Birthers Again

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

And for an oponent's opinion on Orly's ability to actually sucessfully litigate a case check link below. To quote:

Could a rhesus monkey have actually beaten Orly Taitz? Well, yes and no. The rhesus is a highly intelligent animal (for a monkey) that is capable of complex vocal and non-vocal communication, but there is no evidence one has ever practiced law.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, December 7, 2012
Biden may be interim president by the end of 2012

This is interesting...Snopes seems to be ignoring the latest revelation -- BG


In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College ... Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.

This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as President article titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned," leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey . This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president.. Donofrio's case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's citizenship or qualification to serve as president.

Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. Attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter...


Subject: RE: Issue of Passport? While I've little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi? So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981,without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later? And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?

The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.

Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A : Yes, by his own admission.
Q: What passport did he travel under?
A: There are only three possibilities.
1) He traveled with a U.S. Passport,
2) He traveled with a British passport,
or 3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.
Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.
Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport. If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims.. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.

Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008. Given the destructive nature of his plans for America, as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better. If you Don't care that Your President is not a natural born Citizen and in Violation of the Constitution, then Delete this, and then lower your American Flag to half-staff, because the U.S. Constitution is already on life-support, and won't survive much longer . If you do care then Forward this to as many patriotic Americans as you can, because our country is being looted and ransacked!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:46 AM

Latest revelation? A bunch of recycled long-and-easily-debunked "facts" repeated by MacHaffie. I especially like the claim that the "case" has made it to the Supreme Court.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

McHalfwit must be really sipping the punch in large quantity these days.

Kind of interesting that the "Americans for Freedom of Information" were able to release copies of documents that were never produced. In fact, the court specially denied them access and fined Squirrely Occidental’s costs for dealing with her fishing expedition. So it would be rather difficult for them to release something that never was produced, and if they are basing their entire claim on that it is entirely fiction from beginning to end. He is right about one thing, although purely by accident, there would be “no record of him(Obama) ever applying for US citizenship”, since he was a citizen to begin with.

As per usual, when McHalfwit doesn’t have anything substantiative, he just makes it up as he goes along.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Clearly a fake. Occidental College recorded the future president as Barry Obama, not as Soetoro, and listed him as born in Hawaii. This from Occidental's own publications and a 2007 article in the L.A. Times. Moreover, since the Occidental College transcripts followed Obama to Harvard Law School it's worth noting that Harvard also listed him under the name Obama, and presumably as a US citizen since it spares only a very very few spaces for non-citizens in its law school -- and when Obama became editor of Harvard Law Review, the school reported he was its first black editor, but didn't mention him as a non-citizen or foreign editor. Harvard would be savvy enough to screen him out if his Occidental transcripts didn't confirm what he had been telling Harvard about himself.

And, incidentally, the lawsuit against Occidental College, brought by Taitz, failed, about a month ago: ... s-records/
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I think that it is long since past time for a judge to hit Oily with mega-sanctions for her complusive insistence on wasting the time and resources of the judicial branch. I wouldn't mind seeing a citation for criminal contempt of court either, if one can be justified under the law.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:And, incidentally, the lawsuit against Occidental College, brought by Taitz, failed, about a month ago: ... s-records/
Not only failed, but failed epically, and expensively, for her.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Orly doesn't know the meaning of "quit" * and has filed this lawsuit to prevent the Electoral College from doing its job ... on Monday, Dec 17th, so the court will have to act fast on this: ... plaint.pdf

* or of dignity, professionalism, decorum, or ethics.

(You'll notice this pleading has at least four different typefaces and, I think, at least two different sizes of type and spacing between lines. The courts tend to be sort of anal about typographic trickery - usually pulled to get more stuff on the limited number of pages - so this might turn out to be significant.)
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Orly doesn't know the meaning of "quit" * and has filed this lawsuit to prevent the Electoral College from doing its job ... on Monday, Dec 17th, so the court will have to act fast on this: ... plaint.pdf

* or of dignity, professionalism, decorum, or ethics.

(You'll notice this pleading has at least four different typefaces and, I think, at least two different sizes of type and spacing between lines. The courts tend to be sort of anal about typographic trickery - usually pulled to get more stuff on the limited number of pages - so this might turn out to be significant.)
As I said, it's long since past the point for the courts to drop a heavy hammer on Oily -- legal and financial. Only a major dent in her bank account, coupled with a stay at the Graybar Hotel, will ever spare us more of this.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by rogfulton »

There is another article about the lawsuit in the Mission Viejo Patch.
Patch wrote:Dentist and lawyer Orly Taitz is suing Vice President Joe Biden and the U.S. Congress to stop the Electoral College from re-electing President Barack Obama. She made the announcement Wednesday on her website.

Taitz is representing federal prison inmate Keith Judd in the case filed before the U.S. District Court in Sacramento Monday.

This is the latest venue for Taitz to accuse the president of using forged documents, including a birth certificate she said was false because it listed the president's race as "African" and not "negro."
The phrase 'on her website' in the actual article is a link to the front page of her website.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Keith Judd is in the federal slammer until the next Presidential election, having been sentenced in 1999 to 17 years of free room & board in appreciation of using the US mails to send death threats.

He evidently passes the time by filing hopeless lawsuits.

Some of the other plaintiffs in the latest Taitz lawsuit are even more marginal. Taitz must have turned over a lot of flat rocks to find them.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Cathulhu »

Perhaps he's figured out that if he's President, he can pardon himself. Nothing like birther "logic".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Keith Judd is in the federal slammer until the next Presidential election, having been sentenced in 1999 to 17 years of free room & board in appreciation of using the US mails to send death threats.

He evidently passes the time by filing hopeless lawsuits.

Some of the other plaintiffs in the latest Taitz lawsuit are even more marginal. Taitz must have turned over a lot of flat rocks to find them.
You mean, he's a felon? Wouldn't that disqualify him from being president in the same way that Orly argues that using a social security number with the wrong prefix disqualifies Barack Obama?

Orly Taitz Calls For 80,000-Person White House Protest

The Huffington Post | By John Celock Posted: 12/10/2012 12:53 pm EST | Updated: 12/10/2012 5:33 pm EST

Orly Taitz, the California dentist and attorney best known for challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship, is asking the 80,000 people who have watched her YouTube video to join her for a protest in Washington.

Taitz posted on her website on Monday that a 2011 YouTube video of her speaking to the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission now had 80,000 views. She said that amount of people protesting would make a difference in her bid to challenge Obama's presidential eligibility based on her belief that Obama was not born in the United States. As of late Monday morning, over 81,400 views were listed on the video.

Taitz wrote on her website in her trademark all-caps style:


Taitz's New Hampshire appearance, in which she asked the commission to remove Obama from the state's presidential primary ballot, featured shouting matches between several then-members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and Commission. Former state Rep. Harry Accornero (R-Laconia) called Obama a "treasonous liar" during the hearing, while former state Rep. Sue DeLemus (R-Rochester), a Tea Party leader, demanded that Assistant State Attorney General Matthew Mavrogeorge respond to her requests regarding constitutional information. Mavrogeorge and Assistant Secretary of State Karen Ladd locked themselves in an office and called police following the outbursts

Accornero and DeLemus were both defeated for reelection last month.

Taitz has been using her website to continue her challenge to Obama's eligibility. The site highlights pending lawsuits Taitz has in several states that seek to have Obama removed from the ballot, including lawsuits in Mississippi, New York and Florida, along with a case she hopes to bring before the U.S. Supreme Court. The birther queen claims that a Supreme Court clerk is likely to dismiss the case. Taitz used the website last month to ask for volunteers to help her find the names and addresses of secretaries of state and attorneys general. In September, she issued a plea for supporters to finance a trip for her to Kansas to push a case to remove Obama from the ballot in his mother's home state.

Taitz also challenged Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio (R) to file a criminal complaint based on his "cold case posse's" investigation into Obama's Hawaii birth certificate. Taitz said Arpaio should return donations he's received if he does not file a complaint.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

The birfer phenomenon has caused me to dust off and make much use of a word hardly used in the past century -- incivism. I am deeply concerned about this but cannot add to what has already been said by so many others on this forum.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Gregg »

Taitz used the website last month to ask for volunteers to help her find the names and addresses of secretaries of state and attorneys general.
She must be one crackerjack investigator if she needs help finding the names of public officials. This dingbat passed a bar exam? I mean really, if she passed it I almost think Chili Dog has a fair chance of practicing law in California. And dentistry, too, for that matter.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Latest news is that Orly may be investigated by the Federal Elections Commission over her recent futile run at elective office. It turns out that she was reporting large contributions from someone who was inconveniently dead. ... ularities/
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Orly doesn't know the meaning of "quit" * and has filed this lawsuit to prevent the Electoral College from doing its job ... on Monday, Dec 17th, so the court will have to act fast on this: ... plaint.pdf

* or of dignity, professionalism, decorum, or ethics.

(You'll notice this pleading has at least four different typefaces and, I think, at least two different sizes of type and spacing between lines. The courts tend to be sort of anal about typographic trickery - usually pulled to get more stuff on the limited number of pages - so this might turn out to be significant.)
She'd better work a lot harder: ... hpt=hp_bn3

Of course, telling Oily to work harder to prevent the President from continuing in office is like telling the driver of a runaway locomotive to crack the throttle wide open....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Frankly, I think if we just go with
fortinbras wrote:Orly doesn't know the meaning of.....
and then just quit, we'll have it pretty all well covered.

It still keeps coming to my mind, that the Electoral College, as well as the electors themselves when sitting as such, are pretty well outside of the authority of any of the various court systems in the US. They are very much like the Congress in that while they have rules and procedures, they are the sole judges of same, and so are not subject to any other court authority. In other words, no court has authority or jurisdiction to in any way interfere with them while they are carrying out their constitutional charges. So as usual, our self proclaimed savior of the constitution, who is really a constitutionally challenged barrister's got nothing.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

As an example of Orly's legal sharpness, she filed a motion in the federal court in California yesterday (Wednesday) to prevent the assembly and voting of the Electoral College (which happened on Monday). Words cannot fully express .....
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:As an example of Orly's legal sharpness,Oh come now, if you're going to try for sarcasm, you could at least use perspicacity, which I am sure she can neither spell nor understand, or at least acumen, which she has none of, that way we at lesat get a good giggle out of it. she filed a motion in the federal court in California yesterday (Wednesday) to prevent the assembly and voting of the Electoral College (which happened on Monday). Words cannot fully express .....
Just more of Squirrely's the *pat* pending common law copyright "schedules and time limits don't apply to me" rule of operation. Next she'll be petitioning them to invalidate the vote since she couldn't get her way on the other matter. Just you wait.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

From her website, two postings both dated today contain:
Great news! TRO motion enjoining Congress from certifying Obama’s votes will be heard on January 3, 2012 by Chief Judge of the Eastern District of CA, Judge Morrison C. England. Please, contact each and every congressman and senator, they need to review the evidence and they need to be in court!!!
Posted on | December 20, 2012
Attorney Taitz is a civil rights attorney, who took this case pro bono in order to stop the most egregious case of elections fraud, Social Security fraud, forgery and treason committed against the United States of America. Public is asked to contribute to assist in this work. Public can contribute via pay-pal or mail ...
Help needed to cover printing and FedEx shipping of the pleadings and exhibits
Posted on | December 20, 2012

Complaint by the Presidential Electors and Presidential Candidates together with exhibits and TRO motion is close to 200 pages. I am trying to serve defendants not only through the US Attorney and AG, but also individual members of Congress. there are 534 members of congress. Just FedEx is $56, with printing fees it is about $80. It will cost me several thousand dollars. I will greatly appreciate donations to cover the costs.
$56 dollars each for shipping? 40 cents a page for printing? She may be a great lawyer and dentist, but she needs to learn to be a better shopper.
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