I thought I would place this back in context since you so graciously decided to misrepresent what I originally said."Oh, and I could really couldn't care less what a [sic] some federal judge says who is appointed by and paid by the very people trying to usurp the constitution. [ . . . ] Do I decide the law for myself, yes I do, it's my right." -SteveSy
I could care less what a judge says the law is, that is true, if it is contradictory to what I read with my own two eyes. Judges decide issues concerning individuals that appear before them and nothing more. I have a right, just like everyone else does, to read the public law and come to a conclusion of what the law says based on reason and common sense. I have no obligation to accept the word of a person simply because they or their cultist following declares I must. This is not to say that if I were before a judge that he would be forced to accept my view of the law but that doesn't make him a law maker. It no more changes the law than does a rogue cop illegally arresting or beating people does. In both cases both have the power to punish you, and judge your situtation, the power to have you punished does not equate to being right or making law.
While I may disagree with most of what people say from Sui Juris I do think the author hit the nail almost on the head about lawyers, judges and their cultist mentality.