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Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
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Post by Famspear »

Dear aksis:

Explain how you feel -- in your own words.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: huh?

Post by aksis »

Trippy wrote:Do you really believe this crap, aksis?
I am not really reading much of what the quatlosers are writing, so I don't know if I believe their crap or not. DO you?

I do believe that many of them believe it. Thus the observation of the group psychosis is obvious to anyone that doesn't lack the ability to determine reality from fiction.

On the same note, many "patriots" are also suffering from group psychosis as well. They migrated from one fiction to another. From the UNITED STATES to their republic State.

This is still fiction...

Reality is Earth. It is in the Universe. I am in the Universe, on Earth. I know this to be true.

As far as being in some imaginary "bubble" called a "state", "State", "STATE", etc... this is fiction...

Or do you persist that the "bubble" is real, Trippy?

Re: sooey

Post by aksis »

UGA Lawdog wrote:Aksis is one of the Sooey Heads. That tells you all you need to know.
What is a "Sooey Head"?

I post at many forum boards, and is one of them.

I don't agree with everything People are posting their either.

If I were to choose a Latin word, to describe People to some degree (not that a word or words ever really define anyone accuratly), then "ingenui" or "ingenuus" seems to be more fitting:

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856) [bouvier]:

INGENUI, civ. law. Those freemen who were born free. Vicat, vocab.

2. They [are] a class of freemen, distinguished from those who, born slaves, had afterwards legally obtained their freedom[.] [T]he latter were called at various periods, sometimes liberti, sometimes libertini. An unjust or illegal servitude did not prevent a man from being ingenuus.

Post by aksis »

UGA Lawdog
Chancellor of the Quatloosian Exchequer
Chancellor of the Quatloosian Exchequer

Joined: 07 Jan 2003
Posts: 606
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Since People must add this information to their profile (the forum software doesn't do for you, it is obvious from your actions that, not only is it you who is projecting, but you are projecting your projectionisim as well.

But what can we expect from people suffering from a mild psychosis.

UGA Lawdog, Have you become a danger to your self or others yet?

Re: huh?

Post by Trippy »

aksis wrote:I am not really reading much of what the quatlosers are writing, so I don't know if I believe their crap or not. DO you?

I do believe that many of them believe it. Thus the observation of the group psychosis is obvious to anyone that doesn't lack the ability to determine reality from fiction.

On the same note, many "patriots" are also suffering from group psychosis as well. They migrated from one fiction to another. From the UNITED STATES to their republic State.

This is still fiction...

Reality is Earth. It is in the Universe. I am in the Universe, on Earth. I know this to be true.

As far as being in some imaginary "bubble" called a "state", "State", "STATE", etc... this is fiction...

Or do you persist that the "bubble" is real, Trippy?
I believe in reality -- not some imaginary world I've created around myself -- and the rule of law. Real law, that is -- not something I've decided is right, or something I decided to interpret.

I also believe in not getting into a contest of wits with losers and the reality-challenged. Idiots can kill, you know.

Post by aksis »

LAmbasciatore de Latveria

Joined: 22 Feb 2006
Posts: 2298
Location: Directly above the center of the earth
This aligns with reality. Location: "Directly above the center of the earth"

There is no declaration of being in some concoction of the minds of dead people here.
CaptainKickback wrote:The world does not revolve around you. In short, you are not the Aksis around which all rotates.
This is a matter of perspective.

I presume from your perspective, you are like an axis as well, that everything is happening around you... from your point of view. I also presume that you can imagine that it is not this way, and that some other point is the 'center point'.

I do not think it would be true for me or anyone else to assert or impose upon you the idea that they are your 'axis'. Nor do a persist that I am the 'axis' in anyones life but my own.

From my point of view, everything is around me. I can imagine that it is not this way, and that some other point is the 'center point', but this is imagination.

You mentioned symbology, I would liken people to Stars, and their things, stuff, projects etc.. to Planets. Some projects have sub-projects, and these could be likened to moons... metaphorically speaking that is.

Re: eyes rolling

Post by aksis »

UGA Lawdog wrote:It's called a joke, you ditz. For one thing, there's no such thing as a quatloos. I adopted the title because ever since I heard a college (there's another word for you to look up; I'm sure you never went to one) history professor use the term "chancellor of the exchequer," I thought it sounded cool. That is what Britain calls their equivalent of our Secretary of the Treasury.
Location: Atlanta, Ga

You misunderstood the point in my post. Forgiven.

Post by Trippy »

aksis wrote:
LAmbasciatore de Latveria

Joined: 22 Feb 2006
Posts: 2298
Location: Directly above the center of the earth
This aligns with reality. Location: "Directly above the center of the earth"

There is no declaration of being in some concoction of the minds of dead people here.
CaptainKickback wrote:The world does not revolve around you. In short, you are not the Aksis around which all rotates.
This is a matter of perspective.

I presume from your perspective, you are like an axis as well, that everything is happening around you... from your point of view. I also presume that you can imagine that it is not this way, and that some other point is the 'center point'.

I do not think it would be true for me or anyone else to assert or impose upon you the idea that they are your 'axis'. Nor do a persist that I am the 'axis' in anyones life but my own.

From my point of view, everything is around me. I can imagine that it is not this way, and that some other point is the 'center point', but this is imagination.

You mentioned symbology, I would liken people to Stars, and their things, stuff, projects etc.. to Planets. Some projects have sub-projects, and these could be likened to moons... metaphorically speaking that is.
(sigh) Demo, can you kick this troll out? Or at least tell us where he's from, so I can make sure I never go there?

Post by aksis »

Trippy wrote:I believe in reality -- not some imaginary world I've created around myself -- and the rule of law. Real law, that is -- not something I've decided is right, or something I decided to interpret.

I also believe in not getting into a contest of wits with losers and the reality-challenged. Idiots can kill, you know.

If you didn't decided for your self, then who made these decisions for you?

Trippy, Do you recognize this as law?

§ 4. In what light nations or states are to be considered.

Nations being composed of men naturally free and independent, and who, before the establishment of civil societies, lived together in the state of nature, — Nations, or sovereign states, are to be considered as so many free persons living together in the state of nature.

It is a settled point with writers on the natural law, that all men inherit from nature a perfect liberty and independence, of which they cannot be deprived without their own consent. In a State, the individual citizens do not enjoy them fully and absolutely, because they have made a partial surrender of them to the sovereign. But the body of the nation, the State, remains absolutely free and independent with respect to all other men, and all other Nations, as long as it has not voluntarily submitted to them.

§ 5. To what laws nations are subject.

As men are subject to the laws of nature, — and as their union in civil society cannot have exempted them from the obligation to observe those laws, since by that union they do not cease to be men, — the entire nation, whose common will is but the result of the united wills of the citizens, remains subject to the laws of nature, and is bound to respect them in all her proceedings.

Post by aksis »

This did say, Universe, Earth.

now it says:
Location: Phoenix, AZ
I didn't make that declaration as it is not true.

I will simply change it back.

Re: huh?

Post by SteveSy »

Trippy wrote:I believe in reality -- not some imaginary world I've created around myself -- and the rule of law. Real law, that is -- not something I've decided is right, or something I decided to interpret.
Considering most you have your reality defined by what someone says the "law" is and you refuse to bend from that acceptance regardless of how ridiculous it is I think many of have no room to talk concerning someone being out in left field. What most of you do is deny the existence of reality in favor of one dictated to you and then claim all who fail to go along with you are delusional. If you can't articulate your position with logic and reason regardless of what someone else might have told you then you are nothing but a mindless puppet living in a dictated reality. This is why all of you must regurgitate what they said or say how somone else thinks to support your position otherwise it's untenable. Your aguments fail the common sense test if evaluated by nothing but logic and reason.

You were endowed with the ability to think for yourself, try it sometime it might prove to be enlightening. Judges are merely people that exist in the same realm you exist in. They are nothing but people; their education grants them no special ability to dictate reality. Their power only comes from their ability to convince you and people like you that you must accept their reality as they dictate it regardless of logic or reason. In that sense it is cult like, they manifest power just like any other cult leader does. Without their followers accepting their word as final the cult leaders are nothing. Cult leaders like Jim Jones also convinced his followers to accept an alternate reality; he too convinced his followers that he and he alone had the final say and all who denied his ability to know the truth rightfully deserved persecution. He would use his books to back up his words. It didn’t matter if the words contained within were contradictory or obviously twisted to fit his predetermined conclusions. It didn’t matter that the followers saw people suffer or punished wrongly, they were convinced through his words it was right; he had convinced them that without his word they were useless, helpless and hopeless. If those followers questioned his authority or proper understanding of the texts his power over the people would fail and he would soon be nothing but an expsoed fraud.

You don’t follow the law, you follow what someone else has told you what the law is. You follow someone else's interpretation of it. Just like the followers of Jim Jones, they too followed what they were told even while holding the same book he used while failing to use the ability to self reason, and to use common sense that gave them the opportunity and tools to question and ultimately prove Jim Jones a fraud. People like you will also end up suffering because of it, but like those followers of Jim Jones you probably won’t even recognize you have or even the fact that you are.
Last edited by SteveSy on Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LPC »

aksis wrote:Unless you really do believe that you live in the fiction.
You're really serious about this crap?

In your first cut-and-paste in this thread, you wrote:
aksis (cutting-and-pasting from some other kook) wrote:With subtle treachery, the 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States...." A real human being cannot be "born or naturalized" in a fiction. Only artificial entities – "persons" – can be "born or naturalized" in an abstraction such as the "United States."
Okay, so every map of North America published since 1798 is wrong. There is no area of land in North America known as "United States."

But an even bigger problem is that state governments are abstractions also, so no one has ever been born in any state, either.

In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone has ever been born anywhere, because it's difficult to think of any place on earth that is not governed by a "fiction" (as you call governments).
Last edited by LPC on Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: huh?

Post by hartley »

SteveSy wrote: Considering most you have your reality defined by what someone says the "law" is and you refuse to bend from that acceptance regardless of how ridiculous it is ...
No, Steve, we define the law based on what the law says it is. They write this shit down for a reason.

Disagreeing with the law or believing that the law is unjust IS FINE. We don't have a problem with that. In fact, I personally disagree with the federal income tax system, and think it needs to be dramatically changed and/or wiped out completely. But I obey the law because I know it exists, I've seen the IRC, it's *real.* Disagreement doesn't give you the right to disobey, all you can do is work to have the law changed.

But pretending it doesn't exist or says something other than what it does is, in fact, delusional.
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Re: huh?

Post by LPC »

SteveSy wrote:
Trippy wrote:I believe in reality -- not some imaginary world I've created around myself -- and the rule of law. Real law, that is -- not something I've decided is right, or something I decided to interpret.
Considering most you have your reality defined by what someone says the "law" is [....]
Watching Sybil hijack a thread from another kook could be fun to watch.

Will they strive to top each other's absurdities? Or will they just ignore each other, essentially creating two different strings of inanities within the same thread? (The latter would be somewhat surrealistic, not unlike two homeless people on the same subway both screaming at different imaginary people at the same time.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Post by aksis »

I did not write that. I did post it. Quote LightBringer next time.

Re: huh?

Post by SteveSy »

hartley wrote:
SteveSy wrote: Considering most you have your reality defined by what someone says the "law" is and you refuse to bend from that acceptance regardless of how ridiculous it is ...
No, Steve, we define the law based on what the law says it is. They write this sh*t down for a reason.

Disagreeing with the law or believing that the law is unjust IS FINE. We don't have a problem with that. In fact, I personally disagree with the federal income tax system, and think it needs to be dramatically changed and/or wiped out completely. But I obey the law because I know it exists, I've seen the IRC, it's *real.* Disagreement doesn't give you the right to disobey, all you can do is work to have the law changed.

But pretending it doesn't exist or says something other than what it does is, in fact, delusional.
I don't disagree with the law...I disagree with some who may interpret it.
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Post by LPC »

aksis wrote:Bar Associations Are Cults

by Marc Stevens
Marc Stevens is a fruitcake who believes (among other things) that governments never have standing in court, which means that no one could ever be prosecuted for murder (which he admits is true).
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Trusted Keeper of the All True FAQ
Posts: 5233
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Location: Earth

Post by LPC »

aksis wrote:I did not write that. I did post it.
So what?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Trusted Keeper of the All True FAQ
Posts: 5233
Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:38 am
Location: Earth

Post by LPC »

LPC wrote:
aksis wrote:I did not write that. I did post it.
So what?
Don't bother answering, because I've fixed it and I don't really care to know why you think it makes a difference.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax
Posts: 7668
Joined: Sat May 19, 2007 12:59 pm
Location: Texas

Post by Famspear »

Aksis wrote:
This aligns with reality. Location: "Directly above the center of the earth"

There is no declaration of being in some concoction of the minds of dead people here.

[ . . . ]

I presume from your perspective, you are like an axis as well, that everything is happening around you... from your point of view. I also presume that you can imagine that it is not this way, and that some other point is the 'center point'.

[ . . . ]

From my point of view, everything is around me. I can imagine that it is not this way, and that some other point is the 'center point', but this is imagination.

You mentioned symbology, I would liken people to Stars, and their things, stuff, projects etc.. to Planets. Some projects have sub-projects, and these could be likened to moons... metaphorically speaking that is.
SteveSy wrote:
Considering most you have your reality defined by what someone says the "law" is and you refuse to bend from that acceptance regardless of how ridiculous it is I think many of have no room to talk concerning someone being out in left field.

[ . . . ]

Judges are merely people that exist in the same realm you exist in. They are nothing but people; their education grants them no special ability to dictate reality. Their power only comes from their ability to convince you and people like you that you must accept their reality as they dictate it regardless of logic or reason.
OK, somebody get a net.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet