Birthers Again

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

I do believe you're wildly optimistic for her.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Dezcad »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:... and, noting that Oily's latest legal magnum opus is going to be included in the Supreme Court conference of January 15, I wonder what the over/under is on how many minutes it will take for the justices to deny certiorari. I'd say 2, tops.
(emphasis supplied)

Not January 15 but February 15.
Jan 9 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dezcad wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:... and, noting that Oily's latest legal magnum opus is going to be included in the Supreme Court conference of January 15, I wonder what the over/under is on how many minutes it will take for the justices to deny certiorari. I'd say 2, tops.
(emphasis supplied)

Not January 15 but February 15.
Jan 9 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
I stand corrected. I fogot how Chief Justice Roberts is in on the ebil conspiracy and is making sure that the upcoming Taitz victory won't interefere with the inauguration....
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Prof wrote:I've got to ask: Is this her real e-mail address? Please say that it is.
Yes, it is.

Actually, I'm only saying that to make you happy. Of course it isn't. In her own mind, she's one of the few sane people left, so it's probably not an address she would request.
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Sooooooo, Oily. According to the Constitution, there is no such crime as "high treason"; and your allegations, even if true, don't come remotely close to meeting this definition. Y'know -- if I were as batsh*t crazy as you, I would hope that someone would keep me away from a computer so that I didn't let the entire world know just how detached from reality I was.
But, but, but - it sure looked like high treason! In fact, if you go to the New World Order webiste,, you'll see that Obama got last year's High Treason Award for his executive order on Sharia Law Homosexual Marriage.
The Observer wrote:Silly, silly Deep Knight! You are always doing things the hard way! If only you had paid attention to those Conspiracy Central Infobulletins we send out, you would have realized you could have avoided lugging around all that baggage full of bills and just used a couple hundred coins instead.
Pretty soon, after our plan to destabilize the currency come into full force and Platinum is actually $1 trillion per ounce, you'll be laughing out of the other side of your trousers, believe you me! Besides, when the chief justice of the United States tells you he wants $100 trillion in ones and fives, you deliver the whole 100 million tons of bills in a hand-carried attache case and don't ask any questions.
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Dezcad wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:... and, noting that Oily's latest legal magnum opus is going to be included in the Supreme Court conference of January 15, I wonder what the over/under is on how many minutes it will take for the justices to deny certiorari. I'd say 2, tops.
(emphasis supplied)

Not January 15 but February 15.
Jan 9 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
I stand corrected. I fogot how Chief Justice Roberts is in on the ebil conspiracy and is making sure that the upcoming Taitz victory won't interefere with the inauguration....
This is the kind of premium service you get when you are willing to pay for the best. Sure $100 trillion dollars is a lot of money and I threw my back carrying it to the secret meeting, but I think you will agree it was well spent.

By the by - please correct me if I'm wrong, but pronouncements by Orly or her supporters about "hear arguments" or "heard in conference before the full Supreme Court" or "scheduled a full hearing by the court for the Forgery-gate case" or "Ms. Taitz will argue" are not representing this quite right. What I understand is happening is a review of many cases to find which one's will actually be heard, all from written materials. No one will "argue" or "hear" any actual words unless they're from other justices. Right?
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Prof »

Right. But probably a conspiracy by the Left to prevent the consideration of meritorious treason cases against the highly placed moles of the Illuminati.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by ashlynne39 »

Would it really hurt the supreme court to hear Orly's case. Yes, I realize it would be a waste of time and encourage the crazy. But, on the upside let's consider the hours of fun and enjoyment of Orly arguing before the supreme court - trying to call witnesses, enter evidence and use the bid charts she got made ar Kinkos. Then there would be the fun of reading all the filings she would be sure to make. Washington wastes so much of our time and tax money already on nonsense so what would be the harm in an Orly supreme court hearing or at a minimum hearings before congress.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Would it really hurt the supreme court to hear Orly's case. Yes, I realize it would be a waste of time and encourage the crazy. But, on the upside let's consider the hours of fun and enjoyment of Orly arguing before the supreme court - trying to call witnesses, enter evidence and use the bid charts she got made ar Kinkos. Then there would be the fun of reading all the filings she would be sure to make. Washington wastes so much of our time and tax money already on nonsense so what would be the harm in an Orly supreme court hearing or at a minimum hearings before congress.
You have a point, but only if it's in the Tunderdome and broadcast live! The crowd would chant "10 go in, 9 come out," and Orly would finally get her day in court. Or rather her final day, which would be in court. No doubt it would raise the public view of the court, and if on pay-per-view, huge amounts of Federal revenue.

As I thought, they're gonna burn through a bunch of mandatory reviews and throw out Orly's. Probably without discussion, although there may be some giggles. You wouldn't know it by a supporter's article posted by MacHaffie, heavily redacted for dull and boring garbage, below.

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Supreme Court to hear case on Obama's alleged forged documents

JANUARY 10, 2013

In 1991, the president's literary agent Acton & Dystel wrote a promo leaflet stating that Obama was "born in Kenya". On Jan. 8, Donald Trump released his birth certificate and requested that Bill Maher make good on his offer to donate $5 million to Mr. Trump's charity.This document shows discrepancies between a valid birth certificate versus one originally submitted by Barack Obama.

On Feb. 15, all nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether or not President Barack Obama was eligible to run for office.

On Wednesday, Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court scheduled a birther case brought on by Orly Taitz which calls into question Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility to be president of the United States. Dr. Taitz, a lawyer from Santa Margarita, Calif., also made the announcement on her website on Jan. 9.

As of this writing, major news networks such as ABC, Fox News, CBS, and NBC have yet to report on the high court's decision to review Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility to hold political office in the United States or any of its territories. The case is identified as Edward Noonan, et al., v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State.

On Feb. 15, all nine justices will hear arguments on whether Obama used forged government documents and fake identification in order to get elected as commander-in-chief. Edward Noonan, et al., contend that if Obama had been ineligible to run in 2008, other Democratic candidates should have replaced him on the presidential ballot. Additionally, electoral votes from states such as California that went towards Obama should have been deemed null and void.
However, comedian Bill Maher did issue a challenge to Mr. Trump to produce his birth certificate in exchange for $5 million donated to the latter's favorite charity. Maher made the offer on Jan. 7 on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno". On Tuesday, the real estate tycoon produced a birth certificate showing that he was born in New York City. Trump's lawyer then issued a letter asking the HBO host to make good on his $5 million offer.

Attached hereto is a copy of Mr. Trump's birth certificate, demonstrating that he is the son of Fred Trump, not an orangutan. Please remit the $5 million to Mr. Trump immediately and he will ensure that the money be donated to the following five charities in equal amounts: Hurricane Sandy Victims, The Police Athletic League, The American Cancer Society, The March of Dimes, and The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:56 PM

I've seen what they claim to be Donald Trump's birth certificate online, and it's a "short form." You can't make this stuff up. As for the challenge, as I understand it there's something about Mr. Trump not being the son of an orangutan. Nowhere on this "short form" does it say anything about the species of the father. What exactly is he covering up?

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Highly suspicious. "Fred" is normally a nickname. Is his father's real name "Fredrick"? Or perhaps "Alfred" There are many possible variations. I think we should demand to see his father's birth certificate as well.....
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

I posted a petition on the White House website to have Orly Taitz prosecuted and/or deported.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Fortinbras' petition seems to have stalled at 4, please everybody spread this far and wide, the folks at the White House need a smile to start their day.

As for Orly, she's not letting this attack on her residency, or for that matter logic, stop her!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Breaking news! Attorney Orly Taitz filed a petition with the US Congress for an immediate investigation of Barack Obama due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT SSN
Posted on | January 16, 2013

In 2 hours 358 letters and e-mails containing this petition were sent to the U.S. Congress

Press release
Law Offices of Orly Taitz

On 01.16.2013 Attorney Orly Taitz filed a petition with the U.S. Congress demanding immediate investigation by both houses of the U.S. Congress of Barack Obama due to his use of forged IDs and a stolen/fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS.

Additionally Taitz provided information showing Obama’s alleged Selective Service certificate and alleged Birth Certificate to be computer generated forgeries according to high ranked law enforcement officers and experts. Taitz filed this petition after she filed a petition on WeThePeople @ WhiteHouse. gov on 01.13.2013 where she petitoned Obama to voluntarily resign in light of him being a citizen of Indonesia using forged and fraudulently obtained IDs. Within hours 945 individuals signed the original petition, but it was removed from the White House web site.

Each and every law abiding U.S. citizen is asked to sign this petition to the U.S. Congress. Our Bill of Rights gives us the First Amedment right to petition our government for Redress of Grievances. Usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still citizen of Kenya Barack Obama, aka Barack (Barry ) Soetoro, aka Barack (Barry)Soebarkah using forged IDs, is the most serious grievance and the most serious breach of the U.S. National Security from the beginnig of this Nation.

We the People of these United States demand aforementioned Congressional investigation to commence immediately.

For more information on the petition below contact:
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
29839 Santa Margarita PKWY, STE 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
fax 949-766-7603 phone 949-683-5411 (call in case of emergency only)
Start immediate investigation of Barack Obama’s use of forged IDs and a CT SSN which was never assigned to him according to e-verify

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:21 PM


Anonymous January 16, 2013 at 3:43 PM

Anonymous January 16, 2013 at 9:25 PM
"Fasten your seatbelts, folks" That is what I keep hearing, BUT WHEN?? I'm giving up. Will someone tell us what is happening and when?? Thanks John.

Anonymous January 16, 2013 at 11:39 PM
Yes, I agree with anon. 3:43 and 9;25...WHEN??????? Those congressmen were informed before the first election back in 2008. How do I know? I personally, along with many others who posted on Orly's site, sent many registered letters to Congressmen, the FBI, anyone and everyone. Did they give a hoot?? I don't mean to be negative, but I am convinced that the takeover is complete but we are too dumb to even acknowledge it! This is why the MSM never reports it. It is just as planned. Like after WWII when Communism was a big threat and the govt. tried to educate people about the dangers, my mother attended as series of lectures telling how the Marxists planned to take over this nation: put people in key positions and when the time was right, the takeover would be complete. They would use front organizations to help. OK...they have had several decades to put people in those key positions: our universities to indoctrinate and brainwash, people in our courts, our military, our Congress, CIA, FBI, the media and now even the White House. It is up to the people to wake up and realize what has happened.

Yes, it's been a long, hard road, but we're finally in a position to take over the government! But wait a tick, haven't we been running the government since the Federal Reserve Act? All these secret laws and laws that have the color of law, I get so confused. As for this disappearing petition...
Here's the original text of the petition:

We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS

On February 15, 2013 Supreme Court of the US will hear in conference Noonan et al v Bowen A12606 brought by Attorney OrlyTaitz. This case deals brings forward undeniable evidence of Barack Obama being listed in his school records in Indonesia as an Indonesian Citizen and using his step father’s last name Soetoro. Inis mother’s passport records, as a child he was listed under the last name Soebarkah. E-verify and SSNVS show him using in his tax returns a CT SSN 042-68-4425, which was never ssigned to him and Sheriff Arpaio, former Chief investigator for Coast Guard Coffman declare his Selective Service Certificate a forgery. Multiple experts found his alleged birth certificate a forgery with letters of different fonts and sizes. We call for Obama to resign due to his use of forged IDs.
Obama regime is running scared, removes my petition from the after I got nearly a 1,000signature within a few hours

Press release
was sent to 29,600 media outlets
Law Offices of Orly Taitz

Obama regime is running scared and removed from the a petition by attorney Orly Taitz seeking resignation of Barack Obama in light of his fraudulent use of a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which he used in his tax returns and which was never assigned to him according to E-verify and SSNVS, his use of a forged Selective Service Certificate and a forged Birth Certificate. Petition, also advised the public of the upcoming Supreme Court hearing.

Attorney Taitz posted the petition on Sunday afternoon and within a few hours by Monday morning nearly 1,000 people signed the petition. It easily overcame the first requirement of a 150 signatures to be published and was on its way to make it to the second threshhold: if a petition reaches 25,000 signatures in 30 days, the President has to provide an answer.

Clearly Mr. Obama did not want to answer to the inconvenient truth, so the petition for removed using a bogus excuse of a violation of regulations even though no explanation was provided, what regulation was violated and clearly there was no violation.

We will continue fighting this fight. Please, join attorney Taitz in front of the visitor entrance to the White House on January 20, 2013, 10 am and in front of the Supreme Court at 10 am on January 21st. Please bring your signs such as “Squatter with forged IDs and a stolen SSN in the WH. Supreme court to decide February 15th”

Dr. Taitz, Esq. has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.

Why in the world would the White House have removed one of Orly's petitions?
You also agree that your user-generated account information will not contain threats of unlawful violence or harm to any individual or group; obscene, vulgar, or lewd material; defamatory or fraudulent statements; terms commonly understood to constitute profanity or abusive or degrading slurs or epithets; information invading an individual’s privacy; and information that if published would violate criminal law or give rise to civil liability.

The White House may disable user accounts, remove associated signatures and remove petitions created or signed by user accounts that it has reasonable belief do not satisfy the above rules.
Oh, that. The SSN. Duh.

Still, it was rude that they never told Orly why they removed it.

I received your e-mail, stating that my petition was removed due to violation of privacy and I state unequivocally that I did not violate any one’s privacy. I am a licensed attorney and
do not see any violation of privacy. On Sunday evening and Sunday night I gathered nearly a 1,000 signatures from citizens of 49 states, which shows a great public interest and thematter to be an issue of public controversy.I demand my petition to be reinstated immediately. If you refuse to reinstate it, please, advice me, where exactly did I violate any one’s privacy.

Sincerely,Dr. Taitz, ESQ
Never mind (don't you love Orly when she plays coy?)

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:Image
Perfect! :lol:
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Cathulhu »

And here I thought the dodo bird was extinct.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

From The where my browser prevented the opening of 5 pop-up windows.

A Perfect Storm Of Errors? Obama's Supreme Court Birth Certificate Hearing Pends
January 19, 2013
By: Barry Secrest

Obama's numerous birth certificate issues make it to the Supreme Court

It was an old story, at least in the journalistic timeline, regarding an additional alias found by a debt collector who was skip-tracing on an entirely different subject, rooted in the Chicago area. In mid-2011, the discovery of the surprising new alias was publicized on a very limited basis while even a little known satirized book was published about it.

Now Obama's birth certificate debacle has resurfaced once again, due simply to the Supreme Court's revitalized interest in reviewing a case that activist Orly Taitz has been pursuing for the last four years.

However, after watching the accompanying Youtube video, don't be fooled into thinking that this could actually be true, because social security numbers are recycled back into the system periodically by the social security administration, at regular intervals.

Debt collector stumbles into Obama alias
Breaking: 1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890 .

The fact that this particular individual, born in 1890 and verified through the 1940 census, actually lived in the same home and address as Obama, is mere happenstance at best. The additional fact that Obama later took the man's name, before resuming his birth name, after changing from his second name of Barry Soetoro, is also pure happenstance and should bear no further critical rumination.

The linkage between the alias of the newly found name and Michelle Obama, indicating a documentation trail linking Obama's wife to this individual, can merely be chalked up to a bureaucratic mistake in which a perfect storm of errors came together, all at once, linking the long expired individual to both of the Obama's --and at the same documental juncture.

All of this, even while the recycled SSN number went to the same and later occupant of the exact same residence out of millions of alternative re-assignment possibilities. Similar, in fact, to the frequently experienced instances of getting struck by lightning, bitten by a shark, and winning the lottery all at the same time.....while swimming in Lake Michigan.

Perhaps the Supreme Court might be able to iron out what has been called a stupendously racist inquiry on February the 15th, 2013 when they will take up the question of birther fraud ridiculosity in the highest Court of the land.

But, nothing to see here, folks, just move along.

This sort of thing Happens all the time.....

Suggested by the author:
White House removes Obama birther petition from website
Chief Justice John Roberts' Obamacare Decision: When the Cowardly Lion Roars
Origins: The Truth Behind the Obama Birther Movement
The Audacity of a Hoax: Obama Lawyer Confirms Birth Certificate Inauthentic
Afterbirther Nation

The video was some supposed debt collector calling in about how this website he used brought up Harrison J Bounel (born 1890) as a possible alias for Barack Obama because ... wait for it ... he had the same address as the President's Chicago house in 1940. Pretty strong stuff. So, this became "shared the same social security number" for reasons only understandable by Orly Taitz & Co., and yet another fraudulent SSN is added to Obama's treason. The horror.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

I thought there was a limit to how flaky this could get, but I stand corrected.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

There is a new entrant in the comedy circuit, who has a claim for something of a record, or at least I think it is.

Scary though it is, there is actually someone more certifiably crazy than Orly. He goes by the either General Jedi Pauly or Padwan Pauly, really, honestly, I couldn't make this up if I tried.

Aside from coming up with a whole new theory, "the sacred sperm of US citizenship", that you'll have to read about elsewhere, Padawan Pauly website, and a whole raft of filings that make some of Orly's look professional, he has, I think, garnered a birther record for quickest in and out of the pool. He filed his tripe on the 14th
(Guthrie v Unites States of America), and had it granted IFP status and bounced for frivolousness and no jurisdiction all on the 18th. I don't think any of the other contenders have come even close to that.

One other difference, Orly screams treason at the drop of a hat, this one screams libel. Different parrot I guess.

I mean, you just can't beat the unintended comedy.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

It's hard to judge ridiculous vs. ridiculous, and it's not like I have a favorite, but you gotta admit that Orly gives anyone's crazy a run for its money.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers, do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq.
Dr. Taitz, Esq. has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.

Harry Bounel, born in 1890, resided in NY. We have his name used in connection to Obama’s address in Chicago . I need your help

Posted on | January 18, 2013

Records show the name of Harry Bounel used in association with Obama’s address in Chicago. According to Lexis Nexis there are multiple SSNs connected to Obama. I need records from Ellis Island and immigration. According to 1940 census Harry Bounel was born in Russia in 1890. This is the date of birth on some of Lexis records associated with the Social Security number 042-68-4425, worked as a helper in a store. Iit is hard to read the name of the store, looks like Zonick store . I will try to get records from Russia. I just got off the phone with a Russian reporter. Also, we had some records showing Harry Bounel residing with Robinson family in CT in 1910. I need help in getting any and all info on Michele Robinson Obama’s great grand mother Rose Ella Cohen, the name strikes me as a name of a Jewish woman from Russia. I need to know, if she was married before she married Robinson. I wonder if her first married name was Cohen and her maiden name was Bounel. It actually was not uncommon in those days for Jewish immigrant women from Russia to marry African American man, these Jewish women were not raised with any prejudice against African American men and also were persecuted. I want to know, if Harry Bounel was related to her. He was born in 1890. She was born in 1893-1896. Very close in age, he could be her cousin. From what I understand Harry Bounel never married. In this case the only family, who would be his next of kin, who would be Robinson family.

Another weird coincidense. We see Bounel residing in CT in 1910. The Social Security was issued in 1977 in CT. He was 87 at that time. There was a hospital next to Newton. It was a Newtown psychiatric hospital, where some elderly without family resided their last days. The hospital later was renamed to Fairfield state hospital. This is where the bodies of the Sandy Hook victims were taken for autopsy. What is interesting, is that the hospital contained not only death records, it also for some reason contained immigration and deportation records. My guess is, that most of the info was scrubbed, however these people are sloppy. They did not flatten the PDF file and we got direct connection between Obama and this Ct SSN 042-68-4425 straight from the horses mouth, from the Squatter in Chief Obama. They are nervous and making mistakes. I will post Sankey report and Daniels report yet again. It is interesting that Lexis Nexis and Sankey firm are being sued yet again by Berg, Liberi and Ostella in Philadelphia, the judge is a senior judge, who might know Berg from the old days. This is being done after Judge Gulford in Ca already dismissed the case against the Lexis Nexis. I am wondering is someone is trying to use these law suits to intimidate Lexis Nexis and Sankey. I am wondering if someone is trying to launch a collateral attack for some federal judge to issue some blanket order preventing Lexis Nexis from providing info in their databases. It worries me.

Look at the info on the Newtown Psychiatric hospital, now Fairfield state hospital.

Here is a letter I got:

I’m in my 60′s and grew up in Bridgeport CT until 1961. When I was a kid in the
50′s, we used to joke that if you’re bad you’ll be sent to the “Newtown nut house”,
a psychiatric hospital in Newtown that was just next to Danbury. In the 1940′s
and 1950′s, Newtown had a tiny population of under 4000. When I heard of the
massacre in Newtown, my first reaction was to blurt out the “Newtown nut house”.
I was curious and did a search on Google for Newtown and was surprised to see
that the population has grown to over 27,000.

Now for the punchline: I see Newtown is right next to DANBURY (where you had
placed the switched identities of Obama and his Connecticut Social Security
number. You had surmised that the identity was taken from someone at a local
Danbury NURSING HOME. The official name of the “Newtown nut house” was
the FAIRFIELD STATE HOSPITAL. (renamed Fairfield Hills Hospital). Mentally ill
patients who had died were buried on site. Carefully read the following website:

Medical Staff Records, 1937-1974 records of birth and deportation, autopsies, and medical examiner cases.

A majority of the staff and utility buildings, along with all of the patient buildings were connected by a series of concrete tunnels. These tunnels were mostly used to move patients and equipment between the buildings, especially during the winter months and on bad weather days. Doctors, nurses, and other various workers also used the tunnels, and when required, even corpses were transported through them to the on-campus morgue.
what we found out that in 1976-1977, when new SSN laws were adopted, when this CT SNN 042-68-4425 was issued either in Danbury or in Stamford CT Social Security office (both near the hospital) elderly individuals needed to get a SSN in order to get medicare benefits. When people were elderly or patients in the psychiatric hospital, the applications were filled out by the hospital employees. (I saw patients in an advanced Alzheimer’s facility in Ca voting in each and every election. I wonder, how are they voting :-) . So, if elderly Bounel was in this facility, his SSN application was filled out by the hospital personal and signed by the hospital administrator. Please, hurry, everything is being scrubbed as we speak!!!

I need any and all info on Harry Bounel, his whereabouts, his Social Security number, place and time of death and all of the info on Rose Ella Cohen, paternal great grand mother of Michelle Obama.

OK, so some guy who shared an address with the President 50 years apart was maybe born in 1890, the exact same year somehow associated with a search on some website!" And he maybe once lived in Connecticut where there was that horrible shooting, a mental hospital, and maybe the prefix for Obama's SSN! And then there's something about people having been in the same country at the same time and thus lovers! This blows the lid off of this whole thing! Obama claiming an 1890 birth date will be his doom!

From Fogbow.

2. Was Obama's Social Security Number issued to a man born in 1890?
2a. The Susan Daniels Affidavit - The Basis for the Birther Lie

CLAIM: The number issued to Barack Obama was issued to a man born in 1890. His grandmother worked in the Hawaii Probate Court and had access to Social Security Numbers of dead people, so she stole one for Barry.

TRUTH: The complete affidavit signed by Susan Daniels in the Barnett v. Obama case is at the bottom of this page. As you can see on p. 5 of the affidavit, the number "1890" appears without explanation, just above two dates. It does not say the Social Security number of President Obama was issued to a man born in 1890. It does not say anything about a man born in the year 1890. It's not even clearly intended to be a date, as the two numbers below it are. It is just a number on the page.

Nevertheless, the birthers, led by deranged lunatic Orly Taitz and based upon this record, decided to fabricate the lie that President Obama's birth certificate was issued to a male (why not a female?) who was born in 1890.

In the detailed report on pages 6-13, we can see where the 1890 date comes from. From 1988 to 1991, Barack Obama attended Harvard Law School and lived in a basement apartment at 365 Broadway in Somerville, MA. There are NINE entries for this Somerville address. All are the SSN number ending in 4425. DOB: 4 are 8/4/1961, 1 for 4/8/1961, 2 have no DOB, 1 has 1990, 1 has 1890. [note -- pre-Y2K most dates in the US were written as MM/DD/YY. The Y2K conversion forced older data to conform to MM/DD/YYYY. It's easy to see how 1890 and 1990 could be the same number

This is a prime example of why these databases are merely the starting point for an investigation. A rational person might look at those entries and conclude that 4/8/1961 is an entry error and the two incomplete entries are bad data given the strong correlation between the 8/4/1961 and the SSN in other entries. They would move on to the next set of addresses. Birthers, however, see the same data and conclude the number was stolen from a guy born in 1890.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I didn't dig too deeply into the Pauly web site; but one thing I noticed is that he seems to be drinking Posse Comitatus kool-aid, because one of his links is to a site describing something about how your local sheriff can stand up to Obama's tyranny, or something like that (you have to subscribe to read the whole article; and for some reason I feel no urge to do so).
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

You got further than I managed, the whacked out is strong in this one. When I first came on this I thought it was a joke, until I read some of the background and the actual suit, and this one is bedbug crazy. He is currently having a one sided rant over at Fogbow, much to the amusement of the habituées over there, as they say, the snickering and pointing are in full force. I think this one has taken one too many light sabre smacks to the head.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Jedi Pauly wrote:Mr. Obama is a King and not a President because the Title of Nobility provisions in the U.S. Constitution are meant to prevent the offspring of U.S. citizen female mothers and foreign non-U.S. citizen male fathers from being declared natural born Citizens who can become President.
I dunno, he seems to have a firm grasp on secret law to me...
Petulant Pauly wrote:A note: This document that I am making public on my site is putting everyone on legal notice. Be very careful how you treat me from now on, as I am very angry and am liable to vent it upon anyone who does not accept the objective truth and facts as are established in law in the U.S. Courts and under the Constitution. Now that the facts have been established and public notice has been given, if you continue to impugn or libel Mr. Guthrie, he will amend his complaint and add you to his 50 million dollar suit and report your seditious criminal Hate Crime activity to the Federal authorities who are responsible for prosecuting Hate Crimes and other violations of Title 18 U.S. Criminal Code, such as Title 18 USC § 2381 - Treason, Title 18 USC § 4 - Misprision of Felony, Title 18 USC § 2383 - Rebellion or Insurrection, Title 18 U.S.C. § 2382 - Misprision of Treason, Title 18 USC § 2384 - Seditious Conspiracy.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

At least Orly is impresively thorough. And she seems to be able to weave straw castles, not houses, from a few vague threads of information.
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