Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by Deep Knight »

An RV-NESARA Post from MacHaffie's site that I found interesting. Originally from Removing the Shackles (link removed).

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Jan 24 Update: Tantrums, Spinning Wheels and falling off the top of the mountain

Ok, so I thought that going on a radio show and explaining everything that has been happening and the realizations that my inner brain finally beat my outer brain to accept.... against it's will I might add was the best way to get the information out. But obviously the problems with the audio caused issues and that didn't really work out so well. So let me try this again.

As I said on the show two days ago....

One of the biggest problems when gathering intel and information is maintaining neutrality. I have always prided myself on the fact that I have been able to keep things in perspective (most of the time) because I don't have a political, religious or racial agenda, which makes analyzing intel and data in neutrality much easier. BUT... what I hadn't factored into that is the fact that when you want something so badly, you use that want to block out other information that your subconscious picks up.

For the past six months as intel and information about the "RV" and the new financial system has been coming to me through various sources, I have had niggling doubts and questions about everything that has been happening and the people/organizations that have been involved. Some of you have also had these questions pop up in your brain because I've read them in your comments. Each of these comments furthered the doubts in my own mind and drove me to try to understand the situation on a higher level.

When I got involved in digging for intel on my own- because I realized that there were huge missing pieces in the information being put out by the "gurus"- I spent months researching everything: NESARA, World Global Settlements, Wanta Funds, St Germain and the World Trust Fund, the new financial system, the Collateral Accounts, etc, and storing all that information away for future reference. This also included a crash course in American Politics and Economic/Financial History. The more I researched, the more questions I had about the intel that I was getting and the motives behind it.

For example:

- If NESARA would also be opening the Patent Office and releasing the "new technologies", then why are the Chinese making arrangements with the various Dinar Groups to buy up their IQD at higher rates for Oil Credits? If all these new technologies are going to be opened to the public, (and yes they are real and yes there is such things a zero point energy and free energy devices) , then the use of oil was about to be radically diminished. So why is China buying up all the oil credits they can get their hands on?

- If "Debt Forgiveness" is part of NESARA, and if the Cabal are going to be arrested for their crimes- including the financial crimes that have plunged the world into economic turmoil, then why are these massive amounts of money being shipped all over the world to pay off "National/Debts"? Debt "Forgiveness" in my mind didn't mean paying off those debts to the cabal bankers/controllers that were holding entire countries hostage over those "debts". That made no sense to me. The Cabal controlled Central Banks are the ones that got us into this situation, why would "they" pay out money to them to get rid of a "debt" that in reality doesn't even exist? Yet I had incontrovertible evidence that this was EXACTLY what was happening.

- Yes, China holds a lot of the US's "Debt", and is obviously part of the BRICs and non- aligned nations that have supposedly said "Enough is Enough!!" about the horrifically corrupt US Federal Reserve bank's strangle-hold on the global economy. Yes, the US has tried to rip China off by paying them in Tungsten filled "gold bars". Yes, China's falling economy is directly linked to the failing economy in the US as American consumers can no longer afford to by Chinese made goods. Yes, China has over powered the Federal Reserve dollars by doing all trade in their own currency..... hmmmmmmmm..... none of these are motives that say "saving humanity and ushering in the golden age".

- Yet intel sources and "gurus" are trying to laud China as being the "Saviour of America and it's peoples". We've been told over and over again that a certain Chinese woman has been working with the new UST, with the IMF, with the BIS with the United Nations and Wells Fargo, to push the Global Currency Revaluation and the new Financial System through..... ummmmmm UST? IMF? BIS? Wells Fargo? United Nations? These are all Cabal controlled agencies that are just puppets used by the grand puppet masters to control all of the world.

- Then there is the intel about how this certain asian lady has been bribing a certain high(est) up American official to "stand aside" and sign off on the RV- to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars. Bribing? In what universe is THAT part of debt forgiveness or arresting the Cabal or NESARA?

- And then there is the fact that NESARA is suppose to roll out world wide. Correct me if I'm wrong, but NESARA is based on the American Constitution. What Right do they have to push the American Constitution onto other nations and people?

These are just a few of the questions that have been nagging me over and over again for months and months.

BUT, like most of you, I am Desperate. I want all these things to roll out world wide- so much so that for months I continuously shushed my inner mind on these questions and just kept pushing forward with the idea that it would all work out just fine. And when I laid in bed at night and I couldn't shut my inner brain off that was screaming that this is all about corruption and lies, I consoled myself by saying "Well, when the money comes through and I set up my foundations I will be able to help so many people and be able to get things in motion to create REAL change!"

Right up until about 10 days ago, I continued to force myself to believe in the charade that was being perpetrated on the people of Earth under the guise of the golden age of freedom.......

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:59 AM


Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 11:17 AM
I agree with you. It doesn't make sense. None of it. We need to let go of this information and just turn within or to our Faith. Truth is, we need a peaceful revolution. There is one easy way to do this. Quit feeding the monster. Stop paying taxes. There needs to be one organization that can promote this that is possibly outside of the nation. This would stop the tyranny immediately.

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 11:46 AM
The problem with D and all these other gurus is that they get their info off the internet from people who claim to have inside information or sources. It's apparent that no back ground checks or follow up on the validity of these sources is done or confirmed and no face-to-face contact is made. These people just feed off each others information and accept it as fact. Their agenda is all the same. All this crap posted on Removing the Shackles is bogus at best and that's why their predictions never come to fruition. When these predictions fail, they all contact each other by email or Skype and agree to come up with some scenario as an excuse, which is just made up BS, and then feed it to their readers to cover their asses. D and her coharts know absolutely nothing! It's just like the TV commercial by State Farm, "If it's on the internet, it must be true. My date is a French model." Yikes! Same thing goes for Drake the Fake and his crap. So people, it's time to step back, take a deep breath, and come to the realization that all this crap about ETs, Nesara, St Germaine, PP packs, OPPT, UCC filings, etc. is all concocted BULLSHIT.

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 11:42 PM
I don't agree with you at all. The answer has always lied in your heart, within one self. If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't, there is no need for proof or verifications. D's information feels right and she is sincere. She may not have all the answers but she is searching and when we seek, believe me one day we do "find".

Kevin Mills January 24, 2013 at 12:15 PM
This at least feels like there MAY be some substance to it. The cabal have pretty much taken over the web along with almost every other media / information outlet.
So sick of listening to and reading people blabbering about all their intel and top sources BS when it should be clear to anyone paying attention that it's just another part of the game being played on us by using puppets to help.
Carrot on a stick.
If you're not seeing it in front of you as plain as the nose on your face, don't believe it. It's time for people to stop being so gullible and buying into what they want to hear without having any real solid evidence about where this info is coming from.
You can take all your "stars" like Drake, Wilcock, Fulford, Jones, Nidle, et al, and put them out on the curb.
The truth will come forward one way or another but it may not be what you want it to be.

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 12:47 PM
either your a bad guy or you need a vaction or maybe your still cant c-whats right in front of you..obamas sermon.his ang on t.v. is loaded w/signs symbols.hints: dresses coats orders on off colors.intel agents from all over world sitting 2nd row twiting all left when they saw the whites of the first generals eyes at inag.it goes on for 4hrs of suttle signs..watch and listen..

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 1:36 PM
Who wrote this???

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 6:04 PM
you rang; im lisiting. hey did you c-the sermon to kick off the party. the green lgt was given if your paying attn. he says it like 4 times at the begining of sermon. its very clear if your listening..........

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 1:37 PM
Yep, all a bunch of lies from what I've seen so far... there is no Tooth Fairy no matter how much we all want to believe that. This world isn't going to change until each and every hope a phobic gets off the internet & does something. no matter how small... Just say NO the next time some a**hole wants money from you, prove why I need to pay you... Thats Simple enough, and enough that start saying I won't take it anymore, even in these small ways may help change. Us with more knowledge & nerve can head down more complicated roads such as sueing collectors, that includes so called govt. collectors as well, etc... Anything is better than just talking Sh*t on the internet all day!
Now back to my Fed. lawsuit....

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 1:48 PM
I'm confused
If the cabal/govt leaders are one in the same then who are the GOOD GUYS behind the curtain who may/will make changes to our world?
Are the same good guys behind the OPPT/UCC?
Does anyone really know?

TLGA January 24, 2013 at 3:00 PM
And you would be exactly right in your suspicions and conclusions. Throughout history, at least for the last 8500 years the same blood lines which are now so inbred that it would be suicide for a flea to dive into the gene pool, have controlled all facets of all societies, manipulated and funded both sides of every war, every economic disaster or up trend, every religion and so on. They do this by one brilliant strategy, create, the crisis, nurture it to it's full potential and then provide the solution. This time the crisis will be pushed to the absolute limit, death, destruction, chaos, starvation, desperation, famine disease and every manner of genocide at their disposal. They know full well that Americans will NEVER willfully be disarmed and without doing that America will not be conquered so they will use that to usher in the American Civil War, just a side show actually. So then we have global chaos, global famine, global wars, insurrections outright revolutions, millions dying what then? Simple, usher in the Golden Age (which of course is made up of the trap they were trying to get us to accept in the first place), release massive wealth, fantastic technologies (for us to become addicted to), but the guy behind the curtain or in this case the families behind the curtain are STILL IN CONTROL. Have they suddenly grown a conscience, a moral compass and decided to repent? Not on your life. Just about the time that everyone becomes so desperate that they will accept without question the "New World" the "Good Guys" have brought forth, they will happily lay down their arms with promises of world peace (no need for weapons anymore), world prosperity (everybody gets a fair share and if you buy that one I think I can sell you a bridge in Arizona), medical technology to cure all diseases, clean air, bountiful planet, yadda, yadda, yadda, WHAM THE CAGE DOOR WILL SHUT! We will find that we have not only surrendered to the same evil which has been controlling us for centuries but we have done it happily and willingly and even BEGGED FOR IT! I said before, it's brilliant as always but if you don't know in your heart that this level of evil is in fact orchestrating both sides of the scenario you might as well just lie down and wait for the meat wagon. Many of those who are willingly bringing forth these prosperity fantasies are NOT AWARE they are being used. They believe their various intel, connections and information is legitimate, real and imminent. I know that, some of them are close friends and I have tried to share the truth. They cannot see, their inner minds must reject because they cannot see any alternative but to buy the cow for the sake of survival. Unfortunately the cow's milk is poison, so poison that this time, this war which we are already waging will decide the fate of the human race and only the people of the world can change the pre-arranged outcome.
Much of the truth which will prove what I say here will be published and available soon and even I have not seen it all yet. In the meantime STOP BUYING THE COW WITH THE POISON TEATS! START COMING TOGETHER AS A PEOPLE "HUMANS", AND BUCKLE UP BECAUSE WE ARE HEADED FOR A VERY BUMPY RIDE.
As I have said for so long... YOU ARE THE ANSWER!

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 11:32 PM
I assume that you are talking about the UCC Codes and THE POEPLE'S TRUST. That we are free as of now because they have notified TPTB and TPTB did not rebut what was filed as far as the UCC Filings; and more information on that is going come out and all we have to do is identify ourselves. How does stop the chemtrails and agenda 21? Educational indoctrination and so and so forth. When the chemtrails stop then we will know that we are free. I am assuming that you have been in contact with trustees.

Anonymous January 24, 2013 at 3:11 PM
This is an awesome summary of your research and gut feelings, I have been on your same path with every thing you said. It does feel so hopeless to me, I want all the good and love to be our reality. No one could of expressed how I feel and think better than you just did, thank you!
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by Cathulhu »

Amazing how this love for "intel" is blissfully ignorant of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by notorial dissent »

I think delusional loons is a better and simpler explanation.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by The Observer »

The only question is when will MacHaffie fall for the next piece of intel?
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by notorial dissent »

Give me a few minutes to see what I can knock together and we'll see how long it takes him to get it out!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:Amazing how this love for "intel" is blissfully ignorant of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
When I was in college (sometime during the Devonian Epoch) the exact nature of this was a common topic of discussion - whether it was simply an "observer effect" or if it had to do with the quantum/wave nature of energy & matter (it do). An extremely-bright Chemistry professor summarized his argument for the second as "you can't know more about a system than the information inherent in it." Duh.

Let's look at the intel for the Dinar RV or NESARA. The information inherent in these "systems" is zero - they're made up. So, you can't know anything "real" about them. Thus, one could say that the contradictory and made-up intel embraces this aspect of the uncertainty principle as it also has zero information content, and is thus all “spot on.” Granted, they don’t know this, which may be Cathulhu’s point (I’m uncertain), but then again she may be a creature Lovecraft described as "A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind." No offense.

notorial dissent wrote:I think delusional loons is a better and simpler explanation.
That's Occam's razor, not to be confused with the Sin of Onan or Oppa Gangnam style.
The Observer wrote:The only question is when will MacHaffie fall for the next piece of intel?

How soon is now?
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by Burnaby49 »

Granted, they don’t know this, which may be Cathulhu’s point (I’m uncertain), but then again she may be a creature Lovecraft described as "A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind." No offense.

Have you had lunch with her too? My conclusion, based solely on empirical observation, was that she doesn't fit (at least entirely) Lovecraft's description. But who knows what she's like at home?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Have you had lunch with her too? My conclusion, based solely on empirical observation, was that she doesn't fit (at least entirely) Lovecraft's description. But who knows what she's like at home?
Just kidding, I'm sure she's a normal earth human when she wants to be. Shape shifters go through hundreds of hours of training before being posted to other planets because their part in the conspiracy requires them to be undetectable. Not that we at the Dark Agenda know anything about that, wink, wink.

MacHaffie, obviously warm to the post that started this thread, posted a posting of an excerpt from an update of it on Rumor Mill News. And if you think that's confusing, just keep reading.

Friday, January 25, 2013
Interesting blog about the continuing delays of reforms, & especially the People's Trust UCC filings

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader sends link: Interesting blog about the continuing delays of reforms, & especially the People's Trust UCC filings
Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 24-Jan-2013 20:59:44

[Sent by reader H. in Australia]
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Update: Tantrums, Spinning Wheels and falling off the top of the mountain
http://removingthebrain.blogspot.ca/201 ... heels.html
~~~~~ EXCERPT ~~~~~
So.... we're waiting on those all important announcements. Waiting on the RV to "go live". Waiting on the New Financial System. Waiting for the milk and honey.
But it isn't' happening and everyone- even those who are involved up to their eyeballs, are scratching their heads at the very least, and throwing tantrums.
What happened to interfere with their plans? What rolled out publicly during this time?
The People's Trust UCC filings.
Now, the naysayers don't want to believe that these papers/documents mean anything. Yet anyone on the inside of Washington knows that the puppets are shaking in the boots and freaking out.
Both Boehner and Obama have ordered the Media to NOT report on the UCC filings or OPPT. The petition to the Government, that was filed TWICE in the last two days with regards to The People's Trust has been removed both times within hours if it being uploaded. Boehner called a national press conference the other night at 5pm est- he walked up to the podium then walked away for an hour and showed up with a rag tag group of congressmen and women and talked about the budget. Then it was said that he'd be on live TV on CNN at 11pm that same night to make an important announcement..... and never appeared.
These puppets are desperately trying to continue the ruse that they planned to play on the people of the planet... yet they CAN'T. They are in Stalemate. Obama was "sworn in" because they couldn't even sort out THAT part of the issue and were forced to keep playing the role that the public expects to see.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:28 AM

But what's really interesting are the comments. MacHaffie's readers seem to be a frustrated bunch.


Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 10:00 AM
These insane a$$holes in D.C. use brainwashed a$$holes with guns and badges to enforce their criminal actions and protect them. The only way we can get justice is to deal with the thugs in the street, the airports, the courts etc. Do away with them and we can bring the bad guys to justice, period. You can file all the papers you want, they just increase the tyranny and kill more innocent people. I think you people making these claims are helping the bad side. Knowingly are not.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 10:37 AM
It's pretty evident that RemovingtheShackles is just another meaningless blog that's nothing more than fabricated BS by attention seeker D and her coharts.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 10:37 AM
I'll give it another week and you wont be hearing from these people again. thats what happens when you wear out the same ole shit thats been going on since 911. It will fall to the wayside just like drake and sam kennedy and wilcox and fulford and cobra, do i need to say more ? who's next in line for the same ole shit ?? we should have a contest to see who can guess the name of the next Guru that will spew from their mouth the same hot garbage we've been reading for 11 years.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 12:29 PM
I'm feeling that the statement from Drake about the 'gag' order may be a clue as to what is about to happen within the 'twinkling of an eye'.
Remember nothing in this 3D realm is what it appears to be.
Since this 'gag order' is evidently being followed, it could very well mean that 'THEY' who are in charge of announcing the Governmental changes are trying to employ an 'element of surprise' first and foremost to the Cabal.
Think about it. It would be very advantageous if NO ONE outside those announcing the changes knew the actual time frame, the Cabal would be MOST surprised when the final curtain comes down on them.
In the meantime, here is a photo I found on our WEATHER CHANNEL station website showing what looks to me like a 'cloaked Mothership' in our clouds taken within the last few days.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 12:49 PM
People are now dealing this is all nothing but a pipe dream. No one is going to save us the stink in the district of criminals is getting worse by the minute now that Fieinstine has introduced her latest gun grab and she is not behind bars tells me there is no plan! If there was any good guys around the minute she revealed her treason plan. The so called good guys should have arrested her.
People better be ready to flood Congress with calls as the only ones who are going to save us is us.
Drake and the rest of these fakes need to realize we ain't buying this "there is a plan" and he plans to getting done. Wake up and be ready to help yourself.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 12:58 PM
How many times have we heard "It's coming on this date" only to have the date pass and be told "It's on hold, any minute because of blah blah blah"
Same story different day .... meanwhile ...

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 3:11 PM
So Boehner the new interim President? "constitutional" on a short leash with O ordered the Media to NOT report on the UCC filings or OPPT, you are funny and a fing liar!!!!
You should write books "fiction" idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you know what is appening inside Washington you there?? I have watched you for awhile all I have say is bull sh ! I have had enough of you for sure.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 4:45 PM
anon 12:49 sorry buddy but there is a PLAN. You need to dig a little deeper or are you not the studious type. The information is coming from the "paper patriots", those who know the laws, constitution, and paper/money trail of all the criminal acts committed. They are the liason with the "military force" that will take down the crooks. You need to go further down he hole and study up before you sound off like you are so much smarter than everyone else.

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 4:46 PM
anon 3:11 why so hostile? Don't you have any friends to throw stones at?

Anonymous January 25, 2013 at 4:54 PM
It may seem like a pipe dream to some but I have spent nearly 1000 hours on this now and there are too many sources from different countries all reporting similar things happening behind the scenes. Paedophilia is being exposed and uncovered at the highest levels of government all over the world right NOW, and that would be a really effective way to take them down, where there is no mercy. Expose them all for that and you will have mass outrage and crowds screaming for hangings. They do deserve to be hung publicly actually, to make sure they are gone.
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by Cathulhu »

Boys, boys. Things are very busy for me right now, so my comments are brief. And I just washed my tentacles and I can't do a thing with them!
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Re: Tantrums & Spinning Wheels

Post by obadiah »

Cathulhu wrote:Boys, boys. Things are very busy for me right now, so my comments are brief. And I just washed my tentacles and I can't do a thing with them!
But you look so cute that way!
1. There is a kind of law that I like, which are my own rules, which I call common law. It applies to me.
2. There are many other kinds of law but they don’t apply to me, because I say so."