Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

The latest RuSA conference calls:

Enjoy! :lol:
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

We have another RuSA member who is under federal criminal charges. Her name is Donna M. Kozak. From memory, I think she used to do RuSA's recordkeeping. The case is in the United States District Court District of Nebraska in Omaha.

She discusses her case during the latest RuSA community conference call (

Apparently, she was arrested and charged in October in her home state of Nebraska and released under the condition that she not break any federal, state or local laws. There are several charges and they sound similar to the ones Turner is facing.

Sometime after she was released, she said she delivered a document for some other defendants to a courtroom. This is where I'm confused, but she says she was arrested this month for that incident because that delivery allegedly involved something that was illegal. Of course, she says, all the charges are fraudulent and she's innocent.

I'll try to get the docket for this case and post it. The case is USA vs. Kozak, 12-344.

Here's an anti-IRS post by her: ... e=activity

And here's her website, which she said doesn't have anything about this case:

(Should this be a new topic or should everything RuSA related -- except for Tim Turner-specific stuff, which has its own topic -- be under this one post? I yield to those with more seniority.)
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Donna K is most certainly a wingnut of the first water, but is hardly unique, and/or interesting as she is simply parroting the same nonsense as all the rest of that crowd. The one nice thing is that her website does give a pretty good description of the FRUSA mythos, which is pretty much the standard sovrun cant, but still nice to see it elucidated. I will not be surprised to see her follow her icon down the path of self destruction, as she is well on the way in her own right.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

But it's interesting to chronicle the criminal tribulations of individual RuSA members.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

True, but they all pretty much follow the same ignorant, self destructive pattern, and she is no different.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by wserra »

The brief version of The Story of Donna Kozak (subtitle: The Smart-Fu is Weak in This One).

Once upon a time, Donna Kozak had a couple of friends named David and Bernita Kleensang. David and Bernita were indicted in Nebraska (12-cr-56) for conspiracy to defraud the United States by filing false returns and claims for refunds, including using the ol' 1099-OID fraud. They were tried before the Hon. Laurie Smith Camp, Chief Judge for the District of Nebraska. They were originally released pending trial; however, they declined to sign the conditions of release, so the mean old judge reversed herself and locked them up. They then reconsidered.

During the course of the case, they filed such sovrun documents as a "NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FIDUCIARY DEBTOR", "Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent" and "NOTICE of Conditional Acceptance". These documents contain things like
The United States of America (Plaintiff) has failed to identify the Flesh and Blood real person, who is the moving party that has signed with "Wet Ink Signature" under penalties of perjury that their claims against the Defendants are true, correct, complete, and not misleading, ex reI on behalf of the Plaintiff to Legally and Lawfully bring this Criminal action against the Defendants
Furthermore, Plaintiff has failed to provide the name of the required Bonding Company and Performance and/or Fidelity bond numbers, which would provide coverage for Commercial liability of Malpractice Civil Rights Damages caused by moving parties, ex reI the Plaintiff, against Defendants and or any Witnesses.
Unless Affiant is notified by Certified Return Receipt Mail by Sworn Affidavit verifying that Plaintiff and all Agents and/or co-conspirators have fully complied with providing Full Disclosure in Case #8:12CR 56 to the Defendants, assuring Affiant that the Plaintiff and/or Agents and coconspirators are not involved in Fraud involving violation of Due Process of Law against the Defendants, Affiant shall consider this case dismissed.
The mean old judge was unimpressed, as was a jury. The Kleensangs are each now serving sentences of 72 months. The Eighth Circuit was even less impressed. Three weeks ago: "These appeals are dismissed for failure to prosecute. Mandate shall issue forthwith."

Donna was not happy with this. She decided to raise her profile immensely by attempting to file a criminal complaint against Judge Smith Camp. Since Donna was not a prosecutor, this did not work very well, and was in fact dismissed in days. Donna became even more unhappy. According to her own indictment, Donna then filed fake liens against Judge Smith Camp. Oh, and she also attempted to defraud the United States by filing false returns and claims for refunds, including using the ol' 1099-OID fraud. A lot like her friends David and Bernita, dont'cha think?

One might well conclude that, if one's friends are now serving six years in federal prison for doing what one did as well, it would be a good time to lie low. If one did conclude that, however, one would not be a sovrun.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, I think "The Smart-Fu is flat out missing in This One".

I vaguely remember reading about the Kleensangs some time ago, and figured that was goign to be pretty much it for them, and didn't run across Donna until much later when she was mentioned in some other post I was reading, but didn't associate her with FRUSA at all until now, but she seems like a prime candidate for them having read some of the stuff on her blog and website.

She seems to pretty much do the standard sovrun kant, with the addition of really being hung up on this bond stuff, and everything is a civil rights violation according to her. As far as I know, Fed employees are not required to be bonded, so just even more hooey on her part, and showing her general cluelessness.

And apparently didn't learn from the first time around that the 1099 schtick don't work.

Like I said, she sounds like pretty much the usual run of the mill sovrun type with delusions of reality, and (justified)persecution, and a sure and certain intent of getting herself a prolonged vacation at club Fed. She also doesn't strike me as the type who ever gets a clue, and I don't foresee her future being overly pleasant at the rate she is going.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

What makes the story of Donna Kozak even more insane than usual is, reading between the lines of her "testimony" to the RuSA faithful in the last conference call, even though she was a tax denier she seems to have owed a small enough mount that it would never have gone to court or cause her any major problems. She would have been a "victory" in the TP movement, as they often claim whenever someone files their gibberish documents and dont get arrested that it must mean they've won whenever all it really means is the amounts involved are not large enough to move the IRS.

But she just couldn't help herself, it seems, because she had to get involved in the "file fake liens against every judge who rules in ways I don't like" game. It looks like she and another tax denier guru were helping her friends (the "help" that earned them the 72 months in jail), and as part of the normal sov'run legal dance she assisted in filing a bogus lien, which of course back fired and caused her to be brought NOT ONLY on the bogus lien charges but also the tax dodging that she might have otherwise avoided.

Then it gets EVEN BETTER. She gets released but then decides to go back and CONTINUE with the filing of the bogus lien against the judge, which causes her to get arrested AGAIN. When you listen to her talk on the RuSA call, its hilarious - she says that of course the feds are just after because she followed the law and they don't like it. It never ever occurs to her that perhaps filing all this gibberish paperwork has anything to do with it.

I sense her trial will be another epic "victory" in the making.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

RuSA seems to be a good organization for spawning the next generation of inane tax deniers/sov'run citizens. Ms. Kozak isn't the only up and coming star in the RuSA fruitcake "citizenry."

As was mentioned earlier in the thread, Kelby Smith (fake secretary of the treasury for RuSA) has started a quite popular service for people looking to cheat their ways out of their mortgages. He is a up and coming "file legal gibberish paperwork and get out of your mortgage" guru, and his site ( is a mix of sovereign legal gibberish remedies and Evangelical preaching (thus the name of the site - these nutters think they are truly on a mission from GOD). Kelby has been doing the sov'run seminar circuit and charges $49.00/month for premium access to his forums where you too can learn how to go to jail, er, I mean stop foreclosure on your home through ingenious remedies!

I get the sense that Kelby himself has been involved in a ton of gibberish paperwork filings and goes to court a lot to "help" (and by help I mean make things worse for) people facing foreclosure in Arizona. Is there any way to find out if hes listed in court cases, or is "Kelby Smith from Arizona" not enough to search (I have no idea how our resident lawyers like wserra seem to find all the helpful and amusing legal documents that get posted here).
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

gatsby wrote:It's become more and more difficult to find links to RuSA's always entertaining conference calls. So I was happy to receive a few minutes ago this list of recordings of recent ones:

Enjoy! (And come on back to post your thoughts after listening to them!)
Well, I had a listen and this is what I scribbled as I listened.......
"we are not tax protesters" (I think that's what she said)
Plus a female caller (Suzanne?) was talking about Tim Turner's case and obviously doesn't understand how the legal process works, but said she had a conversation Tues with Tim Turner's attorney and refers to him as male.
"Good things are happening" :lol: Casey Serin used to say that a lot.
Who is Donna? It's not Donna Wray is it? Or Donna Kozak?
Some guy BSing about foreclosure help. (edit: Just read other posts, this is Kelby Smith) Oh and it has a Premium Member section for $49/month. Quelle surprise! And God has directed him on this. Then he starts on some guy called Robert "Bob" Schaeffer, something about Land Patents. Allegedly this guy has won all cases regarding Code Enforcement and the like. "Property" is a registered trademark. :lol:
And you can buy the DVDs too. :lol: Some BS about EFT instruments. FBI is investigating use of EFTs. But "we" can beat this with an "affidavit of non signature". :lol: Lots of BS about pretending your signature isn't your signature, and original signature BS, plus unrebutted affidavit BS. "Offer to pay" works 100% of the time. :lol: Using Gold or Silver coin to pay debt. Seminar in Santa Anna? CA. late Jan.
"president has been railroaded"
Donna Marie Kozak (Nebraska): Randy Due creating documents to help people. Something about a couple David and Bernita (Kleensang) in trouble with the IRS. BS about oaths and bonds re. government officials. (This woman sounds really dense.) She's facing 3 counts re title 26 filings against the IRS, ditto title 18, and ditto title 18 but against the judge (Lori Smith?). "this is something I can't explain" "you won't understand" Good luck with that in court then. She has Grand Jury indictments against her, that's where these 3 counts come from. (God this woman is thick) She was arrested about Oct 18 give or take a day. She filed some more docs in Dec on behalf of David and Bernita which broke her bail conditions so she got arrested and jailed again early this month. :lol:
KSDZ fm hosts Randy Due 1 hour presentations. see also is her blog.
I've given up now, they are arguing constitutional doll's house technicalities. Wait, one guy (Mark Gardener?) has just resigned in a huff.
Congress convenes next week?
Last edited by ArthurWankspittle on Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:True, but they all pretty much follow the same ignorant, self destructive pattern, and she is no different.
I think there is no disagreement with you on that point but what I find most fascinating is reading their filings and then listening to them preach to the choir on RuSA conference calls. I think its a unique perspective you don't normally get - we are getting a start to finish introspective from the nutters on their court cases. Even though we know in the end they lose and will blame the loss on some sov'run misstep (someone said something that magically gave the court jurisdiction, a bloody red thumbprint was missing from page 98239283928 of their gibberish filings, etc.)...watching them get to that process is fascinating.

You know one of these days I'd like to do a "inside the lunatic asylum" style book into these movements. I'd never have the time or money to do so, but it would be fun to infiltrate the nutters and really work your way into organizations like RuSA and then do a "from the inside" book about these peoples lives. It could be supplemented with interviews from psychiatrists people and those like the experts from the Southern Poverty Law Center to provide context.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Some guy BSing about foreclosure help. Oh and it has a Premium Member section for $49/month. Quelle surprise! And God has directed him on this. Then he starts on some guy called Robert "Bob" Schaeffer, something about Land Patents. Allegedly this guy has won all cases regarding Code Enforcement and the like. "Property" is a registered trademark. :lol:
And you can buy the DVDs too. :lol: Some BS about EFT instruments. FBI is investigating use of EFTs. But "we" can beat this with an "affidavit of non signature". :lol: Lots of BS about pretending your signature isn't your signature, and original signature BS, plus unrebutted affidavit BS. "Offer to pay" works 100% of the time. :lol: Using Gold or Silver coin to pay debt. Seminar in Santa Anna? CA. late Jan.
I'm glad you wrote those notes actually as I wanted to summarize Kelby Smith's legal gibberish "remedy" and was dreading on having to listen to it again...I literally fell asleep at my desk last time. Looks like there is truly nothing new under the sov'run fake remedy sun, as Kelby Smith's almighty mortgage remedy for people who refuse to pay their bills appears to be some variation of:

(0) The basis of all the below is the crackpot idea that property is a secretly trademarked term by the government and only refers to things above the surface of the ground, but this ingenious sov'run remedy is based on owning the LAND (this gibberish reminds me of the whole person vs human begin distinction sov'runs make which also doesn't exist).
(1) Using "EFT instruments" to create legal gibberish paperwork entitled "offer to pay" in which the sov'run tells the bank they will pay the mortgage in gold or silver coins.
(2) Going back to the age old favorite sov'run myth of any affidavit not being specifically rebutted means its true, the sov'run files a affidavit with this legal gibberish and says the bank has some X arbitrary time to respond.
(3) When the bank doesn't respond to the insane paperwork, sov'run tells the court they have won because the bank as holder in due course cant refuse an offer to pay and ignored the insane affidavit.

Kelby assures us that then "no one can take the home" and that although 2 people he knows of have been brought up on criminal charges related to the fake "EFT instruments," that everyone should not be that concerned about that! It will him.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

Sorry to keep spamming the thread, but in the latest conference call a fake senator mentions that congress has continued meeting since the old leaders last tried to shut everything down on December 3 on a weekly basis. Anyone have audio files for those meetings? They arent posted on the website that I can see...but neither are the weekly calls anymore.

There appears to be even more drama going on between the nutters behind the scenes. The fake senator on the call announced that fake congress people would not be allowed to speak in the fake congress if they did not get their RuSA "paperwork" in by Feburary 5, and then a fake congressman from Indiana got on the call and very angrily announced that NO ONE had the right for the Fake Congresspeople of Indiana to be barred from talking before the fake congress.

It appears as though some of the fake Congress has been meeting since December 3 and making decisions that the rest of RuSA's fake national leaders are NOT happy about. Included in the rebel faction are fake Senator Mark Gardner, one of my absolute favorite RuSA fruitcakes, who appears to take his job as a fake senator very seriously and posts reams of paperwork about it every day (seems like its the only thing he does in life). But unfortunately for Mark Gardener his Senator status was openly questioned on the call by the fake Acting President, who noted that Mr. Gardner had not sent in his certifying paperwork (which Gardner is refusing to do because hes a sov'run, it appears).

So much passion and self-righteousness for an entirely fake government!

EDIT: I AM LAUGHING SO HARD. I really encourage people watching the RuSA fruitcakes to listen to the end of the conference call. Fake Senator Gardener's "resignation" is gold. It looks like him and the fake secretary of state really have it out for each other. She cuts him off pretty quickly.
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:she assisted in filing a bogus lien, which of course back fired and caused her to be brought NOT ONLY on the bogus lien charges but also the tax dodging that she might have otherwise avoided.
That's the way I see it.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

It truly is beginning to sound like a congress, or at the very least a convention, of fruitcakes and con artists, all ready, willing, and eager to parade their various and varied fantasies and intended felonies around for the rest of us to see and point and snicker at. I would imagine it does get more than a little contentious with the various comedians potentially cutting in to the prospective pickings of the others, and getting tetchy about it.

Incidently, anyone one to bet that the RUSA documents they are going on about not being completed all require a payment of some sort to the new Pretend President??

As an aside, someone who is more familiar with this cast and crew might consider doing a wiki article so that those of us who are casual viewers could keep track of who the current cast of zany characters is this week, and what their particular leanings or scam happens to be would be a big help.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

A convention of con artists is right, especially because the con artists are trying to con each other.

A significant portion of the conspicuous members have their own stuff to sell, for serious (real) money, to other members. There are, of course, some true believers, eager to be the New Founding Fathers/Mothers, who are just sheep to be sheared.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

Isn't today the day the fake Congress reconvenes?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by GlimDropper »

It should be pointed out that Donna Kozak's involvement with Jimmy Tim predates RAP/RuSA by some time. She was a fellow traveler (literally) moving with Tim from seminar to seminar and helping Tim sell his "process." When Tim duties as president of the republic prevented him from performing his seminars, Donna would do so in his place but I suspect she paid him some sort of license fee for use of his information.

Also, Donna drew up the training materials for the republic's "ambassador" program. Initially each state republic was to have a designated "ambassador" to help foster the creation of the "jural assemblies." One small problem, the ambassadors were appointed by the head of the federal executive branch (Jimmy Tim) and some state assemblies felt "their" ambassadors were representing "national" and not state interests. One fairly tepid (but easily located) complaint came from the Chief Trustee (Governor) of Michigan and was titled "Governor's reaction to Kozak Krap." Further and more substantive complaints against the ambassador program later led to it being discontinued. On one of her blogs Mrs. Kozak gives a thumbnail sketch of the program:
The following is what was the
JOB DESCRIPTION for the now "former" Ambassador

* * * Originally was a "State Coordinator" and appointed by the now Pres. Tim Turner.

* * * Name changed to "Ambassador" in July 2010.

* * * Some have now been "elected or given approval" by their free state's Jural Assembly.

* * * Some have been stripped of the position title (influenced by a power-grabber or other authority-controller in their free state), but are still carrying forth the position responsibilities by volunteering due to their heart-felt necessity to build their free state.

* * * Some new replacements are referred by the free state Jural Assembly to the National Chief Ambassador for appointment.

* * * Some free states "did away" with their Ambassador, and for the life of me I can't figure out who is picking up the slack and taking on all the responsibilities for the job. Remember . . . it's like "truth" - - - it never changes no matter what you believe. Well, the same is true of the Ambassador's job responsibilities - - - they still exist. So I wonder . . . . . ! Who is coordinating all the counties, teaching them the structure the Republican Form of Government, and training them to know what to do???
Bolding mine.

Donna always and only saw things through Tim's eyes. When the elected leadership of a state republic felt the ambassador that was appointed to them was representing the agenda of the national republic over the state republic and pointed out that there was no constitutional foundation for state ambassadors, it was they and not Jimmy Tim who were authority driven power grabbers. I mean it's not like Tim Turner, one after another, maneuvered each and every other of RAP's "Guardian Elders" out of the RuSA picture. Oh wait, he did just that.

I'm a huge fan of free speech and the first amendment and that's making it a little difficult to articulate the disquiet I feel when listening to this [url=mms://](ASF format)[/url] link. That is a Mr. Randy Due discussing Donna Kozak's legal situation on a "Public Affairs Program" on KSDZ FM out of Gordon Nebraska. Now I'm well familiar with sovereign gibberish and it's almost refreshing to hear a sovcit comfortable enough with his audience to refer to the international banking conspiracy by it's original name (da joooos). What's bugging me is that KSDZ is a commercial broadcast station with advertisers and ABC Radio's news feed at the top of the hour but Mr. Due has nearly 30 appearances archived on the station's homepage. It's almost frightening to think that the good people of Gordon Nebraska might consider Randy Due a "civil rights activist."
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

gatsby wrote:Isn't today the day the fake Congress reconvenes?
Indeed, I seemed to have missed it. Anyone got a link for this "historical" reconvening of the second fake Congress?

Just think - these guys have been playing government for 2 whole years and still dont know the gig is all a lie.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

Two fake senators from the fake state of Missouri explain the myths behind RuSA. :lol: :brickwall:

Why aren't these guys employed as constitutional scholars at Harvard Law School? :haha: