Tim Turner indicted!

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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by fortinbras »

Tim Turner -- or, as he now puts it, "James Timothy of the Turner family" -- has filed a motion in the federal court asking or demanding a bunch of things, some of which are typical of Sovrun/Militia type nonsense, and a few of which seem to be innovative nonsense.

http://dev.republicoftheunitedstates.or ... labama.pdf

One thing is fairly obvious: The RuSA movement nowhere has a lawyer as a member. Even the most inexperienced lawyer in the most remote location would know better that to write some of this stuff and in the style that Turner uses.

Additionally, Turner has simultaneously filed a "criminal complaint" against the US Attorney prosecuting his case, and others, and filed it with the US Senate Judiciary Committee. Essentially he's trying to get them impeached because that's the most this could accomplish even if it worked, which it won't.

http://dev.republicoftheunitedstates.or ... y-Cmte.pdf

Let's pause for a moment and figure out the incongruity of the President of the Republic For the united States (RuSA) making a requestion of a committee of the Congress of The United States. This while Turner is supposed to be overthrowing them. This makes even less sense than if Jefferson Davis, during the Civil War, made a request of the US Congress.
notorial dissent
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

The first part looks pretty much like the usual sovrun nonsense, and I have no idea what the court will choose to do with it, but not much is my suspicion.

Who knew Timmy knew so many big words, although I suspect he just copied them from someone else.

He does seem a bit put out that they won't let him file the reams of gibberish he seems to dearly want to file, how sad!!!!

I personally think it is extremely funny that he is making this long list of charges against the various legal professionals involved in the case. I am somewhat surprised that he didn't also charge the various court clerks, as that is an old and time honored practice, and I am devastated that he didn't charge, at least someone, with treason, you just don't do something like this without that little extra bit. He does get points for the soupçon of off the wall charges he has variously leveled at the parties. I particularly like the demand for resolution dispute in commercial law against the judge, and the I am still not sure about the Citizens Protection Act, since I don't remember that one ever being trotted out before.

This does promise to get more entertaining as it progresses.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I couldn't get myself to do more than scan this gibberish; but I did notice that like so many sovruns, Turner cites the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in a criminal case, and that he can't even keep the James-Timothy: Turner business straight.

Of course, this submission has as much chance of succeeding as I would if I tried to win a spot on a major league baseball roster; and after it goes down to swift and inglorious defeat, Turner and his acolytes will whine that "we haven't lost, because the Supreme Court has never ruled on the strong points of law which we raise!!!!!" The fact that the Court has better things to do than consider every crackpot legal hypothesis will escape them, I'm sure....
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Quixote »

Turner's defense seems to henge on the following brilliant argument.

Proposition 1: Title 18 passed in the House by a vote of 44 to 8 on May 12, 1947.
Proposition 2: Title 18 did not pass in the House by a vote of 44 to 8 on May 12, 1947.

Conclusion: Title 18 was never passed in the House.

Turner has thoroughly documented Proposition 2. He seems to have pulled Proposition 1 out of his ass. Other than that one hiccup, the argument is flawless. I'm sure he'll be out in no time at all.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by fortinbras »

Not wishing to bore my fellow Quatloosians, but from my compilation, here is how I explained this argument about the 1947 action by Congress on the Federal Criminal Code:
Fairly recently, an ex-convict (for multiple frauds), Tony Robert Davis, has been selling a “strategy” - via his business called International Legal Services (ILS) - primarily to federal prison inmates seeking to overturn their convictions. The strategy consists of arguing that 18 USC sec 3231, which gives federal district courts jurisdiction to try federal crimes, was not properly enacted. In fact, this argument extends to saying that all of Title 18, the federal criminal code, was not properly enacted since sec 3231 was part of the original 1948 enactment of the title as positive law. The argument is predicated on being more finicky about Congressional procedure than Congress is. The bill to make Title 18 positive law was first passed in the House in the first session of the 80th Congress (1947) and then by the Senate in the second session (1948) -- a lot of laws are passed this way -- in this particular instance the bill was then passed again by the House to approve minor changes made in the Senate and then signed (as Public Law 80-772) by the President on June 25, 1948. This is sufficient to make it valid and the courts will accept this law (including sec 3231) as properly enacted. US v. K. Collins (7th Cir 2007) 510 F3d 697; Cardenas-Celestino v. US (WD Mo 2008) 552 F.Supp.2d 962 (a leading case, “part of a new rash of frivolous claims raised by prisoners across the country”); Landry v. Davis (D.Kan 1/26/09); US v. C. States (ND IL 6/15/04) aff’d 242 Fed.Appx 362; US v. H.E. Miles (7th Cir 7/3/07) 244 Fed.Appx 31; US v. Risquet (ED Penn 2006) 426 F.Supp.2d 310; US v. Potts (3d Cir 10/18/07) 251 Fed.Appx 109 cert.den (as Waters) 552 US 1214 and (as Coffey) 552 US 1323; US v. Barren (7th Cir 3/21/07) 219 Fed.Appx 560; US v. Miles (7th Cir 7/3/07) 244 Fed.Appx 31; US v. Coplin (3d Cir 7/11/08) 284 Fed.Appx 988; US v. Sykes (7th Cir 2010) 614 F3d 303; US v. D.E. Petersen (D.Minn 9/18/09); [von] NotHaus v. US Attorney’s Office of W.D. of North Carolina (WDNC 8/30/2010); US v. Jerdine (ND Ohio 12/18/09); D. Charles v. Levi (ED Penn 5/6/08); Wolford v. US (WD Penn 9/22/09) aff’d 362 Fed.Appx 231; Lundy v. Levi (DNJ 4/26/2011); (the origin of this argument is discussed) Campbell v. Gonzalez (ED Ky 3/29/07); similarly US v. Centeno (WD Ky 2/4/09); similarly US v. F. Delatorre (ND IL 2008) 581 F.Supp.2d 968 (“Similar arguments have been made by other defendants in the past and they have always been rejected as erroneous as a matter of law.”); ditto Marmolejus v. Mukasey (ED Ky 4/16/08); ditto Ortiz v. US (SD Texas 9/23/09); ditto US v. Martinez (SD Texas 5/6/06); similarly DeDona v. US (D.NJ 8/31/09)(with many citations); ditto US v. S. Davis (D Nev 7/23/12) (“Every court to have considered such a claim has rejected it.”); ditto US v. S. Rice (D Nev 7/23/12); (“one of the jailhouse lawyers’ argument du jour. It has never been accepted and will not be accepted here.”) US v. Schultz (D Minn 9/26/07); ditto US v. Levy (SD Fla 2012) 849 F.Supp.2d 1353; (this bogus argument “has spread unchecked among prisoners and jailhouse lawyers throughout the country”) US v. Irizarry (ED Penn 6/11/07) (with many citations); ditto US v. Whitefeather (D Minn 9/2/2010); W.M. Turner v. US (SD Alab 9/8/2011). Even if it were true that the 1948 enactment was invalid - and that is not true - the federal courts will still have jurisdiction over criminal offenses under the previous version of Title 18. US v. Risquet (ED Penn 2006) 426 F.Supp.2d 310. The lawyer most associated with submitting this argument is Mustafa Engin Derkunt of Austin, Texas – he was ordered to show cause why he should not be penalized for professional misconduct for submitting this argument. US v. Collins (7th Cir 2007) 510 F3d 697; DeDona v. US (D.NJ 8/31/09). This argument was expressly rejected under the “enrolled bill rule”, under which a bill certified by the presiding officers of both the House and Senate (and signed by the President or passed over his veto) and duly enrolled with the National Archives (formerly with the Secretary of State) is regarded as validly adopted by Congress notwithstanding any quibbling about the procedures; this rules was articulated in Marshall Field & Co. v. Clark (1892) 143 US 649, 36 L.Ed 294, 12 S.Ct 495, -- see also OneSimpleLoan v. US Sec’y of Education (2d Cir 2007) 496 F3d 197 cert.den 552 US 1180, and Public Citizen v. US District Court for DC (2007) 376 US App DC 222, 486 F3d 1342 cert.den 552 US 1076; and applied with regard to title 18 in US v. B.K. Small (7th Cir 6/28/2012) 110 AFTR2d 5015, 2012 USTC 50426; ditto Cardenas-Celestino v. US (WD Mo 2008) 552 F.Supp.2d 962; Liner v. Doe (SD Miss 8/16/2011); US v. R. Levy (SD Fla 2012) 849 F.Supp.2d 1353. Most courts that have been presented with this argument have simply rejected it as frivolous without discussing it. It has been described as “unbelievably frivolous”. US v. C. States (7th Cir 9/24/07) 242 Fed.Appx 362; US v. Collins (7th Cir 2007) 510 F3d 697; US v. W.I. James (SD Ga 11/8/07); US v. T.L. Martin (ED Va 8/6/09); DeDona v. US (D.NJ 8/31/09); US v. Brunshtein (SDNY 2008) 545 F.Supp.2d 357. An entirely unrelated civil case held that the 1947 adjournment was not the adjournment of a Congress of the sort that ends its lawmaking operations, so that federal rules slated to become effective when the Congress adjourned did not become effective with the 1947 recess; Ashley v. Keith Oil Corp. (D.Mass 11/18/47) 7 FRD 589.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by gatsby »

The last time Turner mailed a pile of crap to the court, the docket noted receipt of the documents, but they were not actually filed:

12/04/2012 Documents RECEIVED as delivered by US Mail on 11/30/12 and 12/4/12 to Clerk's Office from Donna Louise Streier (as POA for defendant) as to James Timothy Turner. Physically located in an expansion folder with case file.) (ag, ) (Entered: 12/04/2012)
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by gatsby »

Re a bill of particulars, he has already requested one and was denied:

10/26/2012 26 MOTION for Bill of Particulars by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 10/26/2012)
10/28/2012 27 RESPONSE to Motion by USA as to James Timothy Turner re 26 MOTION for Bill of Particulars (Gelfand, Justin) (Entered: 10/28/2012)
10/30/2012 28 ORDER denying 26 Motion for Bill of Particulars as to James Timothy Turner (1). Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 10/30/12. (war, ) (Entered: 10/30/2012)
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by gatsby »

Here's the entire docket in Turner's case:

Date Filed # Docket Text
09/12/2012 1 INDICTMENT as to James Timothy Turner (1) count(s) 1, 2, 3-7, 8, 9, 10. (snc) (Entered: 09/13/2012)
09/18/2012 Case unsealed as to James Timothy Turner pursuant to notice of arrest from USMS. (ag, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
09/18/2012 4 MOTION for Detention by USA as to James Timothy Turner. (Gelfand, Justin) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
09/18/2012 Arrest of James Timothy Turner (kcg, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
09/18/2012 5 CJA 23 Financial Affidavit by James Timothy Turner (kcg, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
09/18/2012 6 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr:Initial Appearance as to James Timothy Turner held on 9/18/2012 (PDF available for court use only) (Recording Time 2:10 - 2:15.) (kcg, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
09/18/2012 7 ORDER as to James Timothy Turner: Arraignment and Detention Hearing set for 9/24/2012 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel Jr. Pending this hearing, the defendant shall be held in custody of the U.S. Marshal and produced for the hearing. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 9/18/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
09/24/2012 ORAL ORDER APPOINTING PANEL ATTORNEY Everett McRae Urech for James Timothy Turner. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 9/24/2012. (kcg, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
09/24/2012 8 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr:Status Conference as to James Timothy Turner held on 9/24/2012 (PDF available for court use only) (Recording Time 10:07-10:10, 10:42-10:48.) (kcg, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
09/24/2012 9 ORDER as to James Timothy Turner: Arraignment and Detention Hearing set for 10/1/2012 01:00 PM in Courtroom 5A before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel Jr. If the defendant is in custody, the US Marshal shall arrange for the defendant's appearance at this proceeding. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 9/24/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
09/24/2012 Documents RECEIVED as delivered by FedEx at 10:29 a.m. to Clerks Office (opened in mail room at 1:04 p.m. per mail protocol) from William Bullock Stewart, III (as next friend to defendant) as to James Timothy Turner. [Five documents in six envelopes; not filed per Judge Capel; physically located in an expansion folder with case file.) (snc) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
09/25/2012 10 ORDER as to James Timothy Turner that the Clerk of Court shall not accept any current or future documents submitted by non-parties in this matter. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 9/25/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 09/25/2012)
10/01/2012 ORAL ORDER as to James Timothy Turner remanding defendant to the custody of the USMS pending trial. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 10/1/2012. (kcg, ) (Entered: 10/02/2012)
10/01/2012 12 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr:Arraignment as to James Timothy Turner (1) Count 1,2,3-7,8,9,10 held on 10/1/2012 (PDF available for court use only), Detention Hearing as to James Timothy Turner held on 10/1/2012 (PDF available for court use only), Plea entered by James Timothy Turner Not Guilty on counts 1-10. (PDF available for court use only) (Recording Time 1:07 - 3:55.) (Attachments: # 1 Dft Exhibit List, # 2 Gov't Exhibit List, # 3 Witness List) [exhibits maintained w/file in separate binder](kcg, ) (Entered: 10/02/2012)
10/01/2012 13 ORDER OF DETENTION PENDING TRIAL as to James Timothy Turner. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 10/1/2012. (kcg, ) (Entered: 10/03/2012)
10/03/2012 14 ORDER ON ARRAIGNMENT to include Ends of Justice as to James Timothy Turner Time excluded from 10/3/2012 until 3/18/2013: Pretrial Conference set for 12/17/2012 09:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel Jr.; Jury Selection and Trial set for 3/18/2013 10:00 AM in Dothan, Alabama before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson; Pretrial Motions due by 12/13/2012; government's initial disclosures due on or before 10/1/12 with defendant's Discovery due by 10/8/2012. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 10/3/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 10/03/2012)
10/16/2012 Set Hearings as to James Timothy Turner: Telephone Conference re trial proceeding set for 10/17/2012 03:00 PM by telephone before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson. (ag, ) (Entered: 10/16/2012)
10/17/2012 16 MOTION funds for expert by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 10/17/2012)
10/17/2012 17 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson:Telephone Conference as to James Timothy Turner held on 10/17/2012 (PDF available for court use only) (Recording Time FTR: 3:19 - 3:27.) (war, ) (Entered: 10/17/2012)
10/22/2012 18 MOTION funds to purchase transcript of the Monty Irwin case, 1:11cr7 by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 10/22/2012)
10/24/2012 21 MOTION to Withdraw Document 18 MOTION funds to purchase transcript of the Monty Irwin case, 1:11cr7 by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 10/24/2012)
10/25/2012 23 CJA 20 Appointment of Panel Attorney Everett McRae Urech for James Timothy Turner. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 10/25/2012. (kcg, ) (Entered: 10/25/2012)
10/25/2012 24 ORDER as follows: (1) The motion to withdraw request (doc. no. 21 ) is granted. (2) The motion for funds to purchase transcript (doc. no. 18 ) is withdrawn. Signed by Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson on 10/25/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 10/25/2012)
10/26/2012 26 MOTION for Bill of Particulars by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 10/26/2012)
10/28/2012 27 RESPONSE to Motion by USA as to James Timothy Turner re 26 MOTION for Bill of Particulars (Gelfand, Justin) (Entered: 10/28/2012)
10/30/2012 28 ORDER denying 26 Motion for Bill of Particulars as to James Timothy Turner (1). Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 10/30/12. (war, ) (Entered: 10/30/2012)
11/02/2012 29 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson:Hearing re Jury as to James Timothy Turner held on 11/2/2012 (PDF available for court use only) (Court Reporter Mitchell Reisner.) (Attachments: # 1 Government's Exhibit List) (ag, ) (Entered: 11/02/2012)
11/05/2012 30 TRANSCRIPT of ARRAIGNMENT AND DETENTION HEARING (PDF ACCESS RESTRICTED FOR 90 DAYS.) held on October 1, 2012 before Judge Wallace Capel, Jr. as to James Timothy Turner. Court Reporter/Transcriber Patricia Starkie, Telephone number 334 262-1221. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST REDACTION DUE WITHIN 7 BUSINESS DAYS. Redaction Request due 11/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/6/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/4/2013. (snc) (Entered: 11/05/2012)
11/26/2012 31 ORDER as to James Timothy Turner that jury selection is set for March 18, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. at the federal courthouse in Dothan, Alabama followed immediately by trial at the federal courthouse in Montgomery, Alabama. Signed by Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson on 11/26/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 11/26/2012)
11/27/2012 32 MOTION Access to Information re 12 Arraignment, Detention Hearing, Plea Entered,,,,,, by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 11/27/2012)
11/27/2012 33 ORDER granting 32 Motion to examine transcript as to James Timothy Turner (1) The Clerk of the Court is hereby directed to grant counsel for Defendant electronic access to the Transcript of Arraignment and Detention Hearing (Doc. 30 ). Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 11/26/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 11/27/2012)
12/04/2012 Documents RECEIVED as delivered by US Mail on 11/30/12 and 12/4/12 to Clerk's Office from Donna Louise Streier (as POA for defendant) as to James Timothy Turner. Physically located in an expansion folder with case file.) (ag, ) (Entered: 12/04/2012)
12/05/2012 36 Pro-Se MOTION to Dismiss Attorney by James Timothy Turner. (ag, ) (Entered: 12/05/2012)
12/05/2012 37 ORDER as to James Timothy Turner re 36 MOTION to Dismiss filed by James Timothy Turner: Ex Parte Hearing set for 12/7/2012 11:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel Jr. Defendant and his current legal counsel shall appear for the hearing. The U.S. Marshal is directed to produce Defendant for the hearing. The Clerk of the Court is directed to provide a court reporter for this proceeding. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 12/5/2012. (ag, ) (Entered: 12/05/2012)
12/07/2012 ORAL ORDER as to James Timothy Turner SEALING HEARING and DENYING 36 MOTION to Dismiss filed by James Timothy Turner. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 12/7/2012. (kcg, ) (Entered: 12/07/2012)
12/07/2012 38 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr:Motion Hearing as to James Timothy Turner held on 12/7/2012 re 36 MOTION to Dismiss filed by James Timothy Turner (PDF available for court use only) (Court Reporter Patricia Starkie.) (kcg, ) (Entered: 12/07/2012)
12/10/2012 39 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Pre-trial Motions, MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 14 Order on Arraignment, Order to Continue - Ends of Justice,,,, by James Timothy Turner. (Urech, Everett) (Entered: 12/10/2012)
12/10/2012 40 ORDER as to James Timothy Turner GRANTING 39 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Pre-trial Motions by James Timothy Turner. Defenfant shall file pretrial motions by 12/20/2012.. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 12/10/12. (snc) (Entered: 12/10/2012)
12/17/2012 41 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr:Pretrial Conference as to James Timothy Turner held on 12/17/2012 (PDF available for court use only) (Recording Time 9:11 - 9:13.) (kcg, ) (Entered: 12/17/2012)
12/18/2012 42 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE ORDER as to James Timothy Turner: Jury Selection set for 3/18/2013 10:00 AM in Dothan, Alabama before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson. Jury Trial (ETT 2 Weeks) set for 3/18/2013 before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson in Montgomery, AL. Final Pretrial Conference set for 1/16/2013 09:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Honorable Judge Wallace Capel Jr. Voir Dire due by 3/4/2013. Proposed Jury Instructions due by 3/11/2013. Motions in Limine due by 3/4/2013. Responses to motions shall be filedon or before one week before jury selection. Notice of Intent to Change Plea due by noon on 3/6/2013. Signed by Honorable Judge Wallace Capel, Jr on 12/18/2012. (ag, ) Modified on 12/18/2012 (ag, ). Modified on 12/18/2012 (ag, ). (Entered: 12/18/2012)
12/19/2012 Set Hearings as to James Timothy Turner: Telephone Conference set for 12/20/2012 10:30 AM by telephone before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson. (ag, ) (Entered: 12/19/2012)
12/20/2012 44 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Judge Myron H. Thompson:Telephone Conference as to James Timothy Turner held on 12/20/2012 (PDF available for court use only) (Recording Time 10:33 - 10:42.) (war, ) (Entered: 12/20/2012)
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

I rather suspect that this most recent round of proto-landfill material will get the same treatment as the last batch of mulch. I thought he was under order anyway not to file anything except through his court appointed attorney? Which considering what he did attempt to file is just as well, all things considered.

Just for my own curiosity, I thought that if there was an actual Bill of Particulars presented, it only had to do with the actual case and charges, not the nonsense Jimmy Tim has been asking for, and isn't it more or less just a copy of the arraignment when it comes right down to it?
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by ashlynne39 »

I wonder why he doesn't sign his documents for court as President James Timothy of the family Turner. Surely if the court knew he was the real president that would carry some weight in his favor.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Or maybe be worth a giggle or two, of course, maybe the then following competency hearing might not be so much fun though. Some how, I think Jimmy Tim has enough problems on his plate right now without that hanging over his head.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by ashlynne39 »

notorial dissent wrote:Or maybe be worth a giggle or two, of course, maybe the then following competency hearing might not be so much fun though. Some how, I think Jimmy Tim has enough problems on his plate right now without that hanging over his head.

Perhaps but my thought is that a true believer in RUSA would proudly proclaim his title. So perhaps he isn't a true believer in RUSA and just a slimy con artist playing games.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Quixote »

ashlynne39 wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Or maybe be worth a giggle or two, of course, maybe the then following competency hearing might not be so much fun though. Some how, I think Jimmy Tim has enough problems on his plate right now without that hanging over his head.

Perhaps but my thought is that a true believer in RUSA would proudly proclaim his title. So perhaps he isn't a true believer in RUSA and just a slimy con artist playing games.
Next, you'll be telling us there's no Santa Claus. I'm sure Jimmy Tim just doesn't want to pull rank on the judge.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If Jimmy Tim really IS the President of the RUSA, then he will simply have his Solicitor General petition his Supreme Court for an injunction forbidding any illegitimate court from brining or continuing any further proceedings against him.

Well, Jimmy Tim?????????
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39 wrote:Perhaps but my thought is that a true believer in RUSA would proudly proclaim his title. So perhaps he isn't a true believer in RUSA and just a slimy con artist playing games.
Quite true, sorry I forgot to agree with you there. The point being that I don't thing Timmy Jim is sincere about anything except seeing how much he can get out of someone else's pockets. He always has been a liar and a conman, big shock I know, and I see no reason why he should suddenly grow a conscience just because his latest scam is melting down around his ears and he is probably facing a sizable vacation at club Fed as we speak. That he is a sovrun paytriot scam artist and liar is why he is of interest to us.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

Gatsby - is it possible to get the transcript to any of those court orders/hearings that have been made so far in Turners case? I am curious on whether his demeanor before the judge is the same as the legal gibberish hes filing, since it looks like most of the gibberish is being sent by someone who has his power of attorney and not Turner himself.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by gatsby »

LightinDarkness wrote:Gatsby - is it possible to get the transcript to any of those court orders/hearings that have been made so far in Turners case? I am curious on whether his demeanor before the judge is the same as the legal gibberish hes filing, since it looks like most of the gibberish is being sent by someone who has his power of attorney and not Turner himself.
It looks like we'll have a free transcript of the Oct. 1 hearing available for download a month from today. A transcript can be purchased now, but I understand these are usually around $300 or more.

11/05/2012 30 TRANSCRIPT of ARRAIGNMENT AND DETENTION HEARING (PDF ACCESS RESTRICTED FOR 90 DAYS.) held on October 1, 2012 before Judge Wallace Capel, Jr. as to James Timothy Turner. Court Reporter/Transcriber Patricia Starkie, Telephone number 334 262-1221. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST REDACTION DUE WITHIN 7 BUSINESS DAYS. Redaction Request due 11/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/6/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/4/2013. (snc) (Entered: 11/05/2012)
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by gatsby »

notorial dissent wrote:Just for my own curiosity, I thought that if there was an actual Bill of Particulars presented, it only had to do with the actual case and charges, not the nonsense Jimmy Tim has been asking for, and isn't it more or less just a copy of the arraignment when it comes right down to it?
The AG argued just that, that the indictment already contained the details. The judge agreed.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by gatsby »

RuSA folks have decided to get Prexy Turner out of jail by appealing to members of Congress (the real ones in the real Congress). If the real Congress is illegitimate, how can any actions by its members possibly help? :thinking:



But wait! There's more crazy outlined in this email sent out today! :lol:


It appears that Kelby Smith -- isn't he RuSA's fake treasurer? :roll: -- has a little business venture to introduce to the guillable RuSA populace:

notorial dissent
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

And the fun just keeps a comin', the FRUSA crowd is a never ending source of unintentional amusement.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.