpsons? Or was he Troy?
"He sleeps with the fishes."
"I didn't know he was dead."
"Who said anything about him being dead?"

I'm ROFLing at the need for two ninjas to carry out an assassination and how, despite being presumably the best that the top Japanese politicians could hire, they failed. Why we haven't heard about their ritual suicides I don't know, but I can't see how any ninja could walk the earth after such a dishonourable failure.

I'm also ROFLing at:
...came to me with 70 kilos of marijuana laced with mind-destroying chemicals.
Presumable this was an attempted assassination by dropping it on him?* Or is it a week's supply? That would be the only explanation for all this complete nonsense.

(* The English cartoonist Bill Tidy once had two of his characters duel with pieces of furniture. One narrowly avoided a grand piano and the other a billiard table being dropped on them from a height.)
Last edited by ArthurWankspittle on Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by AndyK »

The previous screed is probably one of the best pieces of fantasy writing (in terms of plot) since Tolkein except that it fails miserably in terms of use of the English language -- or whatever variant thereof it is employing.

There needs to be a new gibberish category (to accompany Western and Legal) -- perhaps Conspiracidiot Gibberish :?:
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by rogfulton »

Conspiracish :?:
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

It's past 11:11 EST on 12/21/12 and the Earth is still here in 3D, well, as far as I can tell. You know how it is when you're busy. If anyone knows of it ending or ascending, let us know.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:It's past 11:11 EST on 12/21/12 and the Earth is still here in 3D, well, as far as I can tell. You know how it is when you're busy. If anyone knows of it ending or ascending, let us know.
I have ascended to a higher plane but it appears everything else has been raised a level too, so it's hard to tell the difference.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Can you ascend to a lower plane?

At least Johnnie MacHaffie has taken down the "Ascension 12/21/12" banner but instead of an article about what didn't happen, he's put up a poll.

Ascension - I, Johnnie had an awakening experience, what about your self?

YES 73 (26%)
Perhaps 69 (25%)
Don't Think So 100 (36%)
Nonsense 36 (13%)

Vote on this poll
Votes so far: 271
Days left to vote: 5

How can you "perhaps" have an awakening experience? I mean, if you had been awakened, wouldn't you be aware of it as part of that awakening? And besides, who was looking for an awakening experience, I was promised Niburu crashing into Earth-Shan with UFOs transporting up the faithful while the rest of us screamed in terror and remorse at not having been wise enough to listen to the prophets. Not this namby pamby "perhaps I felt an awakening experience" load of crap.
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:How can you "perhaps" have an awakening experience?
The best way to resolve these little conundrums posed by the likes of NESARAites/Dinarites and others is to look for parallels in our own lives.

In this instance, let's look at what happens to cause us to wake up. It's usually because of the alarm clark radio that goes off because you set it to a particular time that you want to wake up every day. So can we think of a situation where we perceive ourselves to "perhaps" wake up but aren't really sure? Of course we can! That is when we hear the alarm going off on a Saturday morning because we forgot to turn the alarm off the night before when we went to bed. So what do we do? We hit the "snooze" button and fall back to sleep. Later on you can't really be sure when you woke up.

Likewise, MacHaffie's poll allows for the chance that some candidate awaiting enlightenment and advancing to a higher plane, hit the "snooze" button on his or her aura and got another 5 minutes of staying on this plane, thus not sure if they really "awoke" or not.

Of course, it seems that NESARAites have a permanent "snooze" button on their auras
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Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pridik »

Deep Knight wrote:I believe this Christ Michael is the same Christ Michael Aton as above, but can’t be sure.

Friday, September 14, 2012
Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
By CM thru Candace
Aug 22, 2012 - 3:09:21 PM

Dearly Beloveds, this is Christ Michael and an update is due.
The time is close. We give no dates but I am here to update today about a small change of plans that will affect you. The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time, close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward".
Now, because folks are NOT aware of what is planned, and most are NOT listening within, the 3DD will start with a partial eclipse of the sun. This will last for about 24 hours so that everyone can prepare for something coming. It gives "notice". There are many countries in which the news will cooperate during this time, but some don't plan on it. I think the pressure will require it, when the whole world notices an unexpected partial eclipse and wonders WHY.
The eclipse will look somewhat different than a partial eclipse by the moon. You will NOT see a huge round dark disk as the method is different but it will be obvious and certainly much more obvious that this is not NIBIRU or any such other thing, in the method we will use. You will not see a gradual eclipse forming. Due to the method used, it will be sudden.
At the end of the 3DD there will be another 24 hours of similar events. The electricity will be turned off shortly after the total eclipse is manifest but not before. And hopefully most news stations around the world will be making that statement about the electricity, so people can prepare some sort of lighting in their homes. People will be advised to GO HOME. For those traveling, home would be of course the hotel or whatever other temporary arrangements are being used. ALL aircraft will be landed during these first 24 hours, we will see to that.
Countries are being encouraged to bring ships into port, and this has been out for a time to leadership, but not much seriousness has been taken by some players on the world stage. Generally however, the big boats make their own electricity and will be fine and smaller ones, if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem.
Hospitals of course will make scarce use of electric generators and hopefully during the initial 24 hours will send stable patients home. Ditto other circumstances. Since most businesses require electricity, everyone is going home, there is no need to run any services except for emergency needs.
This is WELL planned beloveds. Do not fear. But we will not be dropping flashlights to people. They will be challenged to manage. Of course native types will get thru it fine. There is still the mini stasis during this. All intelligent animals will be in stasis, those requiring human care. We do not let cows go un-milked, they go to sleep too. This is but one simple example.
The mini-stasis will last at least one week and likely more. Those of you coming aboard during the mini-stasis will be lifted on our schedules devised. Generally shortly after the electricity goes off, but will fluctuate according to local circumstances.
We need those of course in the know, to be working with those who are going to be afraid. If you can have some sort of extra candles, flashlights and batteries that might be useful to share. MANY are NOT needed, one per house is enough, as to flashlights, you chose on candles. It is not hard to get thru 3 days without electricity and in the dark, but it is made easier if the house has some sort of lighting to find the way to bathrooms and the like. It will NOT be pitch black in the day time. The sun's corona extends a fair distance from the sun and the corona will not be completely blocked, so it will not be pitch black in the daytime, but more like a heavy dusk.
You can assure people that its fine to go outside and look out windows. It is the thugs who put out that one needs holy candles and must stay inside flat on the floor in prayer. People will be in prayer though, I assure you.
Where media will cooperate, this will be told in fact. People will be given some time to get small amounts of lighting to find their way in the dark. That is truly all that will be needed anyway, except in hospitals, and nursing homes and most all of them do have generators.
Anything to make light will work as long as its not on the grid. Most people with solar electricity and battery storage may have some light and it will be friendly of these who do, anyone with generators also, to invite neighbors in. There will be NO removals during the darkness. That occurs ONLY during the mini-stasis which is scheduled in the middle of the period of darkness.
The 24 hours of fading eclipse afterwards, allows the grid to be gradually brought back on line and the increase in natural light then will encourage those "left behind" to begin gathering and dealing with what has happened.
Many of our team are to be lifted, including those not known to AH who have roles in this. These ones will all help during that 24 hours of "half light" after the 3 days are over, and many of them will be triggered into action in the preliminary 24 hours. Most of the ones brought up shortly after the darkness starts, will be returned a few hours before the end of the darkness.
Now, during the mini-stasis, the plant and animal life NEEDS the sun and the planet cannot be allowed to cool to much, so of course the eclipsing craft will be moved so the sun can shine. And then the craft moved back when the mini-stasis is over. With the two "half light" days, this makes a total of 5 days plus the mini-stasis.
As soon as it is visually obvious the sun is partly occluded, you in the know, go to work. Some of you may awaken even to news in the morning if this starts during your individual sleep cycles. This 1/2 "light" initial day also provides a powerful motive to some of the dark to clean up their act, but it mostly so ones can prepare as best they can. It will make the shock and awe LESS.
Plan now accordingly and simply LIVE until the time happens. These 3 days are generally done on any planet where possible in the seasons of fall and spring, or the approaching of those times, so the planetary people do not have to deal with so much cold of winter months. Your southern hemisphere is beginning to warm, generally speaking. And the food is near harvest, in the north. Man will be busy with harvest as appropriate after this is over.
This is more than enough and should probably be the last update that will be needed. In great love of you ones who serve AbundantHope, my 2nd Coming Organization, Christ Michael.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:19 PM


Anonymous September 14, 2012 1:23 PM
Calling people dumb and using words like Ditto?
Fishy fishy fishy..

Anonymous September 14, 2012 1:41 PM
what a crock of shit, pure garbage

Anonymous September 14, 2012 1:52 PM
Let me guess soon there will be a webinar (with a cost of course). Do you think people are that stupid to believe this crap?
Why you won't drop the flashlights to people ? Okkei they will be challenged to manage but if they can't ? Think it...

Re: Prediction Watch

Post by Pridik »

Pridik wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:
We need those of course in the know, to be working with those who are going to be afraid. If you can have some sort of extra candles, flashlights and batteries that might be useful to share. MANY are NOT needed, one per house is enough, as to flashlights, you chose on candles. It is not hard to get thru 3 days without electricity and in the dark, but it is made easier if the house has some sort of lighting to find the way to bathrooms and the like. It will NOT be pitch black in the day time. The sun's corona extends a fair distance from the sun and the corona will not be completely blocked, so it will not be pitch black in the daytime, but more like a heavy dusk.
Why you won't drop the flashlights to people ? Okkei they will be challenged to manage but if they can't ? Think it...
Actually,i think it is terrible to get through 3days without electricity in the dark.